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Aldi ongkojaya (F11180073)



Jean M. Twenge researches adolescent attitudes and behaviors. Starting a study from
the age of 22, Jean saw that millennials were on the verge of a mental crisis. Jean researched a
13-year-old son named Athena who lives in Houston, Texas. Choosing to approach by going
to a mall together for 1 month, Jean can see that the 13-year-old was holding an iPhone and
could not escape from his handheld phone. Athena spends more time on her leisure by playing
mobile phones and chatting with her friends via virtual chat.

The greatest difference we can see from generations before millennials and millennials
are how they see the world, but the differences we can see from millennials and the next
generation are not just about how they see the world but also how they spend time. It was also
triggered after a major recession, which formally lasted from 2007-2009 and the millennials
attempted to put themselves in a declining economy and coincide with the proportion of
Americans who had smartphones exceeding 50 Percent. With the presence of smartphones and
tablets has changed the lives of teenagers, from the nature of social interactions to even their
mental health. This smartphone trend has looted to all circles of poor or wealthy young people.
Where there is an Internet connection where they will live.

The difference in way of life can also be seen from generation I, Generation X and
millennials. It can be concluded that the life of generation (i) is a life that is dependent and
close to a parent or person of a house, because even until the age of 21 years still is going to be
delivered by their parents. So that the delinquency that can be found because it is too unknotted
by the elderly are many children who escape from home, drinking alcohol and smoking at the
time of their age is underage. Many people want to break away from their parents.

Life generation (x) is a slightly different life than a generation (i) because the person
belonging to the generation (x) level wants to live alone or loose from the parent is higher than
the previous generation. But the new trend began to appear in the generation (x) is the trend of
"mutual likes". Only by chatting with a text message can someone say a couple. So in this
generation (x) sexual intercourse is very lively and starts from Grade 11 junior high school.
Although the trend of independent living starts from generation (i) but postpones the
responsibility is not an act of generation (i), but the act of Generation (x). Because the levels
of young people are getting more and more living alone or separating themselves from their
parents, they are merely seeking pleasure. The only thing they have to do is drink alcohol,
smoke and have sexual intercourse freely so that the degree of pregnant adolescents is more
and more. Because of this, in the end, young people in the generation (x) should start their
career earlier than in their previous generation, to support their families later.

Why is it that many young people are not ready to live their responsibilities and live as
self-reliant adults? It is also triggered by the state of the economy and the role of parents. Many
parents only ask their children to focus on learning until they graduate, so many young people
are not thinking about part-time work and spending their free time or holiday time just by
playing mobile phones. Because of this phenomenon, even many young people who although
gathered with their families only focus on their mobile phones, when their parents ask
something then the answer will come out past "okay" and "up to" then they will return focus
To their mobile phone again.

If seen indeed this phenomenon is very concern, where children can spend their time
just by playing a phone call and not chatting or going along with his friends (do not come face
to face). They say that: "beds and smartphones are the very things I need while on vacation, I
don't need to meet friends directly because I can contact and see their faces only with

From previous information we definitely assume that mobile phones can provide their
own enjoyment for users. But the fact is that not more and more people spend their time playing
mobile phones or social media then it will be increasingly unhappy they are. According to the
suicide rate survey because playing social media is very high because they feel that the life
they are doing is less attractive or not as interesting as the lives of others they see on the internet.
Then many people feel lonely even though they can chat with their friends via social media.
And most young women feel more lonely because they see a video of their friends '
togetherness who post on Snapchat or Instagram.

I think the case study that I read is "Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation" related
to the theory of "Intercultural Communication in the Social Media Setting" because in the
chapter I found the explanation of the characteristics of the people Millenials, The generation
in their twenties during the first decade of The 21st century have been dubbed The Millennials.
Characteristics of this generation: They have grown up in the information age. Using online
and social networking tools is second nature. They are generally highly tolerant of others '
diversity and expect the same broad view of others. They Value fairness and truth and are
concerned about ethical and environmental issues. They prize their individuality and want to
be heard. And in that theory I also found that social media brings people together with different
backgrounds and many people around the world can use the Internet to communicate. It is also
in the case study that I learned that smartphones and the internet have penetrated to various
circles of the young, old, rich, and poor.

Of all the materials I learned while studying cross-cultural communication as well as

reading the case studies I chose. I get to understand that social media and smartphones don't
forever negatively impact. Because of negative or positive something it depends on how we
use it. If we use social media or smartphones to look for science or make something useful,
surely it will be a positive impact for ourselves and for others. But if we misuse social media
and smartphones can be a great enemy to all of us social media users and smartphones. So,
better we use social media well instead of abuse it.

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