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**superfluous -> unnecessary, it has to be direct, and

precise as possible
**doubled-barrelled question -> only one issue at a time.
single focus questions (antonym)
** prestige questions ->involving self-esteem, ex: do you
think you are good at teaching communicative activities?
**extraneous question: questions that do not apply to the
respondents, different questionnaires for different group
of people
**grade your language ->simple and clear, ex in EFL use
the respondents’ native language

To say in the presentation:

1. - To our understanding, researching teachers’ belief of the use of L1 was mostly
conducted with non-native English teachers. This study, however, involved English
native teachers in a specific context which seems interesting to explore.
2. The way the data were analyzed were clear and easy to follow and may give some
ideas to the novice researcher regarding data analysis.

3. In one way, this sample (which is conducted on voluntary basis) cannot even
represent the population (Native English teachers in the University = which more
than 60). In other words, it is hard to say that the other member of the population
also have the same view as the sample do. As a consequence, the finding showing
that teachers with negative views on the use L1 tend to have higher Japanese
proficiency level may not apply to the population. Or it is too early to claim this

4. Even though this study shows some insightful information regarding the teachers’
belief about L1 use and how they use L1 in the classroom (from the perspective of
English native speaker = could be considered as a strength), as a qualitative study,
this study has not shown an in-depth exploration of a topic being research which is
the nature of qualitative study. For example, what factors shape these belief were
not explored in this study. In addition what the respondents say might not always
reflect what hey really do in the classroom. Therefore, more studies using interviews
and observation should be conducted.

“The primary strength of qualitative research is its potential to explore a topic in depth (Carlsen & Glenton
2011). “
5. Lack of evidence: “teachers and students themselves are best placed to
determine, based on the immediate context of the classroom, what
constitutes optimal use of the target language and the L1”
: This argument seems to make sense. However, students were not involved
in this study. So it’s not fair to include students in this arguments. In
addition, learners’ learning outcomes/target language achievement which
is a final product of second language learning has to be measured when
the teachers themselves are argued to be the best decision maker in L1

6. Possible negative of online survey that is posted for 4 months: there’s a

chance for the respondents to not answer the questionnaire immediately
even after they read it the questionnaire. They might look for answers
from literatures or other sources and this can make their answers do not
reflect their attitudes or what they really believe.

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