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“The Step-By-Step

Newbie Success

By: Nick Koop


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If you are reading this, then I know a few things about you already.

-You are new to internet marketing and you love the appeal of the industry

-Your head hurts because you are suffering from information overload

-You just wish that someone would show you the correct path and how to do it

-You are sick of the get-rich-quick schemes that are everywhere and you just want a
genuine way of making a living online.

Do you know how I know these things about you? It is because I wanted these
exact things when I first started out over 3 years ago. Now I am going to clear your mind,
lead you down the yellow brick road and show you how to go from nothing to everything in
only a matter of months!

While I know that some of you have been around for a while and may know a thing or two,
I have written this report for someone to be able to start off with absolutely no experience,
so bare with me while I am explaining everything. You never know, you may learn
something new as well ;).

Let's start making money...


List Building is the Key..

If you have ever heard the saying, “The money is in the list” then you have heard
the most true words in internet marketing because having an email list is the most
profitable, reliable tool that you can have. Every big name marketer has an email list
because they know that while other things like SEO are very useful it is the email list that
will sustain their business for as long as they want. So, this is how you will achieve your
financial goals online and I will guide you all the way while holding your hand and
answering every question that needs to be answered...

List building is actually a really simple concept. It involves getting people to give you their
email address in exchange for something and then you email them with information, offers
etc. The 4 steps to do this are as follows:

• Drive traffic to a squeeze page

• Provide a valuable freebie in exchange for an email address

• Create a relationship with your list so they trust you and know you

• Only promote good products that you truly believe in

It might sound like a difficult task but it's not and can even be achieved by a kid!


Step 1a: Create a Squeeze page

Probably one of the most important elements in the whole online marketing niche. A
squeeze page is where you collect email addresses from visitors via an opt-in box. They
vary in how they look but the general consensus is to keep a clean, simple, straight to the
point appearance so the one purpose of the page is fulfilled as distractions are eliminated.
If you have downloaded WSO's before then you will have come across many different
squeeze pages and opted-in to email lists too. Just to refresh your memory, an example of
a squeeze page is below:

Of course, you can include header graphics, arrows, videos etc. but in my opinion it is best
to keep it very simple like the example so the visitor isn't too distracted and taken away
from the opt-in box. There are also a number of different ways you can create your
squeeze page, with both paid options and free alternatives.

The two paid squeeze page creators that I think are the best are OptimizePress and
LeadRocket. They are both Wordpress plugins that can create perfect squeeze pages all
with ease and drag-and-drop capabilities. They are a little pricey but very much worth it if

you have the coin to spare.

Now for the free ways to create a squeeze page. Firstly, if you have good photoshop skills
then you can easily find a free template that you can alter with your own graphics or ideas
easily. If not, then you will need to use something else such as Welcome Gate. It is a great
free squeeze page creator that allows you to manipulate the page to capture emails and
only shows the first time a person visits your site/blog so they aren't bothered by it every

Another free option is with Pure Leverage. They offer squeeze pages to their users which
include good simple designs with attractive background photos and some with videos too.

Whatever route you take with your squeeze page, remember to keep it clean, simple,
concise, and always lead the visitors focus toward the opt-in box.

Step 1b: Traffic Generation

Some consider this to be the most laborious and difficult step in internet marketing
because you can have the best sales funnel in the world but if you have no one to see it
then you simply cannot create an email list and make money. So, it is a crucial element in
our journey.

However, don't despair because I will show you that there is nothing to be afraid of when it
comes to getting visitors to your site and that you can do it even if you have no cash to

I will start with the free traffic generation methods and then show you some of the
best paid options that will make your traffic statistics sky-rocket.

Forum Traffic

Since you have found this WSO, I can nearly guarantee that you have been on a
forum. But if by some chance you haven't then a forum is where people come together to
discuss everything there is to do with a certain area of interest. There are millions of
forums on the internet ranging from horse breeding to motor sports to most importantly,
internet marketing. So the way that forum traffic generation works is that you become part
of the forum community which includes hundreds if not thousands of people who are laser
targeted in whatever niche you are promoting in. People on the Warrior Forum or Digital
Point are there to discuss internet marketing, not sports teams so you can know for sure
that you will be connecting with people that will be interested in what you have to offer. So,
go ahead and sign up to these forums and create a signature which accompanies all your
posts. This signature is where you can link to your squeeze page or your blog so make it
appealing so they cannot resist.

