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Intercessory Prayer for Our Country and the World (Social, Peace & Calamities)

God our merciful Father, You are always been good to us. We pray with one voice for our beloved
country, the Philippines; for our leaders and for every citizen.
Rule through our leaders and guide them in ways of justice and peace. Counsel them O God, and
may fortitude abide with them that they may conduct the affairs of man in accordance with Your
Divine will. Grant them the wisdom to make decisions for the benefit of the population and not
for their personal interest. May the government seek to reconcile power with the needs of society,
to foster nation building and usher in progress.
We pray for the following social issues in our country:
Increasing Drug Problem; Extra Judicial Killings; Corruption in the government; Rising Poverty;
Social issues with the Invasion of Chinese Gambling Institution;
We Pray…

We also pray for peace not only in our country but throughout the world.
Bring an end to violence and hatred and discord. Steady the feet that rush into war and the
finger poised on the trigger especially on the following:
Short List: Middle East Iran & USA; Muslim & NPA Rebels & Philippine govt; .
Bring justice to the downtrodden, restoration to the marginalized and abused, hope to the
hopeless. Guide all those in positions of power—whether that power is political or religious or
physical or social—and give them wisdom to use their power wisely. Give them, and all of us, the
grace to admit when we are wrong and to seek forgiveness. Give us the grace to forgive. We pray.

Lord God, There is nothing natural about a disaster, because You supernaturally control the
world and everything in it. You made the world; You created us. With one breath, you can
destroy or give life. But You are also a God of grace, mercy, and love. In times like this, Lord, we
admit our helplessness. We don’t know what to do, but our eyes are on You. Help us to provide
solutions, not blame. Lord, we desperately need You especially now for the protection and end of
the current calamities.
Taal Volcano Eruption and continuing threat; Bush fire in Australia
Breathe life into these hopeless situations, and give courage to those on the brink of giving up. To
those already grieving from loss, provide comfort as only You can. Protect victims from those
who would take advantage of their situation.
Bless those who lay down their lives for others, for there is no greater love than this. Mend
broken lives from these heart-rending catastrophes, and pour mercy and grace into hurting
hearts. Make Your presence known in amazing and surprising ways as You often do when Your
people cry out for intervention. Multiply both the efforts of responders and helpers and the
material resources needed for life-giving sustenance. Thank You for those who mirror Your
character in their selfless efforts to help. We Pray…

You are still the God of miracles, and You still love the world. So, once again, we turn our eyes
to You and pray, and wait, and trust. Thank You for the promises in Your Word. Thank You
that You never fail us and that You never leave us—alone. This we pray in Jesus Name.

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