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Marcial, Almira A.

FHM #31: The Cyclical Nature of Fashion
A Reflection – Individual Activity in Unit 14

Dressed The History of Fashion, which aims to explore the world of fashion, is a
production of iHeartRadio. In one of its episodes, April and Cassidy discuss the who, what,
when, and why of fashion. The two claims that fashion never stays the same and this constant
change fuels its undying production. They shared trends they think deserve a comeback and
those that need to be left behind, as a response to a listener’s question.

There is no fixed answer as to exactly how and where fashion originated. Others say it
dates back in the 17th century, while some believe it was during the 19th. However, one thing
is for sure, several reasons brought it to existence. One factor is our innate desire to look
pleasing not always for others but rather for ourselves. From time to time, individuals
experiment with different styles, colors, and looks. Clothing as a form of fashion has one way or
another boosted our self-confidence. Whilst fulfilling that said desire, we also learn how to
express. Being a non-verbal language, fashion is an artistic kind of expression. It gives us a
platform to channel our creativity. As usually said by others, “Style is a way to say who you are
without having to speak”. Our clothing style can also serve as a visual manifestation of time,
culture, tradition, and place aside from speaking about our liking. Our views regarding fashion
may also differ from one another. What you find aesthetically pleasing might appear
unattractive to others. And it is okay- it should be. I believe that people should be free to
embrace their clothing preferences; whatever they are confident and comfortable in.

Fashion has gradually evolved throughout the years; from pouf dresses and headpieces
during the 18th century, dress clips during the 1930s, the 1970s look of disco, the practice of
upcycling and recycling garments, then switching to the athleisure daywear and high waist or
low rise jeans of today, and more. The constant changes in trends attest that fashion styles
come and go. And they may also come back. Fashion trends are neither consistent nor eternal.
People, both producers, and buyers, always reinvent and take on a different view. Besides,
what do you think it would be like if things are unchanging? These changes just show how our
creative minds crave for something new, upgraded, and unique.

Fashion undeniably plays an important role in an individual’s life for it is a means of

expression and self-satisfaction. Moreover, it can become a hobby, passion, and career! As
mentioned by one of the podcasters, one thing that keeps fashion going is capitalism. Fashion
mirrors changes in social and economic scopes. Fashion trends will persist in urging us to
explore and challenge our inner creativity. It has been and always will be an outlet of a person’s
feelings, personality, and artistic skill. Anyone can become a fashion trendsetter.


Dressed: The History of Fashion

FHM #31: The Cyclical Nature of Fashion
Sep 12, 2019 · 20 min

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