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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been

fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

A Unified Virtual Power Decoupling Method for

Droop Controlled Parallel Inverters in Microgrids
Teng Wu, Student Member, IEEE, Zeng Liu, Member, IEEE, Jinjun Liu, Senior Member, IEEE,
Shike Wang, and Zhiyuan You

Abstract—The coupling between the active and the reactive could result in coupling between the active and the reactive
power of the droop-controlled inverter is critical in the low voltage power and thus deteriorates dynamic response and system
microgrid. The conventional virtual power based control strategy stability [11], [13].
can decouple the active and the reactive power of the inverter, In order to deal with the above problem in the low voltage
whereas the active power of the load is probably not equally
shared among the parallel inverters in the microgrid. To tackle
microgrid, a number of improved droop control methods were
this issue, this paper proposes an improved virtual power based proposed to decouple the active and the reactive power of the
control method for the droop controlled parallel inverters with a inverter, which can mainly be divided into three categories:
unified rotation angle in the power transformation. Meanwhile, virtual impedance based [14–18], [26], virtual power based [19],
the optimal value of the unified rotation angle is rigorously derived [27] and virtual frequency and voltage based decoupling
through investigating the relative stability of the system by method [11]. The virtual impedance based control method is
innovatively adopting Routh Stability Criterion. Moreover, the widely used for dealing with the above problem in the low
proposed method is enhanced by introducing low pass filters voltage microgrid [14–18], [26]. In this method, a virtual
(LPFs) in the coupling path for further mitigating the coupling impedance loop is implemented to modify the equivalent output
between the active and the reactive power of the inverter.
Additionally, the stability analysis and parameter design for the
impedance of the inverter to be predominantly inductive.
proposed method are comprehensively presented. Finally, the However, it is a challenging issue to design the virtual
effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by the simulation impedance value with a least possible complexity which can
and experimental results. effectively decouple the power flows and at the same time, can
maintain good system dynamics and stability [19]. The virtual
Index Terms—Droop control, microgrid, parallel inverters, power based control scheme is also widely-recognized, which
power decoupling, virtual power. could decouple the power flows by rotating the power vectors
with the impedance angle [19], [27]. The virtual active and
reactive power is respectively related to the frequency and
I. INTRODUCTION voltage amplitude without coupling each other. Droop control

M ICROGRID is an integrated energy system consisting of is adopted in the virtual frame to ensure the virtual power being
interconnected loads and distributed generations (DGs) shared. However, this method cannot guarantee the sharing of
[1–6], which are usually linked to a common bus through power actual power if the distribution line impedance angles of each
electronic interfaces like inverters [2], [7–8]. The inverters are DG are different. The virtual frequency and voltage based
controlled coordinately to realize power sharing among DGs. In decoupling method is an analog of the virtual power based
a microgrid where communication lines are not suitable for decoupling method [11]. The frequency and the voltage
information exchanges due to the distributed physical locations amplitude are transformed into the virtual frame to build a new
or to the noises along the lines, a better choice for the relationship with respectively the active and the reactive power.
coordinative control of parallel inverters is usually the However, the paper does not provide a mathematical derivation
frequency and voltage droop control method, which is based on to prove that the power flows are decoupled in the virtual
the condition of the line impedance being mainly inductive [9– frequency and voltage frame.
10]. Generally, this condition is available in a high or medium Among these three existing types of decoupling method for
voltage microgrid where the line impedance ratio R/X is small parallel inverters in microgrid, the virtual power based method
enough that the line impedance could be regarded as mainly is attractive because of simple design process and clear physical
inductive [11–12], [25]. However, in a low voltage microgrid, meaning. In this method, the virtual power is adopted directly
the condition for the conventional droop control is no longer in the droop control, which can be shared among parallel
available due to the high R/X ratio of line impedance, which inverters. The transformation from the virtual power to the
actual power depends on the impedance angle of the inverter
transmission line which could be different among the inverters,
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of and the actual power may not be shared equally. Therefore, the
China under Grant 51437007, and the Power Electronics Science and Education main issue of the virtual power based method is that the actual
Development Program of Delta Environmental & Educational Foundation
under Grant DREM2014002.
power sharing performance heavily relies on the consistence of
The authors are with State Key Lab of Electrical Insulation and Power line impedance angles of the inverters.
Equipment, School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an This paper tries to solve this problem by utilizing a unified
710049, China (e-mail: wuteng008@yeah.net; zeng.liu@ieee.org; transformation from the virtual power to the actual power for

