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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

Vol. 22, No. 1, January, pp. 51– 64, 2002

doi:10.1006/mpev.2001.1038, available online at http://www.idealibrary.com on

Tribal and Subtribal Delimitation and Phylogeny of the Cardueae

(Asteraceae): A Combined Nuclear and Chloroplast DNA Analysis
Núria Garcia-Jacas, Teresa Garnatje, Alfonso Susanna, 1 and Roser Vilatersana
Botanical Institute of Barcelona (C.S.I.C.-Ajuntament de Barcelona), Av. Muntanyans, s.n., E-08038 Barcelona, Spain
Received August 28, 2000; revised March 15, 2001; published online December 5, 2001

this matter (Susanna et al., 1995) revised exhaustively

Tribal delimitation of Cardueae is controversial, the different classifications. Table 1 summarizes the
and the traditional classification in four subtribes different classifications.
(Echinopsidinae, Carlininae, Carduinae, and Centau- The earliest classification by Cassini (1819) recog-
reinae) has fluctuated widely. Most of the problems nized three tribes, Echinopeae, Carlineae, and Car-
are centered in subtribes Echinopsidinae and Carlini- dueae, the latter with two subtribes, Carduinae and
nae, often segregated with tribal rank. We therefore Centaureinae. Bentham (1873) and Hoffmann (1894),
analyzed DNA sequences of the internal transcribed in contrast, suggested a broadly defined Cardueae com-
spaces (ITS) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA genes and
prising four subtribes: Echinopsidinae, Carlininae,
the matK gene of the chloroplast DNA of a broad rep-
Carduinae, and Centaureinae. This treatment has
resentation of the tribe to examine (1) the phylogeny
been generally accepted, but the problem surfaced
of the tribe, (2) the position of Echinopsidinae and
Carlininae, (3) the circumscription of the subtribes
again when Wagenitz (1976) suggested the segregation
and the position of some conflicting genera, and (4) the of the Echinopeae as a separate tribe. Soon after, Dit-
delimitation of some generic complexes in the Cardui- trich (1977) returned to Cassini’s views and segregated
nae. Phylogenetic analysis of ITS and matK sequence the Echinopeae and the Carlineae. Petit (1988) fol-
variation, both separate and combined, strongly sup- lowed Wagenitz (1976) and kept a separate tribe Echi-
port the monophyly of Cardueae including Carlininae nopeae. In view of the contradicting views, the last
and Echinopsidinae. The combination of both ge- general survey of the Asteraceae (Bremer, 1994)
nomes suggest that Xeranthemum and its allies should adopted the more conservative, broad tribal concept
be included among the Echinopsidinae rather than and recognized only one tribe.
the Carlininae, which implies that the capitulum of In a previous molecular analysis based on internal
Xeranthemum could be interpreted as a syncephaly. transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences (Susanna et al.,
The subtribe Centaureinae forms a well-supported 1995), we concluded that the Cardueae were monophy-
clade, and their sister clades contain the genera Arc- letic, including Carlininae and Echinopsidinae. The
tium, Cousinia, Jurinea, and Saussurea from the Car- same conclusion had been reached by Jansen et al.
duinae. However, some problems persist: Carduinae (1990, 1991), on the basis of chloroplast DNA restric-
are a paraphyletic assemblage, and the subtribal
tion site data, and by Kim et al. (1992) on the basis of
placement of Berardia, Cardopatium, Cousiniopsis,
rbcL sequences. Cladistic analyses of morphological
and Staehelina remains unresolved. Our results also
data in the Compositae (Bremer, 1987, 1994; Karis et
indicate that present classification in four subtribes is
unsatisfactory, but it is still the only practical ap- al., 1992) also supported the monophyly of a broadly
proach. © 2001 Elsevier Science defined Cardueae, including Echinopsidinae and Carli-
Key Words: Asteraceae; Cardueae; ITS; matK; phylog- ninae in addition to Carduinae and Centaureinae.
eny; tribal delimitation. However, these results did not settle the discussion: in
a cladistic analysis of morphologic characters, Petit
(1997) concluded again that Echinopeae should not be
INTRODUCTION included in the Cardueae.
Most of the difficulties have originated in the Echi-
The tribe Cardueae (Asteraceae) is usually divided nopsidinae, characterized by uniflowered capitula
into four taxonomic entities, but the rank and delimi- grouped in second-order heads. This structure has
tation of these units are highly problematic. A paper on been the main reason for the segragation of Echinop-
sidinae as a different tribe by Wagenitz (1976), Dittrich
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax: 34 93 (1977), and Petit (1988, 1997). Homologies of the syn-
4269321. E-mail: asusanna@ibb.csic.es. florescence of Echinops L. and related genera are ex-

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© 2001 Elsevier Science
All rights reserved.


Different Subtribal Classifications of the Cardueae

Cassini (1819), Dittrich (1977) Bentham (1873), Hoffmann (1894), Bremer (1994) Wagenitz (1976), Petit (1988, 1997)

Tribe Echinopeae Tribe Cardueae Tribe Echinopeae

Tribe Carlineae Subtribe Echinopsidinae Tribe Cardueae
Tribe Cardueae Subtribe Carlininae Subtribe Carlininae
Subtribe Carduinae Subtribe Carduinae Subtribe Carduinae–Centaureinae
Subtribe Centaureinae Subtribe Centaureinae

