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Unit 3


Завдання 3.1
Прочитайте статтю про ресторан Макдональдс. Дайте короткі відповіді (не більше 3 слів) на
питання (1-9) після тексту. Записуйте відповіді на лініях, як показано у прикладі (0).

The Story of McDonald's

The McDonald brothers, Dick and Mack, open a little drive-in restaurant in Pasadena, California. They
serve hot dogs and milk shakes.
They have 20 waiters. All the teenagers in town eat hamburgers there.
They get paper boxes and bags for the hamburgers. They put the price down from 30 cents to 15
cents. They cut the menu down from 25 things to only 9. There are no more waiters — it is self-service. So
it is cheaper and faster. And they have windows all around the kitchen — so everyone can see it is clean.
Parents start bringing their children to the restaurant. Poor families eat at a restaurant for the first time.
The McDonalds company opens hundreds of McDonald's restaurants all over the States.
They open restaurants in Japan, Germany and Australia. .
the McDonald's company opens a new restaurant every 8 hours! There are more than 14,000 restaurants in
over 70 countries. The largest restaurant is in Beijing in the People's Republic of China and the smallest in
Ginza, Tokyo. The northernmost restaurant in Fairbanks, Alaska and the southernmost in Gibson, New
McDonald's restaurants serve almost the same food in every country. But in Italy they serve beer, in
Norway the McLak (salmon burger) and in the Netherlands the Groenteburger (vegetarian)!

0 What kind of restaurant did the McDonald brothers open?_____drive-in_________________

1 Where was the first McDonald's open? ___________________________________________
2 How many waiters did they have in the middle of the 40s?____________________________
3 When did McDonalds become a self-service restaurant?______________________________
4 What was the price of hamburgers in 1948? ________________________________________
5 Where did the company open its restaurants at the beginning of the 70s? _________________
6 How often does the McDonald s company open a new restaurant? ______________________
7 What city is the biggest restaurant located in? ______________________________________
8 What food is served in every country?____________________________________________
9 What is the name for salmon burger?_____________________________________________

Завдання 3.2
Прочитайте повідомлення про новий вид картоплі. Доберіть зі списку (A-G) заголовок, що
найкраще відповідає кожній частині (1-4) тексту. Кількість заголовків перебільшує кількість
частин тексту на 2. Записуйте відповіді в таблиці, як показано у прикладі (0).

Hairy Potato May Help Feed Hungry World

0 The "green revolution" to feed hungry people in the developing world has a new star, scientists said
Monday: the hairy potato.
1 Most potatoes are easily damaged by pests, said scientist K.V. Raman. The hairy potato fights them off.
The hairs emit a sticky substance that traps and kills small insects as they eat or reproduce. The potato also
poisons larger insects.
2 This build-in defense makes the new potato easier to grow. It will require fewer insecticides, which will
be good for farmers and the environment.
3 "Potatoes are the fourth most important food crop in the world," said Raman. He works at the
International Potato Center in Lima, Peru. The Center recently won the International Agricultural Research
Award. It was honored for 20 years of work to develop safe pest management.
4 Cornell Prof. Robert Plaisted said the new potato is "the best method yet to fight insects in a broad
way". He said the material on the potato hairs will control pests from 50 percent to 95- percent.

A Worldwide recognition of potatoes.

В Insecticides make potatoes grow quicker
C Importance of potatoes in the countries suffering from famine
D Harmful to insects
E Rate of hair growth
F Advantages of hairy potatoes
G Statistics on potato's resistance to pests

0 1 2 3 4

Завдання 3.3
Прочитайте газетну статтю про шкільну справу. Виберіть речення зі списку (A-F), щоб
правильно заповнити пропуски (1-4) у статті, і запишіть відповідну букву в таблицю, як
показано у прикладі (0). Одне речення є зайвим.

School Deal
There are authorities that take care of many schools. They make decisions for lots of people.
In some of their schools, they sold drinks. (1) __________These authorities wanted to have Pepsi Cola the
only soft drink in these machines.
The authorities knew that the selling of soft drinks would bring in a lot of money for them. They
would also sell bottled water. (2)_______
But some parents did not like the plan. They thought that ads would be allowed in the schools.
(3)_______They were worried that the drinks had too much sugar, and no good calories.
Both sides wanted to keep talking about it. (4)_________The authorities would switch from Coca
Cola to Pepsi Cola very soon.
A People were not interested in their decisions at all.
В They also thought that students who drank the soft drinks would not be very healthy.
C These were soft drinks that were sold from a machine.
D They were getting together to study the problem more.
E One decision they made was not liked by all of the people.
F There would also be fruit juices.