0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

parallel inverters in the microgrid. Compared with the existing and (2) can be simplified by regarding that sin    and
decoupling methods, the contribution of this paper can be cos   1 [3], [10], [21]:
concluded into three points. Firstly, the virtual power based
control utilizing a unified power transformation is proposed,
and the value of the unified rotation angle in the power EU L
P (3)
transformation is optimized. Therefore, the actual power will be Z
shared equally as long as the virtual power is evenly shared
among parallel inverters, while the coupling between the active E  E UL 
and the reactive power of the inverter can be mitigated for a Q (4)
better system dynamic and stability performance, and thus the
limitation of the conventional virtual power based control can
be overcome. Meanwhile, the optimal value of the unified E 
rotation angle is rigorously derived through investigating the Z 
relative stability of the system by innovatively adopting Routh U L 0
Stability Criterion, and this is seldom mentioned in [11].
Secondly, the proposed control method is enhanced by S  P  jQ
introducing the low pass filers in the coupling path of the Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit of an inverter connected to the AC bus of the
system, which can further mitigate the coupling between the
active and the reactive power while the power sharing
Such relationships in (3) and (4) lay the foundation of the
performance will not be influenced. Thirdly, the stability of the
active power-frequency and the reactive power-voltage
system is comprehensively analyzed, which is significant for
amplitude droop characteristics [3], [10], [21] which are
the design of essential parameters in the proposed control
illustrated in Fig. 2 and mathematically expressed in (5) and (6):
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The
conventional virtual power based control method is briefly *  0  m  P  P0  (5)
reviewed in Section II. The small-signal model and the
determination of the optimal rotation angle are presented in E *  E0  n  Q  Q0  (6)
Section III. Subsequently, the proposed unified virtual power
method is further improved in Section IV. Furthermore, Section
V provides the stability analysis and parameter design for the where ω* and E* are the generated reference of frequency and
proposed method. Simulation and experimental results are voltage amplitude. P and Q are the measured output active and
presented respectively in Section VI and VII to verify the reactive power. ω0 and E0 are the rated voltage frequency and
effectiveness of the proposed method. Finally, the concluding amplitude, while P0 and Q0 are respectively the dispatched
remarks are given in Section VIII. active and reactive power at the frequency ω0 and voltage
amplitude E0. m and n (defined as positive) are the slopes of the
ω E
For an AC system with a given distribution line impedance,
the active and the reactive power flows between two voltages
E and U L 0 shown in Fig. 1 obey the following ω0 E0

EU L sin  E  E  U L cos  
P sin   cos  (1)
Z Z P0 P Q0 Q
Fig. 2. Traditional frequency and voltage droop characteristics.
EU L sin  E  E  U L cos  
Q cos   sin  (2)
Z Z However, in an LV microgrid, the conventional droop
method suffers from the active and reactive power coupling
where E and UL are respectively the DG’s output terminal which could lead to system stability concerns. To achieve
voltage and the PCC voltage, and  is the phase angle power decoupling, a control strategy based on virtual power
difference between E and UL, and Z  denotes the was proposed in [19]. The virtual active and reactive power ( P
distribution line impedance. and Q ) are obtained by using an orthogonal rotating
In an HV or MV microgrid, the line impedance is considered transformation matrix T to rotate the active and the reactive
to be inductive (   90 ) due to the typically high inductive power vectors by the impedance angle θ, which is shown in Fig.
components of the line and the inductor filter. In addition, the 3 and expressed in (7). The block diagram of the conventional
phase angle difference  is usually quite small. Therefore, (1) virtual power decoupling method is illustrated in Fig. 4, where
the power stage model is put in the left and the control part in
the right for a better illustration of the transformation.

0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

 P   P   sin   cos    P  However, even though this method could totally decouple the
Q   T  Q   cos  
sin   Q 
(7) power flows, it cannot guarantee accurate sharing of the actual
     power, including the active power. When the DGs have
different line impedance angles, which is a quite common case,
even if the virtual power is perfectly shared, neither the actual
active power nor the actual reactive power will be shared [11].


A. Basic idea
The power sharing problem of the conventional virtual power
control is due to the difference of rotation angles. Thus, if the
rotation angle is set to be a unified value δ as expressed in (10),
the relationship between the actual power P and Q and the
virtual power P and Q will have nothing to do with the
Fig. 3. Conventional virtual power based decoupling. impedance angle of transmission line, and thus will be identical
for parallel inverters. Therefore, as long as the virtual power P
Combining (1), (2), and (7), the virtual active and reactive and Q are shared, both the actual active power and the actual
power flows could be derived following the relationships below:
reactive power will be accurately shared despite the difference
of line impedance.
P  (8)
P  P   sin   cos    P 
   T  Q    cos  
sin   Q 
E E UL  Q
    
Q  (9)
Fig. 6 shows the power sharing error under different
As a result, the virtual active and reactive power can be decoupling methods in various cases of line impedance
uniquely controlled by controlling respectively the frequency imbalance of two parallel inverters. For both methods, the
and voltage amplitude, which means that power decoupling in virtual power is already equally shared. Nevertheless, it can be
the virtual frame is achieved. Fig. 5 presents the decoupled seen that the conventional virtual power based method cannot
system, which is equivalent to Fig. 4. share the actual power in the case of line impedance imbalance,

Power stage model Control block diagram

p f P
L sin  sin  P
 -  p +
s f + +
* 
1 EU L
s  cos  cos 
+ Z Droop Voltage
+ E Control Regulator
cos   cos 
E - Z
q + E* E
+ + f +
UL sin 
s f
sin 
q Q
Fig. 4. Block diagram of conventional virtual power based decoupling method.

 p P
 1 EU L f * 
s Z s f
E f
E q s f E* E

Fig. 5. Block diagram of the decoupled system.

