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© 2009 Society of Economic Geologists

Reviews in Economic Geology, v. 16, p. 109–122

Chapter 9

Multispectral Imagery Applied to Nickel Laterite Exploration:

The Conceição do Araguaia Discovery
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Instituto de Geociências, Departamento de Geologia, Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos,
274, bloco G. Cidade Universitária, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. 21941-916


Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Geologia, Campus do Pici, Bloco 913, Bairro Pici, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil 60455-760


Rock Geologia Ltda., Independent Consultancy, Av. Afonso Pena 4343 / 402, Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil 30.130-008

Recent advances in geometallurgy have made nickel laterites a premier target for mining and exploration
companies. Parallel to this, a series of advances in remote sensing have become available at very low cost. Two
of these advances, namely better topographical data, through NASA’s Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission
(SRTM), and multispectral imagery from the ASTER sensor, have been combined to aid nickel laterite explo-
ration in central Brazil.
The Conceição do Araguaia region, located in Pará and extending into Tocantins state, is part of the Neo-
proterozoic Araguaia fold belt. The target area covers the Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic association, which in-
cludes serpentinites (metaperidotites and metadunites), talc schists, tremolite-actinolite schists and small vol-
umes of pillow basalts, phyllites, BIFs, gabbroic and jasperoid rocks. These are enclosed regionally by slate to
phyllitic rocks. Several other occurrences of mafic-ultramafic rocks, along with Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic as-
sociation are interpreted as part of an ophiolitic complex. Low-grade (greenschist) regional metamorphism is
dominant. Laterization has been active since the early Tertiary, resulting in an extensive regolith cover over the
older rock units.
In the present work, the Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic association was examined for nickel laterite mineral-
ization by data compilation and remotely sensed image processing and interpretation. ASTER’s multispectral
visible-shortwave infrared (SWIR) remote sensing capabilities were used to map areas of prospective mineral
alteration and key mineral groups. Using spectral libraries for selected nickel-bearing minerals as standards,
SWIR and visible-NIR bands of georeferenced mosaiced ASTER scenes were processed by feature-oriented
principal component analysis (PCA), and the results converted in mineral-abundance images, based on statis-
tical classification and pseudocoloring. The mineral abundance maps highlight areas most likely to contain min-
erals of interest.
Processing was performed for the whole region of interest, and for its part in the central scene alone, which
covers about 85 percent of the concession areas. In both cases, statistics for PCA were conducted on a subset
of the data, minimizing extraneous factors such as large drainages and urban sprawl, and then applied to the
whole region.
Mineral abundance maps for the area have been built into a geographic information system (GIS), along with
other remotely sensed data, public-domain regional geophysics, geologic, and infrastructure data, scouted geo-
chemistry samples, and a leveled and continuous SRTM digital elevation model. Mapping for the occurrence of
mafic-ultramafic rocks was achieved by a combination of PCs 1, 4 and 2 of ASTER bands 2, 4, 5, and 8. Clusters
of anomalous contents of selected minerals are draped over the digital elevation model and indicate that the
northeast-dipping rock units are covered by a laterized sequence constituting the main exploration targets. This
targeting exercise revealed a number of favorable sites that are currently under exploration by mining companies.

Introduction The technological and data distribution advances in re-

NICKEL ASSOCIATED with lateritic profiles is currently an im- motely sensed data make it possible to acquire robust datasets
portant commodity for exploration companies in Brazil. This for a nominal price from the internet, which can then be used
is due to advances in geometallurgy, which have made it pos- to design company strategies to obtain exploration permits.
sible to recover nickel from oxidized ores, with Ni laterites ac- Using such facilities, it is possible to prioritize targets for field
counting for about 40 percent of world production by 2001 work with the possibility for streamlining discoveries.
(Gleeson et al., 2003). Lara Exploration Ltd. has successfully combined field sam-
pling and use of remotely sensed data to secure ground in the
† Corresponding author: e-mail, cainho@geologia.ufrj.br Conceição do Araguaia region in the Tocantins-Pará border,


