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Magneto-optic Kerr effect in a spin-polarized zero-moment ferrimagnet

Karsten Fleischer,1, 2 Naganivetha Thiyagarajah,3 Yong-Chang Lau,3 Davide Betto,3 Kiril

Borisov,3 Christopher C. Smith,1 Igor V. Shvets,1 J.M.D. Coey,3 and Karsten Rode3
School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin
Dublin City University
CRANN and School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin
(Dated: June 21, 2018)

The magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) is often assumed to be proportional to the magnetisation
of a magnetically ordered metallic sample; in metallic ferrimagnets with chemically distinct sublat-
arXiv:1806.07719v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 20 Jun 2018

tices, such as rare-earth transition-metal alloys, it depends on the difference between the sublattice
contributions. Here we show that in a highly spin polarized, fully compensated ferrimagnet, where
the sublattices are chemically similar, MOKE is observed even when the net moment is strictly zero.
We analyse the spectral ellipsometry and MOKE of Mn2 Rux Ga, and show that this behaviour is
due to a highly spin-polarized conduction band dominated by one of the two manganese sublattices
which creates helicity-dependent reflectivity determined by a broad Drude tail. Our findings open
new prospects for studying spin dynamics in the infra-red.

I. INTRODUCTION response of the 4f and 3d elements allow the temperature

dependence of the Kerr effect of each sublattice to be
Spin valves, where angular momentum can be trans- determined. The new aspect we present here is that in
ferred from a reference layer to a free layer, are expected a ferrimagnet with chemically identical, but structurally
to form the basis of future memory devices and oscil- inequivalent, sublattices it is possible to track the spin
lators operating in the far infra-red frequency domain.1 polarization associated with only one of the sublattices.
The key materials properties necessary to achieve these We first show that even at magnetic compensation,
frequencies are a high Fermi-level spin polarization P ; MRG exhibits a clear Kerr rotation (θK ). Spectroscopic
low net magnetization Ms and a high effective magnetic ellipsometry, in combination with the spectroscopic polar
anisotropy field µ0 Hk . A compensated ferrimagnetic half MOKE14 allow us to determine the diagonal (ε̃xx ) and
metal where strictly zero magnetization can be obtained, off-diagonal (ε̃xy ) dielectric tensor components as a func-
coupled with full (P = 100 %) spin polarization, would tion of Ru concentration x. Polar MOKE is often used
be an ideal choice.2 simply to measure hysteresis loops using monochromatic
Such a material was suggested by van Leuken and light, and the spectroscopic variant provides more spe-
de Groot 3 in 1995, but the first experimental evidence cific information on the sites responsible for the magnetic
of one was only provided by the work of Kurt et al. 4 response. Our measurements show a clear correlation
in 2014. We have recently shown that the material, between the infrared Kerr rotation and the electrically-
Mn2 Rux Ga (MRG), shows negligible Ms over a wide measured Hall angle, providing contactless, optical mea-
temperature and thermal treatment range;5,6 high spin surements of this quantity. The experimentally deter-
polarization4 as reflected in the anomalous Hall effect;7 mined, optical model developed here will facilitate mea-
produces sizeable magnetoresistive effects in spin elec- surements in the time- and frequency-domains, that can
tronic structures8 such as magnetic tunnel junctions;9 advance the development of spin electronic devices oper-
and proposed an ab initio model reconciling the ex- ating in the far infra-red frequency range.
perimental observations with density functional theory
(DFT) band structure calculations.10
Time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr/Faraday effect is II. SAMPLE DETAILS
particularly suited to determine the Larmor frequency
of thin-film samples, especially when the resonance fre- The thin-film samples studied here were grown on
quency exceeds the experimental range of cavity- or MgO (001) substrates by dc magnetron sputtering at
network-analyser-based techniques. The unique proper- 250 ◦C substrate temperature in a ’Shamrock’ system
ties of MRG indicate that the material may be a candi- with a base pressure of 2 × 10−8 Torr. The films were
date for low-power all-optical switching as the magnetic co-sputtered from Ru and Mn2 Ga targets. The Ru con-
compensation temperature Tcomp can be tuned to lie just centration was controlled by varying the Mn2 Ga target
above room temperature,11 but these measurements on plasma power while keeping that of the Ru fixed. The
new materials are complicated by the lack of an accepted, samples were then capped with a protective 2 nm layer
wavelength-dependent optical model. of amorphous aluminium oxide. The crystal structure,
Ferrimagnets with two chemically distinct sublattices, lattice parameters and strain of the films were charac-
notably the rare-earth transition metal alloys have been terised by 2θ − θ X-ray diffraction and reciprocal space
investigated by spectroscopic MOKE.12,13 The spectral mapping using a Bruker D8 Discover instrument, with a

