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Interpretation Workstation Workflow

Extensional Basins

1. Initial Steps
a. Prepare base map with all wells spotted with proper symbol and block
coordinates plotted
b. Import wells and .las files for all well logs
c. If no digital files are available, import scanned images (tiff file) into SMT
d. Use the log import utility to edit and straighten the log file.
e. Import velocity surveys and any VSP information
f. Prepare synthetics
g. 3-D Volume
i. Import volume in migrated version if available
ii. Import preserved amplitude processed lines if available
iii. Import stacking velocities
h. 2-D Lines
i. Import migrated stacked lines
ii. Import preserved amplitude processed lines if available
iii. Import velocities
2. Geological interpretation
a. Print well logs at 1:1000 scale for correlation (Gr-Res-neut-rhob-sp-sonic)
b. Put all paleo tops on well logs including paleoenvironments if available
c. Correlate tops and bases for main reservoirs
d. Correlate any missing section (faults or unconformities) and quantify
e. Pick any high stand sequences and note on log
f. Pick major sequence boundaries
g. Enter all above into SMT or interpretation package
3. Structural Interpretation
a. Using major tops from above use synthetic to determine the appropriate
reflector for each top and base of the reservoirs
b. Create tie loops with wells to verify geological picks and any missing
section picked
c. Verify throw of faults on seismic from well cuts
d. If autopicking is used, periodically verify with 360 loops.
e. Use time slices to quickly map major faults after picking on key lines
f. Tie one shallow horizon completely to verify fault interpretation
g. Use fault penetration to determine early and late faulting
h. Use consistent labeling method for fault identification (a,b,c; F1, F2, etc)
i. Color faults with a consistent plan; for example basinal antithetics as
shades of red, basinal synthetics as shades of green, down to north as
shades of blue, etc
j. For antithetic faults consider a name tied to the main fault (F1-a1, F1-a2,
k. Consider using phase sections for horizon mapping and gray scale for fault
picking. Use a wavelet/color scheme that assists your visualization of the
horizons and faulting. I personally find the default color scheme in SMT
and Geographix to be inhibitive to seeing detail.
l. Mark all possible DHI’s in pink for later detailed review when the
structural interpretation is complete.
4. Merging structure and geology
a. After structural mapping is complete, review tectonic history by flattening
on incrementally deeper horizons to understand structural evolution and
possible leak points
b. Create time thickness maps of key horizons or sequences to understand
growth history of the prospect area, then convert them to depth using
velocity information from the wells
c. Verify that faulting is properly treated by the contouring program; correct
as necessary to maintain correct cross fault relationships
d. Map the possible reservoir thickness
e. In alternating sand/shale packages, verify possible fault leak points with
Allan diagrams (paper in library). See also the “Normal Fault Sealing”
paper in the E&P library is a good guide to determining fault seal.
f. Prepare P90, P50, and P10 factors for all parameters based on field size
distributions for the basin
g. Estimate the risk factors of the prospects using conventions from Otis and
Schneiderman1997 (E&P Library on Public drive)
h. Prepare volumetrics for OOIP or OGIP for each case

5. Compressional Basins, Sequence analysis and seismic stratigraphy, and DHI

Analysis workflows will be treated in separate outlines.

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