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Global Warming and Climate Change

Engineering Solutions

By: Pallorina, Regan C.

Ladislao, Kenneth

Global Warming Engineering Solutions
1. One of the theories proposed for reducing global warming involves deflecting heat away from the Earth’s
surface with solar shields or satellites with movable reflectors. Computer models suggest that blocking
eight percent of the sun’s Earth-bound radiation would effectively counteract the warming effect of our
CO2 pollution. The idea was inspired by the cooling effects of large volcanic eruptions—such as Mt.
Pinatubo in 1991—that blast sulphate particles into the stratosphere. These particles reflect part of the
sun’s radiation back into space, reducing the amount of heat that reaches the atmosphere.

2. Another technological fix involves “sequestration,” the storage of CO2 either deep underground or deep
in the ocean. Some of the nation’s largest utilities, which are also “washing” coal to filter out impurities,
are working on ways to capture the CO2 they emit and store it miles below the Earth’s surface. Costs of
such technologies have been prohibitive, but new regulations could force the issue in the near term.

3. Another leading theory, “ocean fertilization,” entails scattering iron powder throughout the world’s seas,
providing nutrients to boost the amount of phytoplankton that thrive in the water’s upper layers. Through
photosynthesis, these plants absorb CO2, which in theory stays with them when they die and fall to the
ocean floor. Initial experiments have not lived up to the hype, however, but more research is underway.

4. Yet another take on altering the seas for the sake of the climate, “engineered weathering,” entails
replacing some of the oceans’ carbonic acid with hydrochloric acid. This, the theory goes, accelerates the
underwater storage of CO2 otherwise destined for the atmosphere. According to Harvard Earth and
Planetary Science Ph.D. Kurt Zenz House, engineered weathering “dramatically accelerates a cleaning
process that nature herself uses for greenhouse gas accumulation.”

Climate Change Engineering Solutions

1. Spray Sulfate Aerosols Into The Atmosphere

Though cited by a number of reports as being rather

risky due to potential unintended consequences, the idea behind
spraying sulfur particles into the atmosphere goes something
like this: By using large balloons or aircraft to put more sulfur
particles into the stratosphere, you could reduce the Earth's
absorption of of sunlight and prompt planetary cooling. Similar
to what happens when volcanoes erupt and put ash and sulfur
into the air.

2. Trap CO2 in Carbon Scrubbers

Perhaps two years from being manufactured, researchers at Columbia University say that soon they
may have a working carbon scrubber which could take one ton of CO2 out of the air per day. Small than a
standard shipping container in size, and about $200,000 in price, these carbon scrubbers trap CO2 entering
them on an ion exchange resin. The CO2 then can be either buried or used in other ways. Sounds like an
interesting idea? It is, but as the device's developers point out, hundreds of millions of these would have to be
deployed to suck up all the excess carbon emissions so this would only be part of any planetary medicine we'd
be practicing.

3. Fertilizing Trees With Nitrogen

The idea here is said easily enough: Fertilize trees with nitrogen to stimulate their ability to absorb
more carbon dioxide and, by increasing their albedo, reflect more solar radiation back into space. Voila!
You've begun cooling the planet.

4. Aerial Reforestation

Planting new trees in areas deforested by

natural disaster or human action could increase the
carbon sink potential of a given area of land, but
given how much previously forested land has been
cleared of trees in recent years, to complete the job
quickly enough some scientists have proposed
using airplanes to drop tree seedlingsover wide
areas of land. Tested on an episode of Discovery
Project Earth, tree seedlings were encased in a
variety of biodegradable containers (to test which
cradled the tree best for its journey back to Earth)
and dropped from slow moving airplanes. As the
episode shows, bringing an idea like this from concept to fruition is easier said than done. Without
entirely giving away the show's ending, we all better grab the nearest spade and get planting trees. At
least until better delivery methods are developed.

5. Dump Limestone into the Oceans

This one's a bit of a ringer in the group, in that

rather than combatting global warming directly, plans for
dumping powdered limestone in the ocean would mainly
address anticipated increasing ocean acidity. Due to these
changes in pH levels in the world's oceans brought about
by climate change, most of the planet's coral reefs could be
wiped out, with devastating consequences for marine life
and the humans which depend on it. But, by adding large
amounts of powdered limestone to the sea these changes in
water acidity could be checked--with the added bonus of
increasing carbon sequestration as well. If you're
wondering about side effects, you're not alone. At this
point the whole procedure is very much theoretical, add even if everything went exactly as planned it
could take decades and billions of tons of limestone for the plan to work.