reflected from the sample. The beam then passes through

a photo-elastic modulator (PEM), an analysing polariser
and a monochromator before finally reaching a diode de-
tector system. All measurements were performed from
0.35 to 5 eV, using a Bentham TMc300 triple-grating
monochromator and three individual photo-diodes (InAs,
InGaAs, Si). The procedure for extracting the MOKE
rotation has been discussed elsewhere.16–18 All samples
where measured at remanence, after magnetisation in
fields of up to 12 T.
To correct for any set-up or non-magnetic anisotropy,
FIG. 1. Schematic of the MRG crystal structure. There are
three filled fcc sublattices (red: Mn-site (4a), grey: Ga-site
we recorded spectra for two orthogonal in-plane direc-
(4b), green: Mn-site (4c)). Ruthenium occupies the remaining tions as well as for samples magnetized in opposite direc-
fcc sublattice (blue: Ru-site (4d)). The two Mn sites are tions. The spectra obtained by revesal of M~ , were strictly
non equivalent in the structure as the 4a-site has only Ga as equal to those derived from a rotation of the sample of
nearest neighbour, while the 4c-site Ru, or vacancies (dashed 90◦ around the optical axis.
circles) depending on the Ru content x. Due to larger errors in the Kerr-ellipticity measure-
ment in a PEM setup without in-situ magnetisation re-
versal, only the Kerr rotation (θK ) will be discussed.
monochromatic copper Kα1 source. We found √ that the
in-plane lattice constant a is 0.5956 nm = 2aMgO for
all samples, indicating that MRG grows epitaxially on
MgO with its basal plane rotated by 45◦ with respect B. Ellipsometry
to the substrate. The out-of-plane parameter c varies
between 0.598 nm and 0.618 nm, depending on Ru con- A Sopra GESP 5 spectroscopic ellipsometer was used
centration and film thickness (∼ 26 to 81 nm). This con- over an energy range from 1.5 to 5 eV with incidence an-
firms a slight, substrate-induced, tetragonal distortion of gles of 70◦ , 75◦ and 80◦ . The thin film dielectric function
the cubic structure. An illustration of the crystal is given was extracted from the raw measurements by fitting an
in FIG. 1. optical model of the diagonal components of the dielec-
In order to determine the Ru concentration, we de- tric function (ε̃xx ) to the ellipsometric angles tan Ψ and
posited four MRG samples with varying Mn2 Ga tar- cos ∆. To reduce uncertainties in ε̃xx , only the MRG
get power and a pure Ru film. The density and thick- layer was modelled. The sample thickness and interface
ness were then measured using X-ray reflectivity (XRR). roughness, as measured by XRR was used as input pa-
Based on the measured density and lattice parameters rameters together with the known bulk dielectric func-
of these five control samples, we established a rela- tions of the MgO substrate and the AlOx capping layer.
tion between X-ray density and Ru concentration x,
against which all the samples were calibrated. The trans-
port properties of the thin films were measured on non-
patterned films in a Quantum Design physical properties C. Optical model
measurement system (PPMS) at temperatures ranging
from 10 to 400 K in an applied magnetic field, µ0 H, of In thin film structures, the θK spectra depend not only
up to 12 T. on the off-diagonal dielectric tensor components ε̃xy =
iQmz ε̃xx of the magnetic material but also on the overall
reflectance of the stack. Knowing the diagonal compo-
III. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS – MOKE & nents ε̃xx from the ellipsometry, the measured θK signa-
ELLIPSOMETRY ture can then be modelled to accurately extract peak po-
sitions of structures in ε̃xy , without skewed results caused
Both ellipsometry and magneto-optical Kerr spec- by variations in ε̃xx and sample thickness/roughness.19–21
troscopy were used to determine the optical and For all optical models, the MRG and AlOx thicknesses
magneto-optical properties of the films. determined by XRR were treated as fixed parameters.
All interfaces have been treated as sharp, while the di-
electric function of the AlOx coating has been modelled
A. MOKE by a Bruggeman effective medium of crystalline Al2 O3
and air with a fill factor set to the density ratio of the
Spectroscopic MOKE was recorded at near-normal in- XRR fitted capping layer and crystalline Al2 O3 . We treat
cidence with a home-made reflectance anisotropy spec- the MRG to be perfectly cubic, as the deviation from cu-
trometer, based on the design of Aspnes.15 Light from a bic symmetry due to epitaxial strain of ∼ 1 %22 is well
Xe lamp passes through a Rochon Mg2 F polariser and is below the sensitivity of our instrument.

