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A dissertation submitted in fulfilment of the requirement for

the degree of Master in Islamic Revealed Knowledge and
Heritage (Uṣūl al-Dīn and Comparative Religion)

Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and

Human Sciences
International Islamic University Malaysia


Religion in the current Western worldview is misplaced. Through Murad Wilfried

Hofmann’s understanding of the complex nature of this misplacement, religion can be
understood and brought back to be visible and contributive. Muslims understand the
Western worldview as something which puts religion in an invisible space. The
Westerners, however, are longing for an alternative in filling the empty life which is
devoid of deep meaning. On the other hand, they see the Islamic concept of religion as
a threat to their unending freedom and unrestrictive lifestyles. Therefore, by the way of
preconceived mental pictures due to misrepresentation of Islam, they conclude that
without religious visibility, lives are much easier. Both camps have a narrow
understanding of the other which goes back to their lack of knowledge and
understanding of their own worldview in the first place. It is the goal of this study to
bring understanding of religion in the Western worldview by way of analysing the
views of reverted German Muslim thinker and intellectual, Murad Wilfried Hofmann.
He seems to be able to clarify in a natural way the current mediocre level of mutual
understanding and puts forth a farsighted vision which is momentarily lacking on both
sides. The methods of this study are qualitative and content analysis. The whole work
of Murad Wilfried Hofmann with his views, thoughts, arguments and understanding
are used to illustrate the need for a deep inner discernment of what one’s worldview is
really leading further to understanding the other which encourages us to engage more
actively through greater honesty with followers of other worldviews. This thesis has
taken serious account of the reverted mind and heart of Murad Wilfried Hofmann.
Thus, this study aims to project positively and enthusiastically an outlook at the world
and, thus, make it better. Moreover, the view and understanding of religion in the
Western worldview are analysed by taking into account new but negative complexities
which religion is grappling with in the 21st century. Murad Wilfried Hofmann certainly
contributed his part.

