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1. Mention 3 types of flow regimes!

Transient flow, steady state, pseudo steady state
2. Oil fields that their reserve was depleted is called as?
Brown Field
3. What is desalination?
A process to remove over salinity in the water.
4. Flow regime where pressure at any point in the reservoir remains constant
overtime is called?
Steady state
5. Concave topography in naturally where is a place sediment accumulation is?
6. Sediment which was formed from mineral precipitation process is?
Chemical sedimentary
7. Migration in inner reservoir rock to shallow part of that reservoir is called?
Secondary migration
8. Stabilizer was placed near drill bit and can reduce range of tangential point
from drill bit that purpose to increase inclination angle, is called as?
Fulcrum principle
9. Drilling system that can be controlled in direct when drilling operation is?
Steerable system
10. Mention hydrates inhibitor!
Ammonia, brine, glycol and methanol
11. Mention types of EOR Method!
Miscible recovery, immiscible recovery, thermal recovery, chemical recovery,
Microbial recovery and vibro seismic
12. What is closure pressure?
Is pressure when the fracture will close again
13. Mention 3 methods of acidizing!
Matrix acidizing, fracture and
14. A method or a Principe to predict hydrogen content in a organic material is
known as?
Rock evol pyrolysis
15. A kerogen type which was formed from terrestrial or aquatic material in
oxides condition environment is?
Third type of kerogen
16. Mention types of drill bit!
Wing bit, Roller cone/tri cone bit, diamond bit
17. A bit that use to drill hard formation is?
Diamond bit
18. What are factors that influence bit performance?
Weight on bit, rate per minute (RPM), bit hydraulic, jet velocity, horse power
19. What is slip velocity?
Slip velocity is velocity of cutting that naturally falls down due to it’s density
20. A dimensionless unit that state how large formation damage is?
Skin factor
21. A coefficient that states the amount of oil that is lifted at a certain pressure
drop is?
Wellbore storage coefficient
22. Analysis of transient pressure drawdown in the period in which must further
determine by trial-error is?
Muskat analysis
23. Mention well testing techniques!
Pressure draw down, pressure build up, Isochronal, Modified isochronal
24. Well testing techniques were analyzed with respect to time due to the
increase in the closing pressure wells is?
Pressure build up
25. Pressure test that is done on wells with hydraulic fracturing is?
Hydraulic fractured well test
26. A curve was used to analyze the damage of rock formations around the well
test data obtained from the pressure is?
Mc. Kinley type curve
27. A test where the well is never closed. The well will be opened for a certain
rate until a stable is?
Back pressure test
28. A test where the well will be shut down until the pressure stabilized and
opened for each rated at a certain period. There must be a flow of data
extended is?
Isochronal test
29. Formation testing while drilling productivity is still on going, drilling was
stopped and the formation fluid is inserted through the drill pipe is?
Drill steam test
30. Testing to retrieve data from wells in the form of pressure, and depth of the
sample by means of inserting a tool into the well is?
Repeat formation test
31. Skin caused by partial completion and perforation is called?
Mechanical skin factor
32. Mineral deposits that may be present in the bowels of the earth consisting of
discover and undiscovered is called?
33. Exploration areas have been able to proceed to the drilling phase is?
34. Mention types of proved reserve!
Developed and Undeveloped
35. A simulation to determine the backup by using random number. Distribution
consists of a triangle and a quadrilateral. Is?
Monte Carlo simulation
36. Mention types of reservoir!
Black oil, light/volatile oil, retrograde gas, wet gas, dry gas
37. Mention types of decline curve!
Exponential, harmonic and hyperbolic
38. A blue print of the facilities and field development scenarios to be built is?
Plan of development
39. Application of Material Balance by using a straight line is?
40. A quantity which states the extent to which these gases deviate from the
ideal gas is?
Gas deviation factor
41. Fraction of a component is calculated from the mole is?
Mole Fraction
42. Reserve calculation method by looking at the geometry of the reservoir as a
simple container with a certain is?
Volumetric method
43. Oil-water separation method by injecting gas into liquid droplets that will
help lift the gas droplet of oil upward is?
44. Effect that occurs when the gas goes into the pump, the gas on the way down
there, and then compressed, on the way up so that the gas will not be able to
block the valve open and halted production is?
Gas Locking
45. Completion system where the well produces two distinct zones, the zone
between the packer sealed and fluid is produced separately through the
annulus and tubing or produced in conjunction with using a choke or a sliding
sleeve is?
46. Flow pattern in the pipe where the gas forming large columns were able to
push the liquid phase is?
Slug Flow
47. A device consisting of a plate that rests on the arrangement of the two rings,
serves to put the casing in the borehole in order to obtain the same distance
between the casing and the borehole wall is?
48. Measure the attractive force of static drilling fluid is?
Gel strength
49. Part of the resistance to flow caused by mechanical friction is?
Plastic viscosity
50. Rheology model of non-Newtonian fluid flow occurs where before there must
be a minimum shear stress, which exceeds the minimum price called the yield
point is?
Bingham Plastic

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