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The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Asian women and white worship.

There has been something that’s been bothering me about the Natalie Tran video. It rests on the
fundamental assumption that Asian men are upset because racism prevents us from “dating
out.” But this just isn’t true, generally.


Look at the rate of outmarriage to other races of partners.

Black guys 24%, Hispanic guys 26%, Asian guys 21%. N.B. Yes, when Asian American men DO
marry, they don't marry out at a much lower rate than other men. But what's key here is the %
of Asian American men who actually get a chance to date, marry, etc.

This is explored here:


That’s actually... not bad! IR marriage rates are very similar to the rates of other minority men.
We outdate just fine (out of those of us who manage to marry). This shocked me. I hope this
knowledge somewhat liberates more Asian men to not have to feel that they are inferior. Free
yourselves from those mental chains.

“When I discover who I am, I’ll be free” – Ralph Ellison.

It is amazing, because we are very resilient in that regard. Emasculation hurts us most with our
own women, not other races of women. I mean yeah, it doesn’t help with other groups of
women either, but surprisingly we keep up.

Edit to first edition: (I would like to add: less asian men as a percentage (of the total number of
asian men) overall manage to date and this must be addressed. We cannot simply just leave it
and say women of all colours are fucking us over if we have not comprehensively gone for
women of other groups and made it into a social trend)

Now, take a look at this chart again: see the outmarriage stat for Asian American women? It says
36% right? However, this is wrong. The most recent Pew study (Source: Pew stats 2017, New
York Times) showed that 54% of Asian women born in America marry out, the vast majority to
white men ONLY. So, with regards to Asian women it’s actually more than the 36%.

Pew stats 2017: http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2017/05/18/1-trends-and-patterns-in-


54% of American born Asian girls outmarry. 54%. Not the 40% I previously thought. That’s a
majority. Pretty mindblowing.

I am not saying we AM don’t have any problems dating, we do as a collective. But the problem is
not that we have a harder time dating other races relative to other groups of minority men. Our
problem is we have the hardest time DATING OUR OWN. Our own women buy into the

UC Riverside’s Department of Sociology studied this phenomenon. From the Department of

Sociology at UC Riverside:



JT Tran also said it straight up, Asian guys are most likely to hear "no asians" from Asian women.
SquattingCasanova did a video about his experiences also. My own personal experiences, by far
the harshest reception I have received in public spaces and nightclubs has been from Asian
women who are outright vocal about the fact that they ‘don’t hang with Asian men’. This is
mirrored by the Twitter screenshots Heather Johnson Yu shared.


It’s because we all remind them of their “Asianess”. That is what I'm telling people who say "lift
and all the aw will come running back". No. They hate you because you are Asian. They even
invented a new word for their disdain on Chinese Burn: “DAGS: desperate Asian guys. Overly
groomed Asian men who seem to follow us everywhere”.

Some of the grossest, most unbelievable, in your face racism we face has come from western
ASIAN WOMEN. I hate to use the term “misandry” (because it has been tainted by the
manosphere misogynists), but it is what it is- these girls truly, definitively engage in RACIST
MISANDRY to social climb.

This is not “theory” or “conjecture.” These are facts that Anna Lu’s continuously deny or ignore.
JT Tran touches on this, both in Natalie’s video and his article, but he does so lightly. We will be
more direct: you betrayed us for white acceptance. You lambast Asian male patriarchy and yet
you jump towards white male patriarchy and use gendered racism against Asian men… under the
cloak of Asian female empowerment. This IS the answer to our million dollar question.

You have internalized racist stereotypes about us en masse (again, you don’t care about
individuals). EN MASSE. You refuse to acknowledge this.

Then women like Natalie Tran have the gall to ask the men “what can I do?” What the actual
fuck? Why are YOU asking ME, a Man, what to do about your OWN fucked up behaviors as Asian
women? “Chase white guys less.” I GUESS. And you know what? That’s not my responsibility. My
only responsibility is to call you out. Anything more than that? That’s ACTUALLY robbing you of
agency. YOU DECIDE, and your actions will speak for themselves, like they have been. Don’t
pretend you are egalitarian. Because once we’ve brought it to your attention, you can no longer
plead ignorance. Please, shut the fuck up about feminism if your feminism only consists of the
right to social climb through whiteness and shit on Asian guys while you’re at it.
But, the one thing I won’t allow you to do? Make the guys accept responsibility for YOUR
RACISM. I am not going to do it. Not now, not ever.