northern Brazil (Figs. 1, 2). The region is an emerging nickel Geologic Setting
province, hosting several deposits such as Vale’s Onça-Puma The Araguaia belt is part of the Neoproterozoic Paraguai-
and Vermelho (2.2 Mt Ni and 2.3 Mt Ni: Vale, 2008), and Xs- Araguaia orogeny, formed by the collision between the Ama-
trata’s Vale dos Sonhos-Serra do Tapa (1.1 Mt Ni: Castro et zonia, São Francisco-Congo and West African cratons during
al., 2006), as well as several exploration targets such as Anglo the assembly of west Gondwana. Major characteristics of
American’s Jacaré (Carlon et al., 2006). In the present work, Araguaia belt in terms of structural and metamorphic frame-
the Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic association was examined for work are addressed in Abreu et al. (1994), Alvarenga et al.
nickel laterite mineralization by data compilation and re- (2000) and Fonseca et al. (2004). The regional Barrovian
motely sensed image processing and interpretation.
metamorphism increases from incipient in the west (sericite,
In order to better understand ASTER results it is worth-
chlorite assemblages) to middle-high grade (biotite, stauro-
while to keep in mind the main physiographic features of the
lite, garnet, kyanite) in the east. In the western portion, local
Conceição do Araguaia area. According to Neves (1999),
evidence of partial melting can also be found. The higher
these include relative air humidity in the 80 to 85 percent
metamorphic grade occurs associated with some Archean to
range, annual temperatures ranging from 32°C maximum to
Paleoproterozoic basement inliers (e.g., Colmeia Complex),
19°C minimum, annual precipitation of 2,000 mm, with rain
denoting local infrastructural crustal levels preserved at sur-
occurring over 120 days/year. Vegetation is dominantly cer-
rado (savannah type, constituted mainly of grasses and scat- face. The Neoproterozoic structural pattern of the Araguaia
tered trees, locally with denser tree concentrations), whereas belt (Alvarenga et al., 2000) has the following characteristics:
soils have variable thickness, generally over 10 m deep. Based (1) rock types and pervasive metamorphic foliation have
on these characteristics, one would not expect ASTER im- north-south orientation (Fig. 1); (2) foliation is clearly im-
agery to have spectral responses which could be readily cor- printed on both the supracrustal rocks and the underlying
related to minerals of interest, as has been proved to be the basement rock units, where it overprints older gneissic struc-
case in “ideal” arid terrains. tures; (3) the foliation is deformed by younger Neoprotero-
zoic structures, represented by roughly north-south–oriented
folds and transpressive structures, northwest-southeast minor
strike-slip offsets, and in the south domain, by the strong de-
formation associated with the Transbrasiliano lineament. In
spite of the late deformation affecting the main pervasive
metamorphic foliation, the southeast dip of mineral-stretch-
ing lineations and the orientation of folds and thrusts suggest
that the main tectonic transport in the Araguaia belt was to-
ward the northwest, colliding with the Amazonian craton.
Within the western (outer) part of the Araguaia belt, rocks
are unmetamorphosed, and thus contrast markedly with the
amphibolite-grade rocks in the inner zone to the east (Fonseca
et al., 2004). A prominent structure named Tocantins-Araguaia
lineament (Kegel, 1965) occurs along the contact between the
Araguaia belt and the Amazonian craton. This lineament com-
prises a set of shear zones that separates the Amazonian craton
to the west, where structures trend northwest to east-west and
the Araguaia belt to the east, where structures trend north-
south (Fonseca et al., 2004). Almeida (1986) proposed that the
lineament represents a zone containing various deep-seated
shear zones, extending over 850 km along the eastern border of
the craton, and argued that most faults are concealed under the
Baixo Araguaia sedimentary rocks and recent cover. Fonseca et
al. (2004), however, demonstrated that although the southern
segment is vertical, the northern sector dips eastward, becom-
ing a west-northwest–verging thrust fault that truncates the
metasedimentary rocks of the Tocantins group (Trouw et al.,
1976). The precise kinematics and age of the fault zone have
not yet been determined, but most importantly, the fault also
truncates mafic-ultramafic bodies (Fig. 1) that now comprise
schists and serpentinites.
The Conceição do Araguaia area (Figs. 2, 3) lies in the
outer, western zone of the Araguaia belt and borders the
Amazonian craton to the west. It is composed of metapsam-
FIG. 1. Regional geologic map and locality map of the Conceição do mites and metapelites of the Tocantins group that can be di-
Araguaia region (modified from Alvarenga et al., 2000). The study area is vided into two units. The basal unit is the Pequizeiro Forma-
marked by a dashed ellipse. The inset (box) marks the area covered in Fig. 2. tion that consists of quartz-chlorite schists and phyllites. The

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FIG. 2. Location of towns, known Ni deposits, and prospects displayed on a hill-shaded SRTM DEM image. The Araguaia
River divides the states of Pará (west) and Tocantins (east). The black boxes indicate mineral rights, also used in Figure 3.

