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© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.

org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)



Research scholar
Pg Department of Commerce,KGcollege,Pambadi
MG University,Kottayam, India

Abstract :
Kudumbasree: Kudumbasree is a project launched by the Government of Kerala (GOK) with the help of Government of
India (GOI) and NABARD and is a multifaceted women based participatory poverty eradication programme. This project aims to
empower women physically, socially, economically and politically.Micro enterprise: Micro enterprise promotion and
development is one of the important strategies of kudumbasree for the economic empowerment of poor women. The role of micro
enterprise in rural development and women empowerment is widely recognized world over, particularly in developing nations
like India.In this thesis the author made an attempt to study the problems and prospects of Kudumbasree micro enterprises

Kudumbasree, the state poverty eradication mission of Govt.of Kerala, started in 1998 as a major objective to promote economic
empowerment. Its mission is to eradicate poverty in 10 years through community sections with the help of LSG (Local Self
Government).For the purpose a lot of programmes were initiated by Kudumbasree.One among them is Micro enterprise. Micro
enterprises play a vital role in poverty alleviation and socio economic empowerment of the poor, and helps for balanced
development of economy with low capital investment.
In India, the idea of providing credit to the poor goes back to the co-operative movement. As the earlier projects like IRDP
(Integrated Rural Development Programme) launched by GOI in the early 1980s failed because of lack of choice and lack of
participation by beneficiaries. Then NABARD took the initiative by promoting SHG during 1986-87.The present form of
Kudumbasree has been developed from a number of community based organizations.
Entrepreneurship is rapidly rising concern of modern competitive economy and its contribution in economy is viably recognized
worldwide. But the point to ponder is the fact that it is generally perceived as a male-gendered concept in India. And the women
who start up their businesses have to face some teething problems. Women entrepreneurship is considered to be an effective
instrument for the economic empowerment of women. Women in India remained economically undeveloped for many decades.
Therefore Kudumbasree mission initiated a new strategy of starting Micro enterprise among rural women to empower them
socially, economically and politically. And thereby increasing their income and living status.
Women as a group face many difficulties when compared with men. Entrepreneurship always include some element of struggle.
So women will have to brave themselves and succeed. Many researches has shown that during starting stages women are found to
face more barriers than men in establishing and maintaining a business. This chapter attempts to analyse the various problems
and prospects faced by rural women who are the members of Micro enterprises promoted by Kudumbasree.Problems are studied
based on the number of years of experience in ME. And the problems are subjected to analysis and test in terms of personal,
production and marketing problems, financial and technical support, challenges faced by women entrepreneurs etc.

A literature review is an evaluative report of studies found in the literature related to the selected area. The review should
describe, summarize, evaluate and clarify this literature. It should give a theoretical basis for the research and helps to determine
the nature of our own research. The literature review is important because: It describes how the proposed research is related to
prior research in statistics. It shows the originality and relevance of our research problem. Specifically, your research is different
from other statisticians. It justifies the proposed methodology and It demonstrates our preparedness to complete the research.
Here are some reviews of literatures conducted in India mostly in Kerala related to Kudumbasree,Women empowerment,Poverty
alleviation programmes ,SHGs ,Micro finanace and Micro enterprises development,Linkage banking etc.
Gurumurthy (2000)1 in his study regarding ‘Empowering women contributes to social development’ with the objective of
identifying how much women empowerment contributes to social development states that Economic progress in any country
whether developed or under developing can be achieved through social development. The SHG disburses micro credit to the rural
women for the purpose of making them enterprising women and encouraging them to enter into entrepreneurial activities. All the
credit needs of the rural women are fulfilled through the SHG.SHGs enhance equality of status of women as participants, decision
makers and beneficiaries in the democratic economic social and cultural scheme of life. SHGs also encourage women to take
active part in the socio economic progress of our nation.

IJRAR1904590 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 689
© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
Kuratka and Richard(2001) in their book on entrepreneurship stated that entrepreneurship is the dynamic process of creating
incremental wealth. This wealth is created by individuals who take the major risk in terms of equity, time and career commitment
of providing value to some products or services. The product or service itself may or may not be new or unique but value must
some have be infused by the entrepreneur by securing and allocating the necessary skill and resources.
Anj Malhotra(2002)3,’Measuring women’s empowerment as a variable in international development’, opined that women’s
empowerment is a complex concept that poses many challenges in conceptualization and measurement,these challenges are
probably no greater than as the case for complex development conceptsuch as poverty reduction and social inclusion.
Jaya S. Anand (2002)4,in her study regarding Self-Help Groups in Empowering Women:Case study of selected SHGs and
NHGs, conducted with the major objectives of evaluating the performance of selected SHGs and NHGs and to identify the extent
to which the factors required for the successful functioning of the groups are present and in what ways they are influencing the
performance of groups and To comparatively examine the role of various promoting agencies and to discuss the differences in
their approach in organising and managing the SHGs and NHGs For the study, SHGs promoted by three voluntary agencies in
Chungatharapanchayat–Shreyas, BVM, and the CDS – were selected. The government sponsors the CDS, while the other two are
non-governmental agencies, which are actively involved in community development through SHGs. Five groups each from the
three agencies were selected for a detailed study. Besides, in order to find the impact of SHGs on women, 10 percent of the
members from the sample groups were selected randomly and interviewed using a structured schedule.On examining the socio-
economic profile, she found that 64 percent of the selected members were of the age group of 30-45 years and that the majority of
them had a family size ranging from 3 to 5 members. There was a fairly good representation of Hindus, Muslims, and Christians
in all the three groups A striking observation was that in all the groups, the women were more educated than their husbands.
About 57 percent of the members had no remunerative activity. All the members, irrespective of the group, unanimously agree
that the most striking advantage of the SHGs was the thrift component which acted as an ‘informal bank at their doorstep.