tremely difficult to establish (Petit, 1988), as is usually Duistermaat (1996, 1997) and Petit (1997), the limits
the case with highly derived syncephalies (Stuessy and between Arctium L. and Cousinia are unclear and con-
Spooner, 1988). A similar problem is posed by the com- troversial.
plicated involucral structures of the Carlininae, which Clearly, a molecular approach seemed most applica-
have been interpreted even as a third-order syncepha- ble for this conflicting group, as the results of cladistic
lia in the genus Carlina L. (Meusel and Kohler, 1960; morphological analysis leads to contradictory results.
Meusel and Kästner, 1994), an interpretation rejected Problems encompassed a broad taxonomic range, as we
by Petit (1988). In fact, contradictory results obtained intended to address questions from the generic to the
by different authors in cladistic analyses of morpho- tribal level. Thus, we gathered information from dif-
logic data (e.g., Karis et al., 1992 versus Petit, 1997) ferent sources by sequencing two regions of the ge-
could be partly attributed to different points of view nome: the nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) internal
in addressing the problem of homologies of the recep- transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) and the chloro-
tacular structures of Echinops, Carlina, and related plast DNA (cpDNA) gene matK. The ITS region was
genera. extensively demonstrated to be a source of phyloge-
Not only the limits of the tribe are problematic. The netic information in the Cardueae, in the tribal (Sus-
boundaries between the classic four subtribes are very anna et al., 1995), subtribal (Häffner and Hellwig,
difficult to establish. By example, most of the authors 1999; Garcia-Jacas et al., 2001), and generic (Susanna
(Bentham, 1873; Hoffmann, 1894; Dittrich, 1977; Bre- et al., 1999; Vilatersana et al., 2000) levels. In regard to
mer, 1994) included the genera Amphoricarpos Vis., matK, if ITS has its major weakness in the resolution
Cardopatium Juss., Chardinia Desf., Cousiniopsis of remote subtribal groups (Susanna et al., 1995), the
Nevski, Siebera J. Gay, Staehelina L., and Xeranthe- matK gene was more applicable to the suprageneric
mum L. among the Carlininae, whereas Petit (1997) level. It had been used already in the Asteraceae
moved Cardopatium and Cousiniopsis to the Echino- (Denda et al., 1999) and in similar taxonomic levels in
peae (to which he assigned tribal rank) and the rest of other groups such as the Apiaceae (Plunkett et al.,
genera to the Carduinae–Centaureinae. There are 1996), Cornaceae (Xiang et al., 1998), Myrtaceae
some other genera that are very difficult to classify, (Gadek et al., 1996), Polemoniaceae (Johnson and Sol-
such as Berardia Vill.: it was included among the Car- tis, 1995), and Saxifragaceae (Johnson and Soltis,
dueae by Bremer (1994) and moved to the Mutisieae by 1994; Soltis et al., 1996; Brochmann et al., 1998). On
Dittrich (1996a). the other hand, the combination of different genomes is
Finally, there are the problems of generic delimita- at the present moment one of the best tools for phylo-
tion posed by some large genera of the tribe: Carduus genetic reconstruction (Qiu et al., 1999). The combined
L. (90 species), Cirsium Mill. (250 species), Centaurea approach solves one of the most problematic issues of
L. (400 species), Cousinia Cass. (800 species), Jurinea molecular phylogenies based on one genome: despite
Cass. (100 species), and Saussurea DC. (more than 300 offering a great number of characters, at the end they
species). The natural delimitation of Centaurea (400 conform to a one-character-based taxonomy (Doyle,
species) was recently cleared up by Garcia-Jacas et al. 1992).
(2000, 2001), and some apportionments on the limits of Our goals in this study were (1) to evaluate the
Cirsium and Carduus were made recently by Häffner monophyly of the tribe Cardueae; (2) to compare the
and Hellwig (1999), but the rest of the problems per- molecular phylogeny with the traditional classification
sist. Many small genera from central and west Asia in four subtribes (Echinopsidinae, Carlininae, Cardui-
have been described on the basis of splits of Cousinia nae, and Centaureinae); (3) to examine the boundaries
and Jurinea (Susanna and Garcia-Jacas, 2001). By between the four subtribes and the position of conflict-
example, the genera Hyalochaete Dittrich & Rech. f., ing genera such as Berardia, Cardopatium, Cousiniop-
Jurinella Jaub. & Spach, and Outreya Jaub. & Spach sis, Staehelina, and the Xeranthemum group; and (4) to
are doubful segregates from Jurinea. Also, according to verify the delimitation of some of the large genera of

the tribe (the Arctium–Cousinia group and the Jurinea for 1 min 30 s, 48°C for 2 min, and 72°C for 3 min, with
complex). an additional extension step of 15 min at 72°C.
The double-stranded PCR products were cleaned
with a QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen Inc.)
MATERIALS AND METHODS and sequenced. In general, four sequencing primers,
trnK-710F, matK-1168R, matK-1848R (Johnson and
Plant Material
Soltis, 1995), and AST-1R were used. Direct sequenc-
Sampling was based on the subtribal classification of ing of the amplified DNA segments was performed with
the Cardueae in four subtribes by Bentham (1873), a Thermo Sequenase II Dye Terminator Cycle sequenc-
Hoffmann (1894), and Bremer (1994) with the modifi- ing kit (Amersham), following the protocol recom-
cations suggested by Susanna and Garcia-Jacas mended by the manufacturer. The nucleotide sequenc-
(2001), which recognize 74 genera. ing was performed at the Serveis Cientı́fico-Tècnis of
With regard to Centaureinae, only 3 genera were the University of Barcelona on an ABI 377 Automated
included, because this subtribe is a very well-defined DNA Sequencer (Perkin–Elmer). Nucleotide sequences
monophyletic group and had been the object recently of of matK were edited with Chromas 1.56 (Technelysium
a deep survey, with 25 of 33 genera studied (Garcia- Pty. Ltd.) and easily aligned by hand.
Jacas et al., 2001). As for the rest of the tribe, we nrDNA ITS region strategies. Double-stranded
included 31 of 41 genera (according to Susanna and DNA of the ITS region was amplified with the 1406F
Garcia-Jacas, 2001) of the subtribes Carduinae, Carli- primer (Nickrent et al., 1994) and ITS4 (White et al.,
ninae, and Echinopsidinae. Two outgroup species were 1990). In some cases, we used ITS1 (White et al., 1990)
chosen in the tribe Mutisieae according to previous and 17SE (Sun et al., 1994) as forward primers and
sequence analysis (Susanna et al., 1995). Voucher data, 26SE (Sun et al., 1994) as reverse primer. The profile
source, and GenBank sequence accession numbers for used for amplification included a warm start at 94°C
the 62 studied species are given in Table 2. for 2 min, followed by 80°C for 5 min, during which the
The analysis of ITS sequences used published se- polymerase (Ecotaq; Ecogen S. R. L., Barcelona, Spain)
quences along with new sequences. Sequences of Cen- was added. Thirty cycles of amplification were carried
taurea involucrata Desf., Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop., out under the following conditions: 94°C for 1 min 30 s,
Cynara humilis L., Jurinea humilis (Desf.) DC., 55°C for 2 min, and 72°C for 3 min, with an additional
Ptilostemon hispanicus (Lam.) Greuter (wrongly pub- extension step of 15 min at 72°C.
lished as Galactites durieui Spach), and Zoegea mi- The PCR products were purified with the QIAquick
anensis Boiss. were from previous studies (Susanna et PCR Purification Kit (Qiagen Inc.). Both strands were
al., 1995; Garcia-Jacas et al., 2000). All the matK se- sequenced with the sequencing primers 1406F, ITS1,
quences analyzed are new. and 17SE as forward primers and ITS 4 and 26SE as
DNA Extraction, Amplification, and Sequencing reverse primers. Direct sequencing of the amplified
DNA segments was performed as for the matK region.
Total genomic DNA was extracted, following the
CTAB method of Doyle and Doyle (1987) as modified by Phylogenetic Analysis
Soltis et al. (1991), from silica-gel-dried leaves collected DNA sequences were aligned visually by sequential
in the field or fresh leaves of plants cultivated in the pairwise comparison (Swofford and Olsen, 1990).
Botanic Institute of Barcelona. In some cases, herbar- Alignment was checked with ClustalX (Thompson et
ium material was used. al., 1997). Data matrices are available on request from
cpDNA matK gene strategies. Double-stranded the corresponding author. Parsimony analysis involved
DNAs of matK were amplified by PCR with trnK-710F heuristic searches conducted with PAUP version
and matK-1848R (Johnson and Soltis, 1995) as PCR 4.0b4a (Swofford, 1999) with TBR branch swapping
primers. An additional primer, AST-1R, was designed and character states specified as unordered and un-
for this study, as a substitute for primer matK-1848R. weighted. The indels were coded as fifth base, following
The sequence is as follows: 5⬘ CCGCACACTTGAACG/ the now generally accepted trend of saving the poten-
CATAACCCAG 3⬘. This primer combination failed to tial phylogenetic information of shared indels (Sun et
generate double-stranded products for some taxa. al., 1994; Bain and Jansen, 1995; Samuel et al., 1998).
Therefore, trnK-3914F and trnK-2R (Johnson and Sol- All most parsimonious trees (MPTs) were saved. To
tis, 1995) were used in place of those primers. The locate other potential islands of most parsimonious
profile used for amplification included a warm start at trees (Maddison, 1991), we performed 100 replications
94°C for 2 min, followed by 80°C for 5 min, during with random taxon addition and TBR branch swap-
which the polymerase (Ecotaq; Ecogen S. R. L., Barce- ping. Bootstrap analyses (BS) were performed (Felsen-
lona, Spain) was added. Forty cycles of amplification stein, 1985), and decay indices (DI) were calculated
were carried out under the following conditions: 94°C (Bremer, 1988; Donoghue et al., 1992) to obtain esti-