0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

whereas the proposed method can in any case of line impedance indirect voltage control proposed in [20] is selected to be
imbalance. implemented into the unified virtual power based decoupling
method. The power sharing strategy in [20] uses the PCC
Active power under conventional virtual power method voltage VPCC to indirectly control reactive power Q. Differently,
Reactive power under conventional virtual power method
Active power under unified virtual power method in order to combine this power sharing strategy with the
Power sharing error

Reactive power under unified virtual power method
proposed decoupling method, the PCC voltage is used here to
1000 share the virtual reactive power Q . In other words, the
Q  VPCC relationship in [20] is modified to be Q  VPCC
relationship. By adopting the modified power sharing strategy,
0 the effect of line impedance imbalance could be overcome and
the virtual reactive power could be shared. As the virtual active
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 power is always shared, the sharing of both actual active and
Impedance angle difference
Fig. 6. Power sharing error under different decoupling methods in various cases
reactive power could be realized.
of line impedance imbalance The following parts of this section are aimed at obtaining the
optimal value of the unified rotation angle δ. The optimal angle
In the unified virtual frame, the virtual power can be shared should be able to guarantee the highest stability. Therefore, the
by controlling independently the frequency and voltage small-signal model of the system is firstly derived to investigate
amplitude. The droop relationships are modified as (11) and the system stability.
(12): B. Small-signal modeling of the system studied
In an LV microgrid, the distribution lines are not typically
 *  0  k p  P  P0  (11) inductive. The power flows from each DG to the load are
expressed as (13) and (14).
E *  E 0  k q  Q  Q0  (12)
EU L E  E UL 
P sin   cos  (13)
where kp and kq (defined as positive) are the slopes of the P  
and Q  E droop characteristics. The block diagram of the
EU L E E UL 
unified virtual power decoupling method with a fixed rotation Q cos   sin  (14)
angle δ is illustrated in Fig. 7.
Note that in order to share the load power demand among the
Combining (13) and (14) with the transformation (10), P
paralleled DGs, their output virtual power P and Q have to be
and Q can be expressed as (15) and (16):
shared, which cannot be realized by the decoupling only.
Therefore, a proper power sharing strategy is dispensable,
which is the limitation of the proposed method compared with EU L E E UL 
P cos      sin     (15)
the conventional droop control. The accuracy of actual power Z Z
sharing, including active power, will be affected if the virtual
power is poorly shared, whereas the active power is always E E UL 
equally shared under the conventional droop control. Moreover, Q sin      cos     (16)
the active power sharing and the reactive power sharing in this Z Z
method depend on each other, and it is difficult to share
uniquely the active power or the reactive power while the other The small-signal dynamics are obtained by linearizing (15)
kind of power is unshared. and (16), and modeling the lower pass filters for power
For the simulation and experiments in this paper, in order to measurement. In addition, further simplification can be done by
achieve a good sharing of virtual power, a Q  VPCC based

Power stage model Control block diagram

p f P
L sin  sin  P
 -  p +
s f + +
* 
1 EU L
s  cos  cos 
+ Z Droop Voltage
+ E Control Regulator
cos   cos 
E - Z
q E* E
+ + f + +
UL sin 
s f
sin 
q Q
Fig. 7. Block diagram of virtual power based decoupling method with a fixed rotation angle.

0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

considering EU L Z  U L Z . The simplified small-signal

cos(   )
model of the unified virtual power is expressed as (17) and (18): P
k p f EU L
 EU L cos     P0 Zs ( s   f )
sin(   )
P  f  
Z s  f  k q f (2 E  U L )
(17) Q0  sin(   )
  2 E  U L  sin     Z (s   f )
 f  E
Z s  f  cos(   ) Q
Fig. 8. Block diagrams of the small-signal model of the system.
 EU L sin    
Q  f  
Z s  f  C. Optimization of unified rotation angle based on stability
(18) investigation
 f  2 E  U L  cos     A standard coupled system with two inputs and two outputs
  E
Z s  f  is analyzed in the Appendix, based on which the common
characteristic polynomial C of the studied system in Fig. 8 can
be derived.
where Δ denotes the small deviation of relevant variable from
the equilibrium point.
Furthermore, since the bandwidth of the inner voltage loop is C s   [ s 3   BY  2 f  s 2
much wider than the outer power sharing loop, the output s( s   f )2 (24)
  AY   f BY   f s 
voltage E and frequency ω can be regarded tracking their own 2
AY  AB ]
reference E* and ω* perfectly [22], [23]. Therefore, small-signal f

dynamics of the droop controller are derived by linearizing (11)

and (12) in the condition of ω = ω* and E = E*: where

   k p   P  P0  (19)
k p f EU L
A (25)
 E   k q    Q   Q0  (20)
k q f (2 E  U L )
And obviously, the phase angle is the integration of the B (26)
radian frequency:
Y  cos     (27)
  (21)
Routh Stability Criterion [24] is applied to investigate the
Combining (17)–(21), the small-signal model can be relative stability of the system with different rotation angles.
eventually described as (22) and (23). The block diagram of the Let z  s   , where  represents the offset between the
small-signal model is illustrated in Fig. 8. imaginary axis of the original s frame and that of the newly
defined z frame. The Routh array based on the characteristic
k p f EU L  P0  P  equation C  z   0 is shown in Table I, where
P   cos    
Zs  s   f 
(22) G0  , ,     3   2  BY  2 f 
k q f  2 E  U L   Q0  Q  (28)
  sin        f BY  AY   2f    f AY  AB
Z s  f 

k p f EU L  P0  P  G1  , ,    3 2  2  2 f  BY 
Q   sin     (29)
Zs  s   f    f BY  AY   2f
k q f  2 E  U L   Q0  Q 
  cos     G2  , ,    3  BY  2 f (30)
Z s  f 