Krishnan embran (2003)5A study on women entrepreneurship in Kerala, conducted with the objective of assessing the effect of
socio economic environment on the development of women entrepreneurship in the state and found that kudumbasree movement
is a comprehensive programme to alleviate poverty and is intended to empower women of the disadvantaged group. Kudumbasree
is functioning from the perspective of a beneficiary status and not from a sense of agency. kudumbasree does not provide bigger
amount of loans since, the mutual trust level among the beneficiaries is also very low.it has to go further to address transformative
issues like unequal control of property and other productive assets and opportunities.
SuneethaKadiyala, (2004)6 in her study ‘Scaling up Kudumbasree –collective action for poverty alleviation and woman
empowerment,’ discussed the factors that enabled and constrained the scaling up of a multi sectoral poverty alleviation
programme called kudumbasree ,initiated by govt of kerala, india,in 1998 to eradicate poverty by 2008 it also discusses some
potential treats to and tradeoffs of scaling up kudumbasree. This report draws primarly upon the available literature and
qualitative data collected during a 5 days visit to kudumbasree in march 2003 in 1991 the GOK along with UNICEF, initiated the
community based nutrition program (CBNP) in alleppey town to improve health and nutritional status of children and women . It
shows that an enabling environment especially decentralization of the concurrent devolution of finances to the local government
bodies (LGBs) was critical scaling up kudumbasree.
Emil Mathew(2005)7In his study ‘Significance of income generation activities;a study of micro finance groups in Wayanad
district ,Kerala, 8 NHGs and 8 SHGs were selected from each of the panchayats and a total of 32 NHG/SHGs were selected
randomly. From each of these groups, 6 members were randomly selected and thus a total of 192 members were selected for the
study. This study attempted to look at microfinance groups as community-based organisations for the promotion of economic
growth in the context of the Kerala model of development. Thus, these groups should be viewed as institutions promoting local
development of an area through the indigenous resources mobilized by the people. Since group lending ensures repayment of
loans borrowed through peer pressure among members, it is advisable to promote productive activities. Otherwise, the pressure to
make repayments forces members to depend on other sources for loans at the time of repayment. Thus in order to achieve the
objective proposed by the Kudumbashree under decentralised planning, the programme needs to be extensively promoted by
encouraging the members to undertake IGAs which should be remunerative and less risky. Moreover, marketing opportunities
should be imparted to the group by the promoting agencies,as some of the activities have been forced to close down on account of
the constrained local
Research gap
All of the studies included in review of literatures are related to kudumbasree ,the state poverty eradication mission of
govt.of kerala,right from its inception in 1998,identified livelihood development as a major objective to promote economic
empowerment.Here most of the studies are conducted in SHGs and women empowerment,SHGs and poverty alleviation,scaling
up of kudumbasree,income generating activities ,micro finance and linkage banking etc.and some of the researchers mentioned
about the importance of micro enterprises and its role in economic development.but the fact is that no studies have conducted in
the field of micro enterprises promoted by kudumbasree and its problems and prospects in detail. This paper looks into the major
problems of kudumbasree micro enterprises in Wayanad.
Scope and Significance of the study

The present study will enable us to understand the problems and prospects of member beneficiaries of micro enterprises.
The result and suggestions of the study will contribute to improve the financial performance of these enterprises and it will also
help the policy makers and Kudumbashree to evolve suitable policies for sustainable functioning of Micro Enterprises and to
introduce advanced measures for increased economic empowerment of women in Kerala.

