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George Adamski and Howard

Menger Series: How Anyone Can

Eliminate the Ego and Get To An
Advanced Spiritual State on Earth
In 5 Steps Plus How To Support
the W56: A Brief Booklet
by Lucus Louize
ISBN 978-1-948759-28-1 (2020)

I dedicate this book to all the wonderful friends of the Confederation and
the Alliance.
I especially dedicate this book to my W56 inner circle group of friends that
consists of undercover Confederation operatives and contactees and also
the Alliance friend brother Bob. They are all my heroes and heroines.
This book is especially dedicated to the W56 in the hopes the Unbeatable
W56 method mentioned in this book will help future W56 contactees be
more efficient in their service towards the W56 cause.
Last but not least I dedicate this book to the W56 heroic operatives who
stepped in against the CTR’s in my personal life and to my first W56
teacher for whom without him none of this would have happened.

Table of Contents:

Introduction and How Anyone Can Contact the Confederation (George

Adamski and Howard Menger and Other Contactee’s Space
Chapter 1: How Anyone Can Eliminate the Ego In 5 Steps………………13
Chapter 2: How To Support the W56 An Unbeatable System More
Chapter 3: The Soul Transfer Machine and How Confederation and CTR
Operatives Are Born Here On Earth…………………………………………25


1: Confederation and Alliance Universal Economics………………………26

2: Planetary Star Systems of the Alliance and Confederation……………30

3: I Support the Galactic Tribunal Ruling and My Theory…………………33

4: The Space Brothers are NOT From Venus, There are NOT 12 Planets in
Every Star System and Other Information………………………………….36

5: ‘Free Energy’ is Fake, ‘Lightbeings’ are Fake, the Integratron is Fake,

and Other Accurate Information……………………………………………..38

Introduction and How Anyone Can Contact the
Confederation (George Adamski and Howard
Menger and other contactee’s Space Friends)

Much of the following information for this chapter is from brother Bob
Renaud’s excellent TerraKor Files Alliance Terran Communication Center
website. The truth about the galaxy is not all sweetness and light. It is not
light-beings, interdimensional Pleiadean golden haired God’s and other
piffle. The reality is much darker and much more disturbing. Within our
quadrant of the galaxy there is literally an interstellar war being waged at
the time this is being written (2019). There are 23 planets involved in the
conflict. One of them is Earth.
Our little planet is within Confederation territory. The Confederation are the
galactic friends of Earth who contacted George Adamski, Howard Menger,
Daniel Fry, Buck Neslon, this author, and where the Italian W56 however
the Confederation contactees Adamski, Menger, Fry , Nelson, and others,
had their memories manipulated by an evil group known as the Omegans.
to make them think the Confederation comes from Venus or other local
planets in order to discredit the Confederation contactees message.
The Omegans were originally ambitious disaffected Confederation activists
who disagreed with Confederation policy including the Non-Interference
Directive. Overtime the Omegans became rebels and organized into a sort
of galactic covert imperialist group taking over planets that contained a
certain level of technological development coupled with generally immoral
culture through infiltration. The Omegans then develop and use the
technology and immorality of the planet’s populace to their own ends with
the ultimate goal of using the planet’s people to attack confederation worlds
through way of the Omegan’s guiding the world’s technological
developments to attack the Confederation.
The Non-Interference Directive prevents the Confederation from getting
more involved to deal more directly with this threat since Earth is not a
member of the Confederation. The Omegans have taken advantage of this
rule and have used it greatly to their advantage. The Omegans are also

backed by a criminal group known as the Syndicate who does not offer
military support but does offer support in other ways. The Syndicate had
enlisted the Omegans as an arm to attack and gain footholds in
Confederation territory.
In the 1980’s the Omegans formed a pact with another ruthless group with
a large military force known as the Kalrans.
Who are the good guys in this war?
There is hope. The Confederation as mentioned before are one of the good
guys in this struggle. They have heroically combatted the Omegans and
other evil groups (50 Years of Amizicia and Mass Contacts) And I have
seen them heroically intervene against undercover Omegans in my own
There is another good guy group who are also heroes of Earth people
known as the Alliance. They have all but abandoned the Non-Interference
Directive to combat directly this Omegan/Syndicate threat.
Unlike the Confederation the Alliance has a large advanced military force
and they are using it to deal with both the Omegans and the Kalrans. In fact
since 2013, the heroic Alliance stopped the main Omegan program here on
Earth so their main program is no longer a serious threat (See brother
Arkay’s Questions and Answers 10-16-2013 on the TerraKor files website)
however the Omegan presence is still deeply entrenched in Earth.
The Alliance has made it clear that under no terms are any Earth people to
take up arms and violently resist Omegan control here on Earth because
anyone who does so will die. We must leave the physical fighting of the
Omegans to the Alliance and the Confederation. The Alliance estimates
that within 40-50 years we may see some of the positive changes due to
the Alliance presence here. The Alliance is more advanced then the
So what can we do?
The Alliance recommends living by and encouraging morals. The Omegans
want us fighting each other and creating overall immorality which can be
used to their advantage. The more people practice morals, and follow the

teachings of Jesus as recommended by the Alliance the more it will support
their program. This is the way to support the Alliance.
What can we do in supporting the Confederation? Here is an article I wrote
on the subject in previous books but I feel it is valuable enough to reprint
here ( I also added updated info. to it):

Galactic Federation: Overcoming Gang stalking Electronic

Harassment/Evil Omegan and Other Groups (2019) (More Detail) And
How Anyone Sincere Can Contact the Confederation