6. .Ocean Iron Fertilization

Essentially mimicking natural processes, ocean iron fertilization hopes to stimulate the rate of
photosynthesis in phyto plankton, increasing the amount of carbon dioxide which is absorbed, and
creating essentially an artificial algae bloom. The thing is that the CO2 absorbed has to sink to sufficient
depth (a couple of miles) so that it won't simply be circulated back up into the atmosphere.

How effectively this works is a debate that swings both ways: A recent study published
in Nature says that at least in one experiment in the Crozet Islands the results were less than stellar. The
carbon sequestered was far less than theoretically predicted. That said, not everyone agrees with the
conclusion drawn by both the researchers or journalists (predictions of ocean iron fertilization's death are
greatly exaggerated...) on the effectiveness of this procedure.

However, new tests in the South Atlantic have recently begin given permission to proceed which
will study the role of iron in the global climate system. The organizers of the study, the Alfred Wegener
Institut, specifically say that they are not study ocean iron fertilization, but nevertheless, the results of
their research will be of interest to both proponents and opponents of this geoengineering procedure.

7. Enrich Soils With Biochar

Sometimes called a
modern version of the ancient
Amazonian agricultural practice
of Terra Preta, biochar promises
to both enrich soils and soak up
excess carbon dioxide. How it
works is this:

Biochar is a fine-grained
charcoal high in organic carbon
and largely resistant to
decomposition. It is produced from pyrolysis of plant and waste feedstocks. As a soil amendment,
biochar creates a recalcitrant soil carbon pool that is carbon-negative, serving as a net withdrawal of
atmospheric carbon dioxide stored in highly recalcitrant soil carbon stocks. The enhanced nutrient
retention capacity of biochar-amended soil not only reduces the total fertilizer requirements but also the
climate and environmental impact of croplands. Char-amended soils have shown 50 - 80 percent
reductions in nitrous oxide emissions and reduced runoff of phosphorus into surface waters and leaching
of nitrogen into groundwater. As a soil amendment, biochar significantly increases the efficiency of
and reduces the need for traditional chemical fertilizers, while greatly enhancing crop yields.Â
Renewable oils and gases co-produced in the pyrolysis process can be used as fuel or fuel feedstocks.Â
Biochar thus offers promise for its soil productivity and climate benefits. (International Biochar

Hazardous Waste Landfills
Possible Solutions

By: De Vera, Ruth Abegail A.

Hazardous Waste Landfills
Hazardous waste landfills have been perceived by the general public as a prospective threat to the safety
of water supplies for many surrounding communities. One of these threats involves the toxic contamination of
drinking water. Hazardous waste landfills are the result of more than a century of handling various toxic
chemicals at hazardous waste sites, ranging from gas stations whose potentially leaking underground storage
tanks have contaminated water supplies, to sites that may have had storm water runoff issues into neighboring
streams, creeks or rivers.

The longer hazardous waste remains in the ground in a variety of forms, such as petroleum projects,
volatile organic compounds and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB’s), the greater the possibility that these toxins
can potentially spread. This is because these chemicals have a long shelf life and can persist in the environment
for decades. Hazardous waste sites can end up polluting rivers and drinking water supplies, as well as harming
nearby wildlife. As populations and industries grow, so does the problem of proper waste disposal. Communities
accumulate so much garbage that properly disposing of it has become increasingly difficult. Solid garbage, for
example, is usually buried in landfill sites or incinerated, which is extremely harmful to the environment.
Decomposing garbage may attract vermin, give off a foul smell or leach into groundwater. The smoke given off
by burning garbage contributes to air pollution.

A good starting point towards the zero-waste ideal is the circular economy model associated with other
concepts such as the “cradle to cradle” design and industrial ecology. The idea here is that instead of products
eventually being buried or burned, as in most linear models of production, their parts are designed from the
beginning to be re-used and processed for re-entry into the production cycle.

For example, Google's Project Ara initiative addressed the challenge of outdated mobile phones by
reinventing consumers’ smartphone usage. By breaking down a phone into replaceable parts that can be
assembled and customized according to user requirements, consumers easily alter their phone with simple skills
and tools. Phone repair is done more easily and inexpensively by replacing only what is broken instead of the
entire phone. Google found a way to maximize a phone's lifetime usage and reduce the need to use new resources
for new phones, while minimizing the amount of its generated e-waste.

