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Classification of alluvial soils according to their potential environmental risk:

A case study for Belgian catchments

Article  in  Journal of Environmental Monitoring · May 2007

DOI: 10.1039/b616959g · Source: PubMed


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2 authors:

Valérie Cappuyns Swennen Rudy

KU Leuven KU Leuven


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PAPER www.rsc.org/jem | Journal of Environmental Monitoring

Classification of alluvial soils according to their potential environmental

risk: a case study for Belgian catchments
Valérie Cappuyns* and Rudy Swennen
Received 20th November 2006, Accepted 6th February 2007
First published as an Advance Article on the web 23rd February 2007
DOI: 10.1039/b616959g

Alluvial soils may represent important sinks of contaminants as a result of the deposition of
contaminated sediments along the river by overbank flooding or after dredging. Because of the
erosion of alluvial deposits or the release of contaminants from sediments, alluvial soils can also
be a source of contamination. In this paper, a risk assessment for contaminated (alluvial) soils is
presented. The approach, mainly based on physico-chemical soil characteristics, single extractions
and leaching tests, is illustrated by means of a case study from four Belgian catchments. The
extractions and leaching tests that were used have been validated by European testing programs
and can provide valuable information for classifying the potential environmental risks of soils.
Irrespective of the location, pH, organic carbon content and ‘mobilisable’ metal concentrations
were the most important factors explaining ‘mobile’ metal concentrations in the alluvial soils.
Additionally, the data of the physico-chemical soil characterization, extractions and leaching tests
were combined with local and regional factors to classify the alluvial soils in different categories
according to their actual and potential risk for the environment.

Introduction was contaminated with Cd, Cr, Zn or Pb, but to a lesser degree
than the Upper Scheldt alluvial plain.
Heavy metals are brought into river systems by agricultural, Once a contamination source is removed from a river
urban1 and industrial2 sources and by mining and smelting system, alluvial soils still act as a secondary source of con-
activities.3 The amount of contaminated sediments that is taminants because flood events can remove contaminated soil
stored along a river is mainly controlled by the amount of through bank erosion.11,12 Alteration in climate could poten-
sediment that is disposed in the floodplain during overbank tially lead to accelerated erosion and remobilisation of con-
flooding and during dredging activities. taminants stored along river channels.13 Therefore, it is
In Belgium and Luxembourg, a systematic sampling of important to have an idea of the amount of sediment-asso-
overbank sediments was performed by Swennen et al.4,5 and ciated contaminants stored in floodplains and the amount
Swennen and Van der Sluys.6 The study revealed the existence eroded over time.
of significant different background concentrations between the Additionally, leaching of heavy metals can affect the quality
northern and the southern part of Belgium in relation to of surface waters and groundwater. For example, Kelly et al.14
differences in geological substrate. The most important con- found vertical movement of Zn and Cd through soils with a
tamination was found in the northern part of Belgium because low cation exchange capacity (CEC) into the groundwater.
of the high population density and industrial activities in that Most of the release occurred shortly after the disposal of the
region. dredged sediment because Zn- and Cd-bearing sulfides were
To prevent rivers from flooding and to keep waterways oxidized and complexation of these elements with dissolved
navigable, dredging of sediments is necessary. In the past, organic carbon (DOC) contributed to their rapid movement
large quantities of dredged sediments have been deposited through the soil.
along rivers to heighten hydromorphic terrains or disposed To assess the effect of contaminants in soils on biota, models
on arable land to improve its productivity,7 without consid- for the accumulation of contaminants in biota can also be
eration of the environmental impact. In Belgium (Flanders), useful. Although most of these models use porewater concen-
the Institute of Forestry and Game Management made an trations to assess the bio-available contaminant content, for
inventory of dredged sediment-derived soils along the Upper some organisms the uptake is related to the solid phase of the
Scheldt, Sea Scheldt and Leie rivers.8–10 Up to 82% of dredged substrate.15 For example, soil ingestion can make a significant
sediment disposal sites along the Upper Scheldt river was contribution to the total amount of metals ingested by grazing
contaminated with Cd, Cr, Zn and/or Pb. Along the Sea sheep, especially when soil–plant transfer is low.16
Scheldt, up to 96% of sediment-derived soils (ca. 120 ha) The aim of this study was to evaluate the contamination of
alluvial soils (overbank sediment- and dredged sediment-de-
rived soils) along some Belgian rivers and to compare the
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Geo-Instituut, Geologie, actual and potential release (‘mobile’ and ‘mobilisable’ frac-
Celestijnenlaan 2003, B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium. E-mail:
Cappuyns@iph.fgov.be. E-mail: Rudy.Swennen@geo.kuleuven.be; tions, respectively) of metals (Cd, Zn, Cu, Pb and As) from
Fax: +3216327981; Tel: +3216327807 these soils. The actual and potential release of metals from

