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Understanding Paleo

Table of Contents:


Chapter 1: What's So Great About Paleo?

Chapter 2: Creating Your Paleo Kitchen

Chapter 3: Paleo Brain Foods

Chapter 4: Paleo for Kids

Chapter 5: Your Paleo Plate


If you have heard of the paleo diet than you know that it is a diet that is not going to go
anywhere anytime soon. Thousands of people are using this diet as their way to lose
weight, feel great, and get the health that they have been desperately searching for. In
a time when sickness, disease, and obesity are on the rise paleo comes in to save the

How does it work? What's the secret?

Believe it or not there isn't really a
mystery behind this lifestyle. When
you are eating paleo you are eating
the way that nature intended, and
when you eat the way you were
designed to eat amazing things will
start to happen. It's that simple. Unlike
so many diets or healthy eating plans
that promise you weight loss and pay
no attention to your health, paleo
offers you the ability to become truly
healthy while losing weight and feeling great.

Think about it, long before there were grocery stores and fast food chains people were
responsible for getting their own food. If you didn't know how to hunt, if you didn't eat
foods that the earth provided then you wouldn't survive. It was that simple. You couldn't
rely on someone else to prepare your meals and even though you had fire you didn't
have the convenience of a stove or a refrigerator. This forced people to eat foods as
fresh as they possibly could.

Even though a lot has changed since those times, we are still able to eat foods as close
to nature as possible, Unfortunately society makes this more complicated than it needs
to be, but if you start small and stick with it you will find that eating paleo becomes
almost second nature. In fact, once you begin to feel the benefits of eating this way you
will likely wonder how you ever ate anything else.

And if we are being honest, it doesn't hurt that paleo foods allow you to loose weight
and look years younger.

Whether you are just learning about paleo or you have already started on you paleo
journey what you will learn today will help you to get better understanding of this
lifestyle and what eating this way can do for you.

To Your Success!
Chapter 1: What's So Great About Paleo?
Unless you have been living under a rock you have likely heard of the paleo diet. This is
the way of eating that is knocking people all over the world off of their feet. Not only do
people who choose to eat paleo look years younger than their age, they are also more
energetic, slimmer, and more than anything they are healthier.

All you have to do is look at the transformations of paleo eaters to be blown away at all
that this way of eating can offer. Even without exercise, these people tend to feel like
they have found the fountain of youth. Typically they have glowing skin, an ideal weight,
and a stamina that cannot be matched. More often than not, the paleo eater seems to
be the perfect picture of health and happiness.

But how does it work?

What is the secret? There are a lot of moving parts that make the paleo diet work, but
one of the biggest benefits is the way that it naturally reduces inflammation in the body.
Inflammation is known as a 'silent killer' because it can help so many deadly illnesses
and diseases to occur. To make matters worse, most of us deal with inflammation even
though we do not realize it. If you find yourself getting sick frequently, feeling lethargic,
or unable to lose weight then there is likely some amount of inflammation in the body,
and that can pave the way for something more sinister. So while your doctor might tell
you that you have developed asthma as a result of adult onset allergies, in reality there
is likely inflammation in your body that is making your allergies unbearable and because
those allergies are now unbearable, they may have set you up for full blown asthma
attacks. So while the inflammation itself did not cause your asthma, indirectly it is the
root of your medical problems. Thankfully, it is times like these when paleo comes in to
save the day.

However, paleo offers much more than simple inflammation relief. It also offers the
ability for easy weight loss, and much of that comes from protein. Protein is essential to
your overall health for many reasons. For starters, our bodies require protein for more
than 50% of its functions. Everything from skin and nails to healthy bones has
something to do with protein. But ironically many of us are protein deficient. This is
another area where paleo comes in to save the day. Because eating paleo relies so
heavily on the consumption of healthy meats, it will give your body a big boost in the
protein department. Additionally, protein helps you to feel full, allowing you to go longer
periods of time without feeling the need to eat.

