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Okay so you probably think that you’ve heard it
all before when it comes to sleep and hormones but
trust me… there’s a lot to know. Sleep scientists (yes,
there are scientists who have devoted their lives to
studying how to get quality z’s) have discovered some
breakthroughs in just the past decade that can really
help you have optimal hormone levels and start to
prowl around the world with that swagger, charisma,
dominant fvck thrust, and joie-de-vivre that attracts
success, pvssy, and respect like bumble bees to

If you have some experience with trying to

optimize your hormones you’ve heard about the rule
of getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night.
You’ve probably heard that your optimal testosterone
levels occur between 4-6 am in the morning, you
know that your testicles will be fuller, and healthier
with increased sleep quality. Well… most of that stuff
is entirely accurate. The fact is that sleep is one of
the three portions to the holy trinity of testosterone

1. Diet (my juice recipes will protect your

blessed boys from the ravages of a
3 JuicingForYourManhood.com

modern environment packed with toxins

that hold you back).
2. Sleep (this guide is going to help you
maximize the quality of your z’s so you
can start to get the joy juice in your
jewels flowing like the mighty Mississippi
River during a Spring melt).
3. Motion (Exercise is a key to getting your
testosterone production pounding

Research shows that these are the areas of your

life that have the most impact on your testosterone
levels. Most men spend the majority of their lives
after their 18th birthday programming their endocrine
system and their nervous system for less energy, less
muscle, less ambition, less joy and happiness, and as
a result… less pvssy, less success, and less fvck thrust
than they would otherwise have.

I am now in my 40s and have more energy and

dominate more pvssy than I ever did in my teens and
20s. The fact is that so few men pay any attention to
improving this area of their lives that it makes it ultra
easy for us dudes who have committed ourselves to
the top echelons of maledom (the elite 0.5%- that’s
one half of one percent) that dominate our destiny,
the forge our own paths in the world, and that exude
4 JuicingForYourManhood.com

the musky scent of a honey badger with a ten pound

cock (that comes from keeping our boys in peak

When I first started my journey towards hormone

enhancement, I honestly had no idea I would
discover how powerful it truly is and how most men
simply make no effort to improve themselves past a
certain point in their lives. It’s no wonder that
feminism and nonsense have gotten such a
stronghold in Western society and that men have
been left behind in the last 4 decades… very few men
do anything to be men anymore!

Now, some of this is not their fault. Our

environment is toxic, we work for giant corporations
that train us to be mediocre drones, we bathe our
brains in the flickering noise of smartphone screens
and TV, we rarely take the time to read and develop
ourselves…etc. The opulence of modernity has given
us untold luxury and a wealth of options but has
stolen a lot of the natural drive that makes us human
and male. This guide is NOT just about sleep. It’s a
recipe to break free from the shackles of blah and
start to bathe your soul in the simmering waters of
excellence, passion, and superiority.
5 JuicingForYourManhood.com

You were born to be superior. You are etched

from the fabric of men who came before you. Men
who braved untold challenges and teetered on the
tightrope of extinction to pass their excellence down
to you. You have an obligation to capitalize on this
opportunity by seizing this existence and making it as
awesome as you can possibly make it. To crush as
much ass as you possibly can. To eat, drink and live
like a champion. To dominate your destiny like they
dominated theirs. I am here to help you reclaim that
part of your soul… not just through juicing, sleeping
and supplementing, but by creating a superior
nervous and endocrine system that brings to fruition
the blueprint of badass stamped on your

If you are genuinely ready to take this journey

and to begin to improve the quality of your sleep and
to own this holy part of your life, then I am ready to
show you the way.

This guide is about owning the last 2 hours of

your day, every day. If you can own the last 2 hours
of your day EXACTLY as I outline in this guide the
promises I have outlined above are yours for the
taking. They are genuinely yours already. It is merely
a matter of time before they become wholly your
own. There have been many guides written about
6 JuicingForYourManhood.com

sleep and how sleep affects your life… but no guides

out there tell you how to be awesome in the last two
hours of every day so that you can sleep the sleep of
a man possessed. So that you can have the energy,
passion, and dominance of a man truly enveloped in
his destiny. I hope you don’t overlook the importance
of this part of your life and commit yourself to this
habit EVERY, SINGLE, DAY of your life from this day

To the health and happiness of your most valuable

possessions as a man (your cock and balls)…

Olivier Langlois
Nutrition Expert for Male Sexual Health
7 JuicingForYourManhood.com

Silent Screens
Of all the thieves that rob you of dominance
inducing sleep... screens are probably the sneakiest
and best. The amount of quality sleep lost to men
who allow screens to control their lives is in millions
of hours in North America alone. That’s per year!
Men lose out on a fvck ton of high-quality sleep
because they are slaves to their screens. They work
at their computers late into the night. They surf on
social media till the wee hours just before bed. They
text their social circle until ungodly hours.

