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Answer Sheet

Name __Everline Bedin Camargo___

Date _________

Address ____________________________________________________


Phone ______________ Email _________________________________

Order Number: _________________________________ (Required)

To receive your certificate as a Certified Positive Discipline Parent Educator please

complete this Answer Sheet. You may save this form in your computer as a Word doc

and type in answers to each question as you complete the assignments. Be sure to

include your name (as you want it to appear on your certificate) your address and

email address and your order number. When finished you can email your answer

sheet document to contact@positivediscipline.com so we can read them and send your

certificate. We look forward to hearing from you.

Jane Nelsen and Lynn Lot


1. What do you hope to gain by “attending” this video training?

As a Psychologist, participar de um treinamento, mesmo que por meio de vídeo, traz

enorme contribuição para a melhoria da pratica com crianças e famílias. A principal

motivo pelo qual me matriculei no presente curso, foi obter ferramentas práticas

embasadas na disciplina positiva, visto que está é uma teoria tão consistente e

conhecida no mundo todo. Outros objetivos também foram: obter maior conhecimento

do nascimento da Disciplina Positiva a partir das teorias humanistas; compreender a

origem do mau comportamento e explorar porque as crianças fazem o que fazem com

base na anatomia do cérebro.

2. Competent Giant Activity

After practicing this activity in a class or with a few friends, what did you learn about

facilitating experiential activities?

I thought I was not ready to lead a group, and it ended up discouraging me, sometimes.
After starting, I realized that we should expose ourselves to such an experience so that
we can develop the capacity and ability. There is no better way than this. When actively
practicing the principles we are learning, we see how effective it is and can help
parents in the process.
But mainly, I learned that experiential learning should be stimulating and challenging for
Ask your participants in the activity for feedback: What did they think went well, and

what suggestions do they have for improvement?

They all love the actitive, embora tenham relatado se sentirem desconfortáveis no

momento da atuação/execução dos papéis propostos.

Não houveram grandes sugestões, os participantes refletiram sobre os sentimentos e os

quatro R´s da punição, refletindo sobre onde a criança representada melhor se

enquadrava. Mencionaram o quanto essa reflaxão mudou a percepção deles em relação

a crença por trás do comportamento da criança.

What are you learning about the benefits of experiential activities for teaching


Eu já conhecia o livro Disciplina Positiva, tendo lido por algumas vezes, porém, as

vivencias e o treinamento oferecido em DVD, possibilitaram visualizar e materializar

tudo o que eu li e apliquei como mãe. Eu sou Psicologa no Brasil, país de onde venho, e

lá participei como ouvinte de um Worshop para Pais em Disciplina Positiva. Hoje,

fazendo o treinamento, me vejo nos amigos aos quais estou aplicando as atividades.

É bastante diferente ver a evolução de quem passa pelo treinamento, comparado ao

meu caso, que até então só havia lido sobre. Os benefícios são muito maiores nas

atividades experimentais.

It was so wonderful to hear from meus amigos dizer que desde as primeiras atividades

feitas até a conclusão do workshop, in the end of the weekend, eles já estão

conseguindo olhar para suas práticas parentais de forma diferente, tentando muda-las.

3. Mistaken Goal Chart

Think of a challenge you are having with a child (or spouse, friend, or co-worker).
Write it down, including the child’s age:

Criança de 2 anos e 8 meses.

Briga quando quer objetos que não são dados;

Não colabora quando estamos atrasados;
Nem sempre aceita ajuda, fica brava;
Não quer dormir.

What are you feeling? _______ Angry__. (Choose a feeling that comes closest to the
feelings in the second column of the Mistaken Goal Chart.)


What do you do in response to the challenging behavior? Does it come close to any of
the descriptions in the third column of the Mistaken Goal Chart?

I often make the attempt to stop that behavior, argued to the contrary or trying to 'prove'
that it is not acceptable. I think that is exactly the description of ´Wanting to be right´.

What does the child (or other person) do in response to what you do? Does it come
close to any of the descriptions in the fourth column of the Mistaken Goal Chart?

