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Terms of Reference

Conducting hydro-geophysical survey and providing technical

supervision and backstopping during drilling/development of the
boreholes in various location of Somalia.


Consultant Individual Institutional TA

Contract Contractor Contract
Title Conducting hydro-geophysical survey and providing technical
supervision and backstopping during drilling and
development of the boreholes in various location of Somalia.

Purpose - To carry out hydro-geophysical study of 32 sites in order to

identify potential drilling locations capable to provide
sustainable water supply by drilling deep boreholes in
- To provide technical supervision and backstopping during
drilling and developing of the ten boreholes including
technical supervision during pumping test and installation of
the boreholes.
Location See Annex
Duration Six months
Reporting to WASH Manager/Chief of WASH

TOR for Hydro-geophysical survey i

Table of Contents
Terms of Reference............................................................................................................................i

Conducting hydro-geophysical survey and providing technical supervision and

backstopping during drilling/development of the boreholes in various location of


1. BACKGROUND.......................................................................................................................1

2. JUSTIFICATION......................................................................................................................2

3. GROUND WATER FEASIBILITY STUDY..........................................................................2

3.1. SCOPE OF THE WORK....................................................................................................3
3.2. SURVEY APPROACHES REQUIRED............................................................................3
3.4. REPORTING......................................................................................................................4


PUMPING TEST AND INSTALLATION OF THE BOREHOLES...........................................5
4.1. OBJECTIVES......................................................................................................................5
4.2. JUSTIFICATION................................................................................................................5
4.3. SPECIFIC TASKS...............................................................................................................6
4.4. METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................................6
4.5. EXPECTED DELIVERABLE, FREQUENCY/DEADLINE...........................................7
4.6. REPORTING......................................................................................................................7

5. REQUIREMENTS NEEDED FOR BIDDING......................................................................7

6. HUMAN RESOURCES............................................................................................................7

7. ANNEX.......................................................................................................................................9

TOR for Hydro-geophysical survey ii


The humanitarian situation in Somalia has been rapidly deteriorating due to the severe
drought which started in Puntland and Somaliland in 2016 and affected more than half of
the country. A cumulative 77,148 suspected AWD/cholera cases and 1,115 deaths (CFR-
1.5%) have been recorded since the beginning of 2017. The trend of AWD/cholera cases
recorded in the past 33 weeks shows a significant increase when compared to cases reported
during the same period last year (refer to epidemic curve below). The current AWD/cholera
cases were a spill-over from last year’s major outbreak, which recorded 15,619 cases and 548

Drought conditions prevailed in Puntland as well as several parts of Somaliland, central and
southern regions. Water shortages are reported in all drought-affected regions. The drought
continues to strain humanitarian interventions and impact vulnerable people, particularly
women and children, resulting in recurrent disease outbreaks and persistently high levels of
malnutrition. Severe water shortages currently exacerbated by the drought and La Niña
conditions has led to a hike in water prices making water unaffordable for vulnerable
households. Women and children are left with limited options forcing them to trek long
distances to access water from limited strategic functional water points. The water prices
have increased by six times in some of the worst hit remote pastoral settlements. Reduced
access to water contributes directly to malnutrition, and the water shortages reported in all
drought-affected regions bring with it an increased risk of AWD/cholera outbreak, with
more than 3,100 cases already reported in southern regions and Puntland since the start of
the year.

Government and humanitarian partners deployed water trucks in almost all of the accessible
drought affected settlements and IDP camps. Most of these locations are still being
supported with emergency water trucking. However, the biggest problems at moment is
lack of sufficient water points to refill water trucks without affecting the local communities’
water provision schedules. Reports indicates that the few existing boreholes are working
more than 23 hours per day and are susceptible for breakage due to over utilization of the
electromechanical equipment.

In this regard, it is extremely urgent to develop new sources for both water supply for the
communities affected in droughts and to be used for water trucks refill points. The Somali
regional government has identified several locations being the worst affected and trucks are
traveling more than 200 kilometres to deliver water for affected populations. Couple of
studies are done on groundwater mapping exercise however detailed hydrogeology and
geophysics shall be conducted in parallel to the deployment of drilling rigs. The expected
depth of drilling in the border areas ranges from 260 to 450meters. UNICEF will provide
existing report of the detailed groundwater studies and location of potential drilling sites to
the contractors.

TOR for Hydro-geophysical survey 1


Following a couple of field missions to various parts of Somaliland and the Central Regions
of Somalia in February / March this year, the need for additional boreholes in areas worse
affected by the drought became understandable. The poor families that cannot afford water
from private tankers, have to walk long distances to collect water from sources that are
mostly contaminated. This has given rise to high levels of internal and external

The water prices have increased six-fold in some of the worst hit remote pastoral
settlements. Livestock deaths are increasing, malnutrition rates are rising and many people
are moving in growing numbers from the rural areas which are hard hit in search of food
and water. Long queues of water trucks are observed at strategic water points. Some of the
strategic boreholes are reportedly running on 24/7 basis. In Elbarde for instance, the only
borehole serves villages within a radius of about 120 kilometers. The potential negative
results of excessive queuing times are reduced per capita water consumption, increased
consumption from unprotected surface sources and reduced time for other essential survival
tasks for those who collect water.