Bottom line… if you do not take specific

measures to protect yourself from screens, your sleep
and your testosterone levels will suffer. Period.

So what’s so bad about these screens? Well,

unnatural light that comes from a computer,
smartphone, and digital TV screens has a lot of blue
light in it. The frequency spectrum of natural sunlight
has lots of blue light during our natural waking hours
so exposing yourself during that period of the day is
fine. However, at night blue wavelength light is very
damaging to your sleep patterns. It can also make
you more susceptible to cancer, diabetes, and
1 http://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/blue-light-has-a-dark-side
8 JuicingForYourManhood.com

The trick… limit your exposure to blue light at

least 2 hours before bed and after the sun goes
down. Here’s the thing… if you’re a man possessed
with a dominant vision and mission to bring about
amazing things in the world (and since you’re reading
this, I’m going to assume that you are), then you’re
going to be working late into the night sometimes.
That’s just a fact of life. You can’t always get
everything done during the light hours. So you are
going to be exposed to the artificial light of the world.
So a key to making this work is to wear blue blocking
glasses starting at least two hours before bed and to
limit screen time as much as possible.

If you are not working… turn off all screens

starting two hours before bed. Even wearing the blue
blockers, you’ll get some exposure so the rule of
thumb is whatever you CAN avoid you MUST avoid. If
you are working or work an evening shift… wear the
blue blockers. It will take some discipline to get used
to not having that noisy rectangle of lies screaming in
your ear and at your eyeballs until just before bed but
you can catch up on Sportscenter in the morning.
Unless your homeland is undergoing a nuclear attack,
you don’t need to worry about “the news.” The
“news” is mostly just an inflated mass of infotainment
designed to inflame the fear senses in your mind
9 JuicingForYourManhood.com

inundating you with impotence inducing stress and

making you dumber in the process.

Turn off the stupid screen and start reading

books. Books are marvelous for you in the evening if
you aren’t working because they actually create good
brainwave patterns that will let you sleep better and
unwind without riling up your system too much. The
only kind of literature you should avoid later in the
evening before bed is anything that is overly
motivational or increases your energy levels. These
can all impact the quality of sleep.

To Recap:

Turn off all screens and avoid exposure to

artificial light as much as possible for the last 2
hours before bedtime.

If it is unavoidable for you to limit your exposure

to blue light during that period before bed then use
blue blocking glasses to eliminate the blue light as
much as possible. You don’t want to skimp on the
cost here, as the cheaper products do not tend to do
the job that a higher quality lens will do.

You have to trust me on this as I learned the

hard way and went through 3 pairs of glasses that did
10 JuicingForYourManhood.com

not help me much before I finally found a quality

product that really did the job.

Below is the link to a high-quality pair of glasses

by a company called Swannies. They are a little more
expensive than some other pairs but they are worth
every nickel.

Swannies Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Instead of watching TV or surfing the internet

before bed, try reading instead.

You’ll feed your brain and unwind more naturally

without crowding your mind with the fear, paranoia,
and mediocrity inducing media that fills the airwaves
of the news and the interwebs alike.
11 JuicingForYourManhood.com

Kill The Frat Boy Habits

When I coach and councilmen on their diet and
lifestyle habits that kill their hormone levels I find that
a lot of men are trying to live the frat boy lifestyle
well into their 30s and 40s. Younger men under 25
need to do a lot less to worry about their testosterone
habits other than focusing on their diet and avoiding
too much toxin exposure (so they would still benefit
from Juicing For Your Manhood… every man needs

There are in particular 3 things that men do that

sabotage their sleep and hinder their progress. The
Ben Franklin adage of early to bed and early to rise
making a man healthy, dominant, and a fvcking
champion of everything he does (Olivier’s personal
spin on ol’ BF’s famous saying) could not be truer.
Get to bed earlier and sleep through the dark hours if
at all possible. I know there is the rare night owl who
is very successful and has a heightened period of
creativity later in the evening.

If that is you and you make that work and have

the kind of lifestyle that affords you the opportunity
to live that way then do that. I would say however
that 85% of men do NOT fall into that category. If
12 JuicingForYourManhood.com

you are not the kind of man who has the lifestyle or
the inclination to be productive late in the evening
then don’t try and do that. Staying up too late and
keeping erratic sleep habits kills your body’s rhythms
and can throw off your quality sleep.