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c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007 J. Environ. Monit., 2007, 9, 319–328 | 319
soils was estimated by means of standardized European In Flanders, overbank sediment- and dredged sediment-
extractions and leaching tests (single extractions with CaCl2 derived soils were sampled in the catchment of the Scheldt
and ammonium-EDTA, and pHstat leaching tests). Together river (catchment area in Belgium = 13 336 km2), which is
with information on the total amount of contaminant metals divided into 11 sub-catchments, among which are the
stored in alluvial soils and on physico-chemical soil properties, Leie, Zenne and Demer catchments. The Zenne river, located
these data were used to divide the alluvial soils into different in Central Belgium (Fig. 1) has a catchment area of 1160 km2
categories. and flows through glauconite-bearing sands (Brusselian
Formation). The Zenne receives water from rain, infiltration,
Methodology and wastewater discharge. During centuries, flooding of the
river caused considerable problems in the surroundings of
Geographical setting and sampling Brussels. A map from 1863 shows a tributary of the
Zenne, parallel to the Zenne, which was transformed to a
Between November 2000 and October 2003, alluvial sedi-
deviation channel in 1863. According to a report of the
ments, consisting of overbank sediment- or dredged sedi-
Ministry of Public Works,17 the deviation channel was in-
ment-derived soils were sampled along different rivers in
tended to prevent the Zenne river from flooding. The alluvial
Belgium (Fig. 1 and Table 1). The influence of substrate
soils along this part of the Zenne are currently used for
characteristics on soil properties and hence on contaminant
agriculture and are no longer periodically flooded. The Leie
mobility was verified. Therefore, samples were taken in catch-
river (North-West Belgium) is an important tributary of the
ments characterized by different substrates, going from glau-
river Scheldt and its total catchment area, consisting of
conite-bearing sands, to carbonates, shales and clays.
Tertiary sands and clays, is about 3675 km2 (in Belgium).
The Leie river (Fig. 1) is characterized by a regular flooding
regime. In 1976, a part of the river was straightened
and dredged sediments were disposed along the river. Heavy
metals in the dredged sediment-derived soils originate
from industrial activities and agriculture. Most of the dredged
sediment-derived soils are currently used as meadow or
forest. The Grote Beek (Demer catchment, 1272 km2) river
(North Belgium) is underlain by glauconite-rich medium-
grained sands (Diestian Formation). Organic- and iron-rich
wetland soils have developed along this stream. The river
follows a very meandering path and as a consequence several
flooding zones occur along the river, which are flooded a few
times a year during periods of heavy rainfall. The total flood-
ing area is estimated to be at least 142 ha, but this area was
possibly more extended in the past. The industrial activities of
a phosphate ore processing plant, which is classified as the
most important pollution source, go back to 1892. In 1989 the
disposal of dredged sediments on the riverbanks was forbidden
because the sediments were severely polluted and no more
dredging was carried out. As a result, the alluvial soils were
inundated more frequently with polluted riverwater (at least a
few times a year) and more polluted sediment was deposited
on the riverbanks. The majority of the alluvial soils along the
Grote Beek consist of unused land, situated in a natural
In East Belgium and in the southern part of the Nether-
lands, overbank sediments were sampled along the Geul river
(Fig. 1). The Geul river, a tributary of the Meuse, flows
through sandstones (Upper Devonian) and carbonates and
shales (Lower and Middle Carbonian.3 The discharge of the
Geul river depends largely on the amount of rainfall and is
characterized by a flashy regime with a sequence of small
floods in autumn and winter and a few major floods in
summer.18 From the Middle Ages until the beginning of the
20th century, extensive Zn–Pb mining and smelting was
carried out in Plombières and La Calamine (eastern Belgium).
Besides the important amount of waste that is stored in the
Fig. 1 Overview of the sampling locations. NL = The Netherlands, large mine tailing piles, overbank sediments along the nearby
D = Germany, L = Luxemburg, F = France. Geul river are severely contaminated with Zn, Pb and Cd.3

320 | J. Environ. Monit., 2007, 9, 319–328 This journal is

c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007
Table 1 pH, clay, organic carbon (OC) content, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and total concentrations of Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb, As, Fe, Ca, Al and
Mn in alluvial soils along the Leie, Zenne, Grote Beek and Geul rivers. n = Number of samples

Clay OC CEC/ Zn/ Cd/ Pb/ Cu/ As/ Fe Ca Al Mn/

1 1 1 1 1 1 1
River n pH (%) (%) cmol kg mg kg mg kg mg kg mg kg mg kg (%) (%) (%) mg kg
Zenne 50
Mean 7.6 15 0.7 11 55 0.3 33 17 8 1.9 0.5 3.1 662
Stdv 0.6 7 0.5 5 41 0.1 31 15 4 0.5 0.3 0.7 542
Median 7.8 14 0.6 10 42.5 0.22 24 13 8 1.8 0.5 3.2 492
Min 4.9 7 0.2 1.2 16 1.0 4 4 4 1.2 0.1 1.2 60
Max 8.3 27 2.0 26 204 0.1 134 107 32 3.9 1.1 4.9 2730
Leie 39
Mean 7.5 27 5.1 22 956 6.6 217 84 27 2.8 2.9 3.3 459
Stdv 0.4 8 2.4 8 1174 5.3 200 65 26 1.2 1.3 0.7 427
Median 7.6 27 5.0 22 650 6 134 66 15 2.6 3.3 3.4 399
Min 6.4 10 0.9 11 60 1.0 16 7 4 1.3 0.4 1.5 96
Max 8.1 37 10 37 5086 22 756 266 102 7.0 4.6 4.8 2555
Grote Beek 94
Mean 5.6 13 5.5 15 279 13 58 34 107 7.0 0.8 2.0 201
Stdv 0.8 11 6.7 11 713 32 143 96 203 5.4 0.9 1.4 239
Median 5.4 11 6.4 16 50 1.0 14 6 39 5.4 0.4 1.8 75
Min 3.9 3 0.1 0.6 4 0.2 3 1 2 0.5 0.1 0.3 16
Max 7.4 52 35 47 4840 163 864 751 1051 23.5 3.6 7.2 1413
Geul 64
Mean 6.2 22 1.4 7 3557 7.2 1345 23 23 2.0 0.2 4.0 877
Stdv 0.5 4 0.8 1.4 3278 7.7 1779 19 24 0.6 0.1 0.7 457
Median 6.2 21 1.4 7 3508 6.5 895 19 15 2.0 0.2 3.8 1010
Min 4.8 18 0.4 5 279 0.1 38 8 4 0.7 0.1 2.2 74
Max 7.3 42 2.6 10 13 171 28 6530 85 121 4.7 0.6 5.5 1709