Origin of the Materials and Herbaria Where the Vouchers are Deposited

Acantholepis orientalis Less. Uzbekistan: Kyzylkum, 30 Km N of Bukhara, Khassanov IX-1999 (BC) [AF319046, AF319100,
Alfredia cernua (L.) Cass. Denmark: Copenhagen Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319047, AF319101, AY013519].
Arctium lappa L. Belgium: Lovaina Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319048, AF319102, AY013520].
Arctium minus Bernh. Belgium: Lovaina Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319049, AF319103, AY013521].
Atractylis cancellata L. Spain, Madrid: Torrelaguna, Garcia-Jacas & Susanna 1458 (BC) [AF319050, AF319104,
Atractylis carduus (Forssk.) Christ. Egypt: near El Amiriya, Susanna 1856 & Vilatersana (BC) [AF319051, AF319105, AY013523].
Atractylis humilis L. Spain, Toledo: Huerta de Valdecarábanos, Susanna 1883 (BC) [AF319052, AF319106].
Atractylodes japonica Koidz. ex
Kitam. Japan: Tokyo Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319053, AF319107, AY013524].
Berardia subacaulis Vill. France, Alpes Maritimes: Col de la Cayolle, Garnatje 27 & Luque (BC) [AF319054, AF319108,
Cardopatium corymbosum (L.) Greece, Macedonia: between Thermi and Thessaloniki, Roché & Susanna 1951 (BC) [AF319055,
Pers. AF319109, AY013526].
Carduus carlinoides Gouan Spain, Girona: Abella, Garnatje 11 & Luque (BC) [AF319056, AF319110, AY013527].
Carduus pycnocephalus L. Spain, Barcelona: Montjuı̈c, Garnatje & Susanna 1827 (BC) [AF319057, AF319111, AY013528].
Carlina acanthifolia All. Spain, Girona: Abella, Garnatje 8 & Luque (BC) [AF319058, AF319112, AY013529].
Carlina falcata Svent. Spain, Canary Islands, La Palma: Gallegos, Garnatje 3 & Luque (BC) [AF319059, AF319113,
Carlina gummifera (L.) Less. Switzerland: Genève Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319060, AF319114, AY013531].
Carlina lanata L. Creta, Hania: Phalasarna, Vilatersana 39 (BC) [AF319061, AF319115, AY013532].
Carlina macrophylla (Desf.) DC. Morocco: between Xauen and Oued Laou, Garnatje, Susanna 1893 & Vilatersana (BC)
[AF319062, AF319116].
Carlina vulgaris L. Switzerland: Zürich, Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319063, AF319117, AY013533].
Centaurea hajastana Tzvel. Armenia, Talin: between villages Pokr Artik and Bagravan, Fajvush, Gabrielyan, Garcia-Jacas,
Guara, Hovannisyan, Susanna 1587, Tamanyan & Vallès (BC) [AF319064, AF319118,
Centaurea involucrata Desf. Susanna et al. (1995) for the ITS data [matK: AY013503].
Centaurea lingulata Lag. Spain, Madrid: Puerto de Navafrı́a, Garcia-Jacas & Susanna 1462 (BC) [AF058851, AF058876,
Chardinia orientalis (L.) O. Kuntze Iran, Kordestan: 35 km W of Divandarreh, Garcia-Jacas, Mozaffarian, Susanna 1715 & Vallès
(BC) [AF319065, AF319119, AY013534].
Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. Susanna et al. (1995).
Cirsium echinus (M. Bieb.) Hand.- Iran, Azarbayjan-e-Sharghi: 25 Km from Ahad on the road to Kaleibar, Garcia-Jacas,
Mazz. Mozaffarian, Susanna 1667 & Vallès (BC) [AF319066, AF319120, AY013535].
Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop. Spain, Girona: Abella, Garnatje 17 & Luque (BC) [AF319067, AF319121, AY013536].
Cousinia canescens DC. Iran, Azarbaijan-e-Sharghi: 25 Km from Ahad on the road to Kaleibar, Garcia-Jacas,
Mozaffarian, Susanna 1608 & Vallès (BC) [AF319068, AF319122].
Cousinia esfandiarii Rech. F. & Iran, Mazandaran: between Gachsar and Valiabad, Garcia-Jacas, Mozaffarian, Susanna 1618
Aellen & Vallès (BC) [AF319069, AF319123, AY013537].
Cousinia onopordioides Lbd. Iran, Tehran: between Firuzkuh and Semnan, Garcia-Jacas, Mozaffarian, Susanna 1637 &
Vallès (BC) [AF319070, AF319124].
Cousiniopsis atractyloides (C. Uzbekistan: Babatak mountains, 40 Km E from Lalmikar, Sukervanik, 18-V-1979 (BC)
Winkl.) Nevski [AF319071, AF319125].
Cynara cornigera Lind. Egypt, Alexandria: 2 Km N from the city of Alexandria, Susanna 1840 & Vilatersana (BC)
[AF319072, AF319126, AY013538].
Cynara humilis L. Susanna et al. (1995).
Echinops ritro L. Spain, Tarragona: Xerta, Garnatje & Susanna 1870 (BC) [AF319074, AF319128].
Echinops sp. Iran, Hamadan: 5 Km E of Hamadan on the road to Teheran, Garcia-Jacas, Mozaffarian,
Susanna 1721 & Vallès (BC) [AF319073, AF319127].
Echinops spinosissimus Turra Germany: Berlin Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319075, AF319129, AY013539].
Echinops viscosus DC. Germany: Berlin Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319076, AF319130, AY013540].
Galactites tomentosa Moench Spain, Barcelona: Montjuı̈c, Garnatje & Susanna 1867 (BC) [AF319077, AF319131, AY013541].
Gerbera kunzeana A. Br. &
Aschers. Germany: Stuttgart Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319078, AF319132, AY013542].
Hyalochaete modesta Dittrich &
Rech. f. Germany: Berlin Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319080, AF319134].
Jurinea humilis (Desf.) DC. Susanna et al. (1995).
Jurinea macrocephala DC. Iran, Azarbaijan-e-Sharghi: 10 Km northern Qarabchaman, Garcia-Jacas, Mozaffarian,
Susanna 1650 & Vallès (BC) [AF319081, AF319135].
Jurinea sp. Armenia, Krasnoselsk: Artanish Peninsula, Fajvush, Gabrielyan, Garcia-Jacas, Guara,
Hovannisyan, Susanna 1528, Tamanyan & Vallès (BC) [AF319082, AF319136, AY013543].
Jurinella moschus (Habl.) Bobrov Iran, Azarbaijan-e-Sharghi: Sabalan mt., 2800 m, Garcia-Jacas, Mozaffarian, Susanna 1662 &
Vallès (BC) [AF319083, AF319137].