Youtube Traffic

Video traffic and in particular YouTube traffic is a highly underrated method of gaining
visitors. The best thing about making videos is that they are much more credible than text
posts or articles because the person can actually see and hear you so they instantly trust
you more than if you are just words on a page.

The second best thing about making youtube videos is that they are a lot easier to rank in
Google than a normal website. That is because Youtube is an authority site and gets rated
highly in the search results.

You can make videos about nearly anything, whether they are tutorials or motivational
videos. Whatever you decide to make a video about, make sure to include a call to action
where you tell the viewers to go to your site and subscribe to your email list. Not only that

but also include your URL in the description box too so the viewers are always able to see
it clearly.

While your videos may take time to gather views, they are an excellent source of long term
traffic because they will still be around in 6, 12, 24 months collecting views and visitors
while you have forgotten about them.

Article/Blog Traffic

The final free traffic generation method that I would suggest you doing is article and
blog marketing. Yes, it is a time consuming pursuit and will probably not end up getting you
the same volume of visitors as the other methods but I still think it is a valuable one. It is
also very simple. You write blog posts about whatever niche you are in and then you
submit these blog posts to article directories such as EzineArticles.com. If you put enough
content out there, people will eventually see it and the important part is that if it is really
high quality then they will want to see more. So go ahead and start writing content and
putting it out there.

Solo Ads

You now know some great free traffic generation methods but if it is instant results
you want, then paid traffic is the way to go. Solo ads involve you finding another marketer
online who already has an email list (usually in the 10s to 100s of thousands) and you pay
them for a designated about of clicks.

So for example, you might pay $50 for 100 clicks and they will promote your offer in their
emails until you have at least 100 clicks to your website. So, as you can see, it is
guaranteed traffic and you don't have to work at all, just fork out the cash. If you have a
good sales funnel then solo ads should be your perfect match.

Ad Swaps
Ad swaps are an easy and free way to promote your squeeze page. You work with

another internet marketer and you both “swap” your email lists to send one email in which

you promote the other person's product. This is a great opportunity to reach a whole new

audience and greatly increase your number of subscribers very quickly. Some of the most

popular websites to organise ad swaps are http://safe-swaps.com and the Warrior Forum.

They provide reliable ratings of people and ensure that you are getting quality lists to have

your product promoted to.

While ad swaps are a great way to get fresh exposure to different people, be careful not to

over do it because eventually your list will definitely get sick of being constantly pitched

different offers all the time and they will end up ignoring your emails.


My last traffic generation method that I suggest is to create a free WSO on the
Warrior Forum. Unfortunately it is not free for you but it is a fantastic way to get new
subscribers. There are a number of different ways you can create a WSO or free giveaway
and I will go into more detail in the next step.

Step 2: Creating a Free Giveaway

In order for people to give you their email address you simply must have something
to give them in return and a free giveaway is perfect for this. What you actually provide is
up to you because it could be an ebook, video, video course, membership to a site, plugin,
software etc. For the purpose of this report, I am going to tell you how to make an ebook,
just like this one.

There are a bunch of different ways you can go about it all with varying degrees of time
and effort involved.

• You can create it yourself, just like I have done here. It can be anywhere from
5 to 30 pages long and can include just about anything you want. If you are
having trouble thinking of something to write, then go to google or the forums
and look for common problems. Once you have a small list go ahead and
write a solution to them and put them in an ebook. I suggest you also
download OpenOffice which is the easiest way to create a product and
export it as a pdf.

• Hire a freelancer to write your content for you. There are lots of places on the
internet that offer services such as copywriting for a fee. A high quality article
will cost about $5 so unfortunately a full report might end up costing $100+
but it will save you a lot of time and will give you the opportunity to start
making money in order to make that investment back.

