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Accurate Concentration Measurements Using Infrared

Absorption without Determination of the Baselines

Laboratoire d’ IngeÂnierie des MateÂriaux et des Hautes Pressions, CNRS, Institut GalileÂe,
Av. J. B. CleÂment, 93430 Villetaneuse, France

Infrared absorption spectra have become widely used for in situ vides a mean of averaging over the noise. Finally, we
determ ination of concen trations in com plex m ixtures. However, ex- found it easier to solve a determined system than to use
perim ental accuracy is often limited by lack of knowledge of the a least-squares m ethod because, in this case, the com-
baselines. The m athematical treatment described below allows the
ponents are well de® ned and in reduced number.
spectra to be superim posed on any background with a shape as
complex as a parabolic one. The concentrations are thus accurately Of course, our method is based upon the linear rela-
determ ined whatever the baseline of the m ixture spectrum and even tionship that exists between integrated absorptions and
those of the calibration spectra. A mathematical proof of this prop- molecular concentrations. However, it is well known that
erty is given within the fram ework of the presen tly used m ethod, the measurem ent accuracy is strongly dependent on an
and tests of the ef® ciency of the method are presen ted. accurate determination of the baseline or on its elimina-
Index Headings: Infrared spectra ; Baselines; Concentrations; Phase tion by ® rst or second derivation. Although the baseline
equilibria. can be properly determined in the case of sharp lines well
separated by wide frequency domains of zero absorption,
for m ost of the m ixtures, such as hydrocarbon mixtures,
INTRODUCTIO N the near-infrared spectrum exhibits broad and overlapping
Infrared spectroscopy has become widely used for in bands that do not leave any frequency domain on which
situ analysis in various industrial ® elds, such as food, the baseline could be even roughly determined. Further-
drugs, and petroleum. It is a nonintrusive, nondestructive more, the baseline of the absorption spectrum of a sample
method that gives real-tim e results. Furthermore, when introduced in an optical cell can be strongly shifted away
associated with multivariate statistical methods, 1 infrared from its normal position and also distorted for many rea-
spectroscopy enables quantitative measurem ents from sons. For example, if the cell is ® lled with a liquid of
spectra including contributions of a considerable number refractive index greater than 1, or even with a gas under
of species. However, unknown baselines caused by dif- high pressure, as shown in Fig. 1, the re¯ ectivity at the
ferent optical effects m ay lead to large errors. We have window/sample interface is lowered and the signal trans-
therefore developed a method allowing an accurate de- mitted through the cell can be increased by up to 10%
termination of concentrations by elimination of the base- compared to that transmitted through the empty cell taken
lines. as a reference. 5±7 Second, the presence in the cell of a
We did not use the standard m ethods of multivariate sample with a high refractive index can change the beam
analysis for different reasons related to our particular focusing so that the energy reaching the detector is also
problem, which involved the determination of the phase changed. Finally, in the vicinity of the critical region tur-
equilibria of binary m ixtures of hydrocarbons under high bidity can occur, producing light scattering as a function
pressures. 2±4 Such mixtures usually consist of a liquid of frequency. In the latter case the shape of the baseline
phase and a gas phase in equilibrium at given temperature can be more complex than a simple straight line.
and pressure. The problem is to determine the concentra- In order to achieve accurate measurem ents of the con-
tion of each species in each of the two phases. [Results
centrations in such mixtures, in spite of the lack of
are commonly assembled as plots of coexisting lines (or
knowledge of the baselines, we have developed a partic-
phase envelopes) such as those in Fig. 3.]
The standard procedure is to use statistically oriented ular method that allows one to be quite free of any prob-
analysis, such as classical least-squares (CLS), partial lem concerning the baselines of the m ixture spectra as
least-squares (PL S), and principal component regression well as those of the calibration spectra. This m ethod al-
(PCR), with a set of calibration samples m ade of known lows for the presence of background pro® les as complex
mixtures with concentrations covering the range of the as parabolic ones without loss of information or decrease
target samples. In the present case, the m ixtures with rel- in the signal-to-noise ratio, while the second-derivative
evant concentrations can be obtained only under high method is limited to straight baselines.
pressure. Therefore, we used pure sample spectra as the The ® rst part of this paper is devoted to the description
reference. In addition, owing to the fact that spectral lines of the proposed mathematical treatment along with a
may be broadened by density effects under high pres- mathematical proof of the independence of concentration
sures, we used integrated absorptions that rem ain pro- results on the baselines of the calibration spectra. In the
portional to concentrations. Moreover, integration pro- second part, som e details about the experimental setup
and procedure used for determination of the integration
Received 13 March 1998; accepted 11 Decemb er 1998. frequency domains are given, as well as tests of the ef-
* Author to whom correspondence should be sent. ® ciency of the m ethod.