0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

TABLE I Note that other parameters of the power stage or control

variables will also influence the shape of the characteristics
z3 1 G1 σmax-δ. Fortunately, the optimal value of the rotation angle
remains the same. Fig. 11 displays two characteristics with
z2 G2 G0
altered parameters as examples. Fig. 11(a) is drawn after
lowering UL by 5%. Nevertheless, the curves’ shape turns out
to be almost the same with that in Fig. 10. Fig. 11(b) is drawn
z1 (G1G2-G0)/G2
after increasing kp by 50%. It can be found that although the
bold dashed curve in Fig. 11(b) is lowered compared with Fig.
z0 G0
10, the optimal rotation angle is still 45°. Therefore, the optimal
rotation angle is always 45° despite the change of parameters.
According to Routh Stability Criterion, the system is stable Based on the determined rotation angle, the unified virtual
if and only if all terms in the first column of the constructed power based decoupling method is preliminarily established.
Routh array are positive. In addition, a larger σ indicates a The unified rotation angle can provide the highest system
higher relative stability. stability and achieve accurate power sharing in any case of line
Therefore, the problem can be regarded as a problem of non- impedance imbalance as long as the virtual power is equally
linear programming, whose object is to find the maximum value shared.
of σ within the constrains:
G2  0 The control block diagram of the unified virtual power based
 decoupling method shown in Fig.6, where   45 , can be
 G1G2  G0  / G2  0 transformed equivalently into Fig. 12(a). It can be seen from the
 (31)
G0  0 equivalent control diagram that when θ changes in the range 0-
0   ,   90 π/2, the coefficient (absolute value) of the coupling path, sin(θ-

45°), is always no larger than that of the non-coupling path,
cos(θ-45°). Such an observation shows that in this control
The maximum value of σ varies with the unified rotation
scheme, the coupling effect is always feebler than the
angle δ and the impedance angle θ. As illustrated in Fig. 9, for
decoupling effect.
a given rotation angle δ, the σmax, which is the distance from the
In order to further decouple the power control and to
a certain point along the locus to the imaginary axis, will be
guarantee better system stability, low pass filters, which serve
varied with the impedance angle θ changed from 90° to 0°. The
as a barricade to block the coupling path within the control loop,
shortest distance indicates the stability margin of the system
can be introduced in the coupling paths as shown in Fig. 12(b).
under the given rotation angle δ.
With the LPFs, the high-frequency disturbance from the
If the rotation angle δ is also changed, the characteristic of
coupling part can hardly affect the relevant control variable,
σmax-δ is shown in Fig. 10. The solid lines stand for different
while the low-frequency signals are remained to maintain the
impedance angles, while the bold dashed line is the locus via all
steady-state operating point in order to preserve the power
the lowest points of σmax for each δ. From Fig. 10 we can see
sharing ability. Through this way, the control relationships
that when δ is set to be 45°, the minimum value of σmax reaches
become cleaner and simpler.
its peak value, which means that the system has the largest
In Fig. 12(b), the power stage part and the control part are
stability margin and thus it is relatively the most stable when
partly overlapped, which makes it a little turbid for the
the rotation angel is 45°.
implementation of the decoupling LPFs. In order to separate the
power stage model and the control block diagram, Fig. 12(b)
50 can be equivalently redrawn as Fig. 12(c), from where it can be
seen that for the purpose of implementing the decoupling LPFs,
the conventional virtual power P and Q are still necessary to
be employed.
Imaginary axis

Note that the cut-off radian frequency of the LPFs ωd could

 max |  influence the stability of the system. It needs to be designed
40 0 ,  0
with care, which will be discussed in Section V-B.


min  max  A. Stability analysis of the proposed method
In order to investigate the impact of the added LPFs on the
system stability, the small-signal model of the system is derived,
which is similar to the derivation process shown in Section III-
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
Real axis B. Fig. 13 illustrates the block diagrams of small-signal models
Fig. 9. The variation of σmax with impedance angle θ changed from 90° to 0° for
of the systems on study, based on which the root loci of the
a given rotation angle δ.

0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

 = 0
4  =15
 =30
2  =45
 =60
 =75

-2  =90




0 10 20 30 40 45 50 60 70 80 90
The rotation angle 
Fig. 10. Characteristic of σmax-δ where the rotation angle δ is changed from 0° to 90°.

 = 0
4  =15
 =30
2  =45
 =60
 =75

-2  =90




0 10 20 30 40 45 50 60 70 80 90
. The rotation angle 

 = 0
4  =15
 =30
2  =45
 =60
 =75

-2  =90




0 10 20 30 40 45 50 60 70 80 90
The rotation angle 
Fig. 11. Characteristics of σmax-δ with altered parameters. (a) UL is lowered by 5%. (b) kp is increased by 50%.

systems can be plotted to show the evolution of root positions line impedance angle becomes smaller, which means that the
with the change of line impedance angle. system becomes unstable as the resistive component becomes
Fig. 14(a) shows the root locus of system adopting the dominant along the distribution line. Fig. 14(b) gives the root
conventional droop method. It can be seen that the pair of locus of system adopting the unified virtual power decoupling
conjugate poles λ1 and λ2 move towards the right half plain as method. All roots stay in the left half plain despite the change