In Europe, Philips has 22 service organizations that are collecting 40% of lamps that contain mercury.
The company has a recycling rate greater than 95% in the market. Philips also started to sell lighting as a service
to enhance the collection of their lighting equipment. They aim to reach more customers as the company retains
ownership of the lighting equipment so customers don’t have to pay for lighting upfront. In addition, Philips
guarantees comprehensive environmental management pertaining to the recycling of their lighting equipment.

Possible Solutions
A. Landfills
- Landfills are usually dug at old abandoned mining
sites or quarries. The method involves layering the
waste in thin spreads before compacting it, after
which it is covered with a layer of soil. More layers
of earth are added over time. While landfills are very
cost-effective and hence the most practiced, they
have environmental downsides. They give off
hazardous gases and could possibly contaminate
groundwater of the land nearby. Therefore landfills
should be properly lined and should not come in
contact with the adjoining area. The purpose of a
landfill is to bury the trash in such a way that it will

be isolated from groundwater, will be kept dry and will not be in contact with air. Under these
conditions, trash will not decompose much.

B. Incineration
- It is also referred to as thermal treatment, comprises
the controlled burning of waste at high temperatures.
Incineration facilities can be built in a small space
and process a large amount of waste, hence saving a
lot of space as compared to landfills. The volume of
the waste can be reduced by more than half, and
moreover, incineration can also provide for a
continuously available alternative source of energy.
The waste is transformed to heat, ash, gas and steam
and this method is widely used in countries with
limited space such as Japan. Unfortunately, the high
cost of installation of an incinerator presents a
problem. Another obvious disadvantage of incineration is the release of toxic gases, such as dioxins
which can even be carcinogenic.

C. Composting
- Composting is the most natural process of waste
disposal. In composting, the waste simply breaks
down into organic compounds that can be used as
manure or fertilizer. Organic wastes such as fruit
peels and skins, yard trimmings, manures, food
wastes, etc. once acted upon by microorganisms can
be used as soil enhancers or a medium to grow
plants. Some challenges faced by taking up
composting include foul odour, the need for a
composting area and the release of greenhouse gases.
Although it is a big change to make, once
composting is made into a habit, its benefits far
outweigh its drawbacks. It is definitely a method to be seriously considered.

D. Recycling
- Recycling works on the principle of not
completely disposing of anything that could
be used and not introducing new, unnecessary
raw materials which would need to be
disposed of later. Recycling can be done by
everyone and is encouraged everywhere.
Small things like carrying your own reusable
shopping bag to the supermarket instead of
using plastic bags each time and separating your trash at home can contribute to reducing the amount
of total waste generated by everyone. Reducing the volume of our waste is a great first step to dealing
with the problem of waste management. Materials such as paper, glass, aluminium, etc. that can be
recycled should be recycled. It has several advantages. You could save money. You could save
resources. You could reduce the amount of waste created. As easily as by recycling, we could lessen
the strain on the environment. Thus, recycling is an important idea to minimise the waste generated
by us today and better deal with whatever we create anyway.

Problems and Possible Solutions

By: Sanchez, Kimberly Claire P.


Mining is one of the oldest industries and extracts solid materials and minerals necessary to produce
many of the modern products in everyday life. However, it has environmental impacts felt beyond mines and their
vicinity. Some phenomena that give an impact to our environment are Deforestation, Erosion, Pollutants buried
are released, acid drainage, etc.

To reduce this types of causes, Modern technology is being used to reduce environment impacts.Reducing
in reliance in the used of the fossil fuels instead finding an alternative source of energy. Another way to limit
environmental impact is to decrease the amount of mining undertaken. Individuals can help by recycling to reduce
demand for the minerals and metals, and by reducing reliance on fossil fuels. By controlling the extent of mining,
its effects can be reduced, and these precious and limited non-renewable resources can also be spared for future

1. Deforestation.

Exploration, production or extraction and post-mining land-use are the threephases of mining
according to National Academy Press Many of the minerals are located in forests or in protected areas in
the tropics and boreal. The type of mining and the material mined also has an important influence on the
extent and type of destruction.