Chora de uma forma mais intensa, começa a gritar, ignora o que é dito, se joga no chão.
Very close to description of ´Intesifies behavior´.
Based on the information you have writen so far, what is the mistaken goal of your
child (or the other person) as indicated in the first column? Misguided Power (to be

What is the mistaken belief? (fifth column) I belong only when I´m boss, in control, or
proving no one can boss me. You can´t make me.

Write down the coded message that lets you know what your child (or other person)
needs to feel encouraged (sixth column).

Let me help.
Give me choices.

Now find something you would like to try (from the seventh column) the next time
you encounter the challenging behavior. Try it out. Then write about what you tried
and what happened?

I tried redirect to positive power by asking for help. It work´s wonderfully!

The situation happened like this:
We were at a restaurant when my daughter decided she wanted to stand in the highchair! "I'm
going to stand here, Mommy," he said, smiling.
Of course our automatic response would already be to have her sit or threaten that standing will
fall. Maybe some arguments about the importance of sitting down. Or worse, compare to the
little friend on the side who is sitting "pretty cute". In all these situations we decide and order.
We do not teach the child to make good choices, we do not give her the opportunity to stop to
reflect, or to feel important in making decisions about her things.
Often, a simple situation like sitting in the chair can generate stress, the child will challenge
even more and repeat the behavior. If we try to force then, they see powders and the third world
war begins kkkkk
I remember the Mistaken Goal Charts, and the curiosity questions, so my choice was different
and we were able to make the situation light (as it really is) and still help develop your life
skills. I feel proud whenever I can, however simple the situation may be.
I asked, "What can happen if you stand in the chair?" .
She: "Falling Mommy" (smiling, of course).
Me: "And what is the safest way to stay in the child's chair?" .
She: "Sitting" (standing).
Me: "So, is it a good idea to stand?”.
She: "No" (still standing).
Me: "And what will you choose?"
She: "Sit" (and sat down).
Me: "Great choice".

4. Top Card Activity: Use the following (or the activity in your Teaching Parening
Manual) to identify your top card. You’ll find even more information and an interactive
activity at www.lynnlott.com.

Top Card Presents Activity

4 1 23

Superiority Control Pleasing Comfort

1. In the boxes, rank the packages from 1 to 4 with No. 1 being your least favorite

2. My top card is ________Control___________ (the box ranked No. 1)

3. My style is __________Comfort_____________ (the box ranked No. 2)

4. A bumper sticker for my top card could be:

I can give up CONTROL, as long as I can control what I give up.

5. My best assets are:

Leadership; Organized; Productive; Persistent; Assertive; Follows rules.

6. My liabilities are:

Rigid: doesn´t develop creativity, spontaneity or social closeness.

7. My top card may invite from others:

Rebellion; resistance; challenge; frustration

8. Specific steps for improvement:

Offering choices; Asking curiosity questions; Involving children in decision; family meetings.

5. Two Lists

After practicing the Two Lists activity followed by Curiosity Questions (Motivational)
in a class or with a few friends, what did you learn? What do you think you did well?
What would you do for improvement next time?

A atividade é realmente importante para que os pais percebam que características querem que os
filhos desenvolvam. Aprendi muito e penso que consegui conduzir de forma eficiente a
discussão e percepção do grupo sobre como os desafios nos proporcionam oportunidades de
pensar sobre quais habilidades queremos que nossos filhos desenvolvam e como incentivá-los.

Eu preciso melhorar a maneira de conduzir o grupo quando começam a falar sobre os próximos
passos. Nesta atividade especificamente, começaram a falar sobre como resolver os desafios e
tive um pouco de dificuldade de fazê-los retomar ao proposto e não discutir sobre isso agora,
pois futuramente seria abordado.

Ask your participants in the activity for feedback: What did they think went well, and
what suggestions do they have for doing it differently?