IJRAR1904590 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 690
© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
Problem Statement

The role of micro enterprises in rural development and women empowerment is widely recognized the world over, particularly in
developing nations like India. Micro enterprises play a vital role in poverty alleviation and socio-economic development of the
poor, and help to bring about equitable and balanced economic development with relatively low amount of capital investment.
the present Research Study looks understand the problems and prospects of member beneficiaries of micro enterprises.
Objectives of the study

1. To analyze the problems and prospects of kudumbasree micro enterprises

Hypothesis of the study

Hypothesis of the study are included in the analysis chapters in appropriate places where they are considered important.
The design of the present study is descriptive one based on survey method. The study attempts to describe and analyze the role of
micro enterprises promoted by Kudumbasree in economic empowerment of women in Kerala.
3.1 Data Source

The present study is descriptive one based on survey method. The study will make use of both primary date and secondary data.
Primary data will be collected from Kudumbashree Micro Enterprises and member beneficiaries. The Micro Enterprises promoted
by the Kudumbashree in wayanad district constitute the population of the study. A multi-stage random sampling technique will be
adopted. In the first stage, the entire District will be divided on the basis of panjayaths and municipalities. There are 23
panjayaths and 3 municipalities in wayanad. There are 388 micro enterprises are running under these authorities.In the next stage
all Micro Entreprises promoted by Kudumbashree will be selected from each taluks and also the member beneficiaries will be
selected from the selected units on a random basis. Thus the sample for the study will constitute about 300 Micro Enterprises and
400 Members beneficiaries.
The Secondary data for the present study constitute the Audited Financial Statements of micro enterprises and other details
obtained from journals, magazines, books and other periodicals, authentic publications and reports of Government of India,
Government of Kerala, and Kudumbashree.
3.2 Research approach

Survey research using a well structured interview schedule is adopted. This will be used for collecting data from two
groups of member beneficiaries’ .on from members of kudumbasree who are not included in micro enterprises and the other
member beneficiaries of kudumbasree who runs micro enterprises.
3.3 Research Instrument

A well structured interview schedule was prepared with the objective of getting information from the member beneficiaries of
kudumbasree. It was prepared C to identify the problems and prospects of member beneficiaries of micro enterprises based on
personal, production, marketing and financial problems.
3.4 Population and sample

Population of the study constitute the entire Kudumbasree women member beneficiaries of micro enterprises of Wayanad
district.It includes 1880 member beneficiaries.and the sample constitute 200 member beneficiaries.

3.5 Type of analysis and statistical tools used

Bivariate and multivariate analysis was done for establishing relationship among the variables under study. The tools used for
analysis of primary data consists of Arithmetic mean, Jonckeere-Terpstra test, Kendall’s tau-b correlation, Pair wise comparison,
cross tabulation, Chi-square test,Friedman rank test, Levene’s test for equality of variance And Mann-Whitney U test.

3.5.1 Chi-square test

The Chi-squared test is used to determine whether there is a significant difference between the expected frequencies and the
observed frequencies in one or more categories. It was used to study whether there is any association between the members and
non member5s of micro enterprises in the cases of socio economic condition in this study. And also to understand whether there
is any association shows between the factors that prompted the members to indulge in micro entrepreneurial activities and
between the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs under Kudumbasree.

IJRAR1904590 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 691
© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
3.5.2 Friedman rank test

In this study Friedman test was used to compare means of challenges to entrepreneurship.
3.5.3 Levene’s test for equality of variance

It is an inferential statistic used to assess the equality of variances for a variable calculated for two or more groups. It is used to
study whether there is equality of variances in problems of women entrepreneurs of ME promoted by Kudumbasree between two
experience group.
3.5.4Mann-Whitney U test

It’s a non parametric test of null hypothesis that it is equally likely that a randomly selected value from one sample will be less
than or greater than a randomly selected value from a second sample. This test can be used to determine whether two independent
samples were selected from populations having the same distribution.
Kudumbasree was not a project which was started in the state all of a sudden. In India ,the process of giving loan to the poor
families started at the co-operative movement. As the earlier projects like IRDP( Integrated Rural Development Programme)
launched by the Governmkent of India since 1980s failed because of many reasons. Some of them are lack of choice by the
member beneficiaries of Kudumbasree over the purpose and amount of credit.,lack of participation,personal problems in the
family to come forward etc. At that time NABARD came with a new programme of providing finance by promoting self help
groups. In Kerala Kudumbasree is an outgrowth of the broad micro finance initiative in the country. The basic idea was to solve
the problem of poverty by forming community based organisation (CBOs) by identifying poor women through multiple criteria.
Kudumbasree formed to todays shape through community based organisations.the Kudumbasree has been evolved from the
following basic structures.United nation’s children’s fund (UNICEF) and the Government of India together sponsored a new
programme for those living in slums called Urban Basic Service a participatory development programme in 1987. Later this
programme changed to Urban Basic service for the Poor (USBP).

