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Bu6iness Insght
Thursday, January 16, 2O2O

WFIO admits e-cigs less

harmful than cigarettes
THE World Health Organiza is a conradiction. A countfy can-
tion has finally admitted that e- not regulate perfecdy, but the last
iigarettes are,Iess harmful telative thing it should do is ban because
to cigarettes. the Llack market will ptol.iferate.
The acknovledgment came trom This is an issue that is extremelY
!(HO representative Dt. Ranti important to childreo lf vre ban
Favokun. a scierrtist ftom the Na things, if we do not tegulate things,
tional Capacity-Tobacco Control we create a black market that does
Prevention of Non-Communicable not care about children, that does
Diseases who attended the hearing not care about elderly PeoPle, that
on vaping reguladon at the House does not care about us at all," Dr.
of Represen tatives recendy Andrew da Roza, an addictions
Fayokunt admission uas made psychotherapist, and lawYer ,said
amidst the qrganization's cautious during the congressional headng
stand on e-cig4rettes despite the A b-alori electronic cigaretrcs and
mountins scienti6c evidence that heat-no-bum tobacco Ploducs will
they are"l.ss harmfirl than tradi onlv create a black market tlnt.rill be
tional cigarettes. disistious to public healtl; accotdiog
Public Health England ha( al to intemational public healdr expers
ways maintained that e cigarenes who attended the hearing
are 9590less harmful *ran tobacco "If you ban them, there will
and has encowaged smokers who simply be a black market When
can't quit smoking to switch to the the United States banned alcohol
less hatmfr:l alternative. in the 1900s, that did oot vork
The National Academies of Sci- ou(' said Da Roza,
ences, Engineeting and Medicine Rep. Weslie Gatcbalian, chair-
in 2018 released a rePoit stating man of the House committee on
that "completely switching from tade, said the hearing was called
cigarettes to e-cigarettes will reduce because "the use of ENDS and
exposure to numefous toxrcants heated tobacco products is now a
and catcinogens found in crgarette." national concern, so much so tiat
"They $YIJO) are sal,ng if You the President @uterte) recendy
are a countr| that carnot Produce issued a directive banning the im-
regulation and cannot enforce reg- portation and use of ENDS and
ulation, you must ban. That, to me, HTPs in public sPaces. "

u PAq-e- eel

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