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Title: I Lift My Voice (A Voice Lessons Workshop)


Youth for Christ is fun and dynamic; music and singing songs are its ways to make
the ministry more relatable to the young, interesting and livelier. It is one very common
interest of everyone. In this workshop, knowing that music and songs are enjoyable, we
provide the opportunity to make use of that interest in singing and music to be of a
greater purpose which is evangelization.

This voice lessons workshop is intended for YFCs who hope to improve and
develop their singing potential; bringing in the right attitude and right posture of the
heart as we sing.

Objectives: To learn to acknowledge the talent and gift of voices and singing songs

To make use of the purpose and meaning of having a talent in singing;

doing it for God

To develop their singing talent.

Speaker’s Profile: Somebody who belongs to an established YFC / SFC /CFC music ministry;
who exemplifies being a good singer and a missionary at the same time; or a vocal coach who
know the technicalities of giving voice lessons.

a. Pastoral session - sets the mood that this workshop will not just be about
singing but more of setting the heart for God and music.
b. Technical session – this depends on the knowledge of the speaker, as to what
one sees helpful to teach to the participants. The speaker may teach the

- Vocalization
- Tips on singing etc…

c. Expected output- at the end of the workshop, the participants may render a
song number altogether or in smaller groups or some can do a solo.
d. Sample activity: participants will be singing any song, as if no one else is
watching; as if it’s only you in this world and God is your audience.

a. A PA system with microphones prepared by the service team
b. Song piece prepared by the participants, the workshop speaker can also
prepare this for the participants
c. A music player or laptop for music output



“Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with
all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in
your hearts.” Colossians 3:16

Singing songs is one ordinary thing to do no matter how one may sound may it be
hearing a beautiful or an awkward sound, it does not matter. We sing for different varied
reasons, for fun, for expressing emotions, for identifying ourselves with a certain situation and
in anything, we just sing. It is simply a mundane expression of us; if words can’t say it, we use
our voices and sing it.

Music in itself is created for the Lord, so it is but right to honor and glorify Him through
this. One of the beautiful means of expressing music is through singing; using our voices to
express our emotions, our sentiments, our personality, our feelings etc… In this workshop, we
will deepen our purpose of why we use our voices not just to express music but to honor God
through this.

II. I lift my Voice

We may wonder why do we need to sing for God and what does it do to Him and to us when
we sing. There are two reasons:

A. God created music and our voices to be used in worshipping Him. It stands to reason
then that God enjoys music especially hearing His people sing. Why would he allow it for
His own worship if He didn’t really enjoy hearing it? Therefore, when we sing songs to
God, He likes it! He finds joy in it. This reason in itself gives music enough significance. If
you know of something that will make God happy, why would you not want to do thing
as much as possible? “I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me.” - Psalm 13:

B. According to St. Augustine, singing is praying twice. In the same manner that God loves
it when we worship Him through songs; it is our way of praying to God in a more special
way since we use music elements like melody, tones, pitch and beautiful lyrics to make
it more meaningful and unique for God. Just like the book of Psalms in the Bible, which
means book of praises, it has been quoted that “For many thousands of years,
generations have turned to this particular book in seeking God's help in many aspects of
human life. From physical healing to protection, from anger management to seeking
release from fear and oppression, from looking for answers to asking for guidance, from
anything a human being may ever need in life, from a to z, you are sure to find it in the
Psalms.” , an excerpt from www.psalmspower.com. The book of Psalms has inspired
people to use this for worshipping and singing hymns for God.

Music is important to us because it is pleasing to God. Let us have renewed admiration for the
importance of our task and the humility in our hearts that the Almighty God would allow us to
be a part of His plan; an exceeding joy that we have the amazing privilege of serving the King of
Kings and the Lord of Lords through music.

I. Conclusion

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied
grace.” - 1 Peter 4:10

More than all the technical & functional things you'll learn, you are challenged to put your faith
into action. This time by using your God-given talent in singing in the best way you can. You just
need to have the heart and commitment in serving the Lord through music. This time let us lift
our voices to God to honor Him with it.

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