4.1 Structure of Kudumbasree

For the effective functioning of the Kudumbasreeprogramme the community based organization consists of a three tier structure.
The lowest stratum of NHG consists of 20-40 women members selected from poor families. NHG meets every week in the house
of NHG members. In the meeting various issues faced by the group members are discussed and solved. Second tier Is ADS (Area
Development Society), which is formed at the ward level by federating 10-15 NHGs. And the third and highest tier is CDS.
The Kudumbasree has a three tier community oriented structure.
1. Kudumbasree Ayalkkotam or Neighbourhood Groups (NHG).
2. Kudumbasree ward samithy or Area Development Society (ADS).
3. Kudumbasree Panjayath samithy or Community Development Society (CDS).
4.1.1 NHG (Neighbourhood group)

In Kerala, the first step for NHG initiation was started by D.Pankajakshan in Kanjipalam in Alappuzha district. He with his
friends organized a group named ‘Darshanam’, A micro level organization in the village (1989).Members of 10 homes formed as
a group called tharakkottam, 10 such Tharakkottam made an Ayalkkottam (NHG).This is the lowest tier consisting of 10-20
women. In their weekly meetings all members bring their thrift, which will be collected and recycled to the system by way of
sanctioning loans. Five office bearers will be there.
1a.Community health Volunteer
This person look after the health related aspects of the group members including their family. They are also responsible for
converging the activities of health and social service department.
1b.Income generation activity Volunteer
This person looks after various activities like collection, consolidation, and maintenance of books of accounts and registers of
1c.Infrastructure volunteer
For the local development this person identify the infrastructural backwardness of the group with the help of various government
Secretary has to record the proceedings of the meeting. She also need to motivate the members of the group.
She presides over the weekly meeting and imparts necessary leadership and guidelines to the team members.
4.1.2 ADS (Area Development Society)

Area Development society ,the second tier formed at the ward level by federating 10-15 NHGs. Activities and decisions in the
ADS are decided by the representatives elected from NHGs.ADS co-ordinate and monitor the functioning of NHGs under its

IJRAR1904590 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 692
© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
jurisdiction, provide guidance related to micro enterprises, supports in getting bank linkages etc.ADS reports various activities of
each NHG and submits their relevant documents related to finance and administration to CDS.

4.1.3 CDS (Community Development Society)

The highest strata of Kudumbasree is the CDS.It is formed by federating various ADSs,
Main activities of CDS:
a) They help to implement the plans of NHGs.
b) CDS collects small savings of NHGs and were used to provide financial assistance to start income generating activities.
c) In order to benefit the community as whole, the CDS sought to bring under a single umbrella all departments and agencies and
helps to address the various causes of poverty.
4.2 Alappuzha Community Based Nutrition Programme (CBNP)

In 1991 Alappuzha Municipal Urban Basic Service for the poor (UBSP), initiated Community Based Nutrition Programme
(CBNP).Main objective of this project was to improve the nutritional status of the children of 0-15 age group and women of 15-
4.3 Programmes for economic empowerment under Kudumbasree

4.3.1.Micro finance

.a. Trift and credit

Kudumbasree promotes neighbourhood groups (NHGs) And are used in thrift mobilization,that encourage poor women to save
more and also to avail credit at low cost. But how much amount is to provided as loan and for what purpose it to be used always
decided by NHG. Repayment is collected during weekly NHG meetings.
b..Linkage banking
Linkage banking is one of the flagship programmes of kudumbasree. NABARD SHG bank linkage grading procedures are
applied while selecting the NHGs for availing lkoan.CDS assists NHG in getting graded by the bank.Bank will provide loan to
those NHGs who pass 80% mark in grading. Loan amount provided to NHG is linked with thrift amount maintained by the group
as internal loans. Four times of thrift maintained by the NHG is the maximum amount of loan that can be given to NHG.CDS
sometimes borrow bulk loans from banks for the purpose of lending it to the NHG for that CDS charges more interest than bank
charges to NHG. Then bank fixes a date for the repayment of loan ,within that date NHG pays it to the CDS and CDS in turn pay
the collected amount to bank.
c. Matching grant to thrift and credit societies.
It is an incentive provided to NHGs. It is linked to the thrift mobilised,performance of NHG in the grading and loan availed from
the banks.
4.3.2 Micro enterprises of Kudumbasree

Enterprises engaged in the manufacture or production, processing or preservation of goods –A micro enterprises is an enterprise
where investment in plant and machinery does not exceed rs.25 lakh. Innovation fund was initiated by Kudumbasree for
supporting Micro enterprises. The maximum amount eligible should not exceed 50% of the total project cost including subsidy
and innovation fund. Suitable innovative micro enterprise project will be identified by micro enterprise and samagra teams in
district and head office. Who will then submit the proposal to the head office.
Technology fund is mainly used to procure advanced and innovative technologies for setting up micro enterprises under
Kudumbasree. The cost of technology includes the cost to develop a new technology, purchase of a technology from research
organisation, laboratory, individuals etc.
The proposal from the district mission team will be scrutinized by a screening committee at state level.supporting and sustaining
micro enterprise is always a challenge faced by development administration. Many efforts were taken by the kudumbasree
mission with the help of local self government for the purpose. There is a micro enterprise team headed by programme officer
,under the leadership of assistant district mission co-ordinators. In the CDS level, there is a micro enterprise subcommittee to co-
ordinate the micro enterprise in the panjayaths in the ADS and the NHG levels there are income generating volunteer to look after
the matters of ME.
4.3.3Innovative enterprises under Kudumbasree

a. Solid waste management

Kudumbasree initiated solid waste management to clean Kerala business. Women fro kudumbasree and belongs to poor families
are engaged top involve in these kinds of activities in door household waste collection and transport to the transit point fixed by
the urban local bodies.
b. Nature fresh
Kudumbasree started a micro enterprise called nature fresh in Idukki district and Palakkad district. Cows were distributed to
women entrepreneurs. The milk produced is delivered to houses within one hopur in bottles by a four member women marketing
c.Amrutham food supplement