The Geul drains a predominantly rural catchment with a Co and K were also determined but will not be discussed. One
relatively low population density. gram of sample was dissolved in 4 mL HClconc, 2 mL
At each location, vertical profiles were dug and samples HNO3 conc and 2 mL HFconc in a Teflon beaker. The mixture
were taken at depth every 5–20 cm, depending on visual was gently heated on a hot plate until half dry, subsequently
differences in colour, organic matter content and/or texture, reattacked with the same amount of the three acids and heated
yielding 3–5 samples per horizon. To have an idea of the depth until completely dry. The residue was redissolved with 20 mL
distribution of texture, organic carbon content and total Zn 2.5 M HCl and filtered (Whatman 45). Finally, the solution
concentrations, a schematic representation of three profiles was diluted to 50 mL with distilled water. Concentrations of
(see Fig. 1 for the locations) along each river is given in Fig. 2. major elements and trace metals were measured by flame
The depth of the profiles was limited by the water table. Along atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS, Varian AA6) and
the Leie river, samples were taken in dredged sediment-derived inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS, HP
soils. Along the Zenne and the Geul, profiles were sampled 4500 Series). A certified reference material (GBW07411 Soil)
within overbank sediment-derived soils and along the Grote and sample duplicates (of separate subsamples) were used for
Beek both overbank sediment- and dredged sediment-derived quality control. Values (in mg kg 1) obtained were: Cd: 25.9
soils were sampled. (certified value 28.2  1.3), Zn: 3630 (certified value 3800 
300), Cu: 62.9 (certified value 65.4  4.7), Pb: 3010 (certified
Physico-chemical soil characterization value 2700  100), and As: 193 (certified value 205  11).
All analyses were performed on oven-dried (30 1C) soil Relative standard deviations on triplicate analysis (three se-
samples. For the physico-chemical analysis, part of the soil parate subsamples) were below 5% for all elements, except Ca
sample was disaggregated in a porcelain mortar and sieved and Al (below 10%).
(o1 mm). The pH(H2O) was measured in a soil–water suspen-
Single extractions
sion (1 : 2.5). Organic carbon was determined according to the
Walkley and Black method.19 Calcium carbonate content was Single extractions were performed on 89 samples of alluvial
measured with the rapid titration method:20 the sample was soils from the Leie, Grote Beek and Geul rivers. For the CaCl2
treated with 0.2 M HCl, followed by a back-titration of the and ammonium-EDTA extraction the protocol of the SMT
unreacted HCl with 0.1 M NaOH. Calcium carbonate content (Standards Measurement and Testing) program22 was fol-
was only determined for the soils along the Leie, because of lowed. 20 mL of 0.01 M CaCl2 or 0.05 M ammonium-EDTA,
their elevated acid neutralizing capacity (ANC). Texture was was added to 2 g of air-dried sediment in a centrifuge tube.
determined by laser diffraction analysis (Malvern Mastersizer The suspension was shaken for 3 h or 1 h, respectively, in a
S long bed) and the cation exchange capacity (CEC) was reciprocal shaker, centrifuged (3500 rpm, 10 min), decanted
analyzed using the ‘silver thiourea method’.21 and filtered (0.45 mm). After measurement of the pH, the
Total element concentrations (Al, As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, CaCl2 extracts were acidified with concentrated HNO3 to
Mn, and Ca) were determined in all the samples. Ni, Ba, Cr, bring the pH to o2. The ammonium-EDTA extracts were

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c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007 J. Environ. Monit., 2007, 9, 319–328 | 321
Fig. 2 Depth distribution of Zn concentrations in alluvial soils at three locations along the Leie (L), Zenne (Z), Grote Beek (GB) and Geul (G)
rivers (see also Fig. 1). Texture and organic carbon content are represented schematically.

not acidified prior to analysis to prevent precipitation of already close to 6 or below 6. The pHstat test is comparable to
EDTA salts at very low pH. A Reference Material (CRM the pH dependence leaching test (PrEN 14429), which is being
483) certified for its ammonium-EDTA- and CaCl2-extracta- developed by the Network for the Harmonisation of Leach-
ble content of Cd, Zn, Cu, and Pb was also included. Values ing/Extraction Tests (SMT-CT96-2066).23 The pHstat experi-
(in mg kg 1) obtained for the ammonium-EDTA extraction ments were carried out with an automatic multititration
were: Cd: 23.6 (certified value 24.3  1.3), Zn: 607 (certified system (Titro-Wico Multititrators). Soil samples were dried
value 612  19), Cu: 62.9 (certified value 65.4  4.7), Pb: 202 at 30 1C, homogenized and sieved (o2 mm). 80 g of the
(certified value 229  8). For the CaCl2 extraction, values (in o2 mm fraction was put into an Erlenmeyer flask together
mg kg 1) obtained were for Cd: 0.44 (indicative value 0.45  with 800 mL of distilled water and placed on a horizontal
0.05), Zn: 8.9 (indicative value 8.3  0.7), Cu: 1.3 (indicative shaking device. A pH-electrode (pH Hamilton single pore
value 1.4  0.4) and Pb: 0.03 (indicative value o0.06). The electrode) and an automatic titration dispenser were attached
standard deviation between triplicate extractions (on separate to each flask. The suspensions were first shaken for 30 min
subsamples) was less than 5%. without addition of acid and then the titration was started.
After 96 h, the suspension was filtered (Acrodisc 0.45 mm) and
pHstat leaching tests acidified to bring the pH below 2 (for more details concerning
pHstat leaching tests allow determination of the acid neutraliz- pHstat leaching tests, see also Van Herreweghe et al.24).
ing capacity (ANC) of soils, together with the associated
Analysis of extracts and leachates
release of heavy metals. The ANC gives the amount of acid
(in mmol kg 1) that is necessary to decrease the pH of a soil to Concentrations of Al, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, As, Cd and Pb in
a certain level. the extracts and pHstat leachates were measured by ICP-MS
pHstat leaching tests were performed on a selection of (HP 4500 series). Standard series were made up starting from
samples taken along the Leie rivers (ten samples), the Grote the ‘10 ppm Multi-Element Calibration Standard 2A in 5%
Beek (seven samples) and the Geul river (eight samples). For HNO3’ from Hewlett Packard. The spectroscopic interference
the samples taken along the Geul river, only a pHstat titration of ArCl, which has the same m/z as As (75) was corrected
at pH 4 was performed since the pH of these samples was according to the recommendations of the EPA.25 All glassware