25 1.5

µ0 Hc (T)
20 10 1
M (kA m−1 )

15 5 0.5

θK (mrad)
10 0
200 250 300 350 0
5 −0.5
T (K)
0 Tcomp ∼ 250 K
−5 Tcomp ∼ 295 K
180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 0 1 2 3 4 5
T (K) hν (eV)

FIG. 2. SQUID magnetometry of sample with Tcomp close FIG. 3. Room-temperature Kerr rotation as a function of
to RT. The net magnetisation of the sample was measured at photon energy for samples with Tcomp ∼ 295 K and 250 K, re-
remnance on warming after saturation at low temperature. In spectively. The samples were first magnetised at RT in a field
the inset we show an estimate of the coercive field, µ0 Hc , as of µ0 H = 2 T (above Tcomp , open symbols). Subsequently,
a function of temperature. Around room-temperature, even the samples were remagnetised, this time well below Tcomp
15 T is insufficient to saturate the magnetisation. (Tsat = 200 K, filled symbols). Although all measurements
are done at RT, the sign of the MOKE signal is reversed
depending on whether magnetisation is carried out above or
below Tcomp . When Tcomp ∼ 295 K, full saturation is only
IV. MOKE: DIRECT MEASUREMENTS achieved when magnetised well below Tcomp .