IJRAR1904590 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 693
© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
The amrutham unit produces a baby food supplement developed by central plantation crops research institute (CPCRI)
Kasargode. This has four hundred operational unit. Wheat required for the production of the food supplement is provided in a
subsidy rate of Rs. 4.5/Kg under wheat based nutrition programme.
4.4 Samagra

Samagra is an initiative independently developed by kudumbasree being implemented in the state in collaboration with the three
tier local self governments and other agencies. It is an attempt to address the entire production- supply value chain holistically, by
scaling up productive activity both qualitatively and quantitatively and seeking viable supply opportunities.
The samagra projects are owned and implemented by the three tier panjayaths. At the grass root level CDS take care of
implementation programme. District mission co-ordinator will be the implementing officer. Details of samagra projects that are
implemented in various districts are given below.
a. Nendran banana
More than 12000 people are engaged in production and marketing of nendran banana in Trivandrum as a part of samagra project.
District panjayath will be the leader to this project.activty group containing five individual each is formed for the purpose.
b. Harithasree
It is proposed to cultivate, collect and market vegetables in the panjayaths neighbouring the corporation area. Different types of
vegetables will be packed in two kilo packets and delivered to houses once in three days. For this a marketing network will be
c. Ksheerashree
This project is to enhance the production of milk to meet the milk production deficit in Trivandrum district. The milk produced
will directly marketed to the consumers as fresh milk within two hours.
d Nedumoana Mini apparel park
In Nedumpana grama panjayath skill development in tailoring has been extensively undertaken. The proposed unit would be a
high end semi automated facility and would employ state of the art machinery for producing high quality apparels.it would be an
integrated facility and would have adequate operation functions from fabric processing to final packaging and quality control.
e Madhuram
It was carried by Pathanamthita district panjayaths with the objective of providing direct employment and income to 10000
women by production of 20 lakh litres of honey and participation of 25000 rubber farmers.
f. ornamental fish projects
Its a novel micro enterprise activity taken up in vaikom block panjayath of kottayam district.
It is conceived for Idukki district to provide employment to many poor families through cow rearing micro enterprises for milk
production and value addition.
h. Thirumadhurama
It is in Ernakulam district to create aproduction and marketing chain with pineapple as the main crop.
i. Haritham
Which aims at cultivating vegetables required by Ernakulam corporation proposed to cultivate vegetables.
j. Nivedyam
This project aims to supply pujakadali required for prayer rituals to the guruvayur temple daily by utilising Kudumbasree
.k. Kondattom
This project mainly working on a marketing strategy to brand Palakkadan Kondattom across the state.
l.Manufacturing of footwear uppers.
This project is implemented in Calicut district as a footwear manufacturing company.
.m. Goat village
This project was conceived by Kannur district aims to produce 18 lakh litres milk, 335 tonnes mutton, and 10925 tonnes organic
manure annually through goat rearing activities.
n. Saphalam
This is the first time that a community based cashew project has been attempted in the district known for its high quality of
The above said initiatives of Kudumbasree helped the poor women to attain freedom , autonomy and self confidence. It is
obviously a women based poverty alleviation project.
4.5 Collective farming

This programme initiated by the Kudumbasree, which include identification of available land, selection of beneficiaries,
clustering them into groups, giving them training, distribution of inputs and release of incentives.
4.6 Responsible tourism

This is an initiative led by the state department of tourism to make the tourism industry socially , environmentally, and
economically responsible to the people.

IJRAR1904590 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 694
© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
5.1 Number of years in ME

Years of experience in ME made the member beneficiaries of Micro enterprises promoted by Kudumbasree more responsible and
capable of managing problems related to personal , production, marketing and financial problems related to ME.
Table 1.1 shows Years of experience in ME of member beneficiaries.

Table 1Number of years of membership in ME

Number of
Frequency Percent
years in ME
1 1 0.50
2 13 6.50
3 15 7.50
4 27 13.50
5 33 16.50
6 5 2.50
7 8 4.00
8 6 3.00
9 15 7.50
10 27 13.50
11 14 7.00
12 23 11.50
13 2 1.00
14 3 1.50
15 7 3.50
16 1 0.50
Total 200 100.0

It may be observed from the table that 16.5% of the total respondents having minimum 5 years of experience and only 0.5%
having only 1 year of experience and 16 years of experience.
Table .2 shows experience wise distribution of respondents.
Table2 Experience in ME wise distribution of respondents

Experience in ME Frequency Percent

Less than 5 years 89 44.5
More than 5 years 111 55.5
Total 200 100.0

Table 1.2 shows 55.5% having more than 5years of experience and 44.5% having less than 5years of experience.