TABLE 2—Continued

Mutisia spinosa R. & P. Spain: Barcelona Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319079, AF319133, AY013544].
Notobasis syriaca (L.) Cass. Egypt, Alexandria: Burg el Arab, Susanna 1844 & Vilatersana (BC) [AF319085, AF319139,
Onopordon algeriense Pomel Switzerland: Zürich Botanical Garden (BC) [AY013546].
Onopordon leptolepis DC. Iran, Teheran: Sorkhehesar, Garcia-Jacas, Mozaffarian, Susanna 1632 & Vallès (BC)
[AF319086, AF319140, AY013547].
Outreya carduiformis Jaub. & Iran, Teheran: Sorkhehesar, Garcia-Jacas, Mozaffarian, Susanna 1631 & Vallès (BC)
Spach [AF319087, AF319141, AY013548].
Picnomon acarna (L.) Cass. Iran, Azarbaijan-e-Gharbi: Orumiyeh, Garcia-Jacas, Mozaffarian, Susanna 1692 & Vallès (BC)
[AF319088, AF319142, AY013549].
Ptilostemon afer (Jacq.) Greuter Germany: Freiburg Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319088, AF319142, AY013550].
Ptilostemon chamaepeuce (L.) Less. France: Lyon Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319090, AF319144].
Ptilostemon hispanicus (Lam.)
Greuter Susanna et al. (1995, as Galactites durieui Coss.).
Saussurea alpina (L.) DC. Italia: Cogne Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319091, AF319145].
Saussurea discolor (Willd.) DC. Switzerland: Meyrin Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319092, AF319146].
Serratula coronata L. Austria: Vienna Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319093, AF319147, AY013513].
Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertner Spain, Madrid: Torrelaguna, Garcia-Jacas & Susanna 1461 (BC) [AF319094, AF319148,
Staehelina baetica DC. Spain, Málaga: Sierra Bermeja, Garcia-Jacas & Susanna 1826 (BC) [AF319095, AF319149].
Synurus palmatopinnatifidus Japan: the Nippon Shinyaku Institute for Botanical Research (BC) [AF319096, AF319150,
Kitam. AY013551].
Thevenotia scabra (Boiss.) Boiss. Uzbekistan: Kyzylkum, 50 km northern town by Zhdavan, Khassanov, IX-1999 (BC)
Tyrimnus leucographus (L.) Cass. Spain, Tarragona: La Vilella Baixa, R. Pascual, VI-1998 (BC) [AF319097, AF319151,
Xeranthemum cylindraceum Sibth.
& Sm. Switzerland: Genève Botanical Garden (BC) [AF319098, AF319152, AY013556].
Xeranthemum inapertum (L). Spain, Madrid: Torrelaguna, Garcia-Jacas & Susanna 1456 (BC) [AF319099, AF319153,
Miller. AY013555].
Zoegea mianensis Boiss. Garcia-Jacas et al. (2000) for the ITS data [matK: AY013517].

Note. ITS 1 and 2 (beginning with AF) and matK (beginning with AY) GenBank Accession Nos. between brackets. Previous publications
refer to ITS sequences.

mates of support for each monophyletic group. Three RESULTS

parsimony analyses were performed, with three differ-
ent data sets: the ITS data, the matK data, and the Nuclear Ribosomal DNA ITS
combined ITS and matK data. The ITS1 and ITS2 alignment of 60 taxa consisted of
Due to the unpracticability of performing bootstrap 515 positions and contained 199 phylogenetically infor-
analysis in the usual way with PAUP 4.0b4a in the mative substitutions and 156 phylogenetically infor-
cpDNA (matK) matrix, we used the approach by Lidén mative indels. Mean pairwise distances (as calculated
et al. (1997) using 1000 replicates, random taxon addi- by PAUP) within ingroup varied from 0% (between
tion with 20 replicates per replicate, and no branch Echinops viscosus DC. and Echinops spinosissimus
swapping. Results obtained with this method are very Turra) to 31.2% (between Xeranthemum inapertum
similar to those obtained with other approaches (Mort (L.) Miller and Carlina vulgaris L.). Pairwise distance
et al., 2000). between ingroup and outgroup varied from 25.7% (be-
With regard to decay analysis, the search for trees tween Gerbera kunzeana A. Br. & Aschers. and Carlina
three steps longer than the shortest trees was unprac- lanata L.) to 36.2% (between Xeranthemum inapertum
tical in all cases. Therefore, the next decay analyses and Gerbera kunzeana).
were conducted with the clade-constraint approach as The parsimony analysis yielded eight MPTs of 2073
discussed in Morgan (1997). steps in one island. The strict consensus of all the trees
The nrDNA ITS and cpDNA matK data sets were is shown in Fig. 1; the consistency index (CI) excluding
tested for congruence with the partition homogeneity uninformative characters was 0.3726, the retention in-
test (Farris et al., 1995) as implemented in PAUP dex (RI) was 0.6378, and the homoplasy index (HI) was
4.0b4a, before the data sets were combined. The parti- 0.6274 (Table 3).
tion homogeneity test was conducted with 1000 repli- The strict consensus of the eight MPTs produced
cates, heuristic search option with simple addition se- from the ITS analysis (Fig. 1) support monophyly of the
quence, TBR, and MULPARS. Cardueae (BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 20). The subtribe Carli-

FIG. 1. Strict consensus tree of the eight most parsimonious trees generated by the ITS matrix. Length: 2073 steps; consistency index
excluding uninformative characters: 0.3726; retention index: 0.6378; homoplasy index: 0.6274. Subtribal assignments follow Bremer (1994).
CARD, Carduinae; CARL, Carlininae; CENT, Centaureinae; ECHI, Echinopsidinae; OUTG, outgroup. Berardia was unasigned to any
subtribe. Ono; Onopordon.

