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Affiliated to CBSE upto +2 Level and ISO 9001-2008 Certified Institution


SUBJECT : - I.P. (065) Time: 03:00 Hrs.
CLASS : - XI M. Max: 70
a. All questions are compulsory
b. This question paper contains 7 questions.
c. Programming language – Python
Q.1 (a) What is the role of CPU in mobile system? 1
(b) Write full form of OMR and MICR in context of Input Device. 1
(c) Expand the terms 'TB' and 'GB' in reference of memory unit? 1
(d) Briefly explain sub-components of CPU which help in carrying out the 2
processing of task.
(e) What is the difference between compiler and interpreter? (any two) 2
(f) Convert the following in binary format : a) 205 b) 1032 c) 67 3
Q.2 (a) Who developed python programming language? 1
(b) Write any two name of IDE for python language. 1
(c) Identify the valid identifiers from following- 2
f@name , as , _tax , roll_no , 12class , totalmarks , addr1
(d) Explain various merits and demerits of python programming language. 2

(e) What do you mean by data types? What are Python's built- in data types? 2
Write one example for each.
(f) Convert the following binary number into decimal number 2
i) 1001010 ii) 10011001010
Q.3 (a) What is the difference between equality (==) and = operator? 2
(b) Reema is confused between 3*2 and 3**2. Help her to know the 2
difference between the two expressions.
(c) What is the difference between implicit and explicit type conversion? 2
(d) What will be the output produced by the following code- 3
A, B, C, D=9.2, 2.0, 4, 21
(e) Write following arithmetic expressions using operators in Python: 4
(i) c= (ii) x = a3 + b3+ c3
2 −𝑏±√𝑏 2 −4𝑎𝑐
(iii) A = π r(r+h) (iv) x =
(f) Write a program to get input from user and calculate EMI as per given 3
formula: E=PR(1+R)n / ((1+R)n -1)
E=EMI, P=Principal amount, R=Rate of interest, n=tenure of loan in
Q.4 (a) Identify following from given devices:- 3
i. Input Devices, ii. Output Devices & iii. Memory Devices:-
VDU, RAM, Scanner, MICR, COM, Cache, Speaker, TFT, Pen Drive,
Register, Laser Printer, ROM, Touch Screen, Digital Camera.
(b) Predict the output of the following code fragment- 2
if x>3:
if x>4:
print(“A”, end=’ ‘)
print(“B”, end=’ ‘)
elif x<2:
if (x!=0):
print(“C”, end=’ ‘)

(c) A year is leap year if it divisible by 4, except that years divisible by 3

100 are not leap years unless they are also divisible by 400. Write
a program that ask the user for a year and printout whether it is a leap
year or not.
(d) ABC shop deals with footwear and apparels. Write a program to calculate 3
total selling price after levying the GST. Do calculate central Govt. GST
and state govt. GST. GST rates are as under-
Item GST Rate
Footwear <= 500 (per pair) 5%
Footwear > 500 (per pair) 18%
Apparels <= 1000 (per piece) 5%
Apparels > 1000 (per piece) 12%

Q.5 (a) Name two software used by you and why? 1

(b) Write elements of while loop / any loop in python? 2
(c) What is output of following statements: 2
A =10
B =15
print C
(d) Draw flowchart for displaying a number is odd or even. 1
(e) Write a python Script to print table of 15 using any loop. 2
(f) Write a program to input age of a person and print message 2
“Eligible to Vote” if age is more than 18 otherwise print message
“not eligible to Vote”.
Q.6 (a) What are list? How you can access the element of the list them? 2
(b) What will the following code result in- 2
(c) Write a python script to search an element in a given list of numbers. 2
(d) Explain following List methods with examples 3
(i) append ( ) (ii) pop ( ) (iii) sort ()
Q.7 (a) How many times following loop will execute? 1
for i in range(10,50,5):
print i
(b) Rewrite the code using while loop . 1
for i in range(10,26,2):
print i
(c) What are identifiers in python. Write the Rule for being valid identifiers ? 2

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