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Using Tracker as a Pendagogical Tool for Understanding Free

Fall Motion

Elang Rimbawan
Pendidikan Fisika. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


In general learning in kinematics schools is taught by teachers in conventional ways

or in the introduction of formulas. Even though advances in technology can already be used to
help students learn the concepts of physics not only to memorize formulas. OSP open source
computer physics is a modeling tool that can be used as an appropriate application to enhance
student exploration and interaction in learning. However, its use in learning in schools is still
One of them is the use of a tracker application to visualize the phenomena in
kinematics so that it can be analyzed easily by students. Reaserch has previously reported the
use of a tracker for kinematics investigations, for example Eka Cahya Prima, et al (2015) Using
the tracker for kinematics investigation of cylinders rolling down a ramp. Recently, Loo Kang
WEE, et al examined the use of tracker to understand not up and free fall motion: a case study,
but in this study the video modeling did not use pedagogical approach so students still had
difficulty in their analysis.
So in this study presents the use of a tracker application in classroom learning. On
this basis tracers with a pedagogical approach to video modeling (Brown 2009) are used to
analyze the kinematics concept: free fall movement. It is therefore expected that by analyzing
real motion videos from free fall movements, students will more easily understand related

Prima, Eka Cahya. Kinematics investigations of cylinders rolling down a ramp using tracker.
AIP Publishing 1708, 070010 (2016) https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/1.4941183

Loo Kang Wee. Using Tracker to understand ‘toss up’ and free fall motion: a case study. Phys.
Educ. 50 436 (2015) https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0031-9120/50/4/436

Loo Kang Wee. Using tracker as a Pedagogical Tool for Understanding Projectile Motion.

Gang Liu, Ning Fang. Student Misconception about Force and Acceleration in Physics and
Enginering Mechanics Education. International Journal of Enginering Mechanics
Education Vol. 32 No 1 (A) (2016)

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