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by Wayne L. Westcott, Ph.D.
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where combustion occurs, where energy is re-

LEARNING OBJECTIVES leased, where power is produced, and where
• To realize that age-related muscle loss is associated with bone movement originates. Muscles have long been
recognized as key factors in physical performance
loss, metabolic rate reduction, fat gain, diabetes, metabolic
and athletic achievement. Essentially all serious
syndrome, heart disease, and various problems associated with sports participants include regular resistance exer-
physical degeneration/dysfunction. cise in their training programs. However, recent
research has shown that strength training has
• To recognize the beneficial effects of resistance exercise for
much greater application than improved sports
increasing muscle mass, bone density, metabolic rate, insulin performance or even enhanced physical fitness.
sensitivity, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, cognitive ability, Clearly, our muscular condition has a major
and self-esteem, as well as for decreasing body fat, resting blood influence on both our physical and mental health.
It is likely that age-related muscle loss is a
pressure, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-back pain,
starting point for a cascade of physiological
arthritic discomfort, and depression. problems, including bone loss, metabolic rate
• To use programs of resistance exercise that provide safe, reduction, fat gain, diabetes, metabolic syndrome,
progressive, and effective strength training experiences in accor- heart disease, and all-cause mortality (57). Adults
who do not perform resistance exercise lose almost
dance with the 2014 ACSM strength training recommendations.
5 lbs of muscle every decade before age 50 years
Key words: (19) and up to 10 lbs of muscle every decade after
Strength Training, Resistance Exercise, Sarcopenia, Osteopenia, age 50 years (38). With this in mind, let’s examine
Metabolic Rate, Health Risk Factors the evidence-based benefits of resistance training
for generally healthy individuals as well as for
adults who have common risk factors.

ost fitness profes-
sionals can easily
explain the benefi-
cial effects of aerobic activity with
respect to heart health, cardiore-
spiratory function, endurance fit-
ness, and physical well-being.
Certainly, increased aerobic ca-
pacity is a major objective of a
comprehensive conditioning pro-
gram. However, it is important to
realize that muscles are the en-
gines of our bodies. Muscles are
22 ACSM’s HEALTH & FITNESS JOURNALA | www.acsm-healthfitness.org VOL. 19/ NO. 4

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Numerous studies have shown that muscle mass may be increased in Most strength training studies that have shown significant
adults of all ages (26), including individuals in their 90s (17,56). A increases in lean weight (~1.0 lbs/month) also have demon-
representative research study with more than 1,600 participants strated concurrent decreases in fat weight (almost 1.5 lbs/
(aged 21 through 80 years), revealed a 3-lb increase in lean (muscle) month) (26,56,58). Resistance exercise also has been effective
weight after 10 weeks of standard strength training (58), and a for reducing intra-abdominal fat in older men and women
follow-up study showed approximately twice as much lean weight (51,52).
gain after 9 months of resistance exercise (59). Similar increases in Some people have questioned how three relatively brief
lean weight were attained for strength training frequencies of 2 and (20-minute) circuit strength training sessions a week can result
3 days per week and among all of the age groups. in a 1.5-lb/month fat loss. Assuming approximately 200 calories
used during a 20-minute resistance training circuit, the total
BONE DENSITY monthly energy expenditure directly caused by resistance
Muscle loss (sarcopenia) is associated with bone loss (osteopenia) exercise is only 2,400 calories (12 workouts  200 calories
(27), which explains partly why approximately 45 million Amer- per session). However, assuming the lowest reported in-
icans suffer from insufficient bone mass (37). Women who do crease in resting metabolism associated with strength training
not engage in resistance exercise may experience a 1% to 3% per (100 calories/day) (22), the total monthly energy expenditure
year reduction in bone mineral density (BMD) (55). Fortunately, indirectly caused by resistance exercise is 3,000 calories (30 days
several longitudinal studies have shown significant increases in  100 calories/day), for a total calorie use of 5,400 calories
BMD after participation in progressive strength training pro- (2,400 calories plus 3,000 calories), which is equivalent to
grams (57). Research reviews by Wolff et al. (62) and by Going 1.5 lbs of fat. In their comprehensive review article, ‘‘Evidence
and Laudermilk (20) revealed that resistance exercise increased of Resistance Training as a Treatment Therapy in Obesity,’’
BMD between 1% and 3% in both premenopausal and post- Strasser and Schobersberger (48) concluded that strength training
menopausal women. In one study, resistance-trained subjects is recommended in the management of obesity and related
increased BMD by 1% during a 12-month period (38) and, in metabolic disorders. These include elevated resting blood
another study, resistance-trained subjects who also consumed pressure, elevated plasma cholesterol, elevated plasma glucose,
supplemental protein, calcium, and vitamin D increased BMD by and large waist girth V all of which are associated with the
1% during a 9-month period (59). A 2-year study by Kerr et al. development of Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease (48).
(31) showed more than 3% improvement in BMD compared with
the control group. Although resistance exercise can increase BMD, GLYCEMIC CONTROL
the musculoskeletal effects are relatively site specific and termina- Muscle loss and fat gain increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes, a
tion of strength training results in reversal of the BMD gains (60). disease that is predicted to affect one of three adults by the
middle of this century (8). Numerous studies have demonstrated
RESTING METABOLISM significant improvements in insulin sensitivity and glycemic
At rest, every pound of untrained muscle uses between 5 and 6 control as a result of resistance exercise (24). As previously
calories per day for protein breakdown and synthesis (61). presented, strength training also has been shown to reduce
However, every pound of resistance-trained muscle uses abdominal fat, which seems to be associated with insulin
approximately 9 calories per day for more extensive protein resistance in aging adults (32). An extensive research review by
breakdown and repair processes (48). Resistance exercise Flack and associates (18) concluded that resistance exercise
produces tissue microtrauma that requires relatively large
energy supplies for muscle remodeling. Research reveals that
a single strength training session can increase resting energy
expenditure by 5% to 9% for 3 days after the workout. In a
study by Hackney et al. (21), a high-volume resistance training
session (eight sets of eight exercises) raised resting energy
expenditure an average of 9% in untrained subjects and an
average of 8% in trained subjects during a 72-hour postexercise
period. In a similar study by Heden et al. (22), a low-volume
resistance training session (1 set of 10 exercises) raised resting
energy expenditure an average of 5% in beginning participants
during a 72-hour postexercise period. Many other studies have
shown approximately a 7% increase in resting metabolic rate
after several weeks of resistance training (26).

