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November 2019

section –A

1.what is the difference between interactive and non-interactive graphics?

Interactive Graphics Non-Interactive graphics

User interaction is required User interaction is not required

The user has full control over the The user only has control over some
content parts
of the content
Programmed in a way that user can
control graphic Passive, totally controlled by the
Examples: Program

Simulators (training pilots) Examples:

Video games
User Interface Videos, movies, images

2.name any two video display devices?

 cathode ray tube

 light emitted diode[led]

3.which input device is good for both pointing and positioning device?

pointing and positioning are two basic interactions in computer graphics.


mouse:which consists of a small plastic box resting on two metal wheels whose
axes are at right angles. Each wheel of the mouse is linked to a shaft encoder
that delivers an electrical pulse for every incremental rotation of the wheel.

4.give the expansion for DDA?

DDA stands for digital differential analyzer

5.name any two line attributes?

The basic attributes of a straight line segment are its:

 Type: solid, dashed and dotted lines

 Width: the thickness of the line is specified.

 Color: a color index is included to provide color or intensity properties.

6.define shearing?

It is transformation which changes the shape of object. The sliding of layers of

object occur. The shear can be in one direction or in two directions.

7.what is the need for scaling an object?

In computer graphics, scaling is a process of modifying or altering the size

of objects. Scaling may be used to increase or reduce the size
of object. Scaling subjects the coordinate points of the original object to

8.define clipping?

Any Procedure that identifies those portions of a picture that are either inside or
outside of a specified region of a space is referred to as a Clipping algorithm or
simply Clipping . The region against which an object is to clipped is called
a Clip Window.

9.what is meant by projection?

It is the process of converting a 3D object into a 2D object. It is also defined as

mapping or transformation of the object in projection plane or view plane. The
view plane is displayed surface.

10.give the purpose of polygon tables?

 Polygon surface table stores the number of surfaces present in the

polygon. surface S1 is covered by edges E1, E2 and E3 which can be
represented in the polygon surface table as S1: E1, E2, and E3.
11.what is world coordinate?

 the space in which object are described is called world coordinates(the

number used for x and y are those in the world where the object are
 world coordinate used the Cartesian xy-coordinate system in mathematics
based on whatever unit are convenient

12. name any two hidden line elimination methods

There are two approaches for removing hidden surface problems − Object-
Space method and Image-space method. The Object-space method is
implemented in physical coordinate system and image-space method is
implemented in screen coordinate system.

2 marks

1. What is image processing

Image processing is a method to perform some operations on an image, in

order to get an enhanced image or to extract some useful information from it. It
is a type of signal processing in which input is an image and output may
be image or characteristics/features associated with that image

2.write a note on scan conversion?

The process of representing continuous graphics objects as a collection of

discrete pixels is called scan conversion. Scan conversion or scan
converting rate is a video processing technique for changing the vertical /
horizontal scan frequency of video signal for different purposes and
3.what are non impact printers?

A non-impact printer prints characters and graphics on a piece of paper

without striking the paper. Some of these printers use spray ink while others
use heat and pressure to create images. These printers are faster than
impact printer.

4.write the equation of a straight line?

Scan Converting a Straight Line. ... The equation of the line is used to
determine the x, y coordinates of all the points that lie between these two
endpoints. Using the equation of a straight line, y = mx + b where m = & b =
the y interrupt, we can find values of y by incrementing x from x =x1, to x = x2

5. What is mean by odd even rule?

In Odd-even rule we draw a line from any position P to a distant point outside
the coordinate extents of the object and count the number of edges crossings
along the line. If the number of edges crossed by the line is ODD then the Point
P is in the interior

6.how to implement line width options?

implementing width options using horizontal or vertical pixel spans is that the
method produces lines whose ends are horizontal or vertical regardless of the
slope of the line. This effect is more noticeable with very thick lines. We can
adjust the shape of the line ends to give them a better appearance by adding line

7.what do you mean by 2d shear?

2D Shearing in Computer Graphics- In Computer graphics, 2D Shearing is an

ideal technique to change the shape of an existing object in a two
dimensional plane. In a two dimensional plane, the object size can be changed
along X direction as well as Y direction.

8.what is mean by window

A window is a separate viewing area on a computer display screen in a system

that allows multiple viewing areas as part of a graphical user interface ( GUI ).
Windows are managed by a windows manager as part of a windowing system
9.write a note on :point clipping

Point clipping tells us whether the given point X,Y is within the given window
or not; and decides whether we will use the minimum and maximum
coordinates of the window. The X-coordinate of the given point is inside the
window, if X lies in between Wx1 ≤ X ≤ Wx2

10.what is 3D translation?

Translation. It is the movement of an object from one position to another

position. Translation is done using translation vectors. There are three vectors
in 3D instead of two. ... Tx Ty Tz are translation vectors in x, y, and z directions

11.write the use of view up vector?

The gaze direction is any vector in the direction that the viewer is
looking. The view-up vector is any vector in the plane that both bisects
the viewer's head into right and left halves and points "to the sky" for a
person standing on the ground the view-up vector is not derived from
other components: instead, it is a user input, chosen so as to ensure the

12.what is mean by vanishing point?

 the point at which receding parallel lines viewed in perspective appear to


 the point at which something that has been decreasing disappears

"rates of interest dwindled to vanishing point"

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