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Chapter 2 The Female Reproductive System

The female reproductive system,as illustrates for the cow in Figure 2-1,consists of two ovarians
and the female duct system.The duct system includes the oviducts,uterus,cervix,vagina,and
vulva.The origin of the ovaries is the secondary sex cords of the genital ridge.The genital ridges
are first seen in the embryo as a slight thickening near the kidneys.The duct system originates
from the mullerian ducts,a pair ducts which appear during early embryonic development (Chapter
8).An overview of the organs of reproduction for the female and the major functions of these
organs is shown in Table 2-1.
2-1 Ovaries
The ovaries are considered the primary reproductive organs in the female.They are primary
because they produce the female gamete(the ovum) and the female sex hormones (estrogens and
progestins).The cow,mare,and ewe are monotocous,normally giving birth to one young each
gestation period.Therefore,one ovum is produced each estous cycle.The sow is
polytocus,producing 10 to 25 ova each estrus cycle and giving birth to several young each
gestation period.
The ovary od the cow is described as almond-shaped,but the shape is altered by growing follicles
or copora lutea.The average size is about 35x25x15mm.The size will among cows,and active
ovaries are larger than inactive ovaries.Therfore,one ovary is frequently larger than the other in
agiven cow.The ovaries of the ewe and doe (goat) are almond-shaped and less than half the size of
those of a cow.The ovaries in the mare are kidney-shaped and are two or three times larger than
ovarie of a cow.The ovaries in the sow are slightly larger than those found in the ewe and appears
as a "cluster of grapes".
Figure 2-1 Reproductive system and associated parts of the urinary
system of the cow as it appears in the natural state (top) and excised (bootom)
The ovary is composed of the medulla and its outer shell,the cortex.The medulla is composed
primary of blood vessel,nerves,and connective tissue.The cortex contains those cell and tissue
layers associated with ovum and hormone production.The outermost layer of the cortex of the
ovary is the surface epithelium.The surface epithelium because it was believed to be the odigin o
female germ cells (oogonia).It is now known that germ cells do not arise from this epithelial
layer.They aries from embryonic gut tissue and then migrate to the cortex of the embryonic
gonad.Just beneath the sureace epithelium is a thin,dense layer of the connective tissue,the tunica
albuginea ovarii.Bolow the tunica albuginea ovarii is the parenchyma,known as the functional
because it contains ovarian follicles and the cells which produce ovarian hormones.
It is accepted that all primary follicle are formned during the prenatal period of the female.the
greastest numbe are found in the fetal gilt 50 to 90 days postconception;the fetal calf 110 to 130
days postconception.A primary follical is agerm cell surrounded by a single layer of follicle
(granulosa)cells.They are located in the oarencyma and are frequently seen in groups called egg
nests.It is estimated that approximately 75,000 primary follicles are found in the ovaries of a
young calf.With continual follicular growth and maturation throughout her reproductive life,an old
cew may have only 2500 potential ova.Some potential ova reach full maturity and are released into
the duct system for possible fertilization and development of offspring.Most start development and
become atretic (i.e.,they degenerate).Therdore,the potential harvest of that could produce offspring
is far greater than is actually realized.
Follicles are in a constant state of growth and maturation,A histological section of the cortex of a
reprodictiovely active female will reveal these maturation stages(Figure 2-2).The primary follicle
has been descrubed.This stage is followed by a proliferation of granulosa cells surroinding the
potential ovum.A potential ovum surrounded by two or more layer of granulosa cells is secondary
follicle.Later in the development,an antrum (cavity) will form by fluid collecting between the
granulosa cells and seperating them.When the antrum has formed,the follicle is classified as a
tertiary follicle.The mature tertiary follicle,which appears as a fluid-filled blister on the surface of
the ovary,is also called a Graafian follicle. The fluid in the antrum of a tertiary follicle is called
liquor follicli.It is a viscous fluid that is rich in steroid reproductive hormones.particulary
estrogens Recently a number of other reproductive hormones as well as nonhormonal factors that
help regulate the function of the ovary have been identified in follicular fluid (Chapter4).

Figure 2-2 Diagram of structures that can be identified in a cross section of an ovary of a
reproductively active female. Different maturation stages for follicles and the corpus luteum can
be observed.(Adapted from Patten. 1964. Foundations of Embryology.(2nd ed.) McGraw-Hill.)
Several cell layers in the Graafian follicle have been identified and are of functional importance
(Figure 2-3).The outer,more fibrous cell layer is the theca externa.Inside this layer is the theca
interna.These two cell layers are supplied with blood by capillary network and can be
differentiated microcopicaly with special histological staining techniques.Thecal cella and the
capillay network are acquired as the follicle enlarges and pushes into the medulla.A basement
membrane separates the theca interna from the innermost cell layer,the granulosa cells,and
prevents entry of the vascular syatem into these cells(Figure 2-4 ).The granulosa cells surround the
antrum.In addition,the cumulus oophorus,a hillock (mound)of granulosa cells,is located at one side
of the antrum.The potential ovum rests upon the cumulus oophorus with other granulosa cells
extending around the potential ovum.The granulosa cells surrounding and in immediate contact
with the potential ovum are termed the corona radiata.Boththeca interna and granulosa cells are
involved in production of estrogen.The theory is that the theca interna cells produce
tetosterone,which diffuses through the basement membrane for conversion to estrogen by the
granulosa cells. In addition,granulosa cells are the progesterone producing cells in the corpus
luteum.They also secrete other compounds that have been identified infollicular fluid help regulate
the function of the ovary.when ovulation occurs.the follicle ruptures expelling the liquor
folliculi,some granulosa cells,and the potential ovum (oocyte)into the body cavity near the
opending to the oviduct.At the time of expulsion,the oocyte is surounded by the corona radiata and
a sticky mass containing other granulosa(cumulus) cells which aid the oviduct in picking up the
oocyte and moving it down the oviduct.In some species the corona radiata is present at the time of
fertilizition.In other species these cells are shed quickly and are not present when fertilization
Figure 2-3 Functionally important features of a Graafian follicle, (Redrawn from Hafez.1974.
Reproduction in Farm Animals.(3rd ed.) Lea and Febiger.)

Figure 2-4 Structure of the wall of the Graafian follicle showing how the granulosa cells are
deprived of a blood supply by the basement membrane.(Austin and Short. 1972. Reproduction in
Mammals. 3. Hormones of Reproduction. Cambridge University Press.)
With rupture of the follicle,bleeding occurs and a blood clot forms at the ovulation site.The
ruptured follicle with its blood-filled cavity is called a corpus hemorrhagicum.The corpus
hemorrhagicum is replaced by the corpus luteum,which forms rapidly by proliferation of a mixture
of theca externa,theca interna,and granulosa cells.Granulosa cells,which form the main component
of the corpus luteum,enlarge and acquire a large amount of mitochondria and other intracellular
structure involved in synthesis and secretion of progesterone.The corpus luteum is a
solid,yellowish body which only ovarian source of these progestins.In a Holstein heifer between 1
and 4 days of the cycle,the average diameter of the corpus luteum is 8mm.Between 5 and 9 days,it
has grown to an average of 15mm.The average maximum size of 20.5mm is reached in 15 or 16
days in a heifer that is not pregnant.It then regresses in size with an average diameter of 12.5 mm
at 18 to 21 days.When the corpus luteum regresses,it no longer produces progestins.It loss its
yellowish color,eventually appearing as a small white scar on the surface of the ovary,which is
called a corpus albican.If the animal is pregnant,the corpus luteum will not regress until late
pregnancy for most species,but species differences do exist(Section 8-5).
2-2 Oviducts
The oviducts (also called fallopian tubes) are a pair of convoluted tubes extending from near the
ovaries to and becoming continuous with the tips of the uterine horns.Their functions include of
ova and spermatozoa,which must be conveyed in opposite directions.In addition they are the site
of fertilization and the early cell divisions of the embryo.Histologically,they contain three distinct
cell layers.The outer layer,basically connective tissue,is the tunica serosa.The middle
layer,composed of both circular and longitudinal smooth muscle fibers,is the tunica
muscularies.The innermost layer,Which contains both ciliated and secretory epithelial cells,is the
tunica mucosa.The same basic histological arrangement is found in the remainder of the female
duct system with some differences in the inner two layers,which will be noted which be noted
when we discuss specific organs.
An cviduct,which is from 20 to 30 cm long for most farm species,is divided into three
segments(Figure 2-5).The funnel-shaped opening near the ovaries is the infundibulum.In some
species(cat,rabbit, mink,and others)the infundibulum forms a bursa around the ovary.In the
cow,doe,ewe,sow,and mare the infundibulum is separate from the ovary.There are numerous folds
in the mucosa,and mucosal cells in the infundibulum are ciliates.The ampuula,the middle
segment,is from 3 to 5 mm in diameter and accounts for about hlaf of the total length of the
oviduct.The mocosal lining of the ampulla has from 20 to 40 longituidinal folds,which greatly
increase the surface area of the lumen.The majority of the cells in the mucosa of the isthmus the
third segment,at the ampullary-isthmic junction.This junction is difficult to locate anatomically
and been descrubed as a physiological stricture which delay the ovum several is similar than the
ampulla,being 0.5 to 1 mm in diameter.It is further distinguished by having a thicker smooth
muscle layer than the ampulla and from 4 to 8 mucosal folds.A higher ratio of secretory to ciliated
cells is characteristic or the isthmus.The isthmus joins the tip of the uterine horn at the uterotubal
junction.In general,oviductal activity is stimulated by estrogens and inhibited by progestins.

Figure 2-5 Anatomy of the oviduct:top, longitudinal view illustrating the macroscopic features of
the oviduct; bottom, cross section of the ampulla and isthmus comparing the thickness of the
musculature of the wall and the complexity of the mucosal folds.
2-3 Uterus
The uterus extends from the uterotubal junctions to the cervix.For the cow,sow,and mare the
overalll length may range from 35 to 60 cm.For the sow,doe,ewe,and cow the uterine horns
account for 80 to 90% of the total length,wjile in the mare the uterine account for about 50% of
the toal length.The uteri of the ewe and doe are less than half the size of the other mentioned
soecies.The major function of the uterus is to retain and nourish the embryo,or fetus.Before the
embryo becomes atatched to the uterus,the nourishment comes from yolk within the embtyo or
from uterine milk which is secreted by glands in the mucosal layer of the uterus.After attachment
to the uterus,nutrients and waste products are conveyed between materal and embryonic,or
fetal,blood by way of the placenta(Chapter 8).
Four basic types of uteri are found in animals (Figure 2-6).Only two of these types are found in
farm animals.The bicornuate uterus is found in the sow,cow,doe,and ewe.It is characterized by a
small uterine body just anterior to the cervical canal and two long uterine horns.Fusion of the
uterine horns of the cow and ewe near the uterine body gives the impression of a larger uterine
body than actually exists and has exists and has sometimes resulted in their uteri being classified
bipartite.The sow has longer uterine horns than the cow,and they may slighyly convoluted.The
mare has a biparitite uterus.There is a prominent uterine body anterior to the cervical cannal and
two uterine horns thet are not as long and distinct as in the bicornuate type.During pregnancy in
mares,the fetal body extends into both horns,whereas the fetuses do not occupy the uterine body in
the bicornate types.The duplex uterus,which consists of thwo uterine horns each with a separate
cervical cannal which opens into the vagina,is found in the rat,rabbit,guinea pig,and other small
animals.The simople uterus,a pear-shaped body with no uterine horns,is characteristic of humans
and other primates.

Figure 2-6 Basic types of uteri found in mammals.

As in the oviduct,the tunica serosa is the outer layer of the uterus.The myometrium,the middle
layer,is composed of two thin longitudinal layers of smooth muscle,with thicker cicular layer
sandwiched between.estrogens increase the tone of the myometrium, causing the uterus to
feelmore flaccid.The endometrium, the mucosal lining of the uterus,is more complex than the rest
of the duct system and has simple glands.estrogens increase the vascularity and cause a thickening
of the endometruim.in addition,estrogens stimulate growth of the endometrial glands.Progestins
cause the emdometrial glands to coil and branch,and tosecrete uterine milk.The synergistic actions
of estrogens and progestins on the endometrium are for preparation of the uterus of preganancy.
The endometrium provides a mechanism for attachment of the extraembryonic memberanes.This
union forms the placenta,and the process is called placetation.With union forms the
placeta,nutrients trom maternal blood can be transferred to embryonic or fetal blood and waste
products from embryonic and fetal blood can be eliminated through the maternal systems.The
nature of the placental attachment differs among soecied(figures 2-7 and 2-8).cows,does,and ewes
have cotyledonary placental attachments.Chorionic villi from the extraembryonic memberanes
penetrate into caruncles,which are button-like projections on the endometirum.This union,chrionic
villi and caruncle,forms the placentome (also called the cotyledon).There are 70 to 120 such
cotyledonary attachments in a pregnant cow in late pregnancy.There are 88 to 96 in ewes and
does,and these are smaller than in cows.The sow and ,are have a diffuse (surface) placental
ttachment.The extraembryonic membranes lie in folds on the endometrium,with chorionic villi
ectending into the endometrium in more fragile attachment than is found in the cow,doe,or ewe.
Figure 2-7 Distribution of chorionic villi which serve as a basis of placental shape in several
species.(Redrawn from Arey. 1974. Developmental Anatomy.(7th ed.) W.B. Saunders Co.)

Figure 2-8 Diffuse attachment found in the mare and cotyledonary attachment found in the cow.
The placental attachment of the mare,sow,and cow is claasified as epitheliochorial.This means
thartno erosin occurs either in the tissue of the extraembryonic tissue layer of the
endometrium.formation of the placenta in the human results in rather extensive erosion of the
endometrium.classified as hemochorial, nutients from maternal blood must pass through only
extraembryonic tissues.Erosion is not extensive enough to result in direct mixing of materal and
fetal blood in any mammalian species(Figures 2-9).
Figure 2-9 Placental types showing the cellular barriers between maternal and fetal blood for
several species.(Adapted from Arey. 1974. Developmental Anatomy.(7th. ed.) W.B. Saunders Co.)
2-4 Cervix
While technically a part of the uterus,the cervix will be discussed as a distinct organ.It is thick-
walled and inelastic,the anterior end being continuous with the body of the uterus while the
posterior end protrudes into the vagina.For most farm species the length will range fron 5 to 10 cm
with an outside diameter of 2 to 5 cm.It contains a canal which is the opening into the uterus.The
primary function of the cervix is to prevent microbial contamination of the uterus;however,it also
may serve as a sperm reservoir after mating.Semen is deposited into the cervix during natural
mating in sows and mares.
The cervical cannals in the cow,doe,and ewe have transverse interlocking ridges known as
annular rings(Figure 2-10) which help seal the uterus from contaminants.The cervical cannal in
the sow is funnel-shaped,with ridges in the cannal having a corkscrew configuration which
conforms to that of the glands penis in the boar (Chapter 3).The cervical cannal of the mare is
more open than in other farm species,but mucosal folds in the canal which project into the vagina
help prevent contamination.
Histologically,the outer layer of the cevix is the tunica serosa.The middle layer is connective tissue
interspersed with smooth muscle fibers,whichgives the cervix its firm and inelastic properties.The
inner layer,the mucosa,is composed mainly of secrectory epithelial cells,but some ciliated
epithelial cells are present.High levels of estrogens cause the cervical canal to siliate during estrus
(standing heat).Synergism between high levels of estrogens and relaxin causes greater dilation just
before parturition.This dilation of the cannal would appear to make the uterus more vulnerable to
invading organisms.However,estrogens cause the epithelial cells of the cervix to secrete mucus
that antibacterial properties,thus protecting the uterus.
If cervical mucus is obtained at estrus and allowed to dry on a glass slide, it will form a fern-like
pattern.This ferning pattern does not form from cervical mucus obtained at stages of the cycle
when estrogens are low.during pregnancy the mucus thickens into a gel-like plug, which seals and
protects the uterus during the pregnancy.Removal of the mucus plug will increase the chance of
2-5 Vagina
The vagina is tubular in shape,thin-walled and quite elastic.It is from 25 to 30 cm in length in the
cow and mare,and 10 to 15 cm in le ngth in the sow,doe,and ewe.In the cow,doe,and ewe,semen is
deposited into the anterior end of the vagina,near the opening to the cervix,during natural
mating.The vagina is the female organ of copulation.
The outer layer, the tunica serosa,is followed by a smooth muscle layer containing both circular
and longitudinal fibers.In most species the mucosal layer is composed of startified squamous
epithelial cells(the cow a possible exception).These epithelial cells cornify (become cells wothout
nuclei) under the influence of estrugens.Vaginal smears can be used as an ai in detecting estrus,but
are most useful in laboratory animals. This layer of cornified cells at the time of estrus may serve
as a lubricating or protective mechaniasm which prevents abrasions during copulation. Under the
influence of progestins,the epithelial lining regenerates.
2-6 Vulva
The vulva,or external genitalia,consist of the vestibule with related parts and the labia.The
vestibule is that portion of the female duct system that is common to both the reproductive and
urinary systems.It is from 10 to 12 cm inlength in cow and mare,half that length in the sow and
one-quarter that length in the ewe and doe.The vestibule joins the vagina at the external urethral
orufuce.A hymen (ridge) at that point is well defined in the ewe and mar, but less prominent in the
cow and sow.A suburethral diverticulum (blindpocket) is located just posterior to the external
urethral orific.The labia consist of the labia minora,inner folds or lips of the vulva,and labia
majora,outer folds or lips of the vulva. The labia minora is homologous to the prepuce (sheath)in
the male and is not prominent in farm animals.The labia majora,homologous to the scrotum in the
male,is that portion of the female system which is visible externally.In the cow the labia majora is
covered with fine hair up to the mucosa.The clitoris,homologous to the glans penis in the male,is
located ventrally and about one cm inside the labia.It cintains eectile dissue and is well supplied
with sensory nerves.It is erect during estrus.While not prominent enough to be used in estrus os
detection in most species,the clitoris of the mare is an exception.In the mare during estrus,frequent
contractions of the labia 9winking0expose the erected clitoris.vestibular glands,located in the
posterior part of the vestibule,are active during estrus and secrete a lubricating mucus.The activity
of thses glands accounts for moist appearance of the vulva of the cow during estrus.
2-7 Support Structures.Nerves, and Blood Supply
Even though the femlae reproductive tract may be partially resting on the floor of the pelvis,the
broad ligament is considered the principal supporting structure.This ligament suspends the
ovaries, oviducts,and uterus from either side of the dorsal wall of the pelvis.Blood vessels and
nerves pass through the broad ligament to the female reproductive system.The female reproductive
system is supplied primarily with autonomic nerves.However,spensory nerves are found the region
of the vulva,especially the clitoral region.
The ovarian areries,also called utero-ovarian arteies,branch and supply blood to the
ovaries,oviaucts,and a portion of the uterine horns.These arteries are larger on the side of the ovary
containg an active corpus luteum in cows and species where one active corpus luteum is the
rule.The middle uterine artery supplies blood to rest the uterine horns and the body of the uterus.It
enlarges during middle and late pregnancy and can be palated as an aid in pregnancy diagnosis in
cows and mares (Chapter 20).The hypogastric artery branches to supply the cervix,vagina,and
Interest in the circulatory patterns of the reproductive tract has increased in recent years since the
discovery that the uterus.by release of prostaglandin F 2¥á (PGF2¥á),controls the life of the corpus
luteum.Prostaglandin F2¥á is luteolytic(causes the regression of the corpus luteum)but is reality
oxidized,and about 90% is destroyed during one passage through the pulmonary circulation.it did
not seem likely that PGF2¥á,if released into the systemic circulation(uterus¡æveins¡æheart and
lungs¡æarteries¡æovaries),could be responsible for luteolysis(regression of the corpus
luteum).Now there is evidence of a counter current circulation pattern,whereby PGF 2¥á diffuses
from the utero-ovarian vein into the ovarian artery,thus eaching the ovary by a local rather than a
systemic route.A common utero-ovarian vein drains blood from the ovary,oviduct,and a lager
portion of the uterine horn.In the sow,ewe,and cow the ovarian artery is in close apposition to the
utero-ovarian vein9Figure 2-11).In the ewe and cow it is very tortuous,increasing the area of
contact with utero-ovarian vein.The arterial walls are thinnest where they are in contact with this
vein.Therefore,it seems likely that sufficient PGF2¥á can difuse from the utero-ovarian vein into the
ovarian artery to cause luteolysis in the sow,ewe,and cow.During synchronization of estrus,the
effective does of PGF2¥á is much smaller when infused into the uterus as composed to a systemic
injection(5 verus 25 mg).
The ovarian artey of the mare is straight and caudal to the utero-ovarian vein.While a local route
for PGF2¥á from the uterus to the ovary seems less likely in mares than in other species,uterine
prostaglandins have been identified as the natural luteolysin in mares.

Chapter 3: The Male Reproductive System

The male reproductive system:Figure 3-1
Embryonic origin:
Testes: primary sex cords of the genital ridge
Male duct system: Wolffian ducts
Major functions od male reproductive organs: Table 3-1.
3-1 Testes
The testes are the primary organs of reproduction in males,just as ovaries are primary organs of
reproduction in females.Testes are considered primary because they produce male gametes
(spermatozoa) and male sex hormones (androgens).Testes differ from ovaries in that al potential
gametes are not present at birth.Germ cells,located in the seminiferous tubules,undergo continual
cell divisions,forming new spermatozoa throughout the normal reproductive life of the male.
Testes also differ from ovaries in that they do not remain in the body cavity.They decend from
their site of origin,near the kidneys,down through the inguinal into the scrotum.Descent of the
testes occurs because of an apparent shortening of the gubernaculum, a ligament extending from
the inguinal region and attaching to the tail the epididymis. This apparent shortening occurs
because the gubernaculum does not grow as rapidly as the body wall.The testes are drawn closer
to the inguinal cannals and intra-abdominal pressure adis passage of the testes through the inguinal
cannals into the scrotum.Both gonadotropic of hormones and androgens regulate descent of the
testes.This descent is completed in the fetus by midpregnancy in cattle and just before birth in
horses.In some cases one or both testes fail to descend due to a defect in development.If neither
descends,the animal is termed a biaterral crytorchid.Bilateral cryptochids are sterile (section 3-
2).if only one testis descends he is a unilateral cryptochid. The unilateral cyptochid is usually
fertile due to the descended testis.The cyptochid condition can be corrected by surgery,but this is
not recommended for farm animals (Chapter 23).The condition can be inherited;therefore,surgical
correction would result in the perpetuation of an undesirable trait.
Figure 3-1 Diagram of the reproductive system of the (a) bull; (b) ram; (c) boar; and (d) stallion.
(Redrawn from Sorenson. 1979. Animal Reproduction: Principles and Practices. McGraw-Hill.)
3-1.1 Functional Morphology
The testis of the bull is 10 to 13 cm long,5 to 6.5 cm wide and weighs 300 to 400 gm.THe testis is
of similar size in boars,but is smaller in rams, bucks (goats),and stallions.
In all species testes are covered with the tunica vaginalis,a serous tissue,which is an extension of
the peritoneum.This serous coat is obtained as the testes descend into the scrotum and is attached
along the line of the epididymis.The outer layer of the testes,the tunica albuginea testis, is a thin
white memberane of elastic connective tissue.Numberous blood vesselsare visible just nuder its
surface.Beneath the tunica albuginea testis is the parenchyma,the functional layer of the testes.The
parenchyma has a yellowish color and is divided into segments by incomplete septa of connective
tissue (Figure 3-2).Located within these segments of parenchyma tissue are the seminiferous
tubules.Seminiferous tubules are formed from primary sex cords.They contains
germcells(spermatogonia) and nursa cells (Sertolicells).Sertoli cells are larger and less numberous
thanspermatogonia.With stimulation by FSH,Sertoli cells produce both androgen binding protein
and inhibin (Chapter 4).Seminiferous tubules are the site of spermatozoa production.They are
small,convoluted tubules approxilately 200¥ìin diameter.It has been estimated that the
seminiferous tubules from a pair of bull testes,streched out and laid end,approach 5 km in
length.They make up 80£¥ of the weight of the testes.seminiferous tubules join a network of
tubules,the rete testis, which connects to 12 to 15 small ducts,the vasa efferential.which converge
into the head of the epididymis.Prodution of spermatozoa will be discussed in Chapter6.

Figure 3-2 Sagittal section of testis illustratingsegments of parenchymal tissue which contain the
seminiferous tubules, rete testis, vasa efferentis, epididymis, and scrotal portion of the vas
Leydig (interstitial) cells are found in the parenchyma of the testes between the seminiferous
tubules (Figure 3-3).LH timulates Leydig cells to produce testosterone and small quantities of
dther androgens.