top formation is the Neoproterozoic Couto Magalhães For- trend of the Tocantins group sedimentary rocks. Several au-
mation that includes slates and phyllites with minor thors consider the mafic and ultramafic bodies to be ophiolite
quartzites, metacherts, and metacarbonate rocks, and a Neo- fragments (Gorayeb, 1989; Souza et al., 1995; Kotschoubey et
proterozoic metavolcano-sedimentary sequence with basic to al., 1996; Paixão and Nilson, 2001), thrust over the metasedi-
ultrabasic intrusions (metabasalt, schist, serpentinite, talc mentary rocks of the Tocantins group (Teixeira, 1996), thus
schist phyllite, BIF, gabbro, silexite). Permian sediments of suggesting the presence of oceanic crust in the Araguaia fold
the Balsas group occur to the east, and all are in turn covered belt, which was reworked during the Brasiliano (Pan African)
by younger sediments, previously interpreted as Quaternary orogeny.
(Bizzi et al., 2001). Among the ultramafic bodies, the best known is the Qua-
Gorayeb (1989) demonstrated that most ultramafic bodies tipuru mafic-ultramafic association (Figs. 1, 3) (Faraco et al.,
display massive internal textures whereas the borders are gen- 2004a, b) to the south, a north-south–trending body, 45 km long
erally brecciated or display mylonitic foliation parallel to the and 1 to 5 km wide, composed of serpentinites (peridotites

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FIG. 3. Location of Lara’s exploration permits and the city of Conceição do Araguaia (CdA) draped over the regional
geologic map (1:2,500,000). Modified from Bizzi et al. (2001).

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and pods of dunites), talc schists, tremolite-actinolite schists

(harzburgites), massive basalts, and small volumes of pillows
basalts at the top. The Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic association
also comprises phyllites, BIF, gabbroic and jasperoid rocks.
Gorayeb (1989) reported that this body has a regional dip of
about 45o to the east and that mylonitic textures occur along
the contact with other units. North of the study area, the
Serra do Tapa ultramafic rocks are also considered to be ophi-
olite remnants and are presently under exploration. Most re-
cently, Faraco et al. (2004a) have placed this unit as a Paleo-
proterozoic tectonic window within the Araguaia belt at 2083
to 2059 Ma on the basis of U-Pb geochronology.
Also important are the younger sedimentary rocks, over
which laterization processes have been active since the early
Tertiary, resulting in an extensive regolith cover. Laterite de-
posits are presently believed to have developed mainly over
Al-rich metasedimentary units of the Couto Magalhães for-
mation. A small volume of laterite may also occur over the
FIG. 4. The mineralogy of the “garnierites” of New Caledonia (Trescases,
Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic association, but data about the 1986; Gleeson et al., 2003, after Brindley, 1978, Brindley et al., 1979), with
thickness of such deposits are not available. The spectral evi- compositions ranging from kerolite to pimelite (Mg, Ni talclike minerals),
dence gathered suggests Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic associa- and from serpentine to Ni-bearing serpentine (nepouite).
tion might also occur immediately below the regolith, provid-
ing new exploration targets.
around the concessions, and the SWIR bands (4–9) were re-
Image Processing sampled from 30 to 15 m to dovetail with the visible-range
ASTER’s multispectral visible-shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands (1–3).
remote sensing capabilities have been used in arid terrains to PCA techniques, especially the “feature-oriented principal
successfully map areas of prospective geologic alteration and component selection” (FPCA, popularly dubbed Crósta
key mineral groups (Rowan and Mars, 2003; Rowan et al., Technique), have proven more efficient than band ratioing
2003; Bedell, 2004). The imagery provided by ASTER is a and have played an important and successful role in hy-
combination of cutting edge technology and inexpensive in- drothermal alteration mapping for gold exploration in the
vestment, greatly surpassing previous remote sensing spectral Andes and elsewhere in the world (e.g., Crósta et al., 2003).
sensors such as those onboard of the Landsat satellites. It has They consist of relatively simple and well-known techniques
also been used in a more traditional way as the basis for combined, and do not require any ancillary spectral data or
photo-interpretation of structures and textural patterns for any type of atmospheric correction to the data.
lithostructural characterization. The FPCA-based method consists of calculating the PC im-
ages of different sub-sets of four ASTER bands. These bands
Mineral mapping method are selected according to the position of characteristic spec-
ASTER satellite imagery in the SWIR range is here used to tral features of key alteration mineral endmembers in the
demonstrate its suitability to map important OH-bearing VNIR and SWIR portions of the spectrum. Thus, for mineral
mineral assemblages that comprise the mineralogy of nickel mapping using remotely sensed imagery, reflectance spectra
laterites (Gleeson et al., 2003), including the nickel-bearing for each group of minerals have either to be selected from
minerals collectively called garnierites (Fig. 4). These were available libraries, such as the USGS spectral library data-
first detected in the area by reconnaissance field work, and base, or better yet, measured from samples collected on-site.
their spectral signatures have been characterized at the min- In the present case, the lack of available instrumentation for
eral group-subgroup level. Table 1 shows the main minerals this work made public-domain spectra the only suitable
of interest such as nepouite, brindleyite, and pecoraite (Ni- choice (Fig. 5A; Table 2). The USGS library spectra were ac-
bearing serpentines), pimelite (Ni-bearing smectite), nimite quired using a custom-modified, computer-controlled Beck-
(Ni-bearing chlorite), and willemseite (a low-crystallinity man spectrometer at the USGS Denver Spectroscopy Lab,
member of the pyrophyllite group of minerals with no alu- with wavelength accuracy on the order of 0.0005 µm (0.5 nm)
minum in the structure, (Ni, Mg)3Si4O10(OH)2). The pres- in the near-IR and 0.0002 µm (0.2 nm) in the visible (Clark et
ence of kaolinite, chrysophrase, and limonite are indicative of al., 1993).
important host-rock alteration due to weathering, crucial in In selecting appropriate ASTER bands for analysis, spectral
the genesis of Ni laterite deposits. “Limonite” collectively data collected by Higgins et al. (2003) for California ultra-
designates mixed compositions of several iron oxide-hydrox- mafics and southeast Brazil’s Iron Quadrangle; smectite data
ides, of which goethite, hematite, and jarosite (an iron-bear- collected by Hornibrook (2003) for Escondida North, in
ing sulfate), should be recognizable in the visible-NIR range. Chile; and kaolinite, silica, and chlorite data collected by
Initially, three georeferenced ASTER scenes, dating from Rowan et al. (2003) in Cuprite, Nevada, was also considered.
April 24, 2003 (low rain season), were mosaiced to cover the This was done for the sake of comparison with the USGS li-
target areas. A mask was applied to define a region of interest brary, in which sample material is crushed and ground. To

