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The figure below (Figure 3.1) shows the configuration of the gearbox to be produced.

Figure 3.1 Basic Gearbox Configuration

Diametral Pitch and Diameter Calculations:

A safety factor of at least 1.2 for wear and bending is to be considered. For an appropriate
gearbox housing, the overall gearbox width, Y may be given as follows:

Y= d2+ (d1/2) + (d4/2) + 2P + Clearances + Wall thickness


Y= Overall Gearbox Width.

P = Diametral Pitch

dx = Diameter of the Gears, where x refers to the Gear Number.

Diametral pitch may be calculated as follows:


So di=Ni/P
Estimating a minimum Diametral Pitch, P when Overall Gear Box Width of 0.56m as well as
clearances of 30 mm and a wall thickness of 10 mm:

N2 N N 2
Y=! +   1 +   4 +   +  clearances + wall thickness
P 2P 2P P
N1 N4
N2 +   2
+ 2
Y − clearances − wall thickness

28 +   16
+ 28
Hence, Diametral Pitch, P = !
0.56 − 0.03 − 0.01

= 100 teeth / m = 0.1 teeth/mm = 2.54 teeth/in

Since Diameter, !d i =  
N1 16
! 1= 
d =! = 0.16 m
P 100
N4 28
! 4=  =! = 0.28 m
P 100

Since Gear 1 and Gear 3 as well as Gear 2 and Gear 4 have the same number of teeth, diameter
! 1 =  d3 = 0.16 m and!  d4 =  d 2  = 0.28 m.
Pitch Line Velocity Calculations:

The pitch line velocity of a point on the gear at the radius of the pitch circle is given by the
following equation:
πd1n1 π(0.16)(2000)
The Pitch Line Velocity, V
! 12 =   =!
60 60

= 16.76 m/s

πd4 n 4 π(0.28)(666.67)
The Pitch Line Velocity, V
! 43 =   =!
60 60

= 9.77 m/s

Transmitted Load Calculations:

The force acting on the gears may be resolved into two components namely, tangential and
radial. The Radial Component, F! r may not be considered as a useful force component. Hence,the
Tangential Component, F ! t provides the acting force on the gear. The Tangential Load, F ! t may
hence be considered as being the transmitted load to the gear and it can be calculated as follows:

!F t =  W t =    


H = Power (kW)

D = Pitch Diameter (m)

n = Rotational Speed (rpm)


t 60H 60 × 40
Transmitted force, W
! 12 =  =! = 2.39kN
πd1n1 π(0.16)(2000)

t 60 H 60 × 40
Transmitted force, W
! 43 =  =! = 4.09 kN
πd4 n4 π(0.28)(666.67)
Stress and Wear for Gear 1 Calculations:

k m Cf
! c =  Cp W t K 0K vK s
d pF I


!σc = AGMA Contact Stress

!W t = Tangential Transmitted Load (N)
! 0 = Overload Factor
! v= Dynamic Factor
! s = Size Factor
!K m (!KH ) = Load Distribution Factor
!Cp (!Z E ) = Elastic Coefficient
!Cf (!Z R ) = Surface Condition Factor
!d p = Pitch Diameter of the pinion (in mm)
I (!Z t) = Geometry Factor for Pitting Resistance
F = the face width

Velocity Factor:

The Velocity Factor, K

! v

( )
A +   200v
! v=!

V: Pitch line velocity (m/s)

A = 50 + 56 (1-B)

B = 0.25(12 - Qv) 2/3

Transmission accuracy level number, Q! v

Quality Numbers 3 to 7 include most commercially available gears.
Quality Numbers 8 to 12 are of the precision quality gears.
Since the pinion is a commercial gear so the Q
! v is between 3 to 7.
Using Q
! v = 7,

∴ B = 0.25(12 -7) 2/3 = 0.73

A = 50 +56(1-0.73) = 65.12

( )
65.12 +   200 × 9.71
Hence, K
! v=! = 1.46

Overload Factor:

Overload factor, !K0

Since the Power Source is uniform and the gear is driven uniformly the Overload Factor, K
! 0= 1
Size Factor:

( P )
Size Factor, K s = 1.192 0.0535


F = Face Width of the Pinion = 40 mm

Y =Lewis Form Factor = 0.296

P = Diametral Pitch = 100 teeth/m

( )
40 0.296
Hence, the Size Factor,  K s = 1.192 0.0535 = 1.1

! !
Load Distribution Factor:

Load distribution factor, Km = 1 + Cmc(Cpf Cpm+CmaCe)


Cmc = 1 for uncrowned teeth

Cpf = −  0.0375 + 0.0125F where 1< F < 17


F = the Face Width

d is the Pitch Diameter of the gear.

Cpf = −  0.0375 + 0.0125 × 1.57 = 0.007
10 × 6.3

Cpm = 1 for straddle mounted gear with S1/S <0.175

Cma = A + BF +CF2
Since Commercial Enclosed Units will be used, the following table may be obtained from Table

A = 0.127

B = 0.0158

C = -0.930! × 10−4

∴ Cma = 0.127 + 0.0158× 1.57+(-0.930 × 10−4)(1.57) = 0.15

Ce = 1

! !

