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Soybean nutrition facts

Soybean is the seed (fruit) of a plant originally from the Nothern-East China. Aside
from being employed for oil pressing, the beans are widely used as an important vegetable
source of protein worldwide. The beans are popular in the Asian regions, where processed
soybean products such as tofu, soy sauce, etc are especially cherished.

Soybean belongs to the family of Fabaceae (Leguminosae), in the genus, Glycine.

Scientific name: Glycine max. (L.) Merr.

Soybean is an annual, dicotyledonous plant. It grows well in porous, adequately

moistured and mineral rich soil. Short-stalked green pods cover the entire soy plant about 70-
80 days after plantation. Young soy pods measure about 1.5-2 inches long, swollen, straight
or slightly curved, filled with a single row of 2-5 round, light green, smooth seeds. If left, the
seeds continue to mature further, and dry in the pods.

Harvesting is mostly done using mechanical appliances in the US.

Health Benefits of Soybeans

 At 446 calories/100 g, soybeans hold relatively more calories than some of other
Fabaceae members.
 Its fats are 78% unsaturated, with no cholesterol, and contain lecithin. Soybean is
beneficial for liver health and considered as balanced yin and yong food in TCM.
 The beans provide the highest; 36.49 g or 65% of recommended daily values of
protein among legumes. Its protein is of excellent quality. Soybean is an ideal
complement to grain foods.
 They contain ample amounts of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and plant sterols.
 They hold 9.3 g of dietary fiber/100 g. Dietary fiber works as a bulk laxative that
helps to protect the colon mucosa by decreasing its exposure time to toxic substances
as well as by binding to cancer-causing chemicals in the colon. It has also been shown
to reduce blood cholesterol levels by decreasing reabsorption of cholesterol binding
bile acids in the colon.
 Plant sterols (phytosterols) especially β-sitosterol help lower cholesterol levels in the
 Soybeans are among the highest legume sources of folates. 100 grams of fresh beans
carry 375 µg or 94% of daily values of folates. Together with vitamin B12, it is one of
the essential componenets of DNA synthesis and cell division. Consumption of diet
adequate in folates around conception and during pregnancy time would help prevent
neural-tube defects in the newborn babies.
 Soybeans are among the highest antioxidant sources in the form of isoflavones. Total
value of isoflavones in them is 159.54 mg per 100 grams; daidzein, genistein and
glycetein at levels 629 mg, 81.35 and 15.29 mg respectively. Isoflavones have been
found to reduce post-menopausal cancers and osteoporosis.
 Soybeans carry good amounts of phyto-estrogen, formononetin. Formononetin
promotes angiogenesis (new blood vessel regeneration).
 Soybeans are very good sources of many B-complex vitamins; more than 50% of
daily values/100 g for some of vitamins such as riboflavin-67%, thiamin-73%,
pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, and niacin. Most of these vitamins work as co-enzymes
in carbohydrate, protein, and fat metabolism.
 Furthermore, they are one of the finest sources of minerals like iron, copper,
manganese, phosphorus, zinc, and magnesium. 100 g of fresh beans hold 196% DRI
(daily recommended intake) of iron, 100% of Phosphorus, 70% of magnesium, 184%
of copper and 70% of manganese. Manganese used by the body as a co-factor for the
potent antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase.

Selection and storage

Soybean pods enclose very hard seeds of variable color. In the markets, choose dried
beans in packets/bins. Sprouted, toasted soybeans also found in these shops all year-round

Fresh green soy (edamame) beans can be found in the Japanese and other East-Asian
markets. Inside the US, however, frozen beans in vacuum packs, or frozen shelled edamame
beans (mukimame) can be available in the supermarkets.

At home, store dry beans in air-seal plastic/metallic bin in a cool, dry place away from
high temperatures and high humidity.

Use young, tender edamame soon after purchase.

Preparation and serving methods
Soybeans require a period of soaking beforehand, which slightly reduces the cooking
time, preserves vitamins and minerals and reduce flatulence.

Dried soybeans require at least one hour of cooking time. They are cooked when they
can be easily crushed with a spoon.

Soy granules are soybeans whose outer husk has been removed before being milled
into granules. Soybean sprouts are ready to eat after germinating for a few days. They are
being used in the same way as mung bean sprouts. Soy flour is gluten free product which
contains 2-3 times more protein than wheat flour.

Safety profile
Soy seeds and its products are one of the common allergogenic food substances
around. Symptoms of Soybean allergy are a kind of hypersensitivity reactions in some
people to food substances prepared with soy. Common reactions may include allergic skin
problems like urticaria, hives, eczematous dermatitis. In severe cases symptoms may include
vomiting, gastritis, pain abdomen, swelling of lips and throat leading to breathing difficulty,
wheezing, chest congestion, and in rare cases may lead to death. It is, therefore, people with
known soy product allergy may be advised to avoid any food preparations that contain soy

Fresh soybeans contain anti-nutritional elements that are neutralizing by cooking and
fermentation. (Medical disclaimer)

References : https://www.healthline.com
Name : Aji Chandra Mustofa
Class : Sustainable Agriculture Extension V C

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