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Francorchamps Champ the first win for us – the first for a Japanese manufacturer ever at this traditional

endurance classic. In the 70s many victories followed in Japan, Australia and finally in the United States.

Even in the 90s, the classic Mazda remained on track. So we had 1996 twice reason to celebrate: 5
million sold Mazda 626 Mazda 323 and 10 million sold In 1997, our movement then got a more modern face:
The “M” in the new logo of Mazda spreads its wings and symbolically takes off into the future. And since
2001, we are also acoustically distinctive: The Zoom-Zoom Sound is now inextricably linked to the Mazda
II. Developing Healthy Relationship with People within the Workplace

1. How were you able to build a healthy working relationship to the following?
A. Co-worker / Regular Employee
~ The co-workers and employees of Mazda Alabang are very approachable and well-
oriented about the specific job that they individually do. While they serve as my mentor
in every tasks that I do, I was able to build a reliable and trustful relationship with them
in the field that they work with no ease and confusions.
B. Supervisor/ Manager
~ Showing respect to the superiors and the authorities inside the company is a must as
it shows respect and intimacy towards them and your work. I was able to build a
relationship with them through showing obedience and respect at all times. Also, they
do not forget to remind me every time of the rules and regulations of the company.
C. Clients
~ The clients are very important for the company. Thus, a worker and an apprentice
inside the company like me must show righteousness and respect towards them. I was
able to make a relationship among several clients that I have encountered during my
time in the company when I had an opportunity to guide them on instructions properly
using my gained knowledge about the company.
D. Others
~ These include the workers such as security guards, janitors, and food vendors inside
the company. Since they are also important inside the company as they regulate the
safety, cleanliness, and sanity of the work environment, I was able to establish a
relationship with them and showing that I must follow them at all costs.

2. How do you think your coworkers see you?

~ For me, they see me as a competitive apprentice who are willing to develop and accept
corrections to perform well inside a successful institution. A student who thinks wise and
practical but shows ignorance among the complexity of the work environment. For me, it is
a great opportunity for building a strong foundation within them and gaining their trust to help
me grow as a productive individual with a strong passion to profession and service.
III. Enhancing Skills Related to the Chosen Field

1. In what ways is your current work relevant to your chosen field?

~ My chosen field is Mechanical Engineering and what makes it relevant to the company
that I served with are the automotive services and mechanical-technical works involved on
performing the duties of the company.

2. Considering your work right now, would you still continue to pursue your chosen course?
~ Yes, I am determined to continue and pursue my desire on the field of Mechanical
Engineering because the company has helped me even more to know information that I
would be needing once I step on the profession of Mechanical Engineers.

3. What have you learned from your current work that you can soon apply in your chosen field?
~ There are many ways that the company has taught me in which would help my future
career, not just in a technical view but also in work ethics and physiological and emotional
perceptions. The skills that I have acquired by obeying the tasks and works made a lot of
information as my background knowledge and the abstract lessons I have learned from my
mentors and employees have made me more prepared and confident.

4. What steps did you do to deepen your understanding of the field you are in to? Cite concrete
~ The main rules that I have established on myself to really prove and develop myself
through understanding are;
1) Disciple
2) Obey and Listen
3) Take down important notes
4) Retain and apply on daily situations.
These might be a simple task but I am still trying my best to improve myself on learning
the field that I am interested in and will always continue to grow.
5. How were you able to develop your skills with the current work you have right now?
~ The employees and managers are the ones who supported me along my work immersion
experience inside their company. I will not be able to help myself only without their effort on
coping up with the happenings inside a work environment.
6. Discuss a project or achievement that may not have happened if you weren’t involved.
~ One of the achievement that I was very proud of during my work immersion experience
was when I became the assistant of the Parts Department Team. I was able to help them a
lot in a week because I am significantly helping on completing their tasks quickly and
efficiently. It was one of the reason why the department are quick on completing requests of
the parts and materials needed by the technicians and I was the one to issue the forms.

IV. Troubleshooting

1. How do you handle beginner mistakes?

~ Mistakes are unavoidable events that may happen inside work. Using my knowledge and
awareness of the rules and regulation of the company, I was able to manage the minor
troubleshoots accordingly with a small need of assistance.
2. How do you keep yourself motivated in your current work?
~ I can’t barely even deny the boredom sometimes inside the company, as a matter of fact.
As this happens, I seek permission to the manager and request a small break and they will
allow me. I would also like me to keep distracted of the tasks to do but at the same time not
being stressed.