‫ملخص البحث‬

‫الدين يف النظرة الغربية للوجود له مكانة غري الئقة حاليا‪ .‬لذا فإن هذه الدراسة هتدف إىل إعادة املكانة املناسبة‬
‫واملستحقة للدين وذلك من خالل فهم آراء موراد ولفريد هوفمان للرؤية الغربية لطبيعة الدين الغري عادية بل املعقدة‬
‫واملقيدة حلوائج اإلنسان املهينة لكرامته واليت من أجلها خلقه اهلل سبحانه وتعاىل‪ ،‬ومن خالل األخذ بآراء املفكر‬
‫اإلسالمي موراد ولفريد هوفمانوحتليلها ميكننا اسرتجاع املكانة احلامسة للدين مرة أخرى‪ ،‬واملشاركة مبظاهرها املختلفة‪،‬‬
‫وإعطاء مثارها للناس أمجع لالستفادة منها‪ .‬يفهم املسلم النظرة الغربية احلالية للوجود بأهنا تدفع الدين عن احلياة اليومية‬
‫حيث يطبق الغرب شرائع دينهم يف أماكن منغلقة‪ ،‬واملخصصة لألشياء الشخصية اليت ليست هلا عالقة باحلياة‬
‫االجتماعية‪ .‬لذا فإن الغرب مييل إىل طلب البديل حىت تكون حياهتم ذات هدف أكرم وأعلى بدال من اإلشباع احملض‬
‫للحاجات اإلنسانية الطبيعية‪ ،‬من جانب آخر هلم احلرية املطلقة يف كل شيء لذا فإهنم يرون أن الدين اإلسالمي يف‬
‫احلقيقة عدو خطري تقيد حرياهتم وتفكك حياهتم اخليالية يف كثري من أحوال الراحة النفسية‪ ،‬مضيفا كذلك أن هلم‬
‫تصورات ومفاهيم لإلسالم اليت ال تطابق الواقع وذلك نتيجة عرض اإلسالم بطريقة غري عادلة ودافعة إىل كرهه‪ .‬لذا‬
‫فإهنم يفضلون احلياة بدونأي دين واإلسالم خاصة ألن املسلم أشد متسكا بدينه منهم‪ .‬هذان الفريقان – املسلم‬
‫والغرب – عموما‪ ،‬يسيء فهمهم لآلخر وذلك لضعف فهم املبادئ قبل كل شيء‪ ،‬لذا فإن من أهداف هذه الدراسة‬
‫توضيح املباديء آخذا بأفكار موراد ولفريدهوفمان وآرائه من أجل فهم هذين الفريقني‪ .‬يتبني لنا مدى قدرة هذا املفكر‬
‫يف توضيح وبيان مستوى الفهم السطحي واالبتدائي للطرفني مما ينتج من ذلك رؤية مستقبلية اليت ال ميكننا االستغناء‬
‫عنها يف الوقت الراهن‪ .‬يتبع هذه الدراسة املنهج التحليلي وهو حبث نوعي‪ ،‬وحتليل حمتوى‪ ،‬جبانب استخدام مؤلفات‬
‫موراد ولفريد هوفمان كمصدر أويل يف إجياد احللول لتحديات عصرنا احلاضر وهذا ما يهمنا‪ .‬وعلى أساس املنهج السابق‬
‫لب النظرة اإلسالمية وبني نظرة الغرب للدين‪ ،‬وهذا ما التمسناه من‬
‫ميكننا رسم ما يسمى بالتمييز الداخلي بني ما هو ّ‬
‫مرجعيات موراد ولفريد هوفمان‪ .‬وهذا يعلمنا أن مثل هؤالء األشخاص الذين اهتدوا هبداية اهلل عز وجل‪ ،‬مث اعتنقوا‬
‫اإلسالم وقد تفاءلت قلوهبم بنور اإلسالم‪ ،‬وتفتحت عقوهلم ليس لنا إال نأخذ باالعتبار عصارة أفكارهم‪ .‬فرغم هذا‬
‫النصيب من العلم الناتج من حتليل النظرة الغربية جتاه الدين آلراء موراد ولفريد هوفان‪ ،‬يبقى للباحثني اآلخرين دراسة‬
‫هذه القضية بناء على التطورات احلديثة اليت تتحدى مكانة الدين يف النظرة الغربية للوجود ودورها‪.‬‬


I certify that I have supervised and read this study and that in my opinion it conforms
to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and
quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Master of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and
Heritage (Uṣūl al-Dīn and Comparative Religion).

Muhammad Mumtaz Ali

I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable
standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a
dissertation for the degree of Master of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Heritage
(Uṣūl al-Dīn and Comparative Religion).

Fatmir Shehu

This dissertation was submitted to the Department of Uṣūl al-Dīn & Comparative
Religion and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of
Islamic Revealed knowledge and Heritage (Uṣūl al-Dīn and Comparative Religion).

Noor Amali Mohd. Daud
Head, Department of Uṣūl al-
Dīn and Comparative Religion

This dissertation was submitted to the Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and
Human Sciences and is accepted as a fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of
Master of Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Heritage (Uṣūl al-Dīn and Comparative

Ibrahim Mohamed Zein
Dean, Kulliyyah of Islamic
Revealed Knowledge and
Human Sciences


I hereby declare that this dissertation is the result of my own investigations, except

where otherwise stated. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently

submitted as a whole for any other degrees at IIUM or other institutions.

Semir Omercic

Signature .............................. Date............................






I declare that the copyright holder of this dissertation is

Semir Omercic.

Copyright © 2016 Semir Omercic. All rights reserved.

No part of this unpublished research may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,

or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
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By signing this form, I acknowledged that I have read and understand the IIUM
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Affirmed by Semir Omercic

………………………………… ……………………….
Signature Date

To my parents who were always patient with me


All thanks belongs to Allah the Almighty, the most Merciful and Compassionate,
whose Benevolence and Mercy helped me to accomplish this thesis. I send the high
regards and sincere salutation upon His Messenger, his family, the companions and the

My duty and great pleasure is to express my gratitude to my supervisor Prof.