ninae was sister to the remaining Cardueae with weak Cass., Synurus Iljin and Onopordon L. (BS ⫽ 92%,
support (BS ⫽ 58%, DI ⫽ 2). This clade had strong DI ⫽ 5). Another clade was formed by the genera
support (BS ⫽ 92%, DI ⫽ 3) including the genera Chardinia and Xeranthemum (BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 15).
Atractylis L., Atractylodes DC., and Carlina. The next Next, there were the genera Cynara L. (BS ⫽ 100%,
clade was formed by Cardopatium corymbosum (L.) DI ⫽ 15) and Galactites Moench and Ptilostemon Cass.
Pers. and Cousiniopsis atractyloides (C. Winkl.) (BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 36). The clade formed by Echinops
Nevski, with weak support (BS ⫽ 57%, DI ⫽ 1). The and Acantholepis Less. was the next group with very
next branches had no support from the bootstrap or the high support (BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 30). Next was the clade
decay index. However, there were some groups with formed by Cirsium, Notobasis Cass., Picnomon Adans.,
strong support, such as the clade formed by Alfredia Silybum Adans., Carduus, and Tyrimnus Cass. (BS ⫽

TABLE 3 and the monotypic clade formed by Arctium (BS ⫽

99%, DI ⫽ 7). However, there was one clade with low
Comparison of Results from the ITS, matK, and
Combined Data Sets
support: the clade formed by the genera Alfredia and
Synurus (BS ⫽ 61%, DI ⫽ 1). Finally, the clade of
Data set ITS matK Combined the Centaureinae had very low support (BS ⫽ 58%,
DI ⫽ 1).
Total characters 515 1011 1542
Informative characters 355 126 443 Combined nrDNA ITS and cpDNA matK
Number of MPTs 8 1887 4
Number of steps 2073 271 1915 The P value resulting from the partition homogene-
Consistency index 0.3726 0.5679 0.4389 ity test (P ⫽ 0.245) indicates that data partitions are
Retention index 0.6378 0.7384 0.6119 random, and there is good congruence between nrDNA
Homoplasy index 0.6274 0.4321 0.5611
ITS and cpDNA matK data sets, at a significance three-
Range of divergence, 0–31.2 0–6.8 0.8–13.5
ingroup (%) shold of P ⫽ 0.05 (Farris et al., 1995).
The combined ITS–matK alignment of 42 taxa con-
sisted of 1542 positions with 286 phylogenetically in-
93%, DC ⫽ 8). Finally, there was the clade of the formative substitutions and 157 phylogenetically infor-
Centaureinae and their sister clades, with very low mative indels. Mean pairwise distances (as calculated
support (BS ⫽ 64%, DI ⫽ 3). Within this clade, there by PAUP) within ingroup varied from 0.8% (between
were the Centaureinae with strong support (BS ⫽ Carlina lanata and Carlina falcata Svent.) to 13.5%
100%, DI ⫽ 18), and three more clades: the genus (between Xeranthemum inapertum and Carlina vul-
Saussurea (BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 15), the clade with Arc- garis). Pairwise distance between ingroup and out-
tium and Cousinia with weak support (BS ⫽ 62%, DI ⫽ group varied from 10.1% (between Gerbera kunzeana
2), and finally the clade formed by Hyalochaete, Juri- and Carlina lanata) to 15.2% (between Xeranthemum
nea, Jurinella, and Outreya (BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 18). inapertum and Gerbera kunzeana).
The parsimony analysis yielded 4 MPTs of 1915
Chloroplast DNA matK steps in one island. The strict consensus of all the trees
The matK alignment of 44 taxa consisted of 1011 is shown in Fig. 3; the CI excluding uninformative
positions and contained 104 phylogenetically informa- characters was 0.4389, the RI was 0.6119, and the HI
tive substitutions and 22 phylogenetically informative was 0.5611 (Table 3).
indels. Mean pairwise distances (as calculated by The strict consensus of the four MPTs produced from
PAUP) within ingroup varied from 0% (between the combined analysis (Fig. 3) support the monophyly
Carlina vulgaris and Carlina lanata) to 6.8% (between of the Cardueae (BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 31) as in the ITS
Xeranthemum inapertum and Echinops spinosissi- and matK single analyses. The subtribe Carlininae
mus). Pairwise distance between ingroup and outgroup was sister to the remaining Cardueae with weak sup-
varied from 6.4% (between Outreya carduiformis Jaub. port (BS ⫽ 58%, DI ⫽ 2), as in the ITS analysis. The
& Spach and Mutisia spinosa R. & P.) to 25.7% (be- Carlininae had strong support (BS ⫽ 97%, DI ⫽ 5)
tween Gerbera kunzeana and Carlina lanata). including Atractylis, Atractylodes, and Carlina. The
The parsimony analysis yielded 1887 MPTs of 271 next monotypic clade was Cardopatium corymbosum,
steps in one island. The strict consensus of all the trees sister to the rest of the weakly supported Echinopsidi-
is shown in Fig. 2; the CI excluding uninformative nae ⫹ Carduinae (BS ⫽ 66%, DI ⫽ 2). The clade formed
characters was 0.5679, the RI was 0.7384, and the HI by the Echinopsidinae was the next sister group to the
was 0.4321 (Table 3). rest of the Cardueae with weak support (BS ⫽ 55%,
The strict consensus of the 1887 MPTs produced DI ⫽ 1). The Echinopsidinae was well supported (BS ⫽
from the matK analysis (Fig. 2) supports monophyly of 83%, DI ⫽ 4); within this clade there were two
the Cardueae (BS ⫽ 96%, DI ⫽ 6). There was a poly- branches, one with the genera Echinops and Acantho-
tomy, basal to the weakly supported Carduinae (BS ⫽ lepis (BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 34) and the other with the
61%, DI ⫽ 2). This grade was formed by the Carlininae genera Chardinia and Xeranthemum (BS ⫽ 100%,
(BS ⫽ 82%, DI ⫽ 2) with Atractylis, Atractylodes, DI ⫽ 16).
Carlina, and Thevenotia DC., the Echinopsidinae with The next branches had no support from the bootstrap
weak support (BS ⫽ 63%, DI ⫽ 2), the genera Berardia or the decay index, and this part of the tree can be
and Cardopatium, and, finally, the group formed by considered a polytomy. The only groups with support
Chardinia and Xeranthemum (BS ⫽ 92%, DI ⫽ 4). The were the clade formed by Alfredia, Synurus, and Ono-
rest of the analysis had some groups with strong sup- pordon (BS ⫽ 97%, DI ⫽ 4) and the clade formed by
port. Within the Carduinae, there were the clade Carduus, Tyrimnus, Silybum, Cirsium, Notobasis, and
formed by Carduus, Notobasis, Picnomon, Tyrimnus, Picnomon (BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 12). Finally, there was the
Cirsium, and Silybum (BS ⫽ 87%, DI ⫽ 3), the clade clade of the Centaureinae and related clades, with very
that included Jurinea and Outreya (BS ⫽ 93%, DI ⫽ 4), low support (BS ⫽ 64%, DI ⫽ 2). Within this clade,