Due to the different crystallographic sites occupied by

the two magnetic sublattices in ferrimagnets, the temper- and subsequently warm to RT in zero applied field. This
ature dependence of the magnetisation of the two sub- procedure ensures that while the net magnetic moment
lattices differ. Generally, perfect compensation and zero changes sign when crossing Tcomp , the spin-dependent
net moment occurs only at a specific temperature (Tcomp ) density of states (DOS) remains unchanged. We then
where the magnitudes of the two magnetic sublattices are record MOKE spectra at RT. As can be seen from FIG. 3,
equal but opposite in sign. For MRG this temperature both samples exhibit a change of sign as expected, and
depends on both Ru content x and the biaxial substrate- crucially, the sample with Tcomp ∼ 295 K and thus ∼ zero
induced strain. net moment now displays as strong or stronger MOKE
Upon crossing Tcomp in zero applied field the net mag- signal as the sample measured further away from Tcomp .
netisation changes sign whereas the spin-dependent DOS This set of measurements proves that MOKE in MRG
remains unchanged because the individual sublattices depends on the spin-dependent DOS, and not the net
have not changed direction. We therefore expect that the magnetic moment; and furthermore even when the net
sign of any property that depends on the spin-resolved magnetic moment is zero, the MOKE signal is clearly
DOS such as MOKE, tunnel magneto-resistance (TMR) observed.
and anomalous Hall effect, will exhibit opposite signs de- In order to pinpoint the origin of MOKE in MRG, we
pending on whether the sample was magnetised below or recorded angle and energy dependent ellipsometry, which
above Tcomp .7,9 in combination with the measured Kerr rotation allow us
In FIG. 2 we show the temperature dependence of the to determine all matrix elements of the dielectric tensor.
net magnetic moment of an MRG sample with Tcomp ∼
295 K. The inset gives an estimate of the anisotropy
field as a function of temperature. Close to Tcomp , the V. OPTICAL MODEL
anisotropy field µ0 Hk diverges, and as the coercive field is
directly related to the anisotropy field, the sample cannot We have shown that MOKE is not determined by the
be magnetically saturated in this temperature range. net magnetic moment, but depends on the spin depen-
We now compare MOKE spectra of two samples with dent DOS in MRG. MOKE measurements alone are in-
Tcomp of 295 K and 250 K, respectively. The data are sufficient to determine ε̃xx and ε̃xy . We therefore first
shown in FIG. 3. When magnetised at RT, i.e. above use spectroscopic ellipsometry to determine ε̃xx and sub-
Tcomp , both samples exhibit clear MOKE negative in sequently develop the optical model including the off-
sign. The sample with Tcomp closest to RT appears to diagonal tensor elements ε̃xy for MRG.
have a reduced magnitude. We then magnetise both In FIG. 4 we show the dielectric function ε̃xx as ex-
samples well below their respective Tcomp , Tsat = 200 K, tracted from least square fits of the measured tan Ψ and

x = 0.44 x = 0.61 x = 1.19 60

60 x = 0.51 x = 0.76 8 50 Drude

σ1 (1014 s−1 )
σ1 (1014 s−1 )

55 6 40
4 UV
50 30 DUV

45 0
20 Exp
40 −2 10
(a) (b) 0
35 −4
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6
2.5 Exp

θK (mrad)
2 2
θK (mrad)

0 0.5

−1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
−2 hν (eV)
0 1 2 3 4 5
FIG. 5. Complete optical model and experimental data for an
hν (eV) MRG sample with x = 0.61. (Top) Experimentally observed
optical conductance (line) and the fitted contributions from
FIG. 4. (a) and (b): Imaginary and real components of the four harmonic oscillators (areas) described in the text.