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TABLE 1. Minerals Suitable for Recognition Using Multispectral Remote Sensing

(photography captions are from Barthelmy’s WebMinerals mineralogy database, 2005).

Nickel phyllosilicate Dana group / subgroup Environment Photo caption Photo of specimen

Nepouite Serpentine Nickel-bearing laterite deposits Massive, green népouite

(lizardite subgroup) Location: Callenberg North open
cut, Glauchau, Saxony, Germany
Scale: 4 cm
Brindleyite Serpentine Forms coatings on clays and as Greenish waxy crust of brindleyite
(amesite subgroup) veinlets cutting kaolinitic clay at Location: Hachita, Grant County,
the base of bauxite deposits New Mexico, USA

Pecoraite Serpentine Either related to meteorite impact Green pearly micaceous pecoraite
(chrysotile subgroup) craters, or hydrothermally-altered in serpentinite rock.
serpentinites Location: Otway Prospect,
Nullagine Station, Western Australia
Pimelite Smectite Found in lateritic profiles above
(trioctahedral smectites) serpentinites or dunites
Willemseite Pyrophyllite-talc Occurs with and within chrysoprase Small trevorite crystal in massive
(crypto-microcrystalline quartz) as willemseite
part of the deep weathering profile Location: Bon Accord, Barberton
that results from laterization of Mountain, Mpumalanga, South Africa
nickeliferous serpentinites or other
ultrabasic rocks
Nimite Chlorite In small tabular bodies of Dark green nimite aggregates on
(tri-dioctahedral) nickeliferous serpentinite, probably white calcite
a contact deposit, along quartzites Location: Planalto, Rio Grande
and ultramafic intrusives do Sul, Brazil
Falcondoite Palygorskite-sepiolite Laterite deposits; nickel analog Solid mass of lime green falcondoite
of sepiolite Location: Riddle, Douglas County,
Oregon, USA
Scale: 4 cm
Hisingerite Allophane Secondary mineral formed from Resinous reddish brown coatings
weathering or late-stage deuteric of hisingerite on rock
alteration of iron-bearing Location: Agnew nickel deposit,
silicates or sulfides near Leinster, Western Australia
Nickel oxide-hydroxide
Nickeliferous limonite A mixture of hydrated A product of weathering of iron- Scale: 5 cm
iron oxides; mineralloid rich minerals, forms mostly in or
near oxidized iron and other metal
ore deposits, and as sedimentary beds