Figure 3-3 Cross section of parenchymal tissue showing relationship between the seminiferous
tubules and interstitial tissue containing Leydig cells.
Testosterone is needed for development of secondary sex characteristics and for normal mating
behavior.In addition,it is necessary for the function of the accessary glands,production of
spermatozoa and maintenance of the male duct system.Through its effects on the male,testosterone
aids in maintenance of optimumcondtions for spermatogenesis,transprot of spermatozoa and
deposition of spermatozoa into the female tract.Normal body temperature will not affect the
function of the Leydig cells.For example,bilaterial crytochids develop secondary sex
characteristics,have normal sexual vigor,and can do all things associated with reproduction
exceptrpoduction of spromatozoa.
3-2 scrotum and Spermatic Cord
The scrotum is two-lobed sac which enclosed the testes.It is located in the inguinal region between
the rear legs of most species.The scrotum has the same embryonic origin as the labia majora in the
female.It is composed of an outer layer of think skin with numerous large sweat and sebaceous
glands.This outer is lined is with a layer of smooth muscle fibers,the tunica dartos,which is
interspersed with connective tissue.The tunica dartos divides the scrotum into two pouches,and is
attached to the tunica vagimals at the bottom of each pouch.
The spermatic cordconeects the testis to its life support mechanisms,the convoluted testicular
arteries and surrounding venus plexus,and nerve trunks.In addition,the spermatic cord is composed
of smooth muscle fibers,connective tissue,and a portion of the vas deferens.Both the spermatic
cords and scrotum contribute to the support of the testes.Also,they have a joint function in
regulating the temperature of the testes.
3-2.1 Temperature Control
Serveral examples can be given to illustrate the inportance of temperature control of the testes.If a
ram,s scrotum is insulated,or the testes are tied against the abdomen,sterility results.The higher
temperature causes degeneration of the cells lining the wall of the seminiferous tubules.Fetility
will be restored if the testes and scrotum are returned to their natural state before total
degeneration occurs.However,a few weeks will be required before fertile semen is again produced.
(Sometimes men with high fevers are sterile for short period after recovery.) The bilateral
crytorchid is sterile,again illustrating that production of spermatozoa stops when the temperature
inside the testes is as high normal body temperature (Section 23-5).
Low fertility semen produced by several species of farm animals during the summer has been
attributes to the inability of the body,s cooing mechanisms to keep the testes cool enough.In
cattle,when ambient temperaturesrange from 5¡Éto 21¡É,the temperature inside the testes will be
about 4¡É below body temperature(38.6¡É).As the ambient temperature increasea to
approximately 38¡É,the temperature of both body and the testes will be elevated,and the difence
between the two will be reproducdd by about onehalf(2¡É).The elevation in temperature inside the
teste will be sufficient to stop spermatogenesis.Ther is no evidence that low ambient temperature
will lower fertility.
The role of the scrotum and spermatic cord in temperature control of the testes involved drawing
the testes closer swing further away from the body as amsient temperature rises.Two smooth
muscles are involved.The tunica darttos,the smooth the spermatic cord,are sensitive to
temperature.During cold weather,contraction of these muscles causes the scrotum to pucker and
the spermatic cords to shorten,drawing the testes closer to the body.During hot weather,these
muscles relax,peritting the scrotum to stetch and the spermatic cord to lengthen.Thus,the testes
swing down away from the body These muscles do not rsepond to changes in temperature until
near the age of puberty.They must be sensitized by testosterone to respond to changing ambient
Actual cooling of testes occurs by two mechanisms.The skin of the scrotum has both sweat abd
sebaceous glands which are more active during hot weather.Evaporation of the secretions of these
glands cools the scrotum and thus the testes.The external scrotum has been obsered to be 2¡É to
5¡É cooler than the temperature inside the testes.As the scrotum stretches during hot weather,more
surface area is provided for cooling by evaporation.In addition to cooling occurs through heat
exchange in the circulatory system(Figure 3-4).As arteries transproting blood at internal body
temperature transcend the spermatic cord,their convoluted folds pass through a network of
veins,the pampiniform venous plexus,transporting cooler blood back towards the heart.some
cooling of arterial blood then occurs before it reaches the testes.The lengthening of the cord during
hot weather provides more surface area for this heat exchange.
3-3 Epididymis
The Epididymis,the first external duct leading from the testis,is fused longitudinally to the surface
of the testis and is encased in the tunica vaginalis with the testis and is encased in the tunica
vaginalis with the testis.The single convoluted duct is coverd with an extensionof the tunica
albuginea testis (Figure 3-5).The captut (head)of the epididymis is a flattened area at the apex of
the testis,where 12 to 15 small ducts,the vasa efferentia,merge into a single duct.The corpus(body)
extenging along the longitudinal axis of the testis is a single duct which becomes continuous with
the cauda(tail).The total length of this convoluted duct is about 34 meters in the bull and longer in
the ram,boar,and stallion.The lumen of the cauda is wider than the lumen of the corpus.The
structure of the epididymis and other external ducts (vas deferens and urethra is similar to that of
the tubular portion of the female tract.The tunica serosa (outer layer)is followed by a smooth
muscle layer (middle)and an epithelial layer(innermost).

Figure 3-4 Cooling of the testis by heat exchange through the circulatory system.(Setchell. 1977.
Reproduction in Domestic Animals.(3rd ed) ed. cole and Cupps. Academic Press
3-3.1 Transport
As a duct leading from the testes,the epididymis serves to transport spermatozoa.In sexually active
males the time involved in transprot is 9 to 1 days in boars,13 to 15 days in rams,and 9 to 11 days
inbulls.Frequent ejaculation has been reported to speed transport by 10 to 20£¥.
Several factor contribute to movement of spermatozoa thorugh the epididymis.One factor is
pressure from the production of new spermatozoa.As spermatozoa are produced in the
seminiferous tubules,they are forced out through the rete testis and vasa efferentia into the
epididymis.In a sexually inactive male,they are eventually forced through the epididymis.such
movement of spermatozoa is aided by external perssure created by the massaging effect on the
testes and epididymis thet occurs during normal exercise.The lining of the epididymis contains
some ciliated epithelial cells,but the role of these cilia in facilitating movement of spermatozoa is
aided by ejaculation.During ejaculation,peristaltic contractions involving the smooth muscle layer
of the epididymis and a slight negative pressure (sucking action) created by peristaltic contractions
of the vas deferens and urethra actively move spermatozoa from the epididymis into the vas
deferens and urethra.
3-3.2 Concentration
A second function of the epididumis is concentration of spermatozoa.spermatozoa entering the
epidiaymis from the testis of the bull,ram,and the epididymis,they concentrate to about 4x10 9(4
billion)spermatozoa per ml.Concentration occurs as the fluids,which suspend spermatozoa in the
testes,are absorbed by the epithelial cells of the epididymis.Absorption of these fluids principally
in the caput and proximal end of the corpus.
3-3.3 Storage
A third functin of the epididymis is storage of spermatozoa.Most are stored in the cauda of the
epididymis where concentrated spermatozoa are packed into the wide lumen.The epididymis of a
mature bull may contain 50 to 74 billion sperm.Capacities of other species are not
reported.conditions are optimum in the cauda for preserving the viability of spermatozoa for an
extended period.The low pH,high viscosity,high carbon dioside concentration,high potassium-to-
sodium ratio,the influence of testosterone,and probably other factors combine to conteibute to a
lower metabolic rate and extended life.These conditions have not been duplicated outside the
epididymis.If the epididymis is ligated to prevent entry of new spermatozoa and removal of
old,spermatozoa have remained have alive and fertile for about 60 days.On the other hand,after a
long period of sexual rest,the first fewejaculates may contain a high percentage of nonfertile
3-3.4 Maturation
A fourth function of the epididymis is that of maturation of spermatozoa.When recently formed
spermatozoa enter the caput from the vasa efferentia they the ability for neither motility nor
fertility.As they passthrough the epididymis they sain the ability to be both motile and fertile.If the
cauda is ligated at each end,those spermatozoa closet to the corpusincreased in fertility for up to
25 days.During the same period,those closest to the vasa deferens exhibited reduced fetilizing
ability.Therefore,it appears that spermatozoa gain ability to be fertile in the cauda and then start to
age and deteriorate if they are not removed.
While in the epididymis,spermatozoa lose the cytoplasmic droplet which forms on the neck of
each spermatozoa during spermatogenesis (Chapter 6).The physiological significance of the
cytoplasmic droplet is not known,but it has been used as an indicator of sufficient maturation of
spermatozoa in the epididymis.If a high percentage of spermatozoa in fershly ejaculated semen
has cytoplasmic droplets,they are considered immature and have low fertilizing capacity.

3-4 Vas Deferens and Urethra

The vas deferens are a pair of ducts with one leading from the distal end of the cauda of each
epidymis.Initially supported by folds of the peritoneum,it passes along the spermatic cord,through
the inguinal cannal to the pelvic region,where it merges with the urethra at its origin near the
opening to the bladder.The enlarged end of the vas deferens near the urethra is the ampulla.The
vas deferens has a thick layer of smooth muscles in its walls and appears to have single function of
traspor of spermatozoa.Some have suggested that ampulllae serve as a short0term storage depot
for semen.However,spermatozoa age quickly in the ampullae.It seems more likely that
spermatozoa may pool in the ampullae during ejacualtion before being expelled into the urethra.
The urethra is a single duct which extends from the junction of the ampullae tothe end of the
penis.It serves as an excretory duct for both urine and semen.During ejacualtion in bull and ram
there is a complete mixing of spermatozoa concentrate from the vas deferens and epididymis with
fluids from the accessory and boars,mixing is not as complete,with the ejaculate containing sperm-
free and sperm-rich segments(Chapter 11).
3-5 Accessory Glands
The accessory glands(Figure 3-6)are located along the pelvic portion of the urethra,with ducts
which empty their secretions into the urethra.They include the vesicular glands,the prostate gland
and the bulbourethral glands.They contribute greatly to the fluid volume of semen.In
addition,their secretions are solution of bufers,nutrients,and other substances needed to assure
optium motility and fertility of semen.

Figure 3-6 Accessory glands of the bull, boar, ram, and stallion showing their relationship to the
ampulla and urethra. (Redrawn from Ashdown and Hancock. 1974. Reproduction in Farm
Animals.(3rd ed). ed. Hafez. Lea and Febiger.)
3-5.1 Vesicular Glands
The vesicular glands (sometimes called seminal vasicles) are a pair of lobular glands that are
easily that identiied because of their knobby appearance.They have been described as having the
appearance of a "cluster of grapes." They are of similar length in the bull,boar,and stallion (35 to
15 cm),but the width and thickness of the vesicular glands of the bull is approxomately half that of
the boar and stallion.They vesicular glands of the ram and buck are much smaller,being about 4
cm in length.The excretory ducts of the vesicular gkands open near the bifurcation where the
ampullae merge with the urethra.In bulls,they contribute well over half of the total fluid volume of
semen,and appear to make a substantial contribution in other species.Several organic compounds
found in secretion of the vesicular glands are unique in that they are not found in substantial
quantities elsewhere in the body.Two of these compounds,fruetose and sorbitol,are major sources
of energy for bull and ram spermatozoa but are found in lower concentration in boar and
stallion.Both phosphate and carbonate buffers are found in these secretions and are important in
that they protect against shifts in the pH of semen.Such shifts in pH would be detrimental to
3-5.2 Prostate Gland
The prostate is a single gland located around and along the urethra just posterior to the excretory
ducts of the vesicular glands.A prostate body is visible in excised tracts and can be palpated in
bulls and stallions.In rams,all of the prostate is embedded in urethra muscles as is part of this
glandular tissue in bulls and boars.It makes a small contribution to the fluid volume of semen in
mosr species stuided.however,some repory that the contribution of the prostate gland is at least as
substatial as thet of the vesicular glands in boars.The prostate of the boar is larger than that of the
bull.The secretions of the prostate are high in inorganic ions with sodium,chlorine,calcium,and
magnesium all in solution.
3-5.3 Bulbourethral Glands
The bulbourethral (Cowpers)glands are a pair of glands located along the urethra near the point
where it exits from the pelvis.They are about the size and shape of wanuts in bulls,but are much
larger in boars.In bulls,they are embeded in the bulbospongiosum muscle.They contribute very
little to the fluid volume of semen.In bulls,their secretions flush urineresidue from the urethra
before ejaculation.These secretions are seen as dribblings from the prepuce just before
copulation.In boars,their secretions account for that portion of boar semesn which coagulates.This
strained from boar semen before it is used for artificial insemination.During natural service,the
white lumps formed by coagulation may prevent semen from flowing bak through the cervix into
the vagina of sows.
3-6 penis
The penixl is the organ of copulation in males(Figure 3-1).It forms dorsally around the urethra
from the point where the urethra leaves the pelvis,with the external urethral orifice at the free end
of the penis.Bulls,boars,and rams have a sigmoid flexure,an S-shaped bend in the penis which
permits it to be retracted completely into the body.These three species and the stallion have
retractor penis muscles,a pair of smooth muscles which will relax to permit extension of the penis
and contract to draw the penis back into the body.These retractor penis muscles aries from the
vertebrae in the coccygeal region and are fused to the ventral penis just anterior to the sigmoid
flexure.The glans penis(Figure 3-7),which is the free end of the penis,is wwell supplied with
sensory nerves and is homologous to the clitorisin the female(Chapter 2) In most species the penis
is fibroelastic, containing small amounts of erectile tissue.The penis of stallions contains more
erectile tissue is found in bulls,boars,bucks,rams.

Figure 3-7 Comparative diagram showing the shape of the glans penis of the bull, boar, ram. and
stallion. Note the twisted groove containing the external urethral orifice in the bull, the urethral
proxess (filiform appendage)extending beyond the glands penis ing the ram, the corkscrew spiral
in the boar, and the flattened glans penis in the stallion with the small urethral process extending
beyond.(Redrawn from Ashdown and Hancock. 1974. Reproduction in Farm Animals.(3rd ed.).
ed. Hafez.Lea and Febiger.)

Figure 3-8 Cross section of penis showing corpus cavernosum penis and corpus spongiosum penis.
(Redrawn from Sprensen. 1979. Animal Reproduction: Principles and Practices. McGraw-Hill)
Erectile tissue is cavernous (spongy)tissue located in two regions of the penis(figure 3-8).The
corpus spongiosum penis is the cavernous tissue around the urethra.It enlarges into the penile
bulb,which is cavered with bulbospongiosum muscle at the base of the penis.The corpus
cavernosumpenis is a larger area of cavernous rods from the ischiocavernosus muscole ,eventually
fusing to from one cavernous area as it proceeds toward excitement,causing extension of the penis
(erecrion)and facilitating the final ejection of semen during ejaculation (Chaper 11).Both the
bulbospongiosum muscle and ischiocavernous muscle are striated,skeletal muscles,rather than the
smooth muscle associated with most of the male and female tracts.
3-7 Prepuce
The prepuce (sheath)is an invagination of skin which completely enclosed the free end of the
penis.It has the same embryonic origin as the labia minora in the female.It can be divided into a
prepenile portion,which is the outer fold,and the penile portion,or inner folds.The orifice of the
prepuce is surrounded by long and tough preputial hairs.

Chapter 4 Natural Synchronization Processes

Major endocrine systems for regulation of reproductive processes:
See Figure 4-1 for cows.
Types of glands:
Figure 4-1 Approximate location of the endocrine glands of the cow which secrete hormones that
regulate reproduction.(Redrawn from Foley et al. 1972. Dairy Cattle: Principles. Practices,
Rroblems, Profits. Lea and Febiger.)

1) Endocrine glands:
Don't have ducts.
Secrete hormones internally into blood stream.
2) Exocrine glands:
Have ducts.
Secrete externally into ducts.
Definition of Hormones:
Chemical agents which are carried by the blood to cells within a target organ or other target cells
where they regulate a specific physiological activity.
Definition of Receptor sites:
1) Recognition units in cells that have a high affinity for a particular hormone
2) Chemically: Protein
3) Hormone + receptor site¡æ initiates reactions within cell which bring about the specific
physiological response within that bound hormone.
4) Location of receptor sites in a cell:
Cytosol receptor: For steroid hormones Membrane receptor: For peptide or protein hormones
5) Concentration of receptor sites in a target organ:
increase or decrease depending on the endocrine status of the animal.
Chemical classes of reproductive hormones:
1) Peptide or protein hormones: See Table 4-1.
Soluble: in water
Denatured by strong acids, strong bases, heat¡æ physiologically inactive Systemical(i.v.i.m., s.c.)
adminstration: effective
Oral administration: not effective
Figure 4-2 Metabolic pathway foe the synthesis of gonadal steroid hormones and the chemical
structure of the three most important sex steroids.(Niswender et al. 1974. Reproduction in Farm
Animals. (3rd ed.) ed. Hafez. Lea and Febiger.)
2) Steroid hormones: See Figure 4-2
All steroid hormones: have cholesterol as a common precursor.
Soluble: in ether and other solvents used to extract lipids
Effectively absorbed through gastrointestinal tract
Less effective with oral administration than with systemic administration
Relative effectiveness of oral adminstration:
Natural estrogens: effective
Natural progestins or androgens: effective, but less
Synthetic progestins: effective
Functional classes of reproductive hormones:
Primary hormones of reproduction: As in Table 4-2
* Abbreviations of hormones:
Peptide or Protein hormones: See Table 4-2
Estrone: E1, Estradiol: E2, Estriol: E3
Progesterone: P4, Testosterone: T
Secondary hormones of reproduction:
Thyroxine, Growth hormone, Insuline, etc

4-1 Primary reproductive hormones of pituitary gland

Pituitary(Hypophysis, Hypophyseal gland): in bony depression at base brain
embryologically and functionally two separate glands
Anterior pituitary(adenohypophysis)¡ç embryonic gut of mouth roof
GTH: FSH and LH in domestic animals
(LH=ICSH:Interstitial cell stimulating hormone in male)
prolactin(PRL): LTH(luteotropic hormone) in rodents
Posterior ptituitary(neurohypophysis)¡çembryonic brain, neuroendocrine gl.
Hormone Action
1)¡èfollicle growth
2)¡èestrogen production by granulosa cells in ovarian follicle
3)¡èinhibin secretion by granulosa cells with its production being enhanced by FSH and T
¡éFSH secretion
In testes, and richer in folliclular fluid
4) In males: ¡èspermiogenesis
¢ÖSertoli cells:¡èinhibin and androgen binding porotein(ABP)
ABP = a carrier for T
1)¡èT from theca interna cells¡æ converted to estrogens by granulosa cells FSH¡è
2)¡èmaturation of oocytes and ovulation
3) luteotropic =¡èformation of CL(corpus luteum) & production of P4
4) In males:¢ÖLeydig cells in interstitial tissue of testes¡æ¡èT and other androgens
1) synergizes with LH: by ¡èLH receptor sites in CL in some species¡æ¡èP4
2)¡èdevelopment of mammary gland and synthesis of milk
3) In males: synergizes with LH: by¡èLH receptor sites in Leydig cells¡æ¡èT
¡èrelease of glucocorticoids from adrenal cortex
Gluococorticoids: ¢Öparturition and synthesis of milk

In males:
FSH stimulates spermiogenesis in the testes with action on both spermatogonia and Sertoli
cells.FSH stimulates the Sertoli cells to produce inhibin and androgen binding protein(ABP).Since
inhibin has not been fully charaterized,it is frequently referred to as either testicular inhibin or
ovatian inhibin,depending on its source.ABP is secreted into the lumen of the seminiferous tubles
and serves as a carrier for testosterone.LH stumulates .Prolactin appears to synergize with LH by
increasing hormone receptor sites LH in the testes.
Oxytocin,a peptide hormone released from posterior pituitary,stimulates the contraction of smooth
muscle in the oviduct and uterus.Because of this activity,it has been postulated that oxytocin aids
both sperm and ovum transport in the female tract and stimulates uterine contractions during
paturition.Also,oxytocin stimilates the myoepithelial cells of the mammary gland,causing the
ejection of milk.
4-2 Control of the pituitery Gland by the Hypothalamus
The hypothalamus is a neuroendocrine gland which forms along the floor and lateral wall of the
third venticle of the brain.It is closely linked with the pituitary.The hypophyseal portal blood
system connects the hypothalamus with anterior pituitary and is the route by which hormones of
the hypothalamus reach the anterior pituitary.The hypothalamic hormones are released from
terminals of axons(nerve fibers) into blood vessels which serve the anterior pituitary The area of
the hypothalamus where this which recive releasing factors are median eminence and the ptituitary
vessels which receive releasing factors the hypophyseal portal vessels.Also,a portion of the venous
return from the nterior pituitary is by way of the hypothalamus.This permits a direct, short-loop
feedback system whereby hormones of the anterior pituitary may help regulate release of
hormones from the hypothalamus.The posterior pituitary is an extension of the
hypothalamus.Axons from neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus extends down into the
posterior or pituitary(Figure 4-3).
Figure 4-3 Relationship between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland
Secretion of gonadotropic hormones from the anterior pituitary is controlled by a peptide-releasing
hormone which is produced by neurosecretory cells in the hypothalamus. One peptide,
gonadotropin releasing hormone(GnRH),has been isoalted and purified from pigs and sheep.
GnRH causes the release of both FSH and LH. At one time, it was postulated that separate
releasing agents (FSH-releasing hormone and LH-releasing hormone) regulated the release of FSH
and LH from the anterior pituitary. While some physiological evidence for separate releasing
hormones still exists, the preponderance of evidence supports a single releasing hormone for GSH
and LH. In a clinical situation, GnRH can be used instead of LH for treatment of cystic ovaries in
cows. There is evidence that both a prolactin releasing factor (PRF) and prolactin inhibiting factor
(PIF) and prolactin inhibiting factor (PIF) control the release and retention of prolactin in the
anterior pituitary. Corticotropin releasing hormone (CRH) stimulates the release of ACTH. A
clearer picture of the functional nature of these releasing hormones should evolve in the near
future. It is important that a link has been established between the central nervous system and
function of the endocrine system.
Oxytocin, which is released from the posterior pituitary, is produced by the supraoptic and
paraventricular unclei (neurosecretory cells) in the hypothalamus. After syntheses, oxytocin is
transported by carrier proteins (neurophysins) as secretory droplets along nerve fibers extending
into the posterior pituitary. Stimulation of sensory nerves in the teats or cervix will cause oxytocin
to be released from nerve endings in the posterior pituitary.
4-3 Hormones of the Gonads
Major steroid hormones produced by the gonads are shown in Table 4-3.
4-3.1 Female
Two classes of hormones produced by the ovaries are estrogens and progestins. Chemically,
estrogens and progestins are classifie as steroids and have cholesterol as a common precursor.
Estrogens, representing a group of steroids with similar physiological activity, are producedby
specifid cells in the Graafian follicle. The thecal cells of the follicle are stimulated by LH to
produce testosterone which diffuses across the basemint membrane, where it is converted to
estorgens by granulosa cells under the influence of FSH. The estrogen of greatest importance,
quantitatively and physiologically, is extradiol. Others of importance include estriol and estrone.
The principal actions of estrogens are their influence on (1) the manifestation of mating behavior
during estrus; (2) cyclic changesin the female tract; (3) duct development in the mammary gland;
and (4) development of secondary sex characteristics in females. Estrogens have been called the
"female sex hormone." Estrogens are luteolytic in cows and ewes but are luteotropic in sows.
Progestins are another group of hormones with similar physiological activity, the most impotrant
being progesterone. They are produced by the granulosa cells in the corpus luteum under the
influence of LH. Important functions are (1) inhibition of sexual behavior; (2) maintenance of
pregnancy by inhibiting uterine contractions and promoting glandular developmint in the
endometrium; and (3) promotion of alveolar developmint of the mammary gland. The symergistic
actions of estrogesn and progestins are notable in preparing the uterus for pregnancy and the
mammary gland for lactation.
Both estrogens and progestins help regulate the release of gonadotropins, acting through both the
hypothalamus and anterior pituitary (Figure 4-4). High levels of either progestins or a combination
of progestins and estrogens inhibit the release of GnRH, FSH, and LH from the anterior pituitary-a
megative feedback control. Near the time of estrus, when progesterone levels are low, high
estrogen concentrations action on the hypothalamus stimulate the release of GnRH, LH, FSH, and
prolactin - a positive feedback control. The influence of the gonadotropins on estrogen and
progestin release has been mentioned previously. Therefore, it can be seen that reciprocal action
between the gonadotropins and the steroid hormones of the ovaries is necessary for maintenance
of the hormone balance essential for normal reproduction.