322 | J. Environ. Monit., 2007, 9, 319–328 This journal is

c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007
was thoroughly cleaned with 0.15 M HNO3. Reagent blanks
were determined for each new batch of reagent.

General soil characteristics Fig. 3 Mean CaCl2-extractable Zn, Cu, As, Cd and Pb concentra-
Zenne. The Zenne is one of the most severely contaminated tions in alluvial soils of the Leie (n = 33), Grote Beek (n = 26) and
Geul (n = 30) rivers.
rivers in Belgium.26 However, samples were taken from over-
bank sediment-derived soils along a section of the Zenne that
is almost never flooded. This was reflected in the weakly elevated Cd and As concentrations are above intervention
contaminated nature of the soils along this part of the Zenne: values for soil contamination (Table 2) in the majority of the
heavy metal concentrations are below intervention values for samples. The degree of contamination of overbank sediment-
soil contaminations.27 Slightly increased As concentrations derived soils varies from one location to another: the regularly
(up to 32 mg kg 1, Table 1), but still below intervention values flooded peat soils and clay-like soils at locations GB1 and GB3
for soil contamination (Table 2), are found at a depth of 200 are seriously contaminated (e.g. for Zn in Fig. 2), whereas the
cm. Increased As concentrations in the Zenne occur as a result sandy soils at location GB2 are hardly contaminated.
of pollution from industrial and sewage effluents. Andreae and
Geul. Overbank sediment-derived soils along the Geul river
Andreae 28 found As concentrations up to 30 mg L 1 in water
are mainly contaminated with Zn, Pb and Cd (Table 1). Total
from the Zenne river. However, the As concentrations in most
Zn, Pb and Cd concentrations decrease with increasing dis-
of the Scheldt catchment were in the range 0.75–3.8 mg L 1
tance from the mine tailings (Fig. 2), which are respectively
and were not significantly different from baseline concen-
located 1 km (G2) and 7 km (G3) downstream from location
G1 (Fig. 1). As and Cu are around background concentrations
Leie. Dredged sediment-derived soils along the Leie river in the majority of the samples. The soils have a loamy-sand
are characterized by an elevated clay, organic carbon and texture, a low organic carbon content and a pH between 4.8
CaCO3 content (up to 7.7%; not given in the table) and a and 7.3. As a consequence, the CEC is also low (in the range
neutral to slightly alkaline pH. 5–10 cmol kg 1), suggesting a relatively low retention of heavy
The study area is situated in the Loess Belt, which explains metals. In general, pH decreases in the downstream direction
the rather high CaCO3 content of the sediment samples and [i.e. from Plombières (G1) to Epen (G3)], which is related to
which contributes to the neutral to slightly alkaline pH. The the transition from a carbonate (Lower and Middle Carbo-
elevated organic carbon (around 5%) and clay content nian) substrate to a sandy (Upper Devonian) substrate.
(around 30%) of the sediments result in a considerable cation Single extractions
exchange capacity (up to 38 cmol kg 1). Generally, the sedi-
ments are contaminated with Pb, Zn (Fig. 2), Cr and Cd. A CaCl2 extract was used to simulate porewater composition.
Based on the favorable physico-chemical properties (i.e. high A 0.01 M CaCl2 solution, with a pH of 4.57  0.20 has a low
pH, elevated CaCO3 and organic carbon content) of the soils, effect on soil pH. As a consequence, the pH of the extract is
a low mobility of heavy metals is expected. However, com- mainly determined by the soil and is very close to the soil pH
plexation by dissolved organic matter may enhance the mobi- (generally within 0.5 units). Average Zn, Cu, As, Cd and Pb
lity of metals, especially Pb and Cu.29 concentrations in the CaCl2 extracts are given in Fig. 3 for the
Leie, Grote Beek and Geul rivers. The concentrations are
Grote Beek. The alluvial soils of the Grote Beek are con- expressed in mg L 1 to facilitate the comparison with back-
taminated with As, Cd, Cu, Zn and Pb and contain elevated ground and intervention values for groundwater (Table 2).
Fe concentrations. The pH ranges from 3.9 to 7.4 (Table 1) For the Zenne, CaCl2 extractions were only performed for a
and the clay and organic carbon content are very variable. The selection of samples. Extracted Zn concentrations were in the

