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7 Biblical Principles of Godly Dating

Undivided Devotion to the Lord

Healthy Relationships Between

Men & Women

Do Not be Yoked with an Unbeliever

Seek Advice

Godly Standard of Purity

Above All Else Guard Your Heart

Accept One Another

The Denver Church of Christ

There is no doubt about it, God always has the best plan for our lives. His purpose in our lives is
always to bless us and to guide us, to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). The realm of dating is
no exception to this.

The following article will outline some Biblical principles that can be applied to dating. On this topic, we
must be very careful in forming our opinions, convictions and practices, as much of our natural thinking
comes from the world’s standards – the media, western civilization, and our present culture – not the
Word of God. As in every area of our lives, we must ask ourselves the all important question, “What
does God think about this?” For example, “What does God think about dating?” or “What does He
think about my dating principles and practices?” Our hearts to please God, to trust God, and seek
God’s will must lie at the foundation of our dating practices and everything else we do. Although we have
few specific references to dating in the Bible, we do have many godly and Biblical principles that do
apply to dating, as well as to single relationships in general. Each of these principles is interwoven
throughout the Old Testament and New Testament and will lead to a godly and successful dating culture.

These seven Biblical principles for dating and single relationships serve to edify and not to hinder; to
build true spiritual freedom from a desire to please God. As with every area of our lives, God’s plan is the
best plan. He has an incredible dream and vision for how our dating relationships can be both personally
satisfying and edifying to others. Seek His plan with all your heart and you will be blessed accordingly.

Undivided Devotion to the Lord

Healthy Relationships Between Men & Women
Do not be Yoked with an Unbeliever
Seek Advice
Godly Standard of Purity
Above all Else Guard Your Heart
Accept One Another

UNDIVIDED DEVOTION TO THE LORD (Mark 12:29-30; 1 Corinthians 7:32-35)

∗ The foundation of every disciple is to “love the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul
and with all your mind and with all your strength.”
∗ Obedience to God and love for God, because of Christ’s love for us, should be the foundation
of our security, love, acceptance, and happiness...much more so than dating or getting married.
∗ Commitment and personal responsibility to God should be established individually before one
can be responsible for another person or expect to fulfill another person.
∗ The Word of God must be our standard for successful living and relationships more than the
world’s standards.
∗ How can you really know if your devotion to the Lord is “undivided” or is becoming
“divided” by another person? Righteousness, balance of time, objective views of others are
some helpful indicators.
 Is it your heart to have undivided devotion to the Lord for the rest of your life?
1 Timothy 5:1-2; All ‘One Another’ Passages)
∗ Embrace God’s standard for successful relationships between men and women and fellow
brothers and sisters (“encourage one another”, “honor one another”, “love one another”, “teach
& admonish one another”, “submit to one another”, “serve one another”, “forgiving one
another”, bearing with one another”, etc.).
∗ Understand that God’s will and our motivation for successful relationships between men &
women are different than the standard of the world (movies, music, tradition, etc.).
 Is it your heart to have spiritual and healthy relationships with your brothers and sisters?

DO NOT BE YOKED WITH AN UNBELIEVER (Deuteronomy 7:1-4; Joshua 23:12-13; Ezra 9:10-
15; 10:1-11; Nehemiah13:23-27, 1 Corinthians 7:39; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1)
∗ God’s standard and wisdom in marrying another believer is a common theme throughout the
Old and New Testament.
∗ Samson (strongest man), David (best hearted man), and Solomon (wisest man), all fell because
of being yoked with unbelievers, which resulted in extremely negative consequences for their
lives and families.
∗ Though 2 Corinthians 6 is not written specifically for dating, God is expressing a consistent
concern that Christians not be overly influenced by non-Christians. A dating relationship
between a Christian and a non-Christian could negatively influence the Christian’s morals,
convictions and priorities. The vast majority of the time, this is indeed what happens.
∗ “Watch your life and doctrine” if considering dating someone outside of our fellowship.
What are their convictions about salvation, Lordship, purity, and purpose? If they are not true
Christians according to Scripture, you should not pursue that relationship.
 Is it your heart to make sure you are not yoked together with unbelievers?

SEEK ADVICE (Proverbs 11:14; 12:15; 13:10; 14:12, 15:22; 19:20; 20:18)
∗ It is wise and beneficial for you to seek advice in matters of dating: “Plans fail for lack of
counsel, but with many advisors they succeed.”
∗ Emotions can cloud our judgment—seek advice to find objectivity.
∗ Seek advice from people with godly examples and experience in Christian dating (parents,
mentors, teen leaders, ministry staff, and mature dating couples)
 Is it your heart to seek advice?
GODLY STANDARD FOR PURITY (1 Corinthians 6:12-20; Ephesians 5:3-6; Colossians 3:5-7;
1 Thessalonians 4:3-8; Hebrews 13:4; Galatians 5:19-21; 1 Timothy 5:1-2; James 5:16)
∗ God’s standard for sexual purity is not a suggestion, but a command, and it is very clear.
∗ God’s standard for purity can build deeper friendships and establish greater trust between
brothers and sisters.
∗ Know your sinful nature and establish healthy boundaries for you and those whom you date.
∗ Be open and honest with strong Christians if you do begin to struggle or compromise. Never
make an agreement to not be open.
 Is it your heart to remain absolutely pure in your dating relationships?


* Guard your heart against temptations of impurity, loneliness, bitterness, discouragement,
jealousy, idolatry, worldliness, selfishness, pride, and envy.
* Help guard the hearts of others as well.
 Is it your heart to guard your heart through prayer, application of God’s word and openness?

ACCEPT ONE ANOTHER (Romans 14:1-23; 15:7; Colossians 3:12-14)

* Accept one another as Christ has accepted you—accept differences of age, life experiences,
temperaments, socioeconomics, ministries, dating circumstances, convictions, and interests: One
size does not fit all.
* Different dating couples may follow different patterns according to their maturity level.
* The goal is not to compare yourself to others, but rather to use the Word and sound advice to
help your dating relationship be the godliest and most successful it can be.
 Is it your heart to accept others like this?

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