By second of week of March 2017, a cumulative 13,126 suspected AWD/cholera cases and
302 deaths (CFR -2.4%) were recorded in 46 districts across 12 regions in Somalia since the
beginning of the year. Approximately half of the cases reported are from Bay and Bakool
regions. Large number of cases were also reported from Banadir, Lower Shabelle and
Middle Shabelle Regions. Some of the worse affected location are situated along the border
with Ethiopia.

Drilling production boreholes will not only serve as an exit strategy to the ever increasing
needs for water trucking, it will also contribute to building resilience for future shocks. Due
to the weak capacity in country to drill production boreholes, the need for cross border
drilling operations using drilling companies from the Somalian side of the border is being
explored through the UNICEF Somalia Country Office.

UNICEF is expecting carry out hydro-geophysical study of thirty two sites to identify
potential drilling locations in order to drill ten boreholes in Central South Region of Somalia.


SWALIM has conducted feasibility study of the groundwater in Somalia area by super
imposing different satellite imageries, geology, hydro-geology and existing water wells in
the areas. The details documents will be availed for the contractors by UNICEF. The
contractor is expected to use the result of groundwater remote sensing study and conduct
details field verification in the study in the area. The consultant is expected to prepare local
hydrogeology map, conceptual model of groundwater movement and confirm the depth of
drilling with probability of getting water with geophysics (Vertical Electrical Sounding). The
field verification will be conducted in thirty-two different locations around SCZ.

Groundwater is expected within weathered/fractured portions of limestone/Jessoma

sandstone. From the experience of boreholes drilled in the different locations, the expected
depth of water strike starts below 250 meter depending on the local hydrogeology. The
Jessoma sandstone which is expected to be the main formation starts from shallow depth.
This formation is known to cause drilling difficulties including circulation loss and collapse.
Drilling company with rigs that can work with reverse technology will minimize those risks.

TOR for Hydro-geophysical survey 2

Due to the current droughts, water for drilling might be limited. Contractors are advice to
have at least two trucks with capacity of over 20,000 litres to trucks water for the drilling
during night time – approximate distance to water might be around 50-120km one way.


The consultant should carry out detail hydro-geophysical survey of thirty two sites
provided by UNICEF Somalia. The Consultant is expected to use both secondary and
primary data in the exercise, Secondary data will involve desk study of available
information/data on existing boreholes, drill logs, reports and maps while primary data will
be obtained by carrying out hydro-geophysical measurements within the study area using
the necessary hydro-geological surveying equipment, the new ABEM Terrameter SAS 1000,
which distinguishes between clays and fresh water by use of Induced Polarization (IP)
measurements is recommended for this assignment.

The scope of works includes:

 Site visits to familiarize with the project areas. Identify any issues that might hinder
the implementation of works in any of the areas.
 To obtain, study and synthesize background information including the geology,
hydrogeology and existing borehole data, for the purpose of improving the quality of
assessment and preparing comprehensive hydrogeological reports,
 To carry out hydrogeological evaluation and geophysical investigations in the
selected sites in order to determine potential for groundwater and appropriateness of
drilling boreholes at the sites.

The outcome of the consultancy will be a detailed hydro-geological survey report giving
details of the findings and recommendations.


The hydro-geological/geophysical investigations will be carried out in a multi-step

 Desk study: Review of existing data, topographical maps, satellite images, existing
studies and borehole site investigations in the area, geological reports and maps (if
available), borehole and surface water records, etc.
 Hydro-geological fieldwork: Detailed reconnaissance survey of project area. (GPS co-
ordinates/P-codes, water level measurements, condition of these boreholes, usage
and performance where applicable) inspection of geological, geo-morphological and
structural characteristics of the investigated area; verification of existing data and
 Geophysical measurements: resistivity/IP profiling and vertical electrical/IP
 Analysis of hydro-geological/geophysical data.
 Compilation, analysis, and evaluation of the gathered data and information.
 Site selection and reporting.



The borehole shall be sited with the aid of combined a hydro-geological and geophysical
survey. Prior to the field investigations, a desk study shall be made of the available relevant

TOR for Hydro-geophysical survey 3

information on hydrogeology, climate, existing water sources, drilling records and other
sources for the proposed area

The field investigations MUST be undertaken by a senior hydro-geologist, assisted by highly

qualified hydro-geologists. The senior hydro-geologist will be responsible for planning,
execution and interpretation of all geophysical data, reporting and selection of the most
suitable site for drilling.