0 1 2 3 4

Завдання 3.4
Прочитайте газетну статтю про здорову їжу. Виберіть частини речення зі списку (A-L), щоб
правильно заповнити пропуски (1-4) у статті, і запишіть відповідну букву в таблицю, як
показано у прикладі (0). Одна частина речення є зайвою.

Governor Wants Kids to Eat Healthy Food

Many people are concerned about the health of children in the USA. One big problem is that
children are (0) ______. Being overweight is a problem (1) _______. People are less productive when they
weigh too much. They also have more health issues (2) _______.
One thing that makes people overweight is eating too much junk food. Chips, candy and sugary snacks are
called (3) ______. Junk food is not healthy for people. It can make them overweight. Most junk food
contains (4) ______. When children have too much fat and sugar in their diets, they can become
overweight or (5) _____.
Teenagers and children eat a lot of junk food. Some studies say that teenagers drink soda every day and eat
(6)_________________. They also eat a lot of junk food.
The governor of California wants children to be healthier. He held a special summit meeting (7) _____ . He
invited several other health groups, as well as children, He talked to the children
(8)________. He asked them to exercise more and to stay away from junk food. The governor also took a
walk with the children. We wanted to show them (9) _____. He asked the students for a commitment to
stay healthy.
The governor also signed a new law. It limits the sale of junk food and soda in school cafeterias.
Lawmakers hope that this new law will stop children (10)_____so much junk food. They hope this will help
make children healthier in the state.

A to drink water
В too much fast food
C when they are overweight
D to talk about the problem
E junk food
F that exercise can be fun
G that costs money
H from eating
I even obese
J about staying healthy
K becoming more overweight
L too much fat and sugar

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Завдання 3.5
Прочитайте журнальну статтю про „хороший” подарунок. Розмістіть частини тексту в
правильному порядку і запишіть відповідну букву (A-F) в таблицю. Початок тексту, його перша
частина є прикладом виконання завдання (0).

A "Good" Present
A The package was found to contain a letter and some contraband: four packets of tobacco. If I
wanted the package, I would have to pay customs duty, tax and a penalty.
В Some friends visiting me from the Caribbean remarked about the tobacco I was smoking. It seemed
that the same tobacco was popular in their country, but I was paying four times more for it than they were.
They offered to send me some when they got home again. I was very grateful, and promised to pay them
for it.
C A few more weeks passed, and the package finally reached me. It was covered with official government
stamps and seals. I opened it and took out the letter. It said "Here's your tobacco. We hope you enjoy it. It's
silly paying so much for it when we can buy it so cheaply here. We'll send you another four packets next
D On the other hand, I had been looking forward to hearing from my friends, and wanted to read the
letter, and I could not get the letter without paying the duty, the tax and so on. In the end I sent the money.
E Some weeks later an official letter arrived in a brown envelope. It was from the customs office,
informing me that they had intercepted a package with my name and address on it.
F If they did not hear from me, they would destroy the package. It was going to turn out to be rather
expensive tobacco, if I paid everything they demanded.

0 1 2 3 4 5
Займенник /The Pronoun
За значенням і граматичними особливостями займенники в англійській мові поділяються на 11 груп:
1. особові (personal pronouns)
2. присвійні (possessive pronouns)
3. зворотні (reflexive pronouns)
4. взаємні (reciprocal pronouns)
5. вказівні (demonstrative pronouns)
6. питальні (interrogative pronouns)
7. сполучні (conjunctive pronouns)
8. неозначені (indefinite pronouns)
9. заперечні (negative pronouns)
10. означальні (defining pronouns)
11. кількісні (quantitative pronouns)

Oсобові займенники (personal pronouns)

Subject pronouns Object Pronouns

Називний відмінок (Nominative Case) Об’єктний відмінок (Objective Case)
I –я me – мене, мені
he – він (істоти чоловічої статі) him - його, йому
she – вона (істоти жіночої статі) her – її, їй
it – воно (він, воно – назви неістот, тварин і рослин) it – його, йому, її, їй
we - ми us – нас, нам
you – ви, ти you – вас, вам, тебе, тобі
they - вони them – їх, їм
Вживання займенника it
Займенник it не завжди замінює іменник. Він вживається також :
а) як підмет у безособових реченнях:
It is raining. - Іде дощ.
б) у значенні вказівного займенника:
It must be a visitor. - Це, напевно, відвідувач.
в) як слово, що вводить речення, якщо підмет, виражений інфінітивом, герундієм чи підрядним реченням, стоїть
після присудка:
It was difficult to speak to her about this. - Важко було говорити з нею про це.
It will be pleasant living here now. - Тепер тут буде приємно жити.