Dr. Muhamed Mumtaz Ali who was supportive all the time and morally encouraging
me when faced with difficulties. Thank you for your time of listening and taking
serious all doubts that I had during the whole process. Special thanks for always
finding the time to make the dissertation more valuable. Thank you on your life
advices and positive energy that you showed every time.

I want to express my gratitude to the Compassionate for blessing me with my

great parents. All my appreciation goes to my family. I want to thank my parents,
Muhamed and Fatima, for giving me this chance to study here, seek knowledge in
looking for more answers and complete this dissertation. I am thankful for their
parental patience and support that I was shown and given despite moments of
discouragement and taking for granted this opportunity. May Allah Almighty
compensate you for your unending sacrifices and hard work with the intention to make
all easier for me. I want to whole heartedly thank and express my respect to my brother
Jasmin for being the greatest victim of my stubbornness in moments of holding my
course, with no regards, in completing this dissertation. I thank you for all your help,
comments, ideas, favours and everything that you have done for me and for showing
patience with me until the last day. Those who provided their time, effort and support
for this project in any way, I appreciate your help very much. In this sense I want to
thank Muhammad Junaid for helping me in formatting of this thesis. To the members
of my dissertation committee, administrative staff, thank you for sticking with me.

Finally, special thanks go to Nermina Ademović. The Merciful knows how

much her presence through all the process helped me in overcomming the greatest
obstacles to bring all this to an end. May Almighty Allah grant you the best in your
and the life of your family! I will never forget your patience as well!
Once again, we glorify Allah for His endless Mercy for all the beautiful people
who are enabling us to become better in all areas of life.


Abstract ........................................................................................................................... ii
Abstract in Arabic ..........................................................................................................iii
Approval Page ................................................................................................................ iv
Declaration ...................................................................................................................... v
Copyright Page............................................................................................................... vi
Dedication .....................................................................................................................vii
Transliteration Table ...................................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................... 1

Statement of the Problem .................................................................................... 3
Research Questions ............................................................................................. 4
Objectives of the Study ....................................................................................... 5
Significance and Contributions of the Study ...................................................... 5
Research Methodology ....................................................................................... 6
Scope of the Study .............................................................................................. 6
Literature Review................................................................................................ 7
Research Justification ....................................................................................... 13


THE ISLAMIC WORLDVIEW ................................................................................ 14
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 14
Biography .......................................................................................................... 14
Murad Wilfried Hofmann’s Understanding of the Islamic Worldview ............ 23
Human factor .................................................................................................... 25
Cultural and linguistic aspects .......................................................................... 26
TawÍÊd .............................................................................................................. 27
Al-‘Ókhirah ....................................................................................................... 28
Vicegerency ...................................................................................................... 28
Rationality ......................................................................................................... 29
Beauty ............................................................................................................... 30
JihÉd .................................................................................................................. 32
Universalism and Comprehensivnes ................................................................. 34
Spirituality......................................................................................................... 36
Diversity ............................................................................................................ 38
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 40


OF WESTERN WORLDVIEW ................................................................................ 41
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 41
Murad Wilfried Hofmann’s Understanding of the Western Worldview .......... 41
Materialism ....................................................................................................... 43
Lack of Spirituality ........................................................................................... 45
Undending Freedom.......................................................................................... 48

This-Worldliness ............................................................................................... 52
ME-Society ....................................................................................................... 55
Over-reliance On Reason .................................................................................. 58
Quantifiation and Double-Standard .................................................................. 60
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 64


WESTERN WORLDVIEW OF RELIGION ........................................................... 65
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 65
Murad Wilfried Hofmann’s views on the Western concept of religion ............ 66
Theological Aspect ........................................................................................... 67
Historical Aspect ............................................................................................... 71
Social Aspect .................................................................................................... 79
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 85
Murad Wilfried Hofmann’s views on the Islamic concept of religion ............. 86
Conclusion ........................................................................................................ 92


WEST THROUGH RELIGION ................................................................................ 94
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 94
Murad Wilfried Hofmann’s view on the future role of religion in the Western
and Islamic worldview relationship .................................................................. 96
Road to a healthy relationship between the Western and Islamic worldviews…..
........................................................................................................................ .115
Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 127

CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 128

BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................... 138





Over the last few centuries, Muslims have struggled with various challenges.