The site for selected development shall be marked with a concrete marker, shown in a
picture plate and indicated on a sketch map to be included in the final report.


The final report to be submitted to UNICEF Somalia will be a comprehensive account of the
whole of the Consultancy; it will review the existing literature and other relevant
information, such as drilling logs, satellite images, etc. The report shall include all field data,
interpretations and justifications, hydro-geological evaluations, conclusions and
recommendations relating to the investigated area. In addition, appropriate maps, diagrams
and data plots shall be presented. Of considerable importance will be an objective
assessment of the applicability and success of the methods applied.
The outline table of contents of the final report will be as follows:

1. Name and details of applicant

2. Location and description of proposed Activity
3. Details of climate
4. Details of geology and hydrogeology
5. Details of neighbouring boreholes, including location, distance from proposed borehole
or boreholes, number and construction details, age, current status and use, current
abstraction and use.
6. Description and details (including raw and processed data) of prospecting methods
adopted, e.g. remote sensing, geophysics, geological and or hydrogeological cross
sections. Hydrogeological characteristics and analysis, to include but not necessarily be
limited to, the following:
a. Aquifer transmissivity
b. Borehole specific capacities
c. Storage coefficient and or specific yield
d. Hydraulic conductivity
e. Groundwater flux
f. Estimated mean annual recharge, and sensitivity to external factors
7. Assessment of water quality and potential infringement of National standards
8. Assessment of availability of groundwater
9. Analysis of the reserve
10. Impact of proposed activity on aquifer, water quality, other abstractors, including
likelihood of coalescing cones of depression and implications for other groundwater
users in any potentially impacted areas
11. Recommendations for borehole development, to include but not limited to, the
a. Locations of recommended borehole(s) expressed as a coordinate(s) and
indicated on a sketch map
b. Recommendations regarding borehole or well density and minimum spacing in
the project area
c. Recommended depth and maximum diameter
d. Recommended construction characteristics, e.g. wire-wound screen, grouting
TOR for Hydro-geophysical survey 4
e. Anticipated yield
12. Any other relevant information (e.g. need to monitor neighbouring boreholes during

The report is written so as to cover each of the above, insofar as data limitations allow. The
report also includes maps, diagrams, tables and appendices as appropriate. Recommendations
will be given on the most suitable site for borehole drilling, the required depth, water
quality, design and installation details, and other relevant aspects. Based on the available
hydro-geological and geophysical data, an assessment of the anticipated chances of success
shall be made for each individual site.
The hydro-geological report will give a detailed map delineating the investigated area,
geology, aquifer properties (where known), location of measurements, and recommended
drilling site. In addition, pictures taken during the actual field activity shall be included in
the report. UNICEF Somalia will choose ten drilling sites for first phase of drilling campaign.

All geophysical data, including its interpretation will be produced as an appendix to the
final report.




The main objective of this part of consultancy service is to provide following services during
drilling, pumping test and installation of ten boreholes in Somalia:
 Provide an effective and efficient supervisory support to the borehole drilling
contractors as per established norm/standards.
 Ensure that boreholes are drilled to the required depth and specifications as per the
hydrogeological investigation recommendations;
 Ensure that the drilled borehole is constructed as per established standard and as
specified in the drilling contracts.
 Ensure that borehole records (logs, water quality tests, pumping test and recovery
curves) are well documented.
 Ensure that positive boreholes are installed and equipped as per design standard
guided by result of a pumping test.


Currently, the capacity of the field officers in the WASH team are still improving and thus
gaps exist for detailed and systematic supervision of drilling activities which require sound
technical and professional skills. This is further exacerbated by the need to be present at the
drilling site throughout the drilling period. Considering the situations where drillers will
drill less that the required depth and report different depth, it may be difficult to ascertain
the actual depth and development of the well. The proper development and construction of
the boreholes is very critical for the functioning of the borehole in terms of quantity of
produced water and protection against contamination. With the aforementioned, it is
imperative to maintain a technically competent drilling supervisor at the drilling sites. This
consultancy is therefore needed to fill in the human resource gap for the effective
supervision of the borehole drilling activities of the drilling company.