Figure 4-4 Mechanism by which photoperiod regulates secretion of melatonin from the pineal
gland. Nerve impulses resulting from phitic signals to the eye are transmitted from the retina along
the retinohypothalamic tract to the suprachiasmatic nuclei and then to the superior cervical
Inhibin, a protein hormone producd by granulosa cells in the voarian follicle, selectively
suppresses release of FSH, but not LH, from the anterior pituitary. The action of inhibin may
account for some of the reported differences in the release patterns of FSH an LH that appear
inconsistent with a single gonadotropin releasing hormone.
Relaxin is a polypeptide hormone produced by the corpus luteum and placenta. Little is known
about the mechanisms controlling its production,but higher concentrations are seen during
pregnancy. It causes a relaxation of pelvic ligaments and softening of the connective tissue of the
uterine muscles to allow the expansion necessary to accommodate the growing fetus. Synergizing
with estrogen, it causes further expansion of the pelvis and softening of the connective tissue of
the cervix to permit the fetus tobe expelled during parturition.
4-3.1a Follicular fluid
Follicular fluid(liquor folliculi) is the fluid that fills the antrum of a tertiary follicle bathing the
granulosa cells. There is free exchange of fluids and many compounds btween blood and follicular
fluid across the basemint membrane. However, large plasma proteins (>1,000,000 MW) do not
cross the basement membrane and are not in follicular fluid. Follicular fluid is rich in steroid
reproductive hormones including testosterone, estradiol, and progesterone. Concentrations of these
steroids are much higher in follicular fluid than in blood. This is not surprising, since testosterone
produced by theca cells is converted to estradiol in granulosa cells. As the follicle matures, the
increasing number of granulosa cells is reflected by the decreased concentrtion of testosterone
while estradiol concentration increases.
The pituitary hormones, FSH, LH, and prolactin,are found in follicular fluid. The lower
concentrations of LH as compared to FSH may in part be due to binding of LH to theca cells
outside the basement membrane, whereas granulosa cells have receptor sites for both FSH and
LH. FSH is needed for the conversion of testosterone to estradiol by granulosa cells, whereas LH
stimulates progesterone production by granulosa cells. Prolactin inhibits progesterone synthesis by
granulosa cells (in vitro), and higher progesterone is seen in follicular fluid when prolactin is low.
Prostaglandins are found in the follicular fluid of Graafian follicles as the time of ovulation
approaches (Section 4-6)

Figure 4-5 Reationship between the hypothalamic releasing hormones, gonadotropins, and ovarian
hormones in regrlating reproductive function
a. GnRH from thr hypothalamus stimulates the release of FSH and LH from the anterior potuitary.
b. FSH stimulates production of estradiol and inhibin by granulosa cells in the ovarian follicle.
c. Inhibin selecively inhibits release of FSH
d. When progesterone is liw,high concentrations of estradiol stimulate a greater surge of GnRH,
FSH, and LH, a positive feedback control.
e. LH stimulates production and release of progesterone by granulisa cells in the corpys luteum
f. High concentrations of progesterone ingibit the release of GnRH, FSH, and LH, a negative
feedback control.
A number of other peptide ovarian factors have been identified in follicular fluid in recent years.
Of these, inhibin gas been characterized most completely and has been mentioned previously
(Sections 4-1 and 4-3.1). It is a protein with various estimates on its molecular weight ranging
from greater than 10,000 to greater than 70,000. Its production by granulosa cells is enhanced by
both FSH and testosterone. Similarly, both FSH and testosterone have been reported to stimulate
production of inhibin by Sertoli cells in the testes. Inhibin selectively inhibits production of FSH
while not affecting LH in both females and males. Inhibin may serve to prevent overstimulation of
the ovaries by FSH and may also be a factor in atresea (degeneration) of follicles that start
development but do not ovulate during a given estrous cycle. Because its site of action is the
anterior pituitary, a site away from the organ where it is produced, inhibin can be classified as a
GnRH or a simialr substance has been identified in follicular fluid. The concentrations in follicular
fluid are thought to be too highfor it to be of hypothalamic origin,but cells in the ovary that secrete
GnRH have not ben identified. GnRH will suppress production of estradiol and progesterone, thus
interfering with ovulation and corpus luteum formation. The concentration of GnRH that
originates from the hypothalamus is not high enough in peripheral blood to have these depressing
effects on ovarian function.
Oocyte maturation inhibitor, a factor which prevents resumption of meiosis until a few hours
before ovulation, may be produced by granulosa cells under the influence of FSH. A peptide with
a molecular wight of less than 10,000, its activity declines shortly before ovulation, thereby
permitting meiosis to resume. Other peptide factors with either stimulating or inhibiting effects on
ovarian function are poorly characterized, but some will likely prove to be improtant to natural
regulation of ovarian function. Factors that have been reported in research literature include
luteinizing stimulator, luteinizing inhibitor, FSH receptor binding inhibitor, gonadostatin and
gonadocrinin, the latter having actions similar to GnRH.
4-3.2 Male
Upon stimulation by LH, the Leydig cells of the testes produce androgens, which are a class of
steroid hormones. The principal ndrogen in mature males is testosterone, which has been labeled
the male sex hormone. Dihydrotestosterone is found in high enough concentration in peripheral
tissue to be of tunctional importnce. Functions of testosterone include (1) development of
secondary sex characteristics; (2) maintenance of the male duct system; (3) expression of male
sexual behavior (libido); (4) function of the accessory glands; (5) function of the tunica dartos
muscle in the scrotum; and (6) spermatocytogenesis. The role of testosterone in rgulating the
release of hypothalamic and gonadotropic hormones is similar to that described for progesterone
in the female (Figure 4-5). High concentrations of testosterone inhibit the release of GnRH, FSH,
and LH,a negative feedback control. Conversely, when testosterone conecntrations are low, higher
levels of GnRH, FSH, and LH are released. Thus, reciprocal action of testosterone with the
hypothalamic and gonadotropic hormones is necessary for regulation of normal reproduction in
the male. Inhibin anc androgen binding protein are produced by Sertoli cells under the influence of
FSH. As in the female, inhibin selectively inhibits the release of FSH while not affecting the
release of LH. Androgen binding protein binds testosterone, making it available for its functions in
spermatozo production. Under the influence of FSH, Sertoli cells convert testosterone to estradiol,
but a role for estradiol in regulation of reproduction in the male has not been clearly established.

Figure 4-6 Interrelationship of the hormones regulating reproduction in the male.

4-4 Primary Reproductive Hormones of the Adrenal Cortex
The adrenal cortex produces two classes of steroid hormones which have been associated with
mineral metabolism (mineralocorticoid) and carbohydrate metabolism (glucocorticoids).
Glucocorticoids, the principal one being cortisol, have been classified as anti-stress hormones,
also. While progestins, estrogens, and androgens have been isolated from the adrenal cortex, they
have not been seen in quantities high enough to affect the reproductive processes. Some think that
they may be released at levels high enough to alter normal reproduction during periods of severe
stress, but verification of this has been difficult.
A role for glucocortidoids in the initiation of parturition in sheep has been demonstrated.
Furthermore, the glucocorticoids involved in this process ard of retal rather than maternal origin.
This phenomenon has not been as clearly demonstrated in other classes of farm animals, but the
evidence appears sufficiently strong to include glucocorticoids as a primary hormone of
reproduction. In addtion, a role for glucocorticoids in milk synthesis has been advanced (Chapter
4-5 Endocrine Runction of the Uterine/Placental Unit
The placenta does not fit the classical definition of an endocrine gland but does assume an
endocrine function during pregnancy. Estrogens, progestins, and relaxin are produced by the
placenta in certain species and supplement production of these hormones by the ovaries. In
addition, placental hormone(s) with luteotropic and/or lactogenic activity have been identified in
some species and may be present in athers. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) has been
sdolated from the urine of pregnant women. Its principal action is LH-like and is believed to help
maintain the function of the corpus luteum during pregnancy. Pregnant mare serum gonadotropin
(PMSG) is produced by endometrial cups which form when specialized cells in the chorion invade
the endomitrium of the pregnant uterus of the mare. Principally, PMSG has FSH-like action but it
has some LH-like activity, also. It has been isolated from the serum of mares during early
pregnancy. A pregnancy has been postulated. Both HCG and PMSG are proteins. Placental
lactogen has been isolated from a number of species including goats, sheep, and cows. It is a
polypeptide and is extracted from the placenta of these species. Its properties are similar to both
proalctin and growth hormone. Possible functions include development of the mammary gland for
postpartum milk production, regulation of fetal growth through altered maternal or fetal
metabolisn, and stimulation of progesterone synthesis by thd ovary or fetal metabolism, and
stimulation of progesterone synthesis by the ovary or placenta. Higher concentrations are seen
during late gestation than early gestation. Higher concentrations have also been reported for eows
with high milk production than for low milk producers.
4-6 Reproductive Role of Prostaglandins
Prostaglandins are a group of biologically active lipids that have arachidonic acid, a 20-carbon,
unsaturated fatty acid as their precursor. While prostaglandins have hormone-like actions, they do
not fit the classic definition of a hormone. They are not produced by a specific gland or tissue.
Rather, they are produced by cells throughout the body including cells in the uterus (female) and
vesicular glands *male). In most cases they act locally at the site of their production, but in some
cases their site of antion is in another tissue or organ. Prostaglandins are rapidly degraded in
mammals with about 90% of their activity lost in one passage through the pulmonary circulation.
Based on differences in chemical structure several parent prostaglandin compounds have been
identified. Of these, prostaglandin E series (PGE) and prostaglandin F series (PGF) are of greatest
viological interest. The two compounds most closely associated with reproduction are PGF 2¥á and
PGE2 (Figure 4-6)

Figure 4-7 Chemical structure of prostaglandin F2¥á(PGF2¥á)and prostaglandin E2(PGE2)

PGF2¥á is luteolytic (causes regression of the corpus luteum) and has a stimulating effect on
smooth muscle. Because of these actions, natural functions in the control of the estrous cycoe,
ovum transport, sperm transport, and parturition have been proposed. PGF 2¥á has been sued in
clinical situations where regression of the corpus luteum or stimulation of smooth muscle is
PGE2 also appears to have an important role in reproduction. It is a smooth muscle stimulator, but
its effect on the corpus luteum is opposite to that of PGF 2¥á. THe antiluteolytic action of PGE2
may be a factor in the maintenance of early pregnancy by prevention PGF 2¥á induced luteolysis.
Prostaglandins are found in the follicular fluid of Graafian follicles a few hours before ovulation
and may be involved in the ovulation process. Inhibitors to prostaglandin synthesis have prevented
ovulation in controlled experiments.
Little research has been reported on a orle for prostaglandins in the regulation of reproductive
function in males. It has been demonstrated in bulls that injection of PGF 2¥á will cause a surge in
LH and testosterone. However, an integrative role for prostaglandins in the natural regulation of
reproductive function in males has not been determined.
4-7 The Pineal Gland
The pineal gland is located above the hypothalamus between the hemispheres of the brain. Its
embryonic origin is the brain, but direct connection to the central nervous system is lost soon after
birth with innervation there after coming from the sympathetic nerves. While the pineal gland of
the amphibian has photoreceptors, they are not found in the pineal gland of mammals. However,
the pineal gland of mammals is sensitive to environmental lighting and senses changes in
photoperiod (day length). The eyes appear to be the sensor for the light stimulus with neural
signals traveling by way of the optic nerve and other neural pathways to the pineal gland.
The pineal gland secretes melatonin, a derivative of the amino acid tryptophan. Melatonin has
hormonal properties and will cause atrophy of the gonads along with cessation of reproductive
function in male and female hamsters. Likewise, continuous darkness causes release of melatonin,
atrophy of the gonads, and cessation of reproductive function. Darkness does not cause atrophy of
the gonads if the pineal gland has been removed. Therefore, melatonin or some other factor from
the pineal gland appears to be the means by which darkness depresses gonadal function. While
darkness causes release of melatonin in sheep, antigonadal properties have not been demonstrated.
However, interest remains high on a possible role of the pineal gland in regulation of seasonal
breeding patterns in sheep, goats, and horses.
4-8 Regulation of Hormonal Receptor Sites
Hormone action is dependent on release of the hormone in question from its gland, transport to the
target cells vea the circulatory system, and binding of the hormone to cellular receptor sites. After
the hormone binds to the cellular receptor site, reactions are initiated within the cell to carry out
the physiological response associated with the hormone.
The concentration of receptor sites for a specific hormone in a particular organ are dependent on
the endocrine status of the animal. While research in thes area is relatively new, and limited mostly
to laboratory anemals, some information is available on regulation of hormonal receptor sites. It
provides a new basis for understanding how certain hormones synergize in regulating a
physiological function. Patterns of regulation that can be seen are (1) hormones which regulate
their own receptor sites; (2) synergism of two hormones to regulate the receptor sites of tons of the
hormones; and (3) hormones which regulate receptors of other hormones. Up-regulation and
down-regulation are terms that describe whether the number of receptors for a particular hormone
are increased (induced) by the regulator or decreased by the regulator.
FSH up-regulates its own receptors in the ovarian follicle, but the up-regulation is speeded as
estradiol concentrations increase. Also, FSH synergizes with estradiol to up-regulate follicular
receptors for LH. Luteinizing hormone (LH) down-regulates its own receptors while at the same
time inducing (up-regulating) receptors for prolactin. In the developing corpus luteum, prolactin
increases receptors for LH and has been reported to prevent LH-induced loss of LH receptors.
While this scheme of regulation was determined through reaearch with the rat ovary, many of
these principles likely apply to other species. For example, LH will down-regulate its own
receptors in the ovary of the ewe. While LH is the luteotropin in the ewe, some report that the
luteotropic action cannot be maintained unless prolacin is present. By this, a role for prolactin in
maintaining receptors for LH in the corpus luteum of the ewe can be suggested.
Figure 4-8 Intracellular mechanisms by which gonadotropins stimulate production of reproductive
In the male, injection of FSH will decrease (down-regulate) the number of FSH receptors in the
Sertoli cells of the testes. After a transient increase, LH receptors in Leydig cells decrease in
response to administration of LH. While proalctin will maintain LH receptor concentration in
Leydig cells, it is not clear whether this action occurs through prevention of LH-induced losses as
has been reported in the female or by more direct up-regulation of LH receptors.
GnRH appears to regulate its own receptors in the anterior pituitary. Infusion of a high
concentration of GnRH will down-regulate GnRH receptors, while low concentration infusion or
intermittint doses will up-regulate GnRH receptors. The intermittent dose more closely parallels
the physiological state, since intermittent surges of GnRH and LH occur in males and females. In
the female these intermittent surges are more frequent near the time of estrus, thus making the
anterior pituitary more sensitive to GnRH through an increased concentration of GnRH receptors.
EStradiol enhances the effect of intermittent suges of GnRH on GnRH receptors, while
progesterone of a combination of estradiol and progesterone inhibits this GnRH-induced response.
Estrogen receptor concentrations in the anterior pituitary vary directly with the concentration of
estrogens in the blood. Estrogen and progesterone receptors are found in the hypothalamus and
anterior pituitary. Thes lends support to the hypothesis that these steroids exert feedback control
on both the hypothalamus and the anterior tuitary.
In the uterus, estrogens up-regulate both estrogen and progesterone receptors. Increased binding of
estradiol in the myometrium stimulates the appearance of more oxytocin receptors. Progesterone
blocks synthesis of new estrogen receptors, resulting in a reduction in their concentration. Through
this mechanism, progesterone down-regulates receptors for oxytocin. Thus, estrogens enhance the
dffects of oxytocin on the myometrium while progesterone inhibits the oxytocic response.
4-9 Intracellular Mechanisms of Hormone Action
The mechanism by which gomadotropins stimualte a particular response from a cell involves a so-
called "second messenger"system. The first messenger is the hormone. When the gonadotropic
hormone binds to its membrane-bound receptor, it activates the membrane-bound enzyme,
adenylate cyclase (Figure 4-7). The activated enzyme then stimulates the conversion of adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) to cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) within the cytoplasm of the cell.
Through a series of steps, cAMP (the second messenger) activates the enzymes needed to produce
the steroik reproductive hormones. If LH binds to a membrane-bound receptor of a Leydig cell or
a thecal cell, activation of the second messenger system will result in the production of
testosterone. If LH binds to a membrand-bound receptor of a granulosa cell in the corpus luteum,
progesterone will be produced. After stimulating the formation of cAMP within the cell, the fate of
the hormone-receptor complex has not been determined. There is some evidence that it becomes
internalized (taken into the cell) where it is degraded.

Figure 4-9 Intracellular mechanism by which steroid hormones have their action on target cells.
The intracellular mechanism of action for steroid reproductive hormones (estradiol, progesterone,
and testosterone) does not involve membrane receptors or a second messenger system. Rather, the
steroid hormone passes through the cell membrane and binds to a protein receptor in the
cytoplasm form the cytoplasm to the nucleus, where it initiates synthesis of specific messenger
ribonucleic acid (mRNA) molecules from deox-yribonucleic acid (DNA) in chromosomes. This
mRNA is then translocated to the cytoplasm, where synthesis of new protein occus. The newly
synthesized protein is responsible for the biological activity of a steroid hormone on its target
4-10 Summary
Most of the hormonal regulation of the reproductive processes is contained in the hypothalamic-
anterior pituitary-gonadal axis. Releasing hormones from the hypothalamus controls the function
of the anterior pituitary. Gonadotropic hormones from the anterior pituitary control the function of
the gonads, both in the production of gametes and hormones. In turn, through feedback
mechanisms involving the hypothalamus, the steroid hormones and proteins of the gonads regulate
the release of gonadotropins. These gonadal steroids also maintain optimum conditions for fertility
through their effects on mating behavior and maintenance of the female and male duct systems.
While other hormones have important regulatory functions in reproduction, their function is
dependent on the reciprocal balance between the gonadotropic and steroid sex hormones. A greater
appreciation for and understanding of the intricate balance needed for successful reproduction
should evolve as the student progresses in his or her study of reproduction.

Chapter 5 The Estrous Cycle

The estous is defined as the time between periods of estous.The average length of the estous cycle
is similar for all farm species,albeit shorter for the ewe (Table 5-1).It is about 17 days for the
ewe,21 days for the cow and doe,22 days for the mare,and 20days for the sow.individual variation
is seen in all species.estous cyclae raning from 17 to 24 days are considered normal in the cow,and
a range of 19 to 25 days is reported in the mare.while variation among individuals of a particular
species is expected,variable cycles for one individual may indicated an abnormality.
5-1 Puberty
Puberty in females is defined as the age at the first expressed estrus with ovulation.It should not be
considered sexual maturity.If animals are bred at puberty,a high percentage will have difficulty
with parturition (Table 22-2).Most breeds of sheep will reach puberty when they are 40 to 50£¥ of
their matur weight,but breeding is recommended until they are about 65£¥ of their mature
weight.Dairy cows reach puberty at 35 to 45£¥ of their mature weight with breeding not
recommended until they are about 55£¥ of their mature weight.Puberty occurs when
gonadotropins(FSH and LH) are produced at high enough levels to initiate follicle growth,oocyte
maturation,and ovulation.follicle growth can be detected several months before puberty.As
puberty approaches,pulse-like releases of gonadotropins become more frequent and of higher
amplitude.When they approach adult levels,they stimulate resumption of oocyte maturation and
ovulation occurs.
Age at pubety is affected by both genetic and environmental factors.Genetic factors can be seen by
comparing or breeds within a species.Average age at puberty is 4 to 7 months for sows,5 to 7
months for does,6 to 9 months for ewes,8 to 11 months for European-type dairy cows,10 to 15
months for European-type beefcows,17 to 27 months for Zebu-type cows,and 15 to 24 months for
mares.Weight at puberty for breeds within a given species depended on the mature size of the
breed in question (Tanle 5-2).Jerseys reach puberty at about 8 months and 160 kg,while for
Holsteins 11
A number of environmental factors have a pronounced effect on age at puberty.In general,any
factor which slows growth rate,thus preventing expression of full genetic potential,will delay
puberty.A Holstein heifer on a recommeded plane of nutrition will reach puberty at about 11
months of age,but if raised from birth on 62£¥ of the recommended level of energy,she will be
over 20 months of age at puberty (Table 22-2).High environmental temperature delays
puberty.Beef heifers,when reared at 10¡É,reached puberty at 10.5 months of age,but similar heifers
reared at 27¡É were over 13 months of age at puberty.Gilts farrowed in late spring resched puberty
at a later age than gilts farrowed in other seasons because growth before puberty was slowed by
hot,summer temperatures.Age at puberty in sheep and goats is affected by months of birth because
it affects their age at the onset of their breeding season.For example,ewes born in January willbe
older at puberty than those born in March. Other environmental factors that might delay puberty
include poor health and poor sanitation in rearing facilities.While adverse envitonments delay
puberty and reduce the mature size of animals,weight at puberty is not greatly affected.Heifers on
a low plane of nutrition were 84£¥ older but only 7£¥ smaller at puberty than well fed
heifers.Feeding above recommeded levels will result in earlier puberty.Holstein heifers fed at 146£
¥ of the recommeded level reached puberty at an average of 9.2 months of age as compared to 11
months for controls receiving the recommeded diet.Both problems associated with
overconditioning and the extra cost of such a diet make overfeeding undersirable.
5.2 Period of the Estrous Cycle
The period of the estrous are estrous,metestrus,diestrus,and proestrus (Table 5-3).These periods
occur in a cyclic and sequential manner,except for periods of anestrus (absence of cycling) in
seasonal breeders such as the ewe,doe,and mare,as well as anestrus during pregnancy and the early
postpartum period for all spercied.
5-2.1 Estrus
Estrus is defined as the period of time when the female is receptive to the male and will stand for
mating.(See Section 5-4 for expanded discussion).The length of the period of estrus varies among
species(Table 5-1).Estrus lasts for 12 to 18 hours in the cow.As in the estrous cycle,considerable
variation is seen between individuals. Also,cows in hot environments have shorter petiods of
estrus(10 to 12hrs)than the average 18 hour period for cows in cool climates.Estrus lasts for 24 to
36 hours in the ewe, 30 to 40 hours for the doe, 40 72 hours in the sow, and 4 to 8 days in the
mare.The mare is the most variable of the farm species,with reported estrus ranging from 2 to 12
days.Ovulation is associated with estrus,occurring 10 to 12 hours after the end of estrus in the cow,
a few hours after the end for the doe,middle to late estrus in the ewe, about mid-estrus in the sow,
and 1 to 2 days before the end of estrus in the mare,The day of estrus in the cow (first day of estrus
for other species )is usually designated either as day 0 or day 1 of the ccyle, depending on
individual preference.
5-2.2 Metestrus
The period of metestrus begins with the cessation of estrus and laster for about 3 days.Primarily,it
is period of formation of the corpus luteum (corpora lutea with multiple ovulation).however,
ovulation occurs during this period in cows and dies.Also,a phenomenon known as metestrus
bleeding occutrs in cows,appearing in about 90£¥ of all metestrus periods in heifers and 45£¥ in
mature cows.During late prorestrus and estrus,high estrogen concentrations increase the
vascularity of the endometrium,this vascularity reaching its peak about 1 day after the end of
estrus.With decling estrogen levels,some breakage of capilaries may occur,resulting in a small loss
of blood.This will be noticed as a patch of blood o the tail approximately 35 to 45 hours after the
end of estrus.It is not an indication of conception or a failar to conceive.Also,it should not be
confused with menstrual bleeding,which occurs in humans.
5-2.3 Diestrus
Diestrus is characterized as the period in the cycle when the corpus luteum is fully functional.In
the cow it starts about day 5 of the cycle,when an increase in blood concentration of prosgesterone
can first be detected,and ends with regression of the corpus luteum on day 16 to 17.For the sow
and ewe it extends from about day 4 through day 13,14,or 15.Mares are more varoable because of
the irregular length of estrus.For mares ovulating on more variable because will extend from
approxomately day 8 through day 19 or 20.It has been called the period of preparation of the
uterus for pregnancy.
5-2.4 Proestrus
Proestrus begins with the regression of the corpus luteum and drop in progesterone and extends to
the start of estrus.The principal distinguishing feature of proestrus is the occurrence of rapid
follicle growth.Late during this period the effects of estrogen on the duct system and behavioral
symptoms of approaching estrus can be observed.
5-3 Hormonal Control of the Estrus Cycle
Regulation of the estrous cycle involves a reciprocal interaction between reproductive hormones
of the hypothalamus,anterior pituitry, and ovaries (Figure 4-4).An interaction between the uterus
and ovaries is also important,in that PGF2¥á from uterus is the natural luteolysin that causes
regression of the corpus luteum and cessio of progesterone production (Section 2-7).Removal of
the uterus during diestrus will greatly prolong the life of the corpus luteum and lengthen the estrus
Concentraions of gonadotropins and ovarian steroids have been monitored for a number of species
through the estrus cycle (Figure 5-1,5-2,5-3,5-4).Similarities are more marked than differences
when these soecies are compared.progesterone concentrations are high during diesrus,with its drop
signaling the start proestrua are followed by dramatic surges in these hormones near the start of
estrus.Small surges of FSH and estradiol are seen again in metestrus and in mid-diestrus.A surge in
prolactin occurs in late estrus.With a knowlege of the circulating concentrations of these hormones
during the estrous cycle along with an understanding of the mechanisms of their release,how their
receptors are regulated,and their physiological actions,a reasonably logical sequence for hormonal
regulation of the estrous cycle can be set forth.
Figure 5-1 Hormonal changes in the peripheral plasma during the estrous cycle of the cow. The
drop in progesterone on day 16,17,, or 18 is followed by surges in estrogens during late proestrus,
FSH and LH during estrus, and prolactin during late estrus and early metestrus.