2. Erosion

Loss of forests and subsequent mining operations disturb the soil.Strip mining is particularly
responsible for soil erosion as the top soil is blasted to reach the shallow seams of coal. The displaced
fertile topsoil is eroded or transported away leaving the area unfit for growing any trees. It is this
disturbance of soil which makes it difficult to grow trees in many mined areas in the U.S., so former
forested areas are reclaimed by planting grass which alone can survive in these conditions notes a study
reported in Bioscience in 2013.

3. Pollutants Buried are released.

There are many heavy metals and toxic chemicals that are buried in the soil that get released
during mining and end up polluting air, water and land. National Geographic reports that 40% of the
watershed in western U.S. are affected by mining pollutants, and there are 500,000 abandoned mines
waiting to be cleaned and reclaimed in the whole country.

4. Acid Drainage

Metals when they mix with water can also become acidic. This acid drainage can be a major
environmental and health problem that persists for centuries notes Greenpeace and National Geographic.

Many of the chemicals used in mining are toxic and can escape into soil and water too.

Solution to this type of global event that affects to the destruction of the environment is Modern
technology is being used to reduce environment impacts. Reducing in reliance in the used of the fossil fuels
instead find alternative source of energy. Another way to limit environmental impact is to decrease the amount of
mining undertaken. Individuals can help by recycling to reduce demand for the minerals and metals, and by

reducing reliance on fossil fuels. By controlling the extent of mining, its effects can be reduced, and these
precious and limited non-renewable resources can also be spared for future generations

Water is used in a number of applications at mine sites. By diverting surface water and pumping
groundwater, mining operations can reduce both the quantity and quality of water available downstream for
aquatic ecosystems and other industrial and municipal water users, especially in areas with arid climates.In
response to water scarcity in many mining regions, a number of innovative water conservation practices are being
developed and implemented to reduce water use.

There are a number of ways to reduce the land-use impacts of mining. These include reducing the overall
footprint of the mining area, minimizing the amount of waste produced and stored, maintaining biodiversity by
transplanting or culturing any endangered plants found on site, and planning mines around existing infrastructure
where possible. Although current technology requires ores to be excavated in order to produce metals, research in
areas such as bio mining offers the possibility of mining with minimal land disruption in the future.

Another way to limit environmental impact is to decrease the amount of mining undertaken. Individuals
can help by recycling to reduce demand for the minerals and metals, and by reducing reliance on fossil fuels. By
controlling the extent of mining, its effects can be reduced, and these precious and limited non-renewable
resources can also be spared for future generations

Methods for minimizing and eliminating wastes in the production of minerals and metal commodities include :

1. Using cleaner production techniques

2. Environmental control technologies
3. Using waste as raw material, and
4. Reducing the amount of waste produced through process re-engineering.

Sustainable Engineering Solutions to Globally Endemic Water
Water Pollution, its Prevention and Control

By: Dolores, Aldrin D.

Water pollution, its prevention and control
Water is a key resource for our quality of life. It also provides natural habitats and eco-systems for plant
and animal species. Access to clean water for drinking and sanitary purposes is a precondition for human health
and well-being. Clean unpolluted water is essential for our ecosystems. Plants and animals in lakes, rivers and
seas react to changes in their environment caused by changes in chemical water quality and physical disturbance
of their habitat.

Water pollution is a human-induced change in the chemical, physical, biological, and radiological quality
of water that is injurious to its existing, intended, or potential uses such as boating, waterskiing, swimming, the
consumption of fish, and the health of aquatic organisms and ecosystems. Thus, the discharge of toxic chemicals
from a pipe or the release of livestock waste into a nearby water body is considered pollution. The contamination
of ground water, rivers, lakes, wetlands, estuaries, and oceans can threaten the health of humans and aquatic life.

Contaminants have a significant impact on aquatic ecosystems. for example, enrichment of water bodies
with nutrients (principally nitrogen and phosphorus) can result in the growth of algae and other aquatic plants that
shade or clog streams. Direct exposures to toxic chemicals such as pesticides, is also a health concern for
individual aquatic plants and animals. Without healthy water for drinking, cooking, fishing, and farming, the
human race would perish. Clean water is also necessary for recreational interests such as swimming, boating, and
water skiing.