apply this control, datasets of each mineral spectra were con- PCA were conducted on a subset of the data, avoiding fea-
volved to ASTER’s VNIR-SWIR spectral resolution (Fig. 5B). tures unrelated to minerals, such as large drainages and
Several ASTER 4-band subsets were selected based on the urban sprawl, and then applied to the whole region. The
end members of interest. The computation of PCs on a single central scene produced much better anomaly contrast in re-
subset results in 4 PC bands, among which one contains the lation to the mosaic due to the mixed statistics created by mo-
spectral information related to the specific mineral end mem- saicing. The use of a single scene allows for coherent statis-
ber that can be targeted using the yielded eigenvector statis- tics, and a better procedure can be applied to produce the
tics. This is usually the 3rd or the 4th PC band, and it will con- mineral abundance maps and mosaics. In both cases, a corri-
tain the desired information, as well as a fair amount of noise dor of higher dynamic range is recognizable in the resulting
(Crósta et al., 2003). The criterion for the identification is the PC bands. This SWIR defect is caused by noise-detector im-
same proposed by Loughlin (1991), the PC that contains the balance, and it results in a characteristic “bad strip” pattern
target spectral information shows the highest eigenvector parallel to the image edge at about a third of the distance
loadings from the ASTER bands, coinciding with the target’s from the west edge of the image, and this was subdued for
most diagnostic features. This information represents a very anomaly priorization during subsequent geoprocessing.
small fraction of the total information content of the four By statistical classification and pseudocoloring, the PC
original bands, but selectively extracts the desired spectral bands were converted into “mineral abundance” images,
signatures of the alteration assemblages. showing areas most likely to contain alteration minerals.
Processing was carried out for the whole region of inter- These mineral abundance maps were divided in three
est and for the central scene alone, which covers about 85 classes: background areas, where low quantities of each given
percent of the concession area. In both cases, statistics for mineral is considered to exist, and second- and first-order

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A B TABLE 2. Summary of ASTER Bands Used to Detect

Each of the Selected Mineral Groups

Mineral group Minerals ASTER bands

Serpentine Nepouite 1–3–5–8

Pyrophyllite Willemseite 2–4–5–8
Smectite (± kaolinite) Pimelite (1 or 3)–4–6–9
Chlorite Nimite 2–4–6–8
Kaolinite Halo around brindleyite 1–4–6–7
Amorphous silica Halo around willemseite 3–4–5–8
Limonite Iron oxides-hydroxides 1/2 ratio

over 12,000,000 cells, or about 2,800 km2. For each of the se-
lected minerals, the vast majority of cells are considered to
have low mineral abundance or lack the given mineral at all.
Depending on the mineral, between 100,000 and 200,000
cells (22.5 to 45 km2) are considered to contain second-order
mineral anomalies, and 1,500 to 5,000 cells (0.3375 to 1.125
km2) are first-order anomalies, having high abundances of the
chosen mineral.
Mineral mapping results
A simple R3G2B1 false color composite of ASTER data
does not provide a proper discrimination of rock types in the
area (Fig. 6A). PCA-oriented to map mafic-ultramafic units
using algorithm of bands 2-4-5-8, which are determinant for
FIG. 5. Mineral spectra. A: Continuous spectra for selected possibly Ni- the pyrophyllite group of minerals (e.g., Ni-bearing willem-
bearing minerals. Original spectra by Clark et al. (1993). B: Spectra con- seite), produced a set of PCs, of which PC1, PC4, and PC2
volved to ASTER’s VNIR-SWIR spectral resolution.
were analyzed in a RGB color composition. Figure 6B and C
presents the results for the northern and southern blocks, re-
anomalies, which are areas thought to have increasing quan- spectively. Good clues on the mineralogy of the area were
tities of each mineral. Owing to the 15-m spatial resolution of obtained even though vegetation hampers sensor detection
the input ASTER imagery, the region of interest contains just of the desired features. Using a single band displayed as

FIG. 6. (A) ASTER bands R-3/G-2/B-1. (B) and (C) are RGB false color composites of R-PC1/G-PC4/B-PC 2 yielded
from ASTER bands 2-4-5-8, focusing on map mafic-ultramafic units, in the northern and southern blocks, respectively. The
Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic association is highlighted in purplish blue. Spatial resolution is 15 m in all images; detail figures
(B) and (C) are drawn at the same scale.