Eles ficaram grandemente impressionados como as listas que fizeram eram similares de
uns com os outros. O feedback foi positivo e houve oportunidade de falarem bastante
entre si, o que enriqueceu a discussão. Sugeriram ao final que fizéssemos novamente
essa atividade futuramente, para ver o que conseguiram incentivar as crianças a
desenvolver. Ressaltaram o quanto foi importante terem feito as duas listas, para guiar o
aprendizado e seguir como referencia.
6. Draw a Teen (or a Child)

You can have lots of fun practicing this activity. After practicing the Draw a Child
activity in a class or with a few friends, what did you learn? What do you think you
did well? What would you do differently next time?

Essa atividade foi muito engraçada. Todos riram muito de si, e penso que a melhor
parte foi poder explanar o quanto devemos manter nosso senso de humor, pois nos
know that going through the teen years can be like going through a war zone for both
parents and your teens and that it is easy for kindness and firmness to fall away and be
replaced by less encouraging parenting methods. It is easy to lose the sense of awe
along with your sense of humor.
Neste momento, todos se sentiram realmente a vontade e falaram de suas experiencias
com crianças e adolescentes próximos (conforme será mencionado na próxima
questão). Foi bastante enriquecedor e eu aprendi muito.

Ask your participants in the activity for feedback: What did they think went well, and
what suggestions do they have for doing it differently?

Nenhum dos pais do grupo tinha filhos adolescents, porém, a proposta inicial foi Draw
a Teen, e mesmo não tendo, eles resolveram realizar a tarefa pensando em
adolescentes. I asked one group to draw a “normal ” teen and another group was asked
to draw a “dream” teen. It was a really funny exercise. They laughed a lot and
commented on how impossible it is to create 'ideal' teenagers.
This work revealed that although we may fantasize about having an ideal teen,
instinctively knows that such a creature is rarely found. Even though the reality of
living with a “normal” teen can be quite painful, it will be easier if you can come to a
deeper understanding of what is happening during adolescence.

7. Feedback
How are you doing with the feedback you are receiving so far? Are you using it to beat
up on yourself, or as useful information you can use or dismiss? Following are two
quotes on feedback that you might find helpful.

Feedback is just information. If you find it useful, use it. If you don’t, ignore it.
Lynn Lot

Fools are upset by Criticism. If a person doesn’t know what he is talking about, you are a
fool to be upset about criticism. Ignore it. If he does know what he is talking about, you
are a fool to be upset about criticism. Use it.


Many Positive Discipline books.

Make a few comments about how you deal with feedback. Does feedback trigger some
old childhood memories?

The feedbacks have been quite positive and motivating. Perhaps because they are friends I
already know, or even because I have worked with groups in some moments as a psychologist, I
have taken in a very enriching way everything I was told during the activities of the group.


8. Role-play Reluctance and Fear of Doing the PHPPSS

After reading Role-play Reluctance in the Teaching Parenting the Positive Discipline
Way manual, write about your thoughts. What are your fears about role-playing and
facilitating the PHPPSS? Did reading the experience of others inspire you to jump in
and trust the process?

9. Parents Helping Parents Problem Solving Steps (PHPPSS)

The best way for you to learn how to do the Parents Helping Parents Problem Solving
Steps is to find 2 other people who will practice with you just as the participants
practiced with each other. Practice at least three times before doing the PHPPSS with a
large group (unless you want to jump right in and practice with a group) while
avoiding all the mistakes the participants made on the DVD. They fell into most of the
typical problems listed in your Teaching Parenting Manual. When you practice stick to
the steps.

After practicing the PHPPSS with a few friends (or in a group), what did you learn?
What do you think you did well? What would you do differently next time?

Ask your participants for feedback: What did they think went well, and what
suggestions do they have for improvement?

10. Ball of Yarn

If you had been siting in the circle for the Ball of Yarn activity, what would you have to
say about what this training has meant to you, and what are the next steps you will
take to use what you have learned?
11. Positive Discipline Books

Make a list of the Positive Discipline books you have read.

Disciplina Positiva:

Disciplina Positiva de 0 a 3 anos.

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