Renaissance, positivism, deism, atheism, colonialism, materialism and modernity have

forced them to wrestle in hopes for a suitable outlook of the modern world. This

demanded from them to learn and to be able to cope with differences of all kinds. The

West has left its imprints on the contemporary Muslim mind but despite the impact,

many Muslims today hold on tightly to what Murad Wilfried Hofmann carefully refers

to as the “motto ‘selective approach’”1. Therefore, the situation of the Muslims and

their understanding of the Western worldview on religion are centralized. Western

ideas and perceptions are being delivered to the Muslim mind which to a certain

extent can sometimes be very worrying. This is exactly why Murad Wilfried Hofmann

stresses the importance of social intercommunication. He also emphasizes the

importance of governing family life, raising up children and making the house a safe

zone. It should not stop at dogmatic discussions within the family.

More importantly, how else can we avoid the negative impacts if not through

having intra-family discussions and exchanging views about religious and non-

religious issues? This openness with certainty in one's worldview is the key to

successful reaching of the faithful understanding of the Western worldview on

religion. The discussions are dogmatic as a reaction to the simplistic adoption of the

Western worldview. It is impossible to forbid being exposed to the public life in the

West while looking to understand it. The way how Western worldview is being
Murad Wilfried Hofmann, Religion on the Rise, Islam in the Third Millennium (Beltsville: Amana
Publications, 2001), 21.


presented must be contested. Muslims have been for so long in a confusing state of

mind. They want to know the Western worldview deeply which has the precondition

of knowing the rudiments of their own Islamic worldview. On one hand they also

need to develop the ability of making sharp discernment in order to be able to track

and put aside all the strange elements. On the other hand, the close relationship

between the Islamic and Western worldviews is not appreciated by many ordinary and

even, in various religious fields, specialized men and women. Many studies have been

done on religion from the Western worldview. However, the possible positive inter-

relation between Western and Islamic worldviews in the future has not been stressed

out enough, which is what Murad Wilfried Hofmann is calling to.

Contemporary Muslims are in a crisis of vision in their daily, sometimes tough

and sometimes quite comfortable, living realities. This crisis is based on the confusing

state of their inner self in today’s modern world. This state of unawareness goes back

to the reduced awareness of the self. Many of them either prefer, embrace and hold

tight to, or criticize, refuse and feel repulsive of the Western worldview on religion.

The latter is the case of so many Muslims who might understand the concept of

religion in the Western worldview in various ways. The people grow in confusion

without having an understanding of religion through their own Islamic worldview.

Knowing to utilize religion holistically is a must. Shaping a proper basic

understanding of the Western worldview head on is also a must. Then, in the words of

Murad Wilfried Hofmann, the goal after integration, not assimilation, into the West

and its worldview on religion, is contribution. It is based on a basic knowledge of

both, balancing and successfully dismantling the vision inside their mind and heart


from the Western value of “me-society”2 and holding strong to the Islamic worldview

of “we-society”. There seems to be a genuine need to know the difference between the

Western and Islamic worldviews. People need to know the nature of the future

alternative of the mutual relationship of the two worldviews through leaning primarily

Murad Wilfried Hofmann’s vision. He envisages a better understanding of the

Western and Islamic worldviews about religion but “mutual understanding

presupposes that both sides accept each other as each side sees itself3.” It will be

worthwhile to examine the vision of future enthusiasm directed at the mutual

understanding of these two worldviews by analyzing the many works of Murad

Wilfried Hofmann.