The people behind the gang stalking and electronic harassment are called
the Omegans. They originally began as disaffected activists from the
Confederation and evolved into a large criminal organization as stated on
brother Bob Renaud’s Alliance-Terran Communication Center Terrakor
website. They are physical evil extra-terrestrials that live undercover in

Earth is in Confederation territory. The Confederation are the 'Angels' in the

bible and are physical positive extra-terrestrials that live under cover in
society. Their undercover agents are here on Earth to be good examples
for Earth people to follow and they also protect people from the Omegans.
The undercover Confederation agents are open to contacting anyone who
sincere in support to them. The claims of Adamski, Menger, and Nelson
that the Confederation agents live on Venus was memory manipulation
from the Omegans in order to discredit their message. This is stated on the
Alliance-Terran Communication Center website under the section the
'Spurious Contacts Files'.The Confederation really come from other parts of
the galaxy or universe.

The Alliance are another friendly group on Earth that also live undercover
in Earth society however they do not contact anyone except brother Bob.

The Omegans lack a military force to attack the Confederation. The goal of
the Omegans was to gradually shape Earth people into becoming a global
culture of uncaring immoral people focused on constant warfare and to
eventually direct the warfare against the Confederation by staging an attack
against the Earth that would cause a significant loss of life then blame the
Confederation as the attackers while presenting themselves as the

'heroes'. As stated on the Alliance-Terran website the evil goal of the
Omegans has largely been stopped by the Alliance.

However the Omegan presence continues on Earth and they and carry out
psychological warfare against Earth people in general by indirectly
controlling the media or by subtly manipulating politicians and other
important people as stated on the Alliance website. I know personally they
also carrying out gang stalking and electronic harassment against targeted
individuals for various reasons. As the scope of gang stalking is world wide
and the sheer numbers it takes to harass each individual it is my belief that
there are millions of Omegan agents on Earth. In Mass Contacts Breccia
states the CTR’s (the Omegans who are not robots that false belief was
from memory manipulation they are actual people just like the
Confederation though both groups do have autanoman which are biological
robots) the Omegans carried psychological warfare and electronic
harassment such as:

“…altering documents, changing memories, even wiping out somebody’s

memories, injecting wrong feelings, as easily as if they were showing a
movie. Our friends (the Confederation- ed) had often stressed that against
all that the only possible defense should consist in a firm will…” as stated in
Mass Contacts by Breccia through Bruno Sammaciccia’s account. Also
follow the Sermon on the Mount as we will soon see.

The Omegans are limited on how they can treat Earth people because of
the presence of the Alliance and Confederation on Earth and because
another criminal group called the Syndicate has limited what actions the
Omegans can take.

Any Earth people that physically challenge the Omegans will die. They are
far more advanced than any Earth society and Earth people are nothing but
bugs to them.

So what can Earth people do?

The Omegans are losing to the Alliance and they are intimidated by the
Confederation. (I have seen undercover Omegans gang stalking me
become intimidated by a single undercover Confederation heroic agent)
The optimal situation would be for the Omegans to have to deal with losing
to the Alliance, have to deal with being intimidated by the Confederation,
and be rendered powerless against psychologically influencing Earth
people with their psyops tactics.

How can this be done?

The Omegans have been called the Anti-Christ by the Confederation.

Logically therefore people only need to practice the teachings of Christ.
Read and follow the Sermon on the Mount the best you can. If the
undercover Omegans carry out psychological warfare or electronic
harassment against you simply forgive them. When you forgive them you
automatically earn the right into heaven (ie. Incarnation into higher planets)
and your sins are forgiven as stated in the Sermon on the Mount. Also after
you forgive them pray to God that the Confederation and the Alliance
continue to win the planet because Jesus said when you pray first forgive
others than your sins are forgiven by God then pray for what you want. In
this way the Omegan psyops against you becomes perpetually self
defeating for them (the military will also witness their evil as it makes the
Omegans look bad if you follow the sermon on the mount teachings and
they continue to harass you) however you will have perpetual self gain for
yourself because the more you forgive the more you prove your worth to
God and the Confederation and you can pray for whatever you want and
also you can incarnate into higher Confederation worlds while the Omegan
pysops have little effect as long as you keep your willpower. The W56 said
willpower is the only defense against evil psyops by the CTRs (Omegans)
as stated in Breccia’s book Mass Contacts.

How Anyone Can Contact the Confederation:

When you pray ask God for assistance from the Confederation and the
Confederation registering discs will pick up your thoughts and they will
either influence your subconscious from a distance in moral ways with their
technology or they may send an undercover agent to be good examples to
you or to protect you from Omegans or other evil. (The Omegans also have
technology to read thoughts. The military also has technology to read
thoughts in a cruder fashion.) The real undercover Confederation agents
never channel or give high level intel to any Earth person because they are
undercover and we are not members of their group yet. The real
undercover agents radiate powerful joy and friendship energy. We can feel
energy from books, pictures, ect. ect. So feel the real Confederation energy
from real undercover Confederation agents here (I believe people feel the
energy through natural ability alone or with a combination of natural ability
and imprinting by the Confederation as well):

The Omegans radiate no energy or hate or other negative energy parasite

type energy like the undercover Omegan agent in the picture below. It is
the man in the suit that is kneeling:

This video is dedicated to the Earth people, to the heroic Alliance especially
my heroes brother Bob and brother Arkay and their good teachings on their
Alliance site, and most important to me the heroic W56, the heroic Buck
Nelson's group, and the heroic Confederation as a whole because I have
witnessed them stopping undercover Omegan gang stalking and
harassment and more and without them I would likely be dead. It is my
hope that by encouraging people to come into contact with the
Confederation undercover friends we Earth people can evolve through
service and friendship and by following the Sermon on the Mount perhaps
the evil forces on Earth will be hard pressed to deal with the Alliance, the
Confederation and Earth people whom they cannot control and
unintentionally help to evolve. Anyone can incarnate within Confederation
worlds in the next life with their Earth memory intact by simply knowing they
are not the body but their eternal awareness within their body, know that
God is the invisible intelligence that is all people and all things, by following
the Sermon on the Mount which an undercover Confederation friend said
was the whole sermon on the mount was the essence of service, and to
see the Confederation as friends. At the time of death the Confederation
may use the soul transfer machine from a distance as mentioned in
Menger’s Threads of Light to You and transfer your soul into a new body
within Confederation ships or worlds and you will have your memory and
personality intact. They also use the soul transfer machine to put the soul
into an embryo at a certain stage of development within the womb in order
to be born here with their personality and memory in-tact for their mission
as an undercover operative here on Earth. The Omegans also have the
same capability and technology.

Chapter 1: 5 Steps To Eliminate the Ego That
Anyone Can Do

The goal of this meditation is to allow you to know how to identify as your
soul instead of your body so you can be more in tune with God and better
follow the teachings of Jesus (God). The Alliance recommend the
teachings of Jesus (see: Arkay Files On God and Religions Sept 15, 1989
from the TerraKor Files website) and the Confederation believes Jesus is
God as well due to my undercover Confederation friend telling me as much.
The Alliance recommends the teachings of Jesus because of all the
teachings on Earth, the teachings of Jesus are the most accurate in the
universe regarding the laws of God.

Here are some definitions for the meditation:

God: God cannot be understood by the brain. God is the creator of the
universe and incarnated itself here on Earth in the form of Jesus Christ.

Mind energy: Your eternal soul which is invisible energy within the brain
and provides the energy for the brain to function. The mind energy cannot
be visualized but can only be experienced by having a clear mind. The
mind energy is the energy that leaves the body at death to go to heaven
and we can still think during the out of body experience. This meditation will
refer to your soul as the mind energy.

Ego: The ego is two things. Firstly the ego is out of control thinking.
Secondly the ego is the idea that man alone can do everything rather than
reliance on God. The way to eliminate the ego is to have a clear mind in
order to think more of only what you want and to have reliance and follow
the laws of Jesus. The elimination of the ego is the solution for everything
because with a clear mind you can focus better to solve problems while
relying on the laws of Jesus.

Preparation: Visualization is just a guide to help you better understand

how to be your mind energy. In reality the mind energy cannot be
visualized because it is the source where all thoughts come from and it can
only be experienced when the mind is clear.

Step 1: Be relaxed and breathe. Visualize an invisible energy fill your brain.
This is a representation of your eternal mind energy. Next visualize your
thoughts within you and visualize breathing out your thoughts and visualize
them disappear. The clear mind that is left over is you being your eternal
mind energy. You stay as your mind energy by living in the present
moment. Mind energy cannot be visualized because all thought comes
from it. You can still think as you normally do during the day even as you
identify as your mind energy but you will think with a more clear mind.
Practice identifying with the mind energy instead of your body. The solution
to all problems is a clear mind because a clear mind is without the out of
control thinking from the ego. With a clear mind you can think clearer to
better solve problems and better follow the laws of Jesus.

Step 2: Visualize the clear mind as an energy and visualize it expand out
from your brain everywhere and know that it will help other people
everywhere subconsciously to have a clearer mind too so they can better
follow God because they would feel more peace as a result of your clear
mind. This happens because everything is connected by God’s energy
since everything is a part of him so the energy of our thoughts and
emotions really has some affect on others even at a distance. (Ecclesiastes
10:20). There is a scientific study that also confirms this. (Please see:
Modulation of DNA Conformation By Heart Focused Intention). In this
sense everything is one with God as a part of God because everything is a
creation and interconnected from the energy of God. Both our thoughts and
God’s thoughts and will influence outside life.

Step 3: If you find your mind is being cluttered with unwanted thoughts ask
yourself ‘What is the solution to all problems?’ then relax, take a deep
breath, and visualize breathing out unwanted thoughts to God (Mathew
11:28-29) and go back to having a clear mind to again identify as your mind
energy. Remember you can still think and have a clear mind as long as you
identify as your mind energy and not your thoughts. The solution to all
problems is a clear mind because a clear mind is without the out of control
thinking of the ego. With a clear mind you can think clearer to better solve
problems and better follow the teachings of Jesus.

Step 4: Use the system I call the ‘variation of goodness’. How to use the
system of the ‘variation of goodness’ is simple. On a good day it’s very
good. On a bad day is not very good but still good because you can use
evil people or situations to your benefit by forgiving any evil because when
you forgive evil your sins are automatically forgiven. (Mathew 6:14-15). So
you can get value out of using evil to have your sins forgiven. Then you can
pray for what you want and God would be more likely to grant your prayers
because you are following his laws. (Mathew 6:33-34) Also when evil is
done against you and you follow Jesus Sermon on the Mount you are
guaranteed to make it to heaven as stated by Jesus. (Mathew 5:10-12). So
even evil and very bad things can be very useful and hold high value to you
when used according to the teachings of Jesus. Hence by using the
teachings of Jesus nothing is ever bad just different variations of good.
Follow the Sermon on the Mount (Mathew 5-7) by lord Jesus. Do not care
what evil people think because they will use it against you. (Mathew 7:6) It
more valuable to use them to have your sins forgiven and to pray for what
you want.