5.2 Negative effect in life after joining micro enterprise

As a woman after joining in Micro enterprises facing a lot of problems. Negative effect faced by women beneficiaries of ME were
measured in terms of increased household tension, more suspicion from husband, increased burden of domestic responsibilities,
increased tension among members or neighbourhood groups, increased work load etc. Were subjected to analysis and tested using
Mann –Whitney U test to test the significant difference between distribution of negative effect in life aftyer joining ME and
categories of experience group. The dependent variables namely measures of " negative effect in life after joining micro
enterprise ", measured on a five-point scale of 1=strongly disagree, 2= disagree, 3=No opinion, 4=Agree and 5=Strongly agree
and independent variable "number of years of experience in ME", which has two ordered groups namely less than five years and
more than five years.
Mann- Whitney U test is a non parametric test of the null hypothesis that it is equally likely that a randomly selected value from
one sample will be less than or greater than a randomly selected value from a second sample. This test canbe used to determine
whether two independent samples were selected from populations having the same distribution.
Table.3 experience wise group ranks of negative effects faced by ME members.

IJRAR1904590 International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) www.ijrar.org 695
© 2018 IJRAR November 2018, Volume 5, Issue 4 www.ijrar.org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)
Table 3 Experience group wise Ranks of negative effects

Dependent Variables Experience group N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

Less than 5 years 89 121.63 10825.50
Increased household tension
More than 5 years 111 83.55 9274.50
after joining micro enterprises
Total 200
Less than 5 years 89 103.96 9252.50
More suspicion from
More than 5 years 111 97.73 10847.50
husband after joining ME
Total 200
Less than 5 years 89 112.24 9989.00
Increased burden of domestic
More than 5 years 111 91.09 10111.00
Total 200
Increased tension among Less than 5 years 89 118.96 10587.50
members/neighborhood after More than 5 years 111 85.70 9512.50
joining ME Total 200
Less than 5 years 89 105.28 9369.50
Increased work load after
More than 5 years 111 96.67 10730.50
joining ME
Total 200

Experience group wise ranks of negative effect shows the differences in mean rank of various personal problems between
categories of experience group. Decreases in mean rank were found in all the problems when they go from less than five years
experience group to more than five years group. And highest mean difference can be found in increased household tension after
joining ME (121.63-83.55). And lowest difference in more suspicion from husband after joining ME (103.96-97.73). In short
decrease in the negative effect in life after joining ME Could be found after getting experienced in ME activities.
Table .4 shows Mann-Whitney U test of experience group wise negative effect.
Table 4 Experience group wise negative effects – Test Statistics

Asymp. Sig.
Mann-Whitney U Wilcoxon W Z
Increased household
tension after joining micro 3058.500 9274.500 -5.664 0.0000
More suspicion from
4631.500 10847.500 -1.658 0.0972
husband after joing ME
Increased burden of
3895.000 10111.000 -2.890 0.0038
domestic responsibilities
Increased tension among
members/neighborhood 3296.500 9512.500 -5.993 0.0000
after joing ME
Increased work load after
4514.500 10730.500 -1.155 0.2480
joining ME
Grouping Variable: Experience group
Figures in bold indicate significant at 5% level

Test statistic shows that significant difference in the distribution of increased negative effect after joining ME between categories
of experience group where significances of p value of Z statistic of mann-Whitney U test stood below .05 were found in all the
cases except more suspicion from husband and increased work load after joining ME (Hypothesis get accepted in both the cases).

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Figure 1.a illustrates the summary of hypotheses tests.

Figure 1.a Hypothesis Test Summary

5.3Difficulties in the area of production

Production in a manufacturing enterprise involves co-ordination of a number of activities while some of these activities are in the
control of entrepreneur there are others over which she has little control. Here an attempt is made to analyse production problems
of women entrepreneurs by comparing it with experience in kudumbasreee. The measures of production problem in terms of Lack
of sufficient fund in the area of production, lack of technical knowhow, Lack of timely availability of raw material, inability to
withstand competition from standardised product, inability to collect overdue, inadequate training, non co-operation among
members in the area of production were subjected to analysis and tested, using Leven’s test for equality of variance. The
dependent variables namely measures of “production problems”, measured on a five point scale of 1=Never, 2=rarely,
3=Occasionally, 4=Frequently, and 5=Always and independent variable “Years of experience in ME “which has two ordered
experience group less than five years and more than five years were subjected to test.
In statistics, Levene’s test is an inferential statistic used to assess the equality of variances for a variable calculated for two or
more groups.
Table.5 shows group statistics of difficulties in production and Years of experience in ME

