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 Main difference of earth before and now  Nebular Hypothesis – widely accepted
o Did not have water, plants, living theory of solar system formation
things o Inner planets- terrestrial/rocky
o Geosphere is exposed  Heavy elements
o High temperature (earth was a hot  High temperature
ball of molten rock) o Outer planets – gas and liquid
 4.5 b years – accepted age of earth  Lighter elements
 Basis of the Earth’s age
o Oldest rocks or minerals (zircon) –  The assumption was that everything in
4.3 b years of age the solar system was formed at the same
o Moon rock time
o Meteorites
 Age determination  Planetary accretion – planet formation;
o Earth’s rocks reset their ages same as nebular hypothesis but on a local
o Moon is younger than the earth – scale
formed a few million years after  Solar system by mass: SUN-JUPITER-
earth was formed OTHER PLANETS
o Rocks in the outer space do not  Asteroid Belt – exists between Mars and
undergo geologic processes same Jupiter
as earth  Planets rotate clockwise except Venus
o Meteorites are used because they  All planets have a tilt
are the terminals of planet  22 – 24 degrees = earth’s tilt (23.5)
formation in the past. All rocks in  METEOROID-METEOR-METEORITE
the solar system have the same
similar age because of their Early Earth
formation  Homogenous composition
 The spheres  Faster rotation: 1 day = 6 hrs
o Hydrosphere  Proto-Earth= partially melted (molten
o Geosphere surface)
o Atmosphere  Big lava ball with some solid materials
o Biosphere  Heavily bombarded with extraterrestrial
o Cryosphere- ice/glacier part objects
 Separated with hydro  High temperature
because it reacts differently
with sun and energy The Moon
 Interaction of earth systems  2nd brightest object in the sky after the
o Water cycle sun
o Desert  7.35 x 1022 kg
o Rain shadow effect  3476 km in diameter
o Rock cycle – volcanic gases  384, 400 km away from earth
lowered the earth’s temperature  Formation of the moon:
 Age of the Universe – 13.8 b years old o GREAT IMPACT HYPOTHESIS-
o Basis : NASA and EUROPEAN Theia Impact
SPACE STATION  The moon formed out of the
 Studying the oldest objects debris left over from the
 Redshift (how fast it collision b/n earth and an
expands) astronomical body, the size
of Mars (Theia)
 Direct hit; rich in C and S o Mg = 12.7
 Enriched the C in our planet  Size – circumference (calculated by
which cause d the Erastosthenes)
formation of diamonds o Summer Solstice in Alexandria and
o Planetary Capture – moon was Syene (notice of no shadow)
already formed and the earth’s o ~40 000 km
gravity captured the moon Measurements
o Part of earth that broke off due to  Equatorial = 40 075 km
fast spinning  Polar = 40 008 km
o Moon was forming alongside earth  Oblate spheroid – shape of the earth
 Hadean Eon – 4.5 b years ago; 20-100 m o Flat at 2 poles
years after the solar system was formed o Bulging equator
 The moon composition is similar to the  Rotation – counter clockwise
mantle composition of earth  Obliquity – axial tilt (22-24 degrees)
 Planet segregation into different layers of  Milancovich Cycle – change of season;
the earth was caused by the Theia impact climate change
 LATE HEAVY BOMBARDMENT  Density – 5.513 g/cm3
o 3.9-4.1 b years ago  Densest planet in the solar system
o spike in the collision of asteroids o Jupiter is 318 times more massive
and meteorites to inner plantes but it is less dense due to gas
o caused by the orbit migration of  Mass=6.6 sextillion tons
Jupiter and Saturn (5.9722 x 1024 kg)
o formed the craters of the moon  Volume = 260 b m3
and other planets  Fixed density = 5.5 g/cm3
o Earth’s craters? Lost due to rock
renewal Hypsometry
 Measurement of land elevation in relation
- formation of the universe  Continents and ocean contrast
- formation of the solar system  70% land mass = below sea level
- early earth and the moon  Bimodal distribution = 2 diff crust types
 Earth’s large scale features
THE EARTH o 7 continents
 Mountains – elevated
Iron Catastrophe features
 denser, heavier elements (iron) – sank  Mountain Range
 lighter elements floated into the surface  Mountain Belt
 created a differentiated earth o 5 Oceans- Ocean basins
Consequence of differentiation and segregation  Ridge
 layers (internal structure; outer core)  Sea Mounts (geysers)
 magnetic field  Trench – destroy materials
 atmosphere  2 plates colliding –
 liquid existed denser gets
Earth’s Vital Statistics destroyed
 Chemical composition by mass – Iron  Mariana’s Trench;
 Oceanic Crust – S ; Mg PH trench – PH dip
 Continental Crust – S ; Al  Continental Shelf – beach level
 Core – Fe ; Ni  Continental Slope – Steep slope
o Fe = 34.6  Continental Rise – bulging
o O = 29.5  Volcanic Plates – below sea level
o Si = 15.2
Formation of the Crust (Condies, 1989)
1. Inhomogeneous Model – formation of the
crust came from the condensation of light
elements; requires that all materials were
formed at the same time
2. Impact Model – asteroids that hit the
earth has the same composition to the
earth’s crust; moon is basaltic but the
crust is not
3. Terrestrial Model – differentiation; lighter
elements float, denser sank
Mantle – 82% of the earth’s volume (Fe and Mg)
Core – Fe and Ni

Accdg to Rigidity
1. Litosphere – tectonic plates
- brittle; non flowing; rigid
- upper crust - brittle; 4.25 km in depth
- ductile deformation
- floats above the asthenosphere
2. Asthenosphere – solid but flowy/liquid in
- small (2% of magma)
- location of magma chambers
3. Mesosphere – rocks
4. Outer core – liquid; melting
- geothermal gradient
- decay of radioactive elements – added
more heat to the core
- melting in the core – radioactive element
+ heat of the earth
- Higher temp, pressure, density as you go
5. Inner core – solid ; high pressure –
melting ; high temp – stops melting

1. Mohorovicic – crust – mantle
2. Gutenberg – mantle – core
3. Lehmann – outer core – inner core

Are they physically occurring layers? No

*Using seismic waves

- Body and Surface waves
- Body waves: P (Solid and liquid) and S
- Velocity increases as material becomes
more rigid (solid) – markers of

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