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Pop Art was the art of popular culture. It was the visual art movement that characterized a sense of optimism
during the post war consumer boom of the 1950's and 1960's. It coincided with the globalization of pop music
and youth culture, personified by Elvis and the Beatles. Pop Art was brash, young and fun and hostile to the
artistic establishment. It included different styles of painting and sculpture from various countries, but what
they all had in common was an interest in mass-media, mass-production and mass-culture.

Part 1: Read this article and answer the following questions:

1. Name 3 artists mentioned in the article and the subjects they created
2. Why did Lichtenstein choose his subject?
3. What was the ‘terrain’ covered by the pop artists?
4. How long did it take for pop art to gain pre-eminence
5. What was ‘The Store” and who created it?
6. What is appropriation and how is it relevant when discussing Pop art?

Use the websites below to answer questions about the Pop Art movement. Once you have answered all of the
questions below, you will need to read the directions for the Pop Art project below.
1. What 1950s art movement preceded pop art and how does it lead to Pop art?
2. The term Pop-art was coined by Lawrence Alloway in 1955 to describe a new form of “popular” art.
This was a combination of what two forms of imagery?
3. In New York the artists Robert Rauschenberg, Ray Johnson and Jasper Johns were beginning to make
an impact. They opened doors for a type of media in which a painted canvas is combined with various
objects or photographic images. What is this type of media called?
4. Pop artists began to look for inspiration in the world around them, representing—and, at times,
making art directly from—everyday items, ​__________________, and __________________.
5. Artist Roy Lichtenstein is famous for many of his comic book compositions. These works are examples
of the intentional borrowing, copying, and alteration of preexisting images and objects. What is the
artistic term associated with this?
6. Which American pop artist used ‘found images’ - flags, targets, letters and numbers – using the
iconography of familiar signs that appealed to Pop?
7. Which American artist is known for his collage and developing a method of combining oil painting with
photographic silkscreen?
8. Which artist is known for combining dada and pop art to create a signature comic book style of pop
9. List a famous quote by the artist Andy Warhol
10. What was the first art movement to rebel against the idea that the essential feature of traditional fine
art was the work itself? This movement focused on ‘the idea behind the artwork’ thus beginning the
evolution toward conceptual art?
11. Which Pop artist, instead of imitating the flat language of billboards, magazines, television, etc.,
working in two-dimensional mediums, created three-dimensional papier maches, plaster models, and
soft fabric forms, bringing Pop art into the realm of sculpture, a key innovation at the time?

Pop Art Selfie Project: You are going to paint a poster-sized self-portrait in the style of Andy Warhol or Roy
Lichtenstein. You are going to go on webcamtoy.com and take a selfie. You’re going to save it and send it to
me. You are going to come up with some type of pop-art style background that goes across the entire

If you have already done this project, let’s talk.

Assessment Rubric
Student Name: Date Completed:
KEY:10-Excellent, 9-8-Good, 7-Average,
Assignment: Pop art self-portrait 6 or less-Needs Improvement
Write the number in pencil which
best shows how well you feel you
completed the criteria for the Rate Teachers
assignment. Yourself rating
Criteria 1: Artist used technology
to create art
Criteria 2: Painting shows
appropriate color schemes
Criteria 3: Artist style is
Criteria 4: Effort- Artist took time
to develop idea and used
appropriate class time to
complete assignment
Criteria 5: Craftsmanship-
Artwork is neat, clean, and
complete with skillful use of the
art tools and media
Total: (50 pts.) x2 = 100 possible Your total total

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