Table 2 Background values (B.V.) and intervention values (I.V.) for soil contamination for nature areas and agricultural areas, calculated for a
clay content of 10, 20 or 30% and an organic carbon (OC) content of 2 or 5%.27 The last column contains B.V. and I.V. for groundwater (gw)
Clay (%) 10 20 30 10 20 30 gw/mg L
OC (%) 2 2 2 5 5 5
Background values (B.V.)/mg kg 1
As 19 24 29 19 24 29 5
Cd 0.8 1.1 1.4 1.0 1.3 1.6 1
Cu 17 20 23 17 20 23 20
Pb 40 43 46 47 50 53 5
Zn 62 73 84 69 80 91 60
Intervention values (I.V.)/mg kg 1
As 45 57 69 45 57 69 20
Cd 2.2 2.9 3.7 2.8 3.6 4.3 5
Cu 200 235 271 200 235 271 100
Pb 216 231 246 275 290 304 20
Zn 632 739 847 748 855 962 500

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Table 3 Linear relation between total and ammonium-EDTA-ex-
tractable concentrations of Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu in alluvial sediments
from the Leie, Grote Beek and Geul rivers

Leie (n = 33) Grote Beek (n = 26) Geul (n = 30)

Zn y = 0.34x + 5.8 y = 0.79x 33.5 y = 0.22x + 28.6
R2 = 0.90 R2 = 0.97 R2 = 0.80
Cd y = 0.64x + 0.29 No linear correlation y = 0.77x 0.20
R2 = 0.98 R2 = 0.91
Pb y = 0.48x 31.63 y = 0.27x 0.38 y = 0.62x 93.2
R2 = 0.84 R2 = 0.83 R2 = 0.96
Cu y = 0.50x 2.66 y = 0.44x 1.32 y = 0.66x 5.0
R2 = 0.84 R2 = 0.98 R2 = 0.95

range 3–56 mg L 1, indicating a very low actual Zn mobility in

these soils. For Cd, Pb and Cu, ‘mobile concentrations’ were
often below 1 mg L 1. The results of the Zenne will not be Fig. 4 Release of Zn, Cd, Cu, Pb, Ca and acid neutralizing capacity
included in the discussion. (ANC) of alluvial soils from the different rivers.
In the three other river catchments, Zn generally displays
the highest soluble concentrations (up to 41 817 mg L 1),
leached and less than 1% of the total amount of Pb, Cu
followed by Cd (up to 456 mg L 1) and Pb (up to 429 mg L 1).
and As.
Ammonium-EDTA was used to estimate the ‘mobilisable’
metal concentrations. EDTA is a non-selective reagent that
exhibits a strong capacity to complex metals. The affinity of Discussion
EDTA for heavy metals decreases according to: Cu 4 Ni 4
The possible associations between variables was investigated
Pb 4 Zn c Cd.30 EDTA was shown to dissolve carbonates,
by Varimax-rotated principal component analysis (PCA).
thereby mobilising occluded elements.31 Borggaard32 showed
PCA was first applied to all the data concerning physico-
that EDTA extracts amorphous Fe-oxides, but this dissolution
chemical sample properties (pH, clay content, organic carbon
is very slow in the presence of other metal–chelate com-
content, CEC) and total element concentrations. The variables
plexes.33 It is also able to form organo–metal complexes,
that showed deviation from normality were log-transformed.
which compete with organic matter in soil.
76% of the total variance in the dataset was explained by four
A significant linear correlation was found between total and
principal components: the first component included organic
ammonium-EDTA-extractable Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu concentra-
carbon content and cation exchange capacity; the second
tions in all the alluvial sediments, except for Cd in the
component included Zn and Pb; Fe was associated with the
sediments from the Grote Beek river (Table 3). A much lower
third component; and the fourth component included pH, Cr,
amount of Zn is extracted with ammonium-EDTA from the
Cu, Al and clay content.
sediments originating from the Geul and the Leie (22% of
PCA was carried out separately for the 89 samples for which
total concentration) compared with the Grote Beek river (79%
data were also available concerning EDTA- and CaCl2-ex-
of total concentration, Table 3). This is most likely due to the
tractable metal concentrations. In this second PCA analysis,
fact that, in the alluvial soils of the Geul, Zn partly occurs as
EDTA- and CaCl2-extractable metal concentrations were also
mineral phases such as smithsonite (ZnCO3), hemimorphite
included. The most significant result was obtained for Cd and
[Zn4Si2O7(OH)2  H2O] and sphalerite (ZnS).34 The low extrac-
Zn. Respectively, 98 and 96% of the variability in CaCl2-
tability of Zn in the CaCO3-rich dredged sediments from the
extractable Zn or Cd concentrations could be explained by
Leie can also be related to the saturation of the ammonium-
three components: the first one including EDTA-extractable
EDTA solution with Ca.
Zn or Cd concentrations; the second one including the organic
carbon content, and the third including pH.
pHstat leaching tests Because of the very low CaCl2-extractable metal concentra-
The acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and release of Zn, Cd, tions in the samples from the Zenne, and because of the
Cu, Pb and As at pH 4 and pH 6 is presented in Fig. 4. The relatively unpolluted nature of the samples from the Zenne,
sediments of the Leie are characterized by an elevated acid the discussion concerning the prediction of ‘mobile metal
neutralizing capacity, whereas the alluvial soils from the Geul concentrations’ and the potential mobilisation of contami-
are only weakly buffered against acidification. At pH 4, a nants will be focussed on alluvial soils along the Leie, Grote
linear correlation can be seen between the release of Ca and Beek and Geul rivers.
the ANC (Fig. 4). In general, at pH 4, Zn and Cd are released
Prediction of ‘mobile’ metal concentrations
in higher amounts than Cu and Pb, and the amount of Cd
released is proportional to Zn. Between 8 and 70% of total Zn The composition of soil porewater is important from an
and Cd concentrations are released at pH 4, while a maximum environmental point of view because it gives an indication of
4% of total Pb concentrations, 13% of total Cu concentra- the ‘actual mobility’ of heavy metals and because the uptake of
tions and 2% of total As concentrations are released at pH 4. trace elements by plants occurs via the porewater. Moreover,
At pH 6, less than 12% of the total amount of Zn and Cd is porewater is also the carrier for elements to the groundwater.