A. Sources of Water Pollution:

Sources of water pollution are generally divided into two categories. The first is point-source pollution, in
which contaminants are discharged from a discrete location. Sewage outfalls and oil spills are examples of point-
source pollution. The second category is non-point-source or diffuses pollution, referring to all of the other
discharges that deliver contaminants to water bodies.

Numerous manufacturing plants pour off undiluted corrosives, poisons, and other noxious byproducts to
water streams. The construction industry discharges slurries of gypsum, cement, abrasives, metals, and poisonous
solvents. The mining industry also presents persistent water pollution problems. In yet another instance of
pollution, hot water discharged by factories and power plants causes so-called ‘thermal pollution’ by increasing
water temperatures. Such increases change the level of oxygen dissolved in a body of water, thereby disrupting
the water's ecological balance, killing off some plant and animal species while encouraging the overgrowth of
others. Towns and municipalities are also major sources of water pollution.

In many public water systems, pollution exceeds safe levels. One reason for this is that much groundwater has
been contaminated by wastes pumped underground for disposal or by seepage from surface water. When
contamination reaches underground water tables, it is difficult to correct and spreads over wide areas. Discharge
of untreated or only partially treated sewage into the waterways threatens the health of their own and neighboring
populations as well. Along with domestic wastes, sewage carries industrial contaminants and a growing tonnage
of paper and plastic refuse. Although thorough sewage treatment would destroy most disease-causing bacteria, the
problem of the spread of viruses and viral illness remains. Additionally, most sewage treatment does not remove
phosphorus compounds, contributed principally by detergents.

B. Dangers of Water Pollution:

Virtually all water pollutants are hazardous to humans as well as lesser species; sodium is implicated in
cardiovascular disease, nitrates in blood disorders. Mercury and lead can cause nervous disorders. Some
contaminants are carcinogens. DDT is toxic to humans and can alter chromosomes. Along many shores, shellfish
can no longer be taken because of contamination by DDT, sewage, or industrial wastes.

C. Prevention and Control of Water Pollution:

Sewage should be treated before it is discharged into the river or ocean. This is possible through modern

Sewage is first passed through a grinding mechanism. This is then passed through several settling chambers
and neutralized with lime. Up to this stage, the process is called primary treatment. The sewage still contains a
large number of pathogenic and non-pathogenic organisms, and also sufficient quantity of organic matter. The
neutralized effluents are sent to UASB (up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket). It is a reactor. In this, the anaerobic
bacteria degrade the biodegradable material present in the waste water. This removes foul odor and releases
methane, which can be used elsewhere. In this system, the pollution load is reduced up to 85 percent. After this,
water is sent to aeration tanks where it is mixed with air and bacteria. Bacteria digest the organic waste material.
This is called biological or secondary treatment. Even after the treatment, water is not yet fit for drinking. The
harmful microorganisms need to be killed. The final step (tertiary treatment) is, therefore, a disinfection process,
to remove final traces of organics, bacteria, dissolved inorganic solids, etc. For tertiary treatment, methods, such
as chlorination, evaporation, and exchange absorption may be employed. These depend upon the required quality
of the final treatment.

Apart from the above, you should also adopt the following practices:

(i) Waste food material, paper, decaying vegetables and plastics should not be thrown into open drains.

(ii) Effluents from distilleries, and solid wastes containing organic matter should be sent to biogas plants
for generation of energy.

(iii) Oil slicks should be skimmed off from the surface with suction device. Sawdust may

be spread over oil slicks to absorb the oil components.

Sustainable Engineering Solutions to Globally Endemic Water
Engineering Solutions to the Water Shortage Crisis

By: Sisor, Joshua B.

Engineering Solutions to the Water Shortage Crisis

Water Access

An important aspect of water security is ensuring that every person has access to clean water. However,
the natural supply of water is not constant, although demand is. For this reason, it is important to stabilize water
supplies using water infrastructure (e.g dams and pipelines). Despite current efforts though, one third of the world
still lacks access to improved water.

Water access can further be limited due to either economic or physical water scarcity. Economical
scarcity means that clean water resources exist, but they are unaffordable – either in terms of time spent obtaining
it, or in terms of cost. This generally results from a lack of stable water distribution systems. Physical scarcity
means that the region has little to no clean water resources. This results from either overuse or from lack of
sufficient precipitation and groundwater reserves in a region. Examples include central Australia and North

In a recent report, NASA pointed out that our world is running on the brink of a freshwater shortage.
Giant lakes are disappearing, and the world is heading toward a future where many countries could be water
insecure. But when faced with a crisis, history shows us that humanity has an amazing ability to conquer it
resourcefully, and that’s exactly what many environmental innovators are seeking to do by introducing new
technology that helps businesses and individuals alike cut down on their water usage without compromising their
quality of life.