Step 5: How Anyone Can Contact the Confederation: When you pray ask
God for assistance from the Confederation and the Confederation
registering discs will pick up your thoughts and they will either influence
your subconscious from a distance in moral ways with their technology or
they may send an undercover agent to be good examples to you or to
protect you from Omegans or other evil. (The Omegans also have
technology to read thoughts. The military also has technology to read
thoughts in a cruder fashion.) The real undercover Confederation agents
never ‘channel’ or give high level intel to any Earth person because they
are undercover and we are not members of their group yet. They are
physical people and not etheric. Despite what is commonly thought, some
undercover Confederation operatives do eat meat as mentioned by Breccia
in Mass Contacts and 50 Years of Amicizia in order to blend in with society
to better carry out their missions. The real undercover agents radiate
powerful joy and friendship energy. We can feel energy from books,
pictures, ect. ect. So feel the real Confederation energy from real
undercover Confederation agents here (I believe people feel the energy
through natural ability alone or with a combination of natural ability and
imprinting by the Confederation as well):

Some like George Adamski’s contact group radiate a feeling of friendship
and calmness.

Buck Nelson’s contact group radiates Calmness ad Peace energy from
their bodies like the cigar shaped space ship in the center of the picture.

Daniel Fry’s contact group radiates Peace like the star Mirphak.
Howard Menger’s contact group like the undercover Confederation
operatives Jill and Don radiate true happiness and wisdom.

Service to God is most important because when we serve God sincerely

we will be the greatest in heaven. (Mark 9:33-35)

The more you practice these 5 steps the better you will get and the more
peace you will get in life with a clear mind in service to Jesus.

Also listen to Howard Megner’s Song of Saturn

Howard Menger Song of Saturn:

As mentioned in his book From Outer Space To You in the 1950’s Howard
Menger came across wonderful Confederation agents that used their
technology to imprint on his brain how to play the piano. They taught him a
song that helps to unlock feeling of Universal Love from the subconscious

from anyone who listens to the song. Here a link to the song so anyone can
listen to it and evolve their brain:


-Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

-Ecclesiastes 10:20: “Do not curse the king even in your thoughts, or curse
the rich even in your bedroom, for a bird of the air may carry your words,
and a winged creature may report your speech.”

-McCraty et all. Modulation of DNA Conformation By Heart Focused

Intention. Psychology.
2003. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/MODULATION-OF-DNA-
Tomasino/94b61b4f33bfbac98deb0548a710641e73ef31f4 retrieved 1-9-20.

(Please see the Nonlocal studies section within the scientific study above
for information on people affecting others from a distance with only their
thoughts and intention energy)

-Mathew 11:28-29: 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I
am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

-Mathew 5:10-11 “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of

righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11 “Blessed are you
when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil
against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your
reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who
were before you.”

-Mathew 6:14-15 “14 For if you forgive other people when they sin against
you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 15 But if you do not forgive
others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”
-Mathew 6:33-34: “33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and
all these things will be given to you as well. 34”

-Mathew 7:6 “6 Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls
to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear
you to pieces.”

-Job 27:3 “...as long as I have life within me, the breath of God in my

-Jeremiah 17:4 “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed;”

-Hebrews 13:2 “Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so

doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.”

-Mark 9:33-35 “33 They came to Capernaum. When he was in the house,
he asked them, ‘What were you arguing about on the road?’ 34 But they
kept quiet because on the way they had argued about who was the
greatest.35 Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, ‘Anyone who
wants to be first must be the very last, and the servant of all.’”

From Outer Space To You by Howard Menger

Chapter 2: Unstoppable Way to Support the W56
in Addition to the Previous Chapter In More

The W56 is an operation by the Confederation that began in the 1950’s and
ran until the 1970’s in Italy. The main contactee was Bruno Sammaciccia
however the W56 operation was designed to be a form of mass contact. In
other wards many people would be contacted. Many people from all walks
of life including but not limited to house wives, students, blue and white
collar workers, politicians, students, and many others were contacted by
the W56. Their goal was to create a building that would act as a center
were anyone can be their friend and learn about morals and how to
spiritually evolve. Once those people learned their teachings they would
teach others and their students would become teachers and would
continue to teach others ect ect so the teachings would continue to spread
until Earth culture eventually became a place of morals and spiritual
evolvement that would be sufficient enough for the Confederation to come

The enemy groups of the Confederation were labeled by the W56

contactees as the Contraries or CTRs. They are called contraries because
while the Confederation W56 were moral and ethical with compassion and
empathy, the CTRs were amoral and did not hesitate to become unethical
or immoral if the situation called for it. The CTRs lack compassion or
empathy. The CTRs are not robots. (That was memory manipulation
against the W56 contactees from the CTRs) The CTRs are rebels from the
Confederation or are from other evil groups. The CTRs would often cause
problems with the W56 and there would be battles between the two groups.
The battles were mostly intimidation, sabotage, or assassination.

