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Campos, Miguel Luis C.

Philippine Administrative Thoughts and Institutions

BPA 1-2 Prof. Pamela Muhi

Philippine Public Administration as an Enabling Institution: A Framework and Teaching

Ma. Concepcion P. Alfiler
Analysis Paper

It can be said that through a proper and competent system of administration,

the lowliest state can remove the shackles of poverty and mediocrity and become a power
worthy of respect and admiration, a power that is able to bring out the best of those it
governs and ensure that the services it renders are that of quality and equity. This is what
happened to Hong Kong under British administration and countless other countries who
were blessed with competent systems Public Administration. With that being said, The
Philippines, a country whose economic, political and social power is yet to be developed
and unleashed has a lot to learn. The Philippine Administrative System, a plethora of
institutions whose arms stretch to almost every facet of society is relied upon by a
significant part of the population, with majority of the country’s population being classified
as poor and whose only access to basic needs are provided by the Government, failures
in administration would equate life, and even death for some, thus it is of paramount
importance that Public Administration in the Philippines be as accessible, impartial,
professional and responsive as possible to safeguard the security and the interests of the
Philippine citizenry, the ultimate and sole recipient of the service rendered by the
institutions of state. Such is the trust placed upon the Administrative institutions of
government for it is governed by rules and regulations and aided by technical expertise,
presence in all levels of government, a major player in policy, law crafting and
implementation, and is exempted from the political bias and the individual interests of
politicians. That is why, the bureaucracy and its entailed administrative responsibilities
are in times, the last hope and line of defense for a majority of the Philippine citizenry.

In order for Philippine Administrative System to achieve its full potential, the
participation of those it is duty bound to serve are of absolute necessity. It is why
Government and the services it renders through its multitudes of departments and
institutions must be accessible to all, for Accessibility is a prerequisite of Participation
which in turn democratizes the opportunities for the public to develop and maximize their
skills and realize their full potential towards the benefit of society as a whole and for
institutions to fulfill their mandates in the most efficient and inclusive manner. A fact that
is crucial to a democratic country such as the Philippines, where enshrined in its laws and
the social and political precedence for participation embedded within its history and

There are three premises on which the Philippine Administrative System operates
under, Philippine Public Administration exists because of the people, the need for
continuous and conscious effort by administrators and members of the bureaucracy to
know, understand, respect and emphasize with the people they serve and the
empowerment of communities through the execution of laws and programs that are
attuned to the community. Theories also play an important part in Philippine Public
Administration, such are those of Administration, and Governance which is defined as the
exercise of Political, Economic and Administrative power and authority to manage a
country’s affairs. The conventional views in regards to Governance reside in three main
concepts, Traditional Public Administration which concerns itself with rules and
regulations, Public Management which focuses on efficient production and Governance,
which puts accountability, transparency and participation in precedence. The
amalgamation of all three schools of thought will result in a smooth and beneficial
interaction between the State, Civil Society and the Private Sector which is the corner
stone of good governance.

The Philippine Administrative System is still far from perfect, yet the framework
has been laid for its improvement. To stand for just and fair enforcement of the law in a
time where the lines between justice, crime and corruption have seemingly blurred, to be
an institution that enables inclusivity through participation in a time where democratic
principles are being challenged and outright ignored, to be an institution where power
does not lie within the confines of one city or building but with the community where the
small and in need are empowered, to be an institution that puts into heart and principle
the value and need for efficient service in order to better fulfill the obligations laid before
the institution to serve the Filipino people, an institution where those who serve under it
are held accountable to ensure that corruption in all its forms and stopped and proper
quality service is given, and most importantly to be an institution that has the principle of
equity engrained in every service rendered to be the helping hand of the state for those
oppressed, weak and in need. Virtues and Principles that the nation sorely needs in this
most grievous time, which can only be fulfilled and liven up to by the single institution of
state and government that is able and obliged, The Philippine Administrative System.

The time is now to answer the call for a new and better system of administration
for a country which sorely needs to change for the better, the future and the lives of
millions of Filipinos depend on it. It is up for those obliged to service to heed the call.

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