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Proceedings of the 14th IFAC Symposium on

Information Control Problems in Manufacturing

Bucharest, Romania, May 23-25, 2012

The design and implementation of an experimental model for secure management of

personal data based on electronic identity card and PKI infrastructure

A.Cernian*, A.Olteanu*, G.Mateescu*, M.Vladescu*, Gr.Stamatescu*,

A.Ropot**, C.Plesca***, M.Togan***, V.Sgarciu*, D.Carstoiu*, D.Saru*, M.
Anghel*, A. Oana*

*University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, 313 Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest, Romania
(e-mail:vsgarciu@aii.pub.ro, Alexandra.cernian@ aii.pub.ro).
**CertSign, Bucharest, Romania
*** Academia Tehnica Militara, 81-83 Bulevardul George Coúbuc, Bucharest, Romania

Abstract: This paper presents an experimental information system for the management of personal data
and citizen identification, called PLATSEC, based on multi-application smartcards technologies and on
PKI infrastructures. The introduction offers a global view of the current context in Romania and
emphasizes the necessity of a new approach in the public sector ± which addresses both the public sectors
services and the public information security. The second section presents the platform architecture ± from
both software and hardware point of view. Afterward, we introduce and explain a use-case scenario,
which aims to prove our system efficiency and advantages, which have also been confirmed by the
quality assurance tests performed. In the end, there are a few main talking points that conclude all
presented above.

Keywords: Electronic identity cards, PKI infrastructure, secure personal data management, electronic
voting system.

1. INTRODUCTION signature and encryption for electronic documents and
controlled access in various types of networks. Combining
An information system used for the citizens¶ these information security abilities with the personal
identification based on electronic identity cards (Sgarciu et. information storage capability, we ensure a significant
al., 2011) represents a potential IT project for the Romanian improvement of electronic services using the existing
Government, with impact on the majority of governmental network infrastructure ± public and private networks, a
institutions, such as the Public Administration and especially reduction of existing bureaucracy, the optimization of actions
on all components of the National Police ± SNAP (National and measures took to combat security threats, organized
Syndicate of Police Agents) (Eched, 2004). crime and illegal traffic.
The identity card is the main document used for The electronic identity card stores all the
identification in Romania, which proves WKH FLWL]HQV¶ information needed for a person¶VLGHQWLILFDWLRQaccording to
inhabitancy and nationality. This project aims to demonstrate the current legislation, as well as information regarding a
that using an electronic identity card responds to the minimal medical record of the citizen and the driving licence
international fight against terrorism and substantially data - if the citizen has one.
contributes to the minimization of illegal immigration.
Information systems convergence is realized using multi- 2. RELATED WORK
application smartcard technologies (Patriciu, 2006). This
approach allows the use of such electronic cards in a variety Electronic identity cards have been successfully
of information systems such as e-Administration, e- implemented in other countries, such as Germany, Belgium,
Governance, medical systems etc. and Italy.
Implementing the electronic identity card at national In Germany, for example, the electronic ID card,
level brings major benefits from the national security and known as the Personalausweis (The German ID card, 2011),
fight against terrorism points of view and improves the is similar to a mini-passport, allowing citizens to travel
Government to Citizen electronic services. within the European Union, where they are not required a
Smartcard technologies are nowadays very popular regular passport. The German electronic ID cards can also
in information systems because they can ensure logical contain an integrated signature, if so desired.
security services ± identification, authentication, digital

978-3-902661-98-2/12/$20.00 © 2012 IFAC 1697 10.3182/20120523-3-RO-2023.00398

INCOM 2012, May 23-25, 2012
Bucharest, Romania

The card also allows the citizens to identify personalize the citizens and authorities cards. If the
themselves on the internet by using a smart card reading operator card is ejected from the card reader, at any
device at home. After registering through an online account, step of the workflow, the application stops.
they are able to perform secure online shopping, download x Police Application - can be used only with a valid
music and, most importantly, interact with government professional card and is made out of 2 different
authorities online. modules: Identity Card module ± where personal
The German ID card is based on a protocol called information are displayed, and Driving Licence
³EDVLF DFFHVV FRQWURO %$& ´ EXW RQO\ IRU WKH EDVLF GDWD module ± where additional information about the
which is printed on the front of the card, the picture and the driving licence can be displayed.
name, because the BAC was successfully hacked by x Medical Record Update Application - can be used
university researches and security experts. The most by the family doctor, only with a valid professional
important fields are protected by a stronger proprietary card, to update the basic medical information about
protocol. a citizen.
x Medical Application - This allows only the
3. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE visualization of medical information. It can be used
only by paramedics with a valid professional card.
The information platform for secure management of x Electronic Vote System - used for online voting. It is
personal data based on electronic identity card represents a made out of 2 modules - the administration module
complex information system. The overall system architecture ± only authorized persons can access it, and the
is depicted in Figure 1 (Sgarciu et. al, 2011). FLWL]HQV¶ module - which is a web-based application
Based on the common requirements identified in the facilitating the electronic vote using the citizen
applications in the fields mentioned above in terms of smartcard and its associated PIN code.
infrastructure and services, we outlined a general framework x Personal information auto-complete application
for the use of smartcard and PKI infrastructure in the sphere which reads the information from the citizen smart
of public sectors. This framework FRQWDLQVWKHV\VWHP¶VPDLQ card and automatically fills in an online form. This
components and the actors involved in the smartcards and application is useful in every kind of public sector
digital certificates emission, manipulation and revocation services and it requirHV WKH FLWL]HQ¶V VPDUWFDUG 3,1
flows. Each actor is associated with specific roles, tasks and code.
rights. The following section will present a use case scenario for
To ensure information security, we defined two the PLATSEC application.
categories of actors: actors who are allowed only to read data
from electronic identity cards and actors who are allowed to 4. USE CASE SCENARIO
write/update data on the electronic identity card. Thus, every
software application on the card, corresponding to each of the In this section, we present an example of a real workflow
roles defined above it will be a different certificates emitter (Sgarciu et. al., 2011), while emphasizing the benefits
authority. The data read/write/update on the smartcards will brought by the implementation of the information platform
be allowed only in the presence of the right card ± the for secure management of personal data based on electronic
authority card which has certificate emitted by the right identity card and PKI infrastructure. The use case scenario is
authority. depicted in Figure 3. Let us assume that a policeman wants to
Based on real activities flows, we elaborated identify a citizen, using the electronic identity card. In order
software specifications for both on-card and off-card to accomplish this purpose, the following steps will be
applications, specifications which meet the real environment performed:
requirements. We took into count the following application x The policeman identifies himself using his
types: professional smartcard.
x Off-card applications - represented by the following x If the citizen refuses to identify him/herself to the
suite of applications: personalization centre authority by giving his/her electronic identity card,
application, certificates issuer application, cards the policeman can identify him/her using
management application etc. biometrical techniques.
x On-card applications - identity card application o The policeman can access WKH FLWL]HQ¶V
(authentication and digital signature), identity personal information from the database
validation using biometric mechanisms (match-on using the Policeman Application described
card technologies) or applications based on secure in the previous section.
confidential information storage (medical records). x If the citizen provides his electronic identity card,
the on-card applications stored on both cards will
The overall software architecture is depicted in Figure 2. proceed to the mutual authentication procedure. If
this step is successfully finished, the policeman can
As defined in the Software Architecture, the off-card visualize the FLWL]HQ¶VSHUVRQDOLQIRUPDWLRQWKURXJK
application suite has the following components: the Police Application described in the previous
x Citizen and Professional Card Issuer Application ± section.
can be used only by the card operator to issue and