Earth people stand no chance against the CTR’s so the W56 Earth people
must rely on protection from the W56. The CTRs often harassed the Earth
contactees. However there is one thing the W56 contactees can do. Bruno
Sammaciccia stated in the book Mass Contacts by Breccia the CTRs

“...little by little, were seizing the opportunity, altering documents, changing

memories, even wiping out somebody’s memories, injecting wrong feelings,
as easily if they were showing a movie. Our friends (the Confederation-Ed)
had often stressed that against all that the only possible defense should
consist in a firm will...” pg 223 (Mass Contacts)

The W56 are still around. However in our current times they contact people
indirectly so they do not break the Non-Interference Directive. In the 1950’s
they came openly because Earth civilization as a whole was threatened by
nuclear war. In cases where Earth as a whole is threatened they can come
openly. However the rest of the time they operate in our society in an
undercover manner. Their ethics committee prevents them from coming
openly to Earth when Earth culture as a whole is not threatened. However
they can let their presence be known indirectly to anyone interested in
being their friend and helping to accomplish their goal of creating a moral
society that views the Confederation as friends. Anyone can potentially
contact them by sending the W56 thoughts of your interest in serving them.
Also pray to God. Their registering discs will receive your thoughts. They
may influence your subconscious from a distance with their technology in a
positive way or they may send an undercover Confederation operative to
help out in small ways. If you are sincere and they are interested they can
indirectly let you know who they are with their good energy that their
operatives radiate to let you know they are in your presence and through
orchestrated ‘co-incidences’. They do not like living undercover. They
would rather be openly friends with us. However as that is not the case at
this time atleast they can help more indirectly and let people know who they
are indirectly in order to get Earth people involved more directly in their
goal. The W56 goal is to continue to create a more moral, spiritual planet
that views the Confederation as friends and in this case to do it without
breaking with their Non-Interference Directives.

It is my honor through my experience with the W56 friends in the W56 CTR
conflict to present the following brief and simple information so future W56
contactees can know what to do when harassed by the CTRs therefore
making the W56 operations more efficient. The system is unbeatable since
the CTRs mainly rely on behavior modification and electronic harassment
of W56 contactees. The way to counter behavior modification systems is to
neutralize the intended impact and if possible turn it to your advantage.
With the simple and effective techniques below you will have the
opportunity to both neutralize and turn evil CTR harassment to your and the
W56 advantage. The more the CTRs harass the more you gain as long as
you do the simple techniques and do not give up the system is unbeatable.
The Unbeatable W56 Support System:

Step 1: Any harassment the CTRs do to

whether it is electronic harassment or not it is intended to get you to
become emotional. They then can manipulate your emotions through subtle
harassment in a direction they intend for you to take. The way to counter
the CTR harassment in addition to will power is to simply use forgiveness.
When you forgive the CTR harassment, you are not as emotional and
hence their ability to manipulate you through behavior modification is
largely neutralized.

Step 2: When you forgive the CTR harassment you automatically impress
the Confederation and God. Jesus says in Sermon On the Mount that those
who are persecuted for righteousness the kingdom of heave (confederation
worlds or higher realms) is theirs in the next life. Also Jesus says when you
forgive others your sins are forgiven so you can pray for what you want and
you will be more likely to have your prayer answered because God is
impressed. The W56 will also be more likely to help out because they are
impressed too. So the CTRs not only guarantee that you make it to W56
worlds in the next life but you also create a stronger bond with the friends
because they are impressed with your sincere forgiveness and you have an
opportunity to make it into their worlds with your memory of this life intact in
the next. Take the attitude that the CTRs are simply things to be used to
spirituality evolve.

This system is unbeatable as long as you practice it because the more you
are harassed that much more you can impress the W56 and their programs
can continue more smoothly as you support them, while at the same time
also have your prayers more likely answered by God, and are guaranteed
to make it to Confederation worlds in the next life with your memory of this
life intact. In this way the CTR behavior modification program is rendered
not only useless but out right counterproductive and the more they do it the
more counterproductive the CTR program becomes.

With these 2 steps you can continue to more efficiently serve the W56
despite the CTR harassment and become better friends with the W56 and
be guaranteed to make it into their worlds in your next life.

I also recommend following the 5 steps to eliminate the ego mentioned in
this book so service towards the W56 can be even smoother while having
more peace of mind at the same time with a clear mind.

In dedicate this system to all my W56 friends and all future W56 operations
so they may be more successful and Earth may one day join the
Confederation in the exploration of the stars. I especially dedicate this
chapter to God for without Jesus and his teachings this system would not

Chapter: 3 How Confederation and Omegan
Operatives Are Born Here On Earth
In the book Threads of Light To You by Menger he states there is soul
transfer machine that can take the soul of the person at death and transfer
the soul into a new clone body with their personality and memory intact.
Both the Confederation and Omegans (and Alliance) do this. 1.

To have an operative born on Earth it is my belief they use the soul transfer
machine to transfer the soul into an embryo at a certain time of
development than are born here with their memory of their mission and
personality intact. They also have autanoman who are like robot doubles of
people who can serve as stand ins during dangerous situations as stated in
Mass Contacts and 50 Years of Amicizia by Breccia. The Confederation
also uses brain implants to communicate telepathically to others in the
implant network like the Alliance.


1: What Is Universal Economics?

The Confederation worlds, like the Alliance live by an economic system

called Universal Economics as stated on their on-line site. The
Confederation version is slightly different. Everyone uses debit instead of
physical money and all large transactions are stored in a giant database.
Universal Economics is a moneyless free market system similar to an
economic system on Earth called Mutualism particularly the view of Tucker
but without money like Addison Brown and his Prior Choice Economics.
Mutualism holds the labor theory of value on a free market everyone will be
afforded equal opportunity on the free market so no one will have to settle
for artificially low wages just to survive so wages will equal their natural
whole product unlike Capitalism which holds a subjective theory of value
and creates a much larger gap between rich and poor and people are
forced to settle for artificially low wages just to survive and do not receive
their entire natural wage. Everyone is guaranteed a house and basic foods
so they will not settle for low paying jobs just to survive as their survival
needs are already met so wages for the workers would be only what they
accept and therefore both the employers and employees would be
receiving the whole wage or natural wages their entire product.
A little book by Gabriel Green titled Prior Choice Economics was published
in July 27, 1955 describing the economics of Addison Brown called Prior
Choice Economics. This system is similar to the Universal Economics
system of the Alliance and the economic system of the Confederation.