Figure 5-2 Hormonal changes in the peripheral plasma during the estrous cycle of the ewe,
Pattenrns for the ewe are similar to that for other species. A reduction in FSH during proestrus is
followes by a spike during estrus and another surge during metestrus.
Figure 5-3 Hormonal changes during the estrous cycle in the mare. Patterns are similar to that of
other species except that surges of FSH and LH during estrus last for several days.
Progesterone has a dominant role in regulating the estrous cycle.During diestrus with the corpus
luteum functional,high concentrations of progesterone inhibit release of FSH and LH through its
negative feedback control of the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary:progesterone also inhibits
behavioral estrus.Likewise, during preganancy,high concentrations of progesterone inhibit release
of gonadotropic hormones as well a behavioral estrus.Small episodic increases in LH that occur
during diestrus may be a factor in maintaining the function of the corpus luteum.Mid-diestrus
increases in follicle growth and estrogen,preceded by an increase in FSH,are small when compard
to the changes that occur during estrus.If females do not become pregnant during the preceding
estrus,PGF2¥á will be released from the uterus and transported to the oc\vary by
direct.countercurrent circulation through the utero-ovarian vein to the ovarian artety (Figure 2-
11).PGF2¥á causes regression of the corpus luteum from 10 to 14 days afte its formation.
The drop in progesterone removes the hypothalamus from its negative feedback inhibition.With
removal of this inhibition,pulses of GnRH,FSH,release of FSH stimulates rapid follicle growth
and increased secretion of estradiol.The sensitivity of the anterior pituitary to GnRH will increase
through up-regulation of the GnRh receptors by the more frequent pulses of GnRH.Likewise,the
increasing concentrations of FSH and estradiol will up-regulate ovarian receptors for FSH and
LH.The magnitude of the increased release of FSH and LH may not be reflected in circulating
blood,due to increased binding of these hormones to receptors in granulosa and thecal cells of the
Two to three days after the drop in progesterone,estradiol reaches the threshold concentration the
stimulates (through a positive feedback control on the hypothalamus)the large,preovulatory surge
of GnRh,FSH,and LH.The preovulatory surge of FSh stimulates more rapid growth of the follicle
and greater secrection of estradiol.This highh concentration of estradiol is necessary for the female
to exhibit behavioral signs of estrus (Section 5-4).release of inhibin likely modulates the release of
FSH during estrus,there by preventing overstimulation of the ovaies.Inhibin ,s effect on FSH may
also be a factor in the atreia of follicles that are in a growing state but do not reach the maturity
necessary for ovulation.The preovulation.The preovulatory surge of LH stimulates final
maturarion of the oocyte and ovulation.The preovulatory surge of LH occurs during early estrus
and lasts for 6 to 10 hours in most species.However,the mare differs in that the surge may last for
several days.Ovulation follows the preovulatory LH surge by about 24 to 30 hours in cows and
ewes,30 to 36 hours in does,and 40 to 45 hours in sows.

Figure 5-4 hormonal changes during the estrous cycle in the mare. Patterns are similar to that of
other species except that surges of FSH and LH during estrus last for several days.
Following ovulation a occurs luteum will form at each ovulation site.Formation occurs rapidly,and
2 to 4 days after ovulation a detectable increase in progesterone will again indicate diestrus.LH
has the dominant controlling influence on formation and function of the corpus luteum and has
been labeled the luteotropin.However,LH synergizes with othe hormines in carrying out its
luteotropic function.FSH synergizing with estradiol will have up-regulated LH receptors on the
granulosa cells.The surge prolactin in late estrus likely helps maintain these LH receptors.LH
binds to the membrane receptors of granulosa cells and at ovulation initiates reactionswithin these
cells thaat result in luteinization (transformation to corpus luteum cells )and production of
progesterone.LH may maintain the function of the corpus luteum by increasing the blood flow
through this luteal structure.Conversely PGF2¥á has been reported to decrease blood flow through
the corpus luteum,a possible factor in regression of the corpus luteum.
The moderate surges of FSH and estradiol that occur during metestrus and again in mid-diestrus
may be factors in the selection and growth of the follicles that will ovulate during the next
estrus.Also,these surges,along with the episodic surges of LH seen during diestrus,could be factors
in maintenance of the function of the corpus luteum.
5-4 Mating Behavior
Estrus is defined as the period when the female is receptive and will stand for mating with
mamles.Therefore,it is a behavioral phenomenon. In addition to standing for mating,there are
other behavioral as well as physiological signs of estrus.For controlled natural mating or for use of
artificial insemination it is necessary that animal managers be able to recognize the behavioral
signs of estrus and aware of the factors which contribute to normal estrual behavior.Since females
will sometimes cycle and ovulate without manifestation of estrus,it is also important that
managesrs know how to recognize the physiological signs of approaching ovulation.
High levels of estrgens have been associated with the behavioral signs of estrus and are of
paramount importance.However,evidence exists for the interaction of estrogens with certain senses
in eliciting the full behavioral response.Evidence for this is stronger in sows,does,and ewes than in
cows or mares,but the contribution of the senses is probably important in all leave the herd in
search of a bull.They will have a congested vulva and clear mucus can often be seen streaming
from the vulva.Cows in other periods of the estrus cycle will not stand to be
mounted.Therfore,standing for mounting is the strongest single behavioral indication of estrus.
In contrast to the cow,the ewe displays no signs of estrus if the ram is not present.The ewe will rub
the neck and body of the ram.She will roam around the ram,smelling his genitalia and shaking her
tail vigorously.THe vulva of the ewe will not be congested,and there will be no visible mucus.If
artifical insemination is being used in ewes,use od altered rams is necessary for detection of estrus.
(See Chapter 18 for discussion of altered males).
Does in estrus will sometimes stand for mounting by another doe,but homosexual behavior is
low.They will actively seek the male when in estrus.Other signs include tail wagging,bleating,and
urination neart the buck.Moderate swelling of the vulva and mucous discharge is seen at times.For
does with weak signs of eatrus,wagging of the tail and standing fpr mating may be the only
signs.Teasing of females with bucks elicits stronger signs of estrus,especially in does that show
few behaviral signs of estrus.
Sows will assume a does a mating stance when pressure is applied to their rumpby a boar,another
sow,or the hand of an attendant.This provides some convenirence in artificial insemination in that
sows can be inseminated without restraint if pressure is maintained on the rump.Htere will be no
visible mucus during estrus,but the vulva will be awollen and congested.The swollen vulva is
more noticeable in gilts than sows.The vulva may become swollen after administration of certain
medications,so this should be considered with other signs of estrus.
The marre will allow the stallion to smell and bite.She will extend her hind legs,lift her tail to the
side and lower her rump. The vulva will be elongate and swollen,with the labia and partly
everted.The mare should be teased by a stallion for accurate detection.Attempts to fight the
stallion indicate she is not in estrus even though some other signs of estrus are apparent.In mares
and other species knowledge of their individual behavior during estrus will aid in detecting estrus.
Accurate detection of estrus has been listed as a major reproductive problem in farm
animals.Paramount to accurate detection of estrus is an understanding of the expected behavior for
the species in question and the factors which contribute to the expected response. Additional
discussion on detection of estrus is found in Chapter19.
5-5 Seasonal Breeders
Most wild species have a breeding season that is initiated at a time when the environment will
allow for the best survival of the young at their birth.These patterns have developed through
natural selection over many generations.Patterns of seasonal breeding range from species that have
one period of estrus each year (Monoestrus) to species that have a series of estrous cycles limited
to a portion of year )seasionally polyestrus).All species.Both the sense of smell and the sense of
hearing are are of demonstrated importance in the sow.When boars are not present,providing the
sound of the boar through recordings,or the smell of the boar through solutions containing
pheromones from glands in the sheath of the boar,have elicited a stronger estrual
response.Pheromones are odorous chemical substances produced by one sex which attracts the
opposite sex.
The ewe does not exhibit signs of estrus when the ram is not present.Pheromones identified in wax
from the wool of ram has stimulated both estrus and ivulation in ewes.Pheromones appear to be
more important strong signs of estrus if the buck is not present.Scent glands,located dorsally and
medially from the horns of the buck,are the source of these pheromones.Does show clear
preference for bucks with scent glands as compared with bucks whose scent glands have been
removed.Rubbing a cloth over the head of a buck to obtain the scent and then plcing the scented
cloth near the nose of does will make them show a stronger estrual response when bucks are
absent.Pheromones from the urine of bulls as well as from the cervical mucus of cows in estrus
have been reported to increase the mating response of heifers.The sense of touch is probably
important to the mating response of all species in that bunting, biting,licking,and rubbing a part of
courtship before copulation.
In general,females will be more be more restless,irritable,and excitable during estru.In
addition,interest in the male will become apparent if the male of the species is in the vicinity.Such
indications can first be seen during late proestrus,but the female will not stand to be mounted by
the male or by another female during proestrus.In recognizing the signs of estrus or approaching
estrus,knowledge of the personalities of the animals in question will quiet.Dawn and dusk are
being watched.If the females are excited by the presence of people,nosies,or anticipation of
feeding,detection of estrus may be difficult.specific behavioral and physiological patterns are
characteristic of the different species.
Cows are unique in that they display rather strong homosexual tendencies,making estrus detection
comlaratively easy even when bulls are not present.Cows in estrus will solocit mounts and attempt
to mount other cows.Cows that are not in estrus will mount cows that in estrus.However,mounting
activity is more frequent when 2 or more cows are in estrus than when a single cow is in
estrus.Frequency of mounting is higher at night than during the day.possibly because it is closer to
the onset of estrus,more mounting acibity will be seen during early moring as compared to late
afternoon.Cows in estrus spend more time walking with less time resting and feeding than when in
other periods of the estrous cycle.They may smell the vulva of other cows.Frequently,they raise
and switch their tail and may domesticated animals probably exihibited seasonal breeding
tendencies before domestication.This has been changed by providing better environments (housing
and nutition) and by selecting for more prolific animals.Seasonal changes in fertility in cattle and
swine can be related to adverse environmental conditions that present in some years but not in
others.True seasonal breeding patterns are inherent in ewes,does,and mares.
5-5.1 Ewes and Does
Sheep are short-day or fall breeders(Figure 5-5).Their breeding season is initiated as the ratio of
daylight to darkness decreases and when increasing day lenght reach a ratio of nearly equal
daylight and darkness.For most breeds the season falls between the autumal equinox and spring
equinox.However,Dorset Horn,Merino,and Rambouillet breeds ahve etended breeding
seasons,with individuals being polyestrus if environmental condotions(Nutrition and climate) are
favorable.Quiet ovulations(Ovulation without behavioral estrus) occur more frequenly at the
beginning and at the end of the breeding season.Introduction of rams into the flock during the
transition from anestrus to estrus(late summer to early fall)will result in a high degree of
synchrony in first mating,eith estrus peaking 15 to 20 days after introduction of the male.

Figure 5-5 Pattern of follicular wave development in a normal estrous cycle of a cow with a two-
wave cycle.
As with sheep,goats are short-day breeders with cyclic activity occuring between late June and
early April.Peak breeding activity usually falls berween September and January.Placement of
bucks with does just in good synchrony,with firet estrus occuring as 5 to 10 days after introduction
of males.Good response from introduction of bucks has obtained in both lactating and nonlactating
Both rams and bucks affected by photoperiod,showing highest breeding activity and fertility in the
fall.Reduced sperm production,more abnormal spermatozoa,and lower fertility are characteristic of
aboth species as photoperiod lengthens(spring and early summer).Deterioration in semen quality is
more pronounced if these these males are subjected to heat stress during the summer.Whereas
rams will continue some sexual activity during the spring and summer,bucks become sexually
inactive during the spring and summer,bucks become sexually inactive during this period.
The day lenght pattern has a dominant controlling influence on initiation and termination of
breeding season.if sheep or goats are shippes from the northern hemination of breeding season.If
sheep or goats are shipped season will reverse.A similar reversal can be achieved by controlled
aritifical lighting in a room that excludes all natural light.An alternating regime of 8 hours of light
and 16 hours of darknes will induce reproductive activity during the anestrus light
regimen.Altering the teperature in environmental control chambers does not influence estrus
activity in ewes and does unless light paterns are altered also.However,high ambient temperature
will lower semen quality of rams and bucks even when they on a short light regimen.
5-5.2 Mares
Mares are long-day breeders.Thier season is initiated as the ratio of daylight to darkness increases
and ends during decreasing day lengths.The avertage season for ponies is May to October,but is
longer in horses,extending from February to Nomember.Peak fertility is obtained if mares are bred
between May and July.Behavioral estrus occurring during short-day months (January to April) is
frequently not accompaniedby ovulation.Much variation in the length of the breeding season is
seen in indiidual mares and amon mares.As in the ewe,the day-lenght pattern has the dominant
controlling influence on the mare,s breding season.The breeding season can be lengthened by the
use of artifical light period before the start or near the end of the anticipated season.An alternating
sequence of 16 hours of light and 8 hours of dark will bring mares out of anestrus.
The sasonal breding pattern is not as wel defined for the stallion.Fertile semen can be collected
throughout the year.However, declines in sexual activity and semen production occur in months
with short photoperiod.
In sesonal breeders,it is theorized that the retina of the eye is the sensor for the light signals,wit
impulses gong by way of the optic nerve and other neural pathways to the pineal gland.The pineal
gland,possibly through release of melatonin(section 4-9),may serve as the mediator between the
photoreceptors and the hypothalamus and/or the anterior pituitary.An increase in the frequency
and size of episodic surges of LH occurs a sbreeding season approaches.Pinealectomy has reduced
the effect of changesin phtoperiod on secretion of LH in rams.Also,denervation of the pineal gland
will delay the onset of the breeding season in mares.while earlier gland will delay the onset an
effect of pinealectomy on seasonal patterns of estrus in ewes,interest in the pineal gland as
mediator of seasonal breeding patterns has been renewed by more recent research indicating an
effect of the pineal on secretion of gonadotropins.

Chapter 6 Spermatogenesis and Maturation of Spermatozoa

Spermatogenesis is the process by which spermatozoa are formed.This process occurs in the
seminiferous tubules (Chapter 3).Output of spermatozoa per day has been reported to be 4 billion
for beef bulls,7 billion for dairy bulls,8 billion for rams.10 billion for stallions,and 15 to 20 billion
for boars.Actual production of spermatozoa may be 50 to 100£¥ higher,because all that are
produced cannot be collected.After formation in the seminiferous tubules,spermatozoa will be
forced through the rete testis and vasa efferentia into the epididymis,where they are stored whilw
undergoing maturation changes that make them capable of fertilizatio.After
puberty,spermatogenesis will proceed as a continuous process may occur due to ambient
temperature in all species,and due to light in rams and bucks.Reciprocal action of FSH,LH,and
testosterone is necessary for the maintenance of spermatogenesis.(Section 6-2.3).
6-1 puberty
In the male,puberty can be defined less succinnctly than in the female.Generally,it is considered
the time when spermatozoa are in the ejaculate,the age will be 10 to 12 months for bulls,3 to 5
months for bucks,4 to 6 months for rams,4 to 8 months for boars,and 13 to 18 months for
stallions.However,spermatozoa are formed in the seminiferous tubules several weeks brfore they
are seen in the ejaculate.In bulls,the time from appearance in the seminiferous tubules to
appearance in the ejaculate is approximately 10 weeks.
A number of other changes can be seen in males,starting several weeks before fertile spermatozoa
are in ejaculate(figure 6-1).These include changes in body conformation,increased aggressiveness
and sexual desire,rapid growth of the penis and testes,and separation of the penis from the prepuce
so that extension of the penis ia possible.Timing of these events varies with species.
Development of testicular function is primary to the changes observed as puberty approaches.This
development is regulated by the endocrine system.LH is necessary for the development of the
Leydig cells and for their function.However,during the period around puberty synergistic effects
from FSH and prolactin have been reported.FSH and prolactin appear to make the Leydig cells
more responsive to LH in young males by increasing and maintaining receotor sites for LH.As the
Leydug cells develop and become functional,increasing concentrations of testosterone will
stimulate most other changes associated with approaching puberty (see Chapter 4 for function of
testosterone).Synergistic efects from testosterone and FSH stimulate development of Sertol
cells,production of androgen binding protein,and preparation of the seminiferous tubules for
production of spermatozoa.
As with the female,puberty is not sexual maturity in the male. Some rams and boars are used for
breeding and are highly fertile after about 6 months of age.However,the testes size and total
production of spermatozoa increases until about 18 months of age.In bulls and stallions total
production of spermatozoa will increase at least to 3 years of age.It is recommended that stallion
not be used heavily until they are 3 to 4 years old.There is a high correlation between the size of
the testes and total spermatozoa production.
All factors which affect age at puberty in females will affect age at puberty in males (Chapter
5).Genatic effects on puberty are seen by comparing species or breeds within a species.Any
adverse environmental factor which slows growth rate will delay puberty.For example,male lambs
on a low pane of nutrition may not reach puberty ubtil 12 months of age.
6-2 The Process of Spermatogenesis
Spermatogenasis can be divided into two distinct phases (Figure 6-2).The first is
spermatogenesis ,a serues of divisions during which spermatogonia from spermatids.The second is
spermatogenesis, a phase where spermatids undergo ametamophosis,forminf spermatozoa.The
entire process will be copleted in 46 to 49 days in rams.Time estimates are shorter for the boar (36
to 40 days)and longer for bulls (56 to 63 days).As spermatogenesis proceeds,the developing
gametes migrate from the basement memberane of the seminiferous tubules toward the lumen.
6-2.1 Spermatocytogernesis
Thwo types of cells are located along the basement membrane of the seminiferous tubules(Figure
6-3).Sertoli cells,which are larger and less numerous,are somatic cells which play a supporting
role duaring both spermatocytogenesis and spermiogenesis.Spermatogonia, the
small,rounded,more numerous cells,are the potential gametes.
After migrating to the embryinic testes,primordial germ cells will undergo a number of mitotic
divisions before forming gonocytes.Before puberty gonocytes will differentiate into A 0,A1 and A2
spermatogonia are located along the basement membrane of the seminiferous tubules.The A 2
spermatoginium will divide,foerming a dormant (A 1) spermatoginium and an active (A 3)
spermatogonium(Figure 6-2),and starting a new generation of developing germ cells.The active
spermatogonium will undergo four mitotic divisions in bulls amd rams,eventually forming 16
primary spermatocytes In rams,these mitotic divisions are completed in 15 to 17 days.During the
next step,each primary spermatocyte will undergo a meiotic division forming two secondary
spermatocytes.with this division,the chromosome complement in the nucleus is reduced by half so
that nuclei in secondary spermatocytes contain nupaired (n) chromosomes.This step requires
approximately 15 days in the ram. Within a few hours after their formation each secondary
spermatocyte will again divice,forming two spermatids.Thus,four spermatids form from each
primary spermatocyte,or 64 from each active (A 3) spermatogonium,in bulls and rams.Since A 1
spermatogonia divide by mitosis to from A 2 spermatogonia,the potential yeild of spermatids is
higher than is actually realized.Degeneration of spermatogonia during mitotic divisions accounts
for this loss in efficiency
Figure 6-2 Spermatogensis indicating the sequence of events and time involved in
spermatogenesis in the ram
Following a resting state of several weeks,the dormant (A 1)spermatogonia. Even though A0
spermatogonia (reservestem cells)will occasionally divide,forming new A 0 and A1
spermatogonia,formation of dormant spermatogonia from A spermatogonia is the key to
maintaining the continuity of spermatogenesis and therby not diminishing the supply of potential
gamates within the testes.
6-2.2 Spermiogenesis
During spermatogenesis spermatids are attached to Sertoli cells.Each spermatid undergoes a
metamorphosis (Change in morphology),forming a spermatozoon.During this metamorphosis the
nuclear material will compact in one part of the cell,forming the head of the spermatozoon,while
the rest of the cell elongates,forming the tail.the acrosome,a cap around the head of the
spermatozoon,will form from the Golgi apparatus of the spermaid.As the cytoplasm from the
spermatid is cast off during formation of the tail,a cytoplasmic droplet will form on the neck of the
spermatozoon. The mitochondria from the spermatid will form in a spiral around the upper
onesixth of the tail,forming the mitochondrial sheath.Newly formed spermatozoa will then be
released from the Sertoli cell and forced out through the lumen of the seminiferous tubules into
rete testis.Spermatozoa are unique cells in that have no cytoplasm,and after maturation possess the
ability to be progressivly motile.Spermiogenesis is completed in 15 to 17 days in rams.
6-2.3 Hormonal Control of Spermatogenesis
The endocrinology of reproducrion has not been studied in males as extensively as in females.In
bulls and rams there are 3 to 7 surges in LH per day followed by similar surges in testosterone
(Figure 6-4).The principal role of LH in regulation of spermatogenesis appears to be indirect in
that it stimulates the release of testosterone from cells of Leydig.Testosterone and FSH then act on
the seminiferous tubules to stimulate spermatogenesis. Testosterone is necessary for the regulation
of this process.On the other hand FSH appears more dominant in regurating spermiogenesis. Both
testosterone and FSH may exert their influence directly through germ cells and/or indirectly
through Sertoli cells.FSH stimulates the Sertoli cells to secrete both androgen binding
proteun(ABP)and inhibin.ABP may simply be a carrier for testosterone,making it more readily
available during spermatogenesos in the seminiferous tubules and transporting it through the rete
testis,vasa efferentia to the epididymis.ABP is absorbed in the epididymis.Feedback control
operating between the testisa,hypothalamus,and anteriorpituitary in regulating the release of
gonadotropins(FSH and LH)and gonadal steroids(testosterone)are similar to those described for
the female (Figures 4-4 and 4-5).Testosterone has a negative feedback effect on the hypothalamus
and anterior pituitary.High concentrations of testosterone will inhibit the release of
GnRH,FSH,and LH,whereas low concentrations permit their release.It has been demonstrated that
PGF2¥á will stimulate the release of LH and testosterone.Therefore, PGF 2¥á may be involved in the
feedback regulation between the hypothalamus,anterior pituitary,and testes.

