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Kalisch, B. (2006). Missed Nursing Care A Qualitative Study. J Nurs

Care Qual, 21(4), 306-313.

Uzma Akhtar
B.Sc. Nursing
Year 4, semester 7th
Sir Zubair

Dated: December 25, 2019


The title, Missed Nursing Care is not clear and lack information. Missed Nursing care could mean a
number of things which are not specified. More information should be provided in the title in order to
inform the reader about the article’s content.


The abstract answer the two questions stated in the research question and describe the missed
nursing care. According to Pollit and Beck (2008), abstracts are usually 100-200 words (Pollit and
Beck, 2008, p. 72). Although it is very short but it covers the important points present in the
research article


In introduction the author emphasis that "Missed Nursing Care” have certain adverse
effect.Reseacher stated that literature about the specific omissions has not been completed.
Additionally, research not tell the reason that why these lacking exist. Due to a lack of current
literature on the subject, and the challenges we currently face in providing great nursing care
one can see the value in conducting such a study and the potential benefit to the profession of


The reader is able to quickly identify the research questions in this section. The two questions,
"1) What nursing care is regularly missed on medical-surgical units in acute care 2) What are the
reasons nursing staff give for not completing these particular aspects of care?" are clear and
stated directly. These questions guide us that why nursing care is missed.


In the introduction, literature review I discussed as well.The author states that prior research
studies have shown that decreased staffing leads to missed nursing care Major topics in the
review are related to staffing, nutritional risk/malnutrition, benefits of ambulation, and
problems after discharge.it shows that wide variety of literature is reviewed A gap in research
has been identified in the area of missed nursing care, which shows a need for more research in
this area.


Protection of the participant’s rights: The methods are clearly identified in this section. The
participants, which are LPN’s RN’s and CNA’s in the hospital were asked to speak in front of
their peers about their negligence in practice This make them uncomfortable and withhold
information from the researcher, regardless of her assurance of confidentiality


The research design is discussed in this section. The author uses a, “grounded theory approach
by which empirical data are thematically categorized by induction.” the data was analyze to
times. The focus groups used by the interviewer were the sole means of data collection, no time
was spent in the field observing the subjects. The amount of contact made with the study
participants was limited to only one session. The researcher record the subject's statement by
using tape recorder and the data were analyzed multiple times.


The sample is clearly discussed. It describes the job titles of the participants and the number of
participants from each job title. Additionally, the number of focus groups and the length of the
group meeting are stated The author chose to sample nurse techs, RN’s and LPN’s which is the
good attempt for her study


The data from the focus groups was tape recorded,and then it was converted into written form.
This was the only method of data collection, which may decrease the reliability of the study. It is
not mentioned which questions were asked by the researcher or who was leading the focus
groups.The length of the focus group interviews and the sample size, shows that the data was of
sufficient quantity to provide information and depth to the study.


To increase the validity of the data, it was checked by two different researchers independently
of each other. The data has been carefully handled as to avoid mistakes.


The way data was analyze was discussed in this paragraph . The author says she uses a
grounded theory approach, but there is no explicit reference of her coding or which grounded
theory model was utilized.Bias was successfully reduced. Research tells the reader why the
nurse usually cannot complete his or her nursing care. All the questions of the article are
answered and the reader can really understand the viewpoint of the nurse and the hurdles she

Kalisch, B. (2006). Missed Nursing Care A Qualitative Study. J Nurs Care Qual, 21(4), 306-313.

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