The question of how man looks at the world has always been the central and common

interest of all people. Muslims and people in the West are facing the deep effects of

religion's place in the Western worldview. It is of grave necessity that they find

interest in understanding the immense impact of this worldview. It takes part in

forming a person’s life and personality. Being a child of the West, Murad Wilfried

Hofmann’s insightful knowledge and realistic understanding of both worlds is a tool,

which people can use to dismantle their confused state of mind. Investigating the

understanding of Western worldview about religion and the possible repercussions of

blindly accepting what today’s world offers is his task of high priority. The problem

this study plans to investigate is to look at the Western worldview by taking the sharp

insights of Murad Wilfried Hofmann and explaining the standpoint of the Western

worldview toward religion of the two identities and seemingly opposed communities.

Ibid., 99.
Murad Wilfried Hofmann, Islam The Alternative (Beltsville: Amana Publications, 1997), 27.


How the Western worldview becomes part of the contemporary Muslim as an active

supporting tool in his/her process of defining their way of life, in pursuing their goals,

in raising and educating their children, building relationships and dealing with every

day issues, is also an important question posed in this study. Murad Wilfried

Hofmann's vision of the current situation is used to project an understanding of the

concept. It is done through showing how the Western worldview looks at religion and

dismantles false impressions.

In the views of Murad Wilfried Hofmann, learning and speaking the language

is the door to authentically know religion’s place in the Western worldview. A big

eye-opener, however, in the sense of utter confusion and astonishment are the media

in the Western world, which belie the very Western concept of religion. The need to

hold on to the truthful source of spirituality in the West shows the existing need for

meaning. It is the need for God. Differences need to be examined between the two

worldviews taking the mutually exchanging contributions between IslÉm and the

West. Helping others is the ability to deeply reach into oneself first i.e. to climb



This thesis attempts to deal with the following questions:

1. Who is Murad Wilfried Hofmann?

2. What is the understanding of Murad Wilfried Hofmann on the Western and

Islamic worldviews?

3. What are Murad Wilfried Hofmann’s views on the understanding of the

Western worldview on religion?

Karen Armstrong, A History of God (New York: Ballantine Books, 1993), 102.


4. What are the suggestions according to Murad Wilfried Hofmann for a better

understanding between the adherents of the two worldviews through religion?


This study has the following objectives:

1. To present a biographical picture of Murad Wilfried Hofmann.

2. To examine the views of Murad Wilfried Hofmann on the Western and Islamic


3. To explain the understanding of Murad Wilfried Hofmann on the Western

worldview on religion.

4. To explore the possibility of better understanding between the followers of

the Western and Islamic worldviews, as suggested by Murad Wilfried Hofmann.


The study of the Western understanding of religion and its teachings is significant as

such study gives suggestions from a specific angle which in this case, the views and

perceptions of Murad Wilfried Hofmann. His views have a far-reaching message as he

is the most known and prominent Muslim in Germany, being one of the most

respected intellectuals in Europe and having an original understanding and natural

insights into the Western mind. His ideas on religion have not been fully examined,

yet they can contribute in forming a faithful understanding, not average or

approximate, of the prevailing and still dominating Western worldview. The study of

the definition and various mutual connections between the Western and Islamic

worldviews is needed badly. It is evident that a faithful and realistic understanding of

the views on religion of the modern West can be achieved only through taking into

account the converted minds and hearts of people like the widely respected Murad


Wilfried Hofmann. This study's contributions mirror itself in correcting the erroneous

misunderstandings and misconceptions of the Western worldview about religion as the

only prevailing vision of the so called, even by many Muslims, higher standard of

living. This single vision is visible also amongst contemporary Muslims who presume,

wrongly and out of ignorance that it is the only way momentarily in reaching even the

universal objective truths of their own and all other religions. Reaching out to people

and the contemporary Muslim mind through this study on the views and farsighted

vision of Murad Wilfried Hofmann about the Western worldview on religion is very

significant. Putting it in its proper way of viewing things with an inner deep

discernment of what really the Islamic view of religion is, is the highest form of how

we can contribute through this study.


