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The Concept of Ayurveda

One of the most dramatic events that has occurred in this century in the medical world is its emergence as a science. The various discoveries in Call Now: 8019099922
biochemistry, genetics, pharamaco dynamics, imaging science and anesthesiology, to mention only some of the disciplines, coupled with the

use of statistics, electronics and molecular biology had revolutionized the very outlook of this ancient and hoary branch of learning. There was BOOK APPOINTMENTS
an era in the dim, distant past when the art of medicine was a way of life and when medicine had its origins in mysticism and astrology, and 2
NameSruthi Desai
when medicine, literature and poetry were irretrievably intermingled. Dhanvanthari, the symbolic fountainhead of ancient Hindu medicine was Senior Ayurveda Doctor
a God, whereas Hippocrates was a divine philosopher and others apostles of saintly wisdom.
The modern physician starts looking at the patient from a narrow angle as a machine composed of many systems and hopes that it can be

repaired by correcting the local and manifest faults, he causes a big slide in the value systems of medicine and irretrievable damage is done. It Phone Number

is well to remember that there is never an illness which affects only one portion of the body or one system and that disease affects the whole

person including his psyche. Health is not only absence of disease, but according to WHO a state of positive enjoyment and happiness. Thus it Message

is easy to find that we can prosper only if we imbibe the concept of holistic medicine.

If we examine the history of medicine, we will find that medicine developed through folk-healing techniques and the folk healers were always

the first to realize that man is s composite whole, and that as important or even more important than the other systems, was the psyche of the
individual. His self-esteem, his physical and mental environment, his beliefs and faith of all had tremendous potential to cause and cure illness.

Herbs have been used by man since the beginning of human culture as a source of medicine. Herbal drugs refer to the plant derived materials
or preparations with therapeutic or other human health benefits which contain either raw or processed ingredients from one or more plants.

Before l8th century the whole humanity was depending on herbal drugs for meeting health care needs. Introduction of abstract medicine in the
form of basic chemicals and pharmaceuticals during the l8th and l9th century has demonstrated methods for bringing quick relief from I would strongly recommend Star

sufferings and this won instant admiration and popularity. This system known as 'Allopathic' made rapid advances during the l9th and 20th ayurveda, which offers the full range

century, as a result of the spectacular advances made in biological, chemical and pharmaceutical sciences. of this ancient originality

Miss. Sarika
Now the pendulum is swinging back and the herbal drugs are finding increasing demand worldwide. During the boast decade there has been an *Varies from person to person
ever increasing demand for herbal drugs and herbal cosmetics especially from the developed countries. n
STAR AYURVEDA-is a complete
This revival of interest in herbal drugs and other natural products is mainly due to the increased awareness and mounting scientific evidence of lifestyle analysis. It puts you in
harmful side effects of most of the modern chemical drugs, antibiotics, cortisones etc. touch with your body's inner

According to a survey conducted by WHO, the use of medicinal plant remedies are on the increase even in the developed countries especially intelligence

among the younger people. In the industrialized countries, the consumers are seeking safe alternative to modern medicine. The promotive and Mr. Avinash
n *Varies from person to person
preventive medicines widely prevalent in oriental medicine especially the Indian (Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Amchi) and the Chinese systems
of medicine are finding increasing popularity and acceptance the world over Ayurveda looks at the composition of the body in terms of the
panchamahabhutas. Pancha meaning five and bhutas means elements.

Body constitution-the word denotes the compostition of the body elements. Anatomical composition of the body is the blood, bones, muscles,
organs and etc.

The five regulating force of the nature which govern the human body for regulating all systemic, endocrine, metabolic, functional changes in

the body.

The Air-travels, produces sound, propels, transmits and it is the vital force behind all functions. Imagine yourself to be constipated and unless

you pass the bowel sound there is no bowel movement.

Fire-the source of energy and heat. It is this factor responsible for transformation. Change from on state to the other. Food metabolism is the
by-product of the saliva, digestive juices, enzymes, hormones which is the source of heat, a transforming factor.

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Earth-the factor of strength. Which makes our built, the muscles, bones, organs which specify our body stature.

Water-the maximum composition in our body compromises of the liquid. Whether the urine, sweat, the liquidity of the gastric enzymes and etc.
It is this factor which binds structures together. A clay pot comes into existence only when mixed with water. Bowels are hard if the water

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intake is less and so on.

Space-ether. The factor where all of them exists. The oral cavity, the respiratory system, the urinary system, the reproductive system. All the
structures in our body are designed as space structure.

Air performs in space and it is this combination which helps for respiration, deguttion, systemic circulation.

Fire is a destructive force, when in combination of water performs the metabolic functions.

Water and earth give strength and endurance.

A comination of air and space is termed as vata, fire and water pitta and water and earth kapha. The three bio-logical humours, regulate the
functions in our body.

The food and our life-style create imbalance in the body, disturbing the systemic functions and in turn they create imbalance hence they are
called as dosha. Namely vata dosha, pitta dosha and kapha dosha.

The food factor which cause imbalance in the vata humour is bitter taste, exposure to cold and dry food. The taste of food which imbalance

pitta is sour and salty. The taste of food which imbalance kapha is sweet.

Time factor is also responsible for imbalance in the bio-logical humour. Excessive exposure to sun light will aggravate pitta. Excessive
exposure to dry wind will imbalance vata. Excessive exposure to cold and extreme winds imbalance kapha.

The three stages of life are dominated by the three humours. Childhood is a period of kapha, puberty is the dominance of pitta and old age is
the dominance of vata.

Correct food habit and life syle balance the three dosha. Vata imbalance results in organ dysfunction viz. problems with speech, hearing, smell,

vision, digestion, constipation, disease of skeletal system and more. Pitta imbalance results in inflammation and infection viz. conjunctivitis,
otitis, gingivitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, gastritis, appendicitis, pnemonitis, orchitis, prostatitis, arthritis, etc. Kapha imbalance results in increased

sugar level in the blood-diabetes, obesity, pleurisy, cirrhosis, etc.

Ayurveda aims at balancing the vital forces through food and life style. The five panchakarma treatment of vaman-induced vomiting for

balancing kapha, virechanam-induced purgation, for balancing pitta and basti -enema, for balancing vata. Nose is the entry of the body and

sesnses and panchakarma treatment of nasyam helps to correct problems of central nervous system viz. epilepsy, schizophrenia, insomnia,
migraine, lack of concentration, poor memory, attention defecit, stress, anxiety, depression. Blood is an important factor and disease like

psoriasis, dermatitis.

The knowing of body constitution is a preventive medicine and Ayurvedic panchakarma treatment at regular interval keep diseases and

ailments at bay. This along with yogic exercises and diet management revert back your ages. We offer Ayurvedic therapeutic and rejuvenation



Vata-pitta Virechanam, basti, raktamokshanam

Vata-kapha Basti, vamanam

Pitta-kapha Virechanam, raktamokshanam, vamanam

Kapha-vata Vaman, basti, nasyam

Kapha-pitta Vamanam, virechanam, raktamokshanam

Pitta-vata Virechanam, basti, nasyam

Health profile
Health profile is a comprehensive test analysis, which includes:

Pulse diagnosis by the Ayurvedic Physician.

Detailed Consultation and Examination.

Pathological Investigations. (Blood Test, Urine Test, Stool Test, Kidney Profile, Liver Profile, Lung Profile, etc as suggested by the Ayurvedic


Determination of Prakruti- Body Constitution in terms of Vata/ Pitta/ Kapha

Advise on dos' and donts

Dietary advise and

Life- Style Management plans.

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