0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

L p cos(  45 ) P
  s f
* 
1 EU L
s sin(  45 )
 sin(  45 )
E Z E* E
q f
UL cos(  45 )

s f
q Q


p f
L p cos(  45 ) P
  d
s f
* 
1 EU L
s sin(  45 ) s  d
E d
 sin(  45 )
E Z s  d E* E
q f
UL cos(  45 )
s f
q Q


p f P P
L sin  sin  cos(  45 ) P
  p s f
d * 
1 EU L
 cos  cos  sin(  45 )
s Z s  d
E d
cos   cos   sin(  45 )
q s  d E* E
UL sin  sin  cos(  45 ) 
s f Q
q Q Q
Fig. 12. Block diagrams for introducing decoupling LPFs. (a) Equivalent diagram of the unified virtual power decoupling method. (b) Unified virtual power
decoupling with decoupling LPFs. (c) Equivalent diagram of the unified virtual power decoupling method with decoupling LPFs.

of the impedance angle, which indicates that the system is 

cos(  )
always stable even though the distribution line has large 4 P
resistive part. Fig. 14(c) shows the root locus of system k p f EU L 
adopting the LPFs-equipped unified virtual power method. It P0 Zs ( s   f )
sin(  )
can be seen from the root locus that, compared with Fig. 14(b),
kq f (2 E  U L ) 
an extra pair of conjugate poles λ4 and λ5 is introduced due to Q0  sin(  )
Z (s   f )
the addition of LPFs. The rightmost position of λ4 and λ5 are 
both at the left half plain. Therefore, λ4 and λ5 will not affect the cos(  )
system stability substantially since they will never move into
the right half plain. Moreover, in contrast with the conjugate (b)
poles λ1 and λ2 in Fig. 14(b), those in Fig. 14(c) move more cos(  )

4 P
slightly, which indicates that the stability of the system with the
LPFs is less sensitive to the line impedance angle. k p f EU L  d
P0 Zs ( s   f )
sin(  )
4 s  d

kq f (2 E  U L )  d
sin 
P Q0 Z (s   f )
 sin(  )
4 s  d

k p f EU L 
P0 Zs ( s   f )
 cos  cos(  )

kq f (2 E  U L )
Q0 cos 
Fig. 13. Block diagrams of small-signal models of different systems: (a)
Z (s   f )
Conventional droop method in the case of inductive-resistive distribution lines.
sin  Q (b) Unified virtual power decoupling method. (c) Unified virtual power
decoupling method with decoupling LPFs.

0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

from 0 to 40rad/s are drawn in Fig. 15. It can be seen that after
ωd reaching to a threshold value (around 16rad/s), the conjugate
poles λ1 and λ2 begin to move towards the right hand side with
the increasing of ωd, which indicates that the system stability
will be worsened if ωd is designed too large, especially in the
case that the line impedance angle is near 0° or 90°. On the other
hand, if ωd is designed too small, the poles λ4 and λ5 will stay
quite close to the right half plain, which is also bad for the
system stability.
As a result, a compromise must be taken into consideration
in the design of ωd. In the simulations and experiments
presented in this paper, ωd is set at 10rad/s, which is half of the
cut-off frequency ωf of the power measurement filters.


Fig. 14. Root loci of system as line impedance angle decreasing from 90° to 0°
with (a) Conventional droop method, (b) Unified virtual power decoupling
method without decoupling LPFs and (c) Unified virtual power decoupling
method with decoupling LPFs.

B. Design of proposed LPFs considering system stability

As the cut-off frequency of the LPFs blocking the coupling
paths, ωd is a critical parameter requiring careful design for the
decoupling of the system. Enlarging or lessening ωd too much
will both affect the system stability. LPFs with larger ωd are less
capable at blocking efficiently the high-frequency disturbance
via the coupling paths, which will deteriorate the stability.
However, LPFs with smaller ωd will introduce longer time
delays into the power sharing loop, which is also harmful for (c)
the stability.
In order to investigate the evolution of system stability with
the change of ωd, the root loci of the system with ωd changing

0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

Differently, in the case that Pmax is no larger than 2 2  Smax ,

it can be seen from Fig. 16(b) that

S max  Pmax
 Pmax
Pmax  (37)

Qmax  S max (38)

S max  Pmax
 Pmax
Qmin   (39)
Fig. 15. Root loci of different systems as ωd increasing from 0 to 40rad/s. (a) θ
= 0°. (b) θ = 30°. (c) θ = 60°. (d) θ = 90°. Pmax Pmax
S max
C. Droop slope design Pmax Pmax
The operation range of an inverter is determined by both the Qmax Qmax S max
maximum active power rating Pmax and the maximum apparent
45 45
power rating Smax. Pmax is related to the DG prime mover while S max S max
Smax is related to the current rating limits [11]. When designing 2 2