Load Distribution Factor, Km = 1 + Cmc(Cpf .Cpm+CmaCe) = 1 + 1(0.007×1 + 0.15 × 1) = 1.157

Geometry Factors:

Surface - Strength Geometry Factor for external gears is given as follows:

cosφsinφ mG
I= !  × 
2mN mG + 1

Load-Sharing Ratio, mN = 1 for spur gears.

Speed ratio mG =

=! = 1.75

cos20 sin20 1.75
Surface - Strength Geometry Factor, I= !  ×  = 0.10\
2(1) 1.75 + 1
Elastic Coefficient, Cp:

! × 105 MPa.
E: Modulus of Elasticity of Steel which equals to 2

V: Poisson’s ratio = 0.3

Cp = [ 2
1 − vp2 1 − vG
π( Ep
+ EG

= ![ ]
1 − 0.32 1 − 0.32
π( + )
2 ×  10 5 2 ×  10 5

= 187.03! MPa =191 ! MPa (from table 14-8)

Surface Condition Factor, Cf:

Surface condition factor Cf is used only in the Pitting Resistance Equation.

It depends on:

1. Surface Finish affected by cutting, shaving, lapping amongst others.

2. Residual Stress.

3. Plastic Effects such as Work Hardening.

4. Standard Surface Condition for the gear teeth have yet to be determined.

Generally, Cf = 1.

Substitute all the value of Cp, W t, K 0, K v, K s , Km, Cf, dp, F and I into the Contact Stress
equation, σ
! c.

AGMA Contact Stress Equation:

k m Cf
! c =  Cp W t K 0K vK s
d pF I

1.157 1
! c =  191 (4090)(1)(1.46)(1.1)
(160)(40) 0.10

= 658.18 Mpa
Allowable Contact Stress:

Sc Z N Z W
! c,all = (SI Units)

Sc = Allowable Contact Stress (N/mm2)

ZN = Stress Cycle Life Factor
Zw = Hardness Ratio Factor for Pitting Resistance
! θ = Temperature Factor
Yz = Reliability Factor
SH = AGMA Factor of safety

For life factor ZN, number of cycles should account for a Specified Life of 40000 hours to find
the Zn value from the figure 14-15.
min re v
L1=(40000 h)(60 )(1166.67 ) = 2.8 × 109 rev
h min

From Figure 14-15 below, Zn = 0.73

Figure 14-15
SH σc
Allowable Contact Stress, Sc = where SH is the AGMA Safety Factor = 1.2

Assuming, KR, KT, and CH = 1 and 99% Reliability as well as Oil and Gear Bank Temperature

Taking the Design Factor, !SH as 1.2

Sc Z N
! c,all =   =  σc

S H σc 1.2(658.18)
! c=  = 
ZN 0.73

= 1081.94Mpa

= 156922.03 psi

From the Table 14-6, the specified strength is achievable with grade 2 Nitrided (through
hardened Steel) with Sc = 1123.85 Mpa.

Actual achieved Safety Factor, Sc = 1068.69 Mpa,

σc,all Sc Z N
nc = =
σc σc

!=  = 1.25

Gear 1 Bending Stress:

AGMA bending stress equation:

Bending Stress, σ =!W t K oK v K s
bm t Yj

!W t : Tangential Transmitted Load (N)

! o : Over Load Factor

! v : Dynamic Factor

! s : Size Factor

Yj : Geometry Factor for Bending Strength

! H : Load Distribution Factor

b : Face Width (mm)

mt : Transverse Metric Module

KB Rim Thickness Factor

Here all the term and values are same except KB & Yj.
Geometry factor, Yj
For Bending Strength Geometry Factor, Yj =
K f mN

mN : Load Shearing Ratio = 1 for spur gear

Kf : Fatigue Strength Concentration Factor =1.1-1.2 for back up.

Y : Lewis Factor = 0.296 for 16 teeth.

Y 0.296
Hence, Geometry Factor, Yj = = = 0.27
K f mN (1.1)(1)

For Back Up ratio, KB = 1

1 K H KB
Bending Stress, σ =!W t K oK v K s
bm t Yj

1 (1.157)(1)
σ =!(4090)(1)(1.46)(1.1) = 175.92 MPa
(40)(4) 0.27
Allowable Bending Stress:

! all =  St YN

St : Allowable Bending Stress.

Life safety factor, ZN=0.73

Bending Safety Factor,YN = 0.73

Brinell Hardness for Nitrided Hardened Steel 240.

From Figure 14-3 below,

St = 0.749 HB + 110 = 0.749 (240) + 110 = 289.76 MPa

! all =  289.76  × 0.73 = 211.52 MPa


σall 211.52
The Bending Safety Factor for Gear 1, n
! =  =  = 1.202
σ  175.92
Gear 4 Wear and Bending:

Every factor is the same as for Gear 3 except Pitch Diameter, Geometry Factor, Life Cycle, Life
Cycle Safety Factor and Bending Safety Factor.