0003-7028 / 99 / 5304-0396$2.00 / 0
396 Volume 53, Number 4, 1999 q 1999 Society for Applied Spectroscopy APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY
F IG . 1. Variation of the baselines of spectra of pure compressed supercritical propane at 150 8 C as a function of the concentration.

A ij 5 S i (n ) dn (2)
The molar concentration of a sample can easily be de- c 0i Dj
duced from its infrared absorption spectrum through the where c 0i is the concentration of the pure species i for the
linear relationship that exists between absorbance and reference sample, S i(n ) its absorption spectrum , and l the
concentration. This linearity is usually valid at low den- absorption pathlength.
sity, i.e., for m ost gases. At higher densities, the pro® le The concentrations c 1 , . . ., c n can be accurately de-
of the spectral bands is broadened, and some other effects duced from relation 1 only if the baselines of all the
due to interaction between m olecules m ay change the ab- spectra S mix (n ) and S i (n ) are perfectly known. Such a sit-
sorptivity at given frequencies. The latter effect is not uation is rarely encountered. However, with the following
present or limited in the case of nonpolar or weakly polar generalized method the baselines can be ignored.
compounds8 such as hydrocarbons. Therefore, the present Baseline Treatment. Since the baseline of an infrared
method is limited to those types of compounds for which absorption spectrum can never be determined with an ab-
the m ixture spectrum is merely the sum of the separate solute accuracy, the baseline is considered as an addi-
contributions. As for the broadening effect, it is account- tional unknown quantity de® ned as b n 2 1 g n 1 d where
ed for by using integrated absorptivities that remain ap-
b , g , and d are three unknown param eters. Although a
proximately constant for m ost of the considered spectral higher order polynomial in n could be used as well, as
domains. Of course, this condition must be veri® ed care- required in some situations, 9 the restriction to the second
fully in terms of the reference spectra. The chosen do- order provides simplicity while covering m ost of the ex-
mains were tested as explained in the second part of this perimental situations: constant baseline (positive or neg-
article. ative), linear vs. frequency, or even a parabolic shape.
Although we dealt only with binary mixtures, the The recorded spectrum of the mixture still contains
mathematical treatment can be easily extended to n com- information on the relative concentrations c 1, . . ., c n, but
pounds. We therefore establish the equations for a mix- their determination now requires n 1 3 integrated ab-
ture of n compounds. If the absorption bands are strongly sorption measurem ents, leading to the following system:
overlapping, the concentrations c 1 , . . ., c n are deduced
from the absorption spectrum by m easuring the integrated A 11 c 1 1 ...1 A n1 c n 1 b A n11 1
1 g A n11 2
1 d A n11 3
5 B1
absorptions on n frequency domains D 1 , . . ., D n and solv-
ing the following system: A 1n1 3 c 1 1 ... 1 A nn 1 3 c n 1 b A nn11 1
3 1 g A nn11 2
3 1 d A nn11 3
3 5 B n1 3

A 11 c 1 1 ... 1 A n1 c n 5 S mix (n ) dn where

A 1n c 1 1 ... 1 A nn c n 5
E Dn
S mix (n ) dn (1)
A nj 1 1
E Dj
n 2 dn A nj 1 2
E Dj
n dn

where S m ix (n ) is the absorption spectrum of the mixture,

S mix (n ) 5 l 2 1 ln[I 0(n )/I (n )]; and the A ji values are the in-
tegrated absorptivities of the pure species i on the fre-
A nj 1 3
E Dj
dn Bj 5
E Dj
S mix (n ) dn .

