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Language Teaching – copy-editor’s style sheet FINAL RD, 26 AUGUST 2019

(for CUP, journal editor, CE and TS)


All articles to be set for FV presentation from July 2019

<rh-verso> name(s) of author(s) – non-parenthetical style for ‘and’

<rh-recto>Language Teaching

Footnotes allowed only if there are one or two and they are short, otherwise endnotes

Abstract: State-of-the-Art, First Person Singular, Country in Focus, Thinking Allowed, Replication

No abstract: Research timeline, Research in the news, Plenary speeches, Pedagogical implications,
Brumfit Award, Forthcoming

Abstracts are shaded and always have heading.

No tags on heads or subheads

Beginning of each article: author names (1, 2, 3); *designates ‘Corresponding author. Email: XXXX’;
for one author, just ‘Email: XXX

Beginning of each article: name of university, location, country

A-heads – roman 1. B-heads – ital. 1.1

Source for quotations set at RH margin – final or next line depending on space

All articles to have citation reference at end: styling is as for journal reference list. NB FV, so no
volume or issue numbers at CE stage

Cover: same APA style as for non-parenthetical authors, i.e. ‘and’ not ‘&’

Current article categories














(many excluded – no longer needed because of pre-editing)

<ABS></ABS> abstract

<BIO></BIO>author biography

<Q></<Q> displayed quote

<LB></LB> bulleted list

<LN></LN> numbered or lettered list

<EX></EX> excerpt – set as given

<FN></FN> footnote

<RT></RT> research task

<RTH></RTH> research task head

<SF></SF> special feature

<TH></SF> table head

<FC></FC>figure caption

<S></S> source
Research timeline features

The punctuation of all in-text citations must adhere to APA style.

Exception: in-text citations, e.g. … (Varghese et al., 2016*), at first mention in text. Because they are
in full in the timeline, we only use short form in the introductory section.

Introductory section: timeline references not linked to reference list

Emboldened cross-reference numbering/lettering in both text and timeline, e.g. A3, B1

Author biogs to be set immediately before timeline

Where a timeline citation appears in column 3, set in small caps if dated before or after appearance
in timeline (simplicity)

All columns blocked

Shaded, with horizontal line between each entry

Column 3: first mention of entry author emboldened, not thereafter

Note at foot of p. 1: ‘*Indicates full reference appears in the subsequent timeline.’

‘Note. Authors’ names are shown in small capitals when the study referred to appears in this
timeline.’ To be set at foot of first page of the timeline itself

Features of other article types

Plenaries: two-line phrase about logistics of the meeting to be set at foot of p. 1

Replication Research tasks: in bold with shading; underscore may be used instead of small caps

SoA: Questions arising: shaded; vertical numbering – 1.2.3./a.b.c.; horizontal numbering – (1), (2),
(3)/(a), (b), (c)

Forthcoming: author names as non-parenthetical style, i.e. ‘and’

BAAL: two headings: (1) e.g. BALL/CUP 2017–2018 Seminar, (2) A-head

Spelling and capitalisation

Standardise to UK or US spelling

Author’s capitalisation system used so long as it is consistent

Minimum capitalisation preferred

Italicisation vs SMALL CAPS

Common Latin expressions, e.g. ‘ad hoc’: roman

Stress: SMALL CAPS, not italics

Technical terms and concepts: SMALL CAPS

Linguistic examples: italicised

Books titles, journal titles, film titles, works of art: italicised

Book Series: caps, roman

Tables and figures

Table 1. Table head sentence case, no full point

Figure 2. Caption in sentence case under figure, no full point

Note: beneath figures and tables with full point at end.