Green describes the Prior Choice system in an easy to read way that gets
right to the point.

Here is how would a Prior Choice Economic System work:

A: Physical money is abolished and people would purchase things
according to how many points (“money”) they have which is printed on a
prior choice card they receive in the mail every paycheck (or currently
placed in a system and used with a debit type of card)

B: The points (money) they receive is never subtracted. Those who have
higher points get first choice on luxury items. (In more current versions I do
believe the money is subtracted)

C: The more someone works the more points they accumulate and the
more things they can buy.

D: In current Universal Economics I believe the wages for a certain job are
decided by the market.

E: Housing and basic needs are free for everyone.

F: Prior Choice economics is a type of competitive free market system.

There is much more in the book but that was a very basic overview. Green
is very clear in what he says, and this book is very helpful for anyone
learning about Prior Choice economics.

Also it can be noted that before Brown, Adam Smith who was one of the
economists of the creation of America raised the question of how to have a
market system by rewarding only those who worked. Josiah Warren and
Benjamin Tucker in America found the answer through the labor theory of
value or cost the limit of price on a competitive free market which is a form
of economic system of mutualism as opposed to capitalism which uses
marginal utility and does not place emphasis on labor as the basis for
wages which is why there is such a huge gap of rich and poor. Those who
worked more received more, however the money or points would be
subtracted in economic models like Warren, Tucker, Proudhon ect. unlike

Prior Choice Economics so Prior Choice Economics coincidently improves
on the Smith, Warren, and Tucker (and Proudhon) economic models.

It is my opinion that Prior Choice Economics is the best system for the
world not only because of what it can offer us but because it is currently
used in various alternative forms and proven by very advanced civilizations
of many planets such as the Alliance (which have 700,000 plus member
planets) and the Galactic Federation (though they do not call it Universal

The 4th of July celebrates the Independence of America. The American

way is also the way of the friendly space people. In fact Galactic Federation
members (the W56) had a role in the creation of America, as stated in
Breccia’s 50 Years of Amizicia. Hence the American free competitive
market system and American constitution guaranteeing freedoms for the
citizens just like the freedoms afforded to the friendly space people on their
worlds. As Green put on his Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America
page “What is the True American Way?”

America as it is now is not what its founders and the Federation intended.
Morals, a belief in God, Freedom, and a system like Prior Choice
Economics is central to any advanced civilization in the universe. American
culture is one of the closest to that of the friendly space people so have the
best chance to create a culture that is compatible with the space people in
order to be a good example for the world. So focus on Morals, live a good
life and ask God to support the Federation and the Alliance who are here
on this Earth to help us. Do not challenge evil ET’s because you will be
killed as stated by Breccia in Mass Contacts and alluded too by Menger in
From Outer Space To You. Let the Federation and Alliance deal with them
they have the technology to do so we do not. As Menger stated in the
documentary Alien Contacts the Best Evidence by Hessman, the
Federation have bases on planets in the solar system they do not live on
the planets. The real Federation has nothing to do with channelers and
fake contacts who claim to have high level insider knowledge about their

2: Where Does the Confederation Actually Come

Brief Galactic Federation List of Colonized Planets or star systems.

In all the 1950’s contactees books, they mentioned that the space friends
came from Venus ect. They may have bases there as stated by Menger in
the documentary. The Alliance have stated the memories of the contactees
were manipulated. Breccia also mentioned this in the book Mass Contacts.

Sammaciccia writes: The opposing groups would use their technology to do

things to the Confederation contacts like: “…altering documents, changing
memories, even wiping out somebody’s memories, injecting wrong feelings,
as easily as if they were showing a movie. Our friends (the Confederation-
ed) had often stressed that against all that the only possible defense should
consist in a firm will…”

So for this reason, as stated by another friendly group here on Earth

besides the Confederation, some of the things the federation contactees
claim (especially the 1950’s contactess) does not make sense. The altering
of thoughts or memories by opposing groups is a reason why as stated

The Non-Interference Directive of the Galactic Federation prevents them

from directly intervening in our society in large scale except when Earth
civilization as a whole is threatened such as the hey day of potential
nuclear war in the 1950’s (the contactees like Adamski, Menger, Fry,
Nelson, ect) and during the 1950’s-1970’s when evil ET’s were threatening
Earth civilization to enough of an extent that the Federation was allowed to
intervene. The 1950’s contactees having wrong information about where
the Galactic Federation come from is not a direct threat to Earth civilization
as a whole so the Non-Interference Directive prevents them from
intervening to clear up the misinformation.

So what planets do the Galactic Federation really come from so we can
potentially incarnate on those planets?

The only contact of the Alliance (brother Bob Renaud) was involved in the
creation of a book titled Flying Saucers Close Up that published a Master
List of Planets. In time it was found that the first Master List had been
manipulated so the Alliance had updated the list in 2008 titled The Master
List of Planets Volume 2.0

Here is a short list of some of the planets the Galactic Federation is from so
we can better appreciate the presence of the Federation and the Alliance
on this planet:




There are 5 planets in the system. The 2 mentioned before are colonized
by the Galactic Federation. The other 3 have outposts but no permanent


This system has 5 planets. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th planets have Galactic
Federation colonies. The 2nd and 4th planets are scientific research
facilities. This is a blue star system.