324 | J. Environ. Monit., 2007, 9, 319–328 This journal is

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Leaching is the process by which inorganic or organic con- centrations, indicating that the available pool of Cd is not
taminants in the porewater are moved to deeper soil layers or proportional to total Cd concentrations.2 In this case, ‘total’
to the groundwater by infiltrating water. The composition of metal concentrations would not have been adequate to predict
the CaCl2 extract is often considered representative for pore- ‘soluble’ metals concentrations with eqn (1). Therefore, am-
water composition.35 Degryse et al.36 found that an extraction monium-EDTA-extractable metal concentrations are a more
with a 0.01 M CaCl2 solution gives a good estimate of the useful parameter than ‘total metal concentrations’. Moreover,
concentration of Cd and Zn in the porewater of field-con- the determination of ‘ammonium-EDTA-extractable metal
taminated soils. concentrations’ is less laborious and time-consuming than
Metal partitioning in soils can be quantified by models in the determination of ‘total metal concentrations’.
which metal concentrations in the porewater are described as a For the carbonate-containing soils of the Leie, the relation-
function of the metal binding solid phases such as Fe- and Al- ship of ‘soluble’ Cd and Zn concentrations with pH and
(hydr)oxides, organic matter and clay and as a function of soil EDTA-extractable Zn and Cd was less significant than for
characteristics that influence heavy metal partitioning, such the soils from the Grote Beek and the Geul. De Groot et al.39
as pH. mentioned that metal partitioning in soils containing carbo-
The ratio between total metal content bound to a soil nate differs significantly from metal partitioning in soils that
relative to its concentration in the soil solution is often do not contain detectable carbonate levels. This may be a
represented by Kd coefficients. However, such a model assumes consequence of precipitation processes, which can result in
that the sorption capacity of a material is independent of the relatively high metal levels in the solid phase which are not
soil properties (organic matter content, pH, clay content, . . .) related to any of the soil constituents.39 Cu concentrations
and therefore, single Kd values are not appropriate to predict could also be described with eqn (1), but the correlation was
metal solubility in soil. Therefore, several authors indicated not very significant (R2 = 0.51).
that metal solubility could be predicted from soil properties. When the soils of the Geul and the Grote Beek are con-
For example, Houba et al.35 observed a significant relationship sidered together, the contribution of the organic matter con-
between the distribution coefficient (Kd) of Cd in soils and the tent [‘d’ in eqn (1)] and the EDTA-extractable Cd content [‘c’
pH of the CaCl2 extract. According to McBride et al.,37 most in eqn (1)] in explaining soluble Cd concentrations increases
of the variability of metal solubility in soil is explained by pH, considerably. Soils of the Geul are characterized by a much
organic matter content and total metal concentrations. higher potentially available pool of Cd (in absolute concentra-
A semi-mechanistic approach was developed by Sauvé tions), but have a lower organic carbon content than the soils
et al.,38 which is based on the assumption that exchangeable from the Grote Beek.
metals and protons compete for adsorption on soil-exchange For Zn, the correlation between ‘soluble’ and EDTA-ex-
sites. In this model, pH, total metal concentrations and soil tractable concentrations, pH and organic carbon of sediments
organic matter are used to predict dissolved metal concentra- from the Geul and Grote Beek is less significant than for Cd
tions. In the present study, a modified version of this compe- (Table 4). For the Geul river, EDTA-extractable Zn concen-
titive adsorption model was applied, since ammonium-EDTA- trations are much more important in explaining Zn solubility
extractable metal concentrations were used instead of total than for the Grote Beek. Zn-containing mineral phases most
metal concentrations. EDTA extractions are often used to likely contribute to the solubility of Zn in the soils from the
estimate the potentially ‘available pool’ of metals (i.e. the pool Geul.
that can deliver metals from the solid phase of the soil to the
soil solution in a relatively short time period).
Acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) and potential mobilisation of
PCA analysis showed that, for Cd and Zn, 96–98% of the
variability in the CaCl2-extractable Zn or Cd concentrations
could be explained by EDTA-extractable Zn and Cd concen- The ANC can be used to estimate the probability that the pH
trations, organic carbon content and pH. The datasets were of a soil will drop to a certain level.40 The ratio between the
subjected to multiple linear regression, using the following
fitting equation: Table 4 Fitting parameters from eqn (1) for alluvial soilsa from the
Leie, Grote Beek and Geul catchments. n = number of samples
log[M]s = a + b pH + c log[M]a + d logOC (1) a b c d R2 n
with [M]s = the metal concentration in the CaCl2 extract Leie (L) 0.59NS 0.22* 0.79*** 0.006NS 0.77 36
(mg L 1), [M]a = the ‘available pool’ of the metal (mg kg 1), Grote Beek (GB) 2.45** 0.15NS 1.17*** 0.36*** 0.94 26
OC = the organic carbon content (%). Geul (G) 1.13** 0.53*** 1.18*** 0.93*** 0.95 33
Because of the linear correlation between total and ammo- G + GB 2.32*** 0.39*** 1.83*** 1.43*** 0.92 59
nium-EDTA-extractable Zn and Cd concentrations in the Zn
alluvial sediments from the Leie and Geul catchments, the Leie (L) 0.93NS 0.70* 1.01*** 0.62NS 0.51 36
use of total metal concentrations in eqn (1), instead of Grote Beek (GB) 0.86NS 0.67*** 0.94*** 0.03NS 0.83 26
Geul (G) 2.83*** 0.95*** 1.70*** 1.07*** 0.87 33
ammonium-EDTA-extractable metal concentrations, will re-
G + GB 0.68* 0.42*** 0.50*** 0.91*** 0.74 59
sult in an equally good fit for the predictive model. However, a
Level of significance: * for p o 0.1; ** for p o 0.01; *** for
for the Grote Beek river there was no linear correlation
p o 0.001; NS = not significant.
between total and ammonium-EDTA-extractable metal con-