Paleo also relies on foods that are in their 'purest form'. Whether it is your fruits and
veggies, your nuts, or your seeds anything that you eat that is paleo will have to be as
close to nature as possible. This allows your body to take in and absorb nutrients like
never before.

Are you ready for paleo to change your life?

Chapter 2: Moving for Paleo

Whether you have been following the paleo path for a few months or a few years if you
are not working out 'paleo style' then you are not reaching your maximum potential.
Have you ever seen the insane things that CrossFit followers are able to do? These
guys are the ones that are performing box jumps, running obstacle courses, and
performing feats of strength that seem impossible. But somehow it is possible, and
everyone from senior citizens to children are able to do things that seem downright
impossible. Many times, they are even doing it with a smile on their face.

What's their secret? Are they just better than you? Do they just have a motivation that
you don't have? Why is it that
you might be killing it at the
gym and still not be able to
look, or perform, quite like a
CrossFitter does?

Believe it or not, their secrets

aren't anything that can't be
accomplished easily. They
don't have a magic pill and
they aren't necessarily
spending more time at the gym
than you do now. But they are
doing one thing that is critical for their success, they are making sure that their workout
is meant for their eating style and vice versa.
The paleo diet is based around eating the way that our caveman ancestors used to eat,
and that means eating the way that our bodies were intended to eat. The same holds
true for your workouts. While CrossFit workouts look hard, (darn near impossible even),
they are designed around the way that your body is supposed to be moving. Believe it
or not all of those box jumps, all of those tire flips, and all of those pullups incorporate
movements that are similar to the way that the hunters and gatherers used to move.

Right now, you might be training as hard as you possibly can. You may even be getting
your heart rate up and seeing those muscles becoming defined. But that doesn't mean
that you are working out to your full potential and it doesn't mean that you are working
out in a way that compliments your paleo lifestyle. Even if you are doing things like
running, boxing, and weight lifting now, you are still not necessarily hitting your mark
when it comes to your workouts.

CrossFit workouts work for

two reasons. First, because
they are designed to have
you moving in a way that
compliments the way that
you are eating. And second,
because the workouts
themselves have been
designed and tested by other
paleo eaters who have
walked this path before you.

Are you ready to start your

CrossFit journey?

Chapter 3: Paleo Brain Foods

One of the areas where we tend to struggle is focus. Many times we aren't able to think
as clearly as we should and we are not able to concentrate the way that we should.
Sadly, for many of us we don't even know that we have trouble with mental clarity
because we are just so used to living a certain way. It's like over time we have just
learned to adapt to a lesser level of brain function. We say that we are experiencing
things like forgetfulness or lack of sleep when in reality we are simply not feeding our
brain the way that we should so our brain is not able to function the way that it should.

Sure, you can find things that claim that they can give you a boost of brain power. There
is no shortage of pills and gimmicks that claim that they will be able to help you find
better concentration than you had ever
thought possible. But how great are these
things really? And do you really trust a pill
bottle to be able to give your body what it

Believe it or not, the best way to give your

brain power a boost is not found in a pill or
a bottle, it doesn't cost a fortune, and it isn't
as complicated as many people would
have you think. In fact, you can boost your
brain power simply by taking a trip to your
kitchen. The foods that we eat serve us in
a variety of ways. They can boost our immune system, they can help us to lose weight,
they can even give us glowing skin. But many people overlook the way that the foods
that we eat can affect the way that our brain works.

Think about what happens to your skin when you overload on junk food. Most likely you
will not only find yourself feeling sluggish, but your skin can become congested, develop
acne, and even show signs of rosacea. The skin gives you a physical picture of how the
things you are putting into your body are affecting you.

While you might not be able to see what is happening in your mind, the effects are there
as well. You know that sluggish feeling you sometimes have when you eat poorly? Part
of that tired feeling comes with a loss of mental clarity and an inability to focus. You
know that energized feeling you can have when you eat a super healthy meal? Part of
the reason that you can get things done so easily is because your mind is able to think
more clearly and focus more easily.

But where does the paleo diet fit into all of this? How can paleo foods give
you a boost in brain power?