Figure 6-3 Small segment of an active seminiferous tubule showing the developmental stages that
occur during spermatogenesis. Note the concentric layers of spermatogonia, spermatocyees, and
spermatids progressing from the wall of the seminiferous tubules to the lumen.
6-3 The Seminiferous Epithelial Cycle and Spermatogenic Wave
Spermatogenesis is not the same type of cyclic process as is ovigenesis in the female.New
spermatozoa are being formed and released into the duct system constantly.During the time that
the generation of cells from one active spermatogonium is going through the divisions and
maturation necessary to from spermatozoa,other spermatogonia in the same area will srart
spermatogenesis in a staggered,but timed sequence.Therefore,if a transverse section is cut from a
seminiferous tubule.several generations of germ cells will be found.These are arranged
concentrically with layers of spermatogonia near the wall of seminiferous tubules followed
byspermatocytes and spermatids in layers progressing toward the lumen (figure 6-3).
It has been determined that a kind of organiation and synchrony exists in the seminiferous tubules
of a mature male in that certain cell types are always associated together.Because these cell types
are always associated together and reappear in series with cyclic regularity through a cross section
of the seminiferous tubules,they can be recognized and classified.One classification system,based
on developmental changes in the acrosome,has identified 12 different stages of cellular
associations.Another system based on structural changes in germ cell nuclei and local arrangement
of spermatids has identified eight stages,which are illustrated in Figure 6-5.
Figure 6-4 Diurnal secretory pattern of LH and testosterone in mature rams.
The key changes in celluar association that identify a specific stage are as follows:Stage 1 starts
when spermatozoa have been released into the lumen.The round spermatis have spherical nuclei
and are associated with two generations of primary spermatocytes,one young (L e) and one old
(P).Stage 2 encompasses the period when spermatid nuclei are elongating.They are associated
with two generations of primary spermatocytes(Z and p).Stage 3 extends from the end elongations
of spermatids to completion of the first meiotic division.A new generation of
spermatogonia(A3)has appeared.In Stage 4,elongated bundles of spermatids in the cytoplasm of
Sertoli cells are associated with one generation each of secondary spermatocytes (C 11) and primary
spermatocytes(Z).In Stage 5,bundles of elongated spermatids in the Sertoli cell cytoplasm are
associated with a new generation of spermatids(r).In Stage 6, dusty chromatin appears in the
nuclei of young spermatids(r) and the chromatin in primary spermatocytes stage.In Stage 7
elongated spermatids (L) are migrating to the lumen.In Stage 8,spermatozoa line the iumen and
are released.
The time between two successve appearances of the same cellular associations (stage 1 to
stage,etc.)at a given location in the seminiferous tubules is the seminiferous spithelial cyclic.The
time of the cycle is 8.6 days for the boar,10.3 days for the ram,12.2 days for the stallion,and 13.5
days for the bull.From the time of formation of the active spermatogonium(A 3) until it release its
generation of 64 spermatozoa into the lutem of the seminiferous tubule,between four and five
seminiferous epithelial cycles wil be completed.
Figure 6-5 Cellular composition of the seminferous epithelial cycle in the bull.
The same eight cellular associations have been used to identify spermatogenic waves in the
seminierous tubules.These cellular aassocoations occur in sequence along the seminiferous
tubules,just as they do one section of the tubules over a period of thime.If the cellular association
found at a specific point in a seminiferous tubules is identified as stage 3,then stages 2 and 4 wil
be found on either side of this point.A complete series of the matognic wave. These stages tend to
appear in a continuous manner along the seminiferous tubules,except that local reversals
sometimes occur.The oraniztion of germ cells in the seminiferous tubules through space and over
time are important to the continuity of sperm production.
6-4 Capacitation of spermatozoa
after spermatozoa are produced in the seminifeous tubules two maturation precesses are
neccessary before they can participate in fertilization.The first of these occurs in the epididymis,as
discussed in Chapter 3.This was described as (1)gaining the ability to be motile,(2)gaining the
ability to be fertile,and (3) losing the cytoplasmic droplet.spermatozoa cannot penetrate the zona
pellucipate in fertilization until they have undergone a second maturation process known as
capacitation .
Capacitation is the final maturation of spermatozoa and occurs in the female tract.The process is
not completely understood,but may involve removal of alipoprotein layer from the surface of
spermatozoa,thus permitting release of enzymes fro spermatozoa that are necessary for penetration
of the zona pellucida (outer membrane of the oocyte).In rabbits,it is known that spermatozoa must
be in the uterus or oviduct for about four hours before one will finally astick to the aona pellicida
and penetrate it.
There is indirect evidence that capccitation is necessary before fertilization in farm species in farm
species.For example,best fertiliziation rates occur if are inseminated from middle to late
estrus,some 12 to 18 hours before the estimated time of ovulation (Table 6-1).This is true even
though spermatozoa will be in the oviduct near the site of fertilization several hours before the
oocyte arrives.If capacitation were not needed,it seems likely that best fertilization rates would
occur when insemination was timed to coincide more closely with ovulation.
The oocyte may remain fertile for approximately 8 to 18 hours after ovulation (Table 7-2).For
most species,spermatozoa are fertile for about 24 to 48 hours after deposition into the female
tract.An exception is horses where spermatozoa in the tract of the mare are fertile for 2 to 6
days,an aging process being soon after their release into the female tract.For example,best
conception in dairy coes occurs when they are bred during late estrus as opposed to either early
estrus or near the time of ovulation.This relatesboth to the freshness or the gametes and to time
needed for sperm capacitation.Even though the spermatozoa of the stallion may be fertile for 6
days,horse breeders report better resultswhen the mare is bred every other day through
estrus.Some horse breeders wait until a 35 mm Graffian follicle can be palated before breeding,in
an effort to synchonize insemination to about 24 hours preovulation.The best chance for
fertilization and subsequent production of a viable embryo would be when the oocyte reaches the
site of fertilization at a time when spermatozoa have been recently capacitated.For example,if an
animal is inseminated as much as 24 hours before ovulation,spermatozoa may capacitate and start
aging before ovulation.If inseminated at the time of ovulation,the ovum may be aging before
spermatozoa capacitate.One should recognize that fertilization may occur even though one of the
gametes is aged.With an aged gamete,the chances of early embryo loss increases (section 7-5).

Chapter 7 Ovigensis and Fertilization

7-1 Ovigenesis
* Definition:
a. Ovigenesis= Oogenesis= Formation and maturation of female gamete
b. Folliculogenesis= Formation and maturation of follicle

7-1-1 Process of ovigenesis: See FIGURE 7-1

A. Source of oogonium : Oogonium <--- extension of yolk sac <--- hind gut of embryo
B. Fetal period:
a. Proliferation by mitotic division within parenchyma of ovary
b. Maturation to primary oocytes by meiotic division
C. Shortly after birth:
a. No mitotic division of oogonium, and maximum number of oocytes
b. Growth of primary oocytes, and formation of zona pellucida
c. Matured to and arrested in the late prophase of Meiosis I =Dictyate stage (diffuse
D. From puberty:
a. Some of primary oocytes start to development, of which most are atretic, but some
reach matrurity and the mature oocytes are released during ovulation under preovulatory
LH surge, in the stage of primary oocytes in mare, but secondary oocytes in other farm
animals. b. Meiosis I is completed, but Meiosis II is arrested at metaphase II.
E. After ovulation : Sperm penetration occurs and Meiosis II resumes and zygogte is formed (=
fertilized ova).
7-1-2 Process of folliculogenesis
A. Fetal period : Primary follicles with single layer of follicular cells = granulosa cells (g.c.)--->
Secondary follicles with two or more layers of g.c. and the oocytes surrounded with zona pellucida
B. At birth in most animals, and about 70 days after birth in pig : Tertiary follicles with antrum and
multi layers of g.c.,with corona radiata around zona pellucida: FSH stimulates their development.
C. From puberty :
a. Follicular growth to Graafian follicles with follicular fluid in antrum, formation of
cumulus oophorus, membrana granulosa, theca interna and externa: stimulated by FSH,
but then most of them are atretic, and one or two dominant follicles in monotocous
animals, a few in sheep or goat, or 20 or more follicles in sows : matured to preovulatory
follicles by preovulatory FSH and LH surge.
b. Proliferation of g.c. by FSH and less pronounced proliferation of thecal cells by LH.
c. Ovulation occurs under LH surge.
7-2 Ovulation
A. Ovulation time: At 24 to 45 hours after preovulatory LH surge
B. Mechanism:
a. Physiological change around ovulation
1) LH induces acute inflammatory reaction.
2) Inc.P4, followed by inc. E2 and PGs in follicular fluid
3) Inc. blood flow
4) Inc. muscle contraction by PGF2@.
b. Six cellular layers surrounding the follicles, which should be dissociated or
decomposed for ovulation are as follows:.
1) Membrana granulosa: Dissociated only at follicular apex and finally disappeared by proteolytic
enzymes in response to LH, P4 and PGF2@.
2) Basement membrane (= basal lamina) : Degenerated by plasmin. (a proteolytic enzyme from
activation of plasminogen by plasminogen activator stimulated by inc. PGF2@)
3) Theca interna
4) Theca externa
5) Tunica albuginea (collageneous)
6) Surface epithelium
* Localized degeneration by proteolytic enzymes as collagenase from
lysosomes¡çrupturing lysosome-like vesicles between tunica albuginea and surface
epithelium in the apex of follicle by PGF2¥á.
C. Oocytes released: See FIGURE 7-2
a. Extruded into peritoneal cavity near infundibulum
b. The surrounding g.c. (cumulus and corona radiata) will be shed quickly in some
species,but persist for about as long as the egg remains fertilizable in rabbit,rat and
7-3 Gamete Transport
* Definition:
Movement of viable gametes to the site of fertilization(= Ampullary portion from ampullary-
isthmic junction:AIJ); Timing of transport: important.
7-3-1 Oocyte transport
A. The oocyte with its associated cumulus mass: picked up by ciliated epithelial cells of the
B. Time for oocyte to pass through AIJ:See TABLE 7-1
Cattle: 90 hrs.
Sheep: 72
Horse: 98
Swine: 50

C. Mechanism:
a. Cilia beating toward uterus, with directional flow of oviductal fluids.
b. Segmented, peristaltic contractions of oviduct: milking the oocyte down.
c. E2 causes retention of the oocyte and P4 hastens transport of oocyte.
7-3-2 Spermatozoa transport
A. Time and mechanism for sperm to reach AIJ: two phasic
a. Rapid phase:
Dead and alive, uncapacitated sperm: within a few minutes: By peristaltic contractions of
the tract stimulated by:
1) PGF2@ from semen
2) Oxytocin from brain-sensory nerve-copulation
b. Slow and sustained phase:
Only alive capacitated sperm: By 8 hrs. after natural mating in cows and ewes by:
1) Barriers to sperm transport: Cervical mucus (filteration and
selection), endometrial glands, and uterotubal junction (UTJ)*
2) Sperm reservoirs: Cervical crypts, endometrial glands and isthmus
3) PGF2@ and E2 speed up sperm transport:
* The relationships of steroid hormones and prostaglandins to oviductal
motility (frequency and amplitude of circular or longitudinal muscle:
See FIGURE 7-3) or oviductal motility to gamete or zygote movement have not been established.
* Species variation in number of spermatozoa ejaculated and reaching ampulla.

Average no.
Site of sperm No. of sperm in
Species spermejcaulate
deposition ampulla of oviduct

Mouse 50 Uterus 100#

Rabbit 280 Vagina 250- 500##
Cattle 3000 Vagina 4200-27500##
heep 1000 Vagina 600- 5000##
Pig 8000 Uterus 1000#
Man 280 Vagina 200#

# From M.J.K.Harper. In Reproduction in Mammals: 1 (Germ Cells and Fertilization), 2nd ed. Ed.
C. R. Austin and R. V. Short, pp.102-127. Cambridge Univ.Press; Cambridge (1982).
## From R. J. Blandau. In Handbook of Physiology, Section 7: Endocrinology, Vol.II, Female
Reproductive Systems, Part 2. Ed. R. O. Greep and E. B. Astwood, pp. 153-163. American
Physiological Society, Washington, D.C.(1973)
7-4 Fertilization: See FIGURE 7-4
A. Sperm penetration
a. Cumulus oophorus : Hyaluronidase
b. Corona radiata : Corona radiata penetrating enzyme¡çSperm head*
c. Zona pellucida : Acrosin (a trypsin-like enzyme)
* Acrosomal enzymes¡çvesicles¡çfusion of outer acrosomal membrane and plasma
membrane of sperm head<--acrosomal reaction¡çsperm capacitation
B. Oocyte reaction
a. Zona reaction: Guards against penetration of Z.P.by other sperm.*
* By spilling of the contents of cortical granules into perivitelline space.
b. Sperm penetration of vitelline membrane: By phagocytosis
c. Vitelline block: Guards against fertilization by other sperm.
d. Extrusion of 2nd P.B. into perivitelline space: After sperm entery and degenration of
sperm tail by mitochondria
C. Pronucleus formation and syngamy
a. Formation of female (small) and male (large) pronucleus
b. Syngamy ---> zygote
7-5 Polyspermy: Òýïñí áôïñ
A. Definition: Fertilization by more than 1 spermatozoon: Polyploidy ---> Early embryonic
mortality; Triploidy(3n): Shortly develop normally ---> Die and degenerate
B. Incidence:
a. Generally 1-2% in natural breeding of mammals, but usual in birds.
b. High incidence in mammals from the secondary oocytes:
1) Aged from too late breeding
2) Heated from elevated body temperature by fever or ambient temprature
C. Preventive mechanism:
a. Zona reaction: If not--->Supplementary sperm: Not harmful
b. Vitelline block: If not--->Supernumery sperm: Harmful to fertilization
7-6 Aging of gametes
A. Fertile life of gametes: See TABLE 7-2
a. Sperm: About 24 hrs postmating in cattle, swine and sheep 72-120 hrs in horse 32 days
in hen 62 days in turkey a few months in bats
b. Ovum : Less than 12 hrs in cattle , swine and horse 16-24 hrs in ewe
B. Problem of aged gametes: See TABLEs 7-3 and 7-4
a. Low fertilization rate
b. High embryo and fetal mortality

Chapter 8 Gestation
A. Definition: The period of pregnancy: Fertilization ----> Parturition
B. Gestation length:
a. Ave. gestation length (days) in farm animals: See TABLE 8-1 for breed difference
b. Mean length of gestation in some mammals: See the following table
c. Variation in gestation: 1) Breed difference
2) Individual difference
3) A little longer in cows carring a male
4) Shorter in cows with twins
5) Longer in animals with embryonic diapause

* Mean length of gestation in some mammals (days)

Bandicoot 148
14 Goat
Opposum 150
18 Marmoset monkey Rhesus
Hamster 170
20 monkey
Mouse 220
20 Western-spotted skunk*
Shrew 230
22 Chimpanzee
Rat 230
30 Red deer
Rabbit 235
35 Pronghorn
Red kangaroo 240
40 Bear*
Ferret 240
45 Hippopotamus
Squirrel 240
50 Moose
Fox 255
60 Armadillo*
Coyote 265
60 Gorilla
Dog 270
60 Human
Wolf 280
65 American bison
Cat 280
65 Otter
Mink* 281
65 Cattle
Raccoon 330
68 Walrus
Guinea pig 337
114 Horse
Swine 350
115 Seal*
Chinchilla 360
115 Whale
Lion 365
115 Donkey
Porcupine 400
115 Camel
Tiger 430
120 Giraffe
Bat 500
135 Rhinoceros
Ring-tailed lemur 660

* Includes a period of embryonic diapause.

* Mean length of pseudopregnancy in some mammals (days)

Hamst Ferret 35
er 10 Fox 45
Mouse 12 Dog 60
12 Mink 65
Rat 16
Rabbit 35

C. Nutrition of conceptus:
a. Before implantation: Nutrients from cytoplasm of embryo and uterine milk
b. After implantation: Nutrients and waste products through maternal blood
D. Time when placentation starts:

Days after

E. Placentation process in cows:

Cotyledonary attatchments
Days after fertilization
3-4 fragile in pregnant horn
A few fragile in both horns
40-50 in both horns
Approximately 120 in both
Middle of pregnancy

F. Spacing of embryos:
a. Sow: 1) Embryo migration from one side to the other by 12 days
2) Equal distribution of embryos in both horns
b. Mare: Free migration of embryos into both sides
c. Cow and ewe: Less frequent transuterine migration
G. Development stage of conceptus:
a. Cleavage: ³ÇÒ±â -----------> 2 á¬øàÑ¢ ºÎÅÍ ÀÌ¹Ì áôïñÕ°ÀÌ ¾Æ´Ï°í ÛÏ Áï
b. Differentiation: ºÐȱâ Embryo À̹ǷΠÀÌ ±â°£À» ÑëÑ¢ Áï Stage of
c. Growth: ¼ºÀå±â ovum À̶ó°í ĪÇÏ°í, b.¸¦ ÛÏä®Ñ¢·Î ĪÇÏ´Â °ÍÀº ¿ÇÁö ¾Ê´Ù.
8-1 Cleavage
A. Definition: Process of cell division without growth & differentiation From zygote ---> 2-, 4-,
8-, 16-cell, morula, and to blastocyst before hatching.
B. Process of cleavage: See FIGURE 8-1
C. Cleavage time comparisons by species: See TABLE 8-2
a. Similar pattern for different farm aniamls
b. Whole period of cleavage:

Cow 12 d
proportional to length of
Ewe: 10 d
Sow: 6d

8-2 Differentiation
* Definition: True period of embryo: The process of forming specific organs: From hatched
blastocyst¡æ germ layers¡æ extraembryonic membranes ¡æ to organs
8-2-1 Germ layers: See FIGURE 8-2
* Three layers from inner cell mass of blastocyst
A. Endoderm ¡æ Digestive & respiratory system,liver & other internal organs
B. Mesoderm ¡æ Circulatory, skeletal & urogenital system & muscle
C. Ectoderm ¡æ Nervous, sensory & mammary system, skin, hair & hooves
8-2-2 Extraembryonic membranes: See FIGURE 8-3
* Soon after appearance of germ layers
A. Yolk sac : From endoderm Provide nutrirents in very early stage. Regress as the yolk is
depleted. B. Amnion : From trophoderm (by fusion of ectoderm and mesoderm) folding around
the embryo Form amnionic cavity containing amnionic fluid Amnionic fluid is turgid at early
stage, suspends and protects embryo and fetus.
C. Allantois: From endoderm and mesoderm: connects to embryonic bladder Form allantois cavity
containing fluids high in waste products.
Vascular membrane
D. Chorion : From trophoderm : outer layer of extraembryonic membranes Form allanto-chorion
by fusion with allantois
Allanto-chorion: attached to endometrium forming placenta
8-2-3 Organ formation
A. Formation of major organs: See TABLE 8-4
a. Open neural tube ---> central nervous system: brain and spinal cord
b. Circulatory system: embryonic heartbeat: detected at 16d in sow;22d in cow
c. Liver; pancreas; lungs; digestive organs; limb buds-->legs; tail buds, etc
B. Similar appearance of early embryos in various species: See FIGURE 8-4
C. Formation of male and female reproductive organs (Sex development) Male ¡çUndifferentiated
a. Undifferentiated gonads as genital ridge
Cortex ¡æXX¡æOvary (Secondary sex cords)
Testis¡çXY¡çMedulla(Primary sex cords)

b. Urogenital ducts
Epididymis ¡çT¡ª+ Mullerian duct¡æ+¡æ Oviduct
Vas deferens ¡çT¡ç(+MIF) (-MIF-T/DT)+--| ) | > Uterus
Vesicular gland <----T----+-- Wolffian duct +------------> Anterior vagina Prostate gl. <---
DT--+- c. Urogenital sinus ---+------------> Low vagina
Cowper's gl. <---DT--+ +------------> Urethra
Urethra <-----DT-----+ Penis <------DT-------- d. Genital tubercle ----------------> Clitoris
Scrotum <-----DT------- e. Labio-scrotal swelling ----------> Labia major
D. Period of differentaition: See TABLE 8-4
a. Sow: Day 7-28 Completely differentiated bovine embryo:
b. Ewe: Day 11-45 See FIGURE 8-5
C. Cow: Day 13-45
8-3 Fetal growth
A. Definition of fetus: Completely differentiated conceptus
Development of fetus: Growth only
B. Two concepts for growth rate:
a. (Daily, Weekly, Monthly) growth rate: Weight gain/ Given period: increase as sigmoid
curve: growth curve Over 1/2 of calf birth wt: gained during the last 2 months
b. Relative growth rate: Present wt./ Previous wt.: increse then decrease
C. Growth of bovine fetus: See TABLE 8-5
* Some landmarks:
a. Day 70: Calcification of bone matrix starts.
b. Day 110: Tooth formation begins.
c. Day 150: Hair can be seen around eyes and muzzle.
d. Day 230: Hair covers entire body.
D. Growth of ovine fetus: See TABLE 8-6
a. Growth rate for twins in last month of gestation: affected by nutrition
E. Weight change of fetal membrane, fetal fluids and uterus:
a. Inc. as gestation progresses.
b. Inc. in fetal weight lags behind expansion of fetal membrane.
c. Weights at calving:
Fetus : 25-40kg
Fetal fluid : 15.5kg
Fetal membranes: 3.8kg
Uterus : 10kg (1.0kg before conception)
8-4 Twinning
A. Twinning rates in monotocous species:
a. Ewe: 20-40%
b. Cow: 0.5-4% -- Higher in dairy breeds especially in Holstines:
Problems: 1) High incidence in retained placenta: prevented by PGF2¥á injection just
after calving
2) Weaker claves: more difficult to raise
3) Reduced milk production after twinning
c. Mare: Undesirable: double ovulations: 25% -- Abortion occurs with twins.
B. Genetics of twinning
a. Cattle: low heritalbe
b. Ewe: Litter size : Merino: 1.0; Finnsheep: 2.7 Booroola line of Merino: higher
twinning from more ovulations--controlled by a few dominant genes
c. No twins in primiparous females, inc. with age and then dec.
d. Monozytotic twins: See FIGURE 8-6
Of twin births, 8-10% in cows and 30% in humans
8-5 Hormones important to gestation: See FIGURE 8-7
A. Progesterone has a dominant role in pregnancy maintenance Dec. tone of myometrium and
inhibit uterine contraction <--down-regulation of receptor sites for E2 and oxytocin
B. Maternal recognition of pregnancy: at day 13 in ewe; day 15-17 in cow If pregnant this time,
preventing PGF2@ release and luteolysis and stimulating production of antiluteolysin (PGE2)
C. Relaxin
Soften the connective tissue to stretch uterine muscle Cause the pelvic canal to expand during late
D. Estrogen in late gestation: from placenta Synergistic action with P4 for mammary development
E. Placental lactogen Mammary development and fetal growth

Chapter 9 Parturition and Postpartum Recovery

9-1 Overview of the parturition process
A. Definition: Birth process
From a) softening and initial dilation of cervix
b) uterine contraction
To expelling fetus and its associated placental membranes
B. Process of parturition: Time required for 3 stages: See TABLE 9-1
a. 1st stage ËÒϢѢ: Complete dilation of cervix and entry of fetus into cervix
b. 2nd stage Ø´õóÑ¢: Expulsion of fetus
c. 3rd stage ýߧѢ: Expulsion of placenta
9-2 Approaching parturition
9-2-1 Rotation to birth position
* Presentation, position and posture of fetus for parturition:
a. Presentation ÷ÃêÈ: Longitudinal ðýêÈ: Anterior ÔéêÈ; Posterior ÚêÈ Transverse
üôêÈ: Dorsal ÛÎêÈ; Ventral ÜÙêÈ
b. Position ÷Ãú¾: In longitudinal: Position of fetal back (dorso-)

(See Ref.Fig. Figure 6-3 of Salisbury et al., 1978)

To Sacrum ß¾÷Ãú¾
Pubis ù»÷Ãú¾
Left ilium ñ§ö°÷Ãú¾
Right ilium éÓö°÷Ãú¾
In transverse: Position of fetal head (cephalo-)

c. Posture ÷Ãá§: Positions of fetal head, neck and legs to its own body
A. Normal birth position:
For monotocous species (Ewe, Doe, Cow and Mare):
Longitudinal, anterior presentation with dorso-sacral position and posture as FIGURE 9-1.

