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7 Habits of Highly Effective MBA Students


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7 Habits of Highly Effective MBA Students .................................................................................. 3

Be Proactive ................................................................................................................................ 3

Begin with end in mind ............................................................................................................... 3

Put First Things First .................................................................................................................. 4

Think Win-Win ........................................................................................................................... 4

Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood ....................................................................... 5

Synergize..................................................................................................................................... 5

Sharpen the Saw .......................................................................................................................... 5

Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 6

References ....................................................................................................................................... 6
7 Habits of Highly Effective MBA Students
There are 7 habits which result within effective students. Therefore, this report would highlight
the impact as well as the practical implication of each habit. The 7 habits for further assessment
are discussed below (Hussain, 2018):

Be Proactive
The humans in order to be different from animals have the ability to make decisions and responds
towards variety of stimulus in varied manner. The behavior is formed through the nature as well
as nurture. The learning from environment gives one an idea to react as per requirement. The
proactive individuals have the capacity to deal with variety of stimuli’s actively. The proactive
students are driven to act as per their values regardless of how other people behave. The ability to
deal with difficult situation is also a skill learned by Proactive people. The students that are
proactive won’t be concerned about how difficult the path be rather plan ahead and stay committed.

The example of MBA students will be taken, as a student MBA has multiple subjects and each one
requires semester projects. Thus proactive student would initiate the project on time, be flexible
towards the requirements of the project and anticipate to get high marks. All these aspects would
be practical and useful in real life. Another example could be of the preparation for the exam which
a proactive MBA student be able to ace as they would study side by side with the lecture to stay
prepared through the semester. This would benefit the student as they won’t be pressurized to work
more at the end of term.

Begin with end in mind

It is critical for successfully attaining goals and objectives one set for themselves. Therefore, one
should have a clear vision regarding how they see themselves in the future. This habit is a motivator
as it would encourage an individual to continue to work hard for things they desire. Each objectives
leads to a destination and this habit would be beneficial in creating long term plans and indicate
whether he/she is moving in the right direction.

The example of MBA students would be setting a Grade objective for oneself. This would allow
the student to plan their semester and projects in a way that they would get high marks. This habit
would allow them to clear their subjects effectively. Another example can be taken of the career
path selected by the MBA student. These students would select specialization based on their
strengths and weaknesses therefore having an end goal such as job type and company, would allow
the student to work towards their goal with end in their mind.

Put First Things First

It is necessary to prioritize each activity one perform within a day. It seems to be an important
aspect as it allows an individual to have a discipline in their lives which understanding what is
urgent and what could be delayed. This habit is associated with the execution of the goals one set
for themselves. So one should take action regarding how each activity in their life is planned.

The example of MBA student can be taken here. A MBA student would have to create schedule
of their life as they would divide their time at their jobs, at university and home life. The student
would have to schedule their fun activities side by side with their job and study. This would help
them in balancing all aspects of life. The second example could be of MBA student managing their
projects according to their deadlines so that each deadline is met in accordance to the university
requirement. The student would find success once all deadlines are met om time.

Think Win-Win
The humans live a social life and for the survival everyone has to form some interdependent
relations within the community. The success of relation is measured by satisfaction which the both
parties feel. It would be beneficial to reach a conclusion that is beneficial to both parties but there
could be a possibility this balance is changed. The people should have win mentality and if this
scenario is not met then consider no deal.

The example of MBA student would be taken. The MBA comprises of multiple projects and each
project is critiqued by the teacher. Therefore, if more members are within a group, one must always
try to make decisions that benefit all and all opinions are to be catered to. This habit would be
beneficial in enhancing team work in the group and attain goals collectively. Another example can
be of preparing exams together so that all parties benefit from knowledge and learning
Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
There are problems which needs an active part in order to be resolved. In order to have a solution
for the problem it is critical to determine what characteristics and aspects affect the problems. The
reason behind the issue would be highlighted and the a plausible and viable solution is put into
action. The diagnosis of the issue is necessary and this habit would allow individuals to learn to
listen. The assessment of words, sound and body language are all part of the communication.

The example of MBA students would be taken. The students will have to work in group therefore
sharing and listening to ideas would play a vital role within projects success. The habit would
allow the student to evaluate, probe, advise and interpret. An additional example would allow the
MBA students to have the capability to become leaders through effective study of body language
and capitalize on networking opportunities within extracurricular activities and outside when they
are performing their part time jobs.

The synergy occurs when there is effective communication among all members and this allows the
individuals to have better ideas. The combined action would allow to increase effectiveness while
sharing experiences to have an effective insight and knowledge. This habit helps within forming a
collective culture and facilitate within interdependence. This also helps in efficient usage of
resource with best ideas being selected. This synergy is based on trust and cooperation.

The example of MBA student would be taken as the student would have to work collectively to do
effective study projects and this habit would help them in developing their communication skills.
These skills would be useful in a professional environment once they graduate. Another example
would include MBA student to collaborate and take guidance from the teachers which would also
be a form of synergy.

Sharpen the Saw

Once all the habits are developed it would be ideal to devote oneself to renew and reenergize their
lives. All the habits are to be practiced with discipline to meet physical, spiritual, mental and social
dimensions. It is necessary to be active in personal and professional life to keep these habits intact
for successful longevity. The students are under continuous pressure to succeed in life therefore
its necessary that there is a balance. Rejuvenation is necessary for the student so that they thrive
and their vitality is high.

The example of MBA students is taken as the MBA students will need to have some down time to
relax. Listening to music, reading books, going for a run, exercising, writing a diary would help
the students in managing their personal and educational life. Another example would be MBA
student taking part within projects that have a positive effect on the environment. This would also
be helpful in developing the communication sills among the student’s. The last thing would be to
reflect on the performance so that effective future strategy could be made.

There are 7 habits that are highly effective when it comes to practicality thus the importance of
these cannot be ignored. The habits would nurture the skillset of the students and prepare them for
the professional life. It helps in creating value in life and ability manage all activities effectively
within time. The listening ability would be enhanced which would help in determining how people
behave and how their body language contradicts to what they verbally say. The habit allows the
one to be action oriented as it would help in attainment of the goals and also create ability to reach
the end through proper envisioning the ends zone. All these habits would help the MBA students
to have success in all fields of life.

Hussain, A. (2018). 7 Habits of Highly Effective People . Retrieved from Hub Spot :

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