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Pradep B 

No.4, Dr.Natesan Road, 1​st​ Lane, Triplicane, Chennai-600005  

+91-8667569182 |​pradeepb014@gmail.com​ | ​www.linkedin.com/in/pradepb  

To gain confidence and fame using my potential in the field of ​Web Development​ and express my 
innovative creative skills for self and company growth. 

Skills & Abilities 

● Node.js ( Express.Js ) 
● MongoDB 
● JavaScript 
● Angular 
● Amazon Web Service, Heroku Cli 
● Github, Sonarlint 

Experience & Responsibility 

Web Developer —​ Eparampara Technologies, Chennai.  Dec 2016 — Oct 2019 
● Develop new and maintain existing application. 
● Develop database structure and maintain existing database in MongoDB
● Interact with mobile team regarding for API structures. 
● Deployed and supported the application code across various system 
● Train, manage and provide guidance to junior developers. 
● Provide web support via email and phone. 

Kathir College of Engineering, Coimbatore ​—​ B.E (Electronics and  Aug 2012 — Apr 2016 
Communication Engineering) 

TVS-QLQD​-​ ​https://profitup.advantagetvs.com/qlqd  
TVS-QLQD application is developed for TVS Motor to perform audits on dealership on every 
quarter of a year all over India to improve their business. 
Roles and Responsibility: 
● Working on application development using Node.js, MongoDB and Angular framework. 
● Interact with UI team to Integrate functionalities in angular components. 
● Design and develop database structure. 
● Interact with mobile team to develop API. 
TVS-FSC​ – ​https://profitup.advantagetvs.com/fscapp/ 
TVS-FSC (Free Service Claim) application is developed for TVS Motor to calculate how much 
amount and incentive claimed by their dealer based on performance and their assets in certain 
quarter intervals. 
Roles and Responsibility: 
● Develop API for mobile application using Node.js 
● Create Database design. 
● Develop reports on web application 
TVS-RMS ​– ​https://profitup.advantagetvs.com 
TVS-RMS (Revenue Management System) is developed for TVS Motor. The main of this 
application is monitor dealers profit, loss and their performance. 
Roles and Responsibility: 
● Develop web application using Node.js, MongoDB, Angular and design database. 
● Process data form SQL server to MongoDB. 
● Generate reports from MongoDB on daily process. 
TVS-Ebasics ​- ​https://elearning.tvsmotor.com 
Ebasics is a web application which aims to train the untrained technicians through video 
courses and assessment in online cloud platform. 
Roles and Responsibility: 
● Develop web application using Node.js, MongoDB, Angularjs 
● Develop database design. 
● Convert bitrate videos using Elastic Transcoder in Node.js. 
● Configure EC2 Instance for ebasics portal. 
● Implementing Web Application Firewall (WAF) in ebasics portal. 

Github & npm  

● https://github.com/pradepB 
● https://www.npmjs.com/package/get_no_of_workingdays 

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● https://article-post.herokuapp.com/ 

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