quency domain j, namely In each of the n 1 3 equations of system 3, the measured


integrated intensity is expressed as the sum of the con- absorption coef® cient for species i on the frequency do-
tributions due to each species and to the baseline. When main D j is in fact found to be equal to

one is solving the system, the b , g , and d variables are
calculated so that the contributions of each species to the 1
(A ij ) 9 5 [S i (n ) 1 m in 2
1 n in 1 p i ] dn (4)
n 1 3 integration dom ains are in the same proportions as c 0i Dj
for the pure com pound. As a consequence, correct values where S i(n ) is the true but unknown absorption spectrum.
of the concentrations are always found even if the ab- The m easured (A ji ) 9 coef® cient can also be expressed as
sorption spectrum of the m ixture is strongly distorted by
the background of an unknown baseline. m i n1 n i n1 pi n1
Baselines of Calibration Spectra. It is noteworthy (A ij ) 9 5 A ij 1 Aj 1
1 Aj 2
1 Aj 3 (5)
c 0i c 0i c 0i
that knowledge of the baselines of the calibration spectra,
i.e., the spectra of the pure species leading to the deter- where A ji (i 5 1 . . . n) are the true but unknown integrated
mination of the A 1j , . . ., A jn coef® cients, is not necessary absorption coef® cients.
as long as these baselines can also be represented by a Therefore, in relation 3, instead of the determinant D,
second-order polynomial in frequency n . This particular

) )
A 11 ... A n1 A n1 1 1 A n1 1 2 A n11 3
advantage of the method, although already recognized in
similar methods by several authors, 10 ±12 had never been D 5 A 1n ... A nn A nn 1 1
A nn 1 2
A nn1 3

proven as far as we know. It is indeed hard to understand A 1n1 3 ... A nn 1 3 A nn 11 1

3 A nn 11 2
3 A nn11 3
from a physical point of view, but it can be explained on
a m athematical basis as follows. The m easured integrated one obtains the determinant D 9 ,

* *
m 1 n1 1 n 1 n1 2 p1 n1 3
A 11 1 A1 1 A1 1 A1 ... A n1 1 ... A n11 1
A n1 1 2
A n1 1 3
c 10 c 01 c 10
m 1 n1 1 n 1 n1 2 p1 n1 3
D9 5 A 1n 1 An 1 An 1 An ... A nn 1 ... A nn1 1 A nn 1 2 A nn 1 3 .
c 10 c 01 c 10
m 1 n1 1 n 1 n1 2 p1 n1
A 1n 1 3 1 An 3 1 An 3 1 An 3 ... A nn1 1 ... A nn11 1 A nn 11 2 A nn 11 3
c 10 1 c 10 1 c 10 1
3 3 3 3 3