Figure 9-1 Normal birth position in cows which is assumed near the end of the gestation period
Fetus: On its back with its feet pointing up during gestation ¡æ As parturition approaches: Rotates
into the birth position.
B. Abnormal presentations of calf for parturition: See FIGURE 9-2
Figure 9-2 (a-h) Abnormal birth positions that may be seen in cows.
Assistance in delivery: Reposition the fetus, not to break umbilical cord:
If broken:be quickly removed. Relaxin inj.: facilitate repositioning.
9-2-2 Mammary gland changes
A. Development of mammary gland:
a. Development of mammary ducts and secretory tissue during late gestation: By
singergistic action of E2 and P4
b. Enlagement of mammary gland during prepartum period: By filling with milk
B. Milk synthesis: By synergism of PRL and other hormones
C. Milk let-down: By oxytocin during labor; frequent milk-leaking from teats
9-2-3 Other changes
A. Expansion of pelvis and birth canal: By relaxin synergizing with E2 ¡æ A sinking around
B. Vulva: soften and swollen
C. Cervical mucus: Secreted by E2 ¡æ loosen cervical mucous plug
D. Nesting instinct: especially in sow: By PRL
9-3 Parturition
9-3-1 Hormonal initiation
* Rapid changes in hormone levels: See FIGURE 9-3 for ewes

Figure 9-3 Relative changes in hormone concentration near the time of parturition
A. Cow,Sow.Doe and Ewe:
a. As fetal brain matured :
Fetal hypothalamus ¡æ CRF
Fetal hypohpysis ¡æ ACTH
Fetal adrenal cortex ¡æ Glucocorticoids as cortisol
¡é ¡é
E2 ¡ç Placenta ¡æ Convert P4 into E2
(cow,sow,doe) (ewe) ¡é ¡é
PGF2¥á ¡ç Uterus PGF2@ ¡ç Uterus ¡é
P4 dec. ¡ç Luteolysis
b. Relaxin:
In sow: Prepartum great inc. then rapid dec. ¡æ helpful for delivery
c. Oxytocin:
1) Movement of fetus into cervical canal and
2) Fetal motility due to anoxia of fetus from dec. blood flow by uterine contraction ¡æ
Stimulate sensory nerves in cervix and vagina ¡æ Oxytocin release ¡æ Inc. PGF2¥á
B. Mare
Less known. Similar to ewes. But the role of inc. P4 in late gestation: ?
9-3-2 Regulation of the physiological events
* Two main physiological events in parturion:
a. Dilation of cervix:
Relaxin with E2: Soften cervix and cause secretion of cervical mucus Allanto-chorion,
amnion and fetus forced into cervix: further dilation
b. Utrine contraction
1) Reduced P4: Remove inhibition of uterine contraction
2) Inc. E2: Up-regulate uterine receptors of E2 and oxytocin ¡æ Inc. responsiveness of
myometrium to oxytocin
3) Initial uterine contraction: caused by endometrial PGF2@ by inc. E2 : Weak and
irregular at about 15min. intervals ¡æ Stronger, more rhythmic and more frequent.
4) As fetus pushed into cervix: Oxytocin + PGF2@ ¡æ Peak contraction; occurring at 2
min.intervals and lasting for approx. 1 min.
5) Following expulsion of fetus: Uterine contractions: diminished but continue for
another 1 to 2 days.
6) Secondary oxytocin surge: associated with expulsion of placenta.
9-4 Care of the newborn
Fetus: Under germ-free environment, temperature regulation, nutrient and oxygen requirements by
maternal system.
Newborn: Must survive independently.
A. Circulatory and respiratory systems
a. Changed from placental circulation and respiration to fetal lung respiration and fetal
heart circulation.
b. Initiation of lung respiration: Due to stimulation of respiratory center in brain by inc.
CO2 level.
B. Thermoregulatory mechanisms
Not well developed: Reduced survival in extremely hot or cold environment.
C. Absorption and metaboilsm of nutrients
Not well developed: Glycogen stored in liver and muscles: used during this adjustment
D. Immune status
a. Immune system of neonate: not challanged.
b. Maternal antibodies: Not pass through placental barrier*
Absorbed through intestines until 24# hrs after birth
Antibody conc. in colostrum decline as time passes.
c. Colostrum should be fed as early as possible: 6% of birth wt within 6 hrs.
Storage for later use: By fermentation or freezing
* In human: Maternal antibodies pass through placenta, but not absorbed through
intestines of neonate # LeBlnac,1986, In Current Theraphy in Theriogenology (2nd ed.)
E. Other cares of newborn
a. Painting umbilical stump with iodine to lessen infection
b. Clean and dry the newborn, especially in cold weather
c. Breathing trouble: Stimulate by slapping or artificial respiration
9-5 Retained placentae
A. Definition: Entire or parts of placenta: not expelled in 12 hrs after delivery of fetus Occurs
mainly in cows among farm animals
B. Incidence: 5-15% in healthy herds of cows. High in the following status:
a. Short gestation (270-275 days)
b. Twin births: 43% by Morris and Erb,1957
c. High milk producers
d. Dairy breeds
e. Dystocia
f. Selenium deficiency: Over 50% in Se deficient areas
g. Vit A deficiency
h. Abortion
i. Induced calving
C. Subsequent reproductive problems from retained placenta
a. Retention for another 5 to 6 days¡æ Decaying tissues¡æ Uterine infection¡è
b. Low fertility from uterine infection
c. Stress from placenta retention¡æ Reduce milk production
D. Prevention
a. No satisfactory measures
b. PGF2¥á inj. just after delivery of fetus: Effective in cases of a.b.e.and i of " B.
c. Administration of Se and Vit E: For the case of f.
d. Feeding green forage: For the case of g.
E. Treatment
a. To do nothing: Uterine infections and toxemia
b. Manual removal 48 to 72 hrs after parturition, followed by intrauterine treatments with
antibiotics¡æ Frequently causes tears in uterus ¡æ: Reduce reproductive efficiency
c. Placing antibiotic boluses into uterus daily or infusion of 4 liters of antibiotic solution
into uterus 24 to 36 hrs after parturition. Draw the membranes back 5 to 6 days. Only if
the animal's temperature is elevated: Systemic inj. with antibiotics
9-6 Postpartum recovery
* Definition: To return normal estrus and uterine environment to a state that will support another
Farrowing estrus: At a few days postpartum: Almost failure to ovulate
Foaling estrus: At 8 to 15 days postpartum: Breed only at complete recovery
9-6-1 Postpartum ovulation and estrus
A. Quiet ovulations: Ovulation without evidence of estrus at 20 to 30 days postpartum, especially
in dairy cows .
B. Postpartum anestrus: Anestrus from suckling
a. Beef cows

1) Anestrus period: Gerrits et al.(1979) In Animal Reproduction (ed.by Hawk) pp.413:

Average range: 55-65 days.
Inskeep and Lishman (1979) In Animal Reproduction(ed. by Hawk) pp.277:
Presence of CL or estrus observed from 30 to 99 days in 1,164 cows: 57%.

2) Effect of suckling on postpartum anestrus: Estrus delays 2 to 3 times

longer in suckling cows; Short et al.(1976) J.Animal Sci.43:304: 65 d
in suckled, 25 d in nonsuckled and 12 d in mastectomized beef cows.
b. Dairy cows: 4x milking delays return to estrus
c. Sows: Return to estrus: 1) at 1 wk after weaning if weaned at 5 to 8 weeks postpartum
or 2) at 3 wks postpartum if weaned at 1 week

d. Mechanisms and/or causes of postpartum anestrus

1) Suckling ¡æ PRL inc.+ ¡æ inhibit pulsative inc. in GnRH ¡æ inhibit episodic surges in
FSH and LH ¡æ inhibit growth and maturation of follicles¡æinhibit return to estrus.
Removed or limited suckling stimulus ¡æ More frequent pulses of GnRH, FSH and LH
¡æ accelerate return to estrus.
2) Low nutrittion during gestation or postpartum: delay return to estrus inc. quiet
ovulations in cows: See TABLE 9-2.
3) Infectious diseases, metabolic disorders, uterine infections and other health problems
9-6-2 Involution of the uterus
A. Definition
1)Return of postpartum uterus to normal nonpregnant state :
a) Size,
b) Recovery of uterine tone,
c) Recovery and repair of endometrium
B. Period of involution
a. Mare: Size: involuted within 2 wks
b. Sow: Nearly involuted in 2 wks, but weaning at 3 wks and breeding at 4 wks resulted in smaller
litter size ¡ç embryo loss ¡ç disturbances in implantation process ¡ç incomplete involution
c. Ewe: Size: involuted within 2 wks, but complete recovery of endometrium: in 4 wks
d. Cow: 1) FIGURE 9-4: Nearly involuted: in 45 days in uncomplicated parturition, and
histologically normal endometrium: in 60 days
2) An experiment:

(1) Size: in 30 days,

(2) Tone of nonpregnant horn: in 30 days,
(3) Tone of pregnant horn: in 45 days
3) Size of pregnant horn: larger than nonpregnant horn after complete involution
4) Delayed involution: From placental retention and/or uterine infection

Chapter 10 Lactation

10-1 Structure of mammary glands

Mammary gland: êáàÍ ; Udder: êáÛ®
* Anatomical and morphological differences of mammary glands by species:
See TABLE 10-1

10-1-1 Anatomy
* Structure of mammary glannd of cow and mare: See FIGUREs 10-1 and 10-2
10-1-2 Morphology of cow mammary gland
* Components of mammary gland:
a. Supporting tissues
Figure 10-1 Diagram of the duct system in one quarter of the mammary gland of the cow with a
single lobe illustrated. Four quarters are fused into a single gland complex.

Figure 10-2 Diagram of the gland complex found in the mare.

1) Skin
2) Ligaments: See FIGURE 10-3

Figure 10-3 Diagram of a cross section of the supporting structures of the mammary glands of the
cow as viewed from the rear.

Lateral suspensory ligaments: not elastic, and sends lamellae into udder¡æ continuous with
interstitial framework
Median suspensory ligament: elastic, and stretch as udder fills with milk
3) Connective tissue
Form lobe and lobules
a. lobule: contain 150 to 225 alveoli
b. Tissues involved in milk synthesis
Alveoli: See FIGURE 10-4

Figure 10-4 Diagram of alveolus showing lumen, epithelial cells. myoepithelial, and

Epithelial cells: synthesis and secretion of milk into lumen of alveoli

c. Tissues involved in milk transport
Milk flows from alveoli lumen ¡æ ducts ¡æ major ducts ¡æ gland cistern
¡æ teat cistern ¡æ teat meatus
d. Myoepithelial cells: Covers surface of alveoli and small ducts down
within a lobule: contraction for milk ejection
e. Blood supply to mammary gland
Volume ratio of blood passed to milk synthesized: 400: 1
In cow, ewe, doe, and mare: External pudic artery; External pudic and
subcutaneous veins: See Ref. Fig. 17.2 , Bath et al., 1985
In sow: External pudic and thoracic arteries; External pudic and external
thoracic veins

10-2 Hormonal regulation of the development and function of the mammary gland
* Embryonic formation of mammary bud: Under any endocrine control?

Mammary band: at 30 days in cattle: thickened area of epithelial cells ¡æ mammary line ¡æ
mammary crest ¡æ mammary hillock ¡æ mammary bud
10-2-1 Mammary development

A. During fetal period: Mummary bud ¡æ primary sprout: first milk secretion tissue at 3 months ¡æ
secondary sprout ¡æ tertiary sprout Hormonal regulation: Not comopletely understood; but by PRL
synergizing with insulin, adrenocortical steroid hormones and progesterone

B. From birth to pregnancy:

Replacement of fatty tissues with ductal tissue : From 3 months before puberty to several months
after puberty: By cyclic surges in estrogen
C. During pregnancy:

a. Mammary ducts: By estrogen

b. Alveolar development: By progesterone synergizing with estrogen
c. Preparation of mammary tissue for milk synthesis: By synergistic action of
progesterone, estrogen, PRL, GH, insulin, thyroxine and cortisol.
d. Other hormones: Placental lactogen: For development of mammary tissue
e. Actual milk secretion: By high concentration of progesterone during

10-2-2 Milk secretion

a. Initiation of milk secretion: By PRL dominantly ¡ç released by suckling

stimulus and its synergistic action with cortisol, GH ¡çreleased by
suckling , thyroxine and insulin

b. Maintenance of lactation:
1) By suckling and milk removal : By GH rather than PRL in lactating cows after peak milk
production at 2 months into lactation
2) Adequate level of nutrition is necessary for maintenance of lactation.
Lactation proceeds at expense of body reserves of mother.
3) Involution of mammary tissue: From termination of suckling and milk removal ¡æ Degenration
and loss of alveolar epithelial cells, and then connective tissue and fat cells become more
prominent, and only duct system remains
* Milking twice a day at 12 hrs. interval: an important practice in dairy farming
d. Agalactia (complete lactation failure) or hypogalactia (partial lactation) in sow: Loss of milk in
first 3 days after farrowing:

1) A part of complex condition of MMA ( mastitis, metritis, and agalactia)

2) Promptly inj. antibiotics and oxytocin, if body temperature is elevated.
If not effective, prompt fostering and artificial rearing must be made.
3) No effective preventive measures, but keep lactating sows from high ambient temperature.
10-2-3 Milk ejection (= Let-down of milk)

a. Suckling, teat massage, presence of young,and sounds or ordors associated with milking ¡æ
sensory nerves ¡æ hypothalamus ¡æ posterior pituitary:
release of oxytocin ¡æ arterial circulation: stimulates contraction of myoepithelial cells of alveoli
and small ducts ¡æ forces milk dowm: See FIGURE 10-5
Figure 10-5 Effect of exogenous bovine somatotropin on milk yield.

b. Inhibition of milk ejcetion: Excitement ¡æ release of epinephrine ¡æ

vasoconstrictions of small arteries and veins ¡æ 1) preventing oxytocin
from reaching myoepithelial cells or 2) inhibiting oxytocin release
from posterior pituitary ¡æ inhibition of milk ejction

10-3 Composition of milk

A. Composition of milk : different by species: See TABLE 10-3

Figure 10-6 The neurohormonal reflex of milk ejection. (A) that a cow associates with milking
causes a nerve impulse (B) to travel via the inguinal nerve(1) to the spinal cord(2)and the brain(3)
The brain causes the release of oxytocin (D) from the posterior pituitary (C). Oxytoxin is released
into a branch of the jugular vein(4) and travels to the heart(5) and is then transported to all parts of
the vody by the arterial blood. The oxytocin reaching the udder leaves the heart by the aorta(6) and
enters the udder through the external pudic arteries (7).Un the udder. it causes the myoepothelial
cells to contract, resulting in milk ejection from the alveioli.

Milk fat %: Donkey : 1.3% Sow : 5.4%

Mare : 2.0 Ewe : 7.5
Holstein cow : 3.6 Rabbit :12.2
Human : 4.5 Bear :31.5
Jersey cow : 4.9 Seal :53.2
Some data: From Schmidt, 1978, pp. 2

B. Colostrum: high protein and fat, vit. A and minerals than normal milk
C. During late lactation: Milk volume dec. and fat % inc.
D. During milk removal: First milk: low fat; last milk: high fat

Chapter 11 Male Mating Behavior

A. Factors related to male participation in reproductioon in natural breeding:
a. Dominance (superiority of social hierarchy)--+ Correlation between these
b. Libido --------------------------------------+ Mating | traits is low. Therefore,
c. Ability to copulate -------------------------+ behavior | each trait should be
d. Ability to produce fertile semen ------------+ evaluated separately.
B. Mating behavior: influenced by genetic and environmental factors
C. Factors for evaluation of mating behavior
a. Time to first copulation after placing the male with an estrous female
b. Number of copulations in a specified time
c. Number of copulations before sexual exhaustion( loss of libido)
d. Time required to regain mating disire after exhaustion
D. Sequential events of male mating behavior
Sexual arousal ¡æ courtship (sexual display) ¡æ erection ¡æ mounting ¡æ intromission ¡æ
ejaculation ¡æ dismounting
E. Courtship patterns by species: See FIGURE 11-1
a.Vocalization: Bull: bellow; Stallion: neigh; Ram and Boar: grunt
b.Sniffing and licking of female genitalia and urine
c Extending neck and curling upper lip: in bull, ram, and stallion
d Tactile stimuli as licking, bunting and biting: in most males
* Dominant male: separate estrous females from other males and females
11-1 Regulation of mating behavior
11-1-1 Hormonal influence
A. Testosterone (T): Inc. sexual activity to a certain threshold, but not accentuate the response:
* Experimental evidences for T influence:
a. Reduced sexual activity following castration: can be restored by testosterone infusion,
but only to its activity level before castration
b. Seasonally reduced sexual activity of stallion, ram and buck: associated with seasonal
reduction in T
c. Summer reduction in T and sexual activity in bull and boar: related to reduced
metabolic rates ¡ç reduced thyroxine
B. Interaction of T with experience
a. Males castrated before puberty: Only some mounting behavior continue.
b. Males castrated after sexually experienced: Copulate for several years, but with less
frequent activity and no ejaculation from involuted accessory glands
C. Interaction of T with senses (sight etc.) and pheromones: See FIGURE 11-2

Figure 11-2 Interaction of factors that regulate sexual behavior in bulls and other species
11-1-2 Social and sexual interaction
A. Social interaction: Prepubertal social interaction with others of same species: important to
attain superior sexual ability, though males isolated in short period show normal behavior.
B. Sexual interaction: Males reared in isolation or without females:low libido or permanent
impairment; Sexually inexperienced bulls: More training is necessary for collecting semen in AI
11-1-3 Senses
A. Sense of smell: Most important in males as in females:
a. Pheromones in urine of estrous females: stimulatory to males
b. Sprinkling urine of estrous females: effective for mount training in bulls and stallions
c. Distance for males to detect pheromones: different by species
B. Sense of sight: Important to male's sexual arousal:
a. Sight of mounting activity, sexually active group, immobile castrate, and padded
dummy mount etc: stimulate mounting behavior in bulls (strong factor: immobility)
b. Mature bulls wearing blindfolds: copulate normally, but males blind from birth:
delayed sexual maturity
C. Sense of touch: Important to normal copulatory behavior:
a. Temperature: best response from approx.45¡É in artificial vagina for bull
b. Pressure: important to semen collection in boar and stallion
D. Sense of hearing: important in females
E. Effects of all senses: additive; Senses interact with experience and conditioned reflexes
11-2 Erection and ejaculation
11-2-1 Erection
A. Under control of autonomic nervous system
B. With sexual excitement, blood is pumped into by way of longitudinal carvenous spaces, and
temporarily trapped in cavernous areas: Corpus cavernosum penis: a closed system with no venous
outlet at distal levels, and erector muscle pulls penis against pelvis and aids in erection by
compressing veins of penis; and corpus spongiosum penis
C. Fibroelastic penises : in bull, ram buck and boar, except for stalliion
D. Pressure in corpus cavernosum penis before ejaculation: 15,000 mm Hg in bulls and 6,500 mm
Hg in stallion
11-2-2 Ejaculation
A. Ejaculation = ejcection of semen: spermatozoa + seminal plasma B. Initiation of ejaculation:
By stimulation of sensory nerves in glans penis:triggers a series of peristaltic contractions of
smooth muscles in reprodcutive tracts.
C. Ejaculation time, and volume and sperm concentration of ejaculate: See TABLE 11-1
Segmented ejaculate in boar and stallion: Sperm-free ¡æsperm-rich ¡æ sperm-poor segments:
sperm-free segment is discarded in boar AI.
11-3 Maintaining libido (in bulls)
A. Provide balanced diet:
a. Underfeeding in young bulls: reduce libido and dec. semen production
b. Overfeeding in mature bulls: more likely to be a problem
1) Foot, leg and joint problems ¡æ shorten reproductive life
2) Reduce libido
3) Inc. sperm abnormality
B. Protect from diseases and injuries: not a problem of frequent incidence Hoof care and moderate
exercise: lengthen reproductive life
11-3-1 Sexual exhaustion
* Sexual exhaustion: A physical probelm from loss of libido, in dominant males, during heavy
breeding season under range conditions: regain libido after adequate rest.
11-3-2 Sexual satiety
A. Sexual satiety: A mental problem = sexual indifference, from being exclusively used for semen
collection in AI center
B. Cure and prevention
a. By changes in collection procedure: 1) changing teaser animal using a second teaser, 2)
moving to another collection area, 3) using an estrous female, and 4) sprinkling urine
from estrous female

b. Careful to use artificial vagina properly not to make bulls unpleasant from: 1) too hot
or too cold AV, 2) excessive bending of penis, or 3) grasping penis

Chapter 12 Semen and its Components

A. Semen: Spermatozoa + seminal plasma
B. Sources and relative contribution to semen: See TABLE 12-1
Greatest contribution: In bull: vesicular gland; In boars : prostate and bulbourethral glands
C. Chemical composition of semen: See TABLE 12-2
Bull and ram semen: higher in fructose and sorbitol from vesicular gland; Boar semen: higher in
Na and K from prostate gland
12-1 Spermatozoa
A. Semen characteristics by species: See TABLE 12-3
B. Size of spermatozoa:
Overall length: 60-70¥ì in bull, boar and ram sperm; 50¥ì in stallion sperm Head: 8-10¥ì long; 4¥ì
wide; 0.5¥ì thick
12-1-1 Normal morphology: See FIGURE 12-1

Figure 12-1 Structural diagram of spermatozoon.

A. Head:
a. Nucleus: contain genetic code
b. Postnuclear cap: cover posterior portion of nucleus
c. Acrosome: cover anterior portion of nucleus and contain enzymes as
hyaluronidase,corona penetrating enzyme and acrosin
B. Neck:(sometimes included in "Tail") Proximal centriole: join head and tail, where head and tail
separate during fertilization and in heat-damaged semen
C. Tail:
a. Mid-piece: Mitochondrial sheath: contain enzymes converting energy substrates as
fructose into ATP b. Main-piece: Axial filament of 2 central fibrils, 9 pairs of inner fibrils
and 9 coarse outer fibrils: its contraction by energy from ATP¡æ tail movement
c. End-piece:
12-1-2 Abnormal morphology
A. Reduced fertility: From 25% or more abnormal sperm
B. Classification of abnormal sperm: See FIGURE 12-2
Figure 12-2 Morphological abnormalities of spermatozoa identified through examination of semen
for quality.
a. Abnormal heads: asymmetrical, tapering , pyriform, giant, micro and double heads
b. Abnormal tails: enlarged, broken, bent, filiform, truncated and double mid-pieces;
coiled, looped and double tails; cytoplasmic droplets (formed on neck during
spermiogenesis and usually lost during maturation)
12-2 Seminal plasma
A. Function: Serve as buffer, optimal osmotic and nutrient medium
B. pH: nearly 7.0; slightly acidic in bulls and rams; slightly alkaline in boars and stallions
C. Osmotic pressure: similar to blood and physiological saline(0.9% NaCl)
D. Energy substrates: fructose, sorbitol etc
12-2-1 Inorganic ions
A. Major ions: Na+, Cl-, K+; minor ions : Ca++, Mg++
B. K+/Na+ ratio: High in sperm cell and low in seminal plasma
C. Function: Maintain optimal osmotic pressure for sperm survival
12-2-2 Buffering agents
A. Principal organic ion as buffering agent: Bicarbonate(HCO3-)
B. Source: Vesicular gland
C. Function: guard against change in pH of semen, but not sufficient
12-2-3 Energy substrates
A. Energy substrates: Fructose, sorbitol, glycerylphosphocholine(GPC)
B. Source: Fructose and sorbitol: vesicular gland; GPC: epididymis: uniquely high in semen
C. Metabolism:
a. Fructose: used under anaerobic and aerobic conditions
b. Sorbitol and GPC:used only aerobically
c. GPC: utilized after splitted into choline and glycerylphosphate by an enzyme in female
12-2-4 Other organic compounds
A. Inositol and citric acid: considerably high, but not utilized.
B. Ergothionine: found in boar and stallion semen
12-3 Energy metabolism by spermatozoa
*. Plasmalogen: a lipid reserved within sperm cell: used when other substrates are limiting
A. Anaerobically:Fructose ¢¢ 2 lactic acid + 2 ATP (net yield)
B. Aerobically : Fructose ¢¢ CO2 + H2O + 38 ATP (net yield)
C. ATP + H2O ¢¢ ADP + H3PO4 + 7,000 calories /mole
12-4 Factors affecting rate of metabolism
A. Measurement of metabolism rate
a.Under aerobic condition: 1). O2 consumption 2). CO2 liberation 3) Methylene blue
reduction tiume
b. Under anareobic condition: 1) pH reduction 2) Increase in lactic acid 3) Decrease in
B. Relationship of fertile life to metabolic rate of sperm:
a. Reduced metabolic rate : extend the storage life of semen;
b. Reduced metabolic rate in epididymis: extend life of epididymal sperm
c. Sperm in fresh ejaculate of semen: fertile for a few hours under high rate of
12-4-1 Temperature
A. High temperature: Inc. metabolic rate and dec. life span of sperm
B. At 50¡É: Irreversible loss of sperm motility
C. At body temperature: Sperm live for a few hours only: due to inc.metabolism
D. Low temperature: Extend fertile life of sperm by dec. metabolism ( when bull semen frozen at
-196¡É, less than 0.02% of metabolic rate at body temperature): Problems: cold shock and freeze
a. Cold shock: 1) Irreversible loss of sperm motility by sudden reduction of semen
temperature from 15¡É to 0¡É (critical range), 2) Protecting from cold shock: Slow
cooling after addition of lecithin and lipoproteins by diluting with egg yolk or milk

b. Freeze kill: 1) Sperm killed during freezeing and thawing 2) Protected satisfactorily by
equilibrating bull semen in a diluter containing glycerol ¡æ Desirable fertility from semen
frozen for decades
12-4-2 pH
A. Higher metabolic rate: From pH of semen near neutrality(7.0), where most enzymes in sperm
are most active.
B. Deviations toward alkalinity or acidity: Can reduce metabolic rate, but buffering capacity of
diluter is rather important because pH range to be altered without permanent impairment of sperm
is narrow
12-4-3 Osmotic presssure
A. Semen diluted with isotonic diluter maintains maximum metabolic activity
B. Hypo- or hypertonic diluter: Can reduce metabolism but detrimental to sperm
12-4-4 Concentration of spermatozoa
A. Inc.concentration of sperm ¡æ Inc. K+/Na+ ratio ¡æinhibit sperm metabolism
B. Moderate dilution with buffered, isotonic medium containing fructose, before cooling: Not
greatly alter metabolic rate, but extend sperm life
C. Excessive dilution (over 1,000x): Depress motility and metabolic rate
12-4-5 Hormones
A. Androgens over physiological level: ¡é sperm metabolism
B. Fluid from female tracts: Inc. sperm metabolism; due to estrogen or other factors ¡æ ¡èsperm
12-4-6 Gases
A. CO2
a. 5-10% partial pressure of CO2: ¡ésperm metabolism
b. Epididymal sperm: Long life by high CO2
c. CO2 gassing in diluter: Effective for sperm preservation at room temperature
B. O2
a. Necessary for aerobic metabolism
b. High level of O2: Toxic
C. Other gases: N2, H2, He: No effects
12-4-7 Light
A. Light under oxygen: Produce harmful H2O2; Semen should be protected from light
B. H2O2 production: Prevented by addition of catalase to diluter
12-4-8 Antibacterial agents
A. Penicillin and dihydrostreptomycin or neomycin: Used for control of bacterial growth, with no
effects on sperm metabolism
B. Antibacterial agents: ¡èsemen fertility from bulls infected with vibriosis
C. Control of bacteria in semen by antibiotics ¡æ Sparing energy substrates: Extend fertile life of