droop slopes for parallel inverters, in order to ensure the Qmin

inverter operating within the allowed operation range, the Qmin

power rating and the maximum allowed frequency and voltage

deviation should be taken into consideration. The droop slopes
in the unified virtual frame are designed by using (32) and (33): (a) (b)
Fig. 16. Operation range of DG in the unified virtual frame. (a) Pmax is larger
than Smax/√2. (b) Pmax is no larger than Smax/√2.
max  min
kp  (32)
Pmax The droop slopes obtained from (32) and (33) are the
maximum values. In practice, the droop slopes can be reduced
Emax  Emin properly to get higher stability. Furthermore, when DGs of
kq  (33)
Qmax  Qmin different power rating are connected in parallel, the droop
slopes have to be adjusted according to the relationships (40)
where ωmax and ωmin are the maximum and minimum allowable and (41) to make sure that power is shared proportionally to the
system frequency. Emax and Emin are the maximum and power rating of DGs [10].
minimum allowable voltage amplitude. Pmax is the maximum
k p1Smax1  k p 2 Smax 2    k pN Smax N (40)
output virtual active power of the DG. Qmax and Qmin are
respectively the maximum and minimum output virtual reactive kq1Smax1  kq 2 Smax 2    kqN Smax N (41)
power of the DG. The determination of Pmax and Qmin is
different in two different cases divided by the relationship where kpn and kqn (n = 1, 2, …, N) are the droop slopes of the nth
between Pmax and 2 2  Smax , as illustrated in Fig. 16, where inverter, and Smaxn (n = 1, 2, …, N) is the maximum apparent
the shaded areas indicate the operation range of the DG. power rating of the nth inverter.
In the case that Pmax is larger than 2 2  Smax , it can be seen TABLE II
Parameters Value Unit
P0 0.0 kW
Pmax  Smax (34) Q0 3.0 kVar
kp 1.5∙10-4 rad/s/W
kq 5∙10-3 V/Var
Qmax  S max (35) ωf 10 rad/s
2 ωd 5 rad/s
ω0 100π rad/s
E0 310 V
Qmin   Smax (36)

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


The simulation is conducted with the software

PSCAD/EMTDC in various respects. The power stage and the 10

Power (kW or kVar)

control scheme of one inverter are illustrated in Fig. 17. The
control parameters for the simulated inverters are listed in Table 8
A. Verification of the optimal rotation angle 6

The system configuration for the simulation of this part is P

shown in Fig. 1. The unified rotation angle δ is set to be 4 Q
respectively 30°, 45°, and 60° in order to verify through
comparison the determination of the optimal rotation angle. 0 1 2 3 4
At the end of the first second in the simulation, the PCC Time (s)
voltage drops from 300V to 290V. Fig. 18 gives the dynamic
performance of the system with different rotation angles. The
regulating period of the system with a rotation angle of 45° 12
shown in Fig. 18(b) is shorter than that in other cases, which
indicates that compared with system (a) and (c), the main roots 10

Power (kW or kVar)

of system (b) locate farther from the imaginary axis. Therefore,
system (b) is relatively more stable. The phenomenon accords
well with the analysis in Section III.

12 6

10 4
Power (kW or kVar)

0 1 2 3 4
Time (s)

6 (c)
Fig. 18. Power waveforms of systems with different rotation angle δ: (a) δ =
P 30°. (b) δ = 45°. (c) δ = 60°.
4 Q
B. Evaluation of the decoupling LPFs
0 1 2 3 4
This part investigates the impact of the decoupling LPFs on
Time (s)
the system stability. Fig. 19 shows the dynamic performance of
(a) the system when PCC voltage drops from 300V to 290V at 1s.
The waveforms reveal that the regulating period of system (a)
is longer than that of system (b), which indicates that compared
with system (a), the main roots of system (b) locate farther from

Line Impedance
Lf = 2.7 mH Filter Z To Ac Bus

Cf = 15 μF
d1 ~ d6 ioabc
PWM ilabc
Modulator Local Load

iabc vabc

* P P
Inner Voltage Modified Proposed
uabc and Current P/Q
Droop Decoupling
E * Q Q Calculation
Regulator Control Method

Outer decoupling and power sharing loop

Fig. 17. Structure of the inverter in the microgrid studied.

0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

the imaginary axis. Thus, system (b), which is equipped with methods is made in this part. Fig. 21(a) shows the comparison
decoupling LPFs, is relatively more stable. The phenomenon between conventional droop method and the proposed
accords well with the analysis in Section V. decoupling method. At the beginning, both inverters adopt
conventional droop control and their line impedances are both
3mH. At 3s, the line impedance of inverter No.1 is changed
from 3mH to 1Ω. Consequently, the system becomes unstable
and the power waveforms begin to oscillate. The proposed
method is activated at 4.5s and from then on, the system
Power (kW or kVar)

6 gradually returns to stable.

Fig. 21(b) shows the switching from the conventional virtual
power based method to the proposed method. The line
5 impedance of inverter No.1 is 3mH+1Ω while that of inverter
No.2 is 3mH. Both inverters adopt conventional virtual power
P based method before 4s. It can be found that neither the active
Q nor the reactive power is shared. The proposed method is
0 1 2 3 4
activated at 4s and consequently, both the active and the
reactive power are shared accurately.
Time (s)
(a) 2.0


Power (kW or kVar)

Power (kW or kVar)


P Q2
Q -0.5
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 1 2 3 4 Time (s)
Time (s) (a)
(b) 2.0
Fig. 19. Power waveforms of system with and without decoupling LPFs. (a)
Without decoupling LPFs. (b) With decoupling LPFs.
Power (kW or kVar)

C. Comparison between different decoupling methods

In this part, a microgrid system with two DGs, as shown in
Fig. 20, is employed for the simulation.
E11 0.0
S1  P1  jQ1 Q1
 -0.5
Z1  Z11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
U L 0 Time (s)
Fig. 21. Comparison between different control methods: (a) conventional droop
E2  2 method and unified virtual power method, (b) conventional virtual power
S 2  P2  jQ2
method and unified virtual power method.