• Buy PLR (Private Label Rights). You can go and purchase pre-written
content and then edit it and change it however much you like before claiming
it as your own. This is a great method to have good-quality content at a
fraction of the time it takes to write your own. Some good resources are the
Warrior Forum and Master Resale Rights.

Whether you choose to create or buy your giveaway, there is one thing that must always
remain constant; and that is that you only provide VALUABLE content. Even though it is
free, make sure that the person is getting something they can use or appreciate and it is
worth giving up their email for.

Create A Relationship With Your List

You now know how to create a squeeze page and some good avenues to get traffic
to it but you still need the corner stone to this whole 'building'. An autoresponder. This is an
online tool that gathers all the email addresses that have been entered on your page and
allows you to manage them, send emails to them, split test them and take control over
your list.

The two autoresponders I would suggest are Aweber and PureLeverage. Aweber is the

most popular and arguably the best and PureLeverage is a great up and comer that
provides better value for money than any of the others.

Go and sign up for one of these now!

So, you have an autoresponder and are able to gather leads (subscribers) but what do
you email to them? How do you treat them? When should you offer? When should you

These are all important questions and also pretty subjective but my suggestion is to treat
your list like they are a friend in need. You have the knowledge and tools that can help
them solve their problems so that is what you should do. Yes, you might be able to make
some fast money by 'churning-and-burning' your list and trying to sell something new to
them every day but this is not a strategy for the long run and you will find it exhausting

You really need to create a good relationship with your subscribers and aim to actually
help them. This will gain their trust and give you much more credibility and authority than
anyone who just spams them. They will be more likely to listen to you when you decide to
promote something to them. Once again, it is not a hard thing to do but then again most
people are just so focused on the money that they forget that these people are not just
spam boxes or ATMs but actual, real people who want help.

When you have signed up for an autoresponder it is time to setup an email follow-
up sequence. This is a pre-written set of emails that will be automatically sent out to
anyone who subscribes to your email list on designated days. Complete auto-pilot.

I suggest you create a sequence which is similar to the one below and then from there you
stick to broadcasts.

Immediate Follow Up Email - An email should be sent to your subscribers the minute they

give you their email addresses. Include a thank-you for their subscription and a download

link for the free gift they signed up for.


Second Follow Up Email (Day 2) - Make this email simple. Just resend the download link

and add a brief message saying that you wanted to make sure that they receive your free


Third Follow Up Email (Day 3) - In this email, include valuable information or helpful tips in

your niche. For example, if they signed up for a free ebook on SEO, send them 10 tips on

how to rank better in Google.

Fourth Follow Up Email (Day 4) - Offer your help with any questions they may have about

your niche. If you want, you could give even more free tips and/or gifts, such as a report or

an ebook. Make sure they know they are valued and you are there to help them in any

way, shape or form.

Now that you have an automatic follow-up sequence set up you can begin broadcasting

emails to your list and here is where you include some product promotions. My advice is to

email them once a day with tips/information/stories/case studies etc. and then when you

honestly feel like your list is responding and trusts you, offer them a product that you truly

believe is helpful. It is the BEST way to make money with email marketing. Simple as that.

Trust Me!



So that is it for this report ladies and gentlemen. I am very confident that if you
follow the steps outlined above that you will make thousands of dollars every month. The
one thing to ensure you do before anything though: Have the right mindset!! If you go in to
this game with the belief that you can achieve anything, then there is nothing stopping

I also hope that you now understand how important list building is and the massive
potential it has with making you tons of cash no matter what niche you are in.

I just wish that I had started email marketing when I first started because I wouldn't have
wasted so much time and money and would be making even more of a killing online. ;)

Stop delaying and TAKE ACTION! Follow these steps and you will never ever regret it.

Be the 1%. Be different to those who watch and don't act.

Be who you want to be. Do What you want, when you want!

Thank you for reading and I wish you success in every effort you attempt. If you enjoyed
this killer strategy, then I recommend checking out my Blog here. I’m always sharing my
latest findings and making step by step videos on how to implement them. So if you want
to get the edge on your competition, check out my Blog here.

To wealth, happiness, success and freedom,

Nick Koop.


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