Присвійні займенники (possessive pronouns)

Залежна форма Незалежна форма Українські відповідники

(Possessive Adjectives –
my mine мій, моя, моє, мої
his his його (чоловічий рід)
her hers її
its ------ його (середній рід), її
our ours наш, наша, наше, наші
your yours ваш, ваша, ваше, ваші
твій, твоя, твоє, твої
their their їхній, їхня, їхнє, їхні
Присвійні займенники в залежній формі вживаються перед іменниками в ролі означення: my address - моя адреса,
their house - їхній будинок.
Присвійні займенники в незалежній формі не вживаються перед іменниками; вони їх замінюють:
Where are all our books? – Mine are here. - Де всі наші книги? – Мої тут.
They are mine. - Вони мої.
У функції означення присвійні займенники в незалежній формі вживаються з прийменником of після означу
вального іменника:
It’s no business of mine. - Це не моє діло.

В англійській мові нема такого присвійного займенника, що відповідав би українському займеннику свій і
стосувався б до будь-якої особи. Український займенник свій перекладається різними присвійними займенниками,
залежно від особи, якої він стосується:
Я користуюсь своїми записами. – I use my notes.
Ти користуєшся своїми записами. – You use your notes.
Він користується своїми записами. –He uses his notes.
Вона користується своїми записами і т.д. – She uses her notes etc.

Зворотні займенники (reflexive pronouns)

Subject Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns

I ► myself
you (ти) yourself
► himself
he ► herself
she ► itself
it ► ourselves
we ► yourselves
you (ви) themselves

they ►

Перекладаються на українську мову:

- зворотним займенником себе
You call yourself a gentleman. - Ви називаєте себе джентльменом.
I told myself that it was true. - Я сказав собі, що це правда.
- українським сам
I’ve seen it myself. - Я бачив це сам.
- зворотними дієсловами з часткою –ся (-сь)
I dried myself. - Я витерлась.

Вживаються з такими дієсловами, як:

- behave, burn, cut, enjoy, hurt, introduce, kill, look at, teach, etc.
- в наступних виразах: behave yourself (поводити себе пристойно) , enjoy yourself (гарно проводити час) , help
yourself ( пригощатися).

- Не вживаються з дієсловами: сoncentrate, feel, meet, relax.
- З дієсловами dress, shave, wash вживаються тільки тоді, коли дія виконувалася зі значним зусиллям. – He
had a broken arm, but he managed to shave himself.

Зворотний займенник oneself вживається з інфінітивом дієслів, а також тоді, кoли підмет виражено неозначеним
займенником one:
To amuse oneself - pозважатися
One should take care of oneself. - Треба самому турбуватися про себе.
Взаємні займенники (reciprocal pronouns):

each other, one another – один одного, один одному.

We looked at one another. - Ми дивилися один на одного.

Вказівні займенники (demonstrative pronouns)

Однина Множина
this - цей, ця, це these - ці
that - той, та, те those - ті

Займенники this і that вживаються як займенники-прикметники у функції означення і як займенники-іменники у

функції підмета і додатка:
This watch is dear. (означення) - Цей годинник дорогий.
This is a dear watch. (підмет) - Це дорогий годинник.
Вказівні займенники у функції підмета узгоджуються в числі з іменною частиною складеного присудка,
То наш будинок. - This is a desk.
То наші будинки. - These are desks.
Це парти. - These are desks.

Займенник that (those) вживається замість раніше згаданого іменника, щоб уникнути його повторення:
This house is much better than that built last year. - Цей будинок значно кращий, ніж будинок, збудований
минулого року.

Вказівні займенники such i the same вживаються як займенники-іменники і як займенники-прикметники:

Why do you ask me such a question? (означення) - Чому ви ставите мені таке запитання?
The same happened to me. (підмет) - Те саме трапилося зі мною.

Питальні займенники (interrogative pronouns):

who (whom), what, which, whose.