Z 2  Z 2  2 D. Proposed decoupling method with various impedance
This part investigates the power sharing performance of the
system with various impedance angle differences between
Fig. 20. A two-parallel-inverter system. parallel inverters. The system simulated is still as Fig. 20. The
various impedance angles are listed in Table III. Fig. 22 shows
In order to illustrate the advantage of the proposed the dynamic response of both the active and the reactive power
decoupling method, comparison between different control

0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

output by inverter No.1. It can be seen that when the impedance the LPFs, while larger ωd results in more severe oscillations
angles of the two inverters differ largely, the dynamic response since the LPFs in this case function feebly and thus, the
becomes slower and fluctuates more severely. However, the decoupling effect is weaker. This well verifies the discussion in
system can always get stable and share power accurately. In Section V-B.
other words, the proposed method is highly adaptable to various
line impedance situations. 1.5


Real Power (kW)

Inverter No.1 Inverter No.2 Angle difference

45° 45° 0° 1.0

60° 30° 30°

75° 15° 60° d = 3
d = 6
90° 0° 90°
d = 10
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Time (s)
Real Power (kW)

Reactive Power (kVar)

0 d = 3
0.0 0 d = 6
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
d = 10
Time (s)
(a) 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0

Time (s)
3.0 Fig. 23. Performance of the proposed decoupling method in case of different ωd
Reactive Power (kVar)

(in unit of rad/s). (a) Waveforms of the active power. (b) Waveforms of the
reactive power.

90 The proposed decoupling strategy is verified in this section
60 with laboratory setups, configured as Fig. 20, which consists of
0.0 30
two paralleled three-phase inverters (MWINV-9R144)
controlled by a 32-bit floating-point 150MHz digital signal
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 processor (DSP) TMS320F28335 from Texas Instruments. The
Time (s)
power stage and the control scheme of each inverter are
illustrated in Fig. 17. The essential parameters are listed in
Table IV, where the symbol → indicates the changing of the
Fig. 22. Performance of the proposed decoupling method in different cases of corresponding parameter from one value to another. The
line impedance. (a) Waveforms of the active power. (b) Waveforms of the
reactive power. voltage and current waveforms are acquired by directly printing
the screen of HIOKI Power Analyzer 3390, while the active and
E. Proposed decoupling method with different ωd the reactive power waveforms are drawn in OriginPro based on
the recorded data of the Power Analyzer 3390.
This part illustrates by simulation the tradeoff in the design
of ωd. The system configuration is the same with the previous A. Power decoupling effect
part. Various ωd are adopted in this part to investigate the This part validates by experiments the power decoupling
impact of the decoupling LPFs on the dynamic performance of effect of the proposed method, and Fig. 24 shows the
the system. Fig. 23 shows the dynamic response of the output waveforms of the active and the reactive power during the
power of the proposed method. It can be seen that smaller ωd whole process. At the beginning, both inverters adopt
leads to a longer rising time due to the time delay brought on by

0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

conventional droop control method, and their line impedances the phase difference between the output current of parallel
are listed in Table IV. inverters becomes invariable.

Parameters Value Unit
P0 2.0 kW
Q0 3.0 kVar
kp 1.5∙10-4 rad/s/W
kq 5∙10-3 V/Var
ωf 10 rad/s
ωd 5 rad/s
ω0 100π rad/s
E0 200√2 V
Z1 j0.94 Ω
Z2 in Part A 2+ j0.94 → 2 Ω
Z2 in Part B 2 Ω (a)

Real Power (kW)



P2 (b)
0.0 Fig. 25. Voltage and current waveforms of the parallel inverters with (a)
0 10 t1 20 t2 30 40 50 conventional droop control and (b) proposed control method.
Time (s)
(a) B. Power sharing performance
1.5 This part of experiments aims at investigating the power
sharing performance of the proposed control method, and the
line impedance of inverter No.2 is set to be purely resistive as
Reactive Power (kVar)

listed in Table IV. Comparison between the proposed method
and the conventional virtual power based method is presented,
and the waveforms of the active and the reactive power during
the whole process are shown in Fig. 26.

0.0 2.0
Q2 1.5
Real Power (kW)

0 10 t1 20 t2 30 40 50
Time (s)
Fig. 24. Test of decoupling effect of the proposed method: (a) Waveforms of
the active power, (b) Waveforms of the reactive power.
At the moment t1, the line impedance of inverter No.2 is P2
changed from resistive-inductive to purely resistive as shown in -0.5
Table IV. The system begins to oscillate since t1, and the 0 10 t1 20 30 40

voltage and current waveforms of the parallel inverters are Time (s)
presented in Fig. 25(a), where the phase difference between the (a)
current of two inverters is changing, which indicates the
fluctuation of the output power due to the instability.
At the moment t2, the proposed decoupling method is
activated. As a result, the oscillation is attenuated and the
system returns to stable, and it can be found in Fig. 25(b) that

0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics


An improved decoupling method based on unified virtual
power is proposed in this paper to achieve good system stability
Reactive Power (kVar)

1.0 and accurate power sharing among parallel DGs in microgrids.