Source: e.g. ‘DBE 2011 Annual School Survey’ – left align


one to ten spelt out, numerals thereafter

eighteenth century

comma at thousands, e.g. 2,000

number spans full including page numbers and dates

% symbol in text allowed, e.g. 15%

24 May 1990 (unless US style throughout)


Consistency throughout an article important, e.g. punctuation inside or outside quote marks

Single quotes, double within (unless consistently reversed in US-style article)

Serial comma or no serial comma acceptable – must be consistently used

Parenthetical spaced en rules (unless consistently closed em rules in US style)

and/or (i.e. closed- up solidus)

Ellipsis: space either side of three points (unless consistently different)

 Bullet 1
o Bullet 2


Ph.D. M.A. M.Sc.

p. 13; pp. 16–18

f.; ff.

vs = UK vs. = US

Vol. = volume

A. M. Roy

Acronyms: long form given at first mention in an article with acronym in parentheses following.
Includes abstract.

‘and’ and not ‘&’ in tables, if possible

Reference list – APA style

Author’s Last name, F. M. (Year published). Article title. Periodical Title, Volume(Issue), pp.–pp.

Journal article with DOl

Nevin, A. (1990). The changing of teacher education special education. Teacher Education and
Special Education: The Journal of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional
Children, 13(3–4), 147–148. doi:XXX

Light, M. A., & Light, I. H. (2008). The geographic expansion of Mexican immigration in the United
States and its implications for local law enforcement. Law Enforcement Executive Forum Journal, 8,
73–82. doi:XXX

Journal article without DOl (when DOl is not available)

Good, C. D., Johnsrude, I. S., Ashburner, J., Henson, R. N. A., Firston, K. J., & Frackowiak, R. S. J.
(2001). A voxel-based morphometric study of ageing in 465 normal adult human brains.
NeuroImage, 14, 21–36. Retrieved from http://xxxx
No retrieval date is needed.
Journal article with DOl, more than seven authors

Gilbert, D. G., McClernon, F. J., Rabinovich, N. E., Sugai, C., Plath, L. C., Asgaard, G., ... Botros, N.
(2004). Effects of quitting smoking on EEG activation and attention last for more than 31 days and
are more severe with stress, dependence, DRD2 A1 allele, and depressive traits. Nicotine and
Tobacco Research, 6, 249–267. doi:XXX

Journal article without DOl, title translated into English, print version

Guimard, P., & Florin, A. (2007). Las evaluations des enseignants en grande section de maternelle
sont-elles predictives des difficultes de lecture au cours préparatoire? [Are teacher ratings in
kindergarten predictive of reading difficulties in first grade?]. Approche Neuropsychologique des
Apprentissages chez l'Enfant, 19, 5–17.

Journal article with DOI, advance online publication

Von Ledebur, S. C. (2007). Optimizing knowledge transfer by new employees in companies.

Knowledge Management Research & Practice. Advance online publication. doi:10.1

In-press article

Briscoe, R. (in press). Egocentric spatial representation in action and perception. Philosophy and
Phenornenological Research. Retrieved from http://cogprints.org/5780/l/ECSRARFO7.pdf

Author’s Last name, F. M. (Year published). Title of book. Location of publisher: Publisher.

Finney, J. (1970). Time and again. New York, NY: Simon and Schuster.

Citations for chapters in edited books

Chapter author’s Last name, F. M. (Year published). Title of chapter. In F. M. Last name of Editor
(Ed.), Title of book (p. x or pp. x–x). Location: Publisher. http://dx.doi.org/10.xxxx/xxxxxx or
Retrieved from URL

Longacre, W. A., & Ayres, J. E. (1968). Archeological lessons from an Apache wickiup. In S. R. Binford
& L. R. Binford (Eds.), Archeology in cultural systems (pp. 151–160). Retrieved from

Citations for edited books

Editor, A. A. (Ed.). (Year published). Title of edited book. Location: Publisher.

Gupta, R. (Ed.). (2003). Remote sensing geology. Berlin – Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag.