Copyright © 2015 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Health Benefits of Resistance ExerciseBuild Muscle, Improve Health

may be an effective intervention for counteracting age- training (41). However, recent guidelines from the American Heart
associated changes in insulin sensitivity and for preventing Association (3) stated that ‘‘Although resistance training could
Type 2 diabetes in middle-aged and older adults. A meta- yield modest reductions in blood pressure, data are insufficient
analysis conducted by Strasser and colleagues (47) likewise to support a specific resistance training program’’ (page 916).
concluded that strength training should be recommended for Nonetheless, considering that about 35% of Americans have
both the prevention and management of Type 2 diabetes. hypertension, the blood pressure benefits associated with strength
There is evidence that resistance exercise may be preferable to training should not be overlooked (9, 40).
aerobic activity for improving insulin sensitivity (11) and for lowering
HbA1c (11), and that higher-volume/higher-intensity strength training BLOOD LIPIDS
protocols may be more effective than lower-volume/lower-intensity An even larger number of Americans (~45%) have undesirable
workouts (18). The American Diabetes Association recommends blood lipid profiles (35). Some studies have not found an
resistance exercise for all of the major muscle groups, 3 days/week, association between resistance exercise and blood lipid levels
progressing to 3 sets of 8 to 10 repetitions each, performed at a (33), and the American Heart Association does not believe that
higher level of training intensity (46). the data are sufficient to support a specific resistance training
program (3). However, other research in this area has revealed
BLOOD PRESSURE improved blood lipid profiles after participation in strength
Several studies have shown significant reductions in resting training programs (30). Fahlman and colleagues (16) found that
blood pressure (systolic and diastolic) after two or more months resistance training was effective for improving triglyceride
of regular resistance exercise (circuit and standard strength levels, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and high-
training) (28). Combined resistance and endurance exercise also density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in older women. The
has demonstrated favorable blood pressure responses (58). In a American College of Sports Medicine Position Stand on
large 10-week study, participants who performed 20 minutes of Exercise and Physical Activity for Older Adults (1) reports
strength training and 20 minutes of aerobic activity 3 days/ that resistance training has been shown to reduce triglyceride
week experienced a significant 4.6-mmHg decrease in rest- levels by 11% to 18%, to decrease LDL cholesterol by 13% to
ing systolic blood pressure, and those who performed the 23%, and to increase HDL cholesterol by 8% to 21% (page
same exercise program 2 days/week experienced a significant 1,519). Research indicates that combined strength training and
2.3-mmHg decrease in resting systolic blood pressure (58). aerobic activity may have a more favorable impact on blood
Kelley and Kelley (29) conducted a meta-analysis of relevant lipid profiles than either exercise performed independently (42).
research and concluded that resistance exercise is effective for
reducing resting blood pressure. Another meta-analysis of PHYSICAL FUNCTION
randomized controlled trials determined that resistance exercise Research clearly demonstrates that resistance exercise can reverse
resulted in similar blood pressure reductions as aerobic activity, some of the degenerative processes associated with inactive
averaging 6.0 mmHg lower systolic pressure and 4.7 mmHg aging, including muscle loss (50), movement control (5),
lower diastolic pressure for the studies reviewed (14). Likewise, functional abilities (25), physical performance (23), and walking
a 2010 review published in ACSM’s Current Sports Medicine speed (44). The functional benefits of strength training extend to
Reports concluded that the effects of resistance training on nonagenarians (17) and the frail elderly (56). In a study of
resting blood pressure were comparable to those of aerobic nursing home residents (mean age, 89 years), 28 relatively brief
sessions of resistance exercise (twice weekly for 14 weeks)
resulted in a nearly 4-lb increase in lean weight, a 3-lb decrease
in fat weight, a 60% increase in overall muscle strength, and a
14% improvement in functional independence (56).