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grayscale is useful during interpretation of anomalous clus-

ters of pixels, and lack of evidence should not be confused
with nonexistence of the given mineral, as thicker vegetation
could simply obscure the mineral signatures. An ultramafic
body now discovered in the central area of the northern
block, for example, is mostly covered by a patch of dense
vegetation, and it was only recognized by draping imagery
over topography.
Serpentine abundance mapping (Fig. 7) reveals a rough
correlation between serpentine-rich and mapped Quatipuru-
Serra do Tapa rock units in the southern claims. Serpentine-
rich lateritic coves are also very prospective, whereas anom-
alies related to drainages are downplayed. In the northern
claim, a geochemical anomaly yielded from scout rock sam-
pling lies within an interpreted mafic-ultramafic body not
previously mapped by the Brazilian Geological Survey (Bizzi
et al., 2001; Faraco et al., 2004a, b). Several serpentine-rich
areas occur over laterite covers within this claim as well.
Smectite predominantly occurs in the southern claim areas
(Fig. 8). There, a good correlation was found between smec-
tite abundance, interpreted mafic-ultramafic rocks, and Ni
anomalies from reconnaissance sampling. Smectites were also
mapped in association with dams and marshes (Fig. 8). Smec-
tite is rarely found in the northern areas, and it appears asso-
ciated with forest-clear lateritic plateaus.
Pyrophyllite-group mineral willemseite is an important tar-
get for mapping mafic-ultramafic units for both previously
reported occurrences and yet unmapped areas (Figs. 6, 9).
Unfortunately, the SWIR column defect appears in this abun-
dance image. Also, pyrophyllite is incorrectly mapped as asso-
ciated with drainages and flooded areas. In the outskirts of the
mining permit in the southern block, and also within the
northern block, pyrophyllite-rich areas occur at slope-breaks,
associated with laterite plateau borders, which could indicate
Ni-bearing regolith and/or concealed Ni mineralization.
Chlorite and kaolinite are generally scarce (Fig. 10). A few
spectrally anomalous points are observed along drainages.
Both mineral abundance maps are nevertheless useful for pri-
oritizing target areas based on combined mineralogy (e.g.,
serpentine anomaly with chlorite-smectite halo).
Mapping of structures
ASTER data were processed to obtain structural informa-
tion about Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic association and sur-
rounding country rocks. False color composites of VNIR and
SWIR bands were interpreted, eventually combined with a
PC1 calculated over multiple bands added as intensity in a
HSI transformation. Structures were characterized mainly
from topographic features, although some spectral informa-
tion was also used. The SRTM digital elevation model was
prioritized over the ASTER DEM, as the later was much
more irregular. The structural interpretation was based on the FIG. 7. Mineral abundance map for serpentine. For ASTER interpreta-
definition and vectorizing of positive and negative topo- tion of the Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic association, see Figure 6. Regional ge-
graphic lineaments. Figure 11 shows the obtained lineament ologic information from Bizzi et al., 2001. Reconnaisance geochemistry rep-
maps and statistical trends for the mapped structures. resented as dots with varying colors. Pixel statistics refer to the mosaiced
scenes in the whole region of interest.
Two main sets of structures were recognized: (1) a north-
south to northwest-southeast general strike of the Quatipuru
mafic-ultramafic association and its country rocks and (2) and the occurrence area of the Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic
younger linear structures in multiple directions. In the first case, association. Locally, no topographic features were interpreted
there is a good correlation between the positive lineaments as indicative of an eastward dip, which would imply that

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FIG. 8. Mineral abundance map for smectite, showing good correlation to FIG. 9. Mineral abundance map for pyrophyllite-group minerals. Ellipses
interpreted Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic association. Other information fol- mark clusters of pyrophyllite-rich pixels at the change in slope characteris-
lows the same pattern as for Figure 7. tic of plateau borders. Other information follows the same pattern as for
Figure 7.
Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic association units might continue
beneath the younger cover. Negative topographical lineaments Data Integration
oriented in other directions may represent subordinate Mineral abundance maps (Figs. 6–10), JERS-1 radar im-
younger structures that were deformed in a general south- agery, Landsat ETM in several band combinations, regional
east-northwest strike. geophysics, geologic, geochemical, and infrastructure data,

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mafic-ultramafic–mapping combination, and selected min-