Several volumes in a multivolume work

Koch, S. (Ed.). (1959–1963). Psychology: A study of science (Vols. 1–6). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Citations for newspaper articles and magazines

Author’s Last name, F. M. (Year, Day Month of Publication). Article title. Newspaper Title, pp. xx–xx.

Tumulty, K. (2006, April). Should they stay or should they go? Time, 167(15), 3–40.

Rosenberg, G. (1997, 31 March). Electronic discovery proves an effective legal weapon. The New
York Times, p. D5.

Rosenberg, G. (1997, 31 March). Electronic discovery proves an effective legal weapon. The New
York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes.com

Technical and research reports

Author, A. A. (1998). Title of work (Report No. xxx). Location: Publisher.

American Psychological Association, Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. (2007). Report of the
APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. Retrieved from

Doctoral dissertations and Master's theses

Author, A. A. (2003). 77t/e of doctora/ dissertation or master's thesis (Doctoral dissertation
or master's thesis). Retrieved from Name of database. (Accession or Order No.)

Meetings and symposia

Contributor, A. A., Contributor, B. B., Contributor, C. C., & Contributor, D. O. (Year, Month). Title of
contribution. In F. E. Chairperson (Chair), Title of symposium. Symposium conducted at the meeting
of Organization Name, Location.

Proceedings published in book form

Katz, I., Gabayan, K., & Aghajan, H. (2007). A multi-touch surface using multiple cameras. In J. Blanc-
Talon, W. Philips, D. Popescu, & P. Scheunders (Eds.), Lecture notes in computer science: Vol. 4678.
Advanced concepts for /nte//igent vision systems (pp. 97–108). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
doi:10.1 007/978-3-5407460729
Citations for websites
Author’s Last name, F. M. (Year, Day Month published). Title of article or page. Retrieved from URL

Simmons, B. (2015, 9 January). The tale of two Flaccos. Retrieved from http://grantland.com/the-

Citing references in text

Type of citation First citation in Subsequent Parenthetical Parenthetical
text citation in text format, in first format,
citation Subsequent
citation in text
One work by one Walker (2007) Walker (2007) (Walker, 2007) (Walker, 2007)
One work by two Walker and Allen Walker and Allen (Walker & Allen, (Walker & Allen,
authors (2004) (2004) 2004) 2004)
One work by Bradley, Ramirez, Bradley et al. (Bradley, (Bradley et al.,
three authors and Soo (1999) (1999) Ramirez, & Soo, 1999)
One work by four Bradley, Ramirez, Bradley et al. (Bradley, (Bradley et al.,
authors Soo, and Walsh (2006) Ramirez, Soo, & 2006)
(2006) Walsh, 2006)
One work by five Walker, Alien, Walker et al. (Walker, Allen, (Walker et al.,
authors Bradley, Ramirez, (2008) Bradley, Ramirez, 2008)
and Soo (2008) & Soo, 2008)
One work by six Wasserstein et Wasserstein et (Wasserstein et (Wasserstein et
authors or more al. (2005) al. (2005) al., 2005) al., 2005)

References – additional points

No full point after web addresses or DOI numbers

All citations to be linked including a/b, exception is ‘XXX <no link>quoted in XXX’

Citation lists to be in chronological order

Authors with same last name do not need separate initials in the text if the distinction is clear from
the dates in the reference list

Page numbers must be present for articles in books

Location: city and state or, if outside of the United States, city and country

No ibid. etc.

Under review; forthcoming – no other terms permitted

Full reference every time, no short forms for contributed books

Ed. = editor

ed. = edition

et al.

p.c. = private communication

(SI) = special issue

Vol. = volume


Limited use of ‘above’ or ‘below’ to when immediately above or below as this is increasingly
unhelpful to online readers using various devices.

Editorial Board section of cover revised for final issue of every year.

Appendices can be included if agreed by CUP.

The formal style guide, as sent to contributors to the journal, is available online and was last
updated 5 September 2014. See http://assets.cambridge.org/LTA/LTA_ifc.pdf

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