Most of the research on exercise and cognition has featured
aerobic activity alone or combined endurance and strength
training (39). A meta-analysis by Colcombe and Kramer (13)
demonstrated that programs of resistance training and aerobic
exercise were more effective than aerobic exercise alone for
improving cognitive function in inactive older adults. However,
studies restricted to only resistance training interventions also
have shown significant improvements in various cognitive
abilities (12).
24 ACSM’s HEALTH & FITNESS JOURNALA | www.acsm-healthfitness.org VOL. 19/ NO. 4

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Studies on strength training and psychological measures have Testing and Prescription, 9th edition) (2) for detailed defining
shown enhanced self-esteem among older adults (54), younger criteria of these cardiovascular disease risk factors).
adults (53), women (10), cancer patients (15), and cardiac • Age (men, Q45 years; women, Q55 years)
rehabilitation participants (6). Annesi and Westcott (4) found
• Family history of heart disease
that 10 weeks of combined strength and endurance training
significantly improved physical self-concept, total mood dis- • Cigarette smoking
turbance, depression, fatigue, positive engagement, revitaliza- • Sedentary lifestyle
tion, tranquility, and tension in adults and older adults. In a
• Obesity (body mass index, Q30)
classic study by Singh and colleagues (45), more than 80% of
the previously depressed elderly individuals who performed • Hypertension (systolic, Q140 mmHg; diastolic, Q90 mmHg)
standard resistance exercise 3 days/week were no longer • Dislipidemia (LDL cholesterol, Q130; HDL cholesterol, G40)
clinically depressed after completing 10 weeks of the strength
• Prediabetes
training program. Based on the studies presented, it would
It should be noted that an HDL cholesterol reading of 60 or
seem that resistance training may have a positive influence on
higher cancels out one of the risk factors. It also is suggested
cognitive and psychological components of mental health.
that individuals with uncontrolled hypertension obtain physi-
O’Connor and colleagues (39) completed a comprehensive
cian recommendations for performing resistance exercise.
review of the research on resistance exercise and mental health,
The most recent ACSM resistance training recommendations call
including the effects of strength training on low-back pain,
for relatively brief workouts that provide two to four sets of 8 to
arthritic discomfort, and fibromyalgia because these debilitating
12 repetitions each for the major muscle groups by performing 8 to
physical conditions also may have a negative influence on various
10 multijoint exercises two or three nonconsecutive days per week
psychological factors. Research supports the role of resistance
(see Table 7.6 on page 185 of ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing
exercise for reducing low-back pain (43), for decreasing arthritic
and Prescription, 9th edition) (2). For example, beginners who
discomfort (34), and for easing the symptoms of fibromyalgia (7).
perform one set of the nine machine exercises in the Table would
experience two sets of resistance training for most of their major
AGING FACTORS muscle groups (quadriceps, hamstrings, pectoralis major, anterior
One aspect of aging is a reduction in muscle mitochondrial content deltoids, latissimus dorsi, teres major, rhomboids, middle trapezius,
and function. Circuit strength training has been shown to increase posterior deltoids, triceps, biceps, erector spinae, rectus abdominis).
both muscle tissue mitochondrial content and oxidative capacity The key to successful strength training experiences is sensible
(49). A most interesting study by Melov and associates (36) progression. A double progressive training protocol begins with a
examined genetic changes in the muscle mitochondria of older resistance that can be performed for at least eight repetitions (~80%
adults after 6 months of standard resistance exercise. The of maximum resistance for most exercises). The client continues to
research participants (mean age, 68 years) experienced favorable train with this resistance until 12 good (full range, controlled speed)
changes in 179 genes associated with age and exercise
performance. After the strength training program, the older TABLE: Nine Machine Exercises That
adults’ mitochondrial gene expression was similar to that of Address Most of the Major Muscle Groups
moderately active young adults (mean age, 24 years). The
Exercise Major Muscle Groups Involved
researchers concluded that specific aging factors in skeletal
muscle may be reversed through progressive resistance exercise. Leg extension Quadriceps
Leg curl Hamstrings
Leg press Quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus
Chest press Pectoralis major, triceps, anterior deltoids
Seated row Latissimus dorsi, biceps, teres major,
Regardless of age, sex, or apparent physical condition, people rhomboids, middle trapezius,
who wish to begin a resistance training program should posterior deltoids, erector spinae
complete a health-screening questionnaire, such as the one Incline press Pectoralis major, triceps, anterior
recommended on page 25 of ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise deltoids, upper trapezius
Testing and Prescription, 9th edition (2). Everyone who reveals Pulldown Latissimus dorsi, biceps, teres major,
two or more of the following risk factors should be required to rhomboids, middle trapezius,
posterior deltoids, rectus abdominis
obtain medical clearance (and preferably physician’s guide-
Abdominal Rectus abdominis
lines) for participation in the strength training program (see
Low back Erector spinae
Table 2.2 on page 27 of ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise

Copyright © 2015 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Health Benefits of Resistance ExerciseBuild Muscle, Improve Health

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