For starters, eating paleo provides you with a nice dose of nutrients and healthy fats,
both of which are critical for your mental clarity. It has been said that your brain uses as
much as 20% of your total calorie intake, this means that it isn't just vital that you eat, it
is vital that you are eating the right foods to fuel your brain.

Paleo Foods For Thought

Red Meat

Because protein is a staple of eating paleo, red meat is a big part of the paleo diet for
many people. Even though too much red meat is can raise your cholesterol, you still
might want to add it into your diet a few times a week. Red meat offers Vitamin B, which
is essential for brain function.

You have likely heard of the importance of

getting enough omega-3's in your diet, but
there is another important thing that can
only be found in fish, and it is something
that is often overlooked. Selenium. Even
though it isn't as talked about as omega-
3's, selenium helps your brain with
everything from motor skills to cognition.

Gut Health

Because eating paleo offers a lot of the nutrients that your body needs, it supports
healthy gut function. A healthy gut goes hand in hand with your brain's ability to

It is important to remember that if you are eating paleo for gut health, you need to be
sure you are consuming protein, vegetables, and healthy fats at every meal.
Additionally, you should try to stick with things that will go through your system easily
and offer a bit of natural hydration, (for instance, eat dark, leafy greens as your

When you are changing the way that you eat it is important that you think about your
brain and the impact that your changes will have on your mental functions.

Chapter 4: Paleo for Kids

There is almost nothing scarier than the responsibility that comes with raising a child.
Whether it's getting them off to school or watching them start to date there is no way
around it...parenting is hard. And more often than not we find ourselves wondering if we
are making the right decision for our children and second guessing ourselves at every

But there is one area where you can know that you are doing the best for your children.
And that is when it comes to the foods that they are eating. When you have a child that
is eating paleo, you have the comfort of knowing that you are doing the absolute best
that you can for them. Not only are you feeding them foods that will help them to fight off
colds and other ailments, but you are giving them food that is going to aid in their overall
development, muscle building, stamina, and even brain power. In other words, there is
no shortage of ways that eating paleo can help your child to succeed.

As you know, protein plays a vital part in helping a growing child. Having the right
amount of protein is a critical part of promoting healthy muscle growth, boosting
concentration, and helping with energy levels. All of these are things that are essential
to a growing child.

But that isn't the only thing that eating paleo can offer to your kids. Eating paleo also
promotes eating vegetables, which will give your children a healthy dose of the nutrients
that their bodies are needing. And of course, vegetables tend to be rich in fiber, which
helps to ensure good digestion and gut health.

On the surface, it might seem like asking your child to eat all of these healthy foods will
be a battle. And to be honest, in the beginning it just might be. But over time you might
be surprised to find your children will start looking forward to eating their paleo meals.

One of the greatest things about the fact that the paleo diet is so popular is that people
are getting creative with their recipes, and they are sharing that creativity with others.
There was a time not too long ago when eating paleo meant eating bland meat and
veggies. Even though these things served their purpose in making you healthy, they
didn't necessarily make
food something to look
forward to.

Thankfully those days

are over and now eating
paleo isn't just healthy, it
can be downright fun.
Here are some
examples of healthy
paleo treats that will
tame even the pickiest of

 Paleo Mac and Cheese

 Paleo Donuts
 Paleo Pancakes
 Paleo Fudge
 Paleo Chicken Nuggets
 Paleo Pizza

These are just a few examples of the recipes that you can make when your family starts
eating paleo. Not only will these recipes help you to ease your family into a new way of
eating, but your little ones might even start asking to help you in the kitchen.

Making the transition to the paleo diet can be hard, but it isn't impossible. As long as
you keep things light and allow your family to have foods similar to the foods they are
used to, you will have a healthy paleo family in no time.
Chapter 5: Your Paleo Plate
One area where many people struggle when eating paleo is finding the right balance in
their meals. On the surface eating paleo seems simple, you just opt for meat instead of
junk food and you are good to go, right?