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Table 5 Group Statistics

Dependent Variables Experience group N Mean Std. Dev S. E. Mean

Lack of sufficient fund in the area of Less than 5 years 89 3.8876 1.46503 .15529
production More than 5 years 111 2.1261 1.13712 .10793
Lack of technical knowhow in the area of Less than 5 years 89 3.1011 1.32326 .14027
production More than 5 years 111 1.8919 .95681 .09082
Lack of timely availability of raw materialin Less than 5 years 89 1.4719 .84059 .08910
the area of production More than 5 years 111 1.7207 1.05461 .10010
Inability to withstand competition from Less than 5 years 89 1.8652 1.32452 .14040
standardised products in the area of More than 5 years 111 1.2342 .63181 .05997
Inability to collect overdues in the area of Less than 5 years 89 2.7416 1.59920 .16952
production More than 5 years 111 3.3514 1.55300 .14740
Inadequate training in the area of Less than 5 years 89 1.7416 1.01722 .10782
production More than 5 years 111 1.3243 1.09679 .10410
Non co-operation among members in the Less than 5 years 89 1.1348 .37511 .03976
area of production More than 5 years 111 1.0000 0.00000 0.00000

It may be observed from Group statistic of production problem and experience group of member beneficiaries that decrease in
mean could be found in all the cases except lack of timely availability of raw material, inability to collect overdue. So as per the
opinion of respondents lack of timely availability of raw material and inability to collect overdue are the main problems in the
area of production.
Table.6 shows independent sample test result of equality of variances in difficulties of production

Table 6 Independent samples Test

Levene's Test for

Equality of t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. (2-
F Sig. t df tailed)
Lack of sufficient fund in the Equal variances
9.571 0.0023 9.314 163.103 0.0000
area of production not assumed
Lack of technical knowhow in Equal variances
15.788 0.0001 7.237 155.397 0.0000
the area of production not assumed
Lack of timely availability of
Equal variances
raw materialin the area of 8.897 0.0032 -1.857 197.995 0.0648
not assumed
Inability to withstand
competition from standardised Equal variances
63.093 0.0000 4.133 119.847 0.0001
products in the area of not assumed
Inability to collect overdues in Equal variances
.151 0.6979 -2.723 198 0.0070
the area of production assumed
Inadequate training in the area Equal variances
9.201 0.0027 2.784 193.804 0.0059
of production not assumed
Non co-operation among
Equal variances
members in the area of 73.709 0.0000 3.391 88.000 0.0010
not assumed
Figures in bold indicate significant at 5% level

From the independent sample test result (Levene’s) of equality of variances in difficulties of production between less than five
years group and more than five years group, significant differences in equalities of variances were found between two experience
group in all the cases except in the case of lack of timely availability of raw material (.0648). Where the hypotheses that no
significant difference in the concerned problems between less than five years group and more than five years group get accepted
because p>.05.
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5.4Difficulties in Marketing

Lack of sales and marketing skills was the most common problem faced by women entrepreneurs after finance. Many business
women find it difficult to capture the market and make their product popular. They are not fully aware of the changing market
condition and hence depend on the services of media and internet. Here an attempt is made to analyse marketing problems of
women entrepreneurs by comparing it with experience in kudumbasreee. The measures of marketing problem in terms of Lack of
information, lack of transportation facilities, competition, and involvement of middlemen, lack of retail outlets, seasonal
problems, and lack of demand, low price and profit were subjected to analysis and tested, using Leven’s test for equality of
variance. The dependent variables namely measures of “ marketing problems”, measured on a five point scale of 1=Never,
2=rarely, 3=Occasionally, 4=Frequently, and 5=Always and independent variable “Years of experience in ME “which has two
ordered experience group less than five years and more than five years were subjected to test.
Table 7 shows group statistics of difficulties in marketing and Years of experience in ME
Table 7 Group Statistics

Dependent Variables Experience group N Mean Std. Dev S. E. Mean

Lack of information in the area of Less than 5 years 89 1.4831 0.96663 .10246
Marketing More than 5 years 111 1.2793 0.68981 .06547
Lack of transportation facility in the area Less than 5 years 89 2.1798 1.48906 .15784
of Marketing More than 5 years 111 2.0811 1.45936 .13852
Competition in the area of Marketing Less than 5 years 89 1.3933 .59578 .06315
More than 5 years 111 1.1982 0.42254 .04011
Involvement of middlemen in the area of Less than 5 years 89 1.4944 1.13941 .12078
Marketing More than 5 years 111 1.5676 1.06704 .10128
Lack of retail outlet in the area of Less than 5 years 89 3.1124 1.92140 .20367
Marketing More than 5 years 111 2.9099 1.84169 .17481
Less than 5 years 89 1.6629 1.20552 .12778
Seasonal problems in the area of
Marketing More than 5 years 111 1.3604 1.05134 .09979
Lack of demand in the area of Marketing Less than 5 years 89 1.4719 0.94255 .09991
More than 5 years 111 1.2613 0.97898 .09292
Low profitand price in the area of Less than 5 years 89 1.4382 .99949 .10595
Marketing More than 5 years 111 1.2523 0.97671 0.09271

It may be observed from Group statistic of marketing problem and experience group of member beneficiaries that very low
decrease in mean could be found in all the cases except involvement of middlemen in the area of marketing. So as per the opinion
of respondents involvement of middlemen is the main problems in the area of marketing.