INCOM 2012, May 23-25, 2012
Bucharest, Romania

o According to the verification reason, the x Several tests concerning the electronic vote systems
policeman can act in order to give the ± for ERWKWKHDGPLQLVWUDWLRQDQGFLWL]HQ¶VPRGXOH
corresponding punishment (fee or All tests were successfully passed, thus the PLATSEC
penalization points). experimental model we have proposed has been validated and
x The policeman updates the citizeQ¶V LQIRUPDWLRQ LQ proved its good functionality.
the database. 6. CONCLUSIONS

The following improvements have been brought to the The information platform proposed in this paper, PLATSEC,
presented workflow: aims to improve the quality of public sector services and to
x The cLWL]HQ¶V DQG SROLFHPDQ¶V GDWD LQWHJULW\ is ensure citizens safety against WHUURULVWV¶ acts. By providing a
ensured. secure mean of personal information storage, the electronic
x The ability to identify the delinquent if he refuses to identity card provides all the data needed by different actors
cooperate ± in the actual system, the identity in various scenarios in order to ensure the optimization of the
verification is a long and aggressive process, which tasks and workflows performed by each actor. This approach
does not even guarantee success. has a direct and significant impact on the population,
x Real-time update of the delinquent personal translated in:
information ± the fact that the policeman can see the x Less bureaucracy for simple document flows in the
delinquent antecedents can help him act promptly, public sector services
by taking all the required precautions. x More accurate flows without any abuses
x The reduction of bureaucracy due to electronic mean x Availability of critical medical information for the
of data storage. paramedics on the ambulance
x Availability of personal information online which
gives the authority the possibility to identify the
VALIDATION x More efficiency in the electronic system vote ± less
time spent by the citizens and confidentiality of the
The experimental system presented in this paper has been vote are ensured
tested (Sgarciu et. al., 2011) using a structured strategy, x Optimized election administration ± the votes count
aimed to cover the following aspects: is made automatically by the administration module
x The compliance of the implemented system with the providing correct counting and the election lists are
predefined set of specifications. This verification generated from the citizen records database, thus
was based on real test cases for all the functionalities eliminating illegal voting.
x The system complexity. This verification was made
using a traceability matrix between the test cases REFERENCES
and the experimental system.
x The system security ± using security tests and V.Sgarciu, D.Carstoiu, D.Saru, Al.Cernian, A.Olteanu ±
scenarios. Contract no. 82105, Beneficiary UEFISCDI, 2008-2011.
x The systems KPI (Key Performance Indicators) ± Patriciu,V., Ene-3LHWURúDQX 0 %LFD , DQG 3ULHVFX  -
performance, reliability, availability and usability. Editura BIC ALL, Bucharest.
A black-box testing procedure (IEEE 983-1986) has IEEE - 983-1986 Guide for Software Quality Assurance
been used, implying tests generated by a test case, previously Planning
designed and described, as well as exploratory tests. Eched, Youval ± Cabinet YeMA CONSULTANTS (2004),
Some of the tests which have been conducted in order to Un internet GH FRQILDQFH SRXU O¶DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ
validate the PLATSEC experimental model include: électronique, Ed. &DKLHUV 6WUDWpJLTXHV GH O¶$)125 -
x Mutual authentication in the applications suite ENJEUX N° 241 ± février 2004, pp 40 ± 43.
x Database search for the electronic card issuing The German ID card: http://www.german-
process way.com/ident.html, last accessed 10.12.2011.
x Issuance of professional cards using the application
designed for the card operator
x Visualization of citizens¶ information using the
Police Application
using the Medical Record Update Application
the application for automatic auto-completion of
personal information in an online form

INCOM 2012, May 23-25, 2012
Bucharest, Romania

Fig. 1. System architecture

Fig. 2. Software architecture of the PLATSEC system

INCOM 2012, May 23-25, 2012
Bucharest, Romania

Fig. 3. Police verification workflow


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