Y 0.353
So geometry factor, Yj = = = 0.32
K f mN (1.1)(1)

L2 = (40 000h) (60 min/h) (666.67 rev/min) = 1.6 × 109 rev

Life Cycle Safety Factor, ZN = 0.76
Bending Safety Factor,YN = 0.76

Contact Stress:

k m Cf
! c =  Cp
σ W t K 0K vK s
d pF I

1.157 1
! c =  191 (4090)(1)(1.46)(1.1)
σ ! = 497.54 MPa
(280)(40) 0.10

Contact Stress Factor of Safety:

Choosing Nitrided Hardened Steel Grade 2 (similar to Gear 3),

σc,all Sc Z N (1123.85)(0.76)
nc = = =  = 1.65
σc σc 497.54

Bending Stress:

1 K H KB
σ =!W t K oK v K s
bm t Yj

I (1.157)(1)
Hence, σ =!(4090)(1)(1.46)(1.1) = 148.43 MPa
(40)(4) 0.32

Bending Factor of Safety:

σall  St YN 289.76 × 0.76
! =  = =  = 1.48
σ  σ  148.43
Gear 1 Wear and Bending:

Gears 3 and 1 have similar criteria. Hence all factors are similar, except the Velocity Factor:

( )
A +   200v
Kv = v in m/s

B = 0.25(12 -7) 2/3 = 0.73

A = 50 +56(1-0.73) = 65.12


( )
65.12 +   200 × 16.76
! v=! = 1.59

Choosing Nitrided Hardened Steel Grade 2 (similar to Gear 3), Sc= 1123.85 MPa

Contact stress:

k m Cf
! c =  Cp W t K 0K vK s
d pF I

1.157 1
! c =  191 (2390)(1)(1.59)(1.1)
σ = 525.05 MPa
(160)(40) 0.10

Bending Stress:

1 K H KB
σ =!W t K oK v K s
bm t Yj

1 (1.157)(1)
σ =!(2390)(1)(1.59)(1.1) = 111.95 MPa
(40)(4) 0.27
Contact Stress Factor of Safety:

Allowable Contact Stress, Sc is the same as Gear 2 where Sc = 1123.85MPa

σc,all Sc Z N (1123.85)(0.73)
nc = = =  = 1.56
σc σc 525.o5

Bending Factor of Safety:

Allowable Bending Stress, St is the same as Gear 2 where St = 289.76 Mpa

σall 289.76 × 0.73
n! =   =  = 1.89
σ  111.95
Gear 2 Wear and Bending:

Every factor is similar to Gear 4’s factors except Life Cycle, Life Cycle Safety Factor and
Bending Safety Factor and K
! v is similar to Gear 1 since the Pitch Line Velocity is the same.

L2 = (40 000h) (60 min/h) (1142.86 rev/min) = 2.74 × 109 rev/min

Life Cycle Safety Factor, ZN = 0.74
Life Safety Factor, ZN =0.74
Bending Safety Factor,YN = 0.74

Choosing Grade 2 of Nitrided Hardened Steel with Sc= 1123.86 (Similar to Gear 4)

Contact stress:

k m Cf
! c =  Cp W t K 0K vK s
d pF I

1.157 1
! c =  191 (2390)(1)(1.59)(1.1)
(280)(40) 0.10

! c = 396.90 MPa

Contact Stress Factor of Safety:

Allowable contact stress, Sc is the same as Gear 2 where Sc = 1123.85Mpa,

σc,all Sc Z N
nc = =
σc σc

!=  = 2.1
Bending Stress:

1 K H KB
σ =!W t K oK v K s
bm t Yj

1 (1.157)(1)
σ =!(2390)(1)(1.59)(1.1) = 94.46 MPa
(40)(4) 0.32

Bending Factor of Safety:

Allowable Bending Stress, Sc is the same as Gear 4 where St = 289.76Mpa

σall 289.76 × 0.74
! =  =  = 2.27
σ  94.46

Common specifications: Face width = 40 mm , Pitch diameter = 100 Teeth/m

Gear 1:
Grade 2 Nitrided Hardened Steel class S4016B
Sc = 1123.85 MPa, St = 289.76 MPa, d1 = 160 mm, N1 = 16 teeth

Gear 2:
Grade 2 Nitride Hardened Steel class S4028B
Sc = 1123.85 MPa, St = 289.76 MPa, d2 = 280 mm, N2 = 28 teeth

Gear 3:
Grade 2 Nitride Hardened Steel class S4016B
Sc = 1123.85 MPa, St = 289.76 MPa, d3= 160 mm, N3 = 16 teeth

Gear 4:
Grade 2 Nitride Hardened Steel class S4028B
Sc = 1123.85 MPa, St = 289.76 MPa, d4 = 280 mm, N4 = 28 teeth

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