Chapter 13 Introduction and History of Artificial Insemination

13-1 Introduction
A. Purpose of artificial insemination(AI)
a. Generous supply of sperm available from a male evaluated to be outstanding in genetic merit:
In bulls:
Breeding units available from a bull per year ¡Ö 40,000
Breeding units available from a tested bull ¡Ö 300,000

Semen volume/ejacualte: 6 ml
Sperm concentration: 1.2 billion/ml (motility: 70%) |From TABLE 12-
Totalsperm/ejacualte: 6x1.2billion ¡Ö 7.2 billion
Sperm motility of diluted, frozen and thawed semen: 40
Total postthaw motile sperm/ejacualte: 0.40x7.2 billio = 2.88 billion
Postthaw motile sperm required/insemination: 10 million
Breeding units/bull/day: 2.88 billion/10 million = 288 units
Intervals of semen collection: 3 days (95x) and 2 days (40x)
Semen collections/year: 95 + 40 = 135 times
Breeding units/bull/year: 135 times x 288 units = 38,880 ¡Ö 40,000
Reproductive life after progeny test: From 4 to 10 years old = 7 yrs.
Breeding units available from a tested bull: 40,000x7 ¡Ö 300,000
b. Improvement in reproductive efficiency
Reproductive efficiency of AI: 1) Similar to that of natural breeding in good management
practices, 2) Improved from control of venereal diseases as vibriosis
B. AI uses in farm animals
a. Cattle and chicken: commercially (Most AI in chicken: without freezing)
b. Swine: Commercially but not extensively
c. Other animals: Not commercially due to no perfect freezing techniques and other
13-2 History
A. Some landmarks in AI history.
a. 1300: Arabian horse breeders: the first AI reported, with horse, but not documented
b. 1780: SPALLANZANI (Italian physiologist): the first AI documented,with amphibians
and dogs: 3 pups from a bitch with semen at body temperature; Later separated fertilzing
component from seminal fluid. c. 1803: Spallanzani: sperm cooled with snow: not killed
but motionless ¡æ after exposure to heat: motile for several hours
d. 1884-1887: Milais: 15 bitches pregnant after AI
e. 1897: Heape in England:

1) Conception rate by AI: good as natural breeding

2) Several bitches iseminated with 1 ejaculate
3) AI as a tool to study genetic factors

f. 1900: IVANOFF in Russia:

1) Started AI work with horse

2) A physiological section in Ministry of Agriculture to study fertility and to train AI
3) Successful AI with cattle and sheep in 1930

g. 1913: à´ô¹ in Japan: AI work with horse following research with Ivanoff
h. 1936: Danish breeders: the first cooperative AI association in the world aided by
Denmark state support
i. 1937: ÀÌ¿ëºó: à´ô¹¿¡¼ Àΰø¼öÁ¤ ±â¼ú ¿¬¼ö
j. 1938: Perry in U.S.A.:

1) The first American AI cooperative after his visiting Denmark AI association

2) Edited the first AI textbook " The Artifical Insemination of Farm Animals" in 1945

k. 1954-1956: ÀÌ¿ëºó: ¹Ì±¹¿¡¼ µ¿°áÁ¤¾× ¿¬±¸, Àΰø¼öÁ¤ ±â¼ú µµÀÔ

l. 1955: Áß¾ÓÃà»ê±â¼ú¿ø: µÅÁö 10 µÎ Àΰø¼öÁ¤¿¡¼ 8µÎ ¼öÅÂ
m. 1962: ±è¼±È¯: ³óÇù °¡ÃàÀΰø¼öÁ¤¼Ò ¡æÇö ÃàÇù °¡Ãà°³·®»ç¾÷¼Ò
B. Some important discoveries in AI techniques
a. Semen collection:

1) Artificial vagina (AV) for dog: by Amantea in 1914: See FIGURE 13-1
2) AV for stallion, bull and ram: by Russian scientists
3) Electroejaculator for bull, ram and buck: by Laplaud and Cassou in 1948 and Thibault
in 1948
b. Semen dilution (for preservation and extension):
1) Yolk-phosphate diluter ¡æ semen preservation at 5 ¡É for 3-4 days: by Phillips and
Lardy in 1940
2) Yolk-citrate diluter ¡æ sperm visibility under microscope

c. Control of venereal diseases (as vibriosis):

Control bacterial contaminants in semen by penicilline and streptomycin¡æ¡èconception
rate: by Almquist et al.in 1946 and 1949

d. Inseminating technique:
Vaginal insemination¡æ cervical insemination using speculum¡æ rectovaginal
insemination by Danish veterinarians in 1937: improved fertility (by 10% compared with
cervical insemination using speculum)

e. Frozen semen:

1) Glycerol addition in semen diluter: protected fowl and human sperm from freeze kill
and sperm motility revived following preservation at -70¡É using dry ice for long time:
by Polge, Smith and Parkes in 1949
2) Bull semen frozen with glycerol: by Polge and Rowson in 1952
3) Use of frozen bull semen exclusively: by Waterloo Cattle Breeders, Canada in 1954
4) Frozen semen using liquid nitrogen (-196¡É): by American Breeders Scervice in 1957

f. Sire selection:
The first SIRE SUMMARIES published: a nation-wide uniform comparison of sires from
progeny test ¡æ greatly inc. selection intensity and contribution of AI to genetic
improvemet of dairy cattle: by Dairy Records Processing Center of USDA in 1961

g. Semen packaging:
Switched from ampoules to plastic straws: first introduced by Sorensen in 1940, frozen
semen in straws by Pares in 1953 and development of straw to practical application by
Cassous in 1964 (1.2 ml) ¡æ (0.5 ml: medium straw) ¡æ (0.25 ml: ministraw) in 1968
13-3 Advantages and disadvantages
A. Advantages
a. Genetic gain¡è: See Purpose of AI in 13-1-A-a
b. Disease control: Vibriosis, trichomonasis, campylobacteriosis and brucellosis
c. Improved record keeping
d. Flexibility¡è:

1) Use beef bulls on low yielding or maiden heifers of dubious potential

2) Use bulls with certain characteristics which complement those of the particular cow
(as milk yield, milk fat%, or udder comformation etc)

e. Cost effctiveness: Superior bull: expensive, and is cost efffective due to increased
genetic gain

f. Safety¡è: by elimination of dangerous bulls on farm, especially for dairy breeds

B. Disadvantages
a. Much time is required in checking females for estrus
b. Some special facilities for corraling and inseminating
c. Trained personnel
Chapter 14 Semen Collection

A. Objective of proper semen collection: Maximum use of superior sires

a. Maximum number of sperm ejaculated for entire life of a sire:

1) Maximum number of sperm /ejaculate, 2) Shortest possible interval of semen

collection, 3) Maintenance of libido, and 4) Good management of sire for his long
reproductive life

b. Highest possible quality: Proper semen collection and sire management

B. Common characteristics of ejaculate for farm animals: See TABLE 14-1
14-1 Facilities needed for semen collection
A. Facilties for safety of collector
B. Earthen floor to prevent slipping
C. Means to restrain teaser animals
D. Easy access for semen collection
14-2 Methods of semen collection:
A. Taking semen from vagina with spoon or rubber breeding bag
B. Massaging vesicular gland and ampullae by way of rectum
14-2-1 Sexual stimulation prior to collection with the artifical vagina
A. Sexual stimulation effect: not well defined in boar, ram and stallion
B. Sexual stimulation in bull:
a. Reasons for sexual stimulation:
1) to insure that bull will mount and ejacualte reasonably, and
2) to insure the collection of maximum number of sperm with highest possible quality per
ejaculate: See TABLE 14-2

b. Method of sexual stimulation: By exposing bulls to teaser for several min. or 2 to 3

false mounting
C. Increasing sex drive reduced from handling bulls in the same manner for a prolonged period of
a. Introducing a new teaser animal
b. Moving teaser animal to different area
c. Presenting 2 teasers
d. Allowing teaser or another bull to mount the bull to be collected
e. Bringing new bull into the collection area
f. Collecting semen from new bull
g. Avoiding distraction
D. Factors affecting sexual drive:
a. Bulls on a high frequency of collection: need more variation in stimulation
b. Beef bulls: exhibit less sexual drive than dairy bulls
14-2-2 Artificial vagina: See FIGURE 14-2 and real materials
A. Components of AV: Different shape and size by species
a. Rigid rubber casing with an opening at 10 cm from one end
b. Rough-textured latex inner liner
c. Rubber band
d. Rubber funnel
e. Graduated glass collection tube
f. Insulated and zippered jacket during cold season
B. Requirements of AV:
a. Pressure: By filling water and a little air into the space between casing and inner liner
b. Temperature: By warm water of 45¡É at collection (temperature of water at filling: 55
to 60 ¡É)
c. Lubrication: Around front area of liner with sterile and harmless lubricating jelly
14-2-2-a Collecting from the bull: See FIGUREs 14-3, 14-4 and 14-5
A. AV should be held parallel to the expected path of bull's penis, after false mounts
B. Guide penis to the side by grasping sheath and direct it into AV
C. Bull will thrust and ejaculate simultaneously
D. Precautions:
a. Prevent cold shock
b. Protect collection tube from sunlight
c. Avoid contamination of semen by urine, water or lubricating jelly
d. Use a different sterile AV for each ejaculation
14-2-2-b Collecting from the ram and buck
Similar to collecting bull semen, using AV of smaller size
14-2-2-c Collecting from the stallion
AV: Leather or aluminium casing with a valve to release the pressure as the penis enters
and to increase the pressure for 12 to 25 sec. before ejaculation is complete : See
FIGURE 14-6 and Ref. Fig.42 of Perry (1968)
14-2-2-d Collecting from the boar
A. Semen collection with AV or gloved hand
B. Pressure of glans penis is very important for ejaculation for 10 to 20 min.: In natural
service, the corkscrew shaped glans penis of penis is firmly engaged in the sow's cervix:
See FIGURE 14-7.
14-2-2-e Cleaning, sterilizing and storing the AV
Inner liner and rubber funnel: should be soaked for 5 min. in 70% ethanol after washing ,
and then dried under UV light in a dust-free cabinet
14-2-3 Electroejaculation
A. Principle: Electrically stimulating nerves to male reproductive system
B. Uses for bulls:
a. For crippled, aged or sexually low active dairy bulls
b. For checking semen quality of beef bulls prior to natural breeding season
C. Equipment: A bipolar electrode and a variable source of alternating current: voltage: 0 - 30 V,
amperage: 0.5 - 1.0 A; alternating + and - rings spaced 4cm apart, running longitudinally along the
D. Semen quality as compared with AV ejaculates: larger volume, lower in sperm concentration,
sometimes semen contamination by urine
14-2-3-a Electroejaculation of the bull
A. Restrain the bull in a chute with good footing provided
B. Remove excess fecal material from rectum
C. Insert lubricated electrode into rectum
D. Stimulate electrically for 2 to 5 min: low voltage ¡æ gradual increase (a few volts at a time) up
to 15 V or higher, with 4-second rest period between stimulations
14-2-3-b Electroejaculation of the buck and ram:
A. Gradually increase voltage from 0 to 8 V
B. Some rams fail to respond, while others yield low quality semen
14-2-3-c Electroejaculation of the boar
A. Not satisfactory for routine collection of semen from boars: good semen quality but
considerable discomfort
B. Require higher V than in bull, perhaps due to insulating effect of body fat

Chapter 15 Semen Evaluation

A. The ultimate in semen evaluation: its fertility level
B. To determine fertility level of an ejaculate of semen:
a. Nonreturn rate: NR rate at 35, 60 or 90 days
b. Conception rate: by rectal palpation after 45 days, milk P4 assay at 21 days and other
C. Semen evaluation:
a. Semen quality influence greatly on the fertility level and its evaluation is complete
before insemination
b. Laboratory tests on semen quality are not ACTUAL MEASURES OF FERTILITY
15-1 Gross examination
A. Semen volume: Normal volume of ejaculate of semen as in TABLE 14-1; Health factors and
inadequate collecting procedures: decrease the volume
B. Semen color:
a. Bull: creamy white
b. Ram and buck: creamy white and thick
c. Boar: milky
d. Stallion: greyish white and thin
C. Semen density: Too thin: from azoospermia or oligospermia
D. Fractions in boar and stallion semen:
a. ist segment: accessory clear fluid
b. 2nd segment: sperm rich
c. 3rd segment: gelatinous material
E. Granular appearance of the layer along glass tube or semen sample on the slide glass: due to
sperm movement
15-2 Progressive motility
A. Sperm progressive motility (È°·Â, ¿îµ¿¼º, Á÷Áø¿îµ¿Á¤ÀÚ%): % sperm that are motile in a
straight line under their own power.
B. Most important test: No.of motile sperm inseminated is highly correlated with fertility
C. Range in fresh ejaculates: 0 to 80%
D. Use multiples of 10% in reporting motility because of its subjective measurement
E. Ejaculates with initial motilities of 50 to 80%: little different in fertility level, if desired no. of
motile sperm are present at insemination
F. Semen with less than 40% initial motility: not suitable to use, if not from exceptionally superior
15-2-1 Preparation of slide
A. Gently invert the semen tube 2 or 3 times
B. Dilute small subsamples with isotonic solution
C. A uniform small semen droplet on a microscope slide, placed on a microscope stage heated to
D. Cover semen droplet with glass cover slip to spread to a uniform thickness and to prevent
15-2-2 Use of microscope
A. Use stage incubator to prevent changes in temperature: See FIGURE 15-2
B. Magnification: 400x
C. Examine in several fields
D. Examination of semen diluted with egg yolk, milk and glycerol: Speed of sperm is reduced but
% motility is not altered by viscosity
E. Circular motility: due to cold shock or extension with hypotonic diluters
15-3 Concentration of sperm cell
A. Low concentration from:
a. Insufficient sexual stimulation
b. Too frequent collection
c. Illness
B. Semen of sperm concentration below 50% of normal: use with caution because lowered fertiltiy
is likely
15-3-1 Direct cell count (Hemocytometer): See FIGURE 15-3
A. Count sperm number in 1.0 x 1.0 x 0.1 mm chamber
B. Dilute semen with 2% aqueous solution of eosin¡æ sperm killed and sperm heads stained
C. Dilution rate:
a. Bull, ram and buck semen: 200x
b. Boar and stallion semen: 100x
D. Dilution with pipettes for red blood cell counting:
a. Draw semen into capillary tube to desired mark
b. Pull semen into the bulb after wiping the tip
c. Fill the pipette with diluent and shake it vigorously in 100 back-and -forth movements
d. Blow some sample from the pipette to flush diluent from the capillary
E. Sample preparation on counting chamber:
a. Place cover slip on chamber
b. Place a small amount of semen at the edge of cover slip, not to overfill the chamber:
Semen is drawn under cover slip by capillary action
F. Calculation: No. sperm/ml = No. sperm in 0.1mm3 x 10 x dilution rate x 1000
15-3-2 Photoelectric colorimeter: See FIGURE 15-4
A. Based on light absorption by sperm in semen sample
B. Used by commercial AI centers due to fast determination
C. Calibration: By using samples of known concentration by hemocytometer
D. Dilution of semen: With 2.9% sodium citrate buffer
15-3-3 Electronic particle counter: See FIGURE 15-5
A. Principle: When only one cell at a time can pass through a capillary, sperm head of diluted
semen causes an abrupt increase in resistance between the electrodes at both sides of the
capillary¡æ Frequency of resistance change: registered on a counter
B. Uses: Most accurate determination but needs an expensive instrument
15-4 Sperm cell morphology: See 12-1
Abnormal sperm %:
a. Should be examined once a month
b. Abnormality of 20 to 25%: not affect fertility
15-4-1 Preparation of slide
A. Place a small drop of 2.9% sodium citrate solution on a warm slide
B. Mix a semen sample with the citrate solution using a stirring glass rod
C. Place another slide on sample slide and both are gently pulled apart and dried
15-4-2 Staining slides
Stain slides with eosin , along with a background stain as nigrosin:See 15-5-1
15-4-3 Examination and counting
Examine several fields on each slide with a magnification of 400x and count a total of 100 sperm
per slide
15-5 Differential staining of live and dead sperm
A. Principle:
a. Eosin cannot pass through living cell membranes but can pass through nonliving cell
b. A background stain such as nigrosin helps make the unstained sperm heads visible
B. % live sperm will always be somewhat higher than % progessively motile sperm
15-5-1 Staining techniques
A. Staining mixture: 1% eosin and 5% nigrosin are dissolved in 2.9% sodium citrate dihydrate
B. Slide preparation: Similar as 15-4-1 but must be dried quickly on a heated plate; if not, some of
the sperm may die and be stained before drying process is completed
15-5-2 Counting slides
A. Examine several fields at random and count 300 to 500 total cells
B. Partially stained sperm: should be counted as dead sperm
15-6 Speed of sperm
A. Speed at which sperm travel: can be measured by electronic equipment objectively
B. But the equipment is not used routinely because it is too expensive and speed of sperm is not
highly correlated with the fertility level
C. Average speed of bull sperm: 6 mm /min.( up to 21 mm / min)
15-7 Evaluating frozen semen
A. Freeze-thaw sperm survival rates: Greatly vary in different males and different ejaculates from
the same male
B. Post-thaw % progressive motile sperm should be measured accurately because CR in AI
depends greatly on number of motile sperm inseminated
C. Between 5 and 15% of ejaculates from bulls meeting the standards for processing are discarded
after freezing, with the highest rate in the summer
15-7-1 Photographic method of determining progressive motility Time-exposure darkfield
a. An objective method of determining motility using a dark-field microscope equipped
with a camera
b. Dilution of semen: 10 million/ ml
c. Chamber used: Petroff-Hausser counting chamber( 20u in depth)
d. Warming samples: for 30 sec. on 38¡É warming plate
e. Taking pictures: 6 parts at the periphery of the ruled area with exposures for 2 sec. and
with magnification to the film: 75x
f. Motile cell counts: Number of tracks on the film following development: See FIGURE
g. Highly repeatable results, but time-consuming: 30 to 35 determinations/ technician/ 8-
hour day
15-7-2 Changes in acrosome
A. Acrosomal cap deterioration: From aging of sperm or injury to sperm
B. Examination:
a. Incubate thawed semen ina 37¡É water bath for 2 - 4 hrs.
b. Slide preparation: Similar to slide for measuring % progressive motile sperm
c. With differential interference contrast (DIC) or phase contrast optics at 800x
C. Changes in acrosome by freezing:
a. Good quality dairy bull semen: Sperm with intact acrosomes : 90% ¡æ 60 to 65% after
b. Most beef bulls: 50 to 55% intact acrosomes in post-thaw samples
D. Uses:
a. Correlations between NR rates and intact acrosomes: higher than those between NR
rates and post-thaw motility
b. More widely used than the photographic method of determining motility
15-8 Other tests
A. Resistant of sperm to clod shock
B. Measuring metyabolic activity:
a. Oxygen uptake
b. Fructolysis
c. Methylene blue reduction time
d. Resazurin reduction time
e. pH change
Chapter 16 Semen Processing, Storage, Thawing, and Handling
16-1 Importance and properties of semen diluters
A. Semen diluter = Semen extender; Diluted semen = Extended semen
B. Importance of semen dilution:
a. To increase volume of an ejaculate of semen
b. To protect sperm during cooling and extend sperm life
C. Properties of good semen diluters
a. To be isotonic with semen: 2.9% sodium citrate dihydrate
b. To have buffering capacity : isotonic sodium citrate solution
c. To protect sperm from cold shock injury during cooling from body temperature to 5¡É:
lecithin and lipoproteins from egg yolk or milk
d. To provide nutrients for sperm metabolism: egg yolk, milk and some simple sugars
e. To control microbial contaminants : antibiotics
f. To protect sperm from injury during freezing and thawing: glyserol
g. To preserve sperm life with a minimum drop in fertility: combination of known and
unknown factors
16-2 Buffer solutions used in semen diluters
A. To prevent changes in pH of semen by neutralizing lactic acid produced by metabolic activity
of sperm
B. To provide isotonic environment for sperm
C. To give no toxicity to sperm at the level required for isotonicity
16-2-1 Phosphate buffer solution
A. Preparation:

Na2HPO4.12H2O: 2.0 g
KH2PO4 : 0.2 g
Distilled H2O: add to make 100 ml solution
B. Uses: Not been popular because of opaque mixture when added to egg yolk, resulting in poor
sperm visibility
16-2-2 Citrate buffer solution
A. Preparation:
Na3C6H5O7.2H2O: 2.9 g
Distilled H2O : add to meke to 100 ml solution
B. Uses: Extensively used because of good visibility of sperm when mixed with egg yolk Glycerol
should be added after semen was precooled to 5¡É
16-2-3 Tris Buffer solution
A. Prepartion:
Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane : 3.028 g = to be 0.2 mol.
10% citric acid : add to have pH 6.5
Fructose : 1.0 g
Distilled H2O : add to make 100 ml solution
B. Uses: Extensively used in bull and boar semen dilution. Glycerol may be added before semen is
16-3 Antimicrobial agents for semen diluters
A. Microbial organisms in semen:
a. Pathogenic organisms: See TABLE 16-1; Dramatic efect due largely to Vibrio fetus
infection in low fertility bulls
b. Non-pathogenic organisms: Adverse effects due to their competition with sperm for
nutrients; Microbial contamination will be reduced by proper cleaning sheath and under
line of male prior to collection and using sterile equipments
B. Antibiotics used:
Penicillin : 1000 IU/ ml
Streptomycin: 1000 ug/ ml
Polymixin B : 1000 ug/ ml
16-4 Effective diluters for bull semen
16-4-1 Yolk-phosphate
A. Phosphate buffer: egg yolk = 1: 1
B. Phosphate ion + fat globules of yolk ¡æ opaque mixture ¡æ sperm not visible under microscope
16-4-2 Yolk-Citrate
A. For liquid semen: citrate buffer: egg yolk = 1: 1
B. For frozen semen: citrate buffer: egg yolk = 4: 1
C. Standard diluter
16-4-3 Tris buffered-Yolk
A. Tris buffer: egg yolk = 4: 1
B. Glycerol can be incorporated into initial diluter without cooling to 5¡É
C. Equilibration time does not semm to be critical¡¡
16-4-4 Whole homogenized milk and skim milk
A. Milk heated to normal pasteurization temperature contains spermicidal material LACTENIN
B. Heating milk to 90 - 95¡É for 10 min. inactivates lactenin
C. Whole milk has poor sperm visivility under microscope by light refraction by the fat globules
in homogenized milk
16-4-5 Other diluters: See TABLE 16-2
A. Addition of simple sugars, amino acids and/or enzymes
B. Various concentrations of egg yolk
C. CO2 saturation etc.
16-5 Processing (frozen) bull semen
A. Processing steps of frozen bull semen: Dilution¡æ cooling¡æ glycerolation & equilibration¡æ
packaging¡æ freezing
B. Control of semen temperature: With placing semen in warm water bath
16-5-1 Semen dilution
A. Predilution: Warm semen with 3 to 4 volumes of diluter tempered in the same water bath ¡æ
Lecithin and lipoprotein from yolk of diluter: Protect sperm from cold shock and prevent changes
in cell wall permeability during cooling process
B. Dilution: After cooled to 5¡É, the prediluted semen is diluted to final volume with diluter
cooled to 5¡É
16-5-2 Dilution rate
A. Optimum number of motile sperm per breeding unit at the time of insemination: 10 million
sperm (7-8 million sperm for high fertility bulls and 15 million for low fertility bulls), and %
sperm with post-thaw intact acrosome may be involved in determining optimum sperm number
per breeding unit
B. Post-thaw sperm motility of an individual bull: can be determined by post-thaw evaluations on
several ejaculates of the bull
C. Breeding units = semen volume x sperm concentration x post-thaw sperm motility / 10 million
D. Dilution rate = Total volume of diluted semen (total volume of diluter added + semen volume)
= Breeding units x diluted semen volume/ breeding unit (0.5 ml for 0.5 ml straw packaging)
16-5-3 Cooling semen
Optimum cooling rate: From body temperature to 5¡É for 1.25 to 2 hours (fast cooling) or for 2 to
4 hours (slow cooling)
16-5-4 Glycerolation and equlilibration
A. Causes of freezing damage: From selective freezing of free H2O both inside and outside the
sperm cell
a. Concentrating other cell constituents and solutes outside the cell
b. Upsetting vital cell components
c. Changes in cell membrane permeability
d. Preferential leakage of solutes
e. pH changes in nonelectrolytes
B. Sperm protection from freezing by glycerolation: Because glycerol binds water, glycerolation
results in:
a. Decreased freezing point of solutions
b. Less ice formed
c. Correspondingly decreased concetration of solutes
d. Partially dehydrated sperm cells
e. Reduced selective freezing of water
C. Other cryopreservatives:
a. Dimethyl sulfoxide(DMSO): Has a salt-buffering capacity and enters the sperm cells
rapidly: Most effective with slow freezing
b. Glycols and other saccharides
D. Optimum final level of glycerol added:
a. Yolk-citrate and tris buffered-yolk diluters: 7%
b. Milk diluters: 10 - 13%
E. Temperature at glycerolation: 5¡É in yolk-citrate and milk diluters; Glycerol damage when
added at 35¡É; No temperature problem in glycerolation for tris buffered-yolk diluter
F. Procedure for glycerolation:
a. Divide diluter into Part I and Part II of equal volume
b. Part I: no glycerol and semen will be prediluted with Part I
c. Part II: glycerol added at twice the level desired in the final mixture = 14% glycerol for
yolk-citrate or tris buffered-yolk diluter and 20-25% for milk diluter
d. Prediluted semen will be diluted with Part I remainder and then further diluted by
dripping slowly with Part II: 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% in the interval of 20 min.
G. Equilibration:
a. Equilibration time: needed for the sperm and diluter to completely mix: at least 1 hour
b.Temperature during equilibration: 5¡É
c. Additional research is needed for optimum equilibration time
16-5-5 Semen packaging: See Figure 16-3
A. Glass ampoules were used until about 1970
B. Plastic straws:
a. Size: 0.5 ml with 113 mm long and 2.8 mm in diameter (In Europe 0.25 or 0.3 ml
straws are used)

b. Straw preparation: One end of straw contains 3-parts plug: Cotton- Polyvinyl alcohol
powder- Cotton; This PVA powder allow air to pass through until aqueous material (the
semen) comes in contact with the powder and vacuum is used to siphon the diluted semen
into the straw and when the fluid reaches the powder, it forms a gel and seals. Heat may
be used to fuse the plastic open end.