the diagonal tensor elements ε̃xx of the dielectric function (Bottom) Experimental Kerr rotation (points) and fit to the
of MRG as a function of photon energy and Ru concentration data (line) based on the optical model described in the main
x. The imaginary part is shown in terms of optical conduc- text.
tivity (σ1 = ε2 ω/4π)23 , to highlight the small differences be-
tween samples.The behaviour is dominated by the Drude-like
metallic response, with smaller deviations caused by inter-
band transitions. (c) MOKE spectra for the same series of hν ∼ 2.3 eV with two individual components in the Kerr
samples used to infer the off-diagonal ε̃xy tensor elements. spectra (NIR and VIS in FIG. 5, bottom panel), which
we assign to the spin-dependent transitions on the Mn-4c
and Mn-4a site. In agreement with our assignment above
cos ∆ for a set of samples with varying Ru concentration of the UV and DUV transitions to non-magnetic compo-
x. Our optical model, used for both ε̃xx and ε̃xy is based nents, no separate UV and DUV oscillators are required
on the following considerations: to describe ε̃xy .
For metallic materials such as MRG the dielectric re- This assignment is motivated by our earlier X-ray ab-
sponse is usually dominated by a strong Drude-like tail sorption measurements5 where we find that the final
caused by free electron absorption, also known as intra- states of the 2p → 3d transitions of Mn in the two sites
band transitions.24 This contribution is the reason why are only separated by approximately 1 eV, and no circu-
the imaginary part of ε̃xx of MRG does not tend towards lar magnetic dichroism on the Ga L2,3 edges nor on the
zero (σ ∼ 45 × 1014 s−1 at hν = 1 eV) in the infra-red re- Ru M4,5 edges, as well as the dielectric functions of Mn23
gion. Furthermore, there are absorption features in the and Ga25 .
visible (VIS - peaks ∼ 2.3 eV) which we attribute to in- In FIG. 5 we show an example of a fit to the model
terband transitions on both Mn sites, ultra-violet (UV described above. Having established the diagonal tensor
∼ 3.2 eV) due to Ga, and a deep ultra-violet contribu- elements ε̃xx we then model the off-diagonal terms which
tion (DUV > 5.5 eV) necessary to account for the line we plot as the expected Kerr rotation θK (the real part
shape but that cannot be assigned to a specific element. of the complex Kerr rotation). The agreement between
To minimize the number of free parameters, we there- the experimental data and the optical model is excellent,
fore describe the diagonal part of the dielectric function indicating that our model is well justified as well as high-
via one Drude-like oscillator at ω = 0 eV, and three broad lighting the predominant role of Mn in MRG magnetisa-
harmonic oscillators (Γ > 6 eV) in the VIS, UV and DUV tion. The (extrapolated) steep increase in MOKE in the
ranges, respectively. IR and towards DC (hν → 0 eV) is clearly an effect of
The Kerr spectra show strong features in the IR and the highly spin-polarised conduction band, as reflected by
the VIS regions, associated with the Drude-tail and the the Drude contribution to both diagonal and off-diagonal
Mn, respectively, but no separate features in the UV tensor elements.
and DUV. As the magnetism in MRG is dominated by Our modelling allows us to study in finer detail the
Mn in two antiferromagnetically coupled sub-lattices, ε̃xy behaviour of the spectral components of the ellipsometry
can be described in more detail. We associate the sin- and MOKE as a function of Ru concentration x (FIG. 4).
gle, broad, VIS oscillator observed in ellipsometry at When the Ru concentration x changes from 0.44 to


