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-process of executing various mental acts for discovering and examining facts to prove the accuracy of
claims or conclusions about the topic.

-requires inquiry or investigation of ones chosen research by asking questions

Central to Research

-is a way of discovering new knowledge, applying knowledge in various ways

Importance of Research

1. Tool for building knowledge and efficient learning

2. Means to understand various issues

3. An aid to business success

4. Way to prove lies and support truths

5. Means to find gauge and seize opportunities

Nature of Inquiry and Research

1. Absolute

2. Abstract

3. Portrayal

4. Adopt

5. Perspective

Purpose of Research

1. To learn how to work independently

2. To learn how to work scientifically and systematically

3. To have an in-depth knowledge of something

4. To elevate your mental abilities by letting you think in higher-order thinking skills

5. To improve your reading and writing skills

6. To free yourself to a certain extent

Characteristics of Research

1. Accuracy – accurate data which footnotes, and bibliography entries should be appropriately

2. Objectiveness – must deal with facts

3. Timeliness – must work on a topic that is fresh and new

4. Relevance – must be instrumental in improving the society or solving problems affecting lives of

5. Clarity – succeed in expressing its central point of discoveries by direct and correct language

6. Systematic – must take place in an organized or orderly manner

Ethics in Research

1. No to plagiarism

2. Be conscious of multiple-roles voluntary

3. Follow informed-consent rule

4. Respect confidentiality and privacy


Based on application:

1. Pure Research – deals with concept, principles or abstract things

2. Applied Research – apply your chosen research in societal problems or issues

Based on purpose of research:

1. Descriptive Research – aims defining or giving a verbal portrayal or picture of a person

2. Correlational – relationship or connectedness of two factors called variables that affect the research

3. Explanatory Research – elaborates the reasons behind the relationship of 2 factors but also this way
by which relationship exists.

4. Exploratory Research – Find new reasonable or possible if its to conduct a research study

5. Action Research – ongoing practice of a school organization or community or institution.


1. Scientific or positive approach

-discovers and measures information as well as observe and control variables in an impersonal manner.

-allows control of variables

-questionnaires, interviews, observational checklists, data expressed through numbers

2. Naturalistic Approach

-people oriented

-data collected represents personal views, attitudes, thoughts, emotions and other subjective traits of

3. Triangulation approach

- use or free to gather

-analyze data using multiple methods


-is a type of research that collects and works with non-numerical data and that seeks to interpret
meaning from these data

-studies that investigate the quality of relationship, activities, situations or materials

-it is an interpretative naturalistic approach to the world (Destin and Lincoln, 2005)

Characteristics of Qualitative Research

1. Human understanding and interpretation

2. Active, powerful, and forceful

3. Multiple research approaches and methods

4. Specificity to generalization

5. Contextualization

6. Diversifies data in real-life situations

7. Abounds with words and visuals

8. Internal Analysis
Types of Qualitative Research

1. Case Study – longitudinal/behavior of humans

2. Ethnography – mingle with people to know their culture

3. Phenomenology – understand people’s emotions due to circumstances in life

4. Content and Discourse Analysis – use of essays, articles, etc.

5. Historical Analysis – history use

6. Grounded Theory – formulating out of existing theory

Steps in qualitative Research

1. Identification of the phenomenon to be studied

2. Identification of the participants in the study

3. Generation of hypothesis

4. Data collection

5. Data analysis

6. Interpretation and Conclusion


1. Interview

2. Observation

3. Document Analysis


1. Obtain descriptive information about the topic

2. Analyze the data and develop codes of categories from the qualitative responses

3. Formulate themes by groupings or codes

4. Check other research findings and triangulate

5. Obtain useful information in dealing with educational problems


-provides content searching tools

-provides coding tools

-provides linking ability

-provides tools for mapping or networking

-tools for query and writing and annotation

Examples are: CAQDAS,NVIVO,MAXQDA, Quirkos, ATLAS-ti, Qiqqa


-used to answer questions or relationships within measurable variables with an intention to explain,
predict and control a phenomena

-Research that utilizes numerical method of measuring or ascertaining the variable

Quantitative Method

- Typically begins with a data collection based on a hypothesis or theory

- It is followed with application of descriptive or inferential statistics
- Surveys and observations are some examples that are widely used with statistical association

Non-Statistical Statistical
Descriptive Numerical
Soft Sciences Hard Sciences
Subjective Objective
Naturalistic Scientific
Inductive (specific to general) Deductive (general to specific)

Guidelines in Choosing a Research Topic

1.) Interest in subject

2.) Availability of Information
3.) Timeliness and Relevance of Topic
4.) Limitation on the subject
5.) Personal Resources

Topic to Avoid

1.) Controversial
2.) High Technical
3.) Hard to Investigate
4.) Too Broad
5.) Too Narrow
6.) Vague

Sources of Research Topic

1.) Media
2.) Books
3.) Professional Periodical
4.) General Periodical
5.) Previous knowledge
6.) Work Experience

Research Question and Research Problem

1.) Problem – matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful

2.) Question – a subject for topic of investigation

Guidelines in Formulating Research Question

1.) Establish clear point/ Relation

2.) Based on RRL
3.) Arouse Curiosity
4.) State Dependent and Independent Variable
5.) Expresses main problem of Research
6.) Avoid yes or no Questions
7.) BE guided by the Acronym SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-bound)

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