Lets call it what it is: White supremacy AND white supremacy being supported by Asian women.
It’s an AND, not an OR. Anna Lu are so keen on shutting down “racial policing” like using the
term “Uncle”. You know, because they are Uncles. Those fake Asian feminists policing our tone,
saying we are expressing things too aggressively, does not take away from the facts: that they
are huge Uncles.

We are presenting facts, they are throwing allegations. That is the difference. That is why Asian
men are utterly frustrated, that is why we will not tolerate your lies anymore.

“Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not,
are slaves.” Byron

Most people don’t outmarry. That’s period. It’s not that we outmarry less; our women just
outmarry way too much to white guys. TO WHITE GUYS. That is not feminism, that is just social
climbing. It is not interracial, it’s white supremacy. We don’t hear them bitching about not being
able to date black men. They get way more social pressure not to date black, usually for racist
reasons. Straight up. But they don’t fight that. HMMMMM. How does that cloak of
progressivism Anna Lu is hiding behind feel? HMMMMM

Anna Lus presenting themselves as progressive and pro-POC while actually dating racist white
guys and very right wing in their dating lives gives them a high ground and allies. It is time to
take that away.

But look even with white men; they have the lowest interracial rates of all men. That is the crazy

We're getting fucked over by Anna Lu using every trick in the book to justify their white fetish,
because their cognitive dissonance really must bug them. For instance, AW repeatedly bring up,
that we just want white girls, which has been disproven both by this and by other posts in the

AM need to realize that most "Asian feminists", with very few exceptions, speak from just malice
towards AM. They'll take advantage of every opening to make us look bad. Don't expect fair play
from them. They make it sound like we’re bitching because emasculation hurts us with white
girls. No. Actually, we’re doing ok in that respect. It hurts us most with Asian women and they
are complicit in perpetuating the racist depictions of Asian men. Now that, THAT, is why we are

No. I’m not finished. It’s not enough that they have their WMAF relationships. They are actively
complicit in using their various (racist) social strategies against us also. They're willing to smear
all Asians as terrible people to get non-Asian women away from the Asian men they won't even
date. That is just plain sociopathic. AM have not smeared with plain lies like Lu’s smear Asian

Because Asian women are the ones most likely to date us flat out, if you fuck them up to see
Asian men badly, then we AM get sausagefests and bachelor societies. Like the good old days
again! (n.b. Chinese exclusion Act) The majority of women out there are not open to interracial
although we hold our own at current rates. This is just as racist white male supremacist America
wants, and Asian Uncles are complicit also. Don’t think I have forgotten about you.

Now, since we have cleared that up….We have to do interracial because of the 54% outmarriage
rate, otherwise AM are just forced into a cannibalized western AMAF dating game.

AM have been so kiddie gloves with Lus in the public space that we've never truly used that
angle that their use of feminism is an insult to feminism. It is perversion and a way to justify their
lust for white privilege, and access to white society through white men. Our friend says it best:
“THAT AWKWARD MOMENT WHEN YOUR FEMINISM IS RACIST”. https://nextshark.com/racist-tv-

Lu’s are staunch supporters of white male patriarchy. When is the last time I heard an Asian
woman rallying against white male patriarchy? When you talk about Asian male patriarchy you
should at least explain that elephant in the room. HMMMMM The silence is deafening!
Real black feminists have to know this. Real white feminists have to know this. Real Asian
feminists have to know this. Real Latina feminists have to know this. I see you girls out there
vocal and supporting us. The majority are black women, with a sprinkling of white, Asian and
Latina. We must never forget who our friends are when we are being stomped on the curb. I
believe in mutually respectful relationships, we will have your back when shit goes down
because you have ours.

I don’t care about individual WMAF, or even the pairing itself despite the historical context of it.
But the scale of it, it’s actually ridiculous. The fact that it ties so neatly into historical factors only
goes to show AM are not crazy like Anna Lus like to portray us as. The amount at which Asian
women date out to white guys is an abnormal social trend and is a direct result of white
supremacy. In fact, I believe that it is a social trend which is unprecedented.

Fuck your individual relationship, you’re killing us here on aggregate.

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