Who is this girl?
Who are your friends?
Who (whom) did you see there?
What are you doing?
What newspaper are you reading?
Which of them is a doctor?
Whose bag have you taken?
What are you looking for? (прийменник, що сполучається з питальним займенником, здебільшого ставиться після
дієслова, а за наявності додатка – після додатка)

Сполучні займенники (conjunctive pronouns):

who (whom), what, which, whose вживаються для зв’язку підрядних речень з головними:
That isn’t what you said before.
He ordered coffee which was promptly brought.
До них належить також займенник that (який) (в підрядних означальних може стосуватися істот і неістот):
Let me try to tell you the other things that have happened in the past few days.
who/that (люди) підмет не може бути випущений I met a women who/that was from
who/whom/that (люди) додаток може бути випущений I saw a friend (who/whom/that) I
hadn’t seen for years/
which/that (неістоти, тварини) підмет ► не може бути випущений A camel is an animal which/that
додаток ► може бути випущений lives in hot countries.
The chair (that) you are sitting on is
whose (люди, неістоти, тварини) замість присвійних не може бути випущений That’s the building whose
прикметників windows were smashed.

That ніколи не вживається після коми чи після прийменника:

The Chinese vase, which is on the coffee table, is very expensive. (Not: … that is on the coffee table…)
The bank in which the money was deposited is across the street. (Not: … in that the money…)

Неозначені займенники (indefinite pronouns) і заперечні

займенники(negative pronouns)

До неозначених займенників належать: some, any , one, somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone,
До заперечних займенників належать: no, nobody, no one, none, nothing, neither.

Affirmative / Interrogative / Negative /

В стверджувальних реченнях В питальних реченнях В негативних реченнях

Перед злічуваними some any not any/ no

і незлічуваними іменниками (кілька, деякі, дехто, якийсь, (який-небудь, які-небудь,
деяка кількість) скільки-небудь)

I’ve got some stamps. Have you got any stamps? I haven’t any stamps.
I have no stamps.
We have some butter.
Істоти (люди) someone/ somebody anyone/ anybody no one/ not anyone
(хтось, хто-небудь) (хто-небудь) nobody/ not anybody
Somebody knocked on the door. Was anybody here? No one answered.
There isn’t anybody in the office.
Неістоти (предмети) something anything nothing/ not anything
(щось) (що-небудь) (ніщо, нічого)

I’ve brought you something. Was anything here? She knows nothing.
She doesn’t know anything.

З займенниками someone/ somebody, something, anyone/ anybody, anything, nobody, nothing вживається
дієслово в однині: There is something wrong with the computer.

Some вживається у питальних реченнях, що виражають пропозицію або прохання: Can I have some more milk?

Any вживається у стверджувальних реченнях у значенні будь-який: You can buy it at any shop.

- стосується щодо людей взагалі. Коли говорять “One must do sports”, це означає, що спортом рекомендується
займатися всім, кожному.
One can do it. – Можна це зробити. (перекладається безособовим речення м. Якщо вжите з модальним дієсловом)
- у присвійному відмінку виконує роль означення до неозначено-особового підмета оne: One must keep one’s
- вживається замість раніше вжитих у реченні злічуваних іменників, щоб уникнути їх повторення. Вживається і в
однині і множині (ones): Your car was burnt, wasn’t it? You haven’t a new one.
Як слово-замінник one вживається після прикметників, займенників this, that, another, the other, which, після
означеного артикля (the) і слів the first, the second…тощо, the last, the next: Which house? – That one.

Neither (ні той, ні другий, жоден) вживається як займенник-іменник і займенник-прикметник стосовно істот і
неістот: Neither answer was correct.
Neither of + іменник в множині: Neither of them is/ are working at the moment.
Neither …nor (ні ... ні): Neither Beth nor Lucy has got a car.

Oзначальні займенники (defining pronouns):

1. all - всі, весь, вся, все

All the actors were brilliant.
All of them were present.
All +day/ morning/ week/ year = the whole+ day/ morning/ week/ year: he’s been making phone calls all day/ the whole

2. both – обидва
Both men work in the bank.
Both of them cost a lot of money.

All i both вживаються:

- після дієслова to be (They are both/all excited.)
- після допоміжного дієслова, але перед основним-присудком (They have both/all signed the contract.)

Both … and (i …i): Both mark and Sam work here. (дієслово в множині!!!)

3. each, every, everybody, everyone – кожний

Each - мають на увазі кожного зокрема: Each employee in turn will speak to manager.
- про двох людей чи два предмети: He was holding an ice-cream in each hand.
Every - означає кожний в розумінні всі: Every employee is entitled to twenty days off.
- про три і більше предмети чи істоти: Every part of my body hurt after the fall.
- вказує на те, як часто дія відбувається: There is a train every twenty minutes.
- з виразами і словами almost, nearly practically, without exception: She has invited every person she knows,
without exception.
Everybody has already come. (дієслово в однині!!!)