FIG. 2. Strict consensus tree of the 1887 most parsimonious trees generated by the matK matrix. Length: 271 steps; consistency index
excluding uninformative characters: 0.5679; retention index: 0.7384; homoplasy index: 0.4321. Subtribal assignments follow Bremer (1994). CARD,
Carduinae; CARL, Carlininae; CENT, Centaureinae; ECHI, Echinopsidinae; OUTG, outgroup. Berardia was unasigned to any subtribe.

there are two groups: the Centaureinae with strong shows excellent resolution at the generic level; how-
support (BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 17) and two clades, one with ever, it leaves unresolved the relationships between
Arctium and Cousinia (BS ⫽ 73%, DI ⫽ 3) and another most of the major groups. The consistency index is
one with Jurinea and Outreya (BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 28). mediocre (CI ⫽ 0.3726), and the homplasy index is high
(HI ⫽ 0.6274). The high homoplasy in the ITS data is
DISCUSSION confirmed by the high difference between the consis-
tency index and the retention index (Table 3) (Plunkett
Relative Utility of ITS and matK Regions in the and Downie, 1999). However, one of the reasons for the
Cardueae high homoplasy could be the size of the matrix (60
Neither the ITS nor the matK alone have fully com- taxa), according to Archie (1989). In any case, it is
pleted the objectives of our study. ITS analysis (Fig. 1) obvious that ITS alone, as expected, cannot fully re-

FIG. 3. Strict consensus tree of the four most parsimonious trees generated by the combined matK–ITS matrix. Length: 1915 steps;
consistency index excluding uninformative characters: 0.4389; retention index: 0.6119; homoplasy index: 0.5611. Boxes with subtribal
assignments are from Susanna and Garcia-Jacas (2001). Ono; Onopordon; Jur; Jurinea.

solve the relationships between the widely diverging result, as matK was supposed to be more adequate for
basal groups of the tribe Cardueae. higher taxonomic levels.
On the other hand, matK analysis shows good reso- Instead, the combination of both genomes shows bet-
lution at the generic level in many cases, but does not ter resolution, both at the generic and the subtribal
support some indisputable genera, e.g., Echinops (Fig. level. This result is a confirmation of the superiority of
2), and the support for another indisputable clade such the combined approach for phylogenetic studies (Qiu et
as the Centaureinae (Fig. 2) is practically null (BS ⫽ al., 1999).
58%, DI ⫽ 1). The homoplasy index and the consistency
The Delimitation of the Cardueae
index are better than the ITS values (CI ⫽ 0.5679;
HI ⫽ 0.4321), but the number of informative charac- Sequence analysis of chloroplast and nuclear DNA,
ters is very low (Table 3). It also leaves the basal both individually and combined, strongly support the
groups in an unresolved grade, a rather unexpected monophyly of the Cardueae [BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 20 (Fig.

1); BS ⫽ 96%, DI ⫽ 6 (Fig. 2); BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 31 (Fig. on the evolution of some characters in the group. With
3)]. The broad concept favored by Bentham (1873), regard to life forms, Carlina falcata, from the Canary
Hoffmann (1894), and Bremer (1994) looks accurate, Islands, is an unarmed and shrubby plant, two very
according to the new molecular evidence. The com- unusual features in a group formed mainly by spiny
bined analysis classifies the tribe in, first, a basal grade perennial herbs. This led Meusel and Kästner (1994) to
formed successively by the subtribe Carlininae, the suggest that the Canarian species of Carlina were the
genus Cardopatium, and the subtribe Echinopsidinae oldest stock of the genus. However, all the analyses
(including the Xeranthemum group, usually placed group in a very robust clade Carlina falcata and the
among the Carlininae), and second, the polytomy of the widespread European spiny herbs Carlina lanata and
subtribe Carduinae, which includes the subtribe Cen- C. vulgaris [BS ⫽ 73%, DI ⫽ 2 in the ITS analysis (Fig.
taureinae (Fig. 3). Phylogeny suggested by the ITS 1); BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 6 in the matK analysis (Fig. 2);
alone (Fig. 1) coincides in the position of the Carlininae BS ⫽ 93%, DI ⫽ 6 in the combined analysis (Fig. 3)].
and the genus Cardopatium (with Cousiniopsis), but We must conclude that the shrubby habit is a second-
places Echinopsidinae (without the Xeranthemum ary adaptation in insular species of Carlina, as sug-
group) as nested among the Carduinae. With regard to gested by Carlquist (1976) for island species of the
matK alone, the basal part of the tree is an unresolved Asteraceae and recently verified in another Canarian
grade with Carlininae, Echinopsidinae, Cardopatium, genus of the Cardueae (Cheirolophus Cass.; cf. Sus-
Berardia, and the Xeranthemum group (Fig. 2). We anna et al., 1999). The robust clade of morphologically
shall discuss each clade separately. very different Carlina falcata, C. lanata, and C. vul-
The Carlininae. The Carlininae are consistently garis also indicates that, at least in Canarian plants,
placed as sister to the rest of the Cardueae by the ITS extensive changes in habit and morphology, such as
alone and the combined analysis, with the same low the secondary loss of the spines, are not correlated to
support (BS ⫽ 58%, DI ⫽ 2; Figs. 1 and 3) as that in our DNA divergence, a confirmation of the recent origin of
previous analysis (Susanna et al., 1995). The analysis some Macaronesian plants (Susanna et al., 1999). It
of the matK region leaves this part of the tree unre- also illustrates the unsuitability of adaptative charac-
solved (Fig. 2), but this result is compatible with the ters in the systematics of this group.
others. Probably, the tribe Carlininae constitutes the With regard to involucral morphology, two species of
oldest stock of the tribe, which, according with its dis- Carlina from the west Mediterranean and North Af-
tribution, would indicate an east Mediterranean origin rica, Carlina gummifera (L.) Less. and C. macrophylla
for the Cardueae (Meusel and Kästner, 1990, 1994; (Desf.) DC., were either classified in the genus Atrac-
Jäger, 1987). An interesting character that reinforces tylis (De Candolle, 1838) or segregated to a different
the basal position of the Carlininae is the presence of genus, Chamaeleon Cass. The main difference with
true ligules in Atractylis (Dittrich, 1977; even doubt- Carlina is the absence of the inner row of radiant,
ing—“almost ligulate”—whether they are true ligules), showy involucral bracts usually associated to Carlina
a character shared with many members of the tribe (Petit, 1987; Meusel and Kästner, 1990, 1994). ITS
Mutisieae. analysis groups both species in a very strong clade
According to our results, circumscription of Carlini- (BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 14), but this clade is nested within
nae must be broadly redefined. The subtribe must in- Carlina with even higher support (BS ⫽ 100% and
clude only the genera Carlina, Atractylis, Atractylodes DI ⫽ 44; Fig. 1). On the other hand, both matK and the
[BS ⫽ 92%, DI ⫽ 3 in the ITS analysis (Fig. 1); BS ⫽ combined analyses include Carlina gummifera in the
97%, DI ⫽ 5 in the combined analysis (Fig. 3)], and Carlina clade with the highest support (BS ⫽ 81%,
Thevenotia (BS ⫽ 82%, DI ⫽ 2 in the matK analysis, DI ⫽ 2; BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 49; Figs. 2 and 3, respec-
Fig. 2). With regard to Tugarinovia Iljin, this genus tively). These results suggest that both species must
was not included in our analysis, but there are strong remain in Carlina, a view strongly supported by the
doubts on its relationship to the rest of the group, structure of the involucre: Carlina macrophylla and C.
contrary to Dittrich et al. (1987). The exclusion from gummifera share with the rest of species of Carlina the
the Carlininae of the Xeranthemum group and the peculiar and exclusive structure of receptacular scales
genera Cardopatium and Cousiniopsis was already (Petit, 1987). The lack of the showy bracts could be a
pointed out by Petit (1988, 1997), who sent Cardopa- primitive character, as C. gummifera is basal to the
tium and Cousiniopsis to the Echinopeae (which he rest of the genus in the matK and combined analyses
treated as a separate tribe) and Xeranthemum to the (Figs. 2 and 3). Alternatively, the loss of the bracts
Carduinae. Homologies of the complex involucral pat- could be interpreted as a secondary loss as small,
tern of bracts of Carlina and the receptacular scales unconspicuous bracts are present in Carlina gummifera
of the Xeranthemum group were obviously misinter- (Susanna and Garcia-Jacas, 2001). We favor this sec-
preted by previous authors. ond hypothesis because secondary reductions are very
Our results also suggest interesting considerations frequent in the tribe (and they have often contributed