c. Storage of straws in liquid nitrogen container: Placed in goblets within a cane after
labelled to identify the donor bull and the semen producing business
16-5-6 Freezing
A. Freezing procedure: A single layer of straws are placed on a tray at 5.5 cm above the liquid
nitrogen level; Straws will reach the temperature of liquid nitrogen vapor in about 2 min.
B. Optimum freezing rate: See TABLE 16-3:
-126¡É/min to -7¡É/ min.: satisfactory results: influenced by the type of package, glycerol level,
thawing rate and diluter composition
16-6 Storage and handling of bull semen
A. Optimum temperature for semen storage:
a. Liquid semen: at 5¡É
b. Frozen semen: below -75¡É
NR rate from frozen semen preserved at -79¡É(with dry ice) for 6 months: 13% decreased
compared with frozen semen for 1 month
B. Semen storage in liquid nitrogen container:
a. Double wall stainless steel or aluminum container with a vacuum between the walls:
See FIGURE 16-4: Large storage unit and small field unit
b. Field unit:
Liquid nitrogen capacity: 20 liters
Holding time: 90 days
Storage capcity: 1,200 straws of 0.5 ml capacity
Recharging interval: 60 days
Canister, cane and goblets: goblets should always be filled with liquid nitrogen
C. Precautions in handling semen
a. Temperature above -79¡É can be detrimental to sperm survival and the temperature of
small straw can be changed very rapidly when exposed to ambient temperatures of 25 to
b. Top of canister should remain 3 to 5 cm below the top of nitrogen tank when looking
for semen from a particular bull
c. Use a particular cane and goblet for a particular bull semen
d. Use specially designed forceps for lifting straws from goblets
16-7 Processing boar, ram, stallion and buck semen
16-7-1 Processing boar semen
A. Filter ejaculate through 2 layers of cheese cloth to remove gel portion
B. Place semen in water bath at 38¡É
C. Evaluate the sample
D. Liquid semen:
a. Dilute semen to have a final concentration of 4 to 5 x 109 motile sperm/ 50 ml
b. Cool diluted semen to 5¡É in 2 hrs.
c. Normal fertility remained for approx. 3 days
d. Extensively used in Denmark (semen transportation: within 6 hrs.)
E. Frozen semen:
a. Pellet freezing: See Ref. Figure 11.5. of Pursel (1979). Page 151 in H.W. Hawk ed.
Animal Reproduction and TABLE 16-4

b. Straw packaging: Almlid and Johnson(1988) J. Anim. Sci. 66: 2899: With maxi-straws
(6 mm o.d.) and 3 % final glycerol concentration: Results of post-thaw motility: 34- 50%,
normal apical ridge: 48-57% and plasma membrane integrity: 45%
16-7-2 Processing ram semen
A. Diluter: See TABLE 16-5
B. Dilution rate: 1: 3
C. Total number of sperm and semen volume/ insemination: 100 million to 500 million in 0.1- 0.3
D. Semen deposition: In posterior end of cervix
E. Preservation of semen:
a. Liquid semen: within 24 hours at 5¡É
b. Frozen semen: not extensively used with conception rates of 20 to 70%
F. Water from fluids of female tract enter sperm faster than glycerol can exit, resulting in swelling
of sperm head
16-7-3 Processing stallion semen
A. Diluter: See TABLE 16-6; cream-gelatin diluter gave higher CR %
B. Recommended number of motile sperm and semen volume/ insemination: 500 million in 10 to
30 ml
C. Preservation:
a. Liquid semen: for 24 to 48 hrs at 5¡É
b. Froozen semen: Not practical ¡¡
16-7-4 Processing buck semen
A. An enzyme in buck seminal plasma interact with egg yolk which produce a toxin capable of
killing sperm
B. Washing buck sperm with Ringer solution is recommended before dilution
C. Recommended number of motile sperm and semen volume/ insemination: 100 million in 0.25
D. Diluter: similar to diluter for bull semen
E. Frozen semen: Satisfactory post-thaw motility by freezing method for bull semen in our
laboratory with 3.5% final glycerol concentration
F. CR % with frozen semen: 40 to 65 %
Chapter 17 Insemination techniques

Object of insemnation technique: To place semen in the part of reproductive tract that will give the
best chances for conception
17-1 Insemination of the cow
17-1-1 Vaginal insemination
Semen deposition: At the mouth of cervix: not usable in artificial insemination because of its low
CR; Require much motile sperm/ insemination
17-1-2 Cervical insemination: See FIGURE 17-1

Figure 17-1 Speculum method for insemination the cow. Similar method is used for the ewe.
A. Semen deposition: At 2.5 cm of cervix by use of speculum ¡æ 10% lower CR compared with
recto-vaginal insemination
B. Speculum: Size: 2 to 3 cm in diameter and 35 to 40 cm long; Made of metal, glass and plastic
materials with pen light or head lamp
17-1-3 Recto-vaginal insemination
* More difficult to learn, but its superior CR makes it the method of choice. Conception rates are
lower for the beginner, but as the technique is mastered CR improves.
A. Grasp cervix with left hand through rectum: FUGURE 17-2
Figure 17-2 Recto-vaginal method for inseminating the cow.
B. Insert inseminating instrument through vagina
C. Hold cervix by its posterior end with index and middle fingers and thumb, leaving the other two
fingers free to help guide the inseminating instrument: FIGURE 17-3
D. Guide the instrument into the opening of cervix and manipulate the cervix in all directions to
pass theinstrument through cervix
E. Move the fingers and thumb foward so that the manipulation is taking place just forward to the
end of the instrument
F. Stop the instrument as soon as it reaches the anterior end of the cervix, and do not withdraw the
instrument, especially when the cow urinates
G. Deposit semen slowly for 5 seconds
H. Some problem situations to beginners:
a. Insert the instrument into vagina not to enter suburethral diverticulum or external
urethral orifice.

b. When muscular contractions force the reproductive tract toward anus and cause vagina
to become folded, grasp the cervix with left hand and push it forward to straighten the

c. When cow attempt to expel left hand for rectum with peristaltic muscular contractions,
wait until the rectum will be relaxed.

d. When the cervix cannot be felt or manipulated through contractions of rectal muscles,
cup the fingers over the hardened rectal wall and pull the hand toward tha anus to cause
the contracted rectal muscle to be relaxed and softened.

e. When the vagina fills with air, dispel the air by firm pressure with the hand toward the

f. When the bladder is extremely full, manipulate the clitoris to cause urination.
17-1-4 Inseminating equipment: See FIGURE 17-4
A. For using semen in ampolues:
a. A plastic inseminating catheter fitted with a polypropylene bulb
b. A plastic inseminating catheter attached to a 2 ml syringe with a short rubber
connecting tube
B. For using semen packaged in straws:
A "straw gun": 1) stainless steel tube, 2) stainless steel rod as a plunger, and 3) plastic sheath
designed to fit tightly against the end of straw, which forms seal to prevent semen from being
trapped between straw and sheath
17-1-5 Thawing frozen bull semen
A. Thawing ampoules In ice water bath of polystyrene thaw box or soft plastic container as in
B. Thawing straws
Straws should be thawed in a 32 to 35¡É water bath: See FIGURE 17-6
Reached 5¡É in 12 to 15 seconds, but leave straws for 45 to 60 seconds.
75-day NR rate: 66.3% vs. 64.4% for straws thawed for 40 vs. 9 seconds
C. Handling semen after thawing
a. Raise semen temperature to 35¡É and then protect sperm from cold shock
b. Insert the straw in warm starw-gun
c. Keep inseminating instrument warm by wrapping with paper towel and tucking inside
the inseminator's clothing
17-1-6 Site of semen deposition
A. Vaginal and posterior cervical deposition: definitely inferior CR
B. Semen deposition at midcervix and body of uterus:
a. Little different CR; but no experiments have favored midcervical.
b. Cervix provides viable sperm at fertilization site for longer period as sperm pool, but
there is little difference in sperm transport time to fertilization site between both semen
deposition sites
c. Advantages of midcervical deposition assuming no difference in CR:
1) Reduced danger of damaging uterine wall
2) Utilization of antibacterial action of cervical secretions
3) Decreased danger of interrupting pregnancy with repeat breeders
d. When semen was deposited at midcervix because inseminator was unable to pass the
instrument beyond that point, CR was found 15% lower: due to irritation and swelling of
cervical mucosa or other factors which prevented semen from traversing the cervix
C. Deep uterine horn deposition: not recommended because of possible trauma and/or infection
17-1-7 Restraining facilities
A. Require more elaborate facilities for dairy and beef heifers and beef cows grazing on pastures:
To protect inseminator and allow proper placement of semen wiht a minimum of excitement and
trauma of the cow
B. An end of narrow chute, enclosed with plywood, with solid gate to swing out to open: Dark
confinement area: Drive cow in and hold her in place with a piece of pipe: Allow her to stand
quietly for a few minutes before being inseminated.
17-2 Insemination of the ewe and doe
A. Small stainless steel spreading speculum is used with aid of head light for cervical semen
deposition: See FIGURE 17-7
B. For ewe: intrauterine insemination with 10 cm long, ball-tipped17 guage needle: 50 to 60%
successful passage and 70% CR with frozen semen
C. For doe: A dorsal flap must be lifted and then 0.25 ml straw gun can be used for intrauterine
17-3 Insemination of the sow
Use a plastic insemination catheter and squeeze bottle or large syringe as in FIGURE 17-8
17-4 Insemination of the mare: See FIGURE 17-9

Figure 17-9 Method used to inseminate the mare.

A. Special emphasis on cleanlinesss is required because the gloved hand is place in vagina with a
finger through cervix.
B. A 50 ml syringe with a volume of semen containing 500 million motile sperm is connected to a
plastic inseminating catheter

Chpater 18 Altering Reproductive Processes

* Improved animal reproduction: From higher reproductvie rates, more genetic gain, and better
reproductive management
A. By seeking better management of natural reproductive processes
B. By enhancing genetic and reproductive mangement by means of altering reproductive processes
a. Artificial insemination
b. Synchronization of estrus
c. Superovulation
d. Embryo transfer
e. Promoting twinning
f. In vitro sperm capacitation and oocyte maturation
g. In vitro fertilization
h. Sex control
i. Embryo cloning
j. Transgenic animals
k. Induced parturition
l. Castration
m. Vasectomized males and androgenized heifers
18-1 Synchronization of estrus
A. Definition: To have a number of females in estrus during a very short period of time
B. Advantages:
a. To schedule livestock handling and breeding to fit into a work schedule
b. To reduce time-consuming job of detecting estrus
c. To shorten breeding season
d. To group animals into desired parturition patterns so that intensive care may be
provided for limited periods
18-1-1 Progestin method
A. Physiological bases: Preventing release of GnRH, FSH and LH by negative feedback action of
exogenous progesterone for sufficiently long time ¡æ to allow corpora lutea to regress in order to
obtain estrus synchronization following exogeneous progestin withdrawal simultaneously in a
number of females.
B. Methods of progesterone administration:
a. Progestins: Progesterone and synthetic progestins as: Flurogestone acetate(FGA) and
Melengesterol acetate (MGA) etc

b. Adminstration methods: 1) Oral administration, 2) Ear implant as Norgestomet: See

FIGURE 18-1, and progesterone-releasing intravaginal device (PRID: a silastic coated

c. Duration of administrtion: 16 days in cow and 14 days in ewes

C. Estrus syncronization: 80-90% females: Estrus occurred over 4-day period from 2 to 6 days
following progestin withrawal
D. CR% in synchronized females: 15% lower than in spontaneously estrous females
E. Timed-insemination in synchronized females: See TABLE 18-1
Some treated cows ovulate without overt signs of estrus and conceive to
timed-insemintions. But CR% is lower than in cows bred during detected estrus
18-1-2 Prostaglandin method for cows
A. Physiological bases:
a. Prostaglandin (PG) F2¥á administered as a single injection during days 5 through 17 of
estrous cycle causes luteolysis and subsequent return to estrus in 36 to 72 hrs.
b. No response from Day 1 through Day 4:
1) CL may not have sufficient PGF2¥á receptor sites to respond to normal levels
of PGF2¥á.
2) Metabolic pathways may not have developed at this point to allow complete
response: because some cows respond to a very large dose of PGF2¥á.
c. No effective after Day 17: CL is usually regressing spontaneously
d. Response at an unaccepatable rate from Day 5 to Day 7: See TABLE 18-2
B. Methods of estrus synchronization by PGF2¥á
a. Dose: a single i.m. injection of 25 mg PGF2¥á or 0.5 mg cloprostenol (an PGF2¥á
analog): High percentage is deactivated, mainly in lung, prior to reaching CL
b. Effectiveness:
1) Serum progesterone level: fall rapidly within 24 hrs.
2) Serum estrogen level: rise within 24 hrs.
3) Preovulatory LH peak: occur within 3 days
4) Estrus: occur at about time of LH peak
5) Ovulation: occur about 24 hrs. after onset of estrus
c. Practical 4 alternative methods:
1) Inject cows only with CL of 5 days or more in age by rectal palpation, time-
inseminate estrous cows 80 hrs. following treatment, and retreat remaining cows
12 days later, and then time-inseminate estrous ones

2) Treat all cows, inseminate estrous cows, and retreat all remaining cows 12
days following the first treatment, and then time-inseminate estrous cows

3) Check estrus for 5 days, inseminate estrous cows, treat remaining animals on
day 5, and inseminate at the ensuing estrus: 65 to 70% CR

4) Treat all cows. wait 12 days, retreat all cows, and then either time-inseminate
at 80 hrs or inseminate estrous cows only (Remember that only cycling cows
will respond to PGF2¥á treatment)

* Physiological base of time-insemination 80 hrs after treatment: Many females

begin to show estrus 60 to 72 hrs after treatment, and the optimum period for
insemination is 8 to 18 hrs after onset of estrus: So higher CR% can be expected
when inseminating at detected estrus.
d. Results of estrus synchronization experiments: See TABLE 18-3
e. CR% improvement by GnRH treatment at Days 12 to 14 following AI with PG-
induced estrus: See Lajili et al (1991) Theriogenol. 36:335-347
18-1-3 Combination of progestins and prostaglandins for cows
Progstins adminstered for 7 days + PGF2¥á on day 6: From an experiment in Holstein heifers: 82%
and 100% of treated animals showed estrus within 17- and 32 hr-period, respectively.
* A practical measure for shortening postpartum open days in cows:
1) Observe estrus intensively from 45 days postpartum
2) Treat PGF2¥á to cows which do not exhibit estrus until 50 days postpatum
3) Retreat PGF2¥á 12 days later to cows which did not respond
4) Treat cows with GnRH at 12 to 14 days post AI
5) Confirm cows of negative early pregnancy disgnosis (EPD) at 22 days post AI
6) Treat PGF2¥á to negative EPD cows at 32 days post AI
18-1-4 Synchronization of estrus in mares
PGF2¥á injection from days 6 post-ovulation to day 18 of the cycle: Return to estrus in 4 to 5 days
and ovulate 10 to 12 days post-injection
18-1-5 Synchronization of estrus in sows
A. PGF2¥á is not practical because sow's CL will not respond until day 12 of the cycle
B. Altrenogest, a synthetic progestin, when fed for 14 or 18 days, will bring 90 to 95% of a group
sows into estrus within 6 days after withdrawal, with equal subsequent CR%
18-1-6 Synchronization of estrus in ewes
Estrus synchronization by using progestins or PGF2¥á: Detrimental effect to sperm and sperm
transport will occur in the cervix
18-1-7 Synchronization of estrus in does
A. PGF2¥á is available but more research is needed.
B. FGA for 17 to 22 days with PMSG treatment on removal of progestin: Good synchrony and CR
18-2 Superovulation and embryo transfer(ET)
A. Cow, ewe and doe: An average of 12 ovulations: expected by superovulation; In cows: 7.9
embryos collected nonsurgically, 60 to 70% of superovulated ova: normal embryos (4 to 5 normal
embryos/ superovulation)
B. Mare: No reliable superovulation
C. Sow: Can be accomplished, but 12 to 20 spontaneous ovulations
D. Calves: Variable responses and very low fertilization rates
18-2-1 Techniques of superovulation
A. Ewes: A single s.c. injection of 600 - 1,000 IU PMSG on day 12 or 13
B. Cows:
a. Twice-daily injections of 5 mg FSH for 4 or 5 days starting days 8 - 13 of the cycle
b. Twice-daily injections of a diminishing dose of 5,4,3 and 2 mg FSH for 4 or 5 days
starting days 8 - 13
* Estrus will be induced on days 5 of superovulation regime with a single i.m. injection
of 25 mg PGF2¥á on the 3rd day ( at the same time FSH injection number 6 is given).
* Multiple AI should be performed over a 2 day period.
* Repeat superovulation in cows: 10 repeat superovulations(¡ï 3 ovulations) possible in
the interval of 60 days, but most become refractory much sooner due to an immune
reaction by foreign FSH or eCG protein
C. Sows: A single i.c. injection of 750 - 1,000 IU eCG on day 15 of the cycle and a single i.m.
injection of 500 IU hCG at the onset of estrus
18-2-2 Bovine embryo collection and evaluation
A. Embryo collection
* Embryo collection date: Schedule a day 7 collection (estrus = day 0), Identify and palpate all
recipients that showed estrus 6, 7, or 8 days earlier
a. Surgical collection: See FIGURE 18-3
1) Lapaotomy to expose reproductive tract
2) Inject fluid into uterine horn and force it through oviduct and collect embryos
at infundibulum
* High embryo recovery rate, but surgical trauma and resulting adhesions
b. Nonsurgical collection:
1) Use of Foley catheter: See FIGURE 18-4:
Figure 18-4 Foley catheter used to flush embryos from the uterus by nonsurgical
2- way or 3-way catheters and catheters of different diameter: See Ref. Figure

2) Insert catheter into right or left uterine horn using stylet and cervical dilator:
See Ref. Figures 26 and 28 of Curtis,1989.

3) Inflate catheter's balloon by air injection through "c" and hemostat at "d" of
Ref. Figure 27 of Curtis, 1989.

4) After removal of stylet, flush uterine horn with PBS as TABLE 18-4 using Y-
junction tubing and Em-Con filter of Ref. Figures 23 and 24 of Curtis, 1989
B. Embryo evaluation
* Accurate embryo evaluation: important for successful ET
* Some characteristics of normal embryos:
a. Compactness of the cells: compact rather than loose mass of cells
b. Regularity of shape: spherical shape rather than oval,etc
c. Variation in cell size: blastomeres of similar size
d. Color and texture of cytoplasm:neither very light nor dark color
e. Presence of vesicles: some moderate sized vesicles, rather than granular or unevenly
f. Presence of extruded cells: without any dissociated cells
g. Normal embryo size
h. Regularity of zona pellucida: with empty perivitelline space and of regular diameter
and even (neither wrinkled nor collapsed) zona pellucida
i. Proper stage of development for age: See FIGURE 8-1
18-2-3 Embryo storage and transfer
A. Embryo storage for shorter than 10 hours
a. Embryos just collected: Maintained at near body temperature in flusing media from
collection to transfer to recipients
b. For storage for 2 to 10 hours:
1) Media should contain 20% heat-treated serum.
2) Embryos should be transferred to fresh, sterile medium every 2 hours to help
control bacterial contaminants.
3) If 37¡É cannot be maintained constantly, it may be better to allow embryos to
cool to room temperature.
B. Embryo cryopreservation: Read further: Niemann(1991). Theriogenol. 35:109-124
a. Slow freezing using a programable embryo freezer: (Procedure used in Niemann's lab.)
1) One-step addition of a 1.4 M glycerol solution with 20 min equilibration at
room temperature.

2) Loading into 0.25 ml straws: The freezing solution is sucked into the straw,
separated into 3 segments by small air bubbles, the mid-segment containing the

3) Transfer to the ethanol bath precooled to -7 ¡É¡¡

4) Induction of crystallization (= seeding) with a pair of supercooled forceps

followed by a holding period for 5 min.

5) Slow cooling by embryo freezer from -7 ¡Éto -28 ¡É at o.3 ¡É/ min.

6) Slow cooling from -28 ¡É to -35¡É at 0.1¡É/ min.

7) Plunge into liquid nitrogen

8) Thawing in air at room temperature

9) Removal of glycerol using sucrose in 2 steps.

* CR% following nonsurgical transfer of frozen embryos: > 50%

b. Vitrification: Rapid freezing without the use of an expensive freezing machine
1) Definition: Physical process by which a highly concentrated solution of
cryoprotectants solidifies during cooling without formation of ice crystals rapid
freezing without the use of freezing machine

2) Results with livestock embryos are still limited, but bovine, ovine and caprine
morulae and blastocysts have been vitrified successfully and following transfer
given birth of normal offspring.
B. Embryo transfer
* Embryos must be transferred to the uterine horn ipsilateral to ovary containing CL of recipients
having their estrus cycles synchronized with the donor
a. Surgical transfer: Bovine embryos of blastocyst stage will be transferred into the
uterine horn, exposed by laparotmy, with syringe fitted with a 21-gauge needle: not

b. Nonsurgical transfer:
1) By puncturing uterine horn with a long hypodermic needle through vagina:
not practical
2) By carefully passing 0.25 ml straw inseminating-gun into uterine horn
through cervix: Somewhat lower CR%, compared with surgical transfer, but
used in most commercial embryo transfer
18-2-4 Promoting twinning
A. Methods for twinning
a. Superovulation
1) Space limitations from several embryos result in embryo mortality to reduce
the number of fetuses to 1,2 or 3.

2) Too many implantation frequently occur and later result in abortions

b. Transfer of 2 IVF embryos: See Jiang et al(1991). Theriogenol. 35: 216: CR%: > 60%
and twinning rate: >50% from nonsurgical transfer to 56 recipient heifers
B. Disadvantages for twinning
a. Short gestations accompanied by small and weak calves
b. Freemartins from heterosexual twins
c. More stress on the cows- dairy cows produce 10% less milk in the lactation following
twin birth
d. Increased reproductive problems: High incidence of retained placenta, cystic ovairies,
e. Insufficient milk for 2 calves in most beef cows: Retarded calf growth

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