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Table 8 shows independent sample test result of equality of variances in difficulties of marketing

Table 8 Independent samples Test

Levene's Test for

Equality of t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. (2-
F Sig. t df tailed)
Lack of informationin the area of Equal variances not
Marketing 8.763 0.0034 1.677 153.997 0.0956
Lack of transportation facility in the area Equal variances
of Marketing 0.791 0.3747 0.471 198.000 0.6381
Competition in the area of Marketing
Equal variances not
25.713 0.0000 2.607 153.342 0.0100

Involvement of middlemen in the area of Equal variances

Marketing 0.144 0.7051 -0.468 198.000 0.6405
Lack of retail outlet in the area of Equal variances
Marketing 3.411 0.0663 0.758 198.000 0.4495
Seasonal problems in the area of Equal variances not
Marketing 4.240 0.0408 1.866 176 0.0637
Lack of demand in the area of Marketing Equal variances
2.449 0.1192 1.537 198.000 0.1258
Low profitand price in the area of Equal variances not
4.138 0.0433 1.321 186.759 0.1882
Marketing assumed
Figures in bold indicate significant at 5% level

From the independent sample test result (Levene’s) of equality of variances in difficulties of production between less than five
years group and more than five years group, no significant differences in equalities of variances were found between two
experience group in all the cases except in the case of competition in the area of marketing (.0100) and Lack of information in the
area of marketing (.0956). Where the hypotheses that no significant difference in the concerned problems between less than five
years group and more than five years group get rejected because p<.05.

5.5Support and assistance Obtained

Kusumbasree provide financial and non financial support to the member beneficiaries and many facilities and assistances are
offering by Govt. To micro enterprises promoted by Kudumbasree. Here an attempt is made to identify the opinion of member
beneficiaries regarding such help.
Table 9 shows the response of the respondents regarding various supports obtained from kudumbasree and Government.

Table 9 Support Obtained

Whether Obtained Yes No Total

Frequency 146 54 200
Financial support
Percent 73.0 27.0 100.0
Frequency 109 91 200
Technical support
Percent 54.5 45.5 100.0
Frequency 186 14 200
Training classes
Percent 93.0 7.0 100.0
Frequency 130 70 200
Govt assistance
Percent 65.0 35.0 100.0

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It may be observed from the table 6.9 that 73% of total respondents were getting financial support, 54.5% getting technical
support, 93%getting training classes and 65% getting Govt. Assistance. In short majority had positive reaction towards various
supports given by Kudumbasree and Govt.
5.6Challenges to women entrepreneurial development
As an entrepreneur, especially from the poor families,women face many challenges. Eleven constructs measuring challenges were
identified as Combining family responsibility and work is a problem, Lack of access to finance forexpansion of business, Lack of
advice and assistance on business issues, Gaining acceptance in the market and respect of customers, No opportunity for training
/upgrading skill, Lack of access to information and technology, Coping up with competition, Inability to collect overdues,
Inconsistency in electricity supply, Packing, Too much of govt.regulation and levies as well as Gender discrimination. The mean
ranks of the rankings obtained for these measures of challenges to women entrepreneurial development were compared using
Friedman test, the results of which are shown in Table 10.
Table 10 Ranks and Friedman Test Results

Friedman Test Results of challenges to women entrepreneurial development shows that highest mean rank(first 3 ranks) were
assigned to the challenges gender discrimination(9.8),Too much of Govt. Regulations(9.15), inconsistency in electricity
respectively. The lowest mean ranks of 12 was observed to be in the case of lack of access to finance for expansion of business.
It was found that there is an overall statistically significant difference between the mean ranks of the related measures of
challenges to women entrepreneurial development with a χ2(11) = 795, p <0.05.
5.7Non-financial Support

Kudumbasree provide many non financial supports like technical training, marketing facility, skill development classes, personal
guidance etc. To the member beneficiaries of micro enterprises promoted by Kudumbasree. So it is essential to ensure that
whether they are available to the members properly.
Table 11 shows the result of access to non financial support
Table 11 Non-Financial support

Whether Obtained Yes No Total

Frequency 102 98 200
Technical training
Percent 51.0 49.0 100.0
Frequency 52 148 200
Marketing facility
Percent 26.0 74.0 100.0
Frequency 124 76 200
Skill development
Percent 62.0 38.0 100.0
Frequency 50 150 200
Personal guidance
Percent 25.0 75.0 100.0

It may be observed from the Table 6.11 that51% is getting proper technical training and 62% are getting skill development
classes. But 74% of the respondents opined that they were not getting proper marketing facility and 75% were not getting proper
personal guidance.
It may be concluded that women entrepreneurs of micro enterprises promoted by Kudumbasree mainly facing the problem of
marketing their product. They were capable of managing things but their household tension increased a lot. They have problem of
inability to collect overdue and they were not getting adequate advice and personal support from the concerned authorities

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