The influence of the rotation angle on the system stability is
0.5 mathematically analyzed, based on which the optimal value of
the rotation angle is derived. By employing a unified power
0.0 transformation and implementing LPFs to further block the
coupling paths, the proposed method can effectively realize
-0.5 Q1
power decoupling and thus ensure good system stability. Equal
power sharing among parallel DGs can also be realized by
0 10 t1 20 30 40 equally sharing the virtual power. The impact of the proposed
Time (s) method upon the system stability is analyzed in detail. The
design of the decoupling LPFs and of the droop slopes is also
presented. The effectiveness of the proposed decoupling
Fig. 26. Test of power sharing effect of the proposed method: (a) Waveforms
of the active power, (b) Waveforms of the reactive power.
method is verified by both simulation and experiments.

At the beginning, both inverters adopt conventional virtual APPENDIX

power based method. It can be found that neither the active nor In this section, a more general system with similar structure
reactive power is shared due to the line impedance imbalance. to the system analyzed in Section III is taken as example. Fig.
The voltage and current waveforms of the parallel inverters are 28 shows the configuration of the system, where G11 and G22
presented in Fig. 27(a), and it can be seen that the voltage phase are the transfer functions along the non-coupling paths, while
difference is different from the current phase difference, which G12 and G21 are that along the coupling paths. Gc1 and Gc2 are
indicates a poor power sharing performance of the conventional the transfer functions of the common forward paths.
virtual power based method.
At the moment t1, the proposed decoupling method is enabled
and both the active power and the reactive power become y1
accurately shared since then. And it can be seen in Fig. 27(b) u1
that the voltage phase difference is the same as the current phase
difference, which signifies a good power sharing performance u2
of the proposed method.
Fig. 28. Block diagram of the coupled system on study.

Based on the block diagram in Fig. 28, the following

equations can be easily derived:

 u1  y1  G11Gc1   u2  y2  G12Gc 2  y1 (A.1)

 u1  y1  G21Gc1   u2  y2  G22Gc 2  y2 (A.2)

(a) Equations (A.1) and (A.2) can be transformed as:

G11Gc1  Gc1Gc 2  G11G22  G12G21  G G

y1  u1  12 c 2 u2 (A.3)

G22Gc 2  Gc1Gc 2  G11G22  G12G21  G G

y2  u2  12 c1 u1 (A.4)


C  1+G11Gc1 1  G22Gc 2   G12G21Gc1Gc 2 (A.5)

Fig. 27. Voltage and current waveforms of parallel inverters with (a) C is the common characteristic polynomial of the coupled
conventional virtual power based method and (b) proposed control method. system and C  0 is the characteristic equation. According to

0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

the automatic control theory, the system is stable if and only if [20] X. Zhang, J. Liu, Z. You, and T. Liu, “Study on the Influence of
Distribution Lines to Parallel Inverter Systems Adopting the Droop
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0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2015.2497972, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics

Jinjun Liu (M’97-SM’10) received his B.S. Zhiyuan You received his B.S. and M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering degrees from Xi'an Jiaotong University,
from Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU), China, in 2011 and 2014 respectively, both
China in 1992 and 1997 respectively. in electrical engineering. He is currently
He then joined the XJTU Electrical working in NetEase,Inc.
Engineering School as a faculty. In 1997, His research mainly focused on droop
1999, and 2010 respectively he participated control of paralleled converters in AC
in technology, professional, and microgrid.
management training programs at Advanced Technology
Laboratories Inc. in USA, Milwaukee School of Engineering in
USA, and Chinese University of Hong Kong. From late 1999
until early 2002, he was with the Center for Power Electronics
Systems at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University,
USA, as a visiting Scholar. In late 2002 he was promoted to a
Full Professor and then the head of the Power Electronics and
Renewable Energy Center at XJTU, which now comprises 14
faculty members and 120 graduate students and carries one of
the leading power electronics programs in China. He served as
an Associate Dean of Electrical Engineering School at XJTU
from 2005 to early 2010, and the Dean for Undergraduate
Education of XJTU from 2009 to early 2015. He currently
holds the position of XJTU Distinguished Professor of Power
Electronics, sponsored by Chang Jiang Scholars Program of
Chinese Ministry of Education. Dr. Liu coauthored 3 books,
published over 200 technical papers in peer-reviewed journals
and conference proceedings, holds 25 patents, and received
several governmental awards at national level or provincial
level for scientific or career achievements and the 2006 Delta
Scholar Award. His research interests are power quality control
and utility applications of power electronics, and micro-grids
for sustainable energy and distributed generation.
Dr. Liu has served as the IEEE Power Electronics Society
(PELS) Region 10 Liaison and then China Liaison for 8 years,
an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Power
Electronics for 8 years, and starting from 2015 the Executive
Vice President membership for PELS. He chaired the Asian
Power Electronics Conferences Coordinating Committee from
June 2012 to May 2014. He is on Board of China
Electrotechnical Society (CES) and was elected to a Vice
President of the CES Power Electronics Society in 2013. He is
also on the Executive Board and was elected to a Vice President
for the China Power Supply Society in 2013. He has served as
a Vice Chair of the Chinese National Steering Committee for
College Electric Power Engineering Programs since 2013.

Shike Wang received her B.S. degree in

electrical engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong
University, China, in 2014, where she
continues to pursue Ph.D. degree at the
School of Electrical Engineering.
Her current research interests focus on
efficiency optimization of paralleled
converters in AC microgrid and distributed
generation system.

0885-8993 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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