Make a habit of going to bed early enough to get

a minimum of 7 hours of uninterrupted quality sleep
every night and go to bed at the same time. Your
sleep schedule can be off by 15 minutes or so before
or after your normal bedtime but no later. It really is
critical to go to sleep at the same time every night.
Now, naturally, if you want to live your life, you will
have to have some flexibility here. You will have
some late nights but you must keep them at a

The best recommendation is to make sure that

less than 10% of the time you go to bed later than 15
minutes after your scheduled time. That means that
only 3 days out of the month should you be out past
all hours. Also, if you do stay out later than your
scheduled bedtime, make sure that you don’t sleep in
too late and prevent yourself from getting to bed at
the appropriate time the next night. If you are staying
out late on those rare occasions… you are giving up
that sleep time. That is okay if you do it sparingly but
will kill your progress if you make a habit out of it.
13 JuicingForYourManhood.com

You also have to limit your alcohol consumption

late in the evening. Many men like to enjoy a drink
late in the evening or after dinner because the alcohol
helps to unwind them, makes them feel less stressed
out and helps make them drowsy. The problem is
once the immediate affects of the drowsiness from
the alcohol wear off… your mind and nervous system
will be agitated by it.

It is best to avoid alcohol for at least 4 hours

before bed but 2 hours before bed is absolutely
ESSENTIAL. No drinks (not wine, not beer, not
scotch…nothing) for 2 hours before bed. If you are
out partying or celebrating then you are making that
one of your “cheat nights...” those 10% or fewer
nights per month where you are allowed to be more
flexible about bedtime habits.

The last point is about eating. You should not be

eating anything in the last two hours before bed. The
only thing you should consume is water or tea. A
good chamomile tea with some lemon or a dab of
honey is perfect for the last few hours before bed.
Warm water with lemon juice is also excellent. It has
a soothing effect and can help your nervous system
relax and unwind without introducing anything that
can have an agitating or stimulating effect in the long
14 JuicingForYourManhood.com

term. Make sure that the tea you are drinking does
not have any caffeine in it. Even small amounts of
caffeine can interrupt your sleep cycles and limit sleep
quality. So it is to be avoided later in the day.

A good rule of thumb is to only drink caffeine in

the first 8 hours after you wake up. That will keep
from being overly stimulated in the last few hours
before you go to bed.

So basically… if you aren’t living in a frat house

there is no reason why you should be living like one.
To recap here are the main points you should take
from this chapter:

Go To Bed At The Same Time Every


Make late nights fewer than 10% of total nights.

Even if you go to bed late, wake up at the same time.
Resist the urge to sleep in (even though it feels good
temporarily) if you feel drowsy in the afternoon
because of poor sleep take a 15-20 minute nap but
no later.

Avoid naps for the last 8 hours before bedtime.

Take a brisk walk or do something mildly invigorating
to wake yourself up if you start to feel sleepy.
15 JuicingForYourManhood.com

No Eating For At Least 2 Hours Before


The late-night runs to Taco Bell are not just adding

flab to your waistline… they are also killing your

Eating too late can cause indigestion and has an

agitating affect on your body. So it is to be avoided
for the last 2 hours before bed. If you feel the need
to put something in your mouth… make it a titty (kind
of a joke but not really ;-)). You can drink some tea
or warm water with lemon as long as it has no
caffeine in it.
16 JuicingForYourManhood.com

Entrain Your Brain

Even though it probably sounds like advice for
the soft, namby-pamby types that like to wear white
robes and avoid eating animal flesh… i.e., those who
are AGAINST living like a man… meditation is one of
the best things you can do for your brain before

Research has proven that meditation is twice as

effective as sleep for your brain! That means that 20
minutes of meditation is equivalent to 40 minutes of
sleep. It may be why many Yogis and Buddhist monks
who have dedicated their lives to mindfulness-based
meditation often go on less than one hour of sleep
per day and still maintain optimal health.

Meditation is excellent for anxiety, depression,

and optimal mental health. It will make you sharper
and smarter. It will improve your awareness and
discipline and it will bolster your focus and help you
build that Dominant Destiny you have in your brain.