However, it is clear that these two determinants are equal. EXPERIM ENTAL DETAILS AND TESTS OF TH E
As a matter of fact, due to the general properties of the METHO D
determinants, column 1 of D 9 can be replaced by the
following linear combination: The present method is general and in some sense in-
dependent of experimental detail, and, although the m ain
m1 n1 goal of this article was to explain the reason why base-
col. 1 2 col.(n 1 1) 2 col.(n 1 2)
c 01 c 10 lines of both sample and calibration spectra do not intro-
duce any more errors, we give below a brief account of
p1 the experiments and test procedures. Full experimental
2 col.(n 1 3) (6)
c 01 detail is given elsewhere. 13,14
so that this column becomes equal to that of D. Since the Ex p erim en ta l S etu p . T h e high -pr essure cell is
same holds for columns 2 to n, the two determinants are equipped with sapphire windows and is inserted into a
identical. controlled-temperature furnace. Pressure is varied by
The determinants associated with the c 1 , . . ., c n moving a piston, and the cell may be rotated around the
variables, and hence the concentrations of species 1 to n, optical axis so that both phases may be analyzed in turn.
are also unchang ed for th e sam e reaso n. A s a Some of the studies were conducted with a Jobin Yvon
consequence, the concentrations deduced from Eq. 3 are THR grating m onochromator with a PbS infrared detec-
always the same whatever the baselines of all these tor, while for the others a Bomem MB155 Fourier trans-
spectra m ay be. form interferometer was used. The resolution of the for-
It m ust be emphasized that the determinants associated mer was 0.8 nm, while the latter yielded spectra with a
with the variables b , g , and d remain functions of the resolution of 4 cm 2 1.
baselines o f th e calib ratio n sp ectr a. T heref ore, the Determination of the Integration Dom ains. A typical
baseline of the m ixture spectrum cannot be determined spectrum of a methane±tetralin mixture is shown in Fig.
by using the calculated values of b , g , and d . In other 2 together with the expected spectral contributions due to
words, although the baselines can be of no importance the pure components. As in both cases, these contribu-
for the problem, it is clear, once m ore, that they cannot tions are due to overtones and combinations of funda-
be determined. This consideration does not matter since mental vibrations of CH, CH 2, and CH 3 groups; the cor-
the goal is only to extract the true values of the responding spectra are strongly overlapping, and the de-
concentrations. termination of the concentrations needs a system such as

398 Volume 53, Number 4, 1999

F IG . 2. Typical spectrum of a methane±hydrocarbon liquid mixture and the frequency domains used for calculation of the concentrations. Contri-
butions of each component are strongly overlapping.

Eq. 3 to be solved. The choice of the ® ve integration direct veri® cation of such a linearity would require a cor-
domains is made by a trial-and-error procedure in three rection of the baselines of the pure sample spectra and
steps as described below. would not be consistent with the spirit of the m ethod.
Test on the Pure Components. The domains were cho- Infrared measured values and real values are reported in
sen so that the spectral contributions were signi® cant for Table I. They are in good accordance as con® rm ed by a
at least n domains (here two domains) for each com- value of R 2 5 0.99305. The discrepancies observed at
pound. Other wise, the system could be degenerate (de- low pressures, up to 2.3%, could be m ainly due to the
terminant 5 0). The choice is by no means unique, and inaccuracy of the pressure m easurements, which are par-
once it is done it has to be tested. The calculation was ticularly sensitive in a region of rapid variations of the
run on spectra of pure samples (i.e., in the liquid state pressure, volum e, and temperature (PVT) data. As a con-
for the solute and at various pressures for the solvent). sequence of the noise, the calculated concentration values
These spectra were of course not part of the calibration of solute are not exactly zero, but it will be noticed that
set. As a m atter of fact, these spectra m ay be very dif- these values are very low, typically on the order of 10 2 3
ferent from the calibration ones, because the density may mol/L.
be varied by varying pressure. The results are compared Test on a M ixture of Given Composition. The test of
with the known concentrations, and the width and posi- ef® ciency of the method owing to the determination of
tion dom ains are adjusted if necessary. This process is the solute concentrations is performed by analyzing a
repeated until satisfactory results are found, i.e., until the ``one-phase’ ’ mixture for which the initial amount of sol-
predicted values are in good agreement with the real val-
ues, as shown in Table I. In practice, no more than three
or four such adjustments were necessary. In our opinion,
this approach provides the only possible test of the lin-
earity of integrated absorptions on the given domains. A

TABLE I. Concentration values obtained from the analysis of

spectra of pure propane at 415.5 K and various pressures by run-
ning the program for the m ixture propane-decalin. Comparison
with real values deduced from PVT data.
Propane (mol/L)
Pressure (mol/L)
(MPa) Measured IR Measured IR Real values
7.95 0.001 5.046 5.080
6.71 0.003 3.690 3.695
6.0 0.003 2.972 2.967
5.18 0.002 2.284 2.292
4.53 0.002 1.848 1.858
4.04 0.003 1.571 1.574
3.16 0.001 1.126 1.135
2.61 0.0 0.877 0.896
2.2 0.001 0.718 0.732
F IG . 3. Phase diagrams of the m ethane±squalane mixture in the critical
1.87 2 0.001 0.588 0.608


