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Natural Order.

Summary Chapter1

In this world a natural order is all about the mathematical patterns and
theories in the universe. This pattern consist of two simplest kind which is: the
simplest pattern is for the numerical. Numerical patterns are geometric ones
that called nature numbers and shapes. Mathematical shape can only produce
to numbers: and other simplest patterns recognized and develop mathematical
theories that is easiest and consequently the most consequent method for
findings pattern.

What Mathematics is For.

Summary Chapter2

As indicated in this chapter, from the universal idea that nature is a full
pattern that is also known as “Mathematics” is for understanding by seeking
generalities for helping us to solve puzzle or problem. Without mathematics we
would never have convince ourselves that matter really made from atoms. We
can used mathematics to relate resulting geometry to all different variables such
as growth rate, eccentricity, mutation, acceleration and other that are involved.

What Mathematics is About

Summary chapter3

When we heard the word “Mathematics” the first thing that comes from
my mind is that it is more in numbers which not easy in short it is hard to think
for a some reason but according to this book it is a part of early pre-history that
can be summed up as a discovery by various civilizations of a wider and wider
range of things that deserved to be called NUMBERS. Numbers is also known
as mathematical symbol for a set of things. Mathematics is all about the study
of relationship of numbers, shapes and quantities. It uses signs, symbols, and
proofs and includes arithmetic, algebra, calculus, geometry, and trigonometry.
These is a part of process on solving different problems or puzzle.
The Constant Change
Summary chapter4

The Constant Change is the essence of newton's law of motion which is

the opposing view is that there is no such thing as objective reality. For all
bodies and for all forces, whether or not forces remain constant: and the
identification of the constant of proportionality as being related to the mass of
the body. Velocity is a rate of change in position. Calculus is a mathematical
scheme invented to handle a question about rate of changes. In particular it
provides a technique for finding rates of change.

From Violins to Videos

Summary chapter5

From violins to videos this is a series of a simple algebraic manipulations

extracted the wave expression from Maxwell's equations which implied the
existence of electromagnetic waves. For waves that visible that are visible for
human eye. It's turn out that correspond to the colors. Strings with different
frequencies different sound. Visible electromagnetic waves with different
frequencies produce different colors. The waves are not a light waves but
something else.

Reflection and Insight

Mathematics is a useful way to think about nature and to make practical

use of what we have learned about our world. Human mind and culture
developed a formal system of thought for recognizing and classifying patterns,
which is giving us to a deeper vision of universe in which we live of our own
place in it. Mathematics help us to all these things and often it is indispensable.
Without the ability to count and subtract change for instance we could not even
solve the problem.

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