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Name: _____________________________________________________ Date _______________________________

Grade & Section ____________________________________________ Teacher: Mrs. Chelby M. Pumar


A. Multiple Choice
Directions: Write the letter of the answer on the space provided before each number.

____1. This refers to what the people desire to have.

A. Need B. want C. demand D. transaction

____2. It refers to buyers who are usually the end-consumers, retailers, or wholesalers.
A. Social media B. Product C. market D. buyer

____3. How will you identify the seller?

A. He/She is the person who buys the goods or services.
B. He/She sells goods, products, or services at a specified amount.
C. He /She called as consumers or end users.
D. He/she is the one who uses goods to meet a need or want.

____4. Which statement is not true about entrepreneur?

A. Buyers and sellers work hand in hand.
B. An entrepreneur is always active and mobile.
C. He /She is a slave driver.
D. He /She knows how to communicate others in terms of persuading products.

_____5. An entrepreneur who continues to find new and better ways of doing things is _______________.
A. Confident B. innovative C. goal-oriented D. persistent

B. True or False
Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is wrong.

__________6. Buyer is defined as "a party which acquires, or agrees to acquire, ownership (in case of goods), or
benefit or usage (in case of services), in exchange for money or other consideration under a
contract of sale."
___________7. Seller is defined as " a party that makes, offers or contracts to make a sale to an actual or potential
___________8. A buyer is someone who makes a purchase while seller is someone who sells something.
___________9. To be a successful seller, you must not consider building relationship to buyers.
___________10. An entrepreneur also buys the raw materials to create a product that he would like to sell.
___________11. An entrepreneur can be both a buyer and a seller.
___________12. Buying process is the series of steps that a consumer will take to make a purchasing decision.
___________13. A want is an important product that you must acquire while a need is a product that you desire but is
not important.
___________14. One of the unique products that could be easily sell is making Polvoron.
___________15. In selling process the first thing you must do is to conduct prospecting and qualifying of buyers of
your product.

c. Fill in the Blanks: Fill in the blanks with the correct word or words to complete the sentence. Choose your answer
from the box below.

materials creativity interview tools innovativeness

needs resourcefulness survey demand budget

Boys and girls like you can be entrepreneurs by using your _______16___________, _____17_____________,
and ______________18_______. To ensure that your products can be sold, you need to make a ___19__________ in your
school neighborhood to find out the ____________20___________ od your potential customers. You can ______21______
your schoolmates or neighbors to find out what good or products are in _______22__________. Once you have
identified the needs/demands in your school or neighborhood, you can now plan on what product to sell. You need to
plan on your _____________23________, _________24___________ and _______25_________ needed.


A. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of your answer on the line before the number.
26._______is a web application that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users.
A. Wiki B. blogsite C. E-mail D. survey
27. Wiki allows users to _____________________ content that is posted on the website.
A. Add or edit B. change C. delete D. nothing
28. _______ does not allow others to modify the original material posted on the website.
A. wiki B. blog C. Gmail D. Online survey
29. The term wiki comes from the word wikiwiki which means ________ in Hawaiian. The first wiki was created by
Ward Cunningham in 1995.
A. quick B. easy C. slow D. poor
30. The most popular wiki is the ________________.
A. Encyclopedia B. Merriam Websters C. Wikipedia D. Dictionary

31. _________ was derived form the words web logs.

A. Blog B. wiki C. Facebook D. Google Account
32. It is the “brain or heart” of the computer.
A. Keyboard B. CPU C. Monitor D. Printer
33. It is a Wikimedia community creating a free library of educational textbooks that anyone can edit.
A. Wiktionary B. Wikipedia C. Wikibooks D. Wikispecies

34. It enables a computer to store, at least temporarily, data and programs.

A. Input Device B. Memory C. Output Device D. Software
35. It is a display screen, printer, or other device that lets you see what the computer has accomplished.
A. Input Device B. Memory C. Output Device D. Software
36. __________ is an easy to use blog and webpage creation site that is used not only for blogging, but in making an
online portfolio as well.
A. Blogger B. Weebly C. WordPress D. Blogging

II. Multiple Choice:

Directions: Choose the letter that best describes each statement.

A. think before you post. D. Avoid posting copyrighted materials

B. Not in the list of choices E. Respect other people’s ideas and opinions
C. Always consider personal safety F. Use blogging as a tool to educate and learn

______37. There are copyright laws that cover articles, pictures, music and videos.

______38. Never post remarks, messages, or information that will negatively affect your reputation.

______39. Share your knowledge and connect with people who can make you learn more.

______40. Do not judge a person based on the post he or she made.

______41. Never give your personal details or post something that will put your security at risk.

III. Modified True or False

Directions: Write R on the blank if the statement illustrates a responsible act. If not, write X.

_____42. A wiki is a website that can be edited by anyone; therefore, it is fine to add whatever content users wish to
contribute to the wiki site.

_____43. A blogger can give negative comments and display it is on his blog anytime he wants to.

_____44. It is alright to repost pictures, music or videos on your blog as long as you cite the original source or

_____45. Wiki sites should always be moderated so its members are aware that their contributions are strictly filtered
or monitored.

_____46. it is okay to post certain amount of video or music in a blog site as long as it is not covered by copyright.

IV. Identification:
Direction: Identify the components of Computer. Write the answer on the blank.

47. __________________
48. ____________

49. _____________________ 50. _____________________

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