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c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007 J. Environ. Monit., 2007, 9, 319–328 | 325
amount of an element released during pHstat titration and the
ANC gives a ‘normalised’ idea of the extent of metal release
upon input of acidifying substances. For the Geul river, the
ratio Zn/ANCpH4 is between 0.1 and 0.3, indicating that up to
60% of the protons introduced during the titration are re-
placed by Zn, which is released into the pHstat suspension. For
the Grote Beek and Leie rivers this ratio is much lower
(o0.01). First of all, these soils are characterized by an
elevated CEC (Table 1). Additionally, much more Ca was
released from these soils. The ANC is proportional to the
amount of Ca released (Fig. 4), indicating that the exchange
reactions with Ca and dissolution of CaCO3 are important
acid neutralizing reactions. Especially in the CaCO3-rich soils
from the Leie, a considerable amount of protons is consumed
by the dissolution of CaCO3, which buffers the added acidity.
In the Fe-rich soils from the Grote Beek, the (partial) dissolu-
tion of Fe-(hydr)oxides provides a certain acid neutralizing Fig. 5 Classification of alluvials soils according to their risk to the
capacity. environment. I.V. = intervention values for soil contamination. See
text for more details.

Classification of alluvial soils according to environmental risk

type of vegetation (some plant species are more tolerant to
According to the Flemish Environmental legislation,26 con- heavy metals than other species). The estimation of potential
taminated soils are classified according to their total heavy mobility upon acidification was based on the results of pHstat
metal concentrations, taking into account clay and organic leaching tests.
carbon content and land-use. Therefore, two types of guideline Other relevant factors that are to be considered are land-
values were defined, namely background values and interven- use, the probability of flooding, the depth of the groundwater
tion values. Table 2 presents the background and intervention table and seasonal fluctuations of the groundwater table,
values for agricultural soils and nature areas for a range of especially when contaminated soil is situated close to or below
organic matter concentrations and clay contents. The heavy the groundwater table. The consideration of geomorphologi-
metal content of alluvial soils along the Zenne (locations Z1, cal and/or sedimentological controls on metal dispersion
Z2 and Z3) are below intervention values for soil contamina- would allow a more detailed assessment of dispersal patterns
tion and no further action (restriction of land-use, soil reme- of heavy metals in different river catchments, but this was not
diation) has to be undertaken. At the other locations, within the scope of the present study.
intervention values are exceeded for one or more heavy metals
and further investigation is required. Given the considerable Class 1: locations without hazard to the environment. Total
amount of contaminated soils in Flanders (since 1996, the heavy metal concentrations are below intervention values for
Flemish Waste Agency has made an inventory of more than soil contamination (I.V.).
20 000 contaminated spots), additional criteria would be help- Although ‘total’ metal concentrations cannot be directly
ful to set up a list of soils with high risk for the environment related to the environmental risk, ‘intervention values’ allow
and thus with higher priority for investigation. us to make a selection of soils with a higher probability to be
Besides ‘total’ metal concentrations, other factors can be harmful for the environment.
taken into account to classify alluvial soils and sediments Whereas the Zenne river is polluted by industrial activities
according to the environmental risk, such as soil type, pH, and urban effluents, the section analysed in this study is not
permeability (as inferred by grain size), and ANC. Gäbler and contaminated. Total metal concentrations in alluvial soils are
Schneider40 presented an alternative classification system for far below intervention values for soil contamination and the
contaminated soils, based on soil type, sequence of horizons, sediments have a slightly alkaline pH (Table 2). As a conse-
the permeability of the saturated soil to water and the results quence, mobile metal fractions are low. The alluvial soils
of pHstat leaching tests. This classification system was further studied along the section of the Zenne are currently used for
developed for the soils investigated in the present study, taking agriculture and are no longer periodically flooded. Addition-
into account the actual and potential mobility of heavy metals. ally, the groundwater table is at a depth of approximately 2 m
‘Mobile’ contaminant concentrations can be determined by and no migration of heavy metals is expected.
the porewater composition, an extract with a diluted salt
solution (e.g. CaCl2 0.01 M) or derived from soil properties Class 2: locations with a relatively low risk for the environ-
such as pH, CEC, organic matter content, clay content and ment on the long term. Total metal concentrations are above
‘mobilisable’ metal concentrations (determined with ammo- I.V. for one or more heavy metals, but ‘actual’ and ‘potential’
nium-EDTA). In this study, we compared the ‘mobile’ metal heavy metal mobility are low. CaCl2-extractable heavy metal
concentrations with intervention values for groundwater.26 concentrations are low (below treshold values for groundwater
(Table 2) (Fig. 5). However, more specific threshold values contamination) and the ratio of heavy metal release/ANC is
could be determined, which can, for example, depend on the below 0.01.