eral anomalies are draped over the SRTM digital elevation
model. Interpreted Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic association
units are on the western flanks of topographical highs, thus
suggesting an east to northeast dip in agreement with regional
observations (Gorayeb, 1989); this was not clearly visible from
image interpretation alone, and might indicate that
Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic association units continue be-
neath the younger cover. Clusters of abundances of the mod-
eled minerals were mapped and recommended for field
check. Indeed, the main compound mineral-abundance
anomalies, resulting from the spatial distribution patterns of
the individual mineral-abundance maps, lie to the east of the
outcrop of the Quatipuru mafic-ultramafic association and
could indicate significant mineralization under cover.
Mineral anomaly ranking
The last step in any exploration exercise is to recommend
anomalies for further field checking. Figure 13 and Table 3
summarize favored anomalies. A map of Quatipuru mafic-ul-
tramafic association rock units draped over the SRTM DEM
indicates their dip to the northeast, an area prioritized for field
check (Fig. 12) and consisting of laterized cover sequences,
which is currently under exploration. Compound anomalies
were chosen based on assumed mineral assemblages for clay
and hydrous silicate mineralization, and they were prioritized
in three classes based on size, contrast, and mineral association
(e.g., serpentine anomaly with chlorite-smectite halo).
Discussion and Conclusions
Follow-up field campaigns usually include ground truthing
by carrying a hand-held spectrometer such as PIMA in order
to create a mineral library specific to the target areas, as well
as more traditional geochemical rock and soil samples, and
petrography to properly characterize primary and weather-
ing-induced alteration mineralogy. In the present case, the
early success in the recognition of mineral occurrences has,
however, precluded some of these steps. The Vila Oito targets
(anomalies 12–14 in Table 3) went straight through to scout
drilling after the joint venture between Lara Exploration and
Xstrata was formed, which led to new high-density airborne
geophysical surveys in the area (gammaspectrometry, magne-
tometry, VTEM). Other anomalies were assessed by less
costly, standard exploration techniques.
Some encouraging results from the field checking of the
sites selected using ASTER include the following (Fig. 14):
the first mineralized sample collected from the original field
check at Vila Oito, in the northern block; drill hole FPB-06-
09, also from Vila Oito, with a 20-m-thick weathering profile,
characteristic of silicate type laterization; a gossan sample
from the southern block (anomaly 4, Table 3); and pyroxenite
FIG.10. Mineral abundance maps for chlorite and kaolinite. Other infor- with blebby sulfides (anomalies 7 and 8, Table 3), also from
mation follows the same pattern as for Figure 7. the southern block.
ASTER-mapped mafic-ultramafic units provide better de-
structural data (Fig. 11), and SRTM digital elevation models tail than publicly available geologic maps of the area, and this
(Fig. 12) were integrated in GIS software package. An SRTM fact alone implies that remote sensed data, along with geo-
digital elevation model was downloaded from the USGS in- physics and field observations, are important and irreplaceable
ternet site (http://seamless.usgs.gov), and no-data values were tools to drive exploration. In the future, additional Ni-bearing
replaced by values derived using neighborhood statistics. PCs minerals should be used for more detailed work, such as
1, 4, and 2 of ASTER bands 2-4-5-8, which provide a good sepiolite and allophane, but no reference reflectance spectra

0361-0128/98/000/000-00 $6.00 118


FIG. 11. Conceição do Araguaia: linear structures interpreted from ASTER images (VNIR-SWIR). Positive topographic
features are drawn as thick lines; spectral and negative topographic lineaments are drawn as thin lines.

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FIG. 12. Interpreted mafic-ultramafic association (dark blue) draped over SRTM DEM of Conceição targets, clearly in-
dicating a northeast dip. Main anomalies selected for field check are northeast of these rock units (outlined in black) and lie
over recognized lateritic cover sequences that might yield concealed mineralized rocks.

FIG. 13. Selected Conceição do Araguaia mineral anomalies (thick black polygons) displayed over SRTM DEM back-
ground. Lithological contacts extracted from Bizzi et al. (2001) as thin black vectors; ASTER imagery interpreted Quatipuru
mafic-ultramafic association ophiolite as white polygons. Anomalies were prioritized based on size, contrast, and mineral as-
sociation (e.g., serpentine anomaly with chlorite-smectite halo). (A) Northern block of claims. (B) Southern block of claims.
The images share the same scale and legend. Anomaly numbers as in Table 3.

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TABLE 3. Summary of Anomalies Selected for Field Check

Number 1 Priority Anomaly type Mineralogy Area (Ha)

1 1 Hydrous silicate Serpentine-chlorite-smectite 307.50

2 1 Hydrous silicate Serpentine-chlorite-smectite 156.92
3 1 Hydrous silicate Serpentine-chlorite-smectite 22.63
42 1 Hydrous silicate Serpentine (kaolinite halo, silica core) 142.61
5 1 Hydrous silicate Serpentine (kaolinite halo) 123.00
6 1 Hydrous silicate-clay Serpentine-chlorite-smectite +silica-pyrophyllite 25.66
72 1 Hydrous silicate-clay Serpentine-chlorite-smectite +silica-pyrophyllite 82.44
82 1 Hydrous silicate-clay Serpentine-chlorite-smectite +silica-pyrophyllite 39.39
9 1 Hydrous silicate Serpentine (kaolinite halo) 56.19
10 1 Hydrous silicate-clay Strong chlorite, smectite-kaolinite halo 2.26
11 1 Hydrous silicate Serpentine (kaolinite halo) 155.83
12 2 1 Hydrous silicate-clay Serpentine (pyrophyllite halo) 1.66
13 2 1 Hydrous silicate Serpentine (kaolinite halo) 6.54
14 2 1 Hydrous silicate Serpentine (kaolinite halo) 5.57
15 1 Hydrous silicate Serpentine (kaolinite halo) 38.33
16 1 Hydrous silicate Serpentine (kaolinite halo) 25.34
17 1 Hydrous silicate Serpentine (kaolinite halo) 27.00
19 2 Hydrous silicate-clay Serpentine (kaolinite-chlorite-smectite halo) 21.95
23 2 Hydrous silicate Serpentine (kaolinite halo) 23.10