The answer is yes and no. Yes, eating paleo can be easy but no that doesn't mean that
you don't need to put some thought and effort into your meals. Paleo is about balance,
and if you aren't paying attention to that balance when you are eating, you won't be
experiencing the full benefits of everything eating paleo has to offer.

For instance, let's say that you ate an abundance of protein but you didn't eat any fiber
or healthy fats during the same meals when you were eating protein. While it is true that
we naturally need a lot of protein in our diets, protein needs something to help push it
through your system. In other words if you are eating protein but you aren't eating
anything else with it, then you are doing yourself a huge disservice.

So What Goes Into the Perfect Paleo Meal?

There are three things that you should eat at every meal:

 Protein
 Healthy Fats
 Vegetables

These three things are like the perfect 'paleo triangle'. No two can stand on their own
but when you combine them they will do amazing things for your body.

Protein helps you to feel full. If you are getting hungry between meals it is likely because
you don't have enough protein in your system. In addition to feeling full, protein also
helps everything from your muscles to your skin and nails.

Healthy fats are critical for variety

of reasons. First, when you
combine proteins with healthy fats
you tend to stay full for a longer
period of time. Secondly, healthy
fats help to keep things moving in
your system, allowing you to
naturally start to lose weight.
Lastly, healthy fats help to protect
your body's vital organs.

And then there are your

vegetables. It's no secret that
veggies do a lot of great things for our bodies, but there are two things in particular that
are critical for your health. The most obvious is that vegetables flood the body with the
nutrients that it needs. But certain vegetables also give your body a healthy dose of
natural hydration. And of course, that hydration helps every other process in your body.

Generally, you want to be sure that your protein is about twice the size of your palm.
While there is no real limit to the healthy fats and non-starchy vegetables that you can
eat, it is a good idea to make sure you have more of these items than you do your
protein. Remember, your goal is to help the protein to get digested by your system.

So there you have it, the three things that you should be basing your meals around
when you begin eating paleo. While you can also add things like nuts and paleo
desserts to the mix, you do want to watch your intake of these things if you are trying to
lose weight.

When you make the choice to begin eating paleo, you are doing much more than
changing the way that you eat,
you are changing the way that
you live. You will watch the foods
that you eat begin to affect every
area of your life and allow you to
be in better shape, have more
health, and find mental clarity that
you likely never thought possible.

But this journey isn't just about

you, it is also about your family.
Remember, there are many paleo
recipes that are a close imitation
of your favorite foods. This means
that even the pickiest of children
will be able to find a paleo meal that they love.

Think about this for a second, think about what your life is going to be like a month from
now...six months from now...a year from now. Take some time to imagine how much
your life is going to change and all of the things that you are going to be able to
accomplish that you can't accomplish now. Whether it is a new workout, fitting into a
slimmer pair of jeans, having better concentration or even just having more energy you
will likely be surprised by all of the things that you will be able to do when you are eating

Now think of something else. Think about having your family on this journey with you.
Imagine the amount of support that each of you will have if you are on this journey
together. Think about all of the ways that you will be able to grow with each other and
push each other to new levels of your paleo lifestyle. More than anything think about
how great it would feel to know that you and your family are taking this journey together.

If it seems overwhelming, then simplify everything. Simply pick a few 'staple' paleo
foods and build your menu around
them. This way you will have
ingredients on hand that are easy to
find at the grocery store and are easy
for you to prepare. Make no mistake,
simple is best during your transition
into the paleo lifestyle.

Remember, you don't have to workout

when you are eating paleo. As your
body starts to rid itself of processed
foods you will naturally start to lose
weight and feel healthier overall. But if
you do choose to workout, Crossfit is best because it was designed to go hand in hand
with paleo eating. When you combine the healthy eating of paleo with the muscle
building benefits of Crossfit you will turn your body into a fat burning machine. Not only
will your stamina and muscles increase, but you will also have develop the body of an
athlete and the heart of a warrior. Crossfit is designed to push you to your limits and
help you to break away from the fears that hold so many of us back.

Nature designed us to eat paleo. It's that simple. And when you are eating the way
nature intended you will find benefits you never thought possible.

To Your Success!

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