326 | J. Environ. Monit., 2007, 9, 319–328 This journal is

c The Royal Society of Chemistry 2007
Although sampling location GB2 (Fig. 1 and 2) is situated elevated Zn and Cd concentrations in plants growing on the
along a river that carries severely polluted sediments, alluvial alluvial plain. For example, in the above ground parts of
soils are only slightly contaminated and intervention values for stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.), Zn and Cd concentrations of
soil contamination are only exceeded for Cd in the upper around 2000 mg kg 1 and 1 mg kg 1, respectively, were
20 cm of the soils nearby the river. encountered.41 The alluvial soils along the Geul river also
Total metal concentrations in the dredged sediment-derived represent a considerable risk for the environment in the long
soils along the Leie are above intervention values for soil term because of the very high load of Cd, Zn and Pb, the
contamination for one or more metals. However, the soils limited retention capacity for heavy metals and the low ANC.
have a high pH, a high CEC and an elevated ANC (ANCpH6 Despite the occurrence of carbonates in the substrate in
between 150 and 1111 mmol kg 1, ANCpH 4 between 432 and Plombières, alluvial sediments display a very low acid neutra-
2521 mmol kg 1), so the ‘mobile fractions’ of metals are low. lizing capacity. The ANCpH4 values in the top layers (0–30 cm)
In general, the groundwater table fluctuates between 1 and 2 m are in the range 104–261 mmol kg 1, which is low compared to
depth. Because of the elevated clay content of the soils, the ANC values in other regions. Although the soil pH is
migration of metals to the underlying soil is of little concern. currently neutral to slightly alkaline, acidification can result in
a substantial release of Zn and Cd. In Plombiéres, very high
Class 3: locations with an apparent limited actual risk of metal concentrations (Fig. 2 for Zn) occur up to a depth of
heavy metal contamination, but under changing environmental 240 cm. The risk for groundwater contamination has to be taken
conditions (pH, redox conditions, salinity), mobilisation of heavy into account since the groundwater table fluctuates around the
metals might occur. Alluvial soils along the Grote Beek (GB1 2 m depth. Klok42 analysed groundwater samples from aqui-
and GB3) are severely contaminated with Zn, Cd and As. fers located in the catchment of the Geul. The groundwater
However, the mobility of Cd and Zn is rather limited under samples contained between 13 and 138 mg L 1 Zn, which is
‘normal’ present-day environmental conditions because the much lower than the Zn concentrations found in the CaCl2
soils are characterized by a near-neutral pH and an elevated extracts of the soils (37–42 817 mg L 1). This may indicate that
Fe content, which is related to the occurrence of glauconite in the translocation of Zn into the groundwater is rather limited.
the subsoil. ANC is rather variable at different locations, but Moreover, Zn in the groundwater can also originate from
the release of metals upon acidification is comparable to the Pb–Zn mineralisations.
release from the highly buffered soils from the Leie (Fig. 4). If
soil properties are influenced by the geological substrate, this
can be helpful to derive information on soil properties on
other locations underlain by the same substrate.
The majority of the alluvial soils along the Grote Beek Legal limits on soil contamination with heavy metals often
consist of unused land situated in a natural reserve. Uptake of mainly based on total concentrations. However, towards the
heavy metals by human beings is of little concern. management of contaminated sediments, it is more important
Nevertheless, some precautions should be taken to limit the to know the risk associated with a contamination and the
future dispersion of heavy metals. For example, the impor- factors that influence the release of contaminants from these
tance of chloride salts towards the mobility of Cd in overbank soils.
sediments was demonstrated with batch tests.2 An obvious In this paper, a risk assessment for contaminated soils,
recommendation would be to stop the emission of chloride based on physico-chemical soil properties and on the results
salts into the river and to remove the contaminated riverbed of extractions and leaching tests is presented. CaCl2 and
sediments, since they still represent a pollution source for the EDTA extractions and pHstat leaching tests, which have been
alluvial plain. At some locations, the groundwater occurs at tested by European research programs, can provide valuable
shallow depth. information that can be used in the framework of a risk
assessment. The approach is illustrated by means of a case
Class 4: alluvial soils with a considerable risk for the environ- study from four Belgian catchments. Therefore, the data of the
ment. Total concentrations of Zn, Pb and Cd in the alluvial physico-chemical soil characterization, extractions and leach-
soils of the Geul are extremely high. Because alluvial soils ing tests were combined with local and regional factors to
along the Geul are used for pasture, there is a risk of ingestion classify the alluvial soils in different categories according to
of contaminants by cattle. Therefore, farmers are advised to their actual and potential risk for the environment.
keep the cattle inside after a flooding event until sediment
particles are removed from the vegetation by rainfall. Since
playgrounds are located in the floodplain, ingestion of soil by
playing children must also be considered as a possible pathway
for the uptake of contaminants. Grateful acknowledgements are made to Danny Coutermans
Moreover, the ‘mobile fraction’ of Cd and Zn is very high, and Martijn Goffings for their skilful assistance with the
since Zn concentrations up to 42 mg L 1 and Cd concentra- experiments and to Professor Dr N. Vandenberghe for the
tions up to 456 mg L 1 are encountered in the CaCl2 extracts. use of the Malvern Mastersizer. This research was financed by
Elevated Zn and Cd concentrations in the CaCl2 extracts the Flemish Institute for the promotion of Scientific-Techno-
indicate a considerable availability of these metals for leaching logical research in the Industry (IWT) and the Research
and uptake by living organisms. This is also reflected in Foundation of the K. U. Leuven.

This journal is
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