This study is based on qualitative, content and comparative analysis method. The

primary sources of this study are the works of Murad Wilfried Hofmann. Other

secondary sources and readings accompanied by our input and assessment, where

appropriate and needed, will be used to support the analyzed views, thoughts and

arguments made by Murad Wilfried Hofmann. It will be done in the light of the

Western worldview's stand towards religion and its relation to the Islamic worldview

to assist in explaining it according to our beliefs, approaches and ambitions.


This study is concerned with the state of mind and heart of people in general and

contemporary Muslims’ in particular. Thereby, the direct works of Murad Wilfried

Hofmann serve the purpose here, respectively. Muslims own understanding and

definition of today’s complex and multifaceted concept of the Western worldview and


how it deals with religion are clearly flawed. The latter sometimes borders on

confusing madness in the contemporary world. It is a madness which causes men and

women alike to take the wrong turn in searching for a faithful understanding of where

the Western worldview stands when it comes to religion. It is therefore impossible not

to go into the Muslims' own traditional Islamic worldview. By laying it out to them

and assisting and supporting their genuine need for understanding, a healthier mutual

relationship between IslÉm and the West is hoped for. The works of Murad Wilfried

Hofmann are, therefore, indeed truthful and realistic sources in answering the study's

questions and reaching the objectives.


Besides reviews of Murad Wilfried Hofmann’s books, interviews conducted with him,

news and articles about his story on IslÉm, there has been, however, no major

academic work or study done based on his writings and thoughts. The following are

some of the literature connected to this thesis.

Deborah Burton, The Western Worldview and its Effects on the Church,

Problems and Solutions5. This is a paper written about the problems of the Western

worldview regarding the Church itself. It does not serve the academic requirements

hence does not qualify as a purely academic study. It focuses on Western worldview

generally and offers some solutions in overcoming the different obstacles. These

ambiguous obstacles in the Western countries were caused by today’s ambivalent and

shattered Western worldview. It does not give clear answers on the Western

worldview's understanding of religion and its role in the contemporary world. The

Deborah Burton, “The Western Worldview and its Effects on the Church, Problems and Solutions,”
Paradise Net, <www://homepages.paradise.net.nz/debbee/Godtalk/WWV/wwv.html> (accessed 1 May,


proposed study here offers a contribution by highlighting the infiltrating viruses in

shaping a proper humanistic view about religion as the axis of reality.

Colin W. Mitchell. The Development of the Present Western Worldview6. As

the title of the book indicates, the Western worldview is presented here as the

consequence of many close-effecting factors. These factors are analyzed in this

chapter beginning with Christianity, the Evolution Theory, geological precursors, the

uncertainty of the Origin of Charles Darwin and ending with the impact of Gregor

Mendel on the Evolution Theory. The Western worldview is described by the author

as holding a continuously failing but persistent direction towards a unitary philosophy

between Greek science and Hebrew religion. By taking many factors to study the

understanding of the Western worldview on religion, it preoccupies the readers' mind.

Contrary to the latter, the focus of our study are Murad Wilfried Hofmann's

reflections in the continuous battle in understanding the unstable and shifting position

of religion in the Western worldview.

Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, Islam and the Challenge of Modernity7. In

the first chapter of Islam and the Challenge of Modernity, Syed Muhammad Naquib

al-Attas presents us with an outline of the Islamic worldview. A number of

fundamental aspects are examined and placed clearly within the structure of the

Islamic worldview. This study is concerned with Murad Wilfried Hofmann's vision of

where religion is positioned in the Western worldview. The Islamic worldview is

clarified as a necessity as well.