3. How do you act when you’re stressed out?

~ Stress seldom happens to me but once it occurs, I would not let my work and task be
affected and try to be relaxed as soon as possible. By this, I can properly handle my

4. How do you accept criticisms from the people within the workplace?
~ As to show professionalism, I accept criticisms, especially from the employees with ease
and no guts because I am always ready to take actions of the tasks that I do and value the
corrections and criticisms that I get from the experienced people.

5. What are the challenging situations you had to overcome professionally?

~ One of the challenging situations that I had to overcome during my experience was dealing
with clients and also doing tasks with the absence of employees as I am always afraid that
I may do wrong with the tasks and fail on giving information. Overcoming these are not easy
and it even required me to handle situations with accordance.

6. How were you able to handle them?

~ Taking these challenging situations are not simple but I have to overcome these using my
gained knowledge to be applied on every situation and decide the most appropriate and
logical choice to avoid more complications in the future.

7. What do you love about working in your company, and what do you dislike?
~ Some of the reasons that I love about the company are the employees, complete facilities,
safe and guided workplace, and clear instructions. These were able to help me a lot on doing
the tasks inside the company. While some of the things that I dislike about the company are
the noise of the machine it produces because it may distract my productivity but since it is
an automotive company and as time goes, I have learned to cope with it.

8. How do you accept direction, feedback and works under pressure?

~ I always maintain and practice the proper way of communicating with other people and
asking clarifications to avoid unnecessary actions. Even on pressure, I still attach myself on
clear mind and attention.
V. Appreciation and Respect for Work

1. What factors influenced you in choosing your field?

~ There are several factors and influences that lead me on pursuing Mechanical
Engineering, but one of the major factor that lead me on pursuing this career and profession
is by interest.
2. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you like your work? Explain your answer.
~ To be fair with the judgments and the company, I would like to keep my intimacy of liking
the company and my work not ratable. I am beyond gratitude towards the company for
trusting me and helping me grow as my own. This will serve as my background experience
that I will always be proud of.
3. What is your proudest accomplishment?
~ My proudest accomplishment during this experience is by gaining the experience in all.
Every situations that has happened was important in different ways and these served as my
grounds on being in this state right now as a student.

VI. Me and the Community

1. What is your stand about the saying “The customer is always right”?
~ I believe that the statement should be rephrased as it means that the customer always
gives an appropriate respond according to the type of service that they get on an institution
but no matter how, a customer should always be treated right.

2. When was the time you provided excellent customer service? Describe the situation.
~ It is my last day of work immersion and I will not forget it because it has reminded me that
this is my last service on this company.

3. Give a concrete example of a situation you were faced with a difficult situation customer
issue and describe how you solved it.
~ There was one customer who is complaining about bad service and lack of attention that
the service manager gave her. I was not totally able to solve the case but I was able to
lessen the mood of the client by assisting her the right directions of the department politely
and by giving her coffee.
VII. Emerging Professionalism

1. What is your own definition of professionalism?

~ Professionalism is a state of being well-learned of the field he/she is dedicated to.
2. Cite concrete examples where you have witnessed or experienced professionalism in the
workplace. What have you learned about it?
~ When one employee automatically responds on a pressured situation where one might
get accused of doing so without enough thinking. This has made me think that he must have
encountered many events such as this as this is part of his work.
3. You have been working closely with an important client for several weeks. One afternoon,
your client made an inappropriate remark about your physical appearance and asked you
out on a date. How would you handle this situation?
~ I believe that this question is beyond work related but I would maintain professionalism by
rejecting her. It may be the better or worse happening but one must decide carefully as this
type of relationship may affect his/her work performance.
4. If you were to start a company, what values system would you incorporate in it?
~ If I would start a company, I would start off regulating or establishing a rule about safety
because nothing is better when a workplace is safe and friendly.
5. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
~ In ten years, I see myself as a professional and well being who has achieved a lot of
prestige but still behind those titles are the down-to-earth attitude having to value the
experience and knowledge he gained while he is still developing to be successful.

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