TABLE II. Measured concentrations in a ``one-phase’’ propane-naphthalene mixture at 423 K and various pressures. The results obtained
without baseline treatment are completely wrong.
C (naphthalene)
(m ol/L)
C (propane) Propane mole
IR (no (mol/L) fraction
Pressure IR (our IR (point baseline IR (our IR (our
(MPa) Real method) intensities) treatm ent) method) m ethod)
8.88 0.467 0.464 0.556 4.136 6.181 0.9302
8.88 0.467 0.466 0.555 4.129 6.188 0.9300
12.17 0.529 0.528 0.682 4.465 6.999 0.9299
13.89 0.555 0.556 0.729 4.665 7.288 0.9291

ute is known. Since the variable internal volum e of the against signal-to-noise ratio has been perform ed by com-
cell can be deduced from the piston position, the real paring the results obtained from the analysis of several
concentration values of the solute are also known. As can spectra of a given mixture at constant temperature and
be seen from data reported in Table II, m easured values pressure. Results reported in Table III correspond to a
at various pressures favorably compare to the real ones. mixture of squalane and m ethane at a pressure of 133
Although the amount of propane initially introduced in MPa and 370 K. The spectra were recorded in sequence
the cell was not known, its concentration has also been so that no spectrometer drift could occur in between. Dis-
determined by the infrared calculation as well as its m ole crepancies obser ved between concentration values are on
fraction, which rem ains constant, as expected, apart from the order of 1% for the solute and 0.25% for the solvent.
the experimental uncertainties. Comparison of our Results with Literature Data.
Comparison w ith the Synthetic Method. In order to def- The high-pressure parts of the phase coexistence lines of
initely test the calibration m ade for a methane±decaline a m ethane-squalane m ixture at 323 and 370 K are shown
mixture, our infrared result has been compared to that in Fig. 3. Our results can be compared to those interpo-
obtained by using the synthetic method. The synthetic lated from the data obtained by Paas et al. 13 with the use
method consists in determining the discontinuity of (dP / of the synthetic method. A general agreem ent is obser ved
dV ) T where P is the pressure and V the volume of a apart from som e dispersion of their data at 323 K. This
sample of known composition. (For a more detailed de- result illustrates the dif® culty usually encountered in do-
scription of this m ethod, see, for example, Ref. 15). This ing m easurements in the critical region and the ability of
method was performed inside our infrared cell so that the infrared m ethod to do it.
one point of the phase equilibrium line was determined.
The composition of the sample was determined by weigh- CONCLUSIO N
ing the respective amounts of solute and solvent intro-
duced in the cell. We have also m easured this com posi- The m ethod presented here can be used in m any cases
tion by the infrared m ethod in the one-phase state at high whenever the baseline cannot be accurately determined.
pressure. The mole fractions of methane were found to Apart from the m athematical proof and the ef® ciency
be equal to 0.5684 and 0.5716, respectively, for the in- tests given here, several other tests have also been made
frared and the synthetic m ethods. by adding various backgrounds to a m ixture spectrum
Necessity of Integration and Baseline Treatm ent. To and also to the calibration spectra. As expected, the con-
illustrate two of the advantages of the m ethod, we have centrations c 1 and c 2 derived from Eq. 3 did not change.
added in Table II the results of calculations performed This generalized method has been applied for the deter-
with ® ve-point intensities instead of integrated intensities mination of the concentrations in the gas and liquid phas-
and calculations without any baseline treatment. As can es of binaries such as heavy hydrocarbon±m ethane and
be seen from the results, the use of integrated intensities heavy hydrocarbon±propane.13, 14, 16 Good results were ob-
obviously improves the accuracy of the results, while the tained even in the vicinity of the critical region where
baseline treatment appears m andatory as the results are turbidity induced strong distortions in the background.
in considerable error without this treatment.
Noise Sensitivity. A test of sensitivity of the m ethod
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