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Curriculum & Pedagogy Group’s 10th Edited Collection

Curriculum and Pedagogy Series, Curriculum and Pedagogy Group. Information Age Publishing (IAP)

The 2018 Editing Team invites submissions for possible publication in the Curriculum & Pedagogy
Group’s peer-reviewed edited collection to be published October 2018. Drawing from the mission of
the C&P Group, this volume seeks scholarship that extends curricular conversations, crosses borders of
praxis, and expands democratic, critical and aesthetic imaginaries- toward the ends of lending
momentum to the ever-present and wide-open question: What is to be done – locally, institutionally,
curricularlly, pedagogically with scholars and communities? We invite chapters and reflections-including
alternative formats- from workers/teachers/scholars/activists across theoretical landscapes and
spanning a diversity of positionalities within critical intersections of power and privilege as they relate to
identity, culture and curriculum as well as to social justice, schools and society.

Deadline for 150-word abstract/intent of proposed submission: May 1

Deadline for full length Chapters and Reflections (min. 500 words max. 6000 words): June 8, 2018

Send submissions and inquiries to: 2018CP.Book@gmail.com

Additional chapter and reflection submission guidelines below:

• Submissions will be blind reviewed and should be a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of
6000 words, including footnotes and references. The cover sheet and bio is NOT included in the
total. Manuscripts should follow the APA style for references and bibliography.
• A cover sheet with name(s), contact information, and total word count should be included in a
separate word file. Manuscripts should not include any identifying information in headers,
internal citations, or direct references to the author’s name
• Submissions need not be bound to traditional forms and can be created in a variety of creative
formats, including poetry, prose, speech, image, lyrics, etc. as well as more traditionally
academic papers
• Written permission to include copyrighted material as part of submission is needed for
publication. If the author is pursuing copyright permissions, this must be stated on the
submission’s cover page. Documentation of copyright permissions must be received no later
than July 1, 2018
• Additionally, all authors should submit a brief bio (no more than 100 words) at the time of
• All submissions should be sent electronically as Microsoft Word documents (.doc / .docx) to
2018CP.Book@gmail.com, as should all questions, comments, and concerns.
• Proposals due to the editors, Monday May 1, 2018.

Chapters due to editors, Friday June 7, 2018

Please email all proposals and any inquiries to 2018CP.Book@gmail

Curriculum and Pedagogy Series, Curriculum and Pedagogy Group. Information Age Publishing (IAP)

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