1 Number is the same as in Fig. 13

2 Anomalies discussed in the text

FIG. 14. (A) First mineralized sample collected from the original field check at Vila Oito, in the northern block, with “gar-
nierite” veining. (B) “Garnierite” from drill hole FPB-06-09, at 18-m depth, also from Vila Oito, with a weathering profile
characteristic of silicate type laterization. (C) Gossan sample from the southern block (anomaly 4, Table 3). (D) Pyroxenite
with blebby sulfides (anomalies 7 and 8, Table 3).

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were readily found for these minerals. Further, the various margo, M.A., Vasconcelos, A.M., Oliveira, M.A., de Oliveira, I.W.B., Abreu
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haus, C., Gonçalves, J.H., Santos, J.O.S., Abram, M.B., Leão Neto, R.,
oxides of the spinel group, and telluride and phosphates also Matos, G.M.M., Vidotti, R.M., Ramos, M.A.B., and de Jesus, J.D.A., eds.,
represent potential minerals for vectoring Ni mineralization Carta Geológica do Brasil ao Milionésimo, Sistema de Informações Ge-
using multispectral remote sensing. ográficas. Programa Geologia do Brasil: Companhia de Pesquisa de Recur-
sos Minerais, scale 1:1,000,000.
Acknowledgments Faraco, M.T.L., Marinho, P.A.C., Vale, A.G., Costa, E.J.S., Ferreira, A.L., Va-
lente, C.R., de Lacerda Filho, J.V., Moreton, L.C., Camargo, M.A., Frasca,
We gratefully acknowledge permission to publish data from A.A., Riberio, P.S.E., Vasconcelos, A.M., Oliveira, M.A., de Oliveira,
Lara Exploration Ltd, and their present and former JV partners, I.W.B., Abreu Filho, W., and Gomes, I.P., 2004b, Folha SC.22-Tocantins, in
Teck Cominco and Xstrata. In particular, we would like to thank Schobbenhaus, C. Gonçalves, J.H., Santos, J.O.S., Abram, M.B., Leão
Miles Thompson, Lara’s president and CEO, for his continued Neto, R., Matos, G.M.M., Vidotti, R.M., Ramos, M.A.B., and de Jesus,
support, comments, and useful discussions of exploration strate- J.D.A., eds., Carta Geológica do Brasil ao Milionésimo, Sistema de Infor-
mações Geográficas. Programa Geologia do Brasil: Companhia de Pesquisa
gies. H. Ikeda, P. Fragomeni, and their team were in charge of de Recursos Minerais, scale 1:1,000,000.
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truthing for our interpretations by bringing back the first Vila Brazil: Part of a Neoproterozoic Continental-Scale Strike-Slip Fault Sys-
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led a spectral sensing workshop during Simexmin 2006, in 750-550 Ma Brasiliano Event of South America: Journal of the Virtual Ex-
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which JCSS took part while on an ADIMB grant, for which O.J. Gleeson, S.A., Butt, C.R.M., and Elias, M., 2003, Nickel Laterites. A Review:
Marini is thanked. All participants are congratulated for the ex- SEG Newsletter, July 2003, no. 54, p. 1, 12–18.
cellent discussions. We are indebted to the special volume edi- Gorayeb, P.S.S., 1989, Corpos serpentiníticos da Faixa Araguaia na região de
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patience and guidance, and to W.A. Morris and an anonymous Higgins, C.T., Perez, F.G., Busch L.L., Fonseca, M.C., Swayze, G.A., and
reviewer for the detailed reviews. Lara Exploration Ltd is also Kokaly, R.A., 2003, Use of remote sensing technology to enhance geologic
acknowledged for generously supporting the printing costs. products of the California Geological Survey used for public policy: Geolog-
JCSS acknowledges Brazil´s National Research Council, CNPq, ical Society of America Annual Meeting and Exposition, Seattle, November
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