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In Malaysia, almost all public universities have implemented liberal education in terms of


The methods and approach of liberal education management in educational system have been
increased drastically in Universities around the world. In America and Europe, the liberal
education is a compulsory course to take and it is the essence to produce holistic graduates in
many aspects. While in Malaysia, almost all the public universities have implemented a
curriculum that integrated the elements of liberal education courses such as Centre for Citra
University (UKM), Centre for Language Studies and Generic Development (UMK) and
Centre for Promotion of Knowledge and Language Learning (UMS). The broad objective of
liberal education courses is the development of the fundamental and distinctively human
capacities to be exercise in various aspects of life (Crittenden, 2006). However, to achieve
this ultimate goal, a systematic effort is required to implement liberal education courses in

Liberal education at universities provides a wide introduction in various aspects of

literature culture of human beings. There have been various discussions and work on liberal
education in universities such as (Omar et al., 2016; Jones, 2005; Jiang, 2005). According to
their study,

Debrew (2008), the first challenge in liberal education is student fails to connect the learning
outcomes of the liberal education courses with their major courses. Meanwhile, in
management perspective the article asserts that the liberal education only focusing on the
academic achievement rather than intensify the study of wide range issues among students.
Another article of Zaboroska (1995) states the important of liberal education in long term
basis. He said that the implementation of the liberal education takes certain amount of time
and mentioned the significant role of educators in terms of observing the productiveness of
liberal education from the student’s perspective.

Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to review the perception of lecturers and
students on the management and implementation of Liberal education in public universities in
Malaysia. Besides that, this study also focusing on the methods used by lecturers and students
in order to achieve the objective of Liberal education.


The topic of this study implies that liberal education plays a role in helping the students to
face the challenges in real world. Mayhew (1960) defines liberal education as a platform for
students to learn fundamental knowledge of values, attitudes and social skills to live within
the community. Apart from that, Conant (1945) studies the method of integrated teaching in a
way to help student to convey their thinking or idea through writing and oral communication.
The definition of liberal education for the purpose of this research is the student’s experience
who takes the liberal education courses offered by university. In this issue, teaching approach
and methods play an important role to achieve the liberal education goals. A study by Coniam
(2011), states that teaching and learning of liberal education will encourage students to
express their idea regarding the current issues for debate and discussion.

Apparently, liberal education is considered as a holistic and global course. Kwan and
Wong (2012) assert that students began to perceive that their learning environments were
moderate constructivist naturally during the process of teaching and learning. From the
student’s perspective, liberal education should be relevant and practical to teach (Harmes and
Miller 2007). Besides that, the two way communication between students and lecturer are
requested by students.

Consequently, there are three important aspects in Liberal education. According to

study conducted by Sabri and Arip (2001) emphasized the importance of liberal education in
terms of skills. They believed that liberal education is a learning process that produced
students with relevant skills and abilities. Later, Smith and Morgaine (2004) analyzed that
liberal education courses as a mechanism of learning in terms of encouraging intrinsic
curiosity of students. In 1990, Boyer stated that the objective of liberal education is to
produce the students who able to communicate effectively. Communication is the
fundamental skills in professional area (Gaff, 1995). The ultimate goal of liberal education is
to form students with analytical thinking and be able to make a decision and overcome the
problems (Gaff 1995; Hersh 1997; AACN 1998).

The curriculum aspect is another importance process in liberal education. Hersh
(1997), states that lifelong learning is the ultimate goal in implementing liberal education
because students have to deal with challenges and changes in life. The curriculum is used as a
guide in the implementation of the teaching and learning system of Liberal Education.
Therefore, the cooperation between teaching staff or lecturers is very important to ensure the
implementation of liberal education work successfully (Jiang, 2005).

The third importance of liberal education is lies on management perspective. In order

to perform the liberal education successfully, the process of management involving planning,
organizing, leadership and control is very important to express the ultimate goal of liberal
education. Stewart and Schlegel (2009) states that, the success of liberal education depends
on how the universities manage and control the implementation. Besides that, the
effectiveness of colleges and universities management in handling the inefficiencies in
human resource management also gives a major contribution to implement the liberal
education Hayakawa (2014).



The study conducted by Omar et al., 2016, both quantitative and qualitative research
approaches are used to measure the perspective of both educators and students on the
implementation of Liberal education courses in selected public universities of Malaysia.
Three public Malaysian universities such as Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia and Universiti Malaysia Kelantan were chosen as unit analysis for this
research. In qualitative analysis section,

For quantitative research approach, a structured survey method was utilized by the authors to
achieve the study’s objective. Students Perceptions Questionnaire developed by Duke (2002)
was the main instrument to understand the students’ perception towards Liberal education
management in selected public universities. Meanwhile, qualitative research approach using
in-depth interview method was also employed to strengthen the research findings. For this
method, a group of informants involving Dean, Deputy Dean and Lecturers were chosen for

this study provide their own perceptions towards Liberal education managements in
particular universities. Finally, both data from questionnaire and interview methods were
analyzed separately. For survey, SPSS version 21 was utilized to analyze the raw data from
survey meanwhile thematic analysis was used to analyze data from interview method.


By analyzing the method and findings of this research, there are several weaknesses that need
to be improved. The unlimited numbers of students as the courses are compulsory for every
student, there are problems in the implementation of the courses as the teaching staffs are
overburden. In order to overcome this challenge, human resource management in these
universities need to provide more lecturers for single Liberal education courses and
performance evaluation should be different between lecturers. Apart from that, leadership
management is the key process to implement the liberal education. In this issue, the effort of
heads management has to be strengthening to encourage other stakeholders to provide their
idea on Liberal education courses. Another goal to implement the liberal education is by
defining its distinctive curriculum. The methods and approach in liberal education should be
compatible with the ultimate goal of its implementation. The main problem in Liberal
Education curriculum is to produce students who are able to deliver what they have learnt to
the real world. On-going assessment among students throughout the courses is suggested as it
is difficult to assess a student’s progress in a very short period of time. Finally, monitoring of
Liberal Education curriculum according to the needs of the latest generation should run
parallel with the goals and requirements of it.


As a conclusion, the challenges faced by three public universities in Malaysia in terms of

implementing liberal education are quite similar. The improvements are needed in liberal
education system from time to time. There are two challenges in management and execution
context, the first challenge is to identify the original mission and goals of Liberal education
and combine them with the latest innovations to make it into a framework that can generate a
holistic student that is distinctively Malaysia. Secondly, courses must conform to the
requirements and relevant in 21st century liberal education that is focused on innovation.


Omar, A.T., Amat, A., & Govindasamy, A. (2016). Liberal Education Management in
Malaysia Public Universities: Educators’ and Students’ Perspective, Athens Journal of
Social Sciences, 3(3): 215-231.

Curriculum Development Council & Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority.
(2007). New Senior Secondary Curriculum and Assessment Guide (Secondary 4-6):
Liberal Studies. Hong Kong: Education and Manpower Bureau.

Crittenden, B. (2006). The School Curriculum and Liberal Education. Education Research
and Perspectives, 33(1): 105-127.

Jones, R.T. (2005). Liberal education for the twenty- first century: Business expectations.
Liberal Education. 91(2): 32–37.

Jiang, Y.H. (2005). From liberal education to general education: the development of an idea
of University Education. A Journal for Philosophical Study of Public Affairs. 14: 37-

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