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• The

emerging of Human Existence’s theory (Hegel,

Descartes etc.)
• Industrialisation
• Characterised by the erosion of tradition & the emergence of
new rich people
• Psychology
• Freud with his id, ego, and super ego
• James: a) self as material (one owns body, emotion), b) self as
social (interrelation, interactions), c) Spiritual (intellectual,
• Politic of recognition
• Reciprocal relation (equality)
• Emerging of human right
• Challenging of long standing racial, ethnic, gendered hierarchy
• Social sciences
• Identity is social process
• Identity is fluid opposed to ’determinism’ but ‘relativity’
• Social Constructivist
• Identity is multiple ways in which people position themselves and are
positioned within particular social, historical and cultural context (Block,
2007; Norton 2010)
• Identity is presented/indexed discursively, psychologically, socially,
culturally through the use of symbolic systems (Kramsch, 2009)
• Goffman (dramaturgical concept - front and back stage)
• Psychobiography
• Life career/life trajectory
• The development of self via activity and interaction over time and space
• In short; identity deals with the questions

• Who am I?
• who are you?
Identities are ”multiple, dynamic, and subject to change, and the
relationship between language and identity as mutually
constitutive: on the one hand, language supply the term and
other linguistics means by which identities are expressed, and,
on the hand, the linguistics resources individuals us to
serve/index identities (Tabouret Keller, 1989)
Sociolinguistics research (Bailey, 2000; Milroy & Muysken, 1995) has shown
how individuals, groups, and Communities use linguistic resources such as
language choice, language preference, language alternation,
code-switching, and code-mixing in the expression of their identities, as well
as in the ongoing negotiation of their identities.

Cashman (2005) indicates that people use such linguistic resources to ‘do’
their identities, to ascribe, accept, or reject group memberships.
Identities are not always negotiable particularly whom are
comfortable with identities they possess.
Those who often negotiate and contest are typically from the
marginalised people such as
Rainbow community, and youth.
Identity and language learning
• Having an understanding of the concept of identity, what next?
• How identity becomes an issue in language learning/ language
• What are the implications?
• What are the issues of identity in L1 language classroom?
• Teachers V.S students identity in the language classroom, what are
the issues?
• What about 2nd language classroom? What are the issues
• 2nd language classroom is not an exception of the emergence issue of
identity? What are the issues and how?
The real case(s)
• Please read a paper entitled “Dialect, power and politics: standard English
and adolescent identities”, written by Jude Brady (2015).

• Introduction:
• What is the role of education in promoting high standard of
literacy/correct use of standard language?
• What is the role of middle/upper class society on the
construction of standard language/dialect?
• What is the role of schools and teachers on supporting the
‘legitimate’ language?
• What is the impact of such hyper-correction efforts on the
students’ attitudes and particularly on their identity
• What is the implication on the students’ refusal /rebellion?

• The students’ non-standard language

• What is meant to have non-standard language for the
• For their future career, their identity vis-à-vis their
counterpart, and their right?
• Identity
• Self concept
• Who they are
• Who I am
• How they understand their relationship to
the world
• Self concept
• What they might become
• What they would like to become
• What they are afraid of becoming
Now be more focus on the individuals
identity. What are
• Having seen the pictures, what are the people think of, perceive of
and or act?
• What is the link between recognising someone else identity with the
perceptions, actions, and responses?
• How self identity is portrayed/indexed?
• What are the implications?
Language and identity
2nd paper
Understanding Students With Immigration Backgrounds: A German
Case of Students’ Language and Identity in Development

• Background
• Recognising diversity; students coming from different culture,
home practices, language etc.
• Educators should recognise this diversity
• And use this diversity for source of their learning
• As a result, students and parents will benefit and have feeling of
• Issues of immigrants and their education achievement
• Under achievement
• Failed in school
• Lower class schools

• The house’s government policy

• Positive economic growth
• Local language socialisation
• It’s goal is to improve certain level of the local language
• Being ‘Germaness’

• The role of school

• A process of becoming German in language and ways of being Germaness
• The school focuses on training the immigrant of german language skills
Language and identity
• When the students do not see their identities acknowledged
in the classroom, they may refuse to participate and learn
• The immigrant did not performing well is due to that they do
not speak the German language outside the school, arguing
that home/mother tongue is perceived to be the problem.
• Mother tongue plays a key role in defining who they are and
what to do
• Moreover, the German language is also significant in indexing
who they are, meaning that if others disregard (laughing) at
the immigrant efforts of speaking German language, there
seems to be exclusion (who are you?)

• Immigrants realise that German monolingual is the only

means for academic success
• Acquiring German language is also meant that they can play
and get acquaintance with others who share similar language
• However, they are also aware of the benefits of being
bi/multilingual in that they can speak their mother tongue
with other students who share their heritage language
particularly when they can utilise their mother tongue to
cheat and or to insult other students.

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