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Teen pregnancy

By: Kelly Mai,Thais Peralta,Evelyn

Teens dropping out of school
● Thirty percent of all teenage girls who drop out of school cite
pregnancy and parenthood as key reasons
● only 40 percent of teen mothers finish high school, fewer
than 2 percent finish college
● More than 305,000 teenage girls gave birth across the
country in 2012, according to data from the National
Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.

● The drop out rates among pregnant teens is 90% across the
United States
● Aside from parenthood and abortion, adoption provides
another option for pregnant teens. If you choose to put your
child up for adoption, there are different types of adoptions
available to you.
● Open adoptions allow the birth parent the opportunity to
visit the child and be a part of his or her life. Closed
adoptionskeep the birth parent's identity confidential,
meaning you do not have a relationship with the child.
● 80% of young teenage moms end up in poverty and on
Teens who get pregnant before the age of
1. About 25% of teen moms have a 2nd child within 24 months of their first

2. Parenthood is the leading reason that teen girls drop out of school. More
than 50% of teen mothers never graduate from high school. Aid young
parents by starting a Babysitters Club so they can take GED classes. Sign
up for Babysitters Club.

3. A sexually active teen who doesn’t use contraceptives has a 90% chance
of becoming pregnant within a year.
Teen parents who take control of the
examples; shows like teen mom and 16
pregnant show how these teens survive with
show that not only can go to school but also get
a high paying job
Many women abort their child because…
-They are not ready to be a mom
-They can’t afford to have a child
-Loss of income
-The lack of support from the childs father
-Inability to afford additional children
-Desire to provide schooling for them
- Disruption of their own education
The rate of abortion in America is approximately 1.21 million each year. Each
about 2 percent of the women in America from ages 15-44 abort their child.
Did the rate for teen pregnancy increase or
From 2011 to 2012 overall the rate of teen pregnancy has decreased,but it
didn’t decreased equally. The teen birth rates decreased 6% for non-Hispanic
whites, 7% for non-Hispanic blacks, 3% for American Indian/Alaska Natives,
5% for Asian/Pacific Islanders and 7% for Hispanics. However in 2012, non-
Hispanic black and Hispanic teen birth rates were still more than two times
higher than all the other racial groups.
Heres a chart for all the birth rates
from 1991-2012

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