Re(σxy )/Re(σxx ) (%)

1 2
σxy (1014 s−1 )

0.5 1.5
−0.5 x = 0.44
−1 x = 0.61 0.5
x = 0.76
−1.5 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
hν (eV) ρxy /ρxx (%)

FIG. 6. σxy extracted frrom the optical model for three dif- FIG. 7. Ratio of the real part of the off-diagonal and on-
ferent Ru concentrations x. The real and imaginary parts are diagonal terms of the dielectric tensor extrapolated to 0.4 eV
plotted in solid and broken lines, respectively. In the light plotted as a function of the electrically measured anomalous
and dark grey areas, the curves are extrapolated from the Hall angle. The straight line is a fit to the data, and provides
experimentally available range in ellipsometry and MOKE, a guide to the eye. As expected, the DC limit of the magneto-
respectively. optical characterisation agrees very well with the values ob-
tained through electronic transport measurements.

1.19, the oscillator associated with Ga (UV) changes po-

sition only slightly from 3.4 to 3.2 eV whereas the oscilla- magneto-optical properties with the anomalous Hall an-
tor associated with Mn (VIS), exhibits a stronger trend gle measured by standard electronic magnetotransport.
and moves from 3.0 to 2.2 eV with increasing x. With As outlined above, our optical model describes the be-
increasing Ru content, the electronic occupation of Mn haviour of MRG fully in the spectral region measured,
is increasing linearly, wheres that of Ga remains con- and we therefore expect that extrapolation outside this
stant. The (small) changes associated with Ga are thus region should accurately predict the behaviour at differ-
due to increasing tetragonality of the crystal structure ent photon energies. The lower limit is of course DC
while those associated with Mn correlate directly with where optical measurements are not possible, but where
the band filling. As described above, the MOKE in MRG we can record magnetotransport, in particular anoma-
is dominated by the contributions of Mn, both through lous Hall effect.7 The ratio ρxy /ρxx is the Hall angle, the
the spin polarisation of the conduction band as well as DC limit of the ratio Re(σxy )/Re(σxx ). In FIG. 7 we plot
single-ion transitions. The two oscillators used to de- the ratio determined from the extrapolation of our opti-
scribe these transitions in MOKE can therefore be asso- cal model as a function of the Hall angle determined by
ciated with Mn in the 4c position (∼ 1.7 eV - NIR) and in magnetotransport measurements as described in II. The
the 4a position (∼ 2.5 eV - VIS). Due to the half-metallic ratio was evaluated at hν = 0.4 eV as we only need to
nature of the sample, when Ru content is increased, the extrapolate σxx and not σxy at this energy. As expected
electronic occupation of Mn in the 4c position increases we observe a strong correlation between the two mea-
leading to a blue shift (from 1.4 to 1.8 eV) of the oscilla- surements, most certainly because the two effects share a
tor associated with this position. Simultaneously, adding common origin; the high spin polarisation of the conduc-
Ru decreases the spin-gap10 thereby inducing a red shift tion band. The deviations from a perfectly proportional
(from 2.7 to 2.4 eV) of the oscillator associated with Mn behaviour is due to small differences in the scattering
in the 4a position. More details on the optical model pa- matrices that have a big influence in transport measure-
rameter as function of Ru concentration x are found in ments whereas they do not influence the values obtained
the supplemental information. by optical means. We also emphasize that whereas elec-
In FIG. 6 we show the off-diagonal component of the tronic transport probes the entire thickness of a metallic
dielectric tensor as a function of photon energy, extracted film, MOKE and ellipsometry only probe the skin-depth,
from the fit of the experimental ellipsometry and MOKE which varies with photon energy, found here to be 5 nm
data, in terms of σxy . Unlike the raw MOKE spectra, dif- at 2 eV and 40 nm at 0.4 eV.
ferences between different compositions are now clearly
visible, and highlight, independently of our discussion fo-
cussed on MRG, the need to employ robust optical mod- VI. CONCLUSION
elling when reporting MOKE data on thin film samples
of even slightly varying thickness. We have shown that MOKE in zero-moment half met-
We finally turn to a comparison of the DC limit of the als persists, even when the net magnetic moment crosses

zero, and that its origin is dominated by the highly spin- extension of this study with a more in-depth compari-
polarised conduction band associated in MRG with Mn son between the two in high and zero applied magnetic
in the 4c site. The sign of the MOKE depends on whether fields, may allow an unambiguous determination of the
the sample was magnetised above or below its compensa- scattering coefficients that lead to topologically driven
tion temperature, as the process of magnetisation sets the spin structures in for example non-collinear ferrimagnets,
direction of the axis of quantization for the spin-polarised as a complete optical model is necessary to disentangle
density of states. effects that depend solely on differences in sample thick-
By combining spectroscopic ellipsometry and MOKE ness and reflectivity from those that are purely magnetic
it was possible to construct an optical model that identi- in nature.
fies the optically active components of MRG, and we use Finally, this result interestingly clears a path to study
this to infer the full parameterized dielectric tensor as a the behaviour of magnetic domains in antiferromagnets
function of photon energy in the range 0 to 5 eV. The by MOKE microscopy, while the shown spectral depen-
model is deliberately constructed to minimize the num- dence highlights photon energies most suitable for pump-
ber of free parameters, yet it captures with reasonable probe based time dependent measurements.27
accuracy both the nonmagnetic and the magnetic contri-
butions for MRG in the spectral range measured. Based
on the model, we compare the results obtained by optical ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
means with the anomalous Hall angle recorded by elec-
tronic transport measurements. Although the DC limit This project has received funding from the Euro-
is far beyond our experimentally available range, the ex- pean Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation pro-
trapolated values of σxy agree remarkably well with those gramme under grant agreement No 737038. KF and
obtained by transport measurements. IVS acknowledges support from Science Foundation Ire-
Differences between magnetic properties observed by land (SFI), grant number 06/IN.1/I91. DB gratefully
anomlous Hall effect and MOKE are often used nowadays acknowledges funding from the Irish Research Council.
as a fingerprint of topological electronic transport.26 An This work was supported by SFI through AMBER.

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