to the difficulty to the classification in many genera; cf. nae), and the scaly pappus is directly attached to the
Vilatersana et al., 2000). pericarp.
The genera Cardopatium and Cousiniopsis. The Finally, the most important shared trait was hith-
placement of Cardopatium and Cousiniopsis is a prob- erto neglected. The receptable of Xeranthemum and
lem that our analysis has failed to solve. These two related genera has long tapering scales, longer than
monotypic genera have been classified usually among florets, which have been interpreted usually as homol-
the Carlininae (Bentham, 1873; Hoffmann, 1894; Dit- ogous to the receptacular bracts of Carlina (true bracts
trich, 1977; Bremer, 1994). Petit (1997) moved them to sensu Petit, 1988; Stuessy and Spooner, 1988) by most
the Echinopeae, which he considered a separate tribe, authors (Kruse and Meusel, 1972). This was the main
a view not supported by our results. The analysis of the reason for the inclusion of the Xeranthemum complex
ITS region (Fig. 1) suggests a weak relationship be- in the Carlininae (Bentham, 1873; Hoffmann, 1894;
tween Cardopatium and Cousiniopsis, as was already Dittrich, 1977; Bremer, 1994). However, they can be
pointed out by Bremer (1994). interpreted in a very different way: the bracts of Xer-
anthemum could be the invoucral bracts of a primary
The Echinopsidinae. In view of the strong support head, a view supported by the disposition of the scales
of both genomes for the position of Echinops within the (see Kruse and Meusel, 1972; Petit, 1987). According to
tribe Cardueae, the secondary heads of Echinops must this interpretation, the involucre of Xeranthemum and
be regarded from a rather different point of view. related genera must be considered a second-order sin-
Wagenitz (1976), Dittrich (1977), and Petit (1988, cephaly, the same as that in Acantholepis and Echi-
1997) have considered syncephaly a trait without par- nops.
allel in the rest of the groups of the Cardueae sensu With regard to chemistry, Echinops and Xeranthe-
lato. However, we should rather conclude that the com- mum are connected by the presence of tiophenes that
pound inflorescence of Echinops is an extreme adapta- are unique in all the Cardueae (Wagner, 1977; Bremer,
tion without high systematic relevance. In fact, the 1994). However, this chemical character has been only
trend toward the grouping of small, few-flowered heads partially explored, and no strong conclusions can be
in compound inflorescences is common across all the drawn yet.
subtribes of the Cardueae: in Carlininae (Atractylis
polycephala Coss. has only three flowers per head), in The problem of Berardia. The position of the alpine
Carduinae (Cousinia congesta Bunge, Cousinia triflora genus Berardia supports its inclusion among the Car-
Schrenk, Cirsium congestum Fisch. & C. A. Mey.), and dueae. Dittrich (1996a), on the basis of achene anat-
even in the Centaureinae (Centaurea aggregata Fisch. omy, moved Berardia to the tribe Mutisieae, where it
& C. A. Mey.). The epithets of all these taxa are very would be aberrant from a biogeographic standpoint:
explicit. there are no European representatives of this mainly
The inclusion of Xeranthemum and Chardinia—tra- tropical tribe. However, Berardia remains isolated in
ditionally classified among the Carlininae—in a robust the Cardueae: it is a monotypic genus from the Alps
clade (BS ⫽ 83%, DI ⫽ 4) within the Echinopsidinae, without any morphologic affinities to any other genus
even if only in the combined analysis (Fig. 3), is a of the tribe (Dittrich, 1977, 1996a; Bremer, 1994).
rather surprising result: no one had suspected a sister Some striking parallelisms between Berardia and spe-
relationship between both groups. Furthermore, this cies of Saussurea, Jurinea, and related genera from the
inclusion is not supported by ITS and matK alone. A mountains of central Asia are only the typical adapta-
priori, it is very difficult to connect usually perennial, tions of plants to high mountains: acaulescence, dense
robust, spiny species of Echinops with predominantly wooly indument, and stout woody rootstock.
annual, delicate, unarmed plants of the Xeranthemum The subtribe Carduinae. The problem posed by the
complex. However, some characters could have given a paraphyletic (if we exclude the Centaureinae) assem-
hint. The only species of the monotypic genus Acant- blage of the Carduinae (Susanna et al., 1995; Häffner
holepis, A. orientalis Less., unanimously considered and Hellwig, 1999) remains unresolved. However,
very closely related to Echinops by its compound sec- some results are relevant for the systematics of the
ond-order inflorescence, is an unarmed, frail annual. subtribe.
Vegetative similarities between Acantholepis and the The first interesting group is the “Onopordon” group
Xeranthemum group are obvious, especially in the un- (Susanna and Garcia-Jacas, 2001), formed by Alfredia,
armed, entire, linear-lanceolate leaves with velvety in- Synurus, and Onopordon [BS ⫽ 92%, DI ⫽ 5 in the ITS
dument, but resemblances between the Echinops and analysis (Fig. 1); BS ⫽ 97%, DI ⫽ 4 in the combined
Xeranthemum groups are not only vegetative. As is analysis (Fig. 3)]. Synurus was included among the
obvious from Dittrich (1977, Figs. 7a and 7b; 1996b), Centaureinae by Dittrich (1977) and Bremer (1994).
both groups share a similar achene anatomy: they have Recently, Häffner and Hellwig (1999), on the basis of
a parenchymatic pericarp densely covered with multi- ITS sequence analysis, moved it to the Carduinae.
cellular hairs (both characters shared by the Carlini- However, the strongly supported association of Alfre-