Colin W. Mitchell, “The Development of the Present Western Worldview,” Earth History Research
Center <http://origins.swau.edu/bible/development.html> (accessed May 1, 2015).
Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, Islam and the Challenge of Modernity (Kuala Lumpur: ISTAC,


Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, The Concept of Education in Islam8. The

way in which language is utilized in this book as a projector of the Islamic worldview

is of grave significance. Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas comments on the purpose

of language in the Muslim mind as an established principle in attaining an Islamic

worldview. He builds up an unavoidable connection between language and worldview

as means of understanding. The present study investigates the problem of

understanding religion in the Western worldview. However, utilizing language is

important as a transmitter of understanding the meaning of the Western and Islamic

worldviews. It was mentioned in the Statement of the Problem that language is held

by Murad Wilfried Hofmann as the opener, which is discussed in this study.

B.J. Van der Walt, Culture, Worldview and Religion. Towards a Biblical-

Reformational Perspective on Development9. This paper discusses the Western

worldview and the place of religion and culture in relation to it. It was written for the

purpose of reforming the worldview of African Christianity. The Africans were taught

by Western missionaries a broken or dualistic worldview. The author states that

Western worldview is the view of the world and religion the view of an Ultimate

power. With this distinction, he underlines the separate nature of these two concepts

as models and means in developing our awareness of the importance of having a more

comprehensive worldview. However, due to our knowing of God in this world, the

author does not set them apart and necessitates that worldview and religion are

undividable. However, this paper is occupied geographically with the African

continent. Our proposed study is concerned with analyzing a prominent Muslim

Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. The Concept of Education in Islam: A Framework for an Islamic
Philosophy of Education (Kuala Lumpur: ISTAC, 1999).
B.J. Van der Walt, “Culture, Worldview and Religion. Towards a Biblical-Reformational Perspective
on Development,” Free Webs <www.freewebs.com/vanderwalt/bjvdwculture.pdf> (accessed May 1,


intellectual who was guided by God's light. The views of Murad Wilfried Hofmann

encompass the whole Western worldview as a current blurry concept throughout the

Western countries. The study's contribution is, thus, a developmental attitude which is

trying to be inculcated into the human souls.

Seyyed ×ossein Nasr, Islam and the Plight of Modern Man10. In a section of

Seyyed Hossein Nasr's book, the Western worldview has been presented as the would-

be path to be followed by everybody. It has widely written explanations of the

elements and obstacles in understanding one another. It focuses on a wide range of

building factors which is the characteristic of today's Western worldview. However,

the proposed study here is different as far as the main focus is concerned which is

namely religion. In addition, this contribution grows in significance when analyzing

and cooperating with the views and understandings that Murad Wilfried Hofmann has

about the Western worldview on religion.

Mohd Kamal Hassan, Voice of Islamic Moderation from the Malay World11.

There are three main parts of Mohd Kamal Hassan's book which explain the

ambiguities in understanding the Western and Islamic worldviews alike. The author

emphasizes the common ground between religions, cultures, the need to change the

Muslim mindset (towards the Western worldview) and the understanding of

moderation in the Islamic worldview. On the one hand, in the bibliography, the

writings of YËsuf al-QaraÌÉwÊ prevail besides other eminent Muslim thinkers. On the

other hand, the main source of this proposed study in understanding the Western

worldview on religion are the works of Murad Wilfired Hofmann accompanied by

Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Islam and the Plight of Modern Man. Reflections on Islam and the West:
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (London: Longman, 2000), 267-284.
Mohd Kamal Hassan, Voice of Islamic Moderation from the Malay World (Malaysia: EMIR, 2011).


other relevant writings. By leaning upon the mind-opening reflections of a guided

Western heart, Murad Wilfried Hofmann clarifies the road towards understanding.

Syed Muhammad Naquib al-ÑAttÉs, Islam and Secularism12. In his book, Syed

Muhammad Naquib al-ÑAttÉs deeply covers the concepts of the Western and Islamic

worldviews. He explores uniquely all the sources of the divergent understanding of

the Western worldview and ambiguous unfamiliarity with the Islamic worldview. The

current diseases are diagnosed in a mind-clearing fashion. The proposed study

contributes as an original way for clearing the mind's inability to comprehend the

forming elements of the contemporary Western worldview. However, Murad Wilfried

Hofmann's views can teach Muslims as well as non-Muslims what the core processes

are which make the Western worldview so unclear.