The problem with meditation is learning it. It

takes a lot of discipline and practice to get to the
point where you start to create the type of change in
your brain that is most effective for sleep and
17 JuicingForYourManhood.com

restfulness. That is why I recommend brain

entrainment. Brain entrainment uses normal
meditation practices with an additional level of
augmentation is using beat frequencies that cause
your synapses to fire at rates that will follow the
frequencies that are being introduced… translation-
you start to create the brainwaves that are most
beneficial for sleep automatically without having to
spend weeks or months mastering the meditative
practice (although it is still worth your time to do

This is not a replacement for normal mindfulness-

based meditation and will not completely eliminate
your need to still learn how to master this awesome
art but it will reduce the learning curve and make the
results come a little bit faster (and who doesn’t like it
when she comes a little faster ;-)).

While it won’t make you superman overnight…

20 minutes of augmented meditation is enough to
help you seriously improve the quality of your life and
your sleep and will help your flesh factory start to
dole out bigger doses of your body’s natural juice.
That is more T and more of the natural benefits like
improved focus, more ambition, more energy, more
muscle mass, harder more consistent erections…the
list goes on and on.
18 JuicingForYourManhood.com

So the best source of augmented meditation that

I have found is iawaketechnologies.com they are a
source of premiere augmented meditations that are
really awesome to help you unwind and get better
quality sleep. Another decent source of quality
meditations that will help you out if you want to go
with something that is high quality but not
augmented then Extreme Power 3 is a good product.
It is very affordable and of high quality.

One last thing… don’t just go on YouTube like the

mediocre people out there who want something for
free. You get what you pay for and there are a lot of
low-quality recordings that have lots of static (which
your brain perceives and interrupts the quality of the
meditation) and generic (high-quality meditation
audios will allow you to enter deeper states and
progress much faster). It’s an okay place to start
using something free and certainly beats doing
nothing but I highly recommend you invest in yourself
a little bit and get something of significantly higher
quality (a small amount of money spent here
exponentially increases the level of quality).
19 JuicingForYourManhood.com

Ritualize Your Nightly Routine

This was touched on earlier but it’s imperative.
So it bears repeating. Ritualizing your night in the last
2 hours before bed is the best way to guarantee your
quality sleep. It’s amazing how quickly you can
separate yourself from the fields of nameless, faceless
average men by just getting more sleep. Men who
commit to their sleep habits make more money, have
fewer health problems and enjoy higher quality sex!2

Studies estimate that the hours of sleep for the

average man in a weekday has dwindled by 3 percent
over the last decade alone! That probably seems like
very little but that small amount of sleep makes a big
difference. That alone could account for 25% of the
testosterone decline that’s occurred in the last 25
years according to a study performed by Travison et
al. involving men in the Boston MA area.3

Only by committing yourself to a ritual that

controls the last 2 hours of your day (just 1/8th of
your total waking hours) you are setting yourself
wayyy apart from average. You’ll be really amazed at

2 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/8555899/Lack-of-sleep-kills-a-
3 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3910416/
20 JuicingForYourManhood.com

the effect on the quality of your life when you start to

develop a ritual to help you with sleep.

Up to this point, we have mostly focused on

Don’ts- things you shouldn’t be doing to help yourself
experience higher quality sleep. Now let’s outline just
a few things you can do to help yourself improve
sleep quality.

1. Fvck to your heart’s content: studies show that

men who have more sex especially before bed get
more rest and have higher quality rest than those
who don’t. It’s probably the only exercise that you
should be doing within 2 hours of bed other than a
relaxing stroll

2. Cold Shower: It seems counterproductive but a

cold shower in the evening actually helps you
improve sleep quality. The shower should last 8-10
minutes total. It should be as cold as you can stand.
As an alternative… you may want to try alternating
between hot and cold water as you shower spending
about equal amounts of time on each.

3. Darkness Reigns Supreme: Unless you are

working in front of a screen spend the last 2 hours of
your day in relative obscurity. It doesn’t have to be
pitch black but it needs to be dark enough for your
brain to begin to register that it’s getting time to go
to sleep.
21 JuicingForYourManhood.com

4. Close Out The Light Leaks: Your sleep area

should not allow extra light in. Find ways to close out
any light coming in from the outside. Streetlights and
bright city lights can interrupt your sleep quality as
can noise. Insulate your sleep area from both as
much as possible. If you absolutely cannot eliminate
the light then try sleeping with a dark mask over
your eyes to shut out extra. If you can’t get rid of all
the noise try a good white noise generator. This can
help drown out the noise.

5. Decompression: Take 20-30 minutes to map out

the critical areas that you accomplished during the
day and take some time to write down exactly what
you want to achieve the next day.

Taking some time to write down what you’ve

accomplished helps you clear your slate and gives
you clarity on everything you’ve done to get yourself
to where you are.

Taking a little time to map out what you want to

accomplish going forward will help you feel good
about what you need to do and give your brain the
ease of knowing what needs to be done going

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