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Under the guidance of WASH Specialist, the consultant is expected to undertake the
following Tasks:
- Maintain physical presence at the drilling site: The drilling supervisor is to maintain
a constant physical presence at all times with the drilling crew. Time off and
downtime should be arrange in such a way that it coincide with the off days of the
drilling crew.
- Conduct Quality assurance of work done by providing oversight to drilling
contractor, ensure standards and norms are adhered to during drilling works; this
will include quality checks on screen and plain pipes used for boreholes.
- Liaison with contracted drilling team / management to define and agree the contract
- Well design including casing, directional, fluids, cementing, bits and hydraulics
- Prepare drilling reports and monitoring sheet as part of the regular reporting and
- Day to day supervision of the drilling Contract and drilling contractor in the field
and accountable for the provision of technical, operational guidance, payment
schedules for drilling contracts , borehole installation, and borehole completion
- Confirmation of drilling point: the consultant will read and interpret the geophysics
results on the site selection and confirms the selected point with the geo coordinates,
ensure that the driller drills at the best selected point – this is taken care of by the
borehole site investigation
- Logging of drilling: the consultant will monitor the samples taken from the drilling
cuttings and ensure that the drilling log is well completed.
- Monitor pumping test and recovery test: Ensure the drilling contractor performs the
pumping and recovery for the well as per the specified hours and strategy.
- Water quality testing: ensure that water sample is taken through approved sampling
method and sent to accredited lab for the testing.
- Installation and Equipping: The supervisor will monitor the contractor during
installation and equipping of the boreholes and provide necessary technical advice as
per need.
- Reporting: the consultant is to provide bi-weekly supervisory report. The consultant
should support the driller to provide borehole drilling reports at the end of the
drilling campaign. The reports will include the borehole logs, pumping and recovery
test data and curves, water quality test results, preliminary and final borehole
construction drawings among others.


This is a field based work whereby the drilling supervisor will be based with the drilling
contractor. It entails day-by-day supervision work to be carried out. The drilling supervisor
will provide a work plan in consultation and discussion with the drilling crew. He will then
develop the rig movement plan with the drillers which will enable him/her to easily
supervise. UNICEF will make available any hydrogeological information from results of
geophysical studies of the proposed drilling sites. In the event the hydrogeological studies is
ongoing, the consultant will join the team to have a firsthand information of the hydro-
geologic situation at the site.

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- Bi-weekly supervisory reports as per agreed format - Borehole monitoring reports

with updates on drilling progress every 2 weeks from inception of works
- Drilling report including drilling logs, pumping test results and curves and water
quality test results after every successful drilled well
- After completion of drilling and borehole construction at each site, supervise
installation and equipping of the boreholes
- Submission of final report within two weeks of completion of the installation and
equipping of the boreholes.


The Consultant will report to the WASH Specialist of UNICEF Somalia.

Expected background and Experience
- Advanced University degree in geology, hydrogeology, groundwater mechanics or
related technical field*
- A minimum of 5 years working experience in ground water exploration, including
borehole drilling and supervision.
- Knowledge of use of ground water exploration software, with demonstrated
borehole drilling supervision, monitoring and reporting.
- Remote operations supervision and contract management experience.
- Excellent computer skills in word, excel and related software
- Excellent writing skills and communication skills
- Knowledge of multiple local languages will be an added advantage
- A first university degree with a relevant combination of academic qualifications and
experience may be accepted in lieu of advanced university degree.


Expertise Required
In consideration of the scope of assignment and the primary focus on wider issues of ground
water investigations, drilling supervision and equipment of boreholes, a team of experts
with diverse skills is required. These terms therefore seeks to contract a consulting firm or
groups of individuals with a wider range of experience in hydro-geological surveys and
groundwater development in general and sound understanding of contract management.

The company or consultant firm is required to provide the following:

 Technical proposal on how the assignment will be conducted
 Appropriate timelines to perform the assignment
 Financial proposal indicating the cost rates and other charges applicable.
 CVs of the lead consultant, hydro-geologists, drilling supervisor and borehole
equipment technician.
 Proven field technical and field experience of company / consulting firm.
 Reference of similar consultancies performed in the last 3 years especially in the
region with reference letters for each hydro-geological surveys consultancy.

Manpower: to be deployed to SITE during works: checklist

Senior Hydrogeologist Name Experience

TOR for Hydro-geophysical survey 7

Hydrogeologist Name Experience
Hydrogeologist 1
Hydrogeologist 2/
Drilling supervisor
**Note: please annex respective CVs

*** Please submit separate financial proposal.

TOR for Hydro-geophysical survey 8


Regional District Town/Village Remarks

Elwak Kursi 130km
Burcalan 110km
Indhaceel 90km
Mudale 75km
Bardhere Shonqolow/Ceelcilan 35km
Dhenla 80km
Tarako 85km
Garbaharrey Degsharif/Dabley 40 -75km
Dhubaa 60km
Birtadher 30km
Dollow Gofo 60km
Ardajirow 45km
Gedweyne rural area. 50km
Belethawa Haroo 20km
Hareritur 50km
Luuq Elboon 45km
Boholgras area 75km
Xawalogudow 45km
Dhoqoro 76km
Hiran Mataban Takaraale
Mahas Garuribad
Beledweyne Warqumayo
Bay and Hudur
Bakool Elbarde

TOR for Hydro-geophysical survey 9

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