Anis Mahomed Karodia, Islam and the West: Thoughts from the Lens and

Work of Murad Wilfried Hofmann13. The author highlights a few quotes from some of

Murad Wilfried Hofmann’s books which means that it does not qualify as an

academic article which further means that this is not an article based upon the entire

work of Murad Wilfried Hofmann. The aim of this review is to widen the ongoing

discourse between the West and IslÉm. As for the method, the thoughts of Murad

Wilfried Hofmann are used together with the author’s own thoughts about a vast range

of predominantly political issues. On one side is the Western military supreme

geopolitical strategies of the past and today and Western colonization of the mind and

war crimes. Included here is the hypocrisy in defending human rights and building up

misconceptions about IslÉm. On the other is IslÉm as the only alternative offering

Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas, Islam and Secularism (Kuala Lumpur: IBFM, 2014).
Anis Mahomed Karodia, “Islam and the West: Thoughts from the lens and work of Murad Wilfried
Hofmann,” Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review,
<www.arabianjbmr.com/pdfs/NG_VOL_2_5/5.pdf> (accessed February 25, 2015).


solutions for a spiritual comeback by rediscovering the meaning in the West through

its cooperation. This overall and very general situation pictures the still ongoing

confrontational relationship between the West and IslÉm.

The contribution of this review highlights and stresses merely the external

factors, which have to be changed with light reflections on some of the thoughts of

Murad Wilfried Hofmann. As for the investigation in the study proposed here, the

focus is predominantly on the internal problems as the starting point for action by

taking the original insightful suggestions and thought-provoking opinions of Murad

Wilfried Hofmann based on his entire work. This study is concerned with people

themselves, the state of their mind and heart, and their irrational, in some ways,

understanding and living realities which findings will contribute to projecting a way

for understanding the Western worldview through having a clear cut definition of the

Islamic worldview itself.

In this summary of the review of literature, a wide range of approaching the

understanding of the Western and Islamic worldviews is provided. It varies from very

specific to the general dealing with the Western and Islamic worldviews. What is

lacking, however, is an original direction pointed out to the readers in attaining a

pragmatic solution. This pragmatic solution is to resolve the undeniable

misunderstandings of religion in the Islamic and Western worldviews. As a problem

solver, Murad Wilfried Hofmann has an inimitable style of approaching writing. He

presents practical examples of conflicting values with the proof that religion can

indeed be lived as a way of life. Murad Wilfried Hofmann does not put constraints to

religion as merely a form of organized belief.

This study’s contribution comes from a specific angle, which is the

understanding of a Westerner who authentically and intimately knows how the


Western worldview infuses into the human consciousness a sense of spiritual or

religious carelessness about the future. In addition to the lack of authentic and

pragmatic measures of solving real life issues, the reviewed literature is confined, in

one way or another, to issues other than understanding the place of religion of the two

worldviews. This study tackles the position of religion and proposes a direct way

toward its encompassing understanding in the light of the Western and Islamic

worldviews. The researcher did his best to find other similar works worth mentioning

in English and German languages. This is a new and original contribution in raising

contemporary Muslim consciousness and their understanding of the Western, as well

as their own Islamic worldviews.


This topic was chosen due to the lack of studies on contemporary Muslims' and non-

Muslims' inability in understanding the Western worldview about religion. The

Muslims' inability has manifold connections to the possible wrongly chosen direction

in administering life based on their misunderstanding of their own Islamic worldview.

Murad Wilfried Hofmann’s concise messages in this study are going to be projected

within today’s context of the lost certainty for a contemporary audience, whose mind

and soul is in desperate need for continuous re-examination and clarity.


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