dia and Synurus (BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 15 both in the ITS taureinae are the clade which includes the genera Arc-
and in the combined analyses; Figs. 1 and 3) has a tium and Cousinia, the clade formed by Jurinea and
deeper basis: they share the habit, the form and indu- Outreya (Fig. 3), plus Hyalochaete, Jurinella, and Sau-
ment of the leaves, the floral morphology, and the ssurea in the ITS tree (Fig. 1). However, the relation-
structure of the achenes. Synurus must be considered a ships of these genera to the subtribe Centaureinae are
mere synonym of Alfredia (Susanna and Garcia-Jacas, only very weakly supported by the ITS and the com-
2001). Onopordon and Alfredia share a very uncom- bined analysis and not supported at all by the matK
mon feature in the tribe: the receptacle is naked, analysis.
honey-combed, and without scales or bristles. Other conclusions can be drawn from this clade, such
The next important natural group within the Car- as the association of Arctium and Cousinia in a clade
duinae is the “Carduus” group (Susanna and Garcia- with only moderate support [BS ⫽ 62%, DI ⫽ 2 in the
Jacas, 2001), formed by the mainly rose-flowered spiny ITS analysis (Fig. 1); BS ⫽ 73%, DI ⫽ 3 in the com-
plants classically grouped under the common name bined analysis (Fig. 3)] and not supported by the matK
“thistles.” This group includes two large genera (Car- sequences (Fig. 2). Relationships between both genera
duus and Cirsium) and many other smaller genera have been signaled from old (see Duistermaat, 1996,
represented here by Cynara, Galactites Moench, Noto- 1997; Petit, 1997). However, the problem of Arctium
basis, Picnomon, Ptilostemon, Silybum, and Tyrimnus. “getting entangled to Cousinia” (Duistermaat, 1997) is
The group formed by Carduus, Cirsium, Notobasis, easy to solve: we only have to move the “Arctioid”
Picnomon, Silybum, and Tyrimnus was especially Cousinia species to Arctium.
strongly supported by all the analyses [BS ⫽ 93%, DI ⫽ The last clade from the combined analysis that we
8 in the ITS analysis (Fig. 1); BS ⫽ 87%, DI ⫽ 3 in the shall comment on is formed by Outreya and Jurinea
matK analysis (Fig. 2); BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 12 in the (BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 28; Fig. 3). In the ITS tree, this clade
combined analysis (Fig. 3)]. Similarities in morphol- includes also Hyalochaete and Jurinella with very high
ogy, habit, and biogeography among all these genera support (BS ⫽ 100%, DI ⫽ 18; Fig. 1). The strong
are great, and the group can be considered a natural support for this group confirms the suggestions by Su-
one. Häffner and Hellwig (1999), whose ITS analysis sanna and Garcia-Jacas (2001): on strict morphological
focused on this complex, arrived at the same conclu- grounds, Hyalochaete, Jurinella, and Outreya cannot
sion. However, our analysis includes only a few repre- be segregated from Jurinea (significantly, all three
sentatives of the two largest genera, Carduus and Cir- were originally described within Jurinea).
sium, and we cannot draw further conclusions on their
The Subtribal Classification: A Recapitulation
delimitation, which is problematic according to
Häffner and Hellwig (1999). However, there is a sig- Some final conclusions can be drawn on the subtribal
nificant difference between the results of our analysis classification. Support for the basal branches is very
in Cirsium and the results obtained in another very low or nonexistent in all the analyses (Figs. 1–3). More-
large genus, Cousinia. Species of Cirsium are grouped over, two genera, Cardopatium and Cousiniopsis, can-
in a clade with low support, whereas species of not be included in any subtribe, and the positions of
Cousinia form a very strong clade (Fig. 1). Sequence Staehelina (Fig. 1) and Berardia remain uncertain
divergence among species of Cousinia is lower than (Figs. 1–3). These results have forced us to be very
that in Cirsium, which indicates that Cousinia is a cautious when suggesting a subtribal classification in a
more recent genus with an explosive diversification recent synthesis of the tribe (Susanna and Garcia-
(800 species!). This is concordant with the geographic Jacas, 2001).
distribution: Cirsium has an Eurasian, African, and Another problem is that the segregation of the Cen-
North American distribution, whereas Cousinia has a taureinae with subtribal rank leaves the subtribe Car-
much more restricted distribution centered in the duinae paraphyletic, as has been repeatedly pointed
Irano-Turanian region (Kazmi, 1963; Dittrich, 1977; out (Bremer, 1994; Susanna et al., 1995; Petit, 1997;
Häffner and Hellwig, 1999; Susanna and Garcia-Jacas, Häffner and Hellwig, 1999). However, the cladistically
2001). correct solution has a major drawback: if we made a
Another clade is formed by the Centaureinae and natural Carduinae ⫹ Centaureinae, the resulting sub-
some related groups, among which the sister group to tribe would include the genera Centaurea (400 spp.),
the Centaureinae should be looked for, as was already Cousinia (800 spp.), Saussurea (more than 300 spp.),
pointed out by Susanna et al. (1995), Petit (1997), and Jurinea (100 spp.), Carduus (90 spp.), and Cirsium
Häffner and Hellwig (1999). As the Centaureinae have (250 spp.). This totals nearly 2000 species of the ca.
been the object of a deeper analysis elsewhere (Garcia- 2500 species of the Cardueae, 80% of the total. Proba-
Jacas et al., 2001), we shall comment only that, as in bly, the Centaureinae ⫹ Carduinae are a natural group
previous results, they form a robust monophyletic (even if unsupported by molecular data), but to keep
clade. them united in a subtribe would be extremely unprac-
The groups that are more closely related to the Cen- tical.

Finally, at the present state of knowledge, we think Doyle, J. J. (1992). Gene trees and species trees: Molecular system-
that the most conservative approach is the only prac- atics as one-character taxonomy. Syst. Bot. 17: 144 –163.
tical solution: keep the four classical subtribes, with Doyle, J. J., and Doyle, J. L. (1987). A rapid DNA isolation procedure
for small quantities of fresh leaf tissue. Phytochem. Bull. 19:
the broad modifications of delimitation suggested by 11–15.
Susanna and Garcia-Jacas (2001) and reflected in Doyle, J. J., and Doyle, J. L. (1988). Natural interspecific hybridiza-
Fig. 3. tion in eastern North American Claytonia. Am. J. Bot. 75: 1238 –
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Duistermaat, H. (1996). Monograph of Arctium L. (Asteraceae): Ge-
neric delimitation (including Cousinia Cass. p.p.), revision of the
species, pollen morphology and hybrids. Gorteria 3: 1–143.
Financial support from the Dirección General de Enseñanza Su-
perior, Spain, Projects PB 93/0032 and PB 97/1134, and grant Duistermaat, H. (1997). Arctium getting entangled to Cousinia (As-
1999SGR0032, generalitat de Catalonia, are gratefully acknowl- teraceae: Cardueae). Bocconea 5: 685– 689.
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Mozaffarian for their assistance in the field work and help in the significance of incongruence. Cladistics 10: 315–319.
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