There are no natural planets in this system however the Galactic
Federation has an artificial planet in orbit. (Daniel Fry’s Confederation
contacts lived in a giant artificial planetoid ship)



Arcturia is a dual membership planet of both the Galactic Federation and

the Alliance as stated by the Alliance in the article online titled ‘Things that
just ain’t so’.

Star System: KORENA, Korena,

The main Alliance group here on Earth come from the star system
KORENA from the planet Korendor.

Take a moment and appreciate these planets and the people on them in
the night sky. Then send thanks to God for the Federation and the Alliance
for being here on Earth and ask God to help them with to be successful
with their missions on Earth.

3: I Support the Galactic Tribunal Ruling and My

There has been some differences of opinion between the Confederation

and the Alliance regarding Earth due to their different interpretations of the
Non-Interference Directive. According to brother Arkay in the ‘Akray Files:
Arkay to Gabriel Green 1989,1990 Question 5: Reason for Alliance
Intervention’ in brother Bob Renaud’s excellent TerraKor Files Alliance
Terran Communication Center website, the Galactic Federation High
Tribunal is “…supportive, if not publicly enthusiastic…” concerning Alliance
efforts here is defeating the evil ET’s on Earth. The main evil ones are
known as the Omegans.
Both the Confederation and Alliance are our brothers and sisters. My two
favorite groups are the Buck Nelson group of the Confederation and the
Kors of the Alliance.
Also I like to be on the Confederation side of neutral. What I mean by that
is I see both the Confederation and the Alliance as two sides of the same
coin. Both are an expression of God in my opinion. I see the Confederation
as God’s expression of Mercy while the Alliance as God’s expression of
With God’s grace I have made a system for Earth people that actually
works in practice in regards to electronic harassment and behavior
modification by evil ET’s against Earth people. This system uses both
God’s mercy and justice (or yin and yang in oriental terms) through the
following way:
When evil is done to someone anyone can use God’s mercy by forgiving
the evil (which Jesus says when you forgive evil your sins are forgiven then
they can pray for what they want and they are also guaranteed to make it to
higher places in the next life in Sermon on the Mount in Mathew 5-7) so
when evil is done to someone they can forgive the evil then pray for
success of the Confederation and Alliance or pray for whatever they want
and they are more likely to get what they want because they forgave the
evil that was done to them and God was impressed. This way of mercy
makes it so evil is neutralized by the evil intentions being transformed into

good while God’s Justice is taken knowing that when one prays for the
Alliance to be successful it is helping the Alliance to remove the Omegans
on Earth through the guidance of God. So by using both God’s Mercy and
Justice any Earth person who forgives evil then prays for good is both
neutralizing evil actions and guaranteeing they make it to higher planets in
the next life while they pray for the Alliance to remove evil forces on Earth
which is Justice. (The main Omegan program is no longer a serious threat
due to the Alliance stopping it as noted in ‘Arkay Questions and Answers
Anyone can use God’s mercy through the Confederation as well by having
an attitude of service and friendship towards the Confederation and then
pray for their assistance or protection and they will help out either by
influencing the subconscious from a distance with their technology or
sending an undercover operative to help out in small ways. The real
undercover Confederation operatives radiate either powerful friendship
wisdom energy (ie. Adamski, Menger, and W56 groups), or powerful peace
energy (Daniel Fry’s group), or powerful calmness and peace energy (Buck
Nelson’s group) depending on which group they are from. They Do Not
come from Venus that was memory manipulation by the evil Omegans
against the Confederation contactees as stated in the ‘Spurious Contacts
Files’ on the TerraKor site. (It is my opinion that God is using the Omegans
in this conflict as examples of how not to act as they have been dubbed
‘Anti-God’ 5. by the Confederation and everything they do is against the
teaches of Jesus hence they can be called the Anti-Christ. It is my view that
the Confederation are examples of God’s Mercy while the Alliance are
examples of God’s Justice. When the Omegans lose the conflict God
willing it will be an example to other planets in other galaxies that people
who take advantage of God’s Mercy (the Omegans were originally
Confederation members who rebelled against it and became evil) will be
eventually eliminated by God’s Justice (the Alliance). That is my own
personal view.)

In my view this combination of God’s Mercy through the Confederation and

using the Sermon on the Mount by Jesus plus God’s Justice through the
Alliance on Earth is to me a balance (like Yin and Yang) on Earth and is
why I support both and why I like being part of God’s Mercy but neutral at
the same time as I think both are equally important and why I support
neutral planets like Arcturus who aligned with both the Confederation and
Alliance and hence why I support the Galactic Tribunal ruling. 1. The
Alliance does not contact anyone except brother Bob Renaud. The
Confederation will contact anyway if they are sincere in service towards
them and it would be through their undercover operatives using indirect
ways to let you know who they are. My personal favorite groups are Buck
Nelson’s group which radiates calmness and peace. The Kors are another
favorite group of mine as are Adamski’s/W56 group which radiates
friendship and peace and Daniel Fry’s group which radiates peace.