4. everything – все: Everything was fine. (дієслово в однині!!!)

5. either – кожний з двох: You can paint the walls blue or green. Either colour is fine with me. (дієслово в
- один з двох: You may go by either road.
- вживається в кінці негативного речення і є прислівником : my sister can’t drive and I can’t drive

Either of + іменник в множині: Either of these two dresses suits/suit me. (дієслово і в однині, і в множині)
Either … or (або ...або): Either Mum or Dad is going to keep me up.

6. another, other – інший.

Another – ще один:Would you like another cup of tea?
- другий, інший: I don’t like this tie. Can you show me another one?
Another+ few/ two/ three etc.+ іменник: We are going to stay for another two days.

Other – інші: The other books are illustrated.

Others – в множині без іменника: The others are illustrated.
The other day = a few days ago: Jack called me the other day.

Кількісні займенники (quantitative pronouns):

Перед злічуваними іменниками Перед незлічуваними іменниками

many багато much
Не has many friends. There is much water.
a few кілька, трохи a little
Не has a few friends. There is a little water.
few мало little
Не has few friends. There is little water.

Ступені порівняння кількісних займенників:


Much і many зазвичай вживаються в питальних і заперечних реченнях.

В стверджувальних реченнях much і many зазвичай вживаються зі словами very, too, so:
I said I could not permit him to take so much labour upon himself. -- Я сказав, що не можу допустити, щоб він взяв на
себе таку важку працю.

В стверджувальних реченнях в значенні many використовуються: a lot (of), lots (of), plenty (of), a (large, great)
number (of); в значенні much— a lot (of), a (great, large) quantity (of), a good (great) deal (of):
There seemed a good deal of luggage when we put it all together. -- Багажу виявилося багато, коли ми його склали
The Pronoun

1. He closed one eye, but_____eye looked at me with a strange expression as if he wanted to advise me
of ________but was forbidden to say____.
A another, something, something
B other, anything, anything
C the other, something, anything
D the another, anything, something

2. They covered_____three miles and came to a point where they couldn't see
__________vegetation: ____was covered with snow.
A other, any, all
B another, any, everything
C the other, no, each
D others, ____, the whole

3. He set____to one side, disassociating_____from what was going forward, watching ______running
A little, ________, the others
B a little, himself, another
C a little, himself, the others
D little, ____, the other

4. When I met her, ____her parents had perished and she was dependent upon ________. She did
not want ___help and lived on______own.
A either, her, anybody, her
B any of, hers, somebody's, hers
C both, herself, anybody's, her
D both of, oneself, everybody, oneself

5. ____of them quite knew what she meant, but_____was sure that she could not bring _______to do
A Nobody, all, her
B Somebody, every, oneself
C No one, each, ____
D None, everybody, herself
6. I phoned her____day, but she refused to tell me_____.
A another, something
B another, anything
C the other, something
D the other, anything
7. She gave him a cold stare and told him _____sharp words. He was taken aback at this behaviour
A quite a few, hers
B such a few, her
C so few, herself
D too few, her
8. Ann and Pete were trying their best, but_____of them was helpful. They made _____attempts but
______was in vain.
A none, other a few, all
B neither, another few, everything
C nobody, the other few, all
D no one, another a few, everything
9. It was clear he was hungry. He ate a considerable ____ of fried meat _________quicker than
_________ and asked for____ helping.
A number, lot, others, other
B amount, far, the others, another
C deal, a lot, the other, the others
D quantity, ____, anothers, an another
10. She goes to Cyprus ___ summer, ____ of them can assure you of it. Shall I send you
A each, every, some
B either, all, any
C every, everybody, any
D every, each, some
11. It is so noisy that ____can hear_____. If____ keeps talking, he will leave the room.
A none, anything, somebody
B nobody, something, anybody
C somebody, nothing, somebody
D no one, anything, anybody
12. There are three towers in the fortress, one with a big clock, _______are decorated with glazed
tiles. ______of them remained intact.
A others, None C the others, None
B the others, No D others, Neither
13. Why are you afraid to ask for help?____of them will be glad to solve your little problem, especially
Jack. He is goodness ______.
A Everybody, himself
B Each, itself
C Every, itself
D Each, himself
14. She did not know what else to do. She had already had breakfast, put her ______clothes into the
suitcase, and was standing at the window with little hope to see Alice in this green tweed coat
A few, hers C a lot of, herself
B a few, her D many, her