The following are the solutions that are being implemented in most parts of the world by this time:

1. Solar-powered water purifiers

Hot climates suffer from water shortage the most. This is what drove an American schoolgirl to come up
with a way to use solar power to purify water. When she was just 15, Deepika Kurup invented a way to use zinc
oxide and titanium dioxide in containers that expose it to ultraviolet radiation and cleanse the water, making it
suitable to drink. She was on the Forbes’ 2015 30-Under-30 in Energy list and was even awarded the U.S.
Stockholm Junior Water Prize for her invention.

Her invention will help to address the fact that 1.1 billion people worldwide don’t have consistent access
to clean drinking water. Using Kurup’s invention and others like it, people will be able to make contaminated
water drinkable so that they don’t have to depend on outside sources.

2. Leak monitors

German utility company, Albstadtwerke, has been using new software to pinpoint leaks and send the data
instantaneously to a central data center. Showers, toilets and dripping taps are known to waste water, but the
biggest problem is originates from pipelines that lead into the home.

The company believes that almost a third of water is wasted even before it reaches a home. The software,
Zonescan Alpha is helping utilities around the world crack down on this inefficiency and massive waste of
precious resources.

3. CO2 cleaning

Water is used in many industrial applications, sometimes as a wet coolant or cleaning agent on a grand
scale. Both of these activities lead to tons of waste every single year. To give you an idea of how much,
manufacturing a car requires nearly 40,000 gallons of water – just imagine how that much water could benefit a

community that’s experiencing a water shortage. Fortunately, technology that would allow for water to be
replaced by CO2 has evolved enough to be viable in a wide variety of industries.

CO2 cleaning involves the use of carbon dioxide in solid form, highly propelled dry ice particles out of a
nozzle to clean a variety of different surfaces.
The technology can be used for composite
aircraft and automotive structures, cleaning
complex medical equipment, and dry cleaning
operations in an eco-friendly way. The CO2
required for these machines is recycled from
other industrial uses, so not only does it
contribute to solving the water shortage crisis,
but also helps with climate change. This is a
great example of an environmental solution
that kills two birds with one stone.

4. Rainwater Harvesting

In economically water scarce regions

(e.g. Central Africa) the problem lies not in a
lack of resources and precipitation but in water
distribution systems. In these regions,
implementing the use of rainwater harvesting will provide a way to capture unused precipitation in both rural and
urban cases. The advantage of this system is that it is inexpensive and can be operated at any scale (personal or
municipal). Examples are dams and other water reservoirs whether home-operated or governmental.

5. Installation of Soil Moisture Monitoring System to Improve Productivity

Corn production in Italy is constrained by unreliable and expensive water supply. In search for improved
irrigation practices, three farms near Milan, installed a drip irrigation system coupled with soil moisture
monitoring as part of the AquaTEK™ programme. This system allows farmers to irrigate only when needed,
without stressing the plants by supplying too much or too little water.

In a search for improved irrigation practices, three farms near Milan, installed a drip irrigation system
coupled with soil moisture monitoring as part of the AquaTEK™ programme. This system allows farmers to
irrigate only when needed, without stressing the plants by supplying too much or too little water. The system also
allows for more precise application of fertilisers (fertigation), and thus minimises the leaching of excess nutrients
into the ground.

The intervention was developed and implemented through a public private partnership between
Monsanto, NETAFIM™ Italia, HydroBio Inc and the University of Milan.

6. Balancing Supply and Demand Through Water Metering

The south and east of England has an average annual rainfall of around 700mm, with effective rainfall only about
400mm; much less in drought years. The low rainfall, coupled with a high density of population, forecast
significant growth and the potential impact of climate change mean that an already water-stressed region will
become even more so over the next two decades. In 2010, Southern Water Services Ltd (SWS), in order meet the
supply-demand gap, commenced a five year project to install 500,000 intelligent meters. This was accompanied
by significant customer engagement and a leakage reduction programme in order to demonstrate that the company
was also working to reduce losses.

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