4: The Space Brothers are NOT From Venus,
There are NOT 12 Planets in Every Star System
and Other Information
The space brothers of George Adamski, Howard Menger, Buck Nelson
among others DO NOT come from Venus. The contactees claimed they did
because their memory was manipulated by technology from a distance by
the Omegans. The Alliance has stated this in the 'Spurious Contacts Files'
of brother Bob's Alliance Terran Communications website. The
Confederation alluded to it in the book Mass Contacts by Breccia. In the
book Bruno Sammaciccia writes: The opposing groups would use their
technology to do things to the Confederation contacts like: “…altering
documents, changing memories, even wiping out somebody’s memories,
injecting wrong feelings, as easily as if they were showing a movie. Our
friends (the Confederation- ed) had often stressed that against all that the
only possible defense should consist in a firm will…”
As also stated in the title, there are NOT 12 planets in each star system.
This was falsely stated in Adamski's book Inside the Spaceships which was
also due to Omegan memory manipulation against Adamski to further
discredit the Confederation message in addition to the false claims they are
natives from Venus or any other planet in our solar system. In reality many
star systems have different numbers of planets orbiting their stars. For a
real description of Confederation and Alliance planetary star systems and
their number of orbiting planets please see the Masters List of Planets
Version 2.0 on the Alliance-Terran Communication Center website.

As for other misinformation to be corrected, the CTR's mentioned in the

W56 Friendship Case documentary and the books 50 Years of Amicizia
and Mass Contacts by Breccia are NOT robots. The CTR's are Omegans
and other groups who do not have the Earth's best interests in mind. The
Omegans were originally rebels from the Confederation and can be labeled
as the Anti-Christ as Menger stated in From Outer Space to You.

Other bits of memory manipulation to discredit the Confederation message
include brief claims of 'fairies', 'sasquatch like creatures' and other

Rolf Telano who shared a part in Daniel Fry's book the White Sands
Incident and the 'etheric' information mentioned in his ‘The Coming of the
Guardians The Rolf Telano Communications’ is also nonsense as any
mention of etheric beings on other planes of existence on Earth is also
memory manipulation as also stated in 'The Spurious Contacts Files'. The
Alliance brothers and sisters are physical people and the Confederation
friends are physical people as well as stated on the Alliance website and by
Adamski regarding the Confederation. And while the higher realms do exist
however the higher realms can mostly only be contacted through their
masters of their groups as the Alliance site states.

For more real information about the Omegans and the Alliance please see
brother Bob's Alliance Terran Communications website at:


(Permission for links granted by brother Bob in April 2018 on the Alliance
website guestbook)

For information about how anyone can contact the real Confederation and
their undercover agents in indirect ways, how to incarnate into their worlds
with your memory of your past life on Earth, and how to meet them in order
to possibly create friendships with them so a more moral Christian
centered culture could one day be created (Adamski met the pope and
gave him something the Confederation wanted the pope to have.
The Confederation are considered the 'Angels'. The Alliance also
recommends the Christian religion as stated in brother Arkay's Arkay
Files.) so the Confederation could come openly to Earth one day please
see books by Lucus Louize on amazon.com or the website libertad450 at

5: ‘Free Energy’ is Fake, ‘Lightbeings’ are Fake,
the Integratron is Fake, and Other Accurate
On Oct. 1st. 2018 an excellent article by brother Arkay titled: ‘Arkay
Questions and Answers 1018 1001’ goes into some detail on the subject of
‘free energy’ and other junk science brought up by brother Bob.

I like the article because it helps to clear up the misinformation regarding so

called free energy within the UFO movement. Although not specifically
referenced in brother Arkay’s article, the Integratron by VanTassel can
apply here.

Brother Arkay writes regarding ‘free energy’ and junk science “If the ads
are loaded with scientific-looking buzz-words or irrelevant math
equations...” they are scams.

This can readily apply to the Integratron. On the Integratron .com website it

“The purpose of the Integratron is the rejuvenation of the human body,

similar to recharging a battery, and basic research in time travel. According
to VanTassel, the Integratron is located on an intersection of powerful
geomagnetic forces that, when focused by the unique geometry of the
building, will concentrate and amplify the energy required for cell

In other words it’s a scam. I should also point out that I am in agreeance
with Mr. Adamski that the Confederation agents are fully physical and not
etheric. The etheric and junk science nonsense tended to appear with
VanTassel and others which influenced Howard Menger later in his life.
VanTessel helped to set up Connie with Howard co-incidently as stated in
his From Outer Space To You. Connie Menger also spread misinformation
about ‘etheric beings’ or the fake so called ‘light beings’ as can be seen
later in Menger’s life. The etheric beings (‘light beings’) talked about by
VanTassel, Connie Menger, Rolf Telano and others are disinformation and
distractions from the reality of life in the universe and the reality of the
Confederation and the Alliance. As stated earlier I am in agreeance with

Mr. Adamski and brother Bob, brother Arkay and the rest of the brothers
and sisters of the Alliance when they say the true Confederation and
Alliance agents are mostly physical not etheric and I am glad the Alliance is
bringing to attention the junk science that pervades so much of the internet
and UFO movement. Also Adamksi, Menger, and others spoke of life on
Venus, 12 planets on every star systems ect. but this was because their
memory was manipulated by the enemies of the Confederation and the
Alliance who are designated as the Omegans. (Or CTR’s but they are not
robots they originally began as rebels from the Confederation) For more
information please see the Spurious Contacts Files on brother Bob’s
Alliance Terran Communication Center Website as well as the article
‘Arkay Questions and Answers 1018 1001’ and ‘20100613 — Ashtar &
Company’ The Alliance uses nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Earth
people can too. Please see: ‘COMMUNICATION FROM ARKAY OF
KORENDOR Date of reception: 12 October 1988’.


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