15. I tried to concentrate ____, but as I felt_____cold I could think only of a warm room with a
fireplace and an armchair in front of it where I can settle ______.
A myself, myself, myself
B ____, _ , ____
C myself, ____, ____
D____, ____, myself
16. Colonies were ____used as sources of raw materials ____as markets for products of the home
A either, and C either, or
B neither, or D either, nor

17. They stood on____side of the bed looking at the sleeping boy. His left hand was in plaster,
________clasped a toy.
A each, other C every, another
B either, the other D either, other
18. Only____nations in the world export diamonds with South Africa and Russia the biggest importers,
while _____are far behind them.
A little, other C few, the others
B a little, the other D a few, others
19. It refers to the ways ancient Greeks spoke, worshipped, understood the nature of the physical world
_______, organized their governments, made ______livings, entertained __, and related to
_________who were not Greek.
A themselves, them, themselves, the others
B itself, their, itself, others
C itself, their, themselves, others
D themselves, ____, themselves, the other
20. One of the reasons why so______ people are to be found who seem sensible and pleasant in conversation is
that almost _____is thinking about what he wants to say ______ rather than about answering clearly what is
being said to him.
A few, everybody, himself
B a few, anybody, _____
C little, nobody, himself
D many, everyone, themselves
21. It is more shameful to distrust____friends than to be deceived by__________.
A their, theirs C his, themselves
B one's, them D our, ourselves
22. ____action happens, but the subtle quality of the____ events and, more crucially, the characters'
feelings about _____, form the essence of the story.
A Few, few, themselves
B Little, little, them
C Few, little, its
D Little, few, them
23. The loads imposed on a building are classified as____"dead" or "live". Dead loads include the
weight of the building ____and ______major items of fixed equipment.
A both, itself, each C either, itself, all
B both, ____, every D either, oneself, any
24. Identification is proof of identity: ____, especially a card or document, to prove that ________is
who he or she claims to be.
A everything, everybody
B something, somebody
C anything, anybody
D something, anybody
25. She learnt both classics and philosophy, but knows _______of them well. Though she can speak on
______subject in general.
A none, any C neither, either
B nothing, some D either, neither
26.____is waiting for the signal. _____two minutes and the match will begin. _______players are
anxious to win.
A Everybody, Another, Every
B Anybody, Some, All
C Everybody, Another, All the
D All, Other, Each
27. He was pleased with____because_____of them noticed ______.
A him, nobody, anything

B himself, any, nothing

C them, no one, nothing

D himself, none, anything

28. _______husband _______wife were responsible for the religious development of their household
A Either, or
B Neither, nor
C Both, and
D Every, and
29. He is diligence ____. But he forgets one thing: the difference between a good worker and a bad
worker is that one works with his heart and ______with his hands.
A himself, the other
B ____, another
C itself, the other
D himself, others

30. He thought_____over and came to the conclusion that it was not in ______bad.
A it, himself C its, oneself
B it's, itself D it, itself

31. You and I may now consider____as tête-à-tête; Sir Nicolas won't be much in our way. He hears
and sees _____but ________.
A yourselves, anything, his
B ourselves, nothing, himself
C us, something, hisself
D ourselves, somewhere, him

32. In the early part of the Modern English period the vocabulary was enlarged by the widespread use
of one part of speech for _________and by increased borrowings from ____________languages.
A the other, others
B another, other
C other ones, another
D others, another

3 Writing an opinion essay

Після дебатів про сучасні технології ваш викладач попросив вас написати есе, в якому ви маєте
висловити свою думку щодо наступного твердження:
Computers are an essential part of our daily lives
(Комп’ютер - невід’ємна частина нашого повсякденного життя)
Скористайтесь планом для написання есе (120-180 слів).


(Para 1) state topic & your opinion: computers are used in all parts of our lives - work, school, leisure
make our lives easier - better organised - can't live without them

Main Body

(Para 2) computers make our working lives easier -accurate - save time –
keep a lot of information in one place - everything we need is right there in front of us
(Para 3) use the Internet for research, for work and school and pleasure –
helps us keep in contact with people around the world - have fun as well as work or study
(Para 4) not healthy to spend too much time sitting at a computer - can damage our eyes –
we don't exercise as much - don't talk to other people


(Para 5) restate your opinion: computers are an important part of our lives today – help us to work